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Show that :.. U! A are j mi her b. J - i.i ..' i... ,,i L; tLc i.i.ii ", ii.g ii.t.rc-- t r,f your father," Ini! l.rr fas. ioul.ci i ti) r"! L JtM'.r w i;b puft !v 1 ' won't do any pr.nd." knees. "It may, I L.ne told them what a "let me weave now riu.tLdi M'Mir he wa ii ur int.' t he 1f V ; i k . raie nui." i. J the girl. "Vnii 6rr v. ;:j ..tn a f'H'd i !Ti I, v. nr. Tm. fir-.tinin "Vuu attend t. ihe :.: nted ii U y ; " round with u if ti. lu, kii. replied, i o a i..;u, v r ' rublished every S..tuid.iy by "Ti. it's lrr-- rr.riui:ti. And, besides. w mil: r at. I l'n.d ti, .! .i d t'.e (!ai w eavr." i j Am. K.iu'le Tub. Co. on Hi d that tb re is con- i Olli e; "!'.!. I . i.i try. as to Lis kiilhij.' the !i "Yec, :n" j mi are In ir,:' the ..lelb! ili If MiU Deputy. r la h Hine work w;U UnaVear. Ilii: Su Wonll.s. IIHO; that he didn't," Ella re- "He d oii!il i.ti! v i!u a i beg lif yuii " JJ..Ili. "i i enlii.m Ailvta.. Ail SiilistTH'Uui-- t iliia.y An api'i ;i!'ii;' !: !; from the (.'ill Jiied. him to "Yes anil nobody ever lu r. "V si know v. ita! mean," AIiVKKTiSI.Vii IiATES ti II a lie. I have been poking around a lie fc.iii). LotU in Iu.Iom rolumu 5 wnU 14prr line "Via," the pirl nj.M'i!. "I know." uU h In Sewa column t Inser"Theu uu know what I war.t Jou to Inacrliuu, 5 cent, racti - ,4 ! - & r.t f-i- j 1 : 0;T,ii f ft ' i r . lien : i ai.-.-- ni-.- I UlL-chll'lK'-S; e. ' kiw-:-- - suSisi-.ieu- " arUUd tm at All ailTiTiiMMiRiiU the mJ f tvery timntli. Any person tlicir ailvertltuinriit d:cmiliuucd nint piv r nutire to that itiel, other - it will t iui- uf tUa paper, and ts in tn thirsted (ur accordingly. mutt I Entered at the Murray Pn't ond Office aa Sec- Matter. cImms - M. A.W'lUXMSES, Editor. i wliy duii't you do it?" "1!imhu,c 1 can't." The woman frowned, "l'ut you can sec me kill tiivm-l- at work." "I am i Miiiielli il to it, but it me I. early U death. ' grii-vc"If it tliii, uu would k i k a reiiudv, done and one. is at hand. Wlwit !. fi.rjuu? I liave.siii'.i-- Ithe t! me lo hu;i vie haw you a!l Hie dliiculiuu liiililfu diir l)i)ok in the our father thoiiKl't tlu-- were l " fell "I knmv all that, uiuiln-r."iiut yiiu don't tlii:.k of it." p. lint "Viw, do, wb n you ft r e i.o aave my life I marry that i!:an." Tlie woiiian tiiriitil from l.ei- Ii.om. 'I hiippoM' you are go'intf to he fi. .nonf.'!i to nay that you don't line Iiiiu." "1 don't love him." "Ah, I thought io. But you could Jiim." "I mifflit, but I couldn't respect myself." "Your father Citiht have r;ht, Our books were, silly, to j ut si:eli nof.u nc. tions in your head. I inuirii-ami wliut did it luean'' A life of driid(;ery. And that Is w lint love inn . geiienilly anioiinis lo for a wnu;-nnYou will lit lcu&t proiui.-.- me to think over it." "Yes, I will proninc tint." The fci' l went to bed and she kepi lo r promise to think over it. The u. oilier was luion nileep, and the girl could l:i ;it' )icr sigh in her troubled dreams, lint the nunc he thought the mure M;e disliked old !,i,T Coster. He was :t. man that loul ever riddco l!i:,.u',li tlie ncit'liboi hood. U was l:i.