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Show ,' "t !. more venom, In which lies the greater DOG BROUGHT THE PARDON. danger, England's aggressions on a A Convict! Who Won the 1 Governor! Confidence Through His Dog:. South American republic, or English m- A finances? Of American SELFISH,! UNPATRIOTIC AND mastery It was a dog that brought liberty to i. J. Al .1 .1 esmem, premacy SO potem mat nuuonai a convict In the SOCIETY'S ENEMY. penitentiary jdignity and honor must tremble In as- recently, says theKentucky Cincinnati Enquirer itself. It is some comfort to 'The as a mesacted brute intelligent 11 There Are Exceptions (and There Are) serting jknow that the impotency of the Amerbetween Governor and Brown They Should Come Oat and Be Heard ican financial system is at last about senger felon,1 the carrying the pardon in its In Behalf of the Suffering: Peo-- ito dawn upon the nation, and even to from mouth the executive mansion tc enetrate the dense fog that has so the pie. and, after gaining admit ong enveloped the white house. Were tance,prison, to the recipient of the clemency It is possible to conceive of a banker tesshotofforthethe magnitude, the serious- - himself. Thedog is the property of situation, that plaintive the possessing large ability and great ingovernor, and the convict is O. for help by its blind habitant would fluence, and observing that his coun- cry G. Garden of Louisville, who was senie amusing. Oh, Grover, how often try suffers because its finances are in these two years ago to serve a term tenced silver cranks have told you so, disorder, coming forward, impelled by of eight years for manslaughter. put you would not heed them. But in feelings of patriotism, to offer, without the some time Garden has been em For come will of distress hour hope of money reward, his advice and t!o thee withthysilver andtheygreenbacks ployed as a "trusty" at the executive jhis assistance in the work of restoring chores and running ermansion, doing order and confidence. Such a man, galore. a rands. moves The in God way mysterious dog, a fine speciment of performing such a service, would deto work for the shepherd breed, is a family pet instruments are his serve and would receive honor from the good of humanity. Whenever the and is unusually intelligent. his countrymen. The land is filled strument becomes useless it is cast It was a part of Garden's duty to look with bankers, great and small; but akide. The war cloud may be purposed after the animal and they came to be where among them appears a figure of tb serve that mysterious power that fast friends. WJien the prison doors Inthis kind in the present crisis? njioves all nations, all time to work for were opened in the the collie stead there looms up before a nation of man, is awak-ehin- g was there to meet morning his convict friend ' bewildered and befooled by the public the manifest destiny of this peo- - and accompany him to the mansion. At conscience the public press quite another figure. It is that ple from the lethargy, the supineness, of the variety of banker who first pro- that so long has held them in the grasp night he returned with his striped to the grim portals. cures the rejection of one of the money of greed. If so, and the subtle chains playmate When the pardon was made out it imetals; who then instructs the are broken, who can say was ;oj Shylock no suggested that the dog be permit people that there can be Venezuela has not performed well ted to that carry the welcome freedom tc the remaining her allotted part in advancing the other sound money than his devoted friend. corner the to metal; who then proceeds of humanity to a broader and freer closed in a stout The paper was entide corenvelope and givec gold, which could not have been field? Anything that will break the to the animal, which and was told to gc been retained; nered had silver bonds of financial slavery that now to the of penitentiary. With a wag oj who, finally, making the treasury to Europe may be this holds country its tail the it left the mansion and ran the United States his victim and as a divine blessing. Turn accounted down the old accustomed route to th peace and honor of the country his on the dogs. Respectfully, himself to prison. A telephone message apprised gorge E. W. Taylor. plaything, proceeds thimble-rigging the guards of his coming and he waa with the profits of his Tacoma In Ledger. (Wash.) admitted without delay. operations. With one hand he creates the Garden was in the yard patientlj he other the despoils panic; with CHINA. IN METALS PRECIOUS of their of the fruits awaiting the arrival of the governor's toil. He intimidates the newspapers; Purchasing: Power of Silver Has Not