OCR Text |
Show i ff i i . Jj 1Y-- V ;rr . Hit J r..i BY. Li Pra,l - iiM'- i.:in. " I i.e. ., v c If.i.iii' ;.' i : ) ; -- in ll;.' UKRfV' !.:.'tiiir!: t ho Ut:V 1.:. KUMn.lli J i.ru.1. :r I.i. no ". Train ukc, :.'!'' :i V l.t.U'Mril - is---.- L'1 2. V;i i'.icli n (.in. Denver ::;a a ii a. in. 0-- I f! , ! ! i" V.f-.an- :, - 1. t;iift lie rtiit line i n'nt! (Ytf", Colorado's tui. Trin No. 2. WYiiurO-.'tK-ii.in. :; ni vt'b at Cilpfjle e'ree next i.:.".U. Ir V m.t;-lm- S. K. h (loner. 0 i', A. T. A uOVlt r Ct dan 7 V Il I.- ... - !.n. . H:urriK'il!-- .1'. .: : i...-- U.'; ;;! nil IT. li Tint 1 'ir vv.'if '! ,vv : v. i: r. f 4 ! i in: ii h . '' nii.f ?r -- 'I hr in --r3 v if' - ... ... '. A If"; li--i ' '.V. i vi ... :. -! ' ' i i; t ies;.--e- us v;i:n. lilt. VI.!.....:.!'" If.l An 1. IH.d tl .;!'r v;t, i n: l'.r! u "Lt . !M.vt.l:;U tin. bfoou.a .r. .v r : '1 ' .,.- - in ifH enm-- f'rs, Knt -- '.r w! lllfMi" ;tPKTS, I, 1'H' !' AlIU li- - I'!-- ., - -- ... . And :'':!f Uis I e t'.ipr I :( .t f ni love. -- it- :;! 1 11 DEAD LETTER LIST. Murray. Yuh. June 1, v. Tiie fullowiug list of letters y . uncalled for in this olace, if not taken out in thirty days they will le sent tothedead U tter oi:iw. The bumps are signs of a better John 11. Nelson, package nose See beef. of my eyes, Abtf Gordon, quality aud ear, then blow my horn for Jack Jacobson, Mr. Ed. Guest. 1,1 G Butcher tfwp, Osear Martin. U & J. C. WLST, Mgr M. A. VlLLUlMsEN, P. M. Time Card No. 28, IN EFFECT JAN. 17th, J897 LEAVE MUKRAY: ?a t 7l'ot Mud N.i. 6 GRANTER pm 5 12 ii iritcni'.L'i'.iHtu i a tu points For Siinprif, snvier and till 12 4.'! p m intr rn.odiatf points For piovu, l'ason. E'lrfelfi. i'.nd all iuU'iniediaie poin'.s 5 12 p in 1EAVE SALT LAKE CITY, For Grand junction, Denver 7 50 a .n and nil poiiseust For Grand Juiict 1011' Denver aird all inlcrmefl i;if! points 7 4 p in --Tip m all pis " " " " Ojrdcuatid " 11 ii ilo. Luke ("ity Sail L:Uo Cily. 2 .No. 4 No. No. in ATWOOD. Tub-li- e Accomodations unsurpasi-ed- . Service at all hours, night and A.E. Wolliy. Dor.Hrr, i'in.M.L,r. p them. IGENOPKETTET! Skamli-navis- F A WiullciL'h, Gen. P. fi T. A (.ien.Siipt. at iin'oiSadJ can Are so simple work them. can oldest So easy that the in., r (V anbcfales sum godt asorttret day. af prima kjod poise varer efter Friccs to suit the People and the saavel Anierikans:, som Times. metode, lovende enliver Coitkurer-endrcei-gobehandling. r 'eveial Faith'ul Men orWonien y' 'ANTEl' priser. Undertegtiede to travel for rt Htionsiule .veck-lHkandinaver. i. y fTS '5 Sal iu i; lah. ry boupo spesielt payable ! lre S Machines Singer thatSewing understand the youngest Minute," said in the public speaker a husky vote; and then