- I iia .i to ride ubout, buy itifr Mccrs. Ic !..i.eii like a red steer. His red hair !.e v.r.s bald fxceiit on the gides of hi:i head) liluek up like the horns of a sin r. a laugh that sounded Pi e the lev of n steer. Once he. had n tbU villi a man nn-- did not use bin hau!.; :.! all. He kicked like a steer. Hut l.e tuado money, he bad a house, paii.ted pri-- n. wi:b fiirllowcra In the y ard, but with Ulcers lowlnjr in the back lo'.. lie had lo paid that his wife would not i work, and this ftatcinent found w lio I. :o hat even wlf.v had almost killcl his fu-exwith bard l.ih.ir. As the at pressed it. he had made a dead l.lla. He bad laughed, or lowid. v, hen his v. ay. bail I.ir.diy toid him to i He Kiiid t lnt he would but t' ut 'Then Cottonwood Ward House Ward meel uga all P m Sunday School at lo a lo a eii aide Sunday Bcli'ml Hie Saanaiuaviaa Tui-siiavfiniK it aiMiinf House. V. M M. J.I. A. H, Folliui, BUleip ),nol S p n MethndUt ('Impel Sunday PreacUln iuunar u'tdit at T i. i. litv. O. h. Jayae, k.uiiitar ftr Art USDTVI' I. -- y AND AR La: "n4 the Ain Among the last of Vi aiiiTiuicr'ii dfVoti(i. nriie "iitnl" acroua the autumn ;tiy a all with white like Inland run- liiri? M;as; inula that cllni? the pavfn along are full, Are tinpty, tiut (ho rU ka And o llie licurt of man la i;lad to unn, s mak.-inn nty prospect fur plK en the rnK'ly man, tlul Ki. Napiili-un- wuk-hli Ward at the clock. At tills thankful time Who W Hits down lo dine illi the BLifT old I'urltan atork. children come lo least abundant spread. Grown children with the allver In their The hair. with And them, marked tread by And iiir nulidutd, their own fn!r, Affrislitcil still, but grandma' And rluuded skies Ugln huillatlng dear voice at once to lienr. se- She to her own each fainting rums to And purlflea by love the aimospliore; Hut the racgedy man, n- l 't OLSEN, Proprieiot. front. The girl wondered why had r.ot eorat'. The lied fiteersat not far aw ay, gazing at her. There was a .sudden com motion at the front end of the house. The people were astonished to see armed men take their stand nt Ihe door. Just then Mayli ld entered from the side door, lie nodded Dr. V. E rerrebee, Prop. tit the preacher, who said: "Hcfure the services begin there is a strange ceremony to go through with. Mr. Mav field." ' The preacher stepped aside, and May- fieldaddressedthepeople. "My friends," isaid he, "1 think that this will be a day of real thanksgiving in tills neigh-- I borhood." He paused for a moment and then eoirtinued: "An investigation by the government has proved a certain man innocent of the crime of killing a C'Hievir.ii.s, To;i.kt Soii-s- , .K.i:v. Cium, deputy, and his great service as a soldBin .iir.s, Pi'onoi.s, liii'. ier has pardoned his offense as an illicit distiller. He reached my place last night, by arrangement, and is now PlttSCKII-flONCAIiEfUl.i.r CoMPOI.NDliO here." Cling Towson stepped in at the side Hi A I'liiitMAWiT. door. His wife, with a shriek, sprang to meet him. lie looked for a moment her tired face, and then putting upon OE.WTKR vSt ATVOOI. his arms about her, he paid: "You Yvon't have to work so hard. The government has given me a hack pension.'' The congregation shouted with tears in their eyes, for Cling had always been " x a favorite In the neighborhood. The f pardoned man embraced his daughtei and, with a backwoodsman's uiieomfortatble grace, bowed and put her hand 'in May field's outstretched palm. Then Iii very au4 MayhMd spoke again. "We have disAccdinodatiuiis tuitu prts-- o !. Pub- covered that, the (h puty was murdered lic Service at a;l l.turs, iii;.;!it a nil by a man known as the II: d Steer." Oi'l 13 READ . SiRtET, - . - Drugs anduj, 4 Medicines, s M Tcilst Sic. JLrliolQ., A!iT!M.t:-,'!,Fasc- 1 i.i i ..l ii 1K1 1 Itelll I'uidiuir out a good many thitijrs, and I rimy It ml them out sure enough the lii-s- t thing you know. Hut now t) another point. When are we to be marCOOl i I ried?" fhook her head sadly. "I don't Mother" kiu w, i'aiu. "Yet, 1 know. The lied Steer has woi ked o:i her." man In Hie (liinkfi be Is the the world," "(hi account of his money. Hut we shouldu'l blame her. Her life has been hard." "Hut you don't want Due to marry Pirn." He looked up, nnd then drawled .utdy: "It would be sad if they Vhould timl a lied .Steer lying in the road." the mother "!'