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Show THE Toriscrial Artist. Chas, F. DURAND Is etill to ' found Ht his Old Stand, BliK-kMurray, Opera l!.u aair superfluous? removing ironi the facts of men. o O Gal' BfdEesHim b-- & - o - Lis tjiouth l.eniia. wliavv. )h Hi. a will door. ki iase in an the cock, How buiuiiUH.OIiow beatiful.isoor weeJock !Ie winna bid ithin c'oors, noi jfanK to kirk or scliool. He wore a Sui. o cb.es tae rase from laa.niKs day tuw Yule; He ran throujrh winter's frost an snaw without ;i shoe or Siiek. A hardy stumpy.uuujpy lon.is oor wee Jock His puches like i brak r fhap. are crammed wi orra liin"s. buttons, bools an bits .' chalk, with pearijs. taps an A broken file a strings. rousty knife, and sic like ia ie troke. Wi lumps o' oateu cako, tho life o' wee Jock. If j ubehed a hcrriog cairt or seo a sweetie stand, Be sure he's berrying craws nests, if he's no (iase at hand Barkln like a tinklers d g or crawin like a oock, Taere ne'er was sic a funny loon as oor wee Jock Men orV.'onieu 10 travel for responsible ostablittied tan. Salary I7HI. pu yable tr, weekluiUBOiu e. ly H"(l expenses. I'oeitimi permanent. I Kiiclose ptamprd envelope. TUe National, Star ItuildiuK. hicago "COURT COMEEatlAl" No. 8121. THE ANCIENT ORDER OF FORESTERS aud FRIENDLY An Jock's a drummer In his way, he rattles on a pan. An fiffor likewise, taehlmself. lie whiseis jnst oif han; Who quickly a' hissodtrers flre.whea he cries prime an cock. The queen lias not a general like oor wee meets every Wednesday night in Foresters Hall,State Street. Murray Utah. - Chief Ranger. Y. Randall, Jock. James Arnold, Financial Secretary. Whare e'er there B. Rcoui8 305-- 6 Lake Salt City, L:nv. ! ..vn-- ff Atlas Llock. - 4o a, m. 4o a.ra a. m. lo.oo s m. 12.o.i m. 114o p. m in. H.4o a.m. 1.4-3 p in. S.'io p in. 4opm 8Hopm 4.4o p. in- 5.2") p, m ii.lo n. nt. 4.20 r. m. 5 i p. m. 6 .2o p in, 6 4o p. ta 7.1'op. m 7.,o . m 8.2o p. m. lo.oo pm. lo.w p, ni fl.llo 1 ll.ooa ideal resort and picnio grounds. Round trip Inc. ding- admission zs cu, Special rates to Societies, Sundsj Schcols, fctc. Kound trip to Beck's Hot Sprinn, Includ ing bath 25 cents. S. ISAMISEUGEE. Geo. Mgr. H, W. Early a6. Agt From Oirden to I.apoon and return on Sun 35 days viaO. f. L. It K. 75 cents incltidiiiK aduiiESiou to urotods. The cents-Child- HEN VSR S'irst Class Work. Give me a Call v- This is the handsomest and most complete opera CRANIO LAGOCN house in the State, outside of Ogdcn & Salt Lake and is second to none is point of convenience & comfort. Steam Heat and Electric Lights. HOUSE! ren E. CAHOOR3, Manager, . and RI0G2AMERT. 0 SCENIC LINE - N lucorporatod. Is LEADVILLE, ASl'CN. PUEIil.O, COl.OliADO SPRINGS And DliK VER. Train No. 2. LcaresOgden C;4.ia. in. Bait Lake. 7;5U . in. Arrive at Pueb'0 1;50 a.m. Colorado Springs, 7;: a.m. DetiWi ;:J0 a.m Train No 4 Loaves Ojden 6.35 p. m, Salt fake 7:40 p. m. Arrive at Puelilc 5:15 p rn. Colorado Springe, 6;49 p. u . I)enver6;2." p m Connections are made at Pueblo. Colorado Sprinps a;.d Denver with all W (Continued from first page.) 7lr. Wilson is developing the industries of the United States in a practical manner more than any Secretary w have ever had,andhis I'uIIiiium day coaches t hnirears acd & it. G. cll'orls will he of very great finarv sleepi-rin all trains Take . h. vc a comfortable and enjoy the tr'p cial benefit to the entire people. . ' and Quest scenery on