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Show Thursday, August 23, 1956 " i x 4 " 'y va MURRAY Page 5 (UTAH) EAGLE 4 ' .v ... ... Mavsell Knniss, Uobeii S. Hari Kxclianne Vows w r ... .1 i FROZEN $ m.MiA Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Johnson FROZEN rawserrie s 5 for W COUSINS HAVE BIRTHDAY PARTY Connie Warr, daughter of Mrs. Virginia Warr, celebrated her tenth birthday August 13 at of her grandmother, Mrs. Trieste Burrows, 8 E. 6100 So. Tommy Holt, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Holt, was ten years old August 18. Connie and Tommy were guests of honor at a partv Aug. 14 at the Holt home, 6110 So. 200 W. The basement was decorated with orange and white crepe paper streamers, and the theme was "backwards party". Twenty-nin- e Murray ( iimcra guests wore their clothes backwards and played Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Carpenter At 6 p.m. games backwards. supper was served with a birthW day cake decorated in a cowboy Carpenler-Parke- r motif. Mrs. Lloyd Naylor Knollcrest. was The bridal couple were honored August 1 at a grocery shower given by the M Men and Clesiners of Columbus Ward. The bride is a graduate of Vni-veitv of Utah, where she was Joining the rank- - of August affiliated with Lambda Delta brides is Miss Anna !:wr:i Jensen, who became Mrs. Dnrrcl; Sigma. Mr. .'ohnson graduated from I.orin Johnson in a Salt Lake LDS Temple ceremony August ii. South Cache High School and REUNION AT ORANTTE and completed a The 1014 graduating class rf The nuptial rites were solem- Seminary tour of duty with the U. S. Oranite nized by President KIRay L. Air Force. High School will h".v a reunion at Fairmont Fark on Christiansen. Following the rites, the bride's mother, Mrs. Man. Sept. 7th. It will be at the Sonic Circle. Ann Jensen, 26 Wilson Ave., was KNIOK CLASS TO IWKTY Those interested in attending hostess at a wedding breakfast Th-- i incoming senior c'ns of are asked to at the Doll House in honor of bring their own supcS.ish o! the school, High A silver temple Murray The reunion will start at 7 the just-wedper. MTh. :t a Aim. hold will party nnd a miniature bride ::nd grw-.- : C7. and a program will follow of the party will p.m. were atop a tiered wedding cake, be Destination the supper. CotStorm Mountain in Big Mrs. Don Blair may be conforming the centerpiece for the tonwood Canyon. breakfast table. tacted for information by calling furwill be Transportation A honeymoon trip to New York included a tour of the east- nished from the high school. will leave from there at 2. ern states and a visit to Hill Cars 4 p.m. Cost of the 3 party .Miss Cumorah for the annual pageant willand be 50c. The bridegroom's parents, Mr. For further information senand Mrs Palmer 1$. Johnson, will iors are asked to call Jackie honor the newlyweds at nn open AM house August 24 nt their home LVing, In Paradise, Utah. BANK rhKSONM.L SLATE Mrs. Melvin Stauffer, an aunt SI MMER Ol TING The engagement of Miss Barof the bride, will be hostess at and employees of bara Adair Carlson to Donald D. Directors a bridal shower August 23 nt First Murray Branch Warker N'orthrupbride-elect-has been announced her home, 1686 Vine St.. Mur- Hunk will 's have their annual sum- by the parents, Mr. ray. mer outing August 25 at the and Mrs. Charles F. Carlson. Mr. and Mrs. Iiwell Mines. 12 Winder Dairy swimming pool and 4441 Garden Dr. Wilson Ave., wrn hosts at u area. Although no definite wedding lawn party and miscellaneous picnic a swimming party, the date has been set. a ceremony in After shower in honor of the bridal group will spend the afternoon the Salt Lake LDS Temple is couple August 20. The garden with various outdoor games. being planned. d was illuminated with rows of A party honoring the bridal Meadowbrook service lights, and 30 guests were will serve supper.catering will be held Sept. 24 at couple served at small tables surroundthe Carlson home. a table where the ing large gifts SI RHUSE I'AKTY Miss Carlson will be a stuwere displayed. HUC MOTHER dent at Granite High this year. The Murray Nit Ih Ward Mrs Bennett Jones. 