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Show LEGAL NOTICES INDIANS HAVE NO I T AH KVKNTS Probate and GuardianSINGLE RELIGION ship Notices Consult County Clerk Beliefs Various Among or the respective signers Tribes Differ. for Work resumed in Cisco ('..iiipany well, after two years' otiic of Application for Patent SERIAL No. 044793 Lfllul offIt'e- ';ti's rniie.1 - Sit hake City, Utah, June 18, 15(27 VOTH'K I HKUEBY GIVEN, that NEWMAN, whose post-tf- U 'address Is K. 3, Box 200, Murray, I'lhf County, Utah, has liloil an a,Va'tio. for patent for the lode as .'liilniH culled the Sunken City S" j .Sunken City No. 2, Sunken Sunken City No. 5 and rii'v X Liken City No. 0 lode mining rinlms Consolidated, in Section 13, KS, K- - - Salt Lake Meridian, Minlni; District, in hie Cottonwood Utah, and County. Ink" s,lt and offical v the nltit on lile in this office as Mineral snrvwv No. tM4. said Mineral Survey described as follows: IKHM heinK 'o at comer No. 1 of said which Sunken Ci'v No. 4 claim, from m, i, corner on the west boundary the ,; T 2 S. of It. 2 W.E. of1312.3 M" hears X.74'25Mini f''"i sai, e"rn'r No- - 1 f14. tield-noti-- ! 8 J - 2 No thence Jk;n lOlli M CCKSS HKl'KNDS ITOX MKS j Oil lOO.OdOIndlang Christian doctrines, the hoard of Indian commissioners recently estimated, and remain to all intents and purposes pagans, presumably still hold lug In. large measure the beliefs ot their ancestors. What these primitive Indian religious beliefs are Is told In a bulletin from the National Geographic society. "I'oetic fancy and a natural tend ency to describe newly encountered beliefs and customs iu terms of those already familiar have given white peo pie many false Ideas in regard to the religious beliefs of the American Indians," says the bulletin. "Some enthusiasts have pictured the typical red man us noble and ethical beyond his white brother, believing in a fa therly 'Great Spirit' and striving to live the good life that he may go after death to the 'Happy Hunting Ground.' This is a fallacy. cost SPECIALLY PRICED .$!l."),iMHI. Large crew highway Cherry crop of near 7" from hipped Weber Marysvllh on Wilikeliueu begins work project. cars will be Davis and tmm Cotinites. Gunniso- n- State highway being sniveled and resurfaced. Coalville-Purcha- se f noSacre LiviiiKton ranch clears sit,, for Koho v. dam. Montitello L'mpiie (ins & Fuel Com-(anstrikes cood showing of oil on Have No Single Religion. "There Is no single religion of the American Indians. Instead the beliefs differed widely In different sections and among different tribes There was, however, a general similarity of views, and these were about what could have been expected from people of a relatively primitive degree of culture. Nowhere does what could truly be called the conception of a 'Great Spirit,' au overruling deity, This label is our pledge Authorized Ford Dealers thai the used Ford car you buy from us has been reconditioned to insure the maximum value for the money you invest in it. Gibson dome in Moh Hold. Montieello - Work under way on con-s- i met ion of road northward from Monticello. MURRAY AUTO COMPANY Salt Lake. City-St- ate road com mission authorizes expenditure of about S2.ihhi.imki within next twovears for connecting various links of state's ast west highways. ogde- n- I'nion l'acille new repair shops, with lto machinists. I'tah highway construction now r oim-ii- "Utsh's Oldest Ford Dealers" --J Vv w ' und r--t i a i ance- ! 1 r , -- 1 x . Mi - rvrv a vv YA- - . A i'if v No rain No wind U. x . A --S. x . , , J X can get through this roof! A real improvement a roof of shingles that dovetail together. Evtn lhe e KS T X g sHi-lmen- r--J r i V Salt Lake broken for 7ii.ikmi Wasatch ward chitel. Copperton -- Rids asked for build-nnew iflll.niMl scL.mI. Salt Lake City Commission votes jI.ihni for shade tr.i's. I'ulon rncitic .2,5in.ihni on Southern I'tah resorts. I'nion Pacific paid out $4. Ugdeu 17'i.ihni here last year, mostly in wages. I igilen - Weber River Water 1'sers will tinani-first ..'