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Show ( GOOD GOODS CHEAP. I Where Bargains Greet the Buyer f Goods More out of J Good Goods Cheap. - j!- OUR NEW BIG Place to. th, incubator. STORE thn ev,r cannot kep ths crowds away. It m an incurable d:aw with us to ell cheap. W can't balp it. Vfa pre iuhi that's what draws ths crowd. new Whisprine candidly to you, we hats ths largest and most couplet stock of and reliable Merchandise eer shown in Salt Lake City, and ws are selling it at our quiok-sho- t prices. If you want old styles, shop worn goods that hats laid on shelves for ths past five years don't ooms to us; ws don't keep that kind. Soma high prices that do the business for of the other fellows do. It's their old-tim- e them. Oor Motto is to Forge to the Front In this Hot Age of Hustling And Competition. You must have that determined will in your business, like Caesar. Msk mind to burn your bridges behind you and make retreat forever impossiyour up ble. We have nailed our Cash Banner over our door, as Nelson nailed his flag U the mast, determined to sink our ship it we cannot conquer. Here are prices that are I : tbey last you get 'em; When they are gone you'll Miss'ein: "While 1 V world-beaters- Boo pairs of the celebrated Best Calico made ...... 40 Best Riveted Overalls S9o Levi StrauBS overalls... 49c Men's working pants, 890 4-Good outing flannel Men's $1.50 fur hats 98c ol Men's clay worsted Douglass day this week between the hours of 10 and 11 and 3 and i o'clock, ws will sell these famous $3 and 13.50 shoes, every Shoes at wi nni all-wo- 115.00 suits S2.69 A PAIR. 9 k. Don't buy shoes until you par us a visit. It takes but a tew moments to g by I 1 .fi.to here is as well wVAc?'' Cornish and Indian Games. The Indian Game has ninny fine qualities to recommeij it to the breeder, and for many yaarj past has beer, one of the most popuUr of fowls. Ir withplumage the male is out penciling; the Hugs, chestnut, with bay and metallic Mack wing bar; the feathers of the Hfclc hackle are , Bhort and hard, with delshafts. The pluicate crimson-brow- n mage of the hen ls verr difficult to ob- green-black- 1 shoes. FOR SALE BY Bale this week: 85c shoes for 50 $1.25 shoes for 750 $1.75 shoes for. BIG BOSTON STORE. . 2 00 $4.00 shoes for 2-4- w - To rtad is to art There is Economy in every line of tliis Week's Bargain Bulletin. To act is to save money. BUT BE EARLY. BIG BOSTON STORE. South "West Temple Street, next to Poetoffioe, I6 SALT LAKE CITY. Cornish Indian There are several ways of getting K attention. You can attract it, draw it, plead for it, ask for it insist on it, end com- BEST DINING CAR mand it Which would you rather do with your printed announcement? Everyone who makes things to sell or who does things for money, baa something to say to the public. The way that you say it, is as portant at least as what you say. What you say is your part. The way you say it is cura. im- Frinting that cannot be turned SERVICE-BUFFE- LIBRARY ELEGANT should be a combinWiek5l and green-blac- k throagtout, green Along thi breastbone predominating. of both male and female the feathers part and allow the skin to show Just at or above the upper part of the keel-bon-e. This is a distinctive feature of the breed, and shows from the tim the chicks shed the down. T SMOKER. EQUIPMENT-CHAI- Ticket and Passenger Office 100 West Second South, Masonic Block. WALTEH B. TOWNSEND, Trav. Passenger Agent. E. DRAKE, Trav. Passenger Agent. or overdown, mislaid, looked is the kind we do. It is distinguished printing printing that not only may, but which d mm Are not these the chnrncteristics you want in your printing? Then come in and talk to us about the TIME TABLE. IN EFFECT APR. next booklet, folder, circular or other E printed thing. We have just received a supply of new type of all the latest faces and can satisfy every taste and style known to the trade. We have hundreds of cuts of every description and can illustrate American Eagle Printing Co, your business of whatever kind. t. 1902. DKPAKT. For (Vlon, Cache Valley, Omaha, C'hlflllfO. Kansas City, St. Louis and inUTtii''!i:it. potnw 7 00 a FordKili n. Huut Helena, l'on land, San Krunvisco and ltiturmcdiaUj 9:46 a m points For Ok'iirn, Omaha, Oilcnuo, I)"nvcr, ....