hj took a dose of One Minute Cough Cure, and proceeded with his oratory. One Minute throat Cough cure is unequalled for troubles. Murray Phaand lung Proy. W. E. rerrebce, rmacy, Livery ai(I FccdStabie. - o Steam Heat and Electric Lights. aDu "I oravob-itOn- x cr ,' Only line running tlirouijh Pullm:i:i Palaee to Denvor ami S.m Francisco SSeopi'iWCHrs it;iout elm nse, anJ PulDi a.i family slt'ep-o-. rs tci Mm Franeist!0. los Aufrcl- s bww-rrwlin-ins- r 'liii'i'iro, Kinv York aii'l Hosion. cU. ir oars. All ears lighted with I'im.seli -- f 1) 4.) p m 1'. & si'i-w.i- PERA 1S97. No This is the handsomest and most complete opera houe in the State, outside "fOlen & Salt Lake and is to none is point of convenience tft comfort. 1 w For 4 e A'-'e- "No. J? "I in hr.t.py Kis'' , And fo ih i.'.vrii I.ov a:;.i i - o1.;. Mr'.t U' iiul niiia ." HumiiiT a ))'rr' f' That rrli is ! , ut 1.. in-tn l. rvt ry ua-- a r TriiMicMimagf r Denver. Colorado Fi .M. Cns'iinjr. H. F. Kevins. T. I'. Gf 11, Aj,-- nt Salr. LaUeCuy. Utah. & !.-- - An! linirtirs. S .... . h Cna-:- , ' i .111 .. i". t.v .,r i.. r ' A'. ..... fl At.-A I, F. DURAN'D n m, Sal; In ftill to be fountl nt his 0!u ;. Stand, f W7:' ;. in. A rive, lit, fori ill. ! t: a ver Colorado I'lD'iir.'.s, u:ii p. p in Opera House Block, Murray, O uruiu itoiunT.ii'in uim iiihi!'' !'i;e! rcinoviii;; supcriiuous a:ir n .su..i! !": ivilii iiii l:m t cariVijm liie laces of nio 11. liter (illy ru'iclies. and ''n'.linai. n ail iri'ns 'l'i',fti,f i. ,V k. G (if CaP and See Kim 0 0 aidh vf ;t fiiir.fiirt iilc. trp and y tue -- Kt.M i!-- 0.' Jen 0:!." i. i.i. ;:u',r ll Arnw ' !!. 'olor:!.i jiiring, Ti.t'uNo L .'. P -!- m t:n.; :.uci b V'-I- . .T tin-puUi- o n i t. Ml' I SIMUNHS I! A Aii'i r. ( shop Miln-it.- rfiM-ciiuJi- ' "' - . . )V.l'v, C. v and IH.'h.- -- r A. - S..::d-er- - atr-un;:.'- ii I.i., T,r.lA ;t;l . .vS rmi'ii-- i and butcln-i'. 1 :.!. 'ivS-Ja- I .53-- ; - --- t. V k .'U Vk.k.u e d imive-tere- & Ogden expeiMrs. l'8ition permanent. enesied Kaelose srl velope. T.bs National. Star Kuildin;. ' hicajro a 'Railway bath trip to 2.ice Heck's ITot ts. 11 Springs, in 3 Darn S. BAMBERGER. Gen. Mgr. H, Early PaiB. Afri Fro:n O.'den to Lanoon and return on Sundays via O. S. L. li K. 75 cents C'idldreu 35 cents inclndinif admitsioii tojjrouuds. U"fft iu" n' i. i IASIT tr.,i: Vtfll Dr. Mutwictte s intuau il - !e-- s refn-shini- OFFICES 43 Don't Tobacco Sp;l and Smoke Yonr Mfc Auay. To quit tobacco easily and forever, be mug nctic, full of life, nerve and vigor, take that makes weak men the wonder-worker- , strong. All dfUKRists, 50c or 91. Cure guaranBooklet and sample free. Address i teed. or New York. I Sterling Hemedy Co, Chicago ..tea ;U - THE