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Show wtTf: t -- x , !o ) r -- t J?, - . - n CHAPTER XII. E AN WHILE the two gentlemen wera occupied in earnest converse belpw. j i ii . i i ; Ruthven," said Sir Frederick, 'after japause'much as I desired to see and X become acquainted with one of whomMhe world talks so favorably, m Hi mm?' it ' having him: hut. etui t ,o, sna.l see some one I like better " What is his name?" Oh! don't tnit txrte.X, knew that would be the first But you don't get it out of mequestion. vet. mv oear; not till you've guessed at it a thousand times." "How can il euesa what t know?" "You may have heard it seen him: who can ton in hpfnr like London." 'Does he live in London, then?" "Yes; he wis traveling nva selves. I metj him first out and we struck up a kind of walking, i. A - V;- L I 5 V it: t CHAPTER X. Conthtted) L . ia writing to Mr. Ruthven must do if on the subject; but you I; i at t r rrd re;: or ;Ut "a: tnr-.- ; alk for: j " ept 1. la: J ' pursuade him to come," carmen "for it la the peach and will have Zttj ason, and we girls the guardians x lot of fun while is most anx- Uncle each other. "Without being introduced?" of whom he tnknow Mr. Ruthven, "How particular you are; to so much, and I am dying well, yes, Int i have such a story to tell without beln One.' There ourselves; then he followed me home, u of 'The Mysterious P aWful row just before we left. ana ine next day he threw a note over with me in tne garden-wal- l; and so It went till caught him sitting & uncle found to It one had gone tlcnr after every off home again!" Vnd wanted to give him In custody "But he has asked him to Abbots-.- burglar. However, they explained , and made it up again, and I ville?" "I believe so, and he said he would not come; am but, meanwhile, I am not alSLi to Abbotsville, but I .t fill:! , how it will all' end. lowed to write to him. whioh io hor hard." don't care. By which, I suppose, ribly If you don't care for him whv should rTi in nee iual uj; aA k well ttiv dear. I ve you wish to Oh, I do care In a measure. It's cade up mind on that subject yet, to Inform always, nice to have a flcaa scarcely be expected as young fellow hanging after you; but But he's very good looking, I have (no notion of binding myself see wnen you fbo yu wiH allow down to marry him, or anything of that photograph." can to 1210 ' 1 el i j c i wh.; eg i t .Uh "-- -- -' wj-ite?- " good-looki- res; ng j t; y th not?" asked Ruth-wit- h sort." . Margaret sighed and leaned out of a smile, as he handed Sir 23 ar. the open window. The moonlight ;entl-faerie's letter to Margaret streamed a flood of radiance, dowji'in e i "W13 you come, too?" she exclaimed, and lighted up all of the unshaded poreturi ' to yourself. I tions of the park, leaving the little, If H is agreeable old leafy knolls, where the deer loved to iiTtafancy for seeing this grand congregate aldne, in shadow. She was yah have told me so much about." of Hamilton, and how ready settle that will be charming!" said thinking she to bind herself down to had been torjiet, delightedly. "I shall enjoy be faithful to) hisunfaith before she of ti sjTisit so much now." knew would it be such. ie ha ind bo in a few days more they left "Carmen!" 4he exclaimed, earnestly, ilfth 3Xhton together for ADDOtsvnie. ihim "never unless you are quite marry id hi sure he will to you." be true side c XI. CHAPTER "Who? Hamilton Shore?" ive Is HEY were received "What did you say?" cried Margaret. emal Frederic "There, now! I've let thereat out of by Sir mclsc his and the Flower bag when I wanted you to guess hlcag neice with the ut-- and guess till you were tired, and then o st cordiality. let it all come upon you as a surprise." ng or who drove Carmen, "Why, 'The Mysterious One' is your in i to to station the guardian's nephew, Hamilton Shore. I insir!, meet struck didn't know It myself till uncle caught them, ilmse! both with him in my veranda and made such a Ruthven he. dl admirand fuss about it; and then the young man interest derir In was was He ation, obliged, in self defense, to give us islxlot new a name and address. Margaret, want of his real type Eel ie a