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Show PARALYSIS. In Life. Starting In the recently published life of the. 'late. Sir B. B. Hamley appears one bt SOME SHORT STORIES BEYOND THE ORDINARY, r his favorite stories, which has reference to Capt. prook, riding master at the Cadet college. Brooks was anxious to Six Pretty Girls In a Swamp Why enter his son at Wellington college, and Oysters Suffer from Drought Twenty started one day to ' walk to the college from Tip to Tip of Wlngrs A Feet Seeing Broadmoor from the jstation. Dog's Gratitude. Lunatic, ayylum, he confounded the one walked establishment with the other, O I love you? I up, and rang the bell. He asked the. porter If he could see only know When the latter apthe principal. r presence You , fills my heart peared Brooks thought him a queer-with sweet con- -' looking figure for an instructor .of said: Brooks tent; youth. "I wish to put my boy under your That in your ab- -j sence nours lag charge if you can take him." ' "Oh, ye$," said the man, "is he a had '"'''SO, case?" Like childish feet "Bad case!" exclaimed Brook. "What the toward on earth do you mean? There's not a school house better boyj in England. The only thing ben,t. I fear Is that he may he too old." "Why, how old is he?" That with your coming life seems "He Is 4lghteen." fraught "Pish! we take them up to eighty." all the spring-tim- e With joyousness In Brook high said again "Why," of May, dudgeon, "if he does not come here til Whose gladness leaves this truth uneighty, what time do you suppose he's, taught going to get his commission?" PearEach year holds back a dark Decemson's Weekly. ber day. ! - i Illinois Infantry, taking part In many batwith General Sherman tles and While in Georgia, Mr. Presto the sea.marching laner was promoted to first sergeant for ' fleldvof action. ? He is now bravery on theKoltes member of Post, G. A! R., and is one of the most popular men in the Post. Mr. Preslaner told a reporter the following story, which, he said,ashehehoped had who was suffering everyone would read. His words were Buffered ms follows: "To begin with, I was taken a year and a month ago, having ick a severe cold which settled on sufmy tkenjust first I thought the pain I kidneys. Atsoon fered would pass away, but, instead f doing this, it grew more intense every that in a week I could walk only day, so with considerable difficulty. "I called in a doctor, who said I had locomotor ataxia and began treating me for did me no good, and all that disease. IHe my scarcely attend todoclummer long could Then I called another all. at business tor and took his medicine for several weeks, but experienced no relief. Dr. Truman Nichols, of No. 287 East Broadway, who I any at last called in, helped me more than f the other doctors, but along towards fall I grew worse, despite his treatment.un-I think Dr. Nichols is a good doctor and derstood my case, but despite this fact his aiedicines did me no lasting good. "Early in November the little strength I .had in my legs left me and I was unable to stand. The pain in my back and sides became almost unbearable, and my limbs .rrew cold. An electric battery I bought ailed to help me, and for weeks I felt myself gradually growing weaker until all hope left me. 'Some time before this I had read of a wonderful cure a man had received from Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People, but was so prejudiced against what I thought was a patent medicine of the usual worthless character that I could not make p my mind to try them. As my pains increased and death seemed coming near, X thought of what I had read and of the had been cured. symptoms of the man who Ther were precisely the same as mine, and at fast, with my wife's earnest entreaty, I consented to try the Pink Pills. "I am now convinced that these pills saved my life. Gradually my strength be- -, the desire to live grew fan to return, stronger within me. After having takjpn three boxes I left bed. This was in March. All painmy"had left xae, and early that terrible cead feeling in my legs had gone away. I was still very weak, but before I tad take the fourth box I was able to get own stairs for a short walk in the pen air. Now I feel as if I had been born again and am as happy as a child. Every pleasant day I take a