the continent. Where are thogiii ;.sts? Shortest lino t cripple Cree1. Colorado's (fold citnp. Train No. 2. learinp Ot'dcu Now that Congresg has ad- (Treat at 7 a.m.. arrives at Cripple Creek next moruar Old Mark can have all the las B;50. journed, S. K. nooper. A. 3. Hughes. time he wants in Ohio, to get toG. P, A T. A TraftcManager gether those ghosts whom hi had B.M. Cughir.p.Denver. Colorado B.F. Kevins. T. P. Alient. counted for McKinley last fall. If Geu.ABont Lake Salt City, , TJhv this great statesman aucceeds again in dealing from the bottom, the country will consider bim a mater ialized medium. Vic. Johnson, Prop. :J S. S CORRESPONDENCE, Utah. i., Dai'y Time Ttible In Effect Way 8oth,3;97; Lv. Farm- - Arrive Leave Ar. Fnrm-s. L. L. incton. ington- .oo a. in. 7.40 a. m. S.Co h. m. S in a. ra AL il CHANDI wee-Jock- Corner Barber Shop. 2T S. L. & Ogdsn Raiivsy of the a dojr feeht he'B there wlthouten fall; WORLD Hi Wharc e'er an empty si.gar cask, he's at it tooth an nail; Whare e'er t bar is a wonton play nmnug the Tho Only Line Eunninc Two last Trains youthy folk The foremost aye anion them a' ie oor Daily to EARNEST ROGNOX. t- 'V" V :ti. Accomodations unsurpassed. Public Service at all hours, night and day. Trice to suit the People and the Times. Attorn ey-a- Thrcugh Train Oily n Lively and FeedStable. M . Ki(HramK-WeJlemlrt.af.K.- ATWOOD. ttANTED Several Faithful Two f jj. Between Suit Luke t'itr,0i,u81 f ksuville Cripple Creel;, t'olorado i"'in7,-t Iuv-- & h!1 points cat. Oidy line runu''Ihrouirh ' " . TT jI on,,"!h Mom-ns- r ISlee"'' t'buir Cars. 'I brm-irl- i and evenii tia;us. Thi 'lut. in with tl.e t r earlier than sny other lins rm Colo-ra.lOOR WEE JOCK. chaise of ors or jt.iilt. rir trains- - Take the Co'onuio Miiiland1Ljsa,e W r'tten for the lime and enjoy 'Le finest rid" aliTiiadct Eagi.e full lurlicu'uM lie s heilcat ind wild, he's gain ower his ?cenery iu Colorado. Foror on any K. U. V. Agt. cad '"i'hers tnurah. , t A H ovti. (i. n Act, ?sltUfee (jity Me s like a 8'.iuny day o'er come bsr win- - W. F, liailey, ti. Y. A., Denver, ( oldo. tur's tluam. l.aughiiigH f. tae splite hi4 tides (r gteeting like ao fura tun autnoclioke, is oor wee Jock. Uevikrj, His he'd s eb1 m kaimeU, he claws't 'oi v. r iiitsir liis ecu I iu.ii an- Kkelly baith, aud tiaurs I , GKANTEIl The Colorado Midland .A Go for Your Supplies where You Any article of Merchandise for sale in Murray,cau be found iu Great arc sure to find Them in Stock and where You Can Have a Quantity, and of the Highest Grade Quality at our store. I arge Variety to Select From and R. P. DAYTON, Manager, to Prices With Any. Equal El"-pa- nt s -s diiiUkSei tin-D- I CATHARTIC , Billard & Pcol Room 25 NOTES. Selected Stock of Wines & Liquors. Diugley, of Main,always gave the Imported & Domestic Cigars. IIouBe paiu,in his effort to explain, Family Trade a Specialty. the truth of a false claim. A. E. CAHOON, Prop. Congress having adjourned, Mr. is able to bo about. nd Wellinfton o ! ! will 'i 'i i it is hoped that prosperity oe soon convalescent. BOOT & SHOE STORE Speaker Reed has departed for CheapestOil& Best Shoes. Shoes. $1 5o Men's Grain wt,rkinjr Maiae, where weather is cool and ' 1.5o Satin Calf, Fine Shoes, where there are no Jerry Simpsons ' 1 25 Lsdies' bongola Button Shoefl. MiFses.IJoys & Children's and no J. Hamilton Lewises. 