621 West Gleaner class wee pio'.s at a CI00 South, was hostess at a sur- AI XII.I RY MEETS bridal shower August 3 at trc prise birthday party at her home The monthly meeting of the home of Mrs K.iv H.ile. 5!r,f, Monday evening, honoring her Mm ray City Firemen's Auxilmother, Mrs W, F. Johnston. 61! iary was held on Aug. 15 at the Fire hall. West 6100 South "HE WHO HELPS A Mrs. Glen Shaw, president, Various group games were played Pri7e: were won by Mrs. gave a report on the State fire CHILD HELPS Laurence Eyre nnd W, V, John-;to- n convention. Twenty-on- e couples t v.' wi re served from this area attended the conHUMANITY" to Ihirty. vention. The return trip for 10 was made by the skyline couples (Author's name below i i ;:! !: mi up drive. TO M hE HOME HERE Medicines in bottlcj excite HoMes.rs fur the meeting were Mr Margaret .shrewtniry and Medames Thomai Oliver. Frank tho curioiity of children. Unher children. Mary and Val. have Gordon. Joe Fowlks. Raymond fortunately many folk s leove fti;vtid to make their home in Llndbrrg. Sam Beitnton and Wm medicine coreleijly available Mini. tv nfter ipcnding two yenrs Eingrose. in M,n'if:tpili.. Minn The next meeting will be on for children to ploy with. There A! Ih' i recent lime they are Wednesday, Septal. 19. have been too many jerioui Units, lid So. gifo:- - .if the '.'i i W ! .v. Shew f. BROTHER AMI vsTER conicquencci from juch ti.iren's d.Tughter in - law, Mrs ( ELI. BR TE BIRIIIDWs J. din Shrewsbury. Give your children no Terry ThompMiti, whune birthday w lis July 22. and his sister to ploy with, or toko ATTEND U HNAL MEirr LalV.ine. wh"-btrt Iwlay Is Aug. cf any medicine. overdose Mr:. Mrs. 27. were honored at a j'.ifly ;!eii Humphries, Store them for owoy from at th" h'Hl .i nt their Mary Aim Jensen and Mrs It MM were Mr. and Vis Dean Thomp. their reach. And pleae be TlioiriMs Martin Mint;; the srlvtol lunch super-h- o son. r,io;l ch at st when giving extra cautiou attend the three-daIhitty-f- . ur iue-t- s played o folony ncd cine to children, .ha ti! i. n In M Intt week in an l were stvr I games intruC-liolow your phy!cian' Vernal freshmmls in the warden If he t not eactly. available, when in doubt, phone u for information. Anna I Jensen Recites Vows Willi r: s. Carlson Plans Temple Ceremony col-ore- viti:s HARD WHEAT FLOUR UTAH I'urtritii by Don Illalr edding Riles Solemnized In Temple Ceremony Lake LIU Te.nple v::-ill. seine of the d ..ilile ng i : on. ony Monday, Au. W. l nit ing Miss Mildred (Midun and Dourlas B. C.irp. n'e;- in President EHlay marriage. Christiansen oi":",i iated at ti e T! i -- r '.';ir,..:U O.iicer and Mrs. Chailes B. Barker who are stationed in Germany with the U. S. Air Force were unable to be at their daughter's wedding. A wedding breakfast for relatives and close friends followed the wedding at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 11. T. Collier, Taylnrs-villan aunt and uncle of the groom. A reception in the Murray Third-Eightward honored the bridal couple in the evening. Mrs. H. May Carpenter, 296 E. 4500 So., mother of the groom, was hostess. Tall palms and candelabra formed a setting for the bridal couple as they greeted e, h their 250 LOCAL lace and nylon in contrasting shades and tied with forget-me-nstreamers. Miss Jerilee Nebeker, niece of the groom served as flower girl. Barton Holfelt stood as best man. Ushers were Lud Olsen