ANCIENT ORDER OF FORESTERS and FRIENDLY Utah. EAKXEST PtOGXOX. BeSS, Kocxia S05-- 0 Sii.T Laki; Cn v, Teachsr of Organ- - Vic. S-i- r WHOLESALE . i-- ra To t'ltrti Ciiiitiii:itlini I ir..ii.,. Take Case:. rets Canny CuUiartie. loe crST-Tf It. l it. f.nl kimw :'n t r..t,t,..t ::::co6eac,4:::: 'B.B.BraDdies 'TeacMiicney.; R. H. Winder,Prop- ;; - a i Future 5 rtit'a.it5 ..... (.f r. ssa v'l WJ; 3 the cr-;- crAictor scrvics: cniuni'tl.e assxlfis,a " : 'r V 1if; KICH'Ji!CAL ADJcSTf.10,7, cwcfcJ ivi''A l' r.r-r.t'.- jn- - Jead for cur fcoc;;t;fJ FOR iTerrtm: Tho rw.w.iab?,n 2 7to cei. Is per ciht mit f?'A'aru8Go for Your Supplies where You Any article of Merchandise for sale Propi. ill Murray,can be found in (Jreat are sure to find Them in Stock Ell8 2n.l utl. M.. )3l flm H! rrllKef. Ouanftte. imd and where. You Can Have a Grade Quality at our store. for Mtty f iil.er V:cn!: large Variety to Select From and I With Prices Equal to Any. u'"!' 1. 1 . DAI ION, iMauager. u. rurc. kx." m-ir- t "1- ar ! - firctt Sctc? JSO . VI M P'1- - SVcnted v.rif.rr we cro ot reprrsrr.tet!. fciALf- - CiniLArO, CL'D. ftens catalogue. W in-- . ..,.., Furniture f.,liHi..i' Dixies a:e otif'lallv I'ann iiial S Ironic. Our iit e i g C T Y. BY L. E, HALL, SALT L.A K hooJ - it g CJccJ Attach- - mile Gc.vbg fthiftc Co., tf.' will! v.vlb t!,e fsr.a M03T FISSSASIE (fl i'l'i- I v FIGURED i (O !- w -- v..:: Ofiico tttrity, 7" '7! 215 CA5;i;r;'L!.Y refers lMt;M in the lu art of ovcry conveciom-- Tl e-'- t v' Kloily FurrHl'1 La Cccnofliy. ,v,i Kt i M you !c:vt 3-:- :.:: .t W S? rig fcr Cc-r.f.- :t - 4". 13 ' Specialty, 'MILKS Cuke, Etc;., DailLUNCH ST A VP Hot and Cold Lunches. 1 lot with Cake I'M''-Lunches put up fortrav4- 'ICattrs t tb '.VaotM of (li- - IV" 'f ,:'r Three duors f'ouHt Ei 1 -- B.Y.RANDALL. P'P Fresh Crsitd, Guns, Johnson, Prop. Give me a Call ii & bTx s2 lu ;.;;;.grape,;;;;;; L't.vii. t'5,7,,-,-- UsT. HnnuMRaaiHMMinHiHnMnHnH Atlas ElocL. 7T,;'-'-f ray every Friday. irerma PI1ICEB. ;:;:::P0RT,&"1' "'1NGEUCA""' immiv ; c- i- I Miss IVdl will give lessons in MurWtiif inv..iH V, 11 It I attfitrciji. Cathartic, dm von i cation forever. f n. U fail. lirnr'tiMs ref::m1 mniirr. .jc. ; Law. ."."'WERRY,;;;!! Fr?da.:: at be Corner Barber Shop. For terms npply at office &Stu dio, !i B Korley's Music Store, MURRAY, ..iiie.'