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Show THE MURRAY EAGLE School News APPEf 1MGS Sixth Grade Mrs. J. D. Bowers, Reporter Perfect Spellers for last week : John Lyman, Don DahlqulNt, PHONE HOLLADAY 53-Steve Mash, Calvin McMillan, ElElmo credit is due the play director, Mrs. bert Parker, Spencer Reld, Cimnst'lor Joseph L. Wise hint Orlen Anderson, LaVeni Williams, chair-ma. II. Wagstaff. Henry Florence- as Molba Fairbourne, VirAnderson, of the Wiinl reunion set for Margaret Martin, The "allies of the Farm Itureau ginia Holmes, Kchrimr.v 22ii. He has chosen for Carina lus licljH'i's men who worked with met Monday night at the home of Rose Matevich, June Myres, Melva June Townsend, Sbey. hini in recreation xoiue years (iro. Mrs. Josephine Driggs. The meeting Perry, WVstme-r- , Willi the plans well under way and was in the form of a social, flames Dorothy Wolf ley, Shirley (oinnilllees already ornnnlzprt, we were played ; prizes were won by June Wright, Alice Rasor. Sixth 15 (Mass and Mayme Redmond, are assured a real reunion for our Margaret. Harold IJrndy, Lcland Amos, Jensen. Dainty refreshments were National holiday. served by the hostess; a very enjoy- Mike Riklovich, Charles Call, John Dells, Charles Lyon, Garlan Ilnn-te'ird was received In Ilolladay able evening wn sfx-n- t by all. Robert liankhead, Dorothy Wendell Tuesday afternoon that Relh Hean, Ilene Gordon, see Lawrence P.ennlon, to show ticket Your a met with painful Watjstaff hal e Muxlne Hunter, Pearl "A in Cuban Hansen, Tibbett 'hum Song," Ive the Kas by day during a Mortenson, Vivian Ottley, and fumes Ignited when a match was will entitle you to a chance on struck to locate the position of a box of candy. Much lulerest has ex- May Taiienos had perfect spelling can of heavy oil. His mother was isted at the picture shows ever nipers last wwk. Fourth Grade It (lass called to his side, hut no later word since Mr. Timinerman began LU week's has yet been received from him. ijist sjiellers were: policy. present Virginia Gillespie, Lloyd Nelsen, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Rowers of and Dick Paswaters. The M. I. A. had chartfe of the Sunday iimrnln,,' service rendering I'rlce, I'tah, were Sunday visitors NOTICE OF DKI.INQl ENT of J. I. Itowers and family. a patriotic program as follows: ASSESSMENT "America" .. Congre(iH'iiinj; song: IfOcnl Flders announce a Depresgation. Mltle ('ottoiiwwid llrown IMtrb Company, for Solo Lorene Allington sion Dance ami entertainment N Jews"-Lucille o'clock plare nf buslum, Murray City, at M. Keloid Story: "Four Young Friday, February Fach man Is Idd to be present with Utah. Ilowerx. Thor are dollniiucnt upon th follnwlnj Violin Solo Viola Livingston bis partner to participate in old as on account of aaismcnl Irene Flower well as new dances, view a Vita- tienealogy Address: "Four (Jreat Men of Mod- phone comedy and enjoy free re li'Tli-- on Iiis'omlifr 13. 92S ; Dm. 15, Dir. 15, 19:10; Dec. 10, 1931 anil Dec. ern Times" ........ (.'has. It. I'ike freshments of the live committee. ltlll Tliamerman and Harold Drage. 15. 