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Show UTAH BUDGET! ORNAMENTS AMERICAN &DOY SCOUTS FOR AMERICA'S CHRISTMAS The gradual tljrhten'ng of the coal restrictions oa ; Utah manufacturing clunts continues, with do immediate reUef In sight. ; Preliminary plan for the celebration of tlx cowing of tbe railroad to Salt Lke fifty years ago were made at a neCting held last week. Lthl baa announced tha . biggest buUdlng program in Its history during ' the comlur season. Including the es tablishment of a civic center. Vetera oa of Utah Indian war who hsve lost their medals may secure new medals for $2X0, It has been an nounctd by the secretary of state. Tha JJephl Irrigation company has filed aa amendment to Its articles of Incorporation, which virtually means the reorganization of the company. The president bus sent to the sen ate the nomination of , Isaac Blair Kvans to be United States attorney for the district of Utah, to succeed W. W. Kay, resigned. Articles of Incorporation were filed with the secretary of state last week by the Tremonton Mill k Elevator company, with an authorized capital -stock of 130,000. rr7 three-day conference of the Utah's ' intercburch world movement , ended December 10. The meetings were held at Salt Lake, and more than 200 delegates came from over the state to at tend. . 7:7 The state road commission "has warded to the Heiselt Construction company the contract for grading the approaches to the overhead bridge over the Bamberger Electric railway tracks at Fannlngtea. Wages lo&t through strikes In the mining indusUf In Utah the past year amounted to S&825 a day for a period of forty daya, making the loss $133,' 000. The loss td the industry was 1517,242, a total loss of $07012. .. Horse-draw- n vehicles and bicycles will not be required to carry red tail lights at night In Ogden.: This was the announcement of the city commission' era In denying the request for the ac tion from the merchants of Ogden, . Many prosecuting attorneys of the counties and cities and towns of Utah were present at the meeting at Salt Lake last week when methods of fight ing the high cost of living, and espe cially profiteering, was taken up. Declaration of the principles of a new Utah society called tbe Patriotic league, organised to promote Amer Icanlsm and respect for law and order, was made to Salt Lake fiotarians at their weekly luncheon last week. Development of the Uintah basin and tbe opening up of this great empire by the construction of a railroad Into the basin Is an assured fact, de clares Governor Bamberger, who has just returned from a six weeks' visit In the east Ogden's coal committee for six weeks, the chairman of the committee announced a few days ago. It is said that It will take about six weeks' for conditions to become normal, even If tbe miners return to work s' Immediately.,'- - v.-';.7:'v The Industrial commission of Utatt has commuted to a lump sum payment of $1309.54, (he award due to Dominic Q. Grece, an employee of the track department of tbe Utah Light at Traction company, who lost his right eye in an accident September 23. , J. CL Diermeyer, alien enemy, ; who escaped from the Fort Douglas' war prison compound by crawling through a tunnel built by the prisoners more than three months ago, waa returned to the prison camp, following his arrest in Los Angeles a few days ago. ,' Jefferson Howell, for whom the Salt Lake police have sought for eighteen months, wanted as a bank robber, and alleged to have been active in the stealing of gold bullion from miners throughout the northwestern states. Is la custody In hospital at Treka, Cat One of the largest financial transactions ever consummated in the beet sugar industry of the state waa closed last week, when the Great Basin Sugar company, a Delaware, corporation, look over all of the assets of the Delta Beet Sugar corporation of Utah for a i consideration of $1,600,000. Losses caused by Industrial troubles In Utah within the last year have cost the state $334,633. XI en In miscellaneous trades have lost $2187 a day for a period of