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Show Friday, jily (UTAH) EAGLE THE MURRAY 29, 1949 ociai c M 1lb Popular Nofes Piano taught n Miss Mavis Hickman, Theater Lake member of Salt nd Mrs. McLloyd Dr. Mrs. J. 5782 So. State announce and daughter of Mr. and 1438 Kensington and Hickman, for'.hcoming Harry the engagement bride of marriage of their daughter, Bar- Ave., will become the of Mr. son Steadman, Labrum, Miles to Stanley Clayton bara son of Mr. and Mrs. George and Mrs. Edward Steadman of Taylorsville. Mr. Steadman also Labrum, 755 East 64th South. The future bride is a graduate is affiliated with the theater of the University of Utah where group. The Salt Lake Temple will be sne was auiuaieu wuu ia-iand the scene of the la'.e summer r.nmmn. social sorority Lambda Delta Sigma, religious nuptials to be followed by a refraternity. Miss Killpack also at- ception at the Garden Park ward Killpack well-know- Labrum Kill-puc- X r IMiss S. L. ' ' i?4 Harbara Killpaik, will be Mrs. Miles C. Labrum after a Salt Lake Tribune photo Temple wedding Aug. 23. tended Utah State Agricultural meeting house. Mr. Steadman, recently returnCollege for one year and tmght for two years at Morgan High ed from an LDS mission in the Eastern States is active in local school. Mr Labium is Drominen'.ly radio circles. known in the field of floriculJohnson 12 nett ture and is a member of the American Landscape is AssociaWedding bel's will ring for tion. He plans to continue .studies two Murray people when Elise in Botany at the U of U. Johnson, daughter of Mr. and Wedding vows will be spoken Mrs. James C. Johnson. 208 Elm in Salt Lake LDS temple rites Ave., and Max A. Barrett, son of August 23. Following the cere- Mr. and Mrs. George A. Barnett, a reception for close 4780 Atwood blvd., exchange mony, friends and relatives will be held vows in Logan LDS temple, Aug at the home of the bride's par- 1st. ents. A reception at the Johnson Attending the bride as Matron home that evening will honor of honor will be Mrs. Ralph Mc- the newly weds. Donald, sister of the groom, and Maureen Johnson will attend the bride's sister, Marjorie her sister as maid of honor. Donwill serve as maid of na McDonald, Alton Barnett, Mrs. honor. Another sister, Beverly Weston Daw, and Mrs. Melvin Killpack will be bridesmaid. Hodgkinson are the other attenServing his brother as best dants. Dean Barnett will be best man will be Dale Labrum. Robert man. The newly weds are graduates Killpack and Herbert Spencer will act as ushers. of Murray high. The future bride The couple plans to make a is a former student of USAC home in Salt Lake City. and Mr. Barnett attends the University of Utah. Collins Thornton The couple plans to make their At home with their friends in home in Salt Lake. Murray are Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd E. Thornton. Mrs. Thornton is New hart Roothoff Maxine Collins, the former Of interest to many Murray daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Monroe residents is announcement of the Collins, 4772 Boxelder, and Mr. engagement and forthcoming Thornton is a son of Mr. and Mrs. marriage of Miss Natalie New- James L. Thornton, 4561 hart, daughter of Brig. Gen. and Mrs. Edward Arthur Craig, Camp The couple was married June Pendleton, Cal., to" 1st Lt. John 23 at nuptials solemnized in the James Roothoff, USMC, son of Memorial House. Mr. and Mrs. John J. Roothoff, Beverly Miller attended the 33 Edison St., Murray. The couple bride as maid of honor. Shirley will be married July 31. Morgan, Myrna Yates, Gayle Miss Newhart attended San Madsen and Claudia Sisam were Diego State college and Lt. Rootbridesmaids. Gayle Hood was best hoff is a former student at the man for the bridegroom. University of North Carolina. Mr. Thornton is a former stu dent of the University of Utah. Jones Huff Garden Park LDS ward July Jones Cahoon 26 was scene of lovely nuptial the in vows a nuoital city Stealing hall wedding ceremony June 20th rites that united in marriage Miss at Elko. Nevada were Miss Jo Carol Mary Jones and Leonard Ann Jones, daughter of Mr. and Hoff. J. Ephraim Wahlquist, presMrs. C. E. Jones. 1 Regal Ave., ident of Cottonwood LDS stake and Stanley M. Cahoon, S"n of performed the ceremony. The new bride is a daughter Mr. and Mrs. Stanley I. Cahoon, of Mr. and Mrs. Earl R. Jones. 