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Show hIV;rri4l lit Fines Heavy In Murray MURRAY TO REGISTER LEAGUE WOMAN ELECTED ocnfc Lako City, CAGERS ARE HONORED ' (See Page 2B) (See Page 5B) 1M (See Page Five) This Week Court records here 13 offenders appeared before Judge . James S. Sawaya. ' A $150 fine and 60 days in jail were meted out to Charles Bryant, Salt Lake, for speeding and driving during revocation. Judge Sawaya suspended 30 days of the sentence pending payment of the fine. George P. Fillius, 3630 So. 135 E. 9th East, was fined $150 for PublUhed Weekly l driving on the wrong side of the highway, and another $100 for driving on a restricted li- Thursday, April 9, 1964 ' . cense. Fined $25 and sen tt need to 10 days in jail was Sharon L. Wanless, Mid vale. The jail sentence was suspended upon payment of the fine. Following too closely cost Evelyn Burkhardt, 971 Bullion St, a $25 fine and a suspended five-da- y jail sentence. Murray. this week show X in Marrajr, Seuth, Le Salt County, U'.nh, hf the Murray Printing 4.(H a year. Utah. Subteristien . rate: MURRAY, SALT LAKE Millcreek . Volume 82 UTAH elementeach- -' ers on its faculty, announced Max F. Jackman, principal. Beatrice M. Goff from BYU is training with Beverly Spack-man, third grade teacher. Myrna Biggs Is working with Mcsin Bcales' first grade. Hanson Is studying with Jane Antonchlck, third grade. Susan Hendricks is training under the supervision of Thelma Anderson, fourth grade. Karen Moyle is completing her Al-le- ne teaching with Rita '.fifth grade. These four trainees are from the University of Utah. According to Mr. Jackman these five ladies will graduate this year in education. student Draper, " .". . profes- sional man - the other day.- We could Identify it him. but Identity In his dignity. might be wiser to protect his order to preserve The morning was Wednesday known as April Otherwise Fools Duy. Our hero strode Into his office, glanced quickly over the correspondence and noted a message advising him to call Mr. Lyon at Which he did. A theory feminine voice with almost a lilt of a laugh in it, told him Mr. Lyon was unavailable. There were strange. Hound In Our hero the background. ' couldn't figure why Mr. Lyon's unavailability should be reason (or a chuckle, or why there the It lis to you Zoo, I logic 322-183- , ' Meeting ly" Local Jaycees Slate i Calvin Craven, 5005 '. So. 4420 Westu speaking. lie called Nominating Meeting at 10 a.m. on Thursday, the of publication, to cancel a Tonight, Elect On 23rd j date n scheduled of his re-ru- Eagle-Advertis- er Murray. Local Jaycees anwant ad. nounced this week they will Another success story for the comnominate officers for the little ads that get big results ing year at their regularly -- at low cost! Mr. Craven's scheduled meeting tonight. experience is similar to that of (Thursday) at Lowell's. CAMPER for aale. Cheap. Nominations will be taken for office of president, two Practically new. vice presidents and six direc many who use want ads in the tors. to reach over Elections, according to offir 25,000 valley homes over cera, will be held April 23. with 95,000 potential readers their ads to buy, sell, rent, PREPARING FOR the Fine and Applied Arts Festival ' their ads to buy, sell, rent Lions Hidden Village are Central junior high students Christie Yeager, Cindy or look , for trade, Announce Games Night help. To place yours', dial Gustin and Robert Miller. 3 or write Box 7187, For Civic Projects Murray. Murray. A "games nightf will be sponsored by Hidden Village Lions Saturday at 8 Granite Park Lions p.m. in the recreation building at Murray park. The public is, invited to at- Hold Special Meet Theme for the extravaganza , Granite Park. Central junGranite Park. Members of ior high will present their Fine is "Think! Act! Resolve for tend. beOfficers said theproceeds club's the Granite Park Lions club used for will Is America!" which takert from and Applied Arts Festiyal, school theme sub community projects fund in held a special meeting Satur the 1963-6April 16, at 7:30 p.m.: development of an area day at the home of Mr. and mitted ,by Ron AramakL. ,. , eluding In the-- ' proposed jiew jjaxksi Mrs.; Warren. JKielseiv 293ft E. "once festival' is held ' .'The 3670' South. Hidden vuiage. every two years and will feaof the meeting was Purpose ture each department at the to collect clothing, bedding and school. ' : 1 linens for the club's project .Vi Mrs. Cladys G. Sanders Is This collection will be sent to chairman for the event. Phythe Chief of Police in Seward, are being taker as he walked by, then sical arrangements Alaska, to be distributed, inAudiHarris. Joe stood at the rear of