.! la, come in here, j , liu-m- , cull. .1. The youm' man seized her hand and kit icd it i the tumid away. That afieiiicou the l!ed Steer called, full of coolidci.ce. "Oh, it's all right to make a LlulT," he said, talking to the mother but lookingnt Ike gil l. "I don't w ant anything to be too easy." "It w ill not lie at all," fmid the girl. A certain liusslaji, Count Karnie, went through, a pamful and unufcual txperienee several years ago. A to w hom he wai devotedly attached, had apparently succumbed to some serious nmlady, and was about to lie buried. Just at the moment when the lirst eloil of earth fell upon her oi;;m, so Lhe story goes, she betrayed of life; in precisely what manner :he public is not informed. Instantly t lu- work of interment w as interrujitd, ami the- prompt measures which were sl.en for the resuscitation, of the girl As can be readily :m-successful. young-daught.T- i. 1 S AO,:' FiTiinlle. , fricca to buil U ; i i " l l.y. lie roople and tin THEY WERE Two AVanttereri of GRATCFUL. r. r.onu.!!fr 'i'hiiilliM;;:-- . the iy none astray. thlgha Bends curloua crlua WILLIE A.N'I.i riili'I-- . 'i ney were seat, d by the af the iiiiii'.-idresting, ', 'u of ti e" road w as a Lay !:e!d i;! v. I.i 1, lu!V!.t.teUs. were two hixitingly liad it not been for the a.iricij-.atepleasure of the beer ihx bsiysl-o.-hthe road. would have wooed tl.eiri Willie, as he sadly "Say, I'ddie," fondled n sionebrnise on his l.ivl," dis here T'iitikrivin' tiay is a great in e, res-fu- ! insti-tootio- ain't it?" "1 hit's oil" rem a iked "I alius feel gl.id when it comes round, ' rs we's dead sure of a full bed. JVy ain't nobody gr-- t le heart to tVovts down on IK- T'anksjrhir.'ib'y. l.i'man heart gils chuck full of love ami ail dat sort o' biz. I ain't neier lencwed i is 'y ter say 'woodpile on (lis annivers-iry.aid Willie. "An' "Nor mc necder, v, .: ,;s; vear. We we ain't so ; r.ii, o.'ki;i', an' we're got a dime v.id.m; goiti' ter have da i ik ; we can be as ' t'iinkfitl tif. ninbridy. de town," said "I'.f i wasn't so r Eddie. "Vim's si re yon j;ot l;it dime?" ";5ure'." replied ilriule, wi(! coiilempt, . !o-- tc-- t- "why" -- ' ' said: And at Ita close what heartfelt aonga aro sung. Care and Iti Rret to other scenes are fled While words of klndneaa trip from every lig-ht.'- tongue The graces bend to lift the mystic veil That bides the future on all other d.iya. Where I'lenty aland and Comfort cries: "All Iw.l! Te eons of men. Juln in a aong of praise." Then the raggedy man, NapoUvan, Bits high in his humble seat, , And be sings and laugha, And lie freely quaff. And he orders the dark of the meat. ilrace t'p. Weary V. iliie and Tattered lldgarhad walkud t-- miles that Thanksgiving day over muddy roads. They were the. strangest couple in the elee-trteia- f -- . "g-!a- - i ne-if- , . 