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Show Page 80 YEARS Schedule Relief Sociey Meetings Murray First Ward A book review given by Mrs. Viola Strange will be a feature of the literary lesson for next A very fine suppleTuesday. mentary program is being planned also. Grant Ward Literature lesson featuring the theme uf Humor in Literature will be offered. A Thanksgiving program is also being planned. .Murray Third Ward Mrs. Lyle Ellcrtson will give the literary lesson next Tuesday, the second in a series which has for its theme, "Humor in Life and Literature." There will also be special musical numbers. The meeting will begin at 2 p.m. "The essence of humor is human kindliness. It is this element in humor, which has grown from a primitive beginning to higher forms, which lends to humor the character of a leading factor in human progress and which is destined still to enhance its utility to mankind." The Greatest Pages of American Humor" by Stephen Leacock. South Cottonwood Ward Meeting on work and business next Tuesday. Sewing will begin at 10 a.m.: a 1 o'clock lunch will be served and at 1:30, Mrs. Kittie Labium will give a lesson on holiday table decorations. TICKET SALE CONTINUES FOR FIREMEN'S DANCE Sale of tickets is still under way for the annual turkey dance of the Murray fire department, to be held Saturday evening, November 15. Ernest Smith, one of the committee in charge, reports the sale has been most successful and a large crowd is anticiturkeys will pated. Five be given away at the dance. SCAVENGER The city commission recently completed a contract with Mr. John Phillips as general scavenger. Mr. Phillips will remove garbage, ashes, refuse, and waste of all kinds from residences and business houses in Murray. Egg Production Sets Record Egg production during September totaled 7.353.000 cases, a record production for the month, the United States Department of Agriculture reports. f1llllMWHIIIIHIIIWMMIIIHlllltlllHIIMMHHmMWtM'p I For Friendly Atmosphere Drink j 1 ! j j j BUDWEISER 1 I ! . NOW ON TAP at I Heidelberg i Tavern 4904 SO. STATE E. C. j MURRAY Dittman, Proprietor 3 HHIMIimWWIMmtJt I nil i. 717 1070 353 Live Births 23 31 8 Still Births 22 10 32 Infant Births 5 Maternal Deaths Salt Lake County had 122 live births, two still births, and two infant deaths with no maternal deaths. At the present time we are hearing a great deal about the number of young men unfit for military service by reason of physical defects. Certainly, this is a very real cause for concern, and merits active consideration. Dr. Lela J. Beebe, director of the Division of Maternal and Child Health for the State Department of ellalth states: "We should be quite as much concerned about the fitness of our voung women for their duties. The bearing and rearing of heald children is thy and certainly, in the long run, a more necessary and fundamental social need than the bearing of arms. Even the rearing of healthy young men for military service Is dependent on the safeguarding of childbearing. Then, too, our next line of defense in proper child rearing, is largely "manned" by women our public school teachers. We need to insure a supply of women who are physically and emotionally sound, as well as technically trained for thi shighly important task which so greatly affects the lives of boys and girls alike. Also, we must consider the first line of defense in our public health field the public health nurse again, a body of women who are making great contributions to the public welfare, especailly of mothers and children." Data from the National Health Survey indicates that the all illness rate for women (15 to 64 years )is nearly double that of men. Should we not make certain that any efforts made to improve the health of men will be equally applied to women? t- t 2 I 1 1 1 ! 