.( nhi.inn) unit of rreat Salt Lake Rusiu reclamation project. Salt Lake City old pner mill in in Cottonwood Canyon to be ininle into resort. North Reck Company will F.ureka retimber :ioi) t Rhu k Warrior shsft. SALT LAKK CITV. July tractive prizes are offered the women of of the stale for the best needlework exhibited at the 4'.ith annual I'tah State Fair. OcIoImt 1 to made was This nuiioiiceiuent I'.-li-e Manil. of L. by Mrs. Jennie .iiH'rvior of women's work and child welfare of the I'tah State Knir assoeial ion. All women Interested iii entering inhibits at the fair aie asked lo write to the Flan State Fair asociatio!i. Salt Luke City, for premium list details on premiums which handwork. Special are will le taken of all material entered, said Mrs. b'slie. have provided New j;la-- s ca-in which the material Is to U 1. Murray, Utah Age,,. HKRUUraSRTtlirKSK r anvj iw,kx. s way will cost .W.lTo.lXHI. Cellar City IVach shipments leglii, with imi-eacrop in prospect. City-Gro- vm: ' Phone Murray 68 un-!e- fir, TO RF.ST Many slates are oiling hundreds of miles of rocked roads, realizing that If they save the surface the road base will remain Intact for paving at a later date. h ' igilen on made Rapid progress .Impels in the 11th and Unh wards, to LAllf I labor-savin- Nearly 1. I'o nil h servics for Mrs. Anna J. Suiiilwiill, viilini of auto accident, July lib, was held at Fairvlew,' I'tah, Friday, July N, at 2 : H i p. m., George A. Jenkins, being In charge of the services. Interment was Jn the Fair-viecemetery. ldle-iie- I in the United States are untouched by SlMlWAl OF Ol III KS From a nation of few improved roads, the Failed Slates iu the last While lie millennium has not yet arten years lias developed the greatest men and groups oi' men are rived, In In will lead prices highway system lhe world. Improvement Just as we use power machinery for leali.'.iug that their own success and mean jreai impetus to I'tah lead mln-iiiall lines of inanul'.o luring ami for prosperity depend upon the success find prosperity of others. Manti- - Camp site at Trout Lake appliances in ihe homes s we turn to power machinery to elenred by volunteer hilmr. g(leu New TJ story First National develop our roads. ll ior cent An nvcrnuc of about Hank building opened. our Country s'ond.s annually for of people iu lale cities use street Salt Lake City raving - blocks on CMidy ami tobacco more than the cars as their ibiilv means of conNorth Main Ktr-c- t will cost $3K5.2-l(amount of its entire electric bill. Salt Lake Twenty-seventveyaie c. City Ward will build ."Puhhi recreation hall. . Sunken City No. 4 claim; inter-ciio- i s:;7"ol' E. 279.0 ft. to of said sideline of westerly with the Sunken City No. 2 claim sideline of said uortherl: thence City No 4 claim; ft. to corner No. 2, Sunken E thence S.3S47' No 2 claim; northerly Midlines of emerge. F 'aleiis Citv No- - 2, Sunken City No. "There were greater and lesser JUanl Sunken City No. C claims 1800 to be sure, but the characterspirits, No. 0 ft t() corner No. . Sunken City istic Indian belief Is In a multitude of City No. 0 spirits animating animals, objects and No. 4 Sunken the various forces of nature. Nor El S'3847' a?.n,? Ui'' were these spirits inherently good or Sunken of City sideline nortlierlv comer No. 3, bad, morally. They might help or No r, claim. Mis.a ft. to thence hinder the individual in his activities City No. 5 claim; Sunken 4 or So""'"' W. tKHi ft. to comer No. did the health, and whether thence one or the other was the they City No. 