don't sensational for drama, iftsrolne you answer? Did you think why Lrt on was too immaculate woman, Master this Hamil young e, ax or are you afraid his items jdi her Southern beauty, strong' will, to go to will be uncle at his choosing jziuaguided angry impulses, presented quit he which of a once out me?" character ity lz a it "Oh, no! why should he be?" ' ien t; :? the capability of making great "Aren't youjand Hamilton friends?" Clarf school-fellowith met old her lit of "Pretty well; that is yes of course we with Ruthven onand are; but Ij do not know what Mr. not? pleasant so young Ruthven will 'say to the affair. It is tie ou J2;?clntinent, to find him :i io very sudden, and he has not been 6 C22 not fallen 3: Ined pleased with Hamilton lately." Tj dear, I wonder you've a him oter heel3 o: with in love "Oh, of course, if he sets himself :ept :ea Usms itss: already," she whispered In against it there'll be an end of the mat ear on the first opportunity; ter," cried Carmen, not overdellghted, D . first's son? i'liodd, I can tell you. He doesn't apparently, at the prospect; "for uncle is determined to go by Mr. Ruthven's ivente' ,'ckllke a guardian in; the least much more like a handsome opinion. Have you got a headache, me ac Pearl?" thlngs :e: trother." om tt' A:l Then Margaret, towhom such an "Yes; a very bad one. I think it wori a seeaed like sacrilege, looked must be the railway traveling. It never should Carmen laughed aloud and does agree wiih me." "Ah! you should have a lover like rithoc' tKd she believed she had detected lhat t Aiia a love affair already, and that Hamilton to make you well again. I t lil only forestalled the confidence had one or two terrible headaches at aa about to bestow on her. And Rouen, and he used to sit beside me, have gone on- with the joke and fan me byj the hour. It was awful-i- v a -- ndden tears 1ollv. Don't you think he's very that rose to her handsome, Pearl?" y"i'ieye3 had not checked her. m that Frederic displayed a slight return "Very handsome." cat'i r "And amusing?" emotion which had affected him tern i" .'ie first Eight of meet-.'ii"Yes." on Margaret at goes "And agreeable?" again; but It was not sufficient i -- Siall we go ! or : -- w. m s gemi-SDani- sh I w j good-lookin- g. de-H- e's t i - w of cati ctsenrable, and he the - ;- fcnor it their the whole of the fine old ai was delighted with thelevl-ulu- e his collection of paintings specimens of art held for flee; prs e it ther s until t thee The girls accompanied the 'a?n on this tour of Inspection, ; i treaded even to Sir Frederic's a. with apartments.-- ; the an ' ia not ever' ylaretthangianced at the j saw a 3 ot. say. pie say amies3--; ,k witha lelch a j intags' ,Jtale2 i o trar to .e y3 ciosj placo indl-- ai heavy, velvet curtain the wall. I Jl i iha. uucie j?reuiu 4,.. 3' icasoaj such a fancy to you Is be-- 3 are something like that plc- J"ftfta Queer old fellow? 1 3. VI t-- i always told you so." ."-ie-l those ,75e!i laughed' one of some-'--'?acheaithy in itenJ. othf ... : m. iybody. at time ( . u the picture I used to tell 1 &Zi'" saM narmfln tn Marcraret. e "I 7 8t30i ia !i3it two moredressing-rooto get a attempts ;J giac9 coming home, but it's 4 e. He keeps it locked up more j . welcomed with peculiar warmth to Ab-J- T'. He conducted him personal-g- h -ea laughs she : dying ta! .JJa Onft'?" ei "Yes." "How funny it is that other people never come to 'see things with the same Now I eyes as one does one's self. fellow I ihe handsomest thought him Is he only had eyer seend but uncle says and you iooking boy; a tolerably good of more much think. don't appear jto I him. Well, goodnight, dear. I see so I to sleep, have nearly talked you for news will reserve the rest of my Only don't repeat what I said to Mr. Ruthven till uncle has broached the (subject to him." The girls were not to occupy the same room together1 this time, Margaret bethe opposite side of the ing placed on soon as Carmen had left corridor. As a flood of her alone, she burst into that Hamtears. It was hard to learn all and her ilton had so soon forgotten still harder the promises he had made; for her deserted to find that te