ninety-thre- e days. This means a total wage loss of $203391. The grotis lose to Industry baa been $120,000, a total of $32439L jjonfeealoa. that as far aa be can remember be has swindled thirty-sevebanks in all parts of the ' United State out of amounts ranging from $300 to $100 the last three years was made by a man giving the name of William Gordon French, 61 years ot age, who was arA . rested last week. The western passenger bureau announces a rate of a fare and one-thir-d on the certificate plan from all points In Utah on account of the annual meeting of tbe Utah Educational association. The dates, of sale will be December 18 to December 23, Inclusive. . The systematic theft of about $2500 worth of articles . from the Ogden Wholesale Drug company was disclosed In the arrest at Ogden of Leo Jordan, S9 years of age, order-clerfor tht company. Appointment, of.. a., Utah, fair , rice 1 . nt I,. power to form wim .vuimiuro, an for every county la the etate is urgwd on Governor Bamberger by a resolution unanimously adopt-e- d at a meeting at Salt Lake, at which oflVlal rerre.eutatrres from a large onmber of the. counties, cities and tswns of the stats were present. . ' (CondncUd by National Council . Box Bcouti of America.) Christmas GiTb Wire, pkoo or write us for wbl yoa wast La Jewehry, waUbes er allverware. ' et the ..' . , LEGION BOY BACKS BOYDPARK SCOUTS , v; - e . 1 tlb n " k SALT IAU CITY IB4 MAM CTRIET The war work ef the boy scouts has Wilson, President been commended by General Pershing, Mr. McAdoo and a number of others, but the praise they appreciate the most Js perhaps the ' praise of the soldiers and sailors who I'M served in the ranks, and for whose y-rY- ' sake tbe boys expended their ef' - ' ' forts. . SoVd. An aikkw Inltd, f Write for jriew-S7.S- -U mIiOO. It was with a knowledge of this fact, Utah Office Sdbol Scpplj and with the desire to assist in reXW.ad Sooth. Salt iMhm fclty. Utak cruiting sddltional scoutmasters that Post 61, Philadelphia, of the American Legion, went to the Pennsylvania state convention in Harrisburg with the de' . , sire to nave the boy scouts work off' Tire" icially indorsed by the great soldiers Tikt Tin Storrt of I'tah. a tioo.do and sailors' organisation. tkm, are opening lu tire wHma in the ttstcot Utah. They want live wire buaiixw ma, The following resolution, introduced t nm r mimammmmmmmKmiummmmammmimM Trunin n i .ronwi itiiMiitMMmmmtimmmmKmmmmmmmmM inffllfi,nMi in cither cxperiotocd or inrzprriecccl in the lire Post 61, was formally adopted by by bawtm, toepes ops branch tnmu thn city. " 7" Tbe - An Inurestlng photograph showing American girls In an American factory making American Chnsrmas tree ornaTire Store of t Un wtU eoMiuct a retail Uie state cantonment: ehaia of atorea, icllint Sret and erond tire at ments from American material colored with American dyes. Experiments. for the past three years have shown that the The Boy Sconta of Amerreatly reducrd prior. Thrae tire are all aa can as these for 130 to mm mile, and are trinkets eaaranteed Geiroany. , successfully , Unltedjtates jnake ica have deserved the commendation from the world' tartext tire jnbber im activtheir for at of the country Chicavoand New York at tor bottnmprin. large Th i iaa wonderful opport uni iy for ON K M A N War loan numerous drive. the ities in their" homeland and those who bavs is thi city to get ia oa this proowkkxi with acall and Moderate iBetaeitt. If yoa are intrmrtrd, Chest patriotic campaigns, died since their arrival. It vlll be seen wire, telephone or addreaa AU RF.INSBKHO, have and without exception, tivities, President Tire Store of Utah, l Recent that there are fewer than 1,000,000 forStreet. Salt Lake City. Utah. Ail application proved themselves to be 100 per cent mer subjects of the kaisei In this counwill be eonaidtred ia the order received there It be test Americans by every try who have not been here more than fore.' " " sore-tba- w 26 years.