-- , v uj, una Mm louis Vranoisoo 12.60 n m For (ih.Ipii. lenvr. Knnsa City, Omaha, . St IjiihIn anl'liii'iiirt. 6 ' 00 pm For ( W.li-n. liulte, U.lptia, l'ortland, San Kramlsoo and liilcrniliute 10:60 points...... p m'' Fnr I intlc, Mrrrur, Provo, Ni:bpl and Msntt pw i For 'rovo, Nrphl, Milford, end 7,05 n m p.uni nu'rin'niaip KorGurlleld Ucach. Tooele andTcr. minus. 7 ; AKUIVE. ! From VnVn. Portland, Spokane, Hi.tte. Helens and San Franrlm-. M From tirilen 9.10 a m From fViien Chicago. St I,onla, Kan- , uiv, unrnni, Denver end San 9 n Kranelsco From Pr;Mon. Locan, llrli-'liKSan r reneiHco, UKurn ana 0:50 p m points... From IVIen. Ilutlo. rorllanil and San FranrWco g ln m From i'olieine.MIIfonl.ephl. Provo ann Ititernieoiate poltils 9 lt!S ft m From Tinttiv a r ., ... and Netihl From ilarllcld lleach, Tooele ami ' 00 n m 'jeni.iniiH TrnlriH Hriween Milford and Frlwo do not run sunla Daiiv rxrrpt Sundays. T. M. Sf KrMA' lli:i n. F. llT'Rr.FY ." i. Art luiT Vr. j. V S. sl'b.N. FU, A. O. V. AT. a'. . . THE BEVEL PHOTO GALLERY 13 GIVING ATTENTION Views g Homme EXCLUSIVELY TO Photography And can be present at any required moment by leaving notice either at the Eagle office or at my residence in Murrny. . . City TMu't OtVwo Telephone No. All Work Strictly First-Cla- ss stomach, bowel troubles, sick headache "dys- liver and and con- stipation. jet No other single remedy hns been found Binee the twilight of medibal history which is capable of so much good to so do-.- ng large a majority of mankind. AT DRUGGISTS. packet is enough for an ordinary occasion. The family bottle, sixty cents, contains a supply for a year. The five-ce- nt Balm of Figs the Greatest Uterine Cure. It will entirely cure the worst forms of femule compluiuts, all ovarian troubles, inthiimiiaUoo and ulceration, falling The opportunity 1b and displacement of the womb and conla It wise to pay rent I yours, You Fitted only To pay iutorestt weukness and is peculiarto invftBliat to be- sequent spinal To dopemt upon a come convinced. ly adapted to the Change of Life. landlord's whiui&T Alnke your own choice It has cured more caBes of backache To live in the. fear of of anoniB- As mud nut and palatial and Leueorrhoe than any other remedy foreclosure? yuti rifMr. In any Would it not be well the world hns ever known. It is almost locality you winh. T ho 10 yars find 8 infallible in such cases. It dimolvesand to own jour own tlio montliH to return home? litirchttfee price. Jiy expels tumors from the uterus in an To be independent our plan avoid payearly stage of development, and checks and free? ing lnUirtwt. any tendency to cancerous humors. Irregular, suppressed or painful menWE WILL buy the Homo for you. Pubs upon and guarantee the Title bloating, flooding, nervous struation, Protect you in case of stcknetsB or prostration, headache, general debility yields to it. Womb troubles, causing pain, weight Call at Room 620 Dooly block, or at the Eng!e offic for circulars or Call on Michael Muubb, who hiiB received hit loan and see what he say b and backache, instantly relieved and and Guaranteed Satisfactory. PATENTS 1it. i: s, llr"l- U n. t, ho...!, 1:1 ' ' "" u mi ' Main St. Strength of Anceitry. To have a strong breed of fowls we must have birds bred up from strong ancestors. In our present knowledge of the different breeds we cannot tell just what the comparisons between the different breeds are in this respect. Doubtless as time goes on we will have tests to discover these relative facts. There is a strong