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Show THE MURRAY EAGLE School News HOLLADAY Mrs. J. D. Bowers, Reporter PHONE HOLLADAY 53-- LIBERTY SCHOOL ARLINGTON SCHOOL These sixlli graders have made ood hook reHirts this week: very Lawrence Krickson. "The New Pioneers," Kdim Orconfiold, "Wigwam F.veniio" ; Clifton doff, '"Ol-aThe I.afoten Fisherman;" Viola Pioneers." and Wallin, "Women "Olaf. The Lafoten FiHhermiin;" Ralph Kimiier, "Stories of Trees;" Petty While, "Famous Men of and Lylo Hird, "The Creece;" and Practice," and "The Scout .'ev IPoiieers." IttTII LKITZKLL. It li Crude Reporter. Sixth A, jierfect spellers: Alice Pasliar, La Vein Audc.rson, '(Mien Anderson, lorohty Peru, Crace Itloomiiiiist, Petty June Kdwards. Melha Falrhourne, Margaret Martin, June Myers, Cecal Xoack, June Carina Perry, Melvu Slicy, Townsend, Jennie Vetiar, Dorothy Wolfley, Shirley West over, Kunice Williams, Sam Prin'liurst, John Lyman, Calvin McMillan, Geortie McMillan, fipeneer Reld, Elmo Williams, Rolx-r- t Johnson. f, Mrs. O. I Mniillim had Pishop and Mrs. W. K. Ityls-rmil Mr. are leaving on Friday for a three (,'iiesK tis their in Mrs. liritf IIorrockH, Mr. find Mrs. months cruise through points Mexico, He-Iof the West Indies, Gulf J. I). limvmiin mid Mrs. L. It. Mr. iinc week-en- liliickfoiit, Idaho. They are on n six weeks nuto trip thru Amreles, and San Ciilifornlii, in tln-lIteliu: itinerary. Fiaiiclsio, (f Is NeiKlilMirs r iVntral Anierlca, Panaina t'linal. and rolomhia of South America. They will attend tin Mardi Oras in New Orleans, an old and renowned mid winter celchration. and friends of Mr. nnd were jilenned to PLYMOUTH SCHOOL Knighthood Assembly Frogram King ins knights day, three of the hoys planned t play entitled "Becoming put on A Knight." The hoys were Donald Andrns, Grant Liddle and Melvin Jones. There were also three girls who put on n play the same as the hoys. They were June Carlisle, Ruth Wright and Thelnm Park. The class nil enjoyed them very much and we will all enjoy the study of the domestic science, and domestic art classes put on some very interesting numbers including; readings, songs, piano solos, a kitchen cabinet hand, find a short playlet. Every number had to do with some phase of the work in the home economics department. RUBY BEXXIOX, Reporter, 7th. Grade. The (issembly program last FriIn the sixth grade at the Lindicoln School the pupils are study- day, January ,27, was under the in The Culler. Mrs. of Fri rection girls Arthur with he could get a valentine for a pen"Xo," said the store keeper, "the lace valentines are a nickel." ' I know what I will do, thought Then he went home and Iiilly. went to the hack yard to see his red hen. "Please lay nn eni; for me," said Last Thursday at the Lincoln School, everyone was overjoyed to think that we were going to have n holiday. The teachers were happy too. because they wouldn't have to go home with n headache lit least from teaching. All the teachers a II ended the teacher's InstiIiilly. There in the nest was a his: white tute at the Granite High School Program For This Six Weeks enc. Hilly look It to the store-keewhere a program and refreshments Beginning with the seond semeser. The man tnve Hilly the lace were furnished. our daily program has been ter valentine. TIIKLMA PARK. minchanged from the forty-fiv- e Grade O, how happy he was! to are hour utes the There valKot periods. (lie The next day Jane now six with only periods thirty entine in their school valentine hox. Fosters noon. A few minor She was very happy too. On the The .sixth grade the Lincoln minutes for hack of the valentine It said: "To School has some new xisters. The changes have lieen made in the Jane from .Wily and the Red Hen." names of the posters are, "Sailing," program, but we believe that it will PHYLLIS TI RPIX. s work out ls'tter for all concerned. and "Season's Greetings." The BETH BEXXIOX. 