De messenger, never dreaming that the he cows other bankers who wish to be dog had been selected. Catching sight clined but Gold Has Appreciated. members n bullies decent and honest; he face, the doe ran American by Col. of the The for (Prepared not of congress so that they dare speak E. R. Jefferds, an American Engineer, up to the convict and laid the envelope in defense of their constituents; he in Shanghai.) Gold, in the at his feet. The glad cry of happy creates a reign of terror in which it is now seen surprise that the overjoyed prisoner for of money, is never hardly safe for a free American citizen in China, neither are gold ingots gave vent to on catching up the offieven to hint at the fact that his policy in use in cial envelope and tearing it open was trade, but are used for hoardis that of the brigand and the thief. ing by a succession of joyous Hoarded gold is generally In truth, the performances of Captain foundonly. in barks from is d One the in only two forms. harbinger Kidd were the "most frolicsome gam- ingots shaped 3.6 of good tidings. like a boat about bols of an innocent child compared with inches long, 0.8 inches wide, and weighthe plundering of this bandit who oz. Troy weight; the other 11.975 ing CIGARETTE SAVED HIS LIFE. makes the prosperity of a great nation is of gold leaf, measuring form the in his prey, and the treasury of the rich- about eight inches square and weighAt Least Soon Is the Story Told by E. If- - Hume. est country in the world a mere conrelative The abou thirty grammes. duit to turn into his pocket the gains ing "Christmas day," remarked a tall, value of gold to silver was in the befilched from the possession of honest D. athletic-looking man in the corridor oi ginning of the Ming Dynasty (A. men. 1375), one to four; under the Emperor the Fifth Avenue hotel (speaking to a The banker performs a most useful Wan Li (1594) of the same dynasty, one New York Times writer), "always exfunction in modern society. No judi- to seven; at the end of the Ming Dy- cites in my mind emotions of the cious man will complain if, while en- nasty (1635), one to ten; under the for the cigarette." sympathy gaged in lending money at reasonable Emperor Kung-hs- i (1622) of the presThe man proved to be E. H. Hume. interest, men who are in that business ent dynasty, one to twelve; under the He said he was from England but shall acquire a good share of the wealth Emperor Kien-lun- g (1737), one to twenclaimed New as York his home. created by the labor of others. Many ty; in the middle of the reign of Toak-wan- g was "It six years just ago," he said, bankers are just as good men and just (1840), one to eighteen; at the beI was "that with the English army as good and loyal citizens as other men, ginning of the reign of Hun-fun- g (1850), in Burmah a Upper and week before disa as and ar incapable of doing oiie to fourteen; in 1882, one to sixteen Christmas I found myself taken down honorable or unpatriotic act. But the to- eighteen, and at present one to thirty. with black There had been diphtheria. now in suffers class popujust banking Gold not being used in China as money an of the disease epidemic in the town a as esteem has lar class, it because, but as a commodity, its only value is and and I, vicinity nefarious of the always susceptible rallied to the support for hoarding and ornamental purposes, to contagious diseases, was one 6f the gold system, and because it gives at thus the people can readily comprehend least tacit approval to the great money that gold has advanced nearly one first in the regiment to take it. Every sharps in the large cities who have hundred per cent since 1882. One ounce day I grew worse, until the surgeon rigged the treasury for their personal of silver will buy just as much rice, finally gave up all hope and told me advantage. These big bankers ap- corn, cotton, silk or other commodity, that I could "not live twelve hours pear to terrorize the smaller bankers, except gold, as ever it would, but gold longer. My comrades bid me good-b- y as they do the public newspapers and is too high for all but the very richest and a few of my intimate friends, fel members of congress; and meantime all people to Indulge in. Precisely the lows from my own home, stayed with the banking interest, too eager for gain, same conditions, as far as values are me to tell the folks how I had passed manifests anxiety to obtain for itself concerned, prevail in the United States, my last hours on earth. control of the money issues of the coun- only our people have been bulldozed "My throat had become so swollen I was in great pain and the phlegm in hands should which the all that remain except belief that values, ihto the