impression that one breed is much stronger than another breed, but we have no definite data to back up these rather vague impressions. In a small way we can tell something about the strength of ancestry In individual strains. Thus, if we have had In our flocks rather weak birds and have permitted thera to reproduce themselves and have seen the same weakness in their progeny we know that the proper strength ls lacking for the development of a proper strain of valuable birds. The best we can do ls to watch these birds and weed them out of the flock. If e cure a sick bird, that bird should never again be permitted to lay eggs for hatching purposes. The very fact that she has been sick makes It probable that she lacks in hardiness. Spraying to Thin Fruit Trees sprayed at the time they are in bloom will not pet as much fruit as those sprayed either before or after blooming. The pollen that 1b struck with any sprays of common strength is doomed practically. It may put out a feeble effort toward germination. When tree3 are sprayed. In blossom of course the pollen In a good many flowers escapo, for thu reason that all flowers do not open at the same time and many will r ot have opened sufficiently to receive the siiray. It has been suggested that tfcla Is a good way to thin tho fmlt on trees. Tho suggestion has bran cntcrtrJned by scientists, and If it Is ever put into practice It may result In the finding cf an easy method of thinning. At the present time thinning is not generally practiced on ncroiiiit of the immense amount of w rk required and because at the end of the season the added value of tho applog Is almost offset by tho cost or tldntilng. Men dislike to do work ti at give9 them no gain. In tue rase of peaoheg, thinning pays even w hen m"n liave to be employed to do tho thinning. There Is ona atlvantare In nttenptlng hu thin by means of liMltig tho pollen in some of the bloK(iiiis, aod that B u)e r. regularity with vLldi the fruit would set. Hand work do- u the business tn the most approved fashion leaving Inloi'Vnln. tno fruit at ex- periments that we to prove the as a thinner of frint. tempted of uhie mV(, f Spry T TV eetVil n. I'.mm1 (;tun. Iil 1'etroil. permanently errmt brwnQWtnioreT ' o .,. nut-bro- CARS FREE. must be seen printing which doesn't simply atk, but which demands and commands attention. fame betfc. tain in accord with tlieitandard, and CHICAGO Qommanding Attention. business-bringin- pepsia, tmligest'on, hich cures w SUBMITS A POINTER TO YOU. $3.00 shoes for 212-H-- the siipreeie remedy $1-0- 1 2.00 shoes for the Buyers, Tubules hold their place cs THE NATIONAL HOMESEEKERS ASSOCIATION t'2.50 shoes for "Where Bargains Greet IupfinB t jreen-blac- k men's and Children's cample shoes on J? custom-mad- e 90 490 .33o A AAA AAAA iAAA AM convince you bow much oheaper we are than others. 4,000 pairs of Men's, Wo- S to $7- - For style, com-Rfort, and service, they u a cannot be surpassed ff ....$4.95 Bnoes It will pay you to examine the W. L. Douglas shoes, and see for ; yourself that they are Just as I good in every way as those for ff B which you have been paying u $7.95 Men's suits Men's working shirts E Men's heavy shirts Men's fleeced underwear Under most lrrun:3taiii'es a riv.a'.. building out of i)ur ls the Ll.tit .aic in which to lane t. e juclibaU)t during the time li t t0 be )u o;)0iatsoL This place is lecesty as a safo guard against (ra. mere might hi times when it iott:a be more a.lvau tageously local 4 tB the BOU3e were it not for the oi;gw frora flre. Tht objection to an mr Duii(jiug, bow ever, lies in thf&ct tbat the ,emper-aturis very liveable uuless tht won built building is excpUonaly Where a good uasy chii ks are to bt raised or where te inoulators are to be kept lB nlce for eom months at a COUstnu-tiuieiiing cd partly below Wc groUI;j i8 best. have seen such that na,i i,t.pr. Constructed at a aviate