1 I a SMUEAffS per bollle OLD Kmtu.kjr Slraifhl IkmrUa bilfT Will. N' r.vo ti 'Vi . TI 1 1 NH 'TIIKKltm. .is ITS XtMK" M IW N.lion.l Dlrtillf r TroJurU Corp, N. Y. Mr. W. T. Woodruff of 5069 South Tenth East believes he has discovered a phenomenon in which Mr. Robert L. Ripley, the believe-it-or-nman, may be inot terested. The other day, Mr. Woodruff, who cultivates a fond hobby of raising chickens, discovered a 4 ounce double egg in the hen coop. A double egg is one with two shells. Mr. Woodruff explains that such double eggs have been found before, but that his discovery is unique, in that the first shell contained both the white and the yolk, while the others held only the white. Within the large outer shell was a standard 2 ounce egg. The bird which performed this remarkable feat is a single comb Rhode Island prize pullet. DEMOCRATIC STUDY GROUP POSTPONES MEETING A meeting of the Democratic Study Group, No. 1 of the Third Precinct, scheduled for November 13, has been indefinitely postponed, Mrs. Robert Dust, president, announced this week. fine. Wt'i' ulilum lit ii 4K,AiWA-.tu''--- FIRE DEPARTMENT CALLS irw. .11 MRS. LINDBECK ANSWERS (Continued from ters, Mrs. Mar,,, Mrs. Edna A couple of small fires called the Murray Fire department into action early this week. An automobile at 48th South and State caught fire Sunday at 7:30 p.m., and Tuesday morning the home of Mary Mower, 4845 South State, caught fire. The latter fire was caused by a paper container filled with hot ashes which had been placed on a stairway. Quick action on the part of a neighbor saved the day and only $10 damage was done. f!at) vZnol Wyoming; W Mrs. Rubve;, fPer. Superior, Arizona; owensen, bandy; Mrs. J,ZdDtth beck ann9 m0 r .. ll ill Murray, and Mrs. Li rPhtn. llan KSon, Jom "uiiumiu, iiawaii, , Want Ads FOR RENT 4 Ql?umh?uat; East 39th SOUth 1280 East 48th South" FOR RENT or SALE-$. T.,- -. AWARDED PRIZES ON FOX ENTRIES 3(1 mod. home. Gas wtr. htri., lmo., rshSaf. ,gar close in. Adults Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Jensen of Taylorsville returned from Blackfoot, Idaho, having attended a fox show there last week. On entries they placed in the show, they received 75 per cent of the major awards in the silver and white-fac- e silver fox division; in the standard fox division and also in the platinum silver fox divi- Murray J Phone 176. w.Tity V? ed at smelter with garage. vale 179-FOR SALE Spu. ing Singer, and room Cal J. U stuffed. Both in i i rneasonaDie price. sion. rn vil. CaU Boxelder street. FOR SALE-La- rge size cheap. 4626 South phone Murray 758. The Jensens left again Thursday to enter a number of foxes and pelts in the Livestock Fur Show at Logan. J T iV.v...,..vAiJ.,1v,mnv.'.Xv,-.v,'.- ' MAKING WAY FOR XMAS OPENING! 4560 Heatrol, Stat or .v.. HDIC Ifll Ifl) U U If J ITOOl kI WffTPlt Hunters Bring $100,000 Into State More than $400,000 in new wealth was brought into Utah by hunters during the recent pheasant and deer season, it was disclosed today by the State Department of Publicity and Industrial Development and the Fish and Game Commission. Incomplete tabulations show that more than 3800 sportsmen from, Southern California alone checked in at the Santa Clara station in Washington county. These hunters spent an average of $96 each for licenses, hotel expenses, food, motor fuel, horse rental, and guide services. Per capita expenditures for elk hunters are approximately $133 each, it was' pointed out by R. L. Tur-- t pin, Federal Coordinator in the Fish and Game Commission. C. J. Olsen, Assistant Regional Forester, in a letter to A. S. Brown, chairman of the Department of Publicity and Industrial Development, said that the advertising campaign to bring hunters into Utah, "has netted greater results than any single case I have ever witnessed." He pointed out that in one instance Forest Service officials saw nearly 50 cars bearing license plates lined up awaiting their turns at service stations. During this week elk hunters from many states in the Union are in Utah and included among them are several prominent members of the Brooklyn Dodgers baseball team. out-of-sta- te ' Lf V jL W Jf V MARQUISETTE Unusual quality! Variety of dots and t HOSE i 10 J only. Buy several pairslj out-of-sta- te tf out-of-sta- te lltlpK Mv Utahns have already furnished two battery recreation rooms for their boys at Camp San Luis Obispo, but there arc ten more to be furnished