the the- completed by Murray. A committee 'iof formed Glen Adams, publicity Is under the torium program teachers and representatives cnairman. atre aisle. There were no places to Bit, just as he'd been told. direction of Mr. Milton Perk- of the State Department of A pot luck supper was featSoon an usher came along and ins. Mrs. Helen Gibbs is in Education is currently work- ured. advised him to go to his seat charge of publicity. Clark ing on a research and evaluais doing the carpentry tion rare project for textbooks to LIBERTY SCHOOL PTA ingenuity, Exhibiting our friend coughed harshly and and Cliff .Trcglawn the art be used at Viewmont eleme- SETS CARNIVAL DATE In a whisper explained to the work. ntary next year. To give the students of CenMrs. Nellie Higbte, elemeusher that he'd developed this Murray. Liberty school's PTA set for persistent hacking cough and tral junior an opportunity to ntary Bupcrvlpor. said the Jiew carnival date has been was afraid he'd disturb people show the results of their school is scheduled to bo com- April 16, according to LaRae around him if no remained in achievements In every depart- pleted by the beginning of the Jeffs, president and general ment to their parents, friends 1964-6- 3 school year. Under chairman. his scat Pood and game concessions new arithmetic and and of is are the purpose guests study understandthe Whereupon be open from 6 to 8 p.m. will books. the event spelling ing usher left and returned forthwith bearing a folding chair. Upon which Charlie sat while he watched the entire show, all the while alternately mystified and secretly pleased over being unable to buy a lit $5 50 seat, but .bring successEagle-Advertis- . I A GnvmuiiriilUi Hers kf clerk rwrhrd dn" i. umrnt In lite roume o( bul-nem- Initialled II and pttftW It on to hi iirrliir, fur Intended. whom It Mmrlly It rami bark with note apiem!rd, to mil "This document did nut muffin ynu. lleM rrnw your IniiUU and Initial the era u urer' friend of nurs', Another whom we shall Identify simply as Chat Irs because he'd alxo like to itnialn anonymous, tol.l us the other day of an Inciitrnt of a year ago. It happened In Detroit wheic the roitd omii pany of the broadway show ilo? to 8uccccd in Bunlncss", was appeH"R- Tickets wcie poBlllvcly uu available for the single nliihl our friend was in town, I'.ut he was so aiixioun to srt? I In riiow he braved the cancellation line, To no avail. As the cuitAln went up, doerns of people without tickets left the theatre lobby. On a pure Not Charlie. gamble, he casualty folded a bill, deposited It In the paint d ticket pf a probably-surprise- er job-hu- nt 266-352- Central Junior High Sets Date For Annual Art Show 4 " New School To Get Textbooks Jor-gens- ' V (,( ful In obtaining a $1 one which worked out very well. The show? ' Heck, what could they possibly tell a man it like that about "succeeding in i business s , Chlckcn-bonc- 11 . mm garten, Emily Eggleston; Shirley Ann Jorgenson, second, Ann Purdy, and Ann Cunliffe, fourth grade. Margaret Bingham, at Bonneyview. At Grant school from USU are Clyde Allred, first grade, Carol ; Partridge; Ruth Cooley, sixth, Hal Madson; Laurel Davis, sixth, Dale Nielsen: KarJenkins at Arlington. en Healy, first Nancy Butch-erei- t: From University of Utah Sandra Rigby, second, are the following student teach Claudia Jacobson, and LaRee ers, their grades and participat Roundy, fourth Marva Lindsay. A group from BYU coming teachers: Garth Wakefield, Adrian Gardner, and Elolse pleting their kindergarten third grade, Loma training began their work yesWard, Jones, Longview school; Bar- terday. They are Myrtle Shum-wa- y, bara Birch, third. Donna Hall, Longview, Karen Campand Marilyn Gaufin, fourth, bell; Nancy Latham, Liberty, Dorothy Meadows, both at Ar- Bethel Shipler, and Ellen Niellington; Feme Talbot, kinder sen, Arlington, Margo France. 1 their participating teachers are Pauline Vaughn, fourth grade, Delores Anderson; Dorothy Jane Wach, second, Louise Area Schools Present Concert 3 I Friday Night Granite Park. Area junior high singers will combine choruses Friday (tomorrow) to present a public concert at 8 p m. at Skyline high. The concert is free of charge and a committee in chnrge of arrangements is headed by Berncll Hales. He will be assisted by Doyle Anderson of Brockbank and Ralph Rodgcrs, and "Good News" ELECTED OFFICERS of St. Vincent'i 'Colholic Men' club ore Jim lowler, tecond vice president; Vincent Man-cin- i, president; Father Mark O. Benvegnu, pastor; Clayton Almquist, first vice president; Jack Higham, treasurer and Charles Seslar, secretary. MlHcrcri Mel." by Lotte and "Lamb of Cod" by Christian- St.