walk, and am sure that in A month I will ba aa well as ever." All diseases, such as locomotor ataxia, 53t. Vitus' dance, partial paralysis, sciatica, rheumatism, neuralgia, nervous headache, palpitation of the heart, effects of la grippe, ale and sallow complexions, and all forms f weakness, either in man or woman, diswhen Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for appear Pale People are taken. Pink Pills can be bought of any dealer, or will be sent post paid on receipt of price 50 cents a box or ix boxes for $2.60 they are never sold by 4he hundred or in bulk) by addressing Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Schenectady, N.Y. i i : ' ' j - His Quest. I only know that when we meet, We seem to be from all the world Ss The love I feel Is so complete, My love explores no further than your heart It is content within your eyes To find the rest it hungered for so long; To find that land beneath whose skies Each smile is sunshine and each ' Howard There goes a modern argo naut. Algernon What golden fleece is h after? Howard Old Astorbilt's ewe lamb. Speech-Makinin Kentucky. As Judge Lurton of Tennessee was once going through Texas he met an old Texan, who described at length the people that had settled in his neighborhood, a large number of them having come from Kentucky. "And ithere's them Kaintuckians," g: said he. "They're the speakln'est people I ever see in my life, fer a fact Why, whenever we hev a shootin'-match- , ajcamp-meetia weddin', er a j n', fun'ral, ou kin jest bet that them Kaintucktens will be thar, and af or you knows it they'll be reso lutions and speeches till you cain't rest To tell the truth, Jedge, they caiii't cut a watermelon without a kin ' , Floating: Laughs, .J-:,- Is." After a profound silence she resumed.: "Well, aren't you going to do some-- ! thing or say something about It?" "Why er certainly." "I wish you wouldn't lose any time." "If I were In your place, and smoking was disagreeable to me, why er " , . "Well, sir." r I "Why. I wouldn't smoke." ! j i i 'Banning: Double Capacity. 1894 the De Kalb Fence 'Co. of De Kalb, 111., doubled the ca- - In the year opacity for producing their lines over 1893, which gave them an output of 30 miles per day. The demand for their oods has been bo great the past sea-sothat in order to be able to supply 'then trade, they have been compelled this year to double the capacity of 1894, which now gives them an output of 40 rmlles .per day. This In itself speaks well for their product and merits the "attention and inspection of our readers, and all that are in need of smooth wire fencing of any kind, and it will be to your inter-e- st to write for their catalogue which describes their goods, commost complete and the largest prising lines of smooth wire fencing now by any one plant in the country. See their ad In another column of this rpaper. n, in-deta- pro--duc- ed Judge Lynch is a very, clever artist. lie draws from life and his style Is patnfuUy realistic How' TJiUf We offer One Hundred Dollars reward Cor any case of Catarrh that cannot be :ured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known P. Cheney for the last 15 years, and beJ. lieve him perfectly honorable in- all "business transactions, and financially - .ble to carry out any obligations made by their firm. KINNAN & WALDING, MARVIN, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo. Ohio. Tlall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal- acting directly upon the blood and ly, mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price. 75c per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Hall's Family Pills, 25c. for his The man who married his ideal wife Is looking about for a woman for first Vila eflvn1 A Famous Paper. The Yonth's Companion has become famous because there Is hardly a famous man or woman In Great Britain or the United States who dop3 not contribute to the paper each year. The writers engaged for ls90 promise to make the paper more attractive than erer before. To those who subscribe at once, sending 31.75, .the publishers make an extraordinary ;Xer to pernl free a handsome four-pag- t xiu in., umosrrapnea m nine taieu'iar, retail price of which 13 50 unui r'.or?, cents, in e tfcompnioa Tree every week to Jan.Newl. Ti.mnkiriving, Christmas and Com-'0T- 1 Year's Double Numbers fref, and The afaiI 7ar. lS'.i7. weeks, to Jan. 1,Colum-Vii3 A.IJrirs The Youth's Companion, 103 Boston.