1532. the srreral amounts let opposite the nami-- of the respective share holders: on 47th South Miss Lnclle Cert. No. Shares Amt. Relief Society meinlsTS were well Name street entertained the girls of her .20 I ii Rrldge club at her home ou Wed refill for their attendance at meet- Charl. tte Malluy r 1J .JO ing on Tuesday In the splendid les- Kdward War pink I nesday owning. T 1 s l son material presented. Mrs. Jessie Annie Warcmkl 15 Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Parkinson Wagstaff Is an able class leader. Frank Warm'kl Ml 4 30 will entertain members of the .90 Jr A special musical number was pre- Orson Sanders 151 S 00 50 and Arehle Bradford Saturday Rrldge club at her bonif sented by Mrs. Carrie tjuist T 110 .TO Sadie Rock, nivonipaiihsl by their William llel.her Saturday evening. I. llntnl 38 were Mima us flraham. There 3 60 Hilley sister, Harriot J. Miller dis33 out of twenty-eigh- t Ml i so Ilolladay ward will le largely twenty-si4 . teach.40 .Vlolpu on tricts HI at Conference Slake by visiting represented represented Sunday, February 12, by choir ers, who will carry a message of Kay S. Miller and Amm Turner 35 .... lf.1 members and Stake officers. Relief che- r to each home of the village 3 30 M. Morgan Jane 119 4 the week. .40 coming Society ladies are urged to attend. during ' I'.l.t.-Seth It. Sillier JO S .3ii Rrigham II. Roberts will be 15 the visiting sjieaker. .5 Ilolladay M Men basketball team lloliert Kr.inm 1 M.iy ( ornnall Ml ,51; play the Taylorsville team ThursM. I. A. play producer are workMS .fx. day flight in Murray High School l.etu T. SHUT i 121 ,5(1 ing vigorously li present their res- gym. IfCl's all be there to cheer our I.ella T. Miller i V I'rh" boy.-.' in enter-.. most numbers the Ill .;o pective i l lienlfr I" I'lKopfi :i ininc 1(1 The third play 1)9 M3t"i maimer. of the series Is a problem play UI.OOI) TrTrI I! RY (HICKS N. iImii 5 i ;s known as "I'lgcy." The cast con13 4 1'CKi; ll.in-.o! leghorns, Reds, Koreka M l, Co I'ella W Infer sists i.f Itessie Ross, Waiula !:! Rucks. IV to II.- prepaid. Frs t; J And In Itelliiie Moss, llclie Drage. Jobbers wanted, Daves iu!dnr wllh many l Dick Heath, Shirley Jensen Hi tirade Hatchery. Twin Falls, liarm of , t, h i.f aiieh stodi ai may and Tisl Moss. The problem comes In t la le ne. enr Kill he dd at lli uflTlee of the Idaho. st niggle for (be ownership and at 5151 Stat alreft. Murray City, of the child. Rut the deci- WANTFD: Hoiisewoik by day, or I'tah. n the lOih ,)aj it March. 1U, at sion fall In the larger Interest of washings. Reasonable price. Will the hour ..f 0(1 i.Vlirk p m to pay the the child himself. We will all call for and deliver washings. Call picnt ae.nn nt !lierin. t..e:),rt Mh Ihe emu t.f want tit see ibese plays, for much l.Vi J. adef!iii and rtpetivi School The Contest Valentine A Class By Thelnia 53 rk Tbls week everyone at the Lincoln School lias been happy, everyone is lookliiB forward to a happy Been tine we are Valentine day. contest. a valentine to have poinff There Is a pri7.