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Show ff tf ! ihse or lately Independent Wkt whether ' On all questions Political, Social or . Religious,' Ig the liliADE. Tae Truth Without F r r Favor." t I Terms; i " j Country People Read The advertisements in the Country Papers, and as has the Largest Circulation of any Paper in Central and Southern Utah, It offers the best nossible medium for Advertisements. The BLADE 2.00 psr year, ia advance, Six months, $1.00.; ! -- III. VQIjUUQ NEPHI CITY, UTAH, SATURDAY MORNING, FEB. 29, . LOCAL , , paper at Excelsior. Liocaqq bltnks for sale at The. Blade "Vyall j office. Call for Compound Cousrh SvruD : , j ; "1 ProvoB. Y. Academy Notes. i McNally & kurii. The farmers spent the past wesk in putting in grain r The 2ct. JIne of flress Gops at Jlyde & yhitmore's is immeqse. You should see the beantlfnl line of chijdrens hats at Qrd Bros' Chas. Andrews returned Wednesday ffom a business trip to the capital. CL,OTiiiiaot clothinq The finest line ever seen n Nephi at the Excelsior. mornlne the wind was fairlv Friday howling around the streets of Nephi, y Notice, Silver Ware. Silver Ware. Free I Free at Hyde Sf. Whitmpres. James 2. Lunt and Thomas Pass added their names to The BjiApK subscription list this week. A fine line of clothing just arrived at the Excelsior. Miss Hartley of Lent is visitincr her siBter, Mrs. H. H. Pitchforth qf this city, or lew uays, , The dress goods at the Excelsior have taken the town by storm, Everybody is tailing oi tnem. Qld papers for sale at this office at 10c. a hundred. Good to put under carpets, line shelves, etc. Over 2Q0Q pairs of shoes and gjippers usc received at tne Hjxcelsior. Eugene Blackett returned to Mercur last Tuesday after a few days viit with iriends and relatives. Our customers are entitled to a piece of beautiful Silverware free. IJvery five cent purchase counts, Excelsior Mer. Co. McN ally & Lunt, we haye the largest stock pfDruggists, and Pure Drug, liquors south of Sait Lake City. Family trades specialty, Look at the lovely shirts at the Excel sior. The like has nayer before been shown in Nephi. All the gents Jn town will want one or more of them. uiean up your premises rase on your lawns and prune up your trees. Nephi will be 4Hn it" thii summer, and she wants to have things looking nice, If you havnt seen those dress goods at the Excelsior go at once and see them, is, and! what it is "Populism, what it on is the, subject which Warren pot," Foster of Salt Lake City will speak tq the people of this city on Wedoe8day March 11th Leave your orders for J ob work at The ' Blade office. Ladiea Shirt waists, a large variety of them, at the Excelsior George Howard and Orson Cazier ship eastped four cars of cattle, ' Tuesday,' tq L ; ern markets. Call and see those iovelv. Ladies1 Wrans at the, Excesior during u weekT Price irom ta.uu up. Miss Saaie Orme has been very sick for the past two weeks, but Is now on the road to recovery. A GrancOpeuIngSale shd Display The largest, cheapest and most stylish ;:!.' stock of shoes in NeDhi, have you seen to Surpass anything of the fcirjid io thb v them? EJyde & Whitmqre's. . The Ord of returned John missionaries. History Nephi, Friday and Saturday and Wm. Iuckholdt, occupied the great29th. er portion of the time in "the afternoon Dont and fail 28th, tq February meeting Sunday. Call on us and see the beautiful things. car of redGrace Brothers received wood shingles and finishing lumber this A line of Ladies Sprjqg Wraps will be week, from California, it is the finest lot on sale at that time. ever brought to Nephi, Ain't those dress goods and silks at the Excelsior lovely? Everybody is enraptured with them. Nothing has ever been ''' '" shown like them in Nephi. Hall's Hair Renewer enjoys the confidence and patronage of people all over the civilised world, who use it to restore and keep the hair a natural color. The many ladies that are now wearing dresses of ou new stylish Dress Goods as an evidence of the large and assortment. Hyde & Whitmore V stylish f 'A erfek in the a pain Under back,' water brash, bilthe shoulder-bladeiousness, and cqnstipation, are symptoms of disordered stomach, kidneys, liver, and