5 claim; Sunken test of their No. 1, corner V37':N W. 14!8.7 ft. to 'goodness' or 'badness' for him. Su'nk,n City No. 5 claim, indeutical "The primitive Indian has no con4 No. Sunken City No. 4, to comer of n hell ; nor is his entry into ception W. NJBMV an,, thence 1470.J tain, the spirit land dependent on his conSunken No. 1, coiner to ft lie enters it as a matter of of beginning. duct, No. 4 chiim. the ilace course, he believes, and continues The tuil area above acres there whatever activities have interrtirulnrly described is 101.171) exis there which ested him In this life. To some tribes from the this Is a 'skyland,' to others It is pressly excepted with urea in conflict merely a region of the earth, 'in the Arseuta I.Kle. Survey 2.54G acres west,' 'across the sea,' or 'beyond a river.' Others believe the villages of the dead to be near their villages but the ureii hereby elaini-nm- l Invisible. applitnl for . l :.. 98.033 acre . Believe in Magic. WMH , ciaim The Coiisoli.lated "Coujiled In the mind of the primiIn the N V. at.nlie.1 f..r i Indian with a lielief In many tive 13 K. S W. and S Eli of See. N is a belief in magic, through spirits aforesaid. and Range Township to which the spirits can be Influenced. locations known Tim n. ir.st claims ........ii.iui.ui are; The medicine men possessed the se...i.i 'Alexandria Nos. 1. 3 and 4 lodes. crets of such magic, It was believed, lode, and often Interceded. All Indians beSurvey c.:,.;o. and said Argenta Survev lieve In the possession of a soul which y.l.l F. TAYLOR leaves the body at death. They also Register. believe that it leaves at other times, and some tribes ascribe Illness to this absence of the soul. The services of SMOkh-TACAND WOODKN the medicine man are sought to reINDIANS cover the missing soul, lielief in fl on factories are poiuf: Sinoke.t:ok continuing soul did not lead to the w.iy , f the wMKlen Indians who stor-worship as among Kastern peo n4 to ciiiU-lliscigar stores. pies. do not "Most Indian mythologies In Cincinnati, as an example. Meral buildings have Uen concern themselves with creation; the that do not have stacks, and they assume the existence of mmim t! Its peopling and with deal and earth comit is ic$hvic four more will be with the origin of arts, customs and peted this siitnmer. rites. All these are supposed to have Klitniiiiiiioii of the smokestacks Is come by a sort of revelation. maile "Some tribes, however, especially by the brother utility i wrvievj. hiiiI Thp those of the Pacific coast region, do fanner furnishes the Ltt, while the have a creation myth. In some It Is Utter fniiiMie the'xwer and light. 'Old Man Above.' In others an animal such as the coyote or the silver fx. Stinks forth large volumes who makes a hole In the sky, comes "f Mii4.. imiy have syiidioll.od to earth and creates the animals and ,i iniiy in the past, but the men. Id some of these myths there l the fx!it ii, t, rpivts them as a menace. only water beneath the sky. but descending being creates lhe earth In the form of an Island which grows. Ir IH U.T IIK.HWAVS M ( ( F.SS Cis further imformation. Washington. M(1IIK wind can't force rain or snow throi:c;!i a roof of Barrett Self Spacing Giant Shinglci. We've seen a lot cf rcofings examined 1 : tvd them. And we ttanj itronly behind these nevv Barrett Asphalt Shinp.ks. They're proof against rot or rust conic in several h:.:.dioi.K" ee'en ci c nre soft tttrac'ive in price. Come in and ree them. th.m s t'PJ Nei(;blKr: "Sure looks lite a real roof." M.m on the job: "Ym, Sir. Sc how iKom sliinj,lei tlovrlad? Wind can't fore v.ilrr miik-- Vol and cuuc r ROOFINGS ,X ipetlil tr4tiir (it-- cif nt 1rrn IL." Slunglft Smith Hardware "The Winchester Store" 4814 South Slate St. Murray, Utah es ebH-trlclt- NERVOUS A UYSPEP5IA1 Sufferers from nervous dyspepsia need a medi- C s. , .Curt nidi vvuic ..all mil soothe and quiet nerve centers. Dr. Mile Nervine 19 a of jficuVitie proven value n nmous dyspepsia and fnany other nervous dis- 0rri. live firt full bOttlr is guaranteed to help you or your a money Will be rcfui nded. i VrTou-nr.