- - for the prettiest, funniest, and cleverest. We will all be happy when the tin e conies for the judging. choir meets three times a weefc In the former second grade room. They are having exercises in voice training. The group is divided into three parts. They OIK PARTY By h'rma Stone Our school enjoy this kind of training, for it helps their voices. Making Valentines The pupils who received one nun dred per cent In spelling during the last week were: Fourth grade Ruby IHirst, Simsich, Ruby Losser, Lois Keith Brown, Betty Scott, Henry Plott, Elmer Gallagher, RuMores thella Mock, Joe Uzelac, Medea ry. Fifth grade Glen Brown, Wayne Yates, Carl Worlund. Smiley Wakl, Donald iBishop, Bessie Woodard, Dorothy Johnson, Norma Ahlberg, Mary Baker, Mildred Plott, Ruth Mable Ilealy, Eleanor Johnson, Durst, Rlshard Losser, Gladys Mc-- r, Ln-ru- prlm-lpa- l stoi-k- 1 By Mauri no Fdtnan It will soon be Valentine Day. Three pupils of the sixth grade to make valentines have decided We are also the art iveriod. during going to have n valentine box which will be made by Ruby Tlacklund and Beth McIIenry. The valentines will be put Into it nnd distributed next Tuesday. For Valentine Mrs. Parkinson's room's Boint? to have a party. Instead of bringing a lunch they will bring a cake or something. Everyone has to do something on the program. We are going to have the Valenbox oiH'iied. We sure will tine's have a lovely time. r 1 . Helen Robinson By We have a new display of Safety First on our bulletin board for this Leod. Sixth grade Mary Jane Berger, week. The children of various La Preal Yates, LaVella Johnson, in have smiles art drawn them class. AVe have doeidiHl to have Val- Mary Bogdon, Jean Walters. entine decorations on It for next In our new arithmetic plan we divide Miss Tllornm's class and and Mr. Webb'.-)- . We call one the other ti It. In the ttfternon (Ml has arithgoes in the gym and metic. Then we eome to our own class. Then after reeess goes In the gym and 0 B has arithmetic. I think we all like our plan. (J-- ft-- week. History Valentines By Geraldine Merkley Red and white ine for everyone Valentine Nx weighs Vi'liiitinc Day We all have our play, ('Mug Valentines away. Tlie n ton. in for ar.-e- le PATRONIZE YOUR HOME S ADVERTISERS! OKIU.n ION as; w,iU (hi Ragle mi a I ill that Mr. Salisoiu and his bride who vas f.innerly Mrs. Doris I Ms on bad leiiirned to Murray. 1 TbMi-- - article Dixon. s should have slated L'xeiise It, please. BUTTER WRAPPERS PRINTED Call Murray 35 Sc, (i. IKKKZE. 'f ' Hte A ( PRINTING i'I"! riildlrathm, l.aat I'ul lleatlon, .if ',5 Keti So Notary Public Stop Getting Up Nights Ph)ir the ltln,(,T luniiM-- i- -s Drive out nrl.N C. B. Wallace With Oil r Phone Murray 35 tbe lini'iirltles and tx i.tnse lrrilali.ti Ib.-.- l (Rear of a Nn iilit;ili,ii tl. W.uks mi Tlx Electric ii". If f.i nr.. bi,kn,f or bu r 'I i ASP1K-MIN- T 1 V A nt Rcrm-l.-iJc- tnhr-r-twicli?-. over-hr;it- r I'l ..rnloii And-r-- on Ding Co. Akeal Ourflfi !i!f eenqneat is Iht irmtfft o Welding TRAILERS Alt Ivio.N of M. UN Wdded PRINTING Mr. wnie.: Letterheads from Headache, Envelopes Form letters Circulars Nrurali-ia- , DR. MILES 0 9 Handbills Ir.odic Tains. ju " saves Statements u.fl, flx "ore c. 1 w,y 28 lb, until iiw more had ;) 1 fiu-Uir- r one Imlf f Krti1iPli n H natir m the momlnf 'e'-t- e l.r ifcf nM--- lf the HAI'K. I'.irnlpv, f,v f1 J,,, n trh pf II ,,f iiu-i- HM k,w I r dj,0 nk f,,r jour l,ii.l'b tM c t Knib. n ot Thornton An- of i'ei.i Murray Eagle 4 bn. hiibt tnh' ,HN-- I.. t ttn , Business card, Ju4 huncrj monv ml." f. !ka rt,fiil The Mountain State Telephone & Telegraph l.'rO wcrjy ud e U. Ilf-e- ti,( i. itlfle t,H if a, r - ii i - !...) ( ati.r" l,e 4 