-- Of 8,000,000 peofirst Pennsylthe That "Resolved, AFTER SLEEP OF CENTURIES ple of German birth and Immediate vania state cantonment of tn Amerancestry jraong najfewjtfiatt LOCO, apunanimous extend the ican Legion OfiO fail to have the background of May Be Said to Have Rs preciation of Its organlratlon of the Eseleaiastle bein residence a birth or America with less little and ,than 4,000,000, long A turned te Earth for a Few Ireland and Britain Contributed Mid pledge to .America of Scouts Boy hind them. Scandinavia, with something lees than in Brief Moments. them Its most hearty 2,000.000. have together with Germany, 8,400,000; Germany "It is interesting to note tbe other whatsoever.'' way every more contributed than half of the total foreign elements that have entered :: There waa a little gathering in the 6,000,000. immigration to our shores' since the Into the makeup of American populagreen graveyard .of an old priorr ITALIAN SCOUTS HONORED tion since 1776. More Irish people have beginning of the Revolutionary war. church. There was the .rector and a& "When we take the German Immi- crossed the seas to become part of us old antiquary in; rusty black," a' .few On the very site where once ChrisUXE IT III KIST03Y gration to the United States between than have remained behind. " neighboring wild squires, the county police- -' of aa the were offered 1770 and 1800 and compare it with that tiana prey "Austria-Hungarstands next on the sexton and a laborer or the sergeant from other countries, a somewhat list of contributors to the Immigrant beasts to amuse the Roman populace, while an ancient stone cofflni retwo, Caesar when Roman in coliseum, the In an startling result, and one usually unsus- stream that has flowed from Europe Interesting Facts Brought Out sacrificed the faithful to satisfy a cently unearthed, lay on the ground. Analysis of Immigration and the -F- pected, Is disclosed. The total arrivals to America. v "Who do you suppose It 1s. profesIn of aliens those 114 years aggregated ber pagan lust a Christian service has at sor T Element In Popu-oreign-Born "Italy has sent . us enough-o- f : re Inquired the rector. was celebrated 15,689,000, of whom more than 6,000,. people to duplicate the population of last been held. It ; latlon of Country. The old man In black polished his tbe boy scouts of of In 000 were British and Irish and 5,125,. Montana, Wyoming. memory cently Idaho, Oregon, glaasee and adjusted, them carefully, ' 000 were Germans, which shows that Nevada, Utah, Colorado, Arizona and the Italian army who lid done mesj Washington. "High hope for the pro- one must be Thomas peBoehm's," he-- i were and fiont. service at the senger alien of every three arriving New Mexico, while England's and Scotposed Americanization program is held in Americabut, "Thomas who was prior here la said, during more than a cen- land's contribution, 8,889,000 In all, toout by a study of the remarkable way j the time of Henry III, about 122V But service wsp used for the altar The our of was existence tury a German, gether with Ireland's 4.500,000, gives the United 8tates has absorbed the v;:- : :r Trenda Different 8lnce 1830. 4 a total of 8389,000, or plenty to popu- nne which had been carried by the iwe amazingly Urge foreign element of Its cam 7 A bush, felt on the group ss the men. . armies Italian many through 1800 "Since been the has trend ot west states of the very late all lying population," says a-- bulletin from the different With more paigns In the Alps and was placed In sst to work with hsmmer and chlsej. than' 17.000,000 Texas and the Dakotaa. National Geographic society. "AH ready Jthe sexton" reported the west end of the coliseum. The since arrivals . Immigrant that "The Russians who come to have date, In describing the volume of this InMonti wr.a ever service presently. They took ofl their hats and. by presided only 1,023,000 have been Germans. If our shores number 8,419,000. They flux, not generally realized, which waa from who held the rank ot the policeman removed bis helmet The Bertolomast, this number one-hal- f a could deduction proper tbe of replace popula halted by the European war, the bul- Is general In the Italian