1 Oh, rag that push the cup of hope aside At other times, your powvr is lost to- day: The world has turned her back on selfish bride Tj iio g'ooj Tt'cils without the hope of pay; shall sweet sleep unwonted pillows ll. as When western slopes have swallowed up ttie sun, And for each act of special tcnderncua I'nto the poor on this Thanksgiving Bo ill 111 ill il dune. The raggedy man. NapoU-an- ( I ;j Is incorporated under the laws of Utah, for $8oo,ooo, divided into shares of tho par value of 50 cents each, with 25o,ooo shares in the treasury for development and mill purposes. The property consists of Who lives like the sun or stream, I. Ike the moon or the rose. With no thiumht of d uties, Will hrlug you a blissful dream C1IAHI.K8 KlllKNU HANKS. Cbc Red Slccr. A Southern Thanksgiving Story. J TIKEI) - LOOKING wuitiAii was weaving by the light of s' lire and two placed high upon the wall. Near the fire sat a girl, thoughtful nnd of comely face. Her hair was too thick to be kept ". under control, and liken, wisps of it were in coiist-anA disobedience. wag, a schoolmas ter, had declared that her head was a 1 r lS can-rile- Tll Ik) the constant hcene of a rcltv rebel- lion, From time to time sdie reached back into a corner and drew- forth sticks of brushwood to feed the fire The night was warm, the door was open, but the (Ire was Deviled to throw light upon the loom, the caudles were o dull. The woman was known as the Widow Towson; the girl was her The husband and father, (laughter. Inown as Cling Tow ou, was away olT jotiiewhcre in a government prison, evning out a life sentence- for killing a deputy marshal who had come to destroy h.s moonlight distillery. The neighbors voted that as no one was ever known to survive a life (.etitence in a Yankee prison, Mrs. Towson might s well rn'cr at once her season of widowhood: nnd so, whenever anyone would afck: "Does the Widow Towson live here?" she would arsncr: "Yes." The log house of the Tow sons was set an at the head of a The ravine. aud county road that led over the motintnip was not far away, and many a ti ..e In the dark nights before the ilniilu . in the girl had often rock-ribbe- vine-liice- d j I. d in the heart of Cmup Floyd Mining Pistrict. It is surrounded by th holding of Captain Be Lamar, huing withiu 2,000 fret due north of tho famous Cioldon Gate, one of tho largost mines in tli world, aud 0tld Punt. and oloso to tho Briokynrd, (loysar-Mariothe work at now Hen it A firc of ground. Our oomi any developing blot-kfctoek to tha public at one of suiull oulv oiler will, traasury ' tiruo. Tho first bloi'v of 20,000 shares is ofi'ored at the remarkably low price of 8 cent per share. The price will ba advaond as and furlher demonstrates the valui development work progrc.--.oof the mine. n rrospectue free on application. Thoro lo Not A Buy Oa Tho Markot Equal To Benjamin T. Vrnidcnt, Lloyd. William D- - James H. Moyle. Dale. Tracer, dAvid This is btriotly a homo company and the Ollitvrs and Directors are dsirous of bavins homo peopl buy the stock, and therefore make them lilieral torni. will foil any number of ehares from loo up. Remember ioo rhares roat only 8S and iooo shares cost only ? SO. Any person buying 1000 shares, or uioro, may pay ono fourth down and the balance ia six monthly installment!. vice-rrmtic- C- - nt Dunbar, It p. p. Morris. $ccrmj. Direr-tor,- When sending in your order for stock state tho nunibor of shares, tho the rame of the person in whose route it is to be written, and let he order be accompanied by Tostal Muner Order, Certified Hank Check or New York. Chicago or San FrancUeo Exchange. Address all communications to the Gold Coin Mining Company, Lloyd, Tresideut, 701) MeCoruiek Block, alt Lake City, Utah. I. T. Recmmendations of the Mine and the Board cf Directors. Fait Lake City, Utah, August 3, 1S87 R. T. Lloyd, Jaiueo 11. Moyle, It P. Morris, WML Dale and C. Dunbar, tho oflioors aud director of the Gold Coin Mining company, ara all prominent young .. charae-te- r men of this place, of and ability. D. 1 GEO KG 1 