try, assid-wdusthe while of the government. The notion, had collected to such an extent that I gold, have gone down, down, could not speak. Breathing had be- is he vilue a remains because of that man, stationary. gold urged, iMr. R. E. Bredcn, commissioner of come all but impossible. a banker, knows more about these "I knew that I had but a short time things than other men, is conspicuous- - customs, in the Decennial reports of bank-Ath(e "It custom house, Shanghi, says: to live and as a last request asked for iy aDsura, The general run of ers is composed of men of very moder wpuld be impossible in the space at my a cigarette. ate ability. Some bank presidents are disposal to discuss the influences which "It seemed to be the only thing on hardly able to write a letter containing tell on the movements and value of earth that I wanted. The surgeon recorrect syntax and orthography. But, the precious metals in China, even if, fused to give me one, but a young whether they be wise or foolish, it is writing with only the trade of a single Irishman who knew how fond I was oi no part of theirs business to undertake port before mk, I am in a position which smoking took one from his pocket, sayto direct, single handed,, the finances qualifies me o do so. I can only say ing that It would not possibly hurt me, of the nation and the people will not that, in the general opinion, a tael of as I was already dying. have it. If the bankers had real wis- silver buys as much produce as it did "He held it to my lips and I inhaled dom they would perceive that their wlien it had a sterling value." This, I a lot of smoke, which I thought would An choke me. true advantage promoting the believe, is a fair general statement. of Instead the smoke that native says that as regards prosperity of the wealth producers and intelligent out and It the with poured brought in refraining jfrom increasing the pop- pri ces, a man who has an income of whole mass of phlegm which for a week ular, feeling of antagonism to banks onu hundred taels a year, can now buy the surgeon had tried his best to reand bankers, We say to them that Mr. a greater quantity of useful article! move. The cigarette was the only Cleveland's recent performances and thJi he could with the same money ten thing, possibly, that would have served the rapacious greed of certain powerful years ago. The American. the purpose. In four days I was on bankers have not only done more than my feet, a well man, and I have never The Senate Totes for Free Coinage. anything else to hasten the overthrow pn Saturday last the senate placed had a day's sickness since." of the gold system, but also to ' create dislike of banters which may bear bit-"t- itself on record as beingof in favor of the The Air Chisel. silver to its fruit at an early day in the shape of complete restoration of rich sculpturing in the Much in the the monetary hostile legisIation.-Th- e Manufacturer, former position new a the United States. By vote of congressional library building is done by the use of a new invenhouse bond bill the 35 it 42to being passed A BLOW IN FAVOR OF SILVER. in the shape of an air chisel. By tion for an amendment the t V: '.'.;: with, providing .v:i: ij;. use of this marvelous little machine Struck by England, but Evidently With- free coinage of silver at the ratio of the out Intention. 16 to 1. There were twelve pairs anthe modern statue is carved quickly To the Editor of the Ledger: No more nounced of which, of course, six were and with a precision almost equal to .forcible argument has been made for for silver and six against. So the total the old masters. Of course a model in the return by this country to. a bimetal vote of the senate on the question is plaster Is necessary, the compressed air 'lie standard than the threat of the Eng 48 tjo 41. There fere at least eight other chisel being used simply for reproduc'llsh bankers to destroy the, credit of senators who are decidedly friendly to tion. The tool is not unlike the den'this nation if It persits in the attempt silver. Their! utterances show them tist's drill. It runs under about thirty to maintain national honor. Our Eng to lje standing'on the border line, as it pounds presure and strikes a blow bemasters can well afford to press were, and that their votes are con- tween 1,200 and 1,500 times a minute. lish tne cup or numility, filled with f the trolled by otlier considerations than .An expert does excellent work with dregs of dishonor, to the lips of those the real merits; of the issue. There are this machine, which cuts marble as have made the actually not less than fifty-si- x ,who, silver easily as the carving of steamed wood. of men affairs this nation senate in the (financial depend today, and if Wall Inventive Age. ent upon the whims and policies of the street were to change front on the ques'European bankers. Like sharks they tion, free coinage would have a unaniHurricanes in Weat Indies. 