cost. Tin lower walls went tle or sx f00t be low Hip surface 0! the ground, ano consisted of costreie to the thick ness of a foot or mora, in such cases the floor was of coaereto and the second floor of boarding ony a ghort distance above the pound. The upper portion of suet building can hi used for the storagj0f food and the like. The lower m, iu which arc placed the incubato fan l0 kept at a very even tempeuturo. The cellar of the residence U hardly the placo for incubators, 00 account of the, dampness of the cellars as ordinarilj constructed, and fte Uaitger of fires above mentioned. 1 ! A tablosspriMif :ll four or five tho colyrci easier. 1: ; f Urns!). n,lr, ef 'tirrh (; s;uih'i ''lotliei ' (o n,.,,, iron national homi;si:i:ki:ks ASSOCIATIUX OF CHICAGO. Western Depository Walker Bros. Iiank, Salt Lake City. State Headquarters and Office 620 Dooly Block, Salt Lake City. f VERY LOW n WHY NOT? A TRIP EAST. EXCURSION RATES CHICAGO ST. LOUIS, KANSAS CITY.OMAHA AND POINTS EAST The Rocky Mountain Limited" and "The Colorado Flyer" No .M73. "f tl"1 Interior, I.nnd Ollice at Bait l.nKol ny. Utah. June lit, hvi. i lu'H'hy jtm'n tliat tlio following N(.ti' naniB.1 (wttlur Iiuh iilcii notic of hi. intention to makn tiiia) proof in support of hi. claim, and that sai't proof will Ih m.'nlo lt'fore tlio Kki1-- tr 10 ami Hecivt'r, I niuxl Siatos Lfind Otlice at S Salt Lake ( itv, I tnli, on Aiwuat Itt, li-2-. Tit: John Kk. if. t. No. l l.'iii-- , iiui.il Jiiiik l lull, for tho (M'tithca-- t (joarltT of nortliiwt ijaarter, 1o(h5 an! ti, nertion 7 anil lot 12, paction ri. Colo. titwanhip a South, rani' 2 Wo-- t, S. h, M., L'twh. lit toouHH tlio following wi!ii''Hc tot,rovo hi. cotit muous r'i'h'aco upon and cal(iatioa u! said latol, Tiz: 1 rfH. llariltu.in, John A. Cmiu, Depnrtmi-n- t Oi nver, HAL S. KAY, Geit'l Afi't., IS Ladies, please call ca Mrs. Willumsen, for a free eight days trial of the remedy. NOTICE l'OK I'UHLIC&TION. Luncheon Best Diiiiug Cur Service. MiJ-da- y Fifty Onts. XV For full information, address I 111. Two Mghts to New York, Boston and to Chicago and St. Louis. Atlantic Coast Points. One Night all oirounistauees it acts in harmony with the laws that govern the female system, and is as harmless as water. It quickly removes that bearing-dowfeeling, extreme lassitude, "don't care" and feeling, excitability, irritability, nervousness, dizziness, faintness, sleepnessness, melan-choll- y or the "blues" and backache. These are sure indications of female weakness, or some derangement of the uterus, which this medicine always cures. It at once cures both male and female of Piles in their worst form. No other female medicine in the world has received such widespread and unqualified endorsement. No other medicine Iihs such a record of cures of female troubles, Those women who refuse to accept anything else are rewarded a hundred thousand times, for they get what they ivant a cure. Sold by Mrs. M. A. Williamson, manager of the branch ollice in Murray, for the Woman's Mutual Benefit Co., Joliet, ;ino W. t'tMin. William J.Miiiins, hll of I'.itor P. O., Salt Laka county, L'tatt, Fl' VN K T. IIOR11H, Rpgintor. E. E, liOHH, Ally, for Claimant. Restaurant Lamb's Hotel VM. LAMB, Jul Proprietor.; Ct THE GREAT JUNE CLOTHING SALE Bj H I Eestaiiraut iu the City. . . LTHUYTIIINO CLEAN1 AND NEAT, LIGHT AND CHEERFUL ROOMS. 1 HATCS LY THE WEEK OR MONTIL Lava accommodationa to I'leiwo all. AT TUB POPULAR Tho Largest and Ocst Cup of Coffee in tho Cit7. itSrCall uiid wo will vlnmi yoa. Jones Block, Murray, Utah; Jj) PRICED-CLOTHIER- Tom & Jerry, li.3 n s'P i (J 5) 'I ON IN FULL BLAST .. .South Main Street. Any f 15 or $10.50 Suit In tho Houso, Heavy or Light, to go at J Poa't SIO.OO wait tix) long NOW. got jour choic Our Big Khirt ?a'n continues all the month. All 1 Shlrla to clo at COo. If. .fe I. Collar Cuffs 2v.'o a piiir. 1 ply Linen lOo each. |