bowels. For all ailments in a derangement of these originating take t organs v Ayer's Pills. We DonH buy your clothing until you see the new things at bed rook prices at the Excelsior. The blue-rbiris hailed as a harbinger of Spring. Jt is also a reminder that a is needed to prepare the system for the debilitating weather. Listen and you will hear the birds sing Take Ayer's Sarsaparilla in ing. MarQh, April, May." A public meeting will be held at the Of Court house one evening next week (see date pf meeting by publio posters) to consider the advisibility of celebrating Arbor day by planting shade trees in some suitable place where tne public woud be benefited. Alljare invited to be 189Q. .'M present. The Grand Opening Sale of Ladies' Gents; haye you seen those nice dress shirts at the Excelsior? Wraps and spring Dress Goods at the Excelsior will be continued all next week. i George Worthington was made the re Those wishing Wraps would do well to cipient of a pleasant surprise Wednesday was not call on them during this time. night by his friends.but George We hare just received the nicest line of the real very mnph surprised was attained rthat ot having a goodobject time. good well made clothing it has been our sell good fortune to see. We do not honThe Excelsior is toe place to get your shodiii bu we do claim to spJI good Shoes and Slippers. There is nothing est clothing at the lowest prices and J quite so nice in Nephi. There are 2,000 guarantee the goods. We have clothing pairs Mr. Faxman selected while east. for all and will be pleased to show you Tney are lovely, sure. Don't fail to see what we have, even if you do not wish to them before buying. buy, Excelsior Mercantile Co, Gome The Bl44?b ' acknowledges the receipt Ha, fc the most exquisite things in w ..r-, of the invitation to be present at the dress goods, silks, velvets, laces, trimprogram to be rendered, at Levan Man mings, ladies spring apparel, shoes and day last by the school children in honor slippers. The Excelsior has them. Space of Washington's birthday, but was un will not permit telling of all the nice able to have a reporter there. things. You must call and see for yourReports from Mercur are that the burn self, Mrs. George Lunt was given an agree ed district has been entirely rebuilt. Two hundred houses have been erected able surprise Monday night. The even since the first of the year and indications ing was spent in playing games, singing boom in the songa, and various other ways of amuse are favorable to a red-hT. H. G. PARKE S, Superintendent. now held ment. The picnic was brought out about are choice lots Some spring. as $ 100 13 o'clock and done justice to by all, and as per front foot. high a I got my last suit at Ord Bros, it has whlcn ended deugntfui evening. Shoes, Shoes, Everything new and given such good satisfaction I'm going to try another. stylish in shoes, and so cheap that every5? one can wear new shoes. Hyde Prof. J. H. Paul of the Agricultural Whitmore's nioe College, Logan, gave a most interesting The entertainment given Thursday and lecture on education in the Central school house Saturday evening. He also met Friday nights respectively, by the Prim with the saints in the Tabernacle, Sun ary associations was listened to by large a poweriui sermon. audiences. Seme parts of the program day, and preacned the audience could hardly hear, owing to Prof. Paul Is ever welcome at Nephi. the size of the building and the weak The nobbiest and nicest things ever voices of the children. Taken altogether footwear in seen in at the Excelsior. was a mad success, and credit is due just much it j suit, a That He bought cheap, poorly managers, for the weeks of labor they The sound of merriment issuing from the the home of Mr. and, Mrs. Israel Bale, have spent in getting it up. ra when at fat?es and rips, he says: Saturday theso22nd told that something Everybody that has visited all the there there was, it being the stores was ud, and Hut anr more coods tiii44. aT5 w A. say that we have the prettiest, best fifty-fift- h birthday of Mrs. Israel Bale, and cheapest Dress Velvets, Silks,, and was being celebrated in grand style Kiboons etc, ever Goods, in We