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Show TI1E MtRRAY (UTAII) EAGLE JUNE FRIDAY, 3, 1919 Labrum drove down to bring the truck over the mountains to where the group' left the river. They have the distinction of being the first group to make this trip down the river, this Reporter Mrs. Leah John? year. They saw other parties who Phone Murray 357-- J planned to make the run, but A group of Eagle scouts from they backed out and did not go through the river as our boys did. South Cottonwood, with Dale all had a very exciting and as leader, Clayton Mackay They thrilling time. as guide and Bob Howe as chief, returned early Tuesday from a The Lions club entertained verv exciting and interesting their wives at a dinner and Barn bedance Thursday evening, May 26. trip down the Yampa river ginning at Lily, Colorado and Everyone wore "fun" clothes, and ending where the Yan.pa enters had a very enjoyable time danc-ithe Green river near Jensen, ing in the nowe uromers win Utah. Those nuking the trip with after the dinner. Mr. Al Butter-fiel- d the above lenders, wre Bishop of Riverton was a guest at Merlin J. Shaw, George Crab-tre- the dinner. He is running for DisThe LaVoy Moore, Kulon Rey- trict Governor of Dist. nolds, Lawrence Thompson. Miles election will be staged at the Lions convention in Ogden June 9, 10 and 11. Immediate South Cotionwood News, Noies La-bru- m R e, 23-- Delivery SPEEDS FARM UP WORK Mrs. Merle Mackay entertained her club, "The Jolly Janes" Friday, May 27. A delicious luncheon was served to 32 members. The afternoon was spent sewing and listening to a reading given by Mrs. Kate Erekson. A delightful time was had by all present. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Thompson accompanied by their son Lynn and his wife, and their two daughters, Elaine and Faye, left Saturday for a trip to Detroit to bring back a new Hudson automobile. They expect to visit parts of Canada and the west for two weeks before returning home. ;K,.r UNIVERSAL "JEEP" is ready any time of day or year for the next job field work, m- - THE hauling, towing or belt work. Saves you time and money, too, for its cost is spread over many jobs. Compare the "Jeep" usefulness and for low cost. Jht Mighty 'Jeep UNIVERSAL INTERMOUNTAIN INC. Dealers and Distributors 3rd East Dial lake City, Salt 4900 So, State t c VTrc cr,n 1., Utah Ph. JVIur. 66 Little Susan Jenkins, daughter, of Mr. and Mrs. David Jenkins, was one of the participants in dance revue at the McCune schoo of Dancing Wednesday evening, May 25. Children of kindergarte age presented the revue for thei parents. Walton and daughter Karen, and Miss Roylene NeLion, drove to Woodruff, Utah' on Memoria Day. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Clayton (Bud) Green on Sunday May 29 was a nine pound boy. All con coined are doing t.jMy. ohm man: 0 Q3ED By Liberty P-T- A officers and home Liberty iroom mothers gave a delightful luncheon, last week end to honor teachers of the school and new A program officers of the under the direction of Mrs. Mil-'dre- d P-T- Isaacson vocal featured: solos, Mrs. Jennie Woolf ; reading, jMrs. Marie Blacker; vocal solo, Mrs. LaPriel Johnson, ine out- gojng,. p TA president, Mrs. Mary 1hanked everv one who had assisted her in any way, dur- ing her term of office. The new officers present were Mrs. Wesley Vice President, Steadman and Secretary-Treasure- r, Martin. Each short talk. In behalf of the group present. Principal Webb Snarr presented Mrs. Reading with an album of records, as a token of thanks for the splendid way she performed her duties as president, Thirty were seated at a long table decorated with white and pink flowers. The favors were lovely little shell trimmed baskets, filled with candy and nuts. Mrs. Erma Vanderlinden served as luncheon chairman and Mrs. Edrie Peterson had charge of the table decorations. Mrs. Reading acted as mistress of ceremony. The new president of the Liberty is Mrs. Wilmer Behunin, 590 West 5900 So, It was reported during the nftprnoon. that the crouD has rnnmloted their studv grouD ses- sions and feel that the "year has Mrs. Laddie gave a A A Sunday in Spanish Fork, visiting relatives, and decorating family been a real success. graves. Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Johns, ac companied by Mr. and Mrs. Lane WILLYS 333 So. anj Teachers Honored Ai Luncheon & OliiUtfliy t A GEE3 13 From Bee Hive Grant ward MIA held their Bee Hive graduation last Sunday evening. Mrs. LaRue Longdon, of the MIA General Board was guest speaker. A piano duet was Dlaved by Jackie Dwight and Geraldine Forsgren, with A and B numbers rendered by the Gleaner chorus. Thirteen Bee Hive girls received their graduation certificates from Stake Bee Keeper, Vienna Turner. Rose Coshow had filled all of the requirements' to become a "Golden Gleaner" and that same evening was given special recognition and was presented with a beautiful corsage. Pianist To Give Recital ay Miss Merilyn Tew, daughter of Mrs. Kathlyn Tew, 2175 Richards St., Salt Lake City, will be presented in a piano recital Friday, June 10 at 8 p.m. at Mill Creek ward chapel, 610 East 39th South. Her program will include com positions of Chopin, Bach, Debussy, Bagley IRRIGATION COMPANY Bereaving the recent loss of a 44, L, Grant Bagley, brother, NOTICE OF DELINQUENT ASSESSMENT South State Street, Murray Richmond school teacher, is Miss Principal place of business 6191 Maida Bagley of Murray. Miss CltyThire the following stock, account of Bagley's brother died last Friday assessment are the several amounts set opposite 949. levied in a Logan hospital after an exas follows ctvlrhnlrtprs t u.c me names tended illness. Mr. Bagley had Ami. shares IVi $1.25 lived in Richmond 22 years where 1834 L. John Ashby 1.75 2222 he had taught school for the past John L. Ashby 1.00 20 years. Carl O. & Annie C. Peterson 1.13 1 i 'JC' nrn(ll John wamquist su me v wun man, iaw Cooper r: And in accordance of the office the at sold be 408 will Albert Olpin Cooper, 65, of such stock as may be necessary is located at 6191 South State Street Murray, Utah So. 1st West, owner and manager 9:00 a.m of said fn TeS the day of June 1949, at the hour of of A. C. Cooper Furniture Co., with cost of together assessment d2y thereon, to pay delinquent 654 So. State died of a heart ailsale. of ment at his residence Saturday. advertising and expense Frank Lundskog, Among his survivors were Mrs. entitled action; and in case of Louise C. Alsop of Murray and of C. Butterfield Mrs. Melba your failure to do so, judgement NOTICES Riverton. Mr. Cooper entered the will be rendered against you acfurniture business in 1910. He Third Judicial District Court In cording to the demand of the served on an LDS mission to the and For Salt Lake County, complaint, which has been filed western states from 1902 to 1904. Probate Division the Clerk of said Court. Consult County Clerk or the re- with Anderson for futher Funeral services were con- spective signers ducted last Thursday at 1 p.m. in the Logan LDS Third ward NOTICE TO CREDITORS chapel for Miss Marie Anderson, Logan resi- ESTATE OF CRUSE TAYLOR 48, a Murray-bor- n dent who died in a Logan hosHOWE, ALSO KNOWN AS three a 23 CRUSE T. HOWE, ALSO following May pital weeks' illness. KNOWN AS C. T. HOWE, DEMiss Anderson I was born at CEASED. Creditors will present claims Murray, July 27, 1900, daughter of Christian William and Martha with vouchers to the undersigned Jane Davis Andersbn. She moved at the office of Wendell C. Day, to Benson, Cache county with her No. 2 First National Bank Bldg., parents when three years of age. Murray City, Utah on or before Miss Anderson had been a the 24th day of September, A.D. since she was four years 1949. of age from spinal mengitis. CHARLES M. HOWE, Administrator of the EsJeremy tate of Cruse Taylor ' One of Cottonwood's first set- Howe, also know as tiers, David Brigham Jeremy, 82, Cruse T. Howe, also a Salt in 6200 Highland dr., died as C. T. Howe, known nlra innua psppnt hnsnital last Deceased. Friday of a heart ailment. Date of first publication May 20, Funeral services were conA.D. 1949. ducted Tuesday noon in Cotton- Date of last publication June 10, wood ward LDS chapel by Bishop 1949. J. Henry Boren. Wendell C. Day II d For many years he was Attorney for Administrator Attachment district officer, Utah Farm . SUMMONS bureau, and was a member of the old Salt Lake Milk Producers In the District Court of the Third Judicial District of the State Assn. A farmer and dairyman by of Utah in and for the County occupation, he retired from busiof Salt Lake-ness seven years ago. was especially W. L. WRIGHT, and ADA Mr. Jeremy tired from a long aay WRIGHT, his wife, Plaintiffs, known for playing the violin and w Ouiclt attachment vs. harp. A loer of flowers, he for- CHILION L. MILLER, and HARmerly was a member of several RIET his wife; J. MILLER, in clubs gardening and flower LETTS T. Miller, an unmarSalt Lake City. ried man, if living and if Among his survivors are a dead, all unknown heirs, deKuhre r tt.;. fin mower. Ruth J. Mrs. daughter, vises, creditors and assigns of and two sonsr' Lee T. and Evan said Chillion L. Miller, HarK. Jeremy all ofCottonwood. 