rj.r i, the j.'jfid y l.;o i. fr ( frt i,U( iifiii errands, s..c;al chats with or business information. The more you use it the more useful it becomes. Mo Slu Hth m a n y friend uaint KniH)rn lr nr.rr I M f, )wir, cd f SL I rn h- That alone is worth the few cents a day you ay for tclcphonnc service. In a d d t t t o n. a tclcj.honc 4 WEEKS Ma welch..! tt Ihv of juur ic Kcunus, KJ.cumat.sm, Scwticn, I.utnVn.o TwUlflche, IWkache, M,WCt,1ar Tain, Vr. Miles Afpir-Mwill brm you relief. At your drug $tore 5c and :ic. e IN AVu-rift- s, nifTr-- . live in twn or miles out. you can reach others instantly by telephone? 20 POUNDS rd lJ. . Isn't it reassuring to know that whether you WOMAN LOST ano Itman nt catch-Incco- a doctor f r o nt tfle-1'Ihm- Till- - ?! g.l GENERAL BLACKSMITH WORK Horse shoeing a Specialty By J.irk M ill !' Welding Done by Experts ad tlrtorlra. t;!ejiticr Girl. of the T:i I .iivIIIi. Aiinis,milit ibiti.i N aiioihir of their Dine il.tt.i-e- . The tlltlsic very v'd To tlmn llml Imvct j,,,, :o our oibrr dime dim.-r-- . we know ihi-rvou ll nnd i W. Wn 'i.iuiil e Itivii.. nd Hiire! il time - ".minilli-e- . I", IimH J0 1 WrM Xtrd South with! wilna imi.,-- 1 frmu mi mil ii.ioti i i iiel lit I.T nfl. r lliU ileiiiisltitf atl j.iii ee j,.nc ntninr kiirt Sold j.j - "I was suffering from a bad Cold Dr. Miles' Aspir-Mirelieved Ae. V i iicnc two sentence nrp from a letter sent to iu by Gypsy Simon Smith. Mr. Smith itprnli his public li?? Jn the n atmosphere of crowds in hall, church or on. MILXS He jjocs from en CLfur-lllimeeting place in!o the Miter !r iintually uplifted, but for Colds, Head,hyically exhausted. ache, Neuralgia, Hi rrofewion Hrmands that he Rheu mo tism, da the vrry thines that l,r huM Sciatica, Lumbago, hot do if hp wants to Avoid Tomhache, Packache, fc is in position to speak Muscular Vains, Ten-odwith authority on the subject. Paias. If you have a Cold, or if you ; bnthereil ... neiKhbnrs aroint. t lie corner or the next farm they're mm-in- ? to litlp you because of y.uir rtmrpcticy call. T.i'.iri!,- nre iniTlllg Val "'Htio I'au.e. Flid.iy nitht, Feb. - Company 'i ") M. n nitil M n t t.tile lth Kanishmv Itrert" Ramshaw Hatcheries 1687 So. State Tel. MUr. Harness Rep airing OILING $1.00 Per Ioul)Ie Set EVERYTHING for Uie HORSE RobertHeckel State and Vine DO YOU KNOW? From S to 10 different lubricants are required to properly rubricate your car? An fill Chin THOOsliBS rafb It uffr from till," but T. th pala mil Itrhlnc of blind, or n fw mlnu br oothlnf, lin tr. Mion Chlnarold, fortl. with a ililn 4 Mtrh, J. o t "Nlflf tmtrailtn uauallf r ftlifTlat il'iMlitft pt lmtwt4 Chin harint tr, miinf pnwr to r. rnn tlMii. rtint njiftt n.K mrt )ou ch,i from tha urn) itw. out lrtmnt rlfht H MURRAY FEED STORE FEED Prop. - FLOUR - COAL 4470 South State Phone Murray 431 Murray W Speclaliie in Welding Truck Body Work and Blacksmithing Ten Ua Your Trouhlei'1 PHONE MUR. 28S-- J Ben Gordon & Sons rilONK Murray 43 AUTO GLASS Window Glaaa and Mirrors Cabinet and Mill Work of a!! Kinds 113 W. 4lth 8. Murray tion. tlm to avoid o THORNTON 4MI MADSEN'S SPECIAL -- ct. (X). SEE i tha n Jo jr It f rhil. u rontlnut t lon t dljr. Act In an4 ot afitrmit r Trr lr. N'Hon tOlna. rolflo(rtlon. iihnr pur to ba worth ! aatlafy if.mtlf..f and gutrantfta lha ama.ll vt roar uonaf tlm. pack. lin ANPFIUON Soalh ami Nat TUB CHECK CHART SYSTEM mmsmtmBmrnmacaBsm Company PILES 47 Allan & Walker 1 i; ,i, ,, ,.vi., bladder slud ar They're HAY - GRAIN National Rank Bulldirqr PHONE Murray 559 Firemen 0) Arc DolUrs Ahead When Rear of City Hall . ,,t Jj;e NmcN ejislur (J. ( u be from liny dun: iote. After; .a.