phi. displayed by, the many friends present. II All present No trouble to show goods, at Hyde & report a lovely time. Whitmore's. We are often asked the question, "How men of Nephi held a meet The is it you can Bell your dress goods so ing in mining the Court house Thursday evening much cheaper than the other stores." for the purpose of cC car fine suits, he also forgets that he organizing a mining we in ia because It large buy west ot quantities district district shall ' Nephi. is ' and direct from New York; everything be known as the j? urner The District. Mining got It cbeap, all he remembers that, we Into date, and reliable, no buy Were adopted, and E. H. McCune up ferior goods to catch the trade. Hyde & was elected recorder.. Parties owning Whitmore's ;..'prospects in the new district are doing considerable development work and ex The boy of J. W. to commence 12 ween 1 pect died shipping ore in the Fribat and (o'clock! Price, near future. been The child bad Suffering for day. a week past with pneumonia and was a Every five cent purchase at the Excel tctvs oj tlte hanger; that it vore like little better Friday morning, but , took sior counts in getting a piece of beautiful worse towards noon and succum- Silverware smiles" and Tie rapidly free. not fade Irvnand did bed. The community extends its deepest The little daughter of Mr. Fred Webber, sympathy to the bereaved parents. Holland Goes hack to the reliable firm of Mass., had a very bad cold and Our people are growing more and more cough which he bad not been to cure in the habit of looking to McNally & with anything. I gave him able 25 cent a' Lunt Druggists. fo the latest and best of bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, everything in the drug line. They sell says W. P. Holden, merchant and post Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, famous master at West Brimfield, and the next for its cures of bad colds, croup and time I saw him he said it worked like a hooping cough.thisWhen in aneed of such a charm.' This remedy is intended especmedicine jive remedy trial and you ially for acute ,tbroat and lung diseases will be mere than pleased with the result" such as colds, croup and hooping cough is famous for its cares. There is and it carried was A grand surprise out upon no danger in giving it to children for it DISEASES OF THE SKIN. Mr. Enoch Bowles, the leader of the contains nothing injurious. For sale by North ward choir, at his residence at 8 itching and smarting The & Lunt and other McNally Druggists. when a Monday q'clock evening, large Wrbrtnn, SSma, to instantly aUayed by number of friends and relatives walked The pretty line of Dress Goods, silks, on him which was so unexpected that laces,, etc displayed at Hyde & aSSvinff Chamberlain's ; Eye and Skin in it was some time before the gentleman velvets, Whitmore's could stot be beat in could hnd words to tpeas, but he wasn't Lake, call and see them. No troubleSalt to .''Sample Iloorns for CommercialTravlong in getting the room in shape. Danc- show you our goods.. ' and feasting was the order singing, ing, chil-bl4- S 12 o'clock. Those present had after hands, nntii Meets all NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. chapped, sore nipples; Trains, Free to Patron a most excellent time. 4 Rod bite frost from the station . This is to give notice that Andrew L. Do you want the nobbiest Shirt Waist Neff of Nephi FoTsale by druggists at25 cents per box. . is authorized to receive, in town? The Excelsior has them. and receipt for, all delinquent subscripthey Powders, Condition Trr Dr. Cadi's needs when m bad condi-SWe concur with the Salina Press in the tions to The Blade up to Nov. 23th. 1895, II. GOLDSBROUGH, what ahorse a noticeable fact that which must be paid without any further following: It is are ' It blood puriner and vermifuge. items lost to newspapers delay. Special attention is directed to Tonic, many good Proprietor. week by the modesty of the people the list which The Blade received from of its suspension. For sale by McNally & Lunt Druggist every who hesitate to tell the reporter matters theisStandard at the date old business be the that It imperitive themselves. The rignt thing