-Vincent'sen. Concluding the program will be Skjllnc chorus singing "Ins-bruc- k I Now Mimt Leave program whereby Murray. The '61 edition of i a legal Thee" written by Isaac and a bene- medley of two folk songs "How the Salt Lake Bee baseball- stockholders may receive In reduced admiwlon here to fits will be club the prices topic Sad Flows The Strewn, and "Awake Awake," by Brahms. night (Thursday) when the to games and In other ways Mens club of St Vincent ie ir pwiwe. r Paul Catholic church aponiors .. u. a dinner meeting at Lowell's nr A-. Restaurant 4338 So. Stale. jwivimw Miyii i The meeting, beginning at 8 Cor Meetina o'cloik, will bring Mrs. Enldi , Cosgrlff, club owner and Augie ' hi .1 II aalll " Navarro, the Bees radio an an nounerr. estimated before iVTA" n, . :l Murray. A total of $1877 lne P "', Jioraiy. CUCsts. damage in files was reported 140x, PTA prenl- Phillips. tt fu here this week, departdent will conduct the proceed- k..t....l ll.H.ii f.nmltt ment record ln.tlcate. ! i Inn .alilivl With Ihrt rtixl " " " Faulty electric wiring WedWll lTA will outline hows for the caused to club, f3000 damage nesday a barn owned by Daniel Snarr, coming Pacific Coast. League be elected St this meeting. , 388 Gcratanla, The fire level season. , ed the structure to the ground Plans for the meeting were In charge of the club's newly-clecle- d according to firemen. Man Sparks from an Incinerator president Vince . at Thrift City, 5650 tk. Plh clnl. tCast, iRiilled a shipment on Mrs. Cloxgiiff, who became the loading duck cauxing an principal stwkhotder vt the rstimutod 11852 In damages. IWs after the untimely death Murray. Alvin C Wahlquit Firemen said high winds caus- of her husband in a 1061 auto ed the sparks to set the ship- accident asrtimed the role of til y cleik, announced today ment ablaze. prcsidrnt and general manager that plans arc prewnlly being the city's animal A smk (ire was also re- fallowing the resignation of formulated Cleanup Campaign. ported Friday t 4043 So. &20 Herman Franks. April 17 and IS have been East Investigating firemen said as her InShe has aw-cthe Held fire was started by tentions, "keeping AAA bane-ba-ll designated, he said, as pikup children. in Salt Lake City by sell- days for residences rnlh of WOO South. I'it 1nys were called Firemen Monday ing it widely to Incirane at- residences south kup or 5100 South cur to extinguish a car fire tendance", plus paying off 4700 So. Stale. Owner of the rent deficits on the operation are April 24 snd 25. Mr. Wahlqulnl adviwd that car. Winona ttelchew, 143 E. and clearing tip the remainder 4S00 South told firemen that of the debt owed by the cor trash should be bundled or in a lighted cigarette had slipped poration when Mr Congrlff containers. Tie tlesnup area, he noted, down into the scat of the look it over In Mrs. Co'giiff his also said extends from the Jotdaa river car. Damage was estimated at she Is attempting; to work out to 9U1 East Report Shorn $4,877 Damage In Local Fires ii i- , pan "'ir. )"''' ' rr 3rno iil tl-a- a ... Nl Annual Cleanup Plans Are Sot By Murray ltfstm-nt- - Siili Hansen; Teresa Meyers, third, Rae Winn, and Audrey Kurtz, sixth, Ruby Fielding. Also from BYU are Sharon Cusick in Rena Bringhurst's second grade at Grant; Judie Halter in Dortha Otterstrom's second grade at Grant, and Verla Ann Rohner in the kin dergarten taught by Afton I the hospital to rid door-to-duo- , Men's Club To Hear About Salt Lake Dees Tonight himself of the pesky bone. And a fee which tola I M In ex cess of $3oo for the ci.tire An ThiHight In nld llutrr has hern derrltxd s Mrtnenne who ran remember when (ilrl wrirn'l r. asked In sell y. s In our thmat 'treUirkey or fish Ksil li'iiKlcd, thooch. that he pain of the fee didn't approach that of the born and he was humbly grateful ined irnl siieme hss wnys of ro moving such obstacles. tt still kfl us rhtllrd snd all I he more fcaiful of suih a ' , mishap. Or do things like the! both cr ouT Murray. A record number of cadet teachers from Utah universities are completing a portion of their student teach ing in Murray elementary schools this year. And for the first time a group from Utah State University in Logan are student teaching in a district school, "This year we will have had close to 40," Mrs. Nellie Hig-be- e, elementary supervisor, said. "In the past we have usually had between 20 and 30 each year." Most are prospective teachers from BYU and University of Utah, but this quarter there are six from USU completing their student teaching at Grant elementary. "We are very happy to have them get their training experiences in our schools," Mrs. Higbee commented. "They add a lot to the school system methods They have and most