31. CANNON, Cashier Zion'a atings rajk&. Truft Co. Murcur, Utah. July '22, iSO; I am well aeiiuaiuttd with the (Jold t'oiu group of Mining clainii. Fait Lake City, Mcrcor, I'tah, Feb. 10, 1S'J7 I have been superintendent of August 3, 1807 located in the Camp Floyd miping This certifies that I am personal, Marion Mill, at this place, for the dihtriet, Tooele oounty, l lah, uoV f ree and years, and have ly acquainted with ail th ofiieers the pitiperty of the Gold t'i0 n to inspect many min- and directors of tho Gold Coin Mininrctmipany, having locals had oees.-iothe aama early in the Mining company of Mercur. Utah, 0f ing properties in the Camp Floyd 1Mb. Tim group bfs a f and well know them to be gout lemon of am I acquaintMining Patriot showing of ore. 1 consider tliii nnd Coin e Cold integrity, reliability and of good group, ed with tl properly first class in every resjuft best the prospec- business etaudiu: in the communitconsider it anion and having examined the j ro.j, iu the district, and ytua of the company . fully eudorsa tive properti W.S. M'CORXICK it, nnd recommend tlnj'itock to freely recommend it. auyoue wishi. g toihveM. J.J. BLAKE Of McCorncick & Co., Bunkors. f j C L. VUEHI.E ouo-hal- to-d- THE KARNICE ALARM. iThe Apparatus Prepared for Actual Cae Thanksslvln's f.ltiin' ur ler way. It ain't r.o time r nurse Ter troubles; shov." yer . raliiu-lBecause they ain't no w.--.r d Thanksgiving services, the first for many 0 year, were to be hold i:i the T.'u k nieetimr house. The widr.w de- - tci-da- s pr-l- " fc Hi-i- mis-l.ii.- h Ke ran his hind into his pocket. There was no dime there! "Eddie," be said, "my tailor fcrgot ter ping- up dJ air holes in rlis, pocket! I ain't got dat dime!" For a moment Kddie wr.s Filent. "Say, Cully," !;:: s::i.l, at last, "we ain't got ter walk djm si:; mil. s! ever, Yi'eary Willie's Joy as he started for ihe nearest haystack. snid, as he stretched him"Eddie," self out on the f;;:g!.vi.i Lay, "de man wat says you an' me ain't i;;ct not h in' ter ibe f'ankful' erbout don't know how close we come ter walkin' dem .six miles, does he?" ELLIS PATKER BUTLER. state. V.'illie was a small, Smallest Etcctrtenl Hnttery. man with a vnst mass of red beard. He. The smallest electrical battery ever n a wore a diminulive straw bat without constructed was ths work cf an in- the employ ef tlie lUx.vn brim, and a tr.or.st rous sweater of start-- i .. I' lir.fly t'l ii;'"' Kreen, in vb.udi lio looked i.t heaei' through Vt ordinary : was ' to at house over called the field six feet in whiieh two w ires, on of copper and-iht V' Kdgnr ' :'.i::i M.iy field. persuadu slightly ! wajfi . talk to mc," she s:iid. "You height. He wore a discarded golf Knit oiiher cf iron, were looped tad twisted gisli Keiioiil-t- i aeher, Klood in hla tv.iv. her. "Don't that had been made for a man of about fo as 'to prevent their coming in conAnd it was n fact, a stronger fact than are the very one that causes me not to ' 5?:,?0u'Ki-iis;oijifarcer j IH'e feet four. His genera! iippearanco tact. The wires arted as the eleche supposed, but Miyfield could be thank fill." "Tint you will let Ella go, won't you?" suggestel n perennial hunger. trodes, find all that was necessary to Hot .Spuik'u Jiaaitarium So. promise her nothing better than a life g The c:'.:ple was tired, but it was hap- cause a. current was to p'.aee n "She can do as she pleaser,. H.c h:.s .if hard w ork. ft! West Hi. id South Stn i, Salt drcp Pool, done so; she has broken my heart. Mr. LnUe t.'ity. The a dime, of acidulated water in the head. Cerof these Nprtci;s py; for Weary Willie had fi Piarly the next morning the teacher v. before and Coster ei.t away disgusted day they were on the way to thy next tainly such a minute battery furnished a.o n sine cure fur ca'arrli, rheuniat'ii stopped nt the Towsnn house, on his y intcn-.