- f-- Are., He Kept the Fire Going. Booker T. Washington; principal ol the Tuskegee Institute, Alabama, tells this story: "A short time ago I r attended a preaching service on a plantation near Tuskegee, and the minister preached for two hours, the burden oi his discourse being an exhortation to his hearers to get rid of the world and the things of the world. I hap- ! "I went shooting yesterday, " "What. has the game law expired?" Oh, yes; nothing else 'did, though." Chicaeo Record. "You eay that horse isn't afraid ol anything. Can my wife drive him?" "I don't know, sir. I have never seen your wife." Life. ; Smokeless powder has been Introduced atjWest Point, The cadets wear it on their coat lapels for" every dance. Chicago Dispatch. The St. Louis girl wrote: "Don't phale to, be thar." Her Kansas City beau replied: "I will be thar; there's no such word as phale." Inter Ocean. Laura George, look at that dog! Will he bite? George Bite? If he's a dog of any, judgment, Laura, he'll try to eat ypu! Get out, you brute! Chi: ; ! ; cago Tribune. " "I'd like to sell you a good wheel-o- nly been used a month; 1895 model, pneumatic tires--; --" "No use to try. I've a pneumatic pocketbook." Indianapolis Journal. Mrs. Sweet Do you find it economical to do your own cooking?. Mrs. Burnem, Qh, yes; my husband doesn't eat half as much as when we had a cook. Yonkers Statesman. Bobby What is the difference be tween aqua and water? Paw The druggist will show you, my soni that the difference is merely the price. Syracuse Post. Do you call Peary's latest expedition to the Arctic regions a successful one?". asked Hlland. "I do," replied Haklet; "He's got back V alive." Pittsburg Chronicle Telegraph. Never," began the philosophical drummer, "never marry a woman with a square, protruding chin." "I never do," said the drummer from Chicago.. Indianapolis Journal. Fuddy There goes Widow Grimes. A great woman, that; always looking out for number one. Duddy A! way looking out for number two, you mean. Boston Transcript. "No, no; I wouldn't dare to have tn husband help when we move." "Why not?" "He's a depot baggageman, ycv know, and he'd be sure to forget himself." Chicago Record. "He didn't have the sand to propose did he, Bessie? "Yes, but she rejected him. "She said that while h. had the sand to propose, he didn't fro. v the rocks to marry." Harper's Baziv "Papa, I know what I'm going to trior your next birthday." "Well, what?.' 'A nice painted shavins mug." "Dv have a nice one now.' "Oh, I've r.'..ken that." FUfrende Elaetter. Pach Trees. In Fremont county where ordinarily they will not thrlv by covering the trees with ear th in the winter. In order to do this roots are no! allowed to extend on two sides, say the north and south sides of the tree, but are allowed to grow; on the east and west sides. Thus when the earth is removed from the tree in the fall, as winter approaches, the tree, can be bent oyer to the earth and covered with light soil, protecting' it entirely from injury through the winter. In the spring th-- j tree is raised to its natural position and the earth replaced as before about its roots, Which had not been disturbed. Of course this is a very laborious and pracexpensive method and it can "be some at and scale a on email ticed only expense, but It has been done successfully. At points as far north as ifDennot ver the trees may be enveloped, too large and sprawling, in bundles of ter-larye straw, gunny sacks beor other ma are protected Trees Intended to not permitted to grow large or too tops sprawling. Before covering, thewhich are drawn In by encircling a rope, is drawn together and tied, to position. Field and Farm. 57 t ;F:V':V' Y , L: " : i A Child Enjoys The pleasant flavor, gentle action and soothing effects of Syrup of Figs, when in need of a laxative, and if the father or mother be costive or bilious, the most gratifying results follow its use; so that it is the best family remedy known, and every family should have a bottle on hand. lif, I. l 7 It is a Pleasure To recommend Hood's Sarsaparillai0 afflicted with blood or skin diseases, v blood was out of order, and I suffer years from psoriasis. I tried remedies