- n, KleWmfHIl, Kmusu,,.,,; Sraifi j ''ttBlkiia, ?! ,Mf 1 J' m "i !,,. ft sample m LUkart, Ind. MgH. MILES' .bdmiina Voiiiigdnle, who has assistant siiHrvisor of tl.l- - department f"r fourteen years, will; Mis. bei-- asist Mrs. im t the great Karly judications est fail ever held llilhe state, ill lhe, number, quality and variety of ei iliihits, and those in charge of the! Unit women's division are coiilbb-n- t ! oxectl..i! n will this dcpntlnieiit j Morality Well Developed. "Morality and ethics were well de Indians Teloreil among American sense of con They have a strong rclence and many individuals are The tribal mo strikingly who Hod. failed He was strict. rality to keep Ills promises, or Hole within the tribe was disgraced. Murder, too, was punished. War removed ethical barriers among Indian ns It ha It s. among most people In all hd Indian the for virtue then became a to kill Ms enemies and to take their ( AMKKON ll.VKN l ameroii Hansen, Hen P1K t'. for R HarrieM, r deputy db-- sheritl under KnSaturday at his residon.f. i' He South sirwt. jhlrtv third a sou l,,n at Murray. May 21. WM. i) Slevei-ob"" !'1'111'' "' of I la" Hanson. Mr He is survived by bN widow, sous, two Phoebe Hansen, and both t and Ardei, 1'. llnn-- n. . daughtei-si and of l.o Ancles, MnrJ-ri- e, Mrs. Thelm.l liny. F.velyn, and lteverly ij.aelle. Max Hansen. Ills mother. Mrs. Josephine ' Hansen, ami a grandchild broilers. -' til..With vj'vr. together Clifford and Amos Han-eRui-cif sister-- . Mr- -. Fffle ll.dllim f..,-,,,,,,1 Hl!r. R.Hkbmd, Idaho; Mr. Nettle ttfl I.r. and Mrs, Tb'M-rI'unbip Mrs. City. Knows., of Knn-i- is -t property. "On the whole, the Indian's re described m llglous beliefs limy be as spring and being wholly practical lios Inn from fear of the more or lcs surround that nature of tile force M him. Ills various riles arose from ad tnke to or efforts to propitiate vantngp of these forces." t'l ,r a cavalr) Washington. -L- acking one might be troop and feellne that Unite,! Fifleenth the of Ofllceri useful. of th. State! Infnntry. ptinrdlng part In China, Imy Tientsin i'eklng railway with tholi Improvised a mounted outfit foot toldiers. four men oi One fllcer ind thirty were tol-company the beadguarters an mounts off for this duty. Their i Mongolian poiilon. which rnngo froii-1- wnp lmnds In bright and to about 700 pounds In weight. The Fifteenth Infantry hond.junrter. been trained b company platoon U In horseman M. Henderson Cant IL patrolling drill, ihip, cavalry flghttnn with frequent practice marches of 18 to 40 ullea. 14 Riding i. K(OlK(.F. n6 n,..ii. v. MF.VT - .re every pro,.oef. but there vest mine etitrr-,ises- . "f legitimate ,hkMn.H would li"iil repay ,,.,,k,' an.l Sedan Kvcn though production is greatest in Essex history, demand is so large that vc must handle all At print f fth fvrtxr ptus war mm M . i- -a x o: E S SEX Super-Si-x FRANK C. HOWE T1,"-- Indu-tr.- v msn's t with n streight. and work: H bikes courage It builds as ell Bnd intelligence. Hut n, Hly and purse. lh-- . t !.! wan "4t;f uniiidncy, marKing puuiin lt artner tnan cvcr above all comparison. pui-oi- deliveries on the basis of priority of orders. l a Pm. Spvrdahout I7M 4.pm. spreitrr. . us S"Cri m 2 MINIM4 1NAKST nrkf Ibe Wet ll.ed It would be uhwIm to In The loin flying New advantages never associated with this - n. Form "Cavalry Troop" in China; Uie Ponies Inutile Spotlight highest public ftwor ofmore than ever is like Phone Murray 3. Vine and State Street! |