3rd Grade Reporter. "Sailing," has some beautiful Reporter, Nth Grade. pictures of ships of all lands. The posters, "Season's Greetings," has scenes of all the seasons in the year. We nil enjoy them. JI NK CARLISLE, ly ft-- il R-i- a ost-er- How to Watch Basketball Iji-ma- s P.'-h- r I assiM-iatc- '' .i.i Medical Authorities agree that you are much less likely to suffer from Colds, Flu. and other Contagious Diseases when your system is alkaline. loss of sleep, too much Wrong diet, over-worfood, drink, or tobacco, too little exercise, all tend to create an acid condition. k, helps line balance gives her the assistance she needs to overcome the effects of wrong habits of diet, work or pleasure. Take a healthy, alka- er ALKA-SELTZE- R 7, Se-.tr.i- td.-t- rvr'-crr- ,' ! Alka-Selt2- er AH-i-Sttli- Keepa package m your medicine cablneUl home Large Package r. Mail January Jams J. Mananl kedl, then there Is paikage, daintily label- fat iatt!e ran U eKste, t e,,, ed. "First Senu-steEViinis," What Clllle. pokinnt ilmughts it inois,.s. Dear Iii short, the survival of each In u'f, I Ih thosi- sains asked evdividual cattle grower will depend erything 1 couldn't rciiioiiilor. Why oti his utility t inerenso the iffh-- i. ihe ijuesiiniis ti.v .,sk nr.' simply m y of his t.HT,Kl..m to Ihe king! Hero . snmp'e; (Jive pntai 11 h- - can weather the storm ! a Mirvlvnl of (he fittest, nn supply nti, (h matid. A knowledge f relative fissl al Kan W- .Is ,. th,.n and ljti' iihe of advam-emade In the in Wil.oj Mudv of iiiilma' tint rit hut the cal Cetn iii ms Is lo hnve n geiu ral - Imi-rmi- ve true analysis t.f yourself, your towaid your work and what you've gained this year. a P Will - ,;,t. atiil c.-u- Primary H iw .nn I p..sj,iy wrt,. ,,,wn in Maik and white what I think of iiivscif. my altitude toward my 'Vork. nnd what 'ear? I've guliasl Ihe Murray post n. ni.. 12:30 p. m., j FIRST! J These Are Home Owned I A T ...hi f Community J Your Patronage Means Their Sueeess, Whirh In Turn Adds to YOI KS! 4 S RAMSHAW'S PRODUCTION BRED CHICKS re mountain bred . . . & arrliwatar ns fill your order direct J 'rom our warm butchery to jwitl wurm brooder without the nf chilling, ot Carving. I't hat-'.iir- 'Voa Are Dollars Ahead When They're Ramshaw Bred" Ramshaw Hatcherieil Mi87 So. Stale Tel. Mur. 471 Harness ! "li O 111" Rep till 1 1 OILING $1.00 Ier Doulile Set EVERYTHING for the HORSE EXPERT SHOE REPAIRING Without Waking City Hall Ml'RKAY, ITAII WRIGHT'S Conoco Service State and Vine your car? STORE CHAS. ANDEKSO.V. Prop. HAY - GRAIN - FLOUR MERCHANT ! Originally Creek? Thert ! mm evidence to Indicate that ths Ilomnn mile wn aa Invention borrowed from the Greeks. FEED - COAL 4870 South State 431 Phone Murray Calbf Aacattry The anretdrol line of the cabbnje li trnced bnrk to the cliff cabbage of Europe and Aula. Allan & Walker rray Rear of City We Special'." in Hall-Mu- for N;ghts & MURRAY FEED Call Mur. 35 ti! bis-nfi- (Del ween I'ostoffire HAVE IT SERVICED TUC CIIFX.K CIIAKT SYSTEM m-l- ri.it RobertHeckel leforc YOUR HOME PRINTING CO rent. Small ZO cer.it. PILES ' p.,-e- DRAPER A Welding Truck Body Work and Blacksmithing "Tell Ui Your Trouble i" PHONE MUR. 2SS-- J Ben Gordon & ons HIONE Murray 43 I t i 1 AUTO GLASS - -- CAIN V Et Window Glaia and M irror a ' ; .r thom: o'j..u J Institutions Whose Inter- - I 1 . lll'.i 1 lie - DO YOU KNOW? From 5 to 10 different lubricants are required to properly lubricate FROM j j office at '.:..' and 1 :10 p. m. Mall leaves Muray jmst office nt :. a. m.. 12:.H p. m., ami 0:15 p. this k'i"h1ie "t 1,l. SEE These Advertisers tit r 'used V s,H Free range Is gone. Costs of eat-- t have Msn (il.adilv The increasing. present narrow "pre.ol CXlsling feeder lilld good sZi.. wltete t g,. skating, skiing, sliding, falling, and sleighing. Now of the bad, there Is much lo be had. First and last eotnes the e production Afimi M..s j,t,, I'.luebitiN groU', Sis rets" ScacilH Tins- arrives BUY hailing tomes first, (that j,, jf y Ioii'i Hy I',. EAGLE Indian Herb Specialist Formerly of 4885 So. State Street, Murray! ii The New Alkalizing, Ffcrrenccnt TahUt This harmless preparation lief from COWS, Healxche contains the vegetable and min(Inf on Sfoi'mr'i, feirf urn eral nlkalizers you need to make That "Tire,! rrr,'.t,a.M ;..rh!.it end keep you healthy. Two tabKhrimMtie, Sa:1ic end lets a day in water will hrlp to p:'c Taintt. keep your body in a normal It furni4ic jri rue pi, ,i!tnil. of alkalinity and make you far hnrmless. elWtivr. r!ti less linble to contract COLDS vr laldVt. the S..hcy1.'.-..Alk;.lfiner Infectious diseafes. Medication iickri'ml-:cl t i bo pives rrompl re- - viry cfTevtive f r (' k Gtt A Drink Of At Any Dru3 Store Sodi f cuMjui riin-Ivf!icHfi- '"i-- ; Phone Hy. 3753 CHIEF WHITE . . Alka! ize Your System Nature maintain Alka-Scltz- Reed Defending Singles Champ Well. e! Its Hot get sei!ilio!ltul. the fuudaiiii MiCn of t! is ei, i In itn Pit's Ht forget t.ur worries, nnd think ten InotT nttetlipt i. P.. f tf'lileiit the fun we're going to have, and tssf lion (inlde IjiW (eti, prisluetion. cattle Men may find much, of i Willi, p, light si mil tUte hiiii, Im.I ruittltiotinl stud ,f se.t,ly ,hildMi at wntern iKrftn.tit xtiitloiiH. ttartli it,,ied in the progiDM, nn, I i Sleep S ietitv with (tl Wi fe i,iuiie, In their Crulltl priii Uee. or ti e prat iltilf.'Mii. The ihitp,-- ; w,is filled (.t !'"' nd.iptbm (,f f ei.Mfi, Make Th; 25c Tent 'iipaiitv, nts.nl i'oi m,n pri,,,t. fil ililll's, t,od U of lilt, test to Th" thtssi S'ke i lat.tr Wi tt- - pwrcs.ive tnttlemeti ,if (t,e eiitin D'U't wnke up f ir bladder relief. M ils ) Mil!, r. I nid I'atk. tt ,U test The foil. , IV Put Is H btl. f ills Physic I ho bl ut 'er a. ymi w mihl of ,,tt,,. f Hi,. m,,r r.'Pl h'p.e. ,;l!t the U.we!. D,v,. out Impurities CHINESE HERB Hits rildt nt Pi n tii.td. m .lay and evjifssUe in hi. wh'nll miltm (hi t aw MllAvi VWlv.HL I ftUJUl indent i f linttliioii ; 'rtiti.lloii h, nr-iiBwakeful r.siilllng Pill i i;ihi ttin Pi ihe sptine nights. 