had felt she her bosom friend. Yet how toglad remember in the midst ?f her tears confided her; own bitthat she had not to Carmen ; a secret ter disappointment be forwhich she now resolved should No on ever locked in her breast. it but Mr. Ruthven and herself, to-morr- ow. knew Ruthven. As heanall about and she could, trust Mr. of his goodness and hP nsVprl nf her as they had retired gentleness to her came into Margaret's 0 r a warm feeling of gratitude 8to?e over her.! Even at that moment of ":7;3. certainly that la. I am cu be all you wish to tell me," wounded pride, she would rather Ruthveri and without Hamilton "You're iam, smiling. ith him, are you, Car versa; and, in the be she retired to rest, intent was fond of her, Vt think I am. TTa la verv lief that his compan;5 d all that sort of thing, and would lefjher remain 013 not ; seem to object to my ion tc her life's end. j goon ; 1 -- r LOVE THE CHILDREN. Blflshneg Being Taught to the XXeirs of , the Republic The home is now ordered for and wholly controlled by the children. The grown person receives no consideration among a houseful of children. Tho meals; the house, the Whole domestic routine, is ordered for the little folka. The training of Lycurgus couldn't prevent such children from being saltish,, exacting and inconsiderate. At home conceded everything, abroad they exact everything. Household rule 13 a tyranny of the small boy and small girl, tempered by weak indulgence. The result is seen in the schools, railway trains, in hotels wherever; the small person. has a chance to exhibit his spoiling. How can good manners be expected from children thus trained or untrained ? In college they are uninfluenced by the example of the prof essors, because their relations are purely perfunctory. The natural bent, taken in their tender years, comes out in harder egotism a more boorish lack of con1 sideration for others. It is a commonplace to say that to be gentle one must be born gentlej yet it is hardly the fact. In other days, when the home was not devoted! entirely to the pleasures and pastimes of the' young folks, good breeding was as ie now. In sogeneral as ciety where children take on all the airs and go through all the social functions in miniature of their elders, there seems to be no place for the corrections and refinements once thought part of very young people's training. The pi ess of the country is perpetually satirizing the public conduct of Americans in travel, in watering-place- s, in theaters and public places, and it ie I had another motive in asking ton to Abbotsville besides the hope of numbering you amongst inyj friends." ''Indeed, Sir Frederick "And not an unnatural one, as.l . think you will acknowledge. When 1 was abroad with my neice last month, we met' at Rouen your; nephew, Mr. Hamilton Shore." "You did? What did you think of him?" Not very well, begging your par don. He got up a clandestine correspondence with Carmen.who is extremely thoughtless and undisciplined, and I should never have heard anything about it, I suppose, unless I had happened to catch him, one evening, climbing up the posts of the veranda. I thought he was a thief, and was about to collar him as such when he told me his name and address, adding he was a nephew to Mr. Ruthven." "I hope you kicked him well." Sir Frederic smiled deprecatingly. "Kicking is not much in my line, Mr. Ruthven, but I examined the young fellow, and finding him to be a likely lad, and that Carmen had carried her flirtation rather far with him, I invited him to Abbotsville, always subject to your approval, that I might see something more of him before I made an extraordinary fact that the any decision, one way or the other." better ranks of the social system seem "You would not object, then, to his to be the most culpable. Women who manifest their Indignation when a toil-womarrying Miss Flower?" "Not if he is steady and honorable. workman declines to give her his My niece will have a considerable for- place in the street car by audible comtune. She Inherits not only the united ments on the selfishness of men will portions of her father and myself, but in their own household