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Show -- Election Judges Wasatch Motor Co. District !!' J. A. Maekay, (Contliiui'il from I'utfo 1) lvnu Frame, jnmliasitit? iisjcnl. Mrs. Kva 1'. Jones. became a Ford man in 1 ;)!). Clin-KilAlbert Aamodt. Htmp Furenmn, Inn District lt(7 Rwder, 1. J. Waienski. bK'n Willi tlie coiiipiiny sime 1!IS, Mrs. T. F. Mclmmild. and J. I Adiiiiisoii, Cur I iisii-- r, Thomas Martin. as a Ford uii'cliiiiiic In District 10S Gerriml, hhIcsiiiihi, nliir(cl J. Kinil Krikson. Mrs. foidelia Snarr. liln inm-- r an n Ford mini i" I'.CJU. M,rs. follow-tMary Jlallhlay. and L. O. Milieu, UN-- Mix. District ! II. lu lils fitotnteps in lit'-Itoseoe A Wood. Bradford, Hocretary and omliior Jnbll l'eters, was connected with (lie business for John Howe. then two yearn 1923 and District IShi goinj; into the hank where he piin John Itichardsou ed valuable exierlenre at an Joseph Iiis'der. Karl lilsliop, credit Midmel McMillan. manager, lias been with the comMilloii Winunnl. in pany hIhch the parls department of flic in (lie Ford Wasatch Mior been ban man jmrtx Company. buslneas longer than any man in a It must be admitted, tliis the organization. He'bepm in 1!M('. very exceplionnl array of trained and La il'en liandlint; niilniiiolii'e men working together to give tbe parts ever alnce that lime. motoring public and Ford owner;!, Owen Holph, battery and rmliii especially, the very best o be had tor man has been repairing leaky in motor service. radiators and rebuilding and Mr. Marsdcn keeps before tbe batteries for the jiast six organization continually the thought Ted 1iind has had seven years. ill the paragraph at ihe expressed years exiierienee woiklm; in Inde- beginning of this column, and ho pendent garases and has worked believes that if lie and his coon practically ever;1 kind :if car workers w ill put his llioir;lii of made. Mr. Ford's into action, there can Ik'siiiuiul Jensen and Albert lie no quest ion about the success Johnson are graduates from ilie of the business. Murray Illch Hchool Auto MitIiiiii-lThe Wasatch Motor t'ouipaiiy department, coming to the Wasa complete slock of parts aed carry atch Motor with excellent records for (he Ford car, both accessories The Wasatch Motor at school. Model T and Model A. also the both scut these (Vniany have Trucks and I'niied Tractors. young men to the Ford Factory Tires and Tubes in all Ford sizes achool and they are iiiiikimf a splenIn regular stock. le!bcrt are carried did record for themselves. New and seci;il eipiipmen' lias A. I,. HnzclKren, accomitalit, and Dwane Wriuht. salesmen J ecu purchased ami is now inialled are new In the oriiiiziitioii. bid for the beiielit of Ford owners ami A are well known and respei-ieby others who call for service. now in is opertheir many friends. We know these men will make a success of tick ation and a new ear washing mawork in this growing organization chine Is on its way from the factory. Mr. Harnett has the very Tlie public is Invited to visit and ih" InsiHM't the beautiful show r ion assignment of place neat and orderly. In lit' which comprises 111."!! siil'tlv feel Wasatch Motor Omipany, exception- The shop Is ."id feet by I '.'." loot, al cleanliness Is one of the first which permits most efficient and rules. Kay MJeomle attends the lime saving handling of enii-iin: Murray High School, takiic: a and repair work. 1'iecisioii course In Auto Mechanics mid aftei nieiii has throughout m Hchool and on Saturdays be works and every man in the shop has I l i li'l"-Leonar- , I I s 'r Max-fiel- kis-pin- 1 -- !!! MIKRAV F. AG LO. O.F. Social Mention Mrs. T. W. Uacon entertained at a one o'clock dinner Wednesday afternoon at her home on Glen Avee nue, In honor of her sister, Mrs. Tripp, who has been spending the .summer with her son and The rooms at I'rovo. family were decorated lu fall flowers. had as a talde The (lining Ein-elin- center red piece, roses and ferns. Covers were laid for twelve guests which included (laughters and sisters of Mrs. Tripp's and Mrs. and a- - few friends. Following 's tlie dinner the remainder of the was spent in a social way. In compliment to Mr. and Mrs. Kay Jacobs of Los Angeles, Mrs. at a George Simpers entertained dinner parly Monday of last week at her home lu Grant Ward. assisted by .Mils. I,ai:j:l Nichols her sister, entertained al a dinner parly Wednesday evening of last week al her home in compliment to a number of her oul of town frineds. The dining talde bad as a center piece a low cut ,1nwl of orange and yellow marigolds. Covers were laid for sixteen. A number of Murray frineds of surMr. K. K. lioggess plesantly evening at prised him Thursday ids home In I'liion. The evening was spent in games and dancing after which a late supior was served lo twenty guests. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Christcn-seentertained at dinner, Wednesday evening at their new home on Fast Forty-fiftSouth street in compliment to a number of (heir friends and relatives. Covers were laid for ten guests. Mis lone Atwood entertained a number of her friends at bridge Saturday afternoon at tlie New- h through the Ford Factory training school. The offices and furnishings throughout are inviting and the general appearance of this establishment is extremely pleasing and makes a unit of tlie Murray business world of which tbe entire county can lie very proud. The Wasatch Motor (Viiupany is "at home" to oil at 47sS South State. Murray Copy of Names I.E. THURSDAY, OCT. 24. NEWS NOTES Salt Lake Lodge No. 2 held a joint Itebek-ah- s meeting foV Oddfellows and in their Hall last Friday evening October lbth, at which a lurge crowd was lu attendance and a very fine program was rendered. After th program refreshments were served. Everybody enjoyed a very good time. Murray Lodge No. 33 meets every Monday night at 7:30 p. m. in Fraternal Hall as some members seem to have forgotten that we still hold Lodge in the Same 'Ole Place. Next Monday night will be a report from your Representative to the District Association No. 1 meeting held last Thursday night at Salt Lake. Also u committee from Enterprise No. 15 will meet with us for the purjwse of letting us "In" on something which they have up their "Sleeve." Lets turn out and learn more about it. Enterprise Lodge No. 15 is sure a hunt ling lodge for the past month and they have enough work to put on to keep them busy for another month or more at least. Last Tuesday night In their Hall they put on 1939. two degrees, the 1st. and aid. This was dons on account of so many candidates coming in, it being necessary to double up on the work for the "Crack" Degree Team Work. It Is well worth your lime if you have not seen this Degree Team Wink to go up to the meetings at Enterprise Lodge No. 13 ut Salt Late every Tuesday night and take them In. They assure you a good time and you will enjoy your visits with the lodge. Everylsxly Is going to Ogden. I'tah, the Home of the Grand Master, on Saturday night, Holier 20. Miss Irene Sudhelmer, President of Kebekah Assembly, and J. W. Randall, Grand Master of Utah I. O. O. F, will hold a joint session on that night at Ogden. Round trip bus fare is 1.10 for the trip. CSill Wasatch and make your reservations. leaves Kid :'el lows Hall at 0:3".' in, what do p. in. and returns you. care? any time. The HeJckah District tlon No. 2 of Sait Lake and Tooele counties will entertain all Oddfellows In the Hall at Salt Lake on Saturday evening November 2nd. Do not miss this as it is sure going to be some night. All Odd fellows and Rohekahs are cordially Invited. We just can not tell you what It Is house hotel. all about, NOW ; So come and on Jack DeNeen went out hunting a Joy it with us. few days ago but has not yet returned. es, Mont. The one attracting the V. 0. Mr. and Mrs. Churches greatest amount of attention was have had as their guests for the little Miss Janice Ruth, two week's past few days, Mrs. CJiurehea's old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lester brother and sister, Mr. and Woodward. Mrs. Woodward was Mrs. Brown of Idaho U'fore her marriage. Miss Ruth Norton Springs, Colorado. Dnrnuter of Murray. Miss Ioraine Chlpman, daughter Miss Alta Johnson, formerly of of Mr. and Mrs. Whiter Ouipuian Murray, and liliiiue IJiinell were of American Fork, and Marlon 0. married Thursday of last week at Miller, son of Mr. and Mrs. U. (J. the home of the groom's parents,, Miller of this city, were married Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Linnell, on E. Salt Lake lth South. Wednesday In the temple, followed by a breakfast. A Mr. and Mrs. Ray Jacobs, who reception was given lu honor of the have guest.-- of Mr. and Mrs. young couple at the bride's home in George Hoyce, nnd their relatives American Fork Friday evening In have returned to their home In Ids which a large number of relatives Angeles. and friends from this city attendMr. nnd Mrs. Frank Reading of ed. Mr. and Mrs. Miller left the fol- this eily announce the engagement lowing day for Los Angeles to spend of their daughter Lillian to ("live C. their honeymoon and where they Reunion. The marriage will take will make their home. place late In Octolier. Mrs. Wm. O. Foord and her mothMrs. Archie Rradford pleasantly er, Mrs. A. Damutze returned Mon- entertained the Ladles of the Meth day from a three week's visit to odist Community Church Aid So relatives and friends In Twin Hrldg- cieiy MOdnesany at tier Home on East Forty Eighth South street. A one o'clock luncheon was served. followed