army, being the ponderous lid was slowly pushed aside-anmade' for thoee who returned to tlon of New England." letin quotes from a communication to chief chaplain to the Italian forces. ; they were gating at the calm, the society as follows: ' The Immense ruin of pagan days strong face of an ecojeslastlc In rich was filled with people. Detachments of silk vestments, wrapped la his T0h "Who can estimate our debt to immi. million, people boy econts occupied the Central pnrt years' sleep. gration 1. Thirty-thre- e a of the have made the long voyage from alien days It's building, ' murmured, the Thomas," Tes, Jaaxan ' 'paee ; :. need .for the- mm.----Ai.zz.i. shores to our own since it was pronrofeeeor,' with the air of sns recog. .j.w v After the mass Monsignor Bertolo-mas- t claimed that all men are born free alslng an old friend. "Very like the TcbacM" Quid llontenejrin,; delivered a stirring sermon, in contemporary portrait on the vellum.' and equal, and liberty's eternal" fire to get ber over the many mountamJ which he drew attention to the change As they, .continued to gaze, spell- - . was kindled first on American soil t Remedy for Wound. to In was able which human . moveno thought similar a weird thing happened. records rangea. bound, c'.'1, ."History In another instance a farmer carried convert this pagan amphitheater Into a ment of population which In rapidity gradually lost their, colorwife on his back a Christian temple. or volume can equal this, Compared Charms for Ills Lose Ground When his typhus-effflcteing and then all that the coffin condistance of 63 miles and at the end of Red Cross Aids Suffering to it, the hordes that invaded Europe tained crumbled before, their eyea te at -r mere handful of ashes. from Asia, great and enormoua aa they ; f the Journey feU exhausted on the steps, . Mountaineers, , , SAVES BOY. INJURED, SCOUT of the Red Cross hospital. He was re"Dust todust" whispered the recwere, viere Insignificant "Of the JB.000,000 who have, come American warded for his labors, however, foui While S3 scouts from Council Bluffs, tor. Nlegosh, Montenegro. more than 14,000,000 still live among physicians doing relief work In Monte- weeks later by the complete recovery Ia were on a hike a boy came runVery subdued snd . silent the ' Tlmws. dlspersed.--Londoas, and their children and children's negro tell of some curious methods of of his wife. Into out had he camp crying ning that, children are now In good truth bone of treatment employed by the inhabitants shot his companion, Loren Davidson. our bono and blood of our blood. ' of this little mountain country. When Five scouts were detailed, and left PHANTOM GAVE GOOD eU) VICE ."Not long ago America crossed tbe a Montenegrin la wounded the first on a run for the scene of the accident CAB BREAKS HEART OF hundred .million line In the number of thought of the natives is to apply a mile away. They used first aid, two Apparition That Appeared te French KING EDWARD'S HORSE Its citizens, and It Is Interesting to chewing tobacco, horsehair or a fresh of them applying k ' tourniquet and Shepherd Was Possibly Seme note the composition of that popula- rabbit skin with the hair facing Inside. his back, while two others dressing te the Leprechaun. ' t - Paria. Minora, pet- - racer of : Common Ink Is considered a sovereign tion. . made a stretcher and the fifth sped ' . , " 11,000,000 Colored People. remedy for burns. To stop bleeding the late King Edward, the only away to bring a doctor to tbe camp. Every Irinhiuaa can tell yoa about s horse that ever won a Derby for The trip with tf e wounded boy on the Leprechaun, the little man begin with, there are 11,000,000 sores or wounds cobwebs are used. When a person Is bitten by a dog, the colored people, Including negroes, the royal bouse of Windsor, Is the stretcher wa made In S3 minutes. red with peaked cap. end in Chinese, etc.