., only CASH but all meats will taken willoe Mni,kw winzs.liquors&cigars FINE ' Sausfig', fcrtl and Bacon, Of all kinds Y. Randall, - Chief Ranger. James Arnold, Financial Secretary. Attorney-at- - Camly BATS M 13: MUSiCIESSONv Ssiive on Hand Fresh and Cured SOCTETV:, meets every "Wednesday night in Foresters Hall, State Street. Murray o ytno and Has Constactly POOLS Bl LLIARDi Even Crsam Fare K53, Xo. S124." Sail Lake C'ity,Ojrdcn and Leadville Cripple Creek, Colorado Springs, Denver it all points eat. Only line runnum Turoujjh Cliair Cuts. Through Sleepers on both Moru-n- r a.'id eveuii:;;' tinins. This line, iu connection w ilh iLr ItioliraiideU'eilern, reaches Denver ei'iiier'thau any other lino vin Colo-indNo cbautre of cars or delayed Sj raitrs. trains- - Takii the Colorado Midland and save time, Rtiu enjoy the, linest ridt) aud grandest scenery iu Colorado. For full particulars call on tiny H, G. W. Apt. or Salt Luke City () A D 'ii, Gen "U", F, Kai'.ey, G. P. A., Denver, Colorado. Mq3 Lizzie the cheapest and always the most Satisfactory. South Main Street, Salt Lake City. may Meat & Live Stock e F.et'.veen CITY IN THE W0RLO. EVERY 14,000,000 SINGER SEWING MACHINES Made and Sold. 1,000,000 Sold Annually, This proves the old old saying that the best is r to-da- y ilHlUdlltl Jt. Jit Two Through Trains Daily- fySAnyFACTURruc Go. The Sincer iti au VUIV.'J iK" Such easy terras that anybody can purchase one. g Murray Meat and Live Stock Market. ?; V. .liiC r Cared yejys okJ. 5 (Taken from Lb'e.) 106 yeir3 o!J. Polsemager Says So. iSvervooiiy n iuclud-in- S , B Ar idous tneortv.ma.. Rua'aawe'iMin- u C.iscarets Candy Cntluirlic, the most won bf;ct o Habit Cute. A 1,1c S.XCll!;Cfe.llf,jjrs dci'fol medical discovery of the asre, pleas- Ail WVJrsn.' druncists or tv mail. At.io.-ito the taste, act pcutly ant ittid illATCHETTIi c:0., Chicat HimoiS. DH. and positiyely on kidneys, liver and bowels, cleansiuir tho entire system, dispel colds, euro headache, lever, habitual constipation and biiiniisnc!!n. Please, buy and try a box bold aud of C. C. C. ; 10, '., IM 'cents, guaranteed to cu;-- by all cirugistj. LAQOCN Etc. Hound jPRS John Tbkeijsen-- X. Jntiun It itfimi jnt titit: will dr. it. A ;,rf, mvi oalv T'lict.'. All lir.icr 's nr iiv mill. Ag'N wantcl. Circular nuns. Uii. MATCiiKT'l t, (''Ucago, 111. ideal resort and picnlo grounds. Hound trip Inc. ding admis-dot'5 cits, Special rate? to Sociidies, Sunday Schools, The yr'i l f5ni Daily Time Table its Effect May 3oth,l 07; Leave Ar. Fiirm- - Lv. Farm- - Arrive S. L. S. L. insrton. inton. Txii a.m. 7.40 a. if, 8.O0 8.40 a. m . m. 1i.Ho a. in. 9 lo it. m. lo.ooa 111. U.4oa.iu 11 ooa in. 12.4o p. in lt.4o afin. l".o' in 1.4 k. in. -S.Supm 34op.m. '.opiii. ii.4o p. i:. 4.20 i. in, 4.4o p. in. 5.2 , m .r)4 ?. 111. 6. "op. in. B4op. in. 7.o jt. m 7.i0 p in. 8.2o p. m, lo.oo p in. 10.40 p. in Lestyrer, I Supplies tuDt i, t V.. l t for tf-tt. iticluditig iu-. vie. Adjuit.lde etalioimry amo Pmccs ttKisc - jhchasinq. outt Catalocuc Cut Af,cnt3 WDillftl Every !i.;i i. U.-M- Us THOMAS KAWE & CO., Racine, Wis. |