7" at lowest prices Boots BDd Shoes made to order and repairing neatly done while you wait. Shoes Men's Boots soled & heeled 75c. No heels 50c ' " .Bo Ladies' fboes ' o Murray Bakery, " " t hiidrens " " 25 4o lleu's shoes game rrke as hoots. All caps & patching will be charged extra B. J oH?r P. N elson, Prep. Murray Street, Murray. Freh Brvad, Buns, Pie, Cake, Etc., Dally. LUNCH STAND. Hot and Cold Lunches. Hot Coffee with Cake ioct. Lunchea put up for travelers. To Cure Constipation Forever. Take Cascarcts Candy Cathartic. 10c or 250. C. If C. C fail to cure, druggists refund money. mm Y. RANDALL. Prop- - MT'rit xNOTICE Time Card No. 28 IN EFFECT JULY 26tb, No. 0 5-- for or alt Jbake t;tty. wuea 7.fand 9 intermediate DRUGGISTS SO C i Saltair Beach Time In Effect June ITS BLAUTirHLLY coupled with the Hnest Set of Steel Attach merits, makes it the MOST DtSIRASLE Send for our beautiful CASH.Sfi? SriJ? fBSE '.l tVff ASSISTANT s? ct recast. L'!3,r:s:r, t3;i, r.r'.s :1 i:ota Cia j::pjtf;'.a. Weaitli n:7 ba j:un. will r:a hi-l tr7 Ijrlt J Wr;t 'to wl (Hit KvAimimi to taS jsvi:tto23 r::i:;iiai eksw. wattiaeva, s. e. to for Fifty t outs. Guaranteed tobacco hauit cure, stakes weale mcuhuoug, biood pure. KHj.tl. All dniejiaUi. ' IN 72 FOR SALE BY 1, 1887... in KJT"HFTTE COMPaMV. WasMissTOin, tl l oiclliie Ik-sk- TKOaVSAS KAKE Racine, Wi9. t CO., SEE bicycles mi zzer Buggies. at-.- 1 Supplies' ..... In .. .. i. il- - uuumr-Vicron" rspeeiany pmks areOur is line Including Schools. complete, Parochial and District , etc. Adjustable Stationary Desks, Douhle ano Phices before Purchasing. Get our Catalogue Agente Wanted Everywhere. The " C. HOURS. tKICAr-O- . SI L U, School Furniture V V.S. l Vniir.iiln.lai.'Ibrnlnts Wanted-- An Idea,5-- 3 roi.. b,?''" Protect your trtevi: they mny eal(h. "."'"nt AtU.r-nerWrite .tOIIS VKKl)KKUtRN I their 1). offor ..f"r Prls Wsbln(tt.n. aud list of two huuured lufoDUwH wanleo. pnpp'Q UUrr 0 nn V ifA'N MKTIIOI,(MIAI.'-'- ' sown 'iiitton, ir'irs Ol lll be - ttEVtlAND, OUIO. catalogue. Address, Opp. Toltsrro Antidote. Orlcirnl Guarantred Harmless "I'obact tt t.ure. A fir 'or roxtt oi.'r "Oe. jC ir i.i:at KA'"'' l""tt"ri, why nsnil. Circular s half-ton- e C.A.SOW&OO. YOUR FORTUNE o. Patent OrncE. v vv ir,Mwy unuii ludian in V CC66C6666C6CC6C6sSV E. HALL, SALT Kt CITY. Table. (V-ie- cost of sent free. jj IN TKE MARKET. White Sewing Machine Co., , PRIZE OFFER MACHINE Dealers Wanted where we ere not represented. nt c v TINE MECHANICAL ADJUSTMENT, wi-enu- . fu::"1 FIGURED WOODWORK, DURABLE CONSTRICTION, Trains leave R. G. W. Depot. Fare for Round Trip 50 Cents. FOR PUBLICATION. i JnWHITL t. cerftil medical discovers of the ape. pleasant and refr.'shinp to the taste, act gently The Christensen Orchestra is in No. 3421. and positively on kidneys, liver and bowels, attendance every Afternoon and cleansing the entire, system, dispel cold, Land Office at Salt Lake Citv, cure headache, fever, habitual constipation N. W. Claytoii, August 7. 1S97. Evening. and biliousness. Please buy and try a box is Notice Gen. Mgr. followthat the given hereby fcoldaud ol'C.C. C. 10, SALTAIR ing named settlor has filed notice of his SALT LAKE guaranteed to cure by all druirjislB. nr ivs intention to make final proof in supleave arrive !ave of his claim, and that said proof 10,15a m . l,oo p m In 45 n m 12,3o p m port Don't Tobarco Spit mid Smoke Your Life Away. 2,45 pm 4,:i5 will be made before the Register and 2,15pm 5,o5 To quit tobacco easily and forever, be mag Receiver at Lnlt Lake City, on 0,0.1 4,4 4,15 6,33 25, Sept. netic. full of life, nerve and vitfur, take 8.1G 0,15 8.45 5,45 18y7, viz: John M. Wood, Homestead the wonder worker, that makes weak men 7,45 No. 9847 for the E. K S. E. lo,15 7,15 Entry lo,15 strong. All druwriats, Wc or ft. Cure guaranW. H S. E. K, and S. E. 8. W. h, teed Booklet and sample free. Address S. Sterling Ucuaedy Co.i Chicago or New York. See. 15, T. 2. S., K: 2. W. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and Ivlnnato Yonr Bowels Willi Caacnreta. cultivation of said land, viz: William fan'ly Cathartic, cure constipation forever. S in i th .George Wood and ( j eorge Kilgore 10c. 25c Ii C. C. C. refund money. of fail, rirtipcists Taj lorsville, Utah and Albert Wood of .Murray, Utah. obtained and all I'at-cCaveats, and Trade-Marbusiness conducted lor M00tTt Fits. Byron Grcoo, Register. O. F. Davis, Atty. for claimant. Ous Office is opposite U 8 .PTrT Orncs AGCO HA8!T and we can serure patent in less time Uun those remote from Washington. lr. .Matchctte's Indian folmcoo Send model, drawing or photo., with descripAntldiitc. the criminal, cuaiantrcd harm Vm aitvicr. if futrntablc not, free of To 'nre (Jonsupntinn Forever. less l obacco Habit Cure. A blic hnxoalj fiOcUnntt; tion patent is secured. All druviEist or bv mail. Ac.hnts Waktro.'""''" Take at els Candy Cathartic. 10c orro. charjrc Our fee rot due till it C. C. fi.il to cure, drucikts refund money. "How to Obtain Ptrnts," with Lit. .MATCU17ITE CO.. Chicago, Illinois Ptu phlet and furciSa countries salne the to-da- 10 Future Comfort for present seeming Economy, but BUY tie Sewing Machine with an established reputation that guarantees you long and satisfactory service : lj p m 47 a m poiuts.. For Sanpete, Sevier and all 1 48 Intermediate polnta p m t For Provo, Payson, Eurska, and all intermediate points 5 13 p m LEAVE SALT LAKE CITY, Ko. 2 For Grand junction, Deuver 8 47 am and all poltseagt No. 4 For Grand Junction' Denver T and all intermediate points 40 p m Nov 1 For UirJuuanaall putesi..iz nipm " " 9 io p m No. ,' No. ALL DON'T SACRIFICE . 1897 LEAVE MURRAY: Sa t Lake City w cnre anfeassof constipation, Tasrsrets are the Mpal Laxa iHJUULiUllilil UUntlaHirjuD tire, nerer rrip or jrripe.but ranse f isy natural reults. Sam su pie and bonklfit free. Ad. STEBMM1 BF.JIKDY 0.. Chirasro. Montreal. Can., or New To. k. UKE JH JgSALT V i sleep-erstOM- in Throe doors South of Post Office Everybody Says So. Cascarets Caudv Cathart ic, the most won . Only line running throtiKh PnUmsn Talacs Bleeping ears to Denver ana San Francisco ffltjout chAnire, and i'ulinan lainuy s Denver. Francisco. Los Ansel" (Jblcaito, New York and Boston. Free reclin ing: chair cars. All oan ligtita wita fintsch Gas. D. C. Dodyo. A. E. Welby, P A. Wadlcleh, Uen. iupt, Gen. Mgr. iea, ft T. A Caters to the Wants of the Public for Parties, Weddings, Birthdays, Etc. huluiu Ttitiwra Antuinte will io it. .4 Hu) to oust only tHK't?. All drulsts, or liv nwill AL''twwftiitet. Circulars 'HKE. lll. MATUllliTTK, C'iiKAUo, 111. ? SRIAT T1TPT V nTTSPIHWrn MU RRAV --- sw 10. ) uiitsaN tatu e., vjv..w,isi.. .- - I 11 s-u- LI$T CIVIL SERVICE PULES irlth 6PtT.ffiHEUnxitK.! WESIlOlia, gives the Civil, Aniiv.iNavymt Diplomatic Pay Tables. Tcll ahnul al llenntlmental. Cii"!tom, Indian ani other pulilic e.i,.,.li'vmcnt. EOT TO 02TAM TITtM, Price 50o. For saie t the office of this paper. !, |