before the task is done. Norman L. Sims, state chairman of the furniture drive of the American Legion, declared upon receipt of "advices" from the camp. All recreation rooms were completed and ready for occupancy on October 25, but since the rooms must be furnished from battery funds, and battery funds run low. most of them are still bare and unoccupied, according to advices from the camp. Tin y need just about the same furnishings that any ordinary parlor, living room, or rumpus room would have: easy chairs, settees, library tables, throw rugs! pool tables, bridge tables, lamps, drajx games, magazine, book and newspaper racks, subscriptions to magazines and home town newspapers, games, cards, and particularly pianos, phonographs, recent records and radios. The equipment need not be new, but it must be serviceable and sturdy, according to Mr. Sims. To contribute any furniture or material, it is necessary only to call your closest American Legion IVst Commander. It will be picked up free by state trucks, warehoused free, and shipped to the boys in enmp. Donations in each section will be consigned to the battery from that section of the state. Cash is not solicited, but will be accepted, and material purchased in the city from which the donation is made. v '(KV-- Quilt Ban. UO Comfort Size jMcn's Cotton t Union Suits 98c Heavy weight. Price',! T" Y t,a- - cotton prints in loop neck and full cov. 3 for 25c i Rayon Satin VALUE Vj TowelEnd, I 7 SUp W Winter CoatsA For Ladies y'u' 19C. YXSIfT Ten More Rooms 1 Yet To Furnish At Soldiers' Camp Murray, Utah ' V.J' Dominick Parelle, 548 Main street, Bingham, pleaded guilty to a charge of drunken driving and was sentenced to 30 days in the county jail, plus a $100 fine. $20 of the fine and 30 days of the jail sentence will be suspended upon payment of the rest of the well-traine- 4981 South State Chicken Raiser Finds Believe-It-O- r Not Egg m a.m. 11 H. Grass Furniiure Siore PI Orson Henry Shelley, address not given, was sentenced to a 10 day stay in the county jail for being drunk. The sentence was suspended upon good behavior. Ralph Hartley, 830 Wilmington avenue, pleaded not guilty to runing a red light. Trial has been set for November 17 at 10 Total Urban Rural SunnyBrook r: fine. Vital statistics in births, stillbirths, infant and maternal deaths for the month of September, 1941 for the State of Utah and Salt Lake County are as follows: Utah new County Library. Best business location in Midvale . . . always rented. Will 'trade for Murray real estate . . . Building lots preferred. III Eugene II. Brown, address not given, was fined $35 and sentenced to 15 days in the county jail after he pleaded guilty to reckless driving. The jail sentence was suspended on payment of the Siaie Tells Of Uiah Birlh Rale In Midvale City directly across from More ing. (By Elsa Limberg, to her Mother, Mrs. C. Borg, on her Eightieth Birthday.) Inquii 1 Owen J. Tripp of Murray pleaded not guilty on a charge of battery in the city court of Judge W. Douglas Allen, Monday. Trial has been set for November 28. K. B. Cornia. address not given, paid a total of $20 in fines for the improper registration of two motor trucks in his possession. A five day jail sentence for each offense was suspended upon payment of the fine. Thomas Earl Lee, address not given, paid a $5 fine for speed- And on this your eightieth birthday We want to say to you, That you've been a darn good Mother, And you've been a Father, too, And may you linger with us For whatever would we do With all our woes and troubles, If we couldn't run to you. FOR SALE or TRADE 6 Room Modern Home 1 In The Cily Court Eighty years along life's highway. An achievement few attain, In this world of modern living And a lesson we should gain From the life of our dear Mother, Who has toiled but not in vain, So that each one of us children Life's choicest blessings could attain. I? 1 1 1 1 1 1 Thursday, Novemk er THE MURRAY EAGLE 10 Buy now! X Yf 'M jl llwl XM? i PANTIES BEDSPREADS 6.90 Mfi fA Ml j HI l',k'cn?! lavMl tuitfJ! Toyland Opews Next Friday J k O. PKNHKY CO., SHOP and SAVE in MURRAY! |