-.and swears that he will not niiuialgia. dysjiepsia, nervoui to honor the b"t an infinitesimal current, but it l him at the bys town, where they jc; way to school. The pi' I and i:i'Te." come kidneir due and diseaicB. thanks by enjoying could be easily used in ft delicate Uria day give any fence. Looking back she caught sight n glass of "Ah, unit as he is now out of the way, foaming l.iger apiece. in fact, it is said toli.aTr-actual-of her mother's angry face. i.lu.-Mv. i'.iur i.i in Is Vil!i Cum ai object lo " They were Ft ill six miles front the ly served in signaling a distance of near "The postuuisler that you are you"Yen.oi:'t will. , 'ii'i !;.' c oliiir:'-- c. n cMisi;; uilni! fn ei er. nearest saloon and it was alrondv You shall never marry lour ly 200 miles. 11 1;. C. C. fail, uru;,ri.:isi..ri nsui ri. Qc ;'.'iv'. writing letters to the government," oi liiiagi.ied, thi.s iiicideut. proiluced a impression uponthe arTeetiouato and it may well be believed tbstt is- reufter he had but one lied idea hi ;he imer.tion of eueh a sy.steru of as would preclude not only paichi-e t :.: of fcut-- ain unhappy in oilier cases, but would render even a suspicion that a blun-iir- r had been committed. It ougiit to be remembered, in spite of n.11 which lnuj been written on the subject- of premature burial, that the best medical authorities pronounce is pillar anxiety on this subject ground-The- y say, with, a positiveness i 'l.i.-lought to command' general con-;i.- h ::ee, tii.it the scientific tests of are too numerous and too certain ::. their indications to leave any room for doubt, w hen a competent physician-haonce given his verdict. The chance of anyone being buried alive, in- amy civilized community where there ha been proper attendance of the sick, is so exeeedSugly remote as t amount to an impossibility. However interested oax may be in the aw f ul ordeal to which Count Karniee wa subjected, and in the result of the studiesinto which it naturally led him. theropro-hoii- HIDV-i- d May-fiel- MUKU.W, UTAH sal Uark the Lid ut (he ( uffl Cause m. Loud Lleelrlc (io to U Hiu. M-- NaP'jlcan, Through tuikiy K 'iv?-.:jh- i- ii'.-.- h -. O. S. ..Murray Pharmacy 1 nci;.-h!'i:- :- A R"iilu ' - :' llliblet ReaptraliuB HiiiW Tarow - cf Cigers ...... i "I don't kuow. Why do ynu want tne th. r "To tee you thankful in the preset.of yoer "impos.-iiblelint if you will li.ake ii. e a promise? but I ought not to ask liquors &l ., 1km-i- i way ii ', Statb e e7 I . f .1 lis ' ' '' Kamioea System Woukl Eender It Imixieiilolo. '?" THE- - Wines,-- j v. "Ves." -- CHURCH DIRECTORY. . y- (!o." Count TO GET A DRINK I'K:' iKt, it." "I don't know what it is, but I'll tell GOING TO SALT LA KB. you v. hat I w ill agree to dci. If you are I will not thankful an this Ked of in the favor to withdraw agree Steer." "I will be there." said the widow. The sermon was to be preached by an old man. The congii gat. en was large A mysterious whisper had gone about that something unusual might be is pceied. '1 he preacher was nervour w hen he arose. Hi; looked from time to tone toward a side door. The w '(low and her daughter Kat well toward the 1 1 I'K EM ATUKE INTERMENT. conei't.' i.