'iiiis. ba.ka.be. burn mm itrh n- - blind, punrr i t.. Weai,,,! I v !. first f the fol. i g and fitsimiil t'.siiv. Ill KETS. llkolr to Imi nmtiMil th tt e.ihle. low c year tali lio Imiter c nf ihe bladder pbv .ie. made ftofi bit QUALITY FEEDS Chin.. b, t. ml which fartlfUi Dr; tinting their ''it. juilj" t" oil. lie,. Winks Iff.sl. !tsi (, (,,, , ,),,, r,M , htll oi (lie bl.nhlel- ,s , Mstr nil Jtrinitii nnd rnmfnrt In fw tot! ( tllliet.K Jf Vt bl ckd. Cot- "tl Ihe ItiVltl. (Jet 1, Distributed by ((i,,hir "2.V 'ado. M.. ',tii i an t is. w bi le itnli ' ;:nd nfter four tilts If no re- W. E. 'It tl,,it Ibt-s- tatv u vnii tlsMtr. mild Is-- iievel ,.f vHtilii up MtlHn Vtmr IT..." nnd Jl V,me It ejiermion. Try Dr mad1.. C tin r.pproim(,l.-IUnvvUt t.l,..; ,e(,irn t. ill i,,i,ev n'.d I. id -- t day tPliilg th- .- Male thi t.- -t. r ,., Hllll1-HeMurTr 535.W This t.,11 lm'f.s. Ult.l flfter ll.i, feeing jstjisl. ,..1,itf ....t 4004 So. Slh """""'Hi-h'-- l In fl tonids r ..f tot ?,,,,r teni'nr sl.sp Hbl by THORNTON.. NMK4 ON MUG on the feeds avllnl le. j rho,!,.n-Anders,,(X). 8lh South mj m limg c. Streein, gfcat,.n To build up resistance and maintain health NEW BEEF ERA Mill 111 many beautiful designs around the Bud Is border. They are drawn by classes i 1, and I liter in the season, after we are practiced up we are A handball going to design French. Spanish, tournament for all Danish and many oilier costumes. be will conducted at Granite liys ALT A JONES, again this year. Those veternns of to enter are (VI. the smrf exix-cteCharles Coleman, Chester Coleman, The Hasluthall Team Pub Kuukel, Xorinan Jacohsc-n-, OtLust Fridlny. ihe Lincoln sixth to Witlxs-kand Bud Rood. Mr. Heed g:ade le.iui pi r o, the eighth grade Is the defending single! champion. team of Phiitie. We wire beaten An invitation is extended to nil siv hl those ' v'(' "'i''1 wishing to couixte to rIeu ';ke ""'"resting, anvhow. up in the gym office. Thosp not l oii.iwing i., the loam. Jack Dra-lesure of carrying It through, howcenter: Tommy Evans, right ever, should not do so, as a withforward; Melvin Jones. left for- drawn! imikes it neee-ssar-y to reward; Grant Liildle. riht guard; match all contestants. and Pitid Ntls.iu. left guard. JACK DRAXLKK. MAIL TIME AT MURRAY ,. Cir's. "The Chat Group. ! "horn: "Ttall Along" Trailbiiddcr Group !nimn!i?atiti of ' The Walihwords" Year Mi Kali Vt tlosing Iteiniiiks Song; "Sit k With ,,." are room there If you keep these thing, in mind January is j,.vjal ami gay. grand you will enjoy a new game (f husk-c- t old January. He comes us a Ik in. ball Nvaiisc ymi will se,. small, l.i'ed Christmas gift. He shows no Mails rlose thirty minutes well cveciitcd things that you would , partial ly (., th,. u, time. departure otherwise mUx. ft r he brings an iiliumlanee of Mith. f 'In- - fun that he brings. m,uw rd. Lirks In Mrs. Walton's . . "My Garden" Handball Meet To Be Held Designs Watch the Jump at center to see which center crouches down the lowest and jumps inio the air the highest. Watch the signals a center gives Ihe other players on the team, and how they play them out. Noth-the way the forwards line the (vnier, nnd how they around tip take the ball otlt of the air. tine of tlie mimt imortai)t things is following In a long shot. A guard that can take the ball off the ... li.oi;. Ihimi-i- Is n l'oihI man.... observe how a guard will handle two or three opiH.iients when he s alone guarding his basket. Notice how a guard stops the ball iu the air after it has t the opponents hands. This is good guarding. you can always tell the piayer ! n,.. ir.iiii il,,. ti..,t hy the way he moves on the floor. Passing, floor work, and form make a wonderful team, not sIiimiI-Ing- . a Zioii p.ovs and LARSEX Grade Teacher's Institute ny. d Fortify Against Flu and Grippe Team Wins Our basketball team ran true to form last Tuesday in the game with Cyprus, nnd won handily 30 to 12. It was one of the easiest canieR this vear, and at no stage of the came was the outcome doubtful. It was the first time in several years that n real we have handed Cyprus was Landures again th? drubbing. the scorer of game. high OLGA FASSIO, Reporter, 9th Grade. 