closed concerning under carpets as a of matter for a up, to justice to myis do man putting to stop newspaper on Old the The BiDB street or any other place and to the present publisher of The you may happen self and on s Selves for sale atthe Very respectfully to meet him and tell him you have been Blade. j CAPITAL. oflioe. J. F. Gibbs, on a visit, have relatives and friends visit-n- g of The Blade. wife that comLoan. your to entertained you, flrta nmm Money or is that in , to a anything pany any way one Dunorea of news. If you have done g In any Don't fail to see the beautiful things in improved farm mattermean, 0a nd of course, keep it to your- dress goods and trimmings dollars, thousa ten Mr. Paxman ;y?e.i tvjzcri coy telf for there are others to tell that J bought VfbUa east. , i 1 : . I EXCELSIOR i ERMMLE M ' M Leaders in Low Prides. are Mailing a General , s, ' -- d blood-purifi- er j Every line in our Store and are Not Considering Cost. iWe are Determined to make some . .' Tun r ;.SM;iaM ;v ; leplii : ,, Go-o- p j , ot -- J.s-.x,- V- Whek - we Sell him one ' by-la- HENRY W. KING & CO ; eleven-month-o- ld ws : ;' cikiNG co. OKD BROTHERS - ' m HI SO , dS?th?ddn : - S. : Ex-publish- ( -- m"r" Attending the B. Y. Academy, are four students from Mexico, twenty from Arizona, and in all there are represented ' seven states and territories. Teachers and students pf the Bchoqi are very muph pleased to note that there are but a very few indolent pupils among over nine hundred in attendance. an iaddress reProf. Cluff remarked earnest was obedient the cently, that it student rather than the brilliant one, who ultimately made a success in life. It was very pleasing to some wQ feel themselves dull. Teachers often make the remark that their pupils are much more enthusiastic this semester than they were last. Every Sunday evening a meetingstu-is appointed for the improvement of men several young dents. Each are selected to night apeak. It is a noticable fact that the scaqdina-via- n element, among both Faculty and pupils, is highly represented. Some students whose physical strength is practically unlimited, but whose time and money are very much curtailed, are intending to take the succmer school. hoping thereby to complete a primary teacher's course in two years. Last Spring, the. teachers and students of the B. Y. Academy, decided that their noble edince needed a better than an acre of desert earth. The setting, and Faculty yeung men furnished all the trees, and gave the necessary labor lor laying out the grounds in an artistic manner and in their respective po planting the trees tne young ladies, always sitions;to while ready do their part, provided a ban quet for the toilers. It is pleasing tq note that that the trees and shrubbery are alive, and are doing well. The remarks denounced by President Young on the Academy Yell, Brigham on last Founders day, was highly appreciated b$ many of the students. Certain ly the discordant sounds grate on refined nerves, and is without sense, or purpose. Every class aims to surpass every; class that has graduated before it, and in order to do follow no bad prece dent, even if brought from the famous institutions of the East. If .it is used to enthuse, give us an original song from each class, fraught with Inspiring ard and heroic sentiment, set to such music that Will arouse enthusiasm. Apostle John W. Taylor delivered an excellent discourse to the school this bore a solemn testimony morning. He that he has seen the face of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, God bearing wit ness. . Yours fraternally Martin F Banders, Proyo B, Y, Academy, Feb, 18th 1896. this-itmus- t INDUCED' v ; any-shin- - er - Nervou Prosfofltiori Complete Recovery by tbo TJse of Ayers Sarsappiil! "Some years ago, as a result of toq Close attention to business, my health, failed. I became weak, nervous, waa unable to look after my interests, andj manifested all the symptoms of a decline. I took three bottles of Ayer's Sarsapartflafhegan to improve at once. t 'Sife'.:.'' ' i '4,- - and gradually increased my weight fromi pne hundred and twenty r five to two hundred pqupds. Since then, I and my family have used this medicine wheni needed, and we are all in the best of health, a fact which we attribute tq Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I believe my chilf dren wpuld have been fatherless y had it not been for Ayer's Sarsaparilla1,;; of which preparation I cannot say toq much."