- chance: I i:.i-r- i viTh iii y "Oh. I il.ii.k so. Yiillyouproniiseine one thin??" don't know, but what - il "That yon will faring bt-- to !. ureb r i h-- her . fore, it is quite safe to disbelieve in the need of any such apparatus as that which, he cventtua.lly devised, and to himself as a harm- re:;T.i-d- ' the le.'it! moiiomandac. ' a lewr Count Karniee fnaut to ' weeks airo aiid presented his invention to the city authorities, lliere is no inr dieatinu that his hope of secJng it introduced into actual- use in the of the FrencJi wiil ever be realized; but the newspapers have found a fresh, thougfh gluistiy, bit of news in the incident. In the Karniee system of interment it is proposed to provide the coffin with a small circular opening in the top, just above the chest of its occupant. A metal lid is kept in place over this hole by means of a spring-- At the cemetery, ju.st before throwing- earth into tho an undertaker's assistant raises the lid nnd adjusts to the opening in the cuilin the lower end of an upright tube, which terminates at the level of the earth above in a tightly closed box. There protrudes through the tube below a small glass bulb which just touches tlie breast of the inclosed body. If, now, the latter should make any movement, as iu respiration, a alight pressure would be exerted upon tho bulb, nnd this contact would immediately produce several results at the eur-f- a . e of A spring would be released which would throw the cover of the box open, thus admitting nir and light to the tube. At tlie same time a loud electric gong would be set rining, a email llagsteft would be lifted from a horizontal to a vertical position, and an electric light would be turned on. Some of these signals would, of course, attract attention, whether they be put in operation by day or by night; and the presumption is th.it for a fortnight a special w atch would be maintained. Count Karniee is i n tifTied that, if any signs of life are to be afforded, they will certainly appear within 15 days. If, therefore, at the end of that time nothing has happened, he, would have the tube and other apparatus withdrawn from the grave. The metal cover would then automatically close over the opening in the coffin, and burial would become final. A journalistic advocate of the adoption by the city of Paris of this scheme his computed the probable cost. One piece of apparatus, he says, would cost about eight dollars. The average number of burials per day is 200, and in 15 days would nmount to about 3,000. Inns much as the device can be used over and over again, after withdrawal from a grave, it would be necessary to provide only .1,01)0 altogether, and those would cost S24.0O0. By assessing the families for whose benefit the invention was employed, however, the expense would soon be offset completely. Still, if a solitary rescue should be effected in consequence of the use of this apparatus at any time within the first few months no doubt the public would consider the outlay fully justified, even if there were no reimbursement. Hut ns yet rnris does not evince faith in the necessity for employing any such prelitiN-sia- ecm-c-teri- . caution. . : , .. Inn ml to C'oM, When asked if he was not afraid of a tem)erature of ten degrees below zero the late Toltnan Willcy.of UoMon, said: "Win re I wns bom, sir, my father one Sunday took me into a meeting house which snt on four stone posts with no oll.i r underpinning. I rot in the church listened to a sermon on hell for 60 minutes, with the wind howling underneath the church and blowing 40 miles a minu'n, with no fire in the stove and the mercury 1'J degrees below zero. Do you think 1 was born in a Mignrbox nnd nursed on heliotropes?" Pi-- |