'have followed the ship of state, wait- mous vote, j A ('dead issue" that in" the In the West Indies, where hurricanes ing for; the storm that, In the distress, face of the most strenuous efforts of a are frequent and destructive, they genhostile administration and all the pothey might fatten and feast. originate in the tropical regions Here is a nation firs t in resources, tential influences that the "money erally near the inner boundary of the trade first in the genius of application, first power" can bring to bear, carries the winds, and are caused by the vertical in native powers, abashed by a;coterie United States senate by 'such major- ascent of a column of rarefied air, whose of English Shylocks, who threaten to ity, j is, to say the least, a somewhat place is a supplied by rush of wind from visit dire disaster upon it if the attempt anomalous thing. It looks very much the surrounding regions, set into gyra is made to uphold a long and; estab- as if the goldites may have to "kill' it tion by the rotation of the earth. lished national policy; and congress, some more. Ex.' yea, the wise (?) men of the land are Capital and Labor. Will Soon Be on the Ran. compelled to counsel over the displeas- With on the; one side and cappassion of ures of this cabal. the bold efforts The gold press to ital on the j other, with a nation In Is it not about time for some modern belittle the. Washington convention are of cut in twain by these dangler being Monroe to arise and announce a dis- highly indicative of the uneasiness in battles between the upper and lower tinctive American policy one that will the jmoney centers at the rapid growth the only way to settle these not entangle Itself in European greed, of the American bimetallic sentiment classes, is the intervention or law by quarrels r be .subservient to the pleasure of thalj thrives on: business failures and and iustice. Abbott. Lyman peney sharks? In which lurks the bond issues. BAKEH OF TO-DA- Y. li 4. I , na-t'ii.o- ns ; dull-witt- wealth-produce- ed rs well-know- re-echo- ed four-foote- . ten-dere- st - i ly CIGARETTE SAVED HIS LIFE. At Least Sach Is the Story Told by E. H. Hume, USTLERT&0GKEY- S AM DEL A. KING, , WholesaU aud Retail ' "Christmas day," remarked . a tall, athletic-lookin- g man in the corridor of the Fifth Avenue hotel (speaking to a New York Times writer), excites in my mind emotions "always of the sympathy for the cigarette." The man proved to be E. H. Hume. He said he was from England but claimed New York as his home. "It was just six years ago," he said, "that I was with the English army in Upper Burmah and a week before Christmas I found myself taken down with black diphtheria. There had been an epideuic-o- f the disease in the town and vicinity and I, always susceptible to contagious diseases, was one of the first in the regiment to take it. Every day I grew worse, until the surgeon finally gave up all hope and told me that I could not live twelve hours ten-dere- st longer. My comrades bid me good-b- y and a few of my intimate friends, fellows from my own home, stayed with me to tell the folks how I had passed my last hours on earth. "My throat had become so swollen that I was in great pain and the phlegm had collected to such an extent that I could not speak. Breathing had all but impossible. "I knew that I had but a short time to live and as a last request asked for a cigarette. "It seemed to be the only thine on earth that I wanted. The surgeon re fused to give me one, but a young Irishman who knew how fond I was of smoking took one from his pocket, say ing that it would not possibly hurt me. as I was already dying. "He held it to my lips and I inhaled a lot of smoke, which I thought would choke me. Instead of that the smoke poured out and brought with it the whole mass of phlegm which for a week the surgeon had tried his best to re move. The cigarette was the only thing, possibly, that would have served the purpose. In four days I was on my feet, a well man, and I have never had a day's sickness since." -- Attorney - at - Law., Collections Promptlj Att Office, First National bank U JUdg.. McNALLY & LUJST, MR m HIM: i jj; k I 1 MUTTON fTlOVO, -- OSTLER & and Ibapahl TRADE M'NALLY ;' i OCKEY, j ..'