--- H. O, HrssoN, Postmaster anct -- to-da- Planter, Kinard's, S. C. ; S Ayer's Sarsaparilla. RECEIVING MEDAL AT WORLD'S t w FAIR. AYER'S Pills Savo Doptpr's Cllls DESERET DOTS. ; Great Sales. Nowis the Time to get Some Good Bargains Quick. OVERWORK '4 at i el-vet- s, crr r L3dD INKLINGS NUMBER 38. 1896. CREAM OF OUR EXCHANGES This locality has just been jerked out that Cass Hite and a small army of prospect ors have invaded the foot hills of the th southern extremity ot the 0 and here of southwest miles range-5have struck rich placers and have plaster ed several hundred acres with location ; notices. The Lord is believed to have a kindly feeling for this Desert country, or at: least a sentiment of profound sympathy for the people that have to reside- - here,-- ' for just about one in so often some kind of an enterprise starts up which encourages the people to hold on and see if they can't make something of the pup." ferIt is devoutly hoped by the godless and who can spare vently prayed for by thosehoss' the time from talking racing, has again arrived that and that Cass Hite and his followers have sheep range, really found goid out ontothe the bucketful." and that it will go g This would be the point, and that means a whole lot to a people seeking to make an; honest living by their wits. The latest from Detroit district is to the effect that the Messrs. Crafts bros have made a fin strike of gold ore and will make a shipment next week. Also that a four foot vein, of high grade ore has been developed on the Copperhead, owned by Pay son men. It is believed the coming season will witness considerable activity in that camp. A horse race comes off next Friday , on a bran new 5 track, between W. A. Keysor's sorrel mareareand; W. A Ray's up andthe know bay.: The shockels town is chuck full of 'em in? ones-t- he believe one of the horses Will win, and that both of the owners will lose.IGNOT. Deseret, Feb. 26., 189$. of its somvolent boots by the report Saw-Too- , , 'once-in-so-oft- en out-fittiu- 2-- nd Geaeral State News, Culled and U Condensed for Blade Readers. The State Supreme court Monday afternoon handed down toe opinion in the murder case of Patrick Coughliu and' Frod George, the former convicted of murder iu the first degree and the latter lor murder in tne econa aegre. xua court affirmed the ruling of th lower nnrr. rwrrnlinc motion for new trial. This means that these outlaws must an- swer to the law for their misdeeds, Andrew Scott and Lyman Carter, two miners working in tne Utah mine at ; Mammoth, were seriously injured last by the unexpected explosion of " j an-ol- d charge oi dynamite. The Upbraim Bjaterprise says s number " of promisiug locations, have ben made iu.t the mountains west of tbat town. at the world's Fair; None But Ayer's y enjoys the Ayer's SarsapariLla distinction of having been the" exhibit atonly olood purifier allowed anManufacturthe World's fair Chicago ers of other sarsaprilias sought by every of their means to obtain a exttra-ordinar- ' -- goods,.., showing but they were all turned away under the rule forbidding the en application ot the and nostrums. try of patent medicines The dicision o' the World's fair author!- ties in favor of Ayer's Sarsaparilla was in effect as follows:. Ayer's Sarsaparil ' la is not a patent medicine. It does not belong to the listr of nostrums It is here -- On f itsmerits." Methodist Chapel. On Monday and Tuesday evening ol--- ' of this week. Dr. Iliffc gave ue two power- ful sermons. Rev. W. Murphy of Pay so aGet your wall paper at Ekcelsior. has been with us nearly ail week, preach " Wednesday, Thursday and Friday ing Washington at twenty-seveevenings. Ho is an interesting speakeris The subject for, Sunday evening Tfio Painters of His Portraits Scarce Did All are invited.. Letr "The High way. Him Exact fusticeus have-- full house. J. A. Smith, Pastor. At the time of his marriage fwben In his