have art and music talents. Also it is a compli ment to our fine teachers that they take these students into their" ; classes.". Sudent teach ers are placed in schools only with the teacher s permission, she pointed out At the present time there are 23 cadet teachers in Mur ray elementary schools. Those at Longview from BYU and arranged by Smith. Granite Park, directed by Ralph Roclgers, will present So It was both chilling and unirrrMinr m ich an iwMmt jolnor dny which hspprncd to another . friend, Kail swallowed a turkey hone In a sandwich. It caught low In his throat, j.lnup tdges punctiirtnir muscles and tUmies It whenever Iw swallowed. W'lUi h obclotiNly was ortcn, since Iw lrl'd aNiut every lemedy known to man, from caling gobs of bietd to drlrUtng gailnns of water. tie said that the pain roup rllmbed the side of his neck and face until It hurt his ear when he swallowed. To make a long story uhort it required a trip to a specialist a general anesthetic and In en Healy, Laurel Lee Davis and Ruth Col-leThese teachers are from Utah State ' , University.' ; 'V. Murray School Disfricf Hos larges Record Of Training Cadet Teachers Williams: ii fluin t matter which. night G. WEBB SNARR, Grant elementary principal, discusses class activities with cadet teachers, Clyda Allred, Sandra Rigby, Kar Granite Park. Central junior highs' contribution to the program, under the baton of Joyce C. Barnes, Is 'Testament of Nations" by !r-- v '...?", Willi personal spendln? at record highs. some tvlt has olmcrYrd that It Isn't much mti trying to "live It hii" as It In uncertainty almtit what the dollar will buy laler. We've always had a horror of swallowing a snvitl bone and ?u"l.f" l!l".a.hJppo:!hln polomus brunhing a noisy parakeet scolding a chattering monkey, Then It dawned on him and he hung up the 'phone in some confusion. Grabbing the direc thumlcd quickly lory, h piesNCd Nomination J 322-163- 1. thitnigh Murray, Lions Schedule ' t- - True, it isn't school-agcr- s who are in all the devilment these days. Adults get in volved in their share, too. , Some of it's And harmless. funny. For exwhat ample, happened to an area Number 22 ' Lww.i!bc.J Motorist's warning: Watch out for school children. Particularly If they're driving! : rear-ende- - - h fir ,Y postage paid at Salt Lake City. , tary now has five cadet : clan . At Millcreek Murray. Second for Murray. Nominations new ofticers and board of. directors of Murray Lions club Murray. A total of five cars will be conducted during Wedwere involved in accidents here nesday night's business meetduring the week, according to ing, according to the group's police records. ', officers. Viola L. Collett, 6131 Cedar The session will be held at St., was cited Saturday for Lowell's restaurant. Elections driving too fast for existing will be held in May and new conditions when her auto caus- officers will take office July 1. ed a three car collision at the Plans for attending the state same address. Lions convention in Provo June d Her car the ve- 11 through 13 , will also be hicle of. Thomas E. Lynch, Salt discussed at the dinner meetLake, which smashed into a ing. to car Stan parked registered Nelson, Sandy. No estimate of ; damage was available. Kenji Elmer Sato, Sandy, Kearns Man Sells was cited Saturday for follow ing too close when the car he Camper Quickly By was driving rear - ended the E-- A Want Ad auto of Emil Karl Klitsch, Salt Using . had "We 4904 So. many, many calls State. at Lake, and sold it almost immediate- Lake, was fined $25 for enter-in- ? into a sneeri rnntpsl Receiving $20 fines were Larry Melvin Jones, West Jor dan, entering into a speed contest; James F. Allgier, 4774 So. 4380 West, following too closely; David W. Slagle, Salt Lake, speeding and Jack Le- land Hansen, 4710 So. 9th East, improper passing. Recipients of $15 fines were Thelma J. VanValkenburg, 500 W. 6400 South, running a stop sign; James F. Morrow, Mid-val- e, driving too fast for existing conditions and Nelda Violet Anderson, 322 Crawford, running a red light. Arthur Edwin Ellis, Lehi, was sentenced to five days in the county jail for petty larceny. Five Cadet Teachers Work COUNTY, Co. Five Cars Are Involved In Accidents Here n.u nr rn ir,.ir M& n Speaking SMI Of The Weather ...And Who Isn't? "SOOTS OR PUMPS?" muiei Mn. Glen 5233 South at the model a last minute check before going out Into the wnptedictoble Utah weather. Many Utohnt, of laic, hove been heard to mumble Inconlaliom about local weath S. Thelin, 1072 E, er forecasters, who teem at surprised by it all oi the citizenry It. Well, it wot Mark Twain who laid, "Everybody lolki obout the weather, but no body does anything obout it." City fr fr |