.. v: ! ; i i . Oasis to Detroit, " Fish ngs, " Gold Spr HHI and Ipabah S3.00 5.0(7 it 3t 7.5G Tare for transportation out and ire turn oi fares. A ddrees, and one-ha- lf i Ln I w, j PAUKjS, p i 1 CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT? For a prompt answer and an bonest opinion, trrite tic CO. who have had nearlv fifty years' experience in the patent business. Commnnica tfons strictly confidential. A Handbook of In formation concerning Patents and bow to ob tain them sent free. Also a catalogue of mechanical and scientific books sent free. Patents taken tbronph Mr.nn & Co. receive, notice in the ?oi entitle A i;cri"nu, and specialare brousrht widely before ilip public with." thus out cost to the inventor. TMg paper issued weekly, elecantly illuRtretpd.fi'n;.d has bv farther w. ecic? circulation r'r of t'tie any largest ia S3 year. Snmnle crr:fs ' r:-- ,irrca. t Building Edition, monthly, 5 cents. Every nuroiw cvif:JiU- baau-tifnew plates, in colors, and nbcJosjs-- i . how the houses, with plans, enau1iTtguildcr: A and secure contractu. latest desipns ., ibwAT. UUNM & CO- - Kew Vohk. rr. j j LAND and MllilWU j Rooms 4 and 5 Eagle Block trtwu itiruuxo COPYRIGHTS. F. --JAVIS, Proprietor. W. 1 1 i the-worl- d. t . 'nple-copie- i - ul i . SALT LAKE CITY, UTjiH. c-- . i f.'s ! 7 Harness and Saddlery GEO. W. WILLIAMS, i3 Asrsoasr, - - - xjt'.k:. MANUFACTURER AND IMPORTER OF Harness, Saddlery, Buggy Whips. Nose Bags, Collar Pads, Hardware, Leather, etc. Fine Buggy Harness a Specialty. Wholesale and Retail. Our goods haye been extensively used in Deseret and vicinity, and have' given the best satisfaction. Mail orders will receive prompt attention. Leads All the Rest- - bJ 4 AWARDS. mm bam TfllE eflop State Fair $ upoort Home Gold 1894, Medal. Industries; Three Cream Baking Powder Gold and eep Superior Quality Flavoring . Extracts Gold rma tROwn Ichoknf Tnrcs thhec. jywj. CRc Your v f""a Medal. Mousy SOLICITED. - at Best 6l LUNT, - NEPHI, j ;' and Thursday, and arrives at terminal polntf wltnln 63 Hours. THfter SOUTHERN VEAL NEPHI CITY, UTAH, Tk Oasla and Flah ttprlngB stage leaves Free delivery to any part of the city Oasis and Ibapab at 8 v m., each Monday RUGGI STS. Carefully compounded. Mall or express orders promptly attcned to Large Stsck at Salt Lake price. ruKK Butter, Lard, Sausage Ho for Detroit, Fish Springs, Gold Hill Medals. PRESCRIPTIONS rAnTT - ,,' ALSO . irritation." The Nile, from its delta to the great lakes of Central Africa, is over 4,000 miles in length. i tV? r Bute GUH.EE BEEP ber-com- e How to Light a Cigar. "How many smokers do you suppose there are who know how to prepare a cigar before smoking it?" asked a drummer for a large Virginia tobacco housi the other night. "I did not know a cigar needed any special tinkering by the smoker himself before lighting," was the reply. "That's where you make the mistake ninety-fiv- e people out of a hundred make. In future when you buy a cigar always bite or cut off the tip and blow through the cigar from the end you intend to light. If the cigar is at all dry you will see a dust-lik- e cloud come out of the cigar. This cloud is made up of fine particles of tobacco, which, if they are not removed, lodge in the back part of the throat and cause Uti - UTAH. Quality and Display of .Boda Water, Home. j The First National Bank, CAPITAL SURPLUS . HEWLETT JJIOS., CALT LAKE CITY, UTAH GENERAL i BOX 53Sv - Geo. C. Whitmore, President. W. W. Spices Pure and Ground Daily. BANKING In All Its Branches. sys-tem- bf J. II. Erickson, Vice-Preside- nt O. SALT LAKE. General Com i THE DESERET, UTAH, (One mile from Oasis St&tlom,) . . . , onMercnan De&ler lm I tlie Only Hotel First-clas- s t Between ISTeplii and IVEilford . , . . - ; :. " . : v FRUITS, VEGETABLES, BUTTER, Effr, Poultry, Game, Veal Pork an 4 Beef, Smoked and Fresh. Flak, Flour, Hay and Grain. It will pay you to ship your goods to bm. 1 cent, for haadllnjr and remit ju ekarge. 10 toon at rood are, told. Cam giro flrit-olacounter referenoea if desired. pr M RATES III HARMONY WITH THE TIMES. i We have a well of the famous Deseret Llthla Water on the premises. and which Is a guaranteed cure - I for Bright's and all diseases of th;e Kidneys, Bladder and all other, urinal troubles. In order to show our faith In this water, we make the following propos, W. a . M STEWARD, OFJTICKl 50 W. 2nd, South, SALT LAKE CITY 3. P. O. BOX lr-i- tfand Sample!. Iron Assay Copper Assay . . Bottle Samples .... ........ .; th; of MARTIN, . self-seeking- ly, To as Deseret House, Armstrong, Cashier. S. to: tre n - - i 1 er . MANUFACTURED BY $50,000 837,500 j ' sic UTAH. NEPHI, is-i- n tl ..$1.00 1.00 1.00 3. CO ition to-w- it: If anyone afflicted with any, of the troubles above enumerated are not relieved in and cured in three months, no charge will be made for board. Bear in mind the Desertt House it first-clas- s in every particular. MRS. J. F. GIBBS, Proprietor. one-mont- h 1 |