- d.i if not r Iien ,.f "gcitlna UlcllU ' Cm f,k lltld r h Court Ave.) "You chll!liiC, CHAS. ANDERSON, They're Coming! tiii bjie. . 15S without the har OTr-heatin- nAVE IT SERVICED . I'lirninc and fniieid dilre. JJnnl- r oil if to liike III Ibe of IHKITS, ibe bladder fie, ...recommends lint te fh Mid, 1913. . Classic Beauty Shop The Rotmin I'mplre lasted thru four centuries when Christianity the greatest force f..r good. The Umpire belja-to supjx.rt this 'bief for.-- i f tb.. human progress ind It finally came the s;ale religion of ihe Umpire. I'n in Uiih Gnuv and Run we i'lberiled f lhi,c that W;i :ir- - i.f value t ,e American jusjple LW us tmt forget them. City, t t.l, 33. lh. Tarm brooder .ara f itarrlng. WRIGHT'S Conoco Service popular! t'livro. Slat. Ifft us fill your onW .ilrect from our warm hatchery to (Between Postoffice City Hall ML BRAY, UTAH GROOMED, ii of ! to be 7 V j 1 - 1 MERCHANT Rome e Call Mur. 35 Are mountain bred 4 acclimated" REPAIRING Intel-bvtn- ! RAMSHAW'S PRODUCTION BRED CHICKS . . . FROM Rome was a city of Italy that began as a village of shepherds and farmers. T.y lis marvelous power PKRMAXENTS of law, order and organization it grew step by step into leadership and ixnver. MARCELS Instead of the graceful, beautiful. ii rt 1st lc structures f Gritce, Rome's Moldings were massive and impos- HNVKK WAVES ing. You recognize the architecture in your own church Greece stands for art and iculture. Rome stands for law and government. Greece Collected irt lltld Scletli-from her older jxi.ple of the Fust. To thee she added her own eontri- 'union. Koine reserve.) nil that Grine bands down and added them to her own Ideas and political contribution which Influence us to day. All Aids to Beauty Both Greek and Tttin language has come down to us. In the forHAIR AND SCALP mer we may read s..me of the wonTREATMENT derful writing on the Home, the latter, the classics (.f Virgil and They're quite a sight. Frills and laces Anil pretty faces, Are found on Valentine Day. i Study of Summary J Your Patronage Means Their 4 Success, Which In Turn Adds to Y0l'US! EXPERT SHOE YOUR HOME Jean Wheeler By I These Are Home Owned Institutions Whose Inter. ests Are With The f Community f f BUY C-- ... An-drit- Display if FIRST.!, Ol-se- By Delia Hinncn M.ii.-cl- t Lo-ret- ta Our New Arithmetic Plan Tr:u-liie- l - First Safi-t- t Last Thursday, the sixth grade gave a program in their "Music Class." One of the best numbers was given by three darkies. Since they have appeared on the program, the teachers have asked them to Last Monday come to each room. nil the grades they went through The entereach. and entertained La Vella a were boy, negro tainers Marie two negro girls, Johnson, Ilealy, and Helen Malloy, and a little old fashioned girl, Helen Bergener. (lioir Maurea I'shio By I BONNYVIEW SCHOOL SCHOOL .WOODSTOCK LINCOLN SCHOOL ARLINGTON SCHOOL SEE These I Advertisers I)Rt SUna. BARGAINS 1 h |