by a nodal mooting. Local Mention Oct. Nov. Candidates for nomination for the Offices of Mayor, Commissioner for the four-yeAuditor. For Mayor For Mayor ar J TOWNSEND, Act l'lay 21.22 23-- Wa,d Carulv,, le. Ball Party State street, her son and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Wallas fi bins of Magna. iMlss Eihel Tlng,y, In-la- aaaUtw cashier at the Murray First Natj al Bank was operated on fur Iendlcltls on Monday at a hospim in Salt Lake. Mrs. Irene Robbins sint Sunday wlifl friends at Provo. of Mrs. Thomas Hlrd, who has been Mr. and Mrs. P.yers of this d(, here from Oakland, California, ls left Thursday f,.r a iiimitu'ij vy. home of her tl.e parents iling at with lelaiive-- i In Kansas and Futt left Saturday for Idaho, lo visit her Worth, Texas. 1 Mrs. Nate Idle, who ; ister, quite ill at her home. Willie: "Did Edison umk tlw Miss Amy Jenkins, durgbter of first talking machine, Pa?" Mr. and Mrs. George A. Jenkins, Is Pa : "No, son, God made the first again at home after an operation one, but Edison made the first org for apiHindicitls at a hospital lu the that could 1k shut off." city of Salt Lake. Paris Miller and Harvey J. Chris- - Be sure vote Nov. 5 Smith temsen of East Forty-Eightstreet, returned Tuesday from a Watch for our three days hunting trip spent in the November Photo Spesial Reaver mountains, where they bag A. J. PETERS STUDIO ged a large deer.' Mr. Jrthn Tripp, who has been Midvale Murray siH'ndlng a few days with her sister Mrs. T. V. Hacon, has returned to her home In Salt Luke. Mrs. Llllie P. Freeze left Sunday for Ijos Angeles where she will sikuk! the winter. Orson Clark returned Saturday a from Rluckfoot, Idaho, where lie went to install two Atwater Kent ra dlos for the Granite Furultrre Co Mrs. Frank Poulson, who has be. a guest of her mother, Mrs. diarb-1 by White and family, has returned to her home In Idaho. General Llectrio Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pliton and . m.. CI for childiwu have returned to their home in Vernal after a week's visit here with relatives. Qm atuxhmtnU) 'Ihe little son of Mr. mid Mrs. D former residents of Floyd Greene, & them tvday (his city but now of Coatsvllle avon enue, Salt Iifike, was opri-ute- d during the week for aptsndlcltis Co, and is at a hospital in Salt Inke. Mrs. Irene Robbins had as bei 4792 So. Stubs Phone Murray W giHsts Wednesday at her home oi year. 1 to h iroow i you can buy D MEANER h Guaranteed b Brinton Electric The finest radio in the world res- in your choice of cabinets! term, and for ARTHUR Come in during (Vote for one) CABINET WEEK n (Vote for one For Commissioner 7 I Oct. 26 to Nov. 2 0 nxSjESKKMETSOBSl Four-Yea- r Term For Commissioner Four-Ye- ar Terra FCKMAN, E. L SABINE, JAMES -- (Vote for one) with the finest and most complete line of fine furniture ever offered! you csn I.. people are for tone and NOW the set sll-rou- Q Q hree Party, Him WATTS, GEORGE H. Q Q Seventies (Very eluborate) Doc. 27 Christinas pective positions.) Official Municipal Ballot 15-T- Nov Richard 0. Wilkin of Granger, who was seriously injured wheu struck by train No. 25 of tlie Salt Lake and I'tah Railroad crossing near (he W'arr station Monday as be was on his way home in Granger is the husband of Mrs. Richard C. Wilkins, who was formerly Miss Vivian Wallace, librarian of the Murray City library for a number WARD IUIU. Oct. 20 AND HELD TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1929. (PUce a cross in the square preceding the names of the persons you favor as candidates for the FIRST 1185 ) FOR NOMINATION FOR THE OFFICES OF MAYOR, COMMISSIONER AUDITOR OF MURRAY CITY, AT THE MUNICIPAL ELECTION TO BE ii,,. ,.. Ml'KKAY Mrs. Nate Llddle, duughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Cahoou of this city, lu again at her home In Idaho after a very serious operation, Mr. and Mrs. Chester P. Cuhoon to Salt and sons have moved Lake where they have purchased n new home on Yale a venae. Of Candidates as They Will Appear Upon the Official Ballots at the Municipal Election to Be Held November 5, 1929 CANDIDATES RECREATION ness Screen-Gri- good- the Atwater Kent d in any kind of beautiful csbinctyou want Highboy or lowboy; ( Vide i tr tic I slid- ing doors, swinging doors or none at all; bcautifuUy grained ) woods delicate carving, lolsf or overlty or simplicity if you want it I Sec these cabinets in our For Auditor For Auditor DUDLEY, MRS. MARY L. "I FORBES. JOHN (Vote (or one) (Vote (or one) Olliciat hallot attest: y 6 Gty Recorder. Granite Furniture Company "Growins; Stores in Thrifty Gimmunities" Sugar Home Murray $f loo Showing this week. Liite" to this wonderful new radio that has set a new standard for performance. There's no obligation Come sett . Bingham - Park City |