and Tom Hofeling. For her son's wedding Mrs. Carpenter wore a gown of navy blue lace. She accented it with a corsage of carnations and gladiola. Mrs. Ralph O. Walker sister of the groom, wore a gown of grey lace as she stood in the reception line. Mrs. Don 1. Nebeker was in charge of the reception. At the guest book was Miss Judy Daley Assisting in the guest room were Misses Beta Walker. Aloma Hatch and Barbara Daley. Ronnie Walker and Donnie Nebeker, nephews of the groom, were gift bearer. Assisting with the serving were Mrs. Alfred G. Tuckey and Mrs. Merlin N. Larsen. sisters of the groom, and Misses Nelva Norman, Linda Robins, Janice Harrop and Kay Griffiths. Following the reception the newlyweds left for a two week honeymoon trip to Illinois and Ohio. They will make their home in Murray upon their return. The new Mrs. Carpenter has been making her home in Germany with her parents. While in Europe she participated in the recent European LDS conference at Burrhasgarten, Germany. (Carpenter, I 'age II, CVil. 7) Salt c guests. The bride chose a handmade gown of embroidered white bridal satin. A high neckline and long fitted sleeves tapering to lily points at the wrist accented the bodice. Th r f. skirt ended In a short tram. A f i;,crtip veil of bridal i'luoiui fell from a pearl studded tiera. A large orchid formed her bridal bouquet. Mrs. Lud Olsen attended as matron of honor. BHdesmaids were Misses S' aion McNeil, Jac.:;! Dee Ann queline Ewm,; Johnson. The attendants wore 1 cummotsmomscHooL . . . Y TITT-- - get 'em at . . . mini umm m T-n- n,f ln ii 'I v UTAH Get Acquainted A MEDICINE up your prpcnption if hopping near u. A great many people entrust ut with the teponibility of filling their prescription. May we Compound your? Pick DYCIIES PHARMACY PKESCPIPT10N CHEMISTS l!-- V2l 1050 V.-- N. v fci9J trip service. RIPE lb. 5' TOMATOES ASSORTED FLAVORS ce Cream 14 gal. 79' APRICOT - PINEAPPLE PRESERVES PURITY CHOCOLATE ,..,,.37' DROPS COOKIES -f- ls49' ALL FLAVORS JELLO 6 plcgs. 47 46 oz. CAN 25' TOMATO JUICE ll LEAN $r95 J $-J- lb. 69' FRESH DAILY Ground Beef 3!bs. I00 50 $Q95 PARKING IN REAR DIAL AM 6 8511 For Appointment DON I C Free Porting ij at Rear of Sfore R MA 4858 South State Street 4917 Quotation by i'hiJl'p 1'rook (Vpyrict 1 RED Each Permanent FREE 4798 South State 9 750 Permanent H200 Thone fmt for t.nr,.sMi ol Murray'i neweit, imortesl Beauty Salon! . . . Permanent $25 to $2000 Hour: Mon. Fri. 1 9:30-- Statf St. - AMhenl 30,- Sot. - 91Opn Murray evening si Mcl-Ci- s by appointment loan mods to reident of nearby town if lb. POT ROAST SPECIALS AMherst WHEN YOU NEED Golden Ripe - BELL STEAKS n Cash for your tiip , . . with quick trip to our office. Arrange your loan on sJgnatur only, auto or furniture, rrompt, private, cash loans ficaant worthy purpoM. 2" ROUND or SIRLOIN s, y YOUR PHYSICIAN CAN PHONE Just Right to Eat lb. bag GREEN PEPP ERS t- pat-rtit- 50 CANTALOUPES , We.l-hemb- 1 .emon or Limeade tin-hom- e .1 Darrell Johnson a f j I Accompanying the bridal couple to the Temple were the bridegroom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hart. Mrs. W. T. Hart, Mrs. Katherine XV. Wiseman and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hymas. J k ' - skirt. w Is. ' w$ Robert S. Hart claimed Miss Maysel Ennis for his bride in an Aug. 17 ceremony solemnized bv Elder John C. Duncan in the Salt Luke LDS Temple. The new Mrs. Hart is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wil-for- d R Ennis. 4121) So. 500 W. Mr. and Mrs. (J. N. Hurt. 512 E. 4500 So., are parents of the bridegroom. The bridal gown of white slipper satin was styled with a round neckline, long tapered floor-lengt- h bouffant sleeves, and 1 - ' 4842 South State - AM Use Our Rear Door Entrance |