- - Then there are favorite remedy is to pull off the anidead In Paris. He --died of a At the camp a bed had been made of f liven In the ditches. - Only one person blankets.: ' Another scout had telebroken heart It was the King's 1400,000 people of foreign birth mal's ear and rub the wound with It can see him at a time, and If be doe The patron saint of Montenegro la among ua. In addition to these, there phoned the hospital to have the oper- catch sight of him, must never take dying request that Minora never Saint Vascllla, whose shrine Is situatare 14,000,000 children of foreign-borshould be sold. But Lord Beree-ford'- s ating room ready. When the doctor his eyes off for a slngls moment. fathers and mothers and 600,000 chil- ed on the summit of a mounts In became he said that if the scouts had Watching him carefully, he must run stable manager disregard- -' fathers and na- tween Podgorltxa and Nlkialc. Every dren of foreign-bor- n been 13 minutes Inter lr finding the snd catch him. and If he succeeds la ed thla wish and sold the magtive vice versa. When all of these have week - thousands of devout Montenenificent steed for a song. Minoinjured boy and giving him aid he doing so the Leprechaun will ransom been deducted ,rom the 100,000,000 grins come to this mountain shrine ra stood bis new job onr day-t- hen would have died. himself by leading his: captor to a The scouts sent a bouquet of flowers he lay down and died. only 04,000.000 'remain of full white seeking cure for their ills. creek ot burled gold. At least so runs ' But since the arrival of the Amerinative ancestry: to the patient and on hearing how the legend. "let the 8.1000,000 American people can physicians the pilgrimages to the very serious the case was, they asked 8ome yesfs sge a French shepherd who are of foreign stock that la, for- ancient shrine have not been so numerpermission to hire a trained nurse for of Aveyron lost two sheep. The' folVictims of Smash Rode to Safety. . a week. eign born or tbe children of a foreign-bor- n ous. For the natives have found that lowing evening a figure In a black robe-anMlchv most some can include Ills be of the cured nearer much their Coldwater, Ewept tor bruls parent Tirtth tonsured bead appearml to" home and wtth greater certainty at any es neither John Ambrose nor his wlfs," illustrious citizens of our republic. blm, and told him te look for the lost PRINCE ITALY HEADS SCOUTS "Au examination of the statistics of of the numerous Red Cross dispen- was hurt after a ride on- - the cowmembers of his llork In a esve near American, immigration- shows that saries and cllulca, The Inhabitants catcher of a passenger train, during AJtes,. adding Jhat be would tUere find , In the at oflklal Qulrlnal Rome, the since the foundation of our govern- come from the remotest mountain re- which time the woman's head waa only town !inorf .than wp "L-- " IUllan-royresidence of the al ment the United Kingdom-o- f -- Greet gions. They ere- - carried In alt sorts a few inches from the carwheetaTThe The next day the shepherd found waa a there celebration family, family Britain and Ireland has contributed of conveyances, wbeelbarrowa, donkey train hit their automobile, but the en- In honor of the fifteenth tbe cave mouth exactly as described.' birthday of Inside 8,400,000 of her people and Germany carta, buffalo wagons or on horseback. gineer did not know he bad struck were his two sheep. Beyond, the Prince of son Piedmont the only more than 6,000,000. Ireland, 'with . In one case an old woman, suffering anything until tbe train stopped at a of he came upon a chapel carved In the Victor fuEmmanoet King and the more than 4,000,000; Great Britain, with ecarlet fever, was brought to the station, one block distant v ture king ef. Italy, Brought up tn a rock, and containing chalices censer, An4xandle-atkka- . Ued ,.rf aolUL. tolerant' manner fey 1i father-l- be asked aweetly. Ed got the bottle. young prince is raid to be all boy, silver, and of very considerable value. -A letter found In a mlnsal showed thst throuah and through. "Oh, what pretty olives," she exa For youth ot his sge be has Lad the place bad been used ss a place of . claimed, moving toward the rear-o- f some remarkeble ITe is worship during the Reign of Terror