6-- i. . DENCE Now located at 151? South STATE Street Salt Lake City, Utah' LINCOLN SCHOOL Last week's perfect (tellers In were: Xorinan Atkinson, Doris "Knighthood." MARJORIK Townsend. Officers of the M. I. A. and their antlieir slxlieth weddlnj: partners met after Mutual In a soThese pupils from the lith grade n in hour. Viiiietllive games were had cial reeep-timlast Saturday niversary perfect test pajs rs In Knterlainment during the af- eiijo(ed. Mr. Peterson winning the Friday: Wendell Watls, Milch-el- l first prie and .1. W. Walker winternoon was rendered ly Mrs. I Haydeti, James Phl.acklea, Geo. re soprano solo; I'lano solo, Mrs. ning consolation prie. Tadehara, Marjorie Turner, im-alto forty Player: Hoys trio: I'urltime solo, fresments were served Itay Sliieh, leiin Simper, nmrles It. Pike; Tap dances, guests. Ilalpli Cihhs, Arlene Ilolincren, (iwen Player. Dainty refreshments Lyle Simper. Ronald White, and were served hy Mrs. Maekay, Mrs. Mrs. Karl Wayinan is so far re P.ird. t'ollett, and Mrs. Ixuilse (Juist. Fifty covered from her serious illness as MITCH KLL IIAYIKX, friends called dllilnif the afternoon. to he now convalescing at her fathlit li Crude Reiwtrter. The event was also Mrs. Colllnns' er's home. seventy-fifthirthday annlversiiry. In our spelliiii; elastj last week, Mrs. .Vale Wagstaff proudly the second row won the contest. Mrs. K. V. Howell will he hostess on Wednesday with her The children in this row are: on Friday evening at n iniscellanc daughter, Krda as the honor guest. liemke, Itoli Thomas, Charles ons shower in compliment to her It Is the occasion of Krda's second fjioiiin, Marian Powtdl, Plaiiclie and her Walls. Merle Richardson, ami Virhirthdav daimhter, Mrs. Ioii Traccy. anniversary friends are happy to play with her. ginia Ilulihard. The Wednesday aflernoon lirldue These pujiils are on the IV Honor Cluh will meet with Mrs Karl on our Mutual Onilest plays are Roll this term; Arthur P.ishop, Lu-eThursday of this week, her truest progressing nicely. The casts are .letLsen, Petty Kckman, living Mrs. Waustnff, Mrs. Stone, selected and each group is working Marian Powell, Sel Tad,-harTurner, Mrs. Hickman, Mrs. Paine, Mrs. hard to make his play it success, and Huaue Frtslerickson. MciPy, Mrs. Ijiiiilmunie and Mrs. with Carloss Smith. Kaiuoiia WalkMARIAN POWTLL. P.oyce. er, Wendell Itowthorpc, and Ted nth Crude Reporter. this Moss cast in "The Killers," The M Men haskclliall team t'ainailiaii Mounted Police meloThese pupils from the fourth M Men South Cottonwood a he drama should p'ayed strong drawing untile had a perfect record In sxd-at the Murray High cyin on Thurs- card. Watch the hoards for furthi etir this week: Cone Anderson, day last, winning from their on-cut- er announcements. Hanson, IVloy McMillan, Verhy a score of Xi to .'Hi. Their nal Newman, I Minis Ferretta, Mar next game will he with Taylorsville Ilolladay choir inemhers