encourage this also the house and grounds of Abbots- very selfishness by making everything ville. Her husband, therefore, will in the house bend to the whims of a have no need to work for her, and she spoiled boy or girl, demanding the first is so uncertain, poor girl, in her caservice at table or the entire house for prices and actions, that I should be a playroom. Colleges ;an not make thankful to see her married before any- flae manners a natural part of youths who have been thus ill reared at home. thing happens to myself." so to "And have my opin- Good manners must to a certain degree you want be the expression of good heart; but ion of my nephew, Hamilton Shore?" so. a man Is conventional he "Just young likely good manners are attainto make the girl a good husband, and able by watchfulness, and are often acthe estate a steady master?" quired by the extremely selfish. It was on the tip of Ruthven's tongue to tell Sir Frederic the whole story of A Warrior's Skeleton. Hamilton Shore's treatment of MargarThe skeleton of an Indian warrior at et, but he refrained. A man may use least 6 feet 6 inches tall was found in one girl ill and another well; it would Me., a few days ago by two be no proof of his nephew's want of af- Muscongus, men who were digging a cellar. The fection for Miss Flower, and might inbody had been buried in a sitting posjure Margaret's future prospects. No; ture, facing east, and about it were if the lad was really unworthy, let them found iron implements and spear and find it out for themselves, as he had arrow heads, while around the arm done, and no better opportunity could bones were copper bands, covered with be afforded them than that which curious carvings. brought the young traitor into contact with the girl he had deserted and the girl he had sworn devotion to at one and the same time. So he resolved to further the plan of Master Hamilton's Wholesale and Retail visit to Abbotsville as much as lay in his power, and leave the result to its natural conclusion. When he answered Sir Frederic's question, it was to this effect: "To decide what sort of a husband a boy of nineteen will make is a difficult BEEF PORK matter; but Hamilton Shore has a long head when he chooses to make use of it, MUTTON VEAL and a keen eye to the main chance. I do not think from what I know of him ALSOthat he will make ducks and drakei of your niece's property; but as to the other matter, I should think she should judge for herself." "You would put no obstacles, then, In the way of their engagement?" (to be continued.) NEPHI CITY, UTAH. DIAMONDS IN AMERICA. Free delivery to any part of the cit, BoAre There Any Underground Gem nanzas In This Country? B. E. L. "COLLIER, C. E. Importations of those predous stones have gone away down. In 1894 they in all its Branches. dropped to a lower point than for many Engineering years, only $6,768,000 worth being brought to this country. The growth of Land and Irrigation Work a Specialty luxury in the United States is fairly Land and Irrigation Engineer for Central aDd measured by the imports of diamonds, Land Clear lake Irrigation CoM which in 1867 amounted to barely more Co., LaDri snd Irrigation Co. and WhiU Fillmore than $1,300,000. In 1889 they had Mountain Latd and Irrigation Co. reached nearly $11,000,000; In 1890, in 1892, $14,000,000. This was Office: Court House, Fillmore, Utah. the high water mark. They have fallen off to less than half that figure since. It seems more than surprising that no THE DESERET DAIRY CO. diamond mines have ever been discovHAS FOR BALE ered in the United States, remarks the Occasional St. Louis FULL CEEAM CHEESE. gems of this kind have been picked up in various states, the conclusion drawn Peeeret is noted for the fine quality from such discoveries being that they are restricted almost wholly to a belt of its Milk, Butter and Cheese. Giv along the eastern base of the southern o ur products a trial. Alleghanles in Virginia and Georgia, N. S. BISHOP, and to another belt along the western SUPT. base of the Sierra Nevada and Cascade this fact that ranges. It Is a melancholy of an average produces hardly country $100 worth of diamonds