It adventures. the store. Ed looked, as be was a S,173,$ro bales at 8513.405.022 for the man. and hadn't noticed such the head of the Glovanl Esploratori, or 1793. Tbe shepherd took the ornathings. ments to his psrlsh prlext snd ws Department of Commerce Gives corretHnlng period of 1918. she blushed a" bit "mr.y Toung Explorers of Italy, a body that ' to Meat and dairy products exported In I the boy scouts In Eng. well rewarded for his find. Out Statistics. step behind your counter a moment? corresponds land snd America, and be has done " October amounted to $00,494,213, Tou see 1 my Just a moment" Coed Thing te Keep In Mind. a lot that any boy would like to do. against $03,040,618 a year ago. While Ed turned and went to the front of Wbn has lie for you sre talking with other In ten first the mouths gone of down Up this airplanes, year the store. Meat Breadstuffs and Dairy Products ihey totaled Suddenly she up and in submsrlnet, steered even In the strirteMt toufldence, people, a $l,033,776i2, heavy ships of wur, him and started to the door. tent Abread In Large sailed boats, shot at wild bears and always keep thla In mind, "Am I reover tbe total of $782353.843 thnbe He remenitrtd and looked. The botAmounts. f ' during the aanie period luxt year. ridden cavalry horses. vealing buslnem or family secrets, or tle was still on the counter. V private affairs, which I rimi recret Cottonseed oil exported during the vllere. lady.", be explained, "here's exported month amounted to 11,747,314 WHAT KEEPS SCOUTS BUSY. ' some day ?-, Washington. Breadstuff pounds the-ladfrom the United States during October at $2,653,479, and mineral otla reached your bottle of milk." But v Ou First RspK-FIr- e kept on going. Then he looked at the were valued at $07,704,078, a decrease a total of 27UG7.087 The American Lerfcn at the meeting ; worth gallons, ta was on It Richard cash drawer. November 4, 1862, open and $73 of about $4,000,000 as compared wtth $34705.893. f the chapter In Westchester county, . wss missing. Catling patented the first rapid fire New York, approved tbe boy scout October, J918. For the Isst ten months Wheat was the heaviest grain exgun. In spite of Its proven value, the bresdstuffs exports were 1703314,020, port for tbe month, totaling UC8C.C73 movement . ' same gun was very little oed darCatling for the Scout Troop No. 1 of Wakefield, Yl, aa against $04UK3,409 .Plague Kills Mexicans. bOKbela, at $33,010,872, and bacon the C5?tl mar, a conservative govtbe ing 1018. in took E3 bike a from Lake Dunmare to Paso, Tex.IIundreds of Meilran period most Valuable meet export, With clinging to. the ' Brhan Allen Cave by compass tbrcush ernment The" monthly report ef the depart federal " soldiers hava o1ed' of bein-uussJe-loadln- g pounds; worth $18,203,601 . caenoa and in mnlsrla tbe nountatna ment f commerce also ahowed Octothe Tamplco oil orrhigic S31231 A Warrenton, Va troop of scoutr district recently, according to Excelber cotton exports totated Next Time Cd Will Leek. Higher and HIgW. sior ot Mexico City. ' The Mexican rleans up the streets of the town twice bales, valued at $G0,T32C7, aa against Bob Minklo's fsther Is msklng htsa Mo. A Kansas . fair damael OcCity, a year. The scoot truck Is always at 82303 bslea, worth 100,027.704, for secretary of war has ordered the disstudy higher mathematics so that he tober, 1918. In tbe last ten months floated into the grocery store of Ed patch of two stldiUonal military sani1lposal for any charitable or helpful win be able to write the prlre late on O. Catltn Euclid avenue. tation brigades to Tamplco to try cotton exports sggregsted 4.75303 WOT. when be gets old enough to I "A bottle of soUk, please,"- - be cs&trol Uts disease. bales, at 1773,413,702, compared with work. V. Typ ' tnl Get In the Cut Rate Business m '?r VT . 33,C00p0! Aliens M-- Absorbed . . TEG y . . . lt iihan&cT'-ri- t or d UNIQUE CURES' ARE, USED :..i, ?rX?rA2 K - - . nj, s d . , llttle-eompan- y : n : Ra-latl- on 7 ' ; To whe-dresse- s, n - " . d jb EXPORTS SHOW INCREASE "Oli-o-oo,- . "' riS-w- f "' ' |