were lorie! Killpack, Vera Jones, June on Feliriiary !ith In Murray High twice surprised at their regular Ltdlell. Virginia Leil.ell, Vernet-tI Si I 'e"ll all he there to practice last Wednesday. At the gym. McMillan, and Masaye Tadehahoost our learn. r'ose of the session. Mr. Kraut, ra. Julie ldt.ell has read all the as their leader, his present hooLs on tli reading circle. lh'lladay Itelief S.m iely t.Mik ad employment making it imposille -J- I'XK LKITZKLL. in for him to continue with Ihe choir vantiigo of the fifih Tuesday llh tirade Rcimrlcr. .laiuiary to hold an old Fashioned longer; the second surprise was I'ivxs Soriul sit (he regular lini'1-in- when li!terg came out of In our lanmiaue ( lass Wedia-sdaImur. At the same time, the of- his office and offered name of we Icul a Valentine sto iau ficer made a drie for funds for I'liarles I!. Pike as tlu of contest. Here is the story we Ihi' purchase of a piano for their Mr. Kr.itil. The nomination was thought was ihe most interesiini; : room. There were seventy-twhid elithiiMa-ticall- y accepted. He licirilis ies present, many of whom were his work this week and looks hoc-fullThe Hil Hen's Valentine costumed in dresses and hats of for forward to having the choir Hy I.otclla Johnson lucr days. Mrs. Moiiltou wore the render "The Messiah," for ChristThere Muckax'-moiher. was mii-- a little boy whosi Mr. and Mrs. Kraut, wedding dress of Mrs. mas, P ."'"., was name Hilly. It was the day beMrs, Horn. The dress Is nn have hccii wlh the choir elaliorate creation of ,rH years ago. dioiit a year. Mr. Kraulz Is a con- fore Valentine. Iiilly bad only oik in white cashmere and tulle, with ductor of ahi'ity and cerieiice. cent and he did want lo buy a pret u white ostriih plunie fan. Mrs did Mrs. Kraut, is an organist of ty lace valentine for a little girl 11111 liox and Mrs. fhrlstuphcnsen were extraordinary ahllity. They will "illy went down town! and hurried Into a store to see if; tow net! in Mack. N'ulie of the officiu our coiiiinuiiit v. er participated in the prie con lel. Pries were awarded to Mrs KFI'OKT OF I'KIMVKV lowed by a Vocal duet : "A Annie Praue in a white silk livs (OMKKKMF. Pi aver:" Anna Griffiths from Fimlaud. in n mudel of alioul Song: "'ihe Army of the Living and Myrtle Cowley. liHNi; and Mrs. Aurilla Whipple, Cod:" Congregation nnd PR" "GRAM who was council in Mack of the children. Weliiiliie of Address and rejtort lime of willow plumes in l!10. Th Prayer Janu s K. Moss Nan Wilcox, Supt. ciiieitancrs were Mrs. MaiKie, Mrs Vocal lm t ; - The children's II. of Primary Workers Scott ninl Mrs. Stone, Mrs. Karl Irene Floyd mid I.o Presentation s.miia:" Names MaUd Mellen of Stake ... and Mrs. Itutile. The crowd then fclie Allltlgtoll. eiijioed old time dauci'S to the mus- Primary children found in the chor Chorus; "We Are Little Sunbeam ic of two nt;:aUS, Krfl'cxlimotit- - us : licginiiets ami Grade I. As a finale, the wcie Siictaniciital Miislr; a. Violin "The Grade Keys To Happiness" was made that Ihe de i x f Viola ,y Livingston Mr--- . II. sum liad Nth ruined for the Kstdla Neils,. n at piano. -i 'horns; p,,. Happy'' It- .Primary pur! Iiae of a piano. Reading hy Anna Cilffith. folChildren. "A Pan. I of Happy lle!s rs" Ziolis l'.iys M!id Zloi Cii-),- , chorus: "T"o Little Hands The Mrs. fulliiius NOTIPF nr CHANGE of vi RES! Cabinet ami Mill of all Kinds 163 W. Hlh So. Vk Murray j |