27 2G7 E ist 6400 So. They were accompanied to Elko by Mr. and East 61st south and Mr. Huff is Mrs. Bob Whitlock. ja son of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Huff Several parties have been given 424 Vine St. A sister of the bride. Sherline to honor the newlyweds. Among them was a shower given recent- Jones, was maid of, honor. Brides ly at the home of Mrs. Rex maids were Elaine Larsen and Edward Hodgkinson. Thompson, 1 Regal Aw. Mrs. J. Rayola W. Calderwood was hoMoss at Huff served his brother as best man. another party given for the The new bride ,was lovely in couple at th.' Caluxin a beautiful creation of white lace home. The couple plan to make a and tulle over slipper satin, with home in Salt Lake City. short sleeves and scalloped neck line. She wore elbow length lace Hirknun Ste.ulm.ui mittens. Her finger tip veil cas August 15 is the date when caded from a beaded ticra. She ' vUUYil the whiskey that's Enjoy OA Ob) MunL Box-elder- J A Kentucky Whiskey (ft 7X J n ptnnF . m chin Blend national distillers Nfiiiiii pihk pkoo. corp.. n. y. PENNEY'S Senu'Jlnnuat I I CLOSE OUT SAVE II Boys' Cords Girls Skirts and Blouses t'i i- Sizes 6 to 10 Just in time for school I ; ! , WOMEN'S UNIFORMS Blue or White, broken sizes While They Last 50 each SI 42 x 36 Cover 35c Summer Sheers s CLOSE OUT '! Women's and Girls' ; DRESS One Group One Group Boys' SI each CLOSE OUT Men's 81"x99" f. Sizes SI 50 each pair OPPORTUNITY SHEETS t not All 3 .. Sl S" Long-Seev- e Long Sleeves the bride of Tribune photo Reduced TO SELL NOW SI 25 You pay lower feeding m and get better feeding res when you supply y0Ur ivestod and poultry with feed from 0tt, farm supply fortified and prospective bridegroom has served in the Armed Forces for two years and was a mis sionary in the Northern States for two years. He is a student at The Latest and Best Also Window Shades A. E. WHITE Murray V -- 379-- J II '-- or use Pillsbury Best Star Brand Draper Seeds - Fertilizers Friskie Dog Food Murray Feed and 4777 f5 Sewage, water and electrical installations; large lot (front lawn seeded); and paved streets. No special improvement tax levies . . . ; j'l I 4- No down payments for approved veterans (Closing costs and prepayments, approximately Nominal J down-paymen- ts $250) for non-vetera- ns. All homes FHA and VA approved. each k The nrm SUuUbtket ,j ti kort Dozens of Other Values First first in prformonct-fho- l'i why Studeboktr trwclu or telling tnto(ionolly Now, ihtrc't nw big powtr, loo, in Studebok.r't mdU iUMlWtl,l",h ,6A nd ,7A Sfudtbok.,', 1 00 h p. Pe w.r Plu" ,ngint dtli vtrt 200 Ibi. h. hrqUt. G! Am.rica'i moil proarmivt truck dt.lgnlna-- Q.f tht utmoit in .olid dollar volg,-- B, 0 Sfud.boktr trwtkl In Odd Lois and Broken Sizes GREATLY REDUCED Hurry, Get Your Share Today In tomfort-o- nd i Norman Motor Co. 4860 So. State St. Contracts being executed for occupancy within 60 days. Live in a planned community tnnki crnc (iiiu.it fnii a -. Uirv r til miLtundrnt rrntKla tnxki tucKfdnm nd opmtwa. Phone Mur. 1402 bur 15 Seel S. State Purchase price includes: j SpeciolK the vitafy Mur. B i I I in needed nutrients and minerals our feed is economical to because it's a concentrated n. tion that goes far. Stop in tx get your feed supplies today. Venetian Blinds lege. The store. rich WITH GARAGE Sport Shirfs each Results carried a large bouquet of pastel the Utoh State Agricultural Colgladiolias, tied with white satin lege in Logan. Wedding vows will be spoken ribbon with streamers. Jack-man Sept. 2 in the Salt Lake Temple. Marilyn Hill and Shirlee were in charge of the gift Mr. and Mrs. Manasseh Smith, room. The new Mr. and Mrs. Huff 4623 Brown St., and Mr. and Mrs. will be at home to their many Burdette Smith, 62 East Miller friends at their apartment at 242 returned recently from several East 2nd So., Salt Lake City days' trip to points of interest after August 1. along the coast where they visiMr. Huff is attending the Uni- ted many friends in Los Angeles versity of Utah where he is and Van Nyes, Cal. Enroute to majoring in commercial adver- San Francisco from Los Angeles they followed the pacific coast tising. The couple plans to make a line. In San Francisco and Daly City home in Salt Lake. they were introduced to points of interest by Mr. and Mrs. Hans Marler Simper Evans. In Oakland, Mrs. Ruth Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Marler of took them on a tour of Bergman enLima, Mont, announce the the bridges. They also visibay gagement and forthcoming mar- ted Vinal Mauss who has been riage of their daughter, Helen to selected president of the Japan John V. Simper, son of Mr. and LDS mission. Mrs. John Simper, 3401 W. 4700 So., Murray. The future bride has attended the Idaho Falls Business Col- gingham etc. 50c yd. S I 50 Juvenile Sport Shirts At Miss Elise Johnson will become S. L. Max A. Barnett Aug 1. Dozens of Bargains SI DIEHL PAY LESS Yet Get Better New handling ease! Less fatigue! One Group One Lot S B (I Broken sizes I CLAUDE Phone New conveniences! DRESS PANTS Rummage Table with in your k, Kill-pac- k 0 Lesson, or 20 minutes drive from Salt Lake County's leading industrial centers. Ktorm, Ufoh...Tt. Driv. out end Uct yowr building icalt mod.ti of Ih.u martly fj |