6 foot cut riet J. Miller and Letts T. MilQlHlltllllll(lllllllllMHIIIMiniiniMtllllllllltHtir ler, and all other persons unknown, claiming any right, title, estate, or interest in, or lien upon the real property described herein, adverse to the title of the plaintiffs thereto, Defendents, THE STATE OF UTAH TO THE SAID DEFENDENTS: You are hereby summoned to appear within twenty days after service of this summons upon you, if served within the County in which this action is brought; Is Your Radio A otherwise within thirty days after j service and defend the above CAIIOON-MAXFIEL- Rachmaninoff, WW ,wvC semi-inval- Rowsoll. Pupils Enjoy Party qjErtMBig gee? 1 classes from the Liberty school enjoyed a delightful picnic party at Mur- aa3 GdCd 1 ray Park last Thursday. Leaving the school house at 10:30 a.m. the group played games, ate lunch and then listened to stories by their teachers, Mrs. Jennie and Miss Betty Carter, at the park. The group was accompanied by the following mothers; Mrs. Wen dell Day. Mrs. Sheldon Phillius and Mrs. Everett Reading. There were 49 youngsters in the party. Hal-lida- DEVOE PAINTS 87 SPAR VARNISH Hard, tough, unharmed by liquid! . . end DDKS IN 14 HOUKSI Amaiing-- y P at YOUR HOME brighter, more sparkling whit than you dreamed possible with just 1 coat of paintl Devoe House Painf is nd newl Developed by Devoe & Reynolds chemists to go over every pointed outside surface. Covers weather beaten t spots and restores that spar He. You get home beouv and protecfionl Sol. One-Co- thence East North 8 - thence South Just-buil- long-lastin- FOR NEW WORK over unpointed surfaces, use famous Devoe ? r House Paint. Fred R. Morgan Attorney for Plaintiffs P. O. Address: 4620 State Street, Murray City, Utah. (May 20-Ju- 17) id ' s5' y -- 'on oy are match TaDered roller beannj "' r . -- iw Parrv Implement & Hdwe. Because you're so constantly! listening to your radio,, it to know if it's deliver-- 1 ing faithful tonal performance or a "jittery" disortion. The only way to be sure is to have it tested by on expert so bring your radio in for a check up! I today. ... NOTICE j Summer Banking Hours Just Phone Murray 10 BANK CLOSED Reed Electric South State 5026 ALL DAY EVERY SATURDAY ((lttl((Hl(l.M(tlttlll((llMMtlHtIMt(4 4 Open Early -- Open Late New Hours 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. FOR FOUR MONTHS June, July, August and September $ensliol new Dei oe One-Co- Paint for t ttrior repaint u ork. Get it loJj)! 170 WEST 43TH SOUTH 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. For your Convenience Cover no rultt Ori hi Weihei economical and oaty to ate. Came bright, cheerful talar. flew smoothly. coat cover. One $7.60 0.. 2. MURRAY Featuring Ihe Besl in . . . We Offer Our O Prime Ribs of Beef quickly (a lultrout, perfectly, Cut Bank Open 680 or 477 "Bank-by-Mail- Week Days ... and Nigrtt " Depository Services O Fried Jumbo Shrimps O Southern Fried Chicken O Club Steaks We Take Pride In Our Home-MadSoups, Pastries and Hamburger Ak Any Bank Officer or Teller for Details e Murray Cafe 4944 South State Street First National Bank of Murray - Established 1902 Member Co. si Jitterbug? ir DEVOPAKE durable finith. 1 crew on drive thiX f, cao 7.45 MIRROIAC 434 feet to le "' . ; work, furnilur $7.10 tw Te . ar any eurfoco with coat. Can bo vt.d an any Interior wall with Itt ail atiilod.ry hoit giVoi roal pretx-tioi-t, A time and money ' tfc ; place of beginning. at new-bra- feet- - 100 feet: 166.17 feet; thence North ,1 feet; thence West 282.97 fJ! Coton-woo- mar . . won't ar chip. Uie tl ar out for lotting beauty la lloort, wood- ca, Dni rZ hard track a feet North anH ,1' feet East from the q 37 west corner of Township 2 South East, Salt Lake MeridSj 974.82 --- caalr PROBATE-GUARDIANSHI- - Beginning 1 Lizst, Scharwenka, Paderewski, and Lcibich. Miss Tew, former resident of Murray, is a pupil of Jessie The two kindergarten D This action is brouphr cover a judgement qUifctin. plaintiffs' title to that property situated in r! County of Salt Lake n.ya(Clty' Utah and described asfo?, ! T Grant Ward Graduates Ex-Murr- Legal Notices OBITUARIES federal Reserve System end federol Deposit Insurance Corp. |