annually. And Nobody can yet there is hope ahead.'diamond mines say with certainty that Africa may not rivaling those of South be struck some day within the limits ol Uncle Sam's domain. Within the last few years some "finds" have been made HcaiQnarters for UiHIB HEO. which cause the experts of the geoshake their heads graphical survey to CSty and county Newspapers from all part) a well digger at 1876 In thoughtfully. efUtah. of fifEagle, Wis., found a diamond Ore specimen from Detroit aaA elsewine yellow where. teen carats. Another one, a",:;-bein color, was picked upon a farm IUSS7B0TABLB. Every thing Kohls-ville- , longing to Henry Endllch at r wis. It weighed twenty-fouEARTH. carats, being nearly as large as a pi- THE BUItEST WATER ON 1 keeps it as a Ca fee Premise. This Water ft C3AXS geon's egg. Mrs. Endlich deceased ANTEJGD CUIUS fat tCL husband. of her memento have been found diamonds Many other Bladder In the same neighborhood, and geolo- Diseases of the Kidneys and that they have been T tiroes on Application. gists are certain the north in glacial from down MRS. J. F. GIBBS, Prop. brought : X".; -drift. ;. . UTAH. DESERET, take in will U. R. telegraphers. The A. ; ill-breed- ing so-call- late MoNALLY & LUNT, DRUGGISTS, -- Butter, Lard, Sausage Mutton, Veal, Chipped Beef and Bologna. Your patronage solicited. ! CHICAGO j SOUTHER!! & LUNT, - - NEPHI, KANSAS CITY, SOLICITED. TRADE M'NALLY . UTAH. ST. LOUIS OR . fie rare and ask for a ticket that rc&Sa The Fi rst National Bank UTAH. NEPHI, CAPITAL SURPLUS : $50,000 $37,600 - In All- Its Branches. - lissom PaciHe RAILWAY. No tiresome layovers. Close connections in union depots, ' . VIA BANKING GENERAL J. H. Ericsson, Geo. C. Whitmobb, President. W. W. Abmstkono, Cashier. And positively the quickest rout J. M. C. OSTLER, To the Great Rivers and Atlanti Ocean. Elegant and thoroughly modern Equipment and i Vice-Preside- nt Manufacturer and Repairer of Krorq Uta,t - BOOTS AND SHOES. All kinds of shoes made to order. ' Workmanship second to none. First door south of Tabernaole, - MAIN STREET, NEPHI. Chair Cars Reclining In which the seats are free to holder of regular train tickets. Call on or address H. B. KQOSER, GENERAL MERCHANDISE COMMERCIAL AT THE PASSENGER fear H. C. TOWNSEND, spot cash. J1I0. DEWSIIUP, MGR. General Passenger - - Utah. - Lake City, Salt STORE OR at bottom prices riff! Main Street, Room 21 Morlan Block, . DESERET CASH Goods AGENT. FREIGHT AND AND PRODUCE Ticket Agen & St. Louis, Mo. Mill Work a Specialty. Complete Line of Builders' Supplies. GRACE BROTHERS' Lumber Yard Mill Ptening Manufacturers of and Dealers in Windows, Doors, Mixed Paints, Mouldings, Hardware, "2 Coal, Coffins, Caskets, Combination Wire Fence, etc Special attention given to mail orders and the Southern Trade. By ordering from us you save the freight from Salt Lake City to this Pickets, OSTLER & 00EEY, point. Grace Brottiere, UTAH. NEPHI CITY, OSTLER & ALLEN, . Globe-Democr- hag-tje-; If you are going to Carefully compounded. Mall or express orders promptly attened to. Large Stsck at Salt Lake prices. OSTLER & 0CKEY, Bute ters, CURED v. Choiee Fresh Meats. A perfect fit guaranteed. Repairing In all to Its branches. Speotal attention ealleamahis new style. Universal feed sewing chine does aint work Inside of the shoe. Two doors north of Union, Main St., NephL ed rn $13,-000,00- A. GEORGE HARDY, Boot ant Slioe 0; Dealers in and Manufacturers of SADDLES HARNESS, AND BRIDLES, at. DESERET HOUSE. I , ; HOPPLES, NOSE SACKS, ETC. We also carry a full line of Horse Furnishing" Goods Sheep Men's and Cowboys' Outfits. GUARANTEE ;:i.,PE . Perfect Sa,tiefatiori - ... : MANHOOD j : RESTOREDvS quietly cure you of all nertlonof a famous French physician, will vous or diseases of the generative oreraua, such Kervons Debility.. Insomnia, Pains In the Back, Seminal missions, i 1, Drains, VaHr-nreJPimplesTunfitness to Marry, Exhausting or nfgrht. Jvenfs ;nic-kConstipation.! It stops all losses by day a &2 III Vr r. V -- 7 PPlr .ZrVr AddJ 83 FOU - antheVrorro'lmpotPncr. kfdneys and the nrinary organs BAJUQ V"B cleanse .the Uver, ; BY McNALLY & LUNT, DUGGICT3, Ui. NEPni |