twenty-sevenyearj Washington . TT M was in the Drime of his mamifieont phy n. A. Trt.nAlfitH sical manhood, writes General A. W. Wedt Va., has been subject to attacks of l Greelyj TJ. S. A.L in March Ladies' Home about oncea yea-r-, an J would have Journal. "Fortunately, contemporane- colic suffer for' about call to doctor and then ous sources do not leave the description twelve ahours - as some do when muchas of his person to our imagination. Such recently just the they dii. He was takenand was already his exalted standing that same-as concluded to other at times, omit entirely,, or irxr nhamherlain's Colic. Cholera and these might-thought to be modify, what I took " He says: Remedy. the disfiguring Diarrhoea detects, 4s, for instance, nose or it ana it gave me reuei in uv facial marks from email-po-x. Straight one That is more 'than- anything r minute. as an Indian, with limbs cast almost in elso has ever done for me. ' For sale by a giant's mould (he was" six feet three & Lunt Druggists. McNally inches tall at the time of his death,) his countonence, agreeable Notice to Creditors, j speech and dignified bearing made his most impressive. Probably personality the matterjof the estate of Peter Beedjr d- half of his time at home was spent in the Ineeaseav ; life Noticeis hereby given by the undersiiarnea, saddle, and this active of the estate ol Reedy, Apmlnistratrix gave him a glow of health and sense of Jane xo me creaiiors m, anu v aeeeasea, Peter: fceed intimateWe his, learn from friend, vigor. j,having claims against said decea His all persons George Mercer, interesting details. nose exhibit to them, with the necessary vouch;; ed,. skin was clear and colorless; thewithin ten months after the first publica- - -es, $ the faco round at . long, with high, straight tioaof this notice, to said administratrix and cheekbones ; the- blue-gr- ay City, Juab County, her residence in Eureka the place for the eyes shadowed by, heavy brows, State of Utah, the same being of said estate. a large, mobile- mouth showing teeth transaction of the21business somewhat 'defective j: the," muscular arms Dated February st, 1896. Mrs. JaneEeedy :' and legs unusually long, and a Administratrix. head, gracefully poised on a Wm. A- - C. Bryanl, Attorney for Administratrix, nock. The brown hair was worn in , t a cue, and waist well set oft by . neatly-- fitting garb.' Notice of Forfeiture. . -- n , a i th - I -- 4,1 pen-portrai- ts b - self-contain- ed out-of-do- or -- . - - ' - widely-separat- ed - - , well-shap- ed ? su-pe- rn 33-4- 1. , i ! ; j the-smal- l ? i In The streets A gentleman visited an unhappy man in jail awaiting, bis trial. Sir.r said the prisoner; kI had a good home edu cation. My street education ruined me. I used to slip out of the house and go off with the boys in the streets.. In the I ; street I learned to lounge;-i- thei street learned to swear tin the street Ii learned to smokef,in the street I learned to gamble: in the street I learned to pilfer and do all evil. Oh, sir I it is in. the street that the devil lurks to work the ruin of n - r the young.' find Bovs. remenber this: when you street the n...iiraa fltnnHinirto under and findV your lamps withasnothing asdopossible to, yoar way home quickly study or to work. Ex Statk-o- Utah, s f Comsrx o Juab j Alfred MilceseU and and To John S. Jacobs are I the Drum Mountain I Mining expended that have for hereby notified, the year 189j, for the year 1894 and $250.00 and improvements ofupon in all $382.68. in labor the the Rattler Oroup of elaims consisting Copper Chief, Alice, rRattler. Missing Link,Gold SiUfated in Wonder of the Hill and JuabBug. Co. Utah, as will Detroit Mining District, 1 1 certificate filed 89 and 1 895,; in the appearofby Recorder of the said district, in the office hold said premises tinder the provis- order to Section 2324, Revised Statute of the ions of United States, and if within 99 days after thisnotice by publication you fail or refuse to eonof the expendituret tribute your proportion your- - Interests In eaid claixas as will become the property of the subscribed un- der said Section 2334. J. A. McBgRsxT. tlee, rs - t DruuJF,sb,ist t ... . 1S3S " - ' -- . -- -- -- -- ' t |