without benefit. After tuk H ood's ; j Sa for two Months I wasrsaparilirestored to mv fU mer good health and feel like a diflW - person. As a blood purifier I thfi Hood's Sarsaparilla has no eqnal " CHAS. L. Cockelreas, Irving, iuinoi HoodSr Pills r Hood'sJarnnloti&!y Sarsaparilk f i.J i m i - rrunusruiri J. 1 iiiuilCOl AWARD i! A1 sr. RANTIM WINS HOSTS of The "Shocking Indiscretion" ol a Zulu. Thd editor of the African Critic tells a gdod of his barrister days.. He was retained story FRIENDS its on one occasion to defend a Zulu, charged with stealing a gold watch from his master. "The evidence against - the accused was,"J become! writes the editor, "only circumstantial, and made the most of it, with the result that he was discharged without the proverbial 'stain Safest!' on his character .' "On the safi&e evening I was sitting on the stoop of the Criterion hotel conversing with FOOD Convalescents!! Mr. Hugo, the magistrate who had heard the case, when my client of the morning ap5oId by DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE n proached and asked if he could speak to me. . John Carle & Sons, New York. Without rising I asked him what he wanted. "Not noticing who my companion was he blurted out in English : 'Master, can I wear PILES the wateh now?' producing at the same time Itching and BUnd, Bleeding or F rotruiliug Pile, jietou; the identical article for the theft of which DR. s PILE he had been tried, and acquitted. Mr. Hugo log, absorb! tumors. A positive cure. REMEDY. OircuUrs neiit 1m or 60c.. mail. DR. HQSAMiO. Phll' ft" Druggists toared with laughter. I, felt somewhat embarrassed, and in the meantime the boy,' recognizing the magistrate's voice, had bolted." New York Journal.. Always wherever Superior Merits known. It is the s for 5 pened to know the members of his congregation individually, and! there CURE was not a person present who owned an acre of land, a mule or a cow. I barky wood. said to myself, what else is it that he wants these people to give up! He PATENTS JRADE MARIS! has plenty of religion, but what the Toughs Touched By Iove. ' Examination and Advloe as to Patentability of Underwriters have; not yet decided A city missionary in London accomwants to be taught is whether or on the banjo rentlon. Send for "Inventors' Guide, or How to GetJ Nero fiddled played Patent. JPATRICK O'FARRELL, Washington, D.ft plishes much good by going about and how to apply it to the practical affairs iuring the fire. to of the Bible the the of to life. I roughs After the service said this reading An English periodical minister: metropolis. tells how on one occasion he read the "Why is it that you do not preach passage beginning. "A certain man to this people about lying, defrauding As sometimes hap- their neighbors and drinking whisky?' had two sons." " 'Purfessbr,' he replied, solemnly, was he pened interrupted by the runa an of 'ef I was ter preach to dem on dem impulsive youth, ning remarks JlXA t-- ( M I1 1 1 I 1 I London thief, who had evidently never subjicks I would frow cold water on STEEL WEB PICKET FENCE. CABLED FIELD AND HOG FtKCL heard the story before. When he rea? de meetin' in de hight o' de rewiwal.' ' CAJBUSD Alio POtliTRV. ciinnKW An R a niiiT vnnrK. the younger son's request "for the porWa manufacture a complete Una ol Smooth "Wira Fencing and ruarantea erery article to be u nm tion of goods that fell to him," his asLively Gratitude Shown by a Dog. tonished hearer interpolated,"Cool that 121 Hish From the Philadelphia Record: About rather cool!" When he came to the five ILL came to Cramps' there ago years of his story subsequent degradation a stray terrier dog, who, by and want, "Served him right!" was the shipyard his friendly ways, soon made himself ejaculation. But when he heard the ac- welcome about the watchman's box at count of the prodigal's reception by the main entrance gate on Ball street his father, the impressed and delighted and men.working just Inside The great success of the chocolate preparations of listener exclaimed, as the tears rolled the among the Stafford Watchman named gates. down his cheeks, "Oh, what a good old him the house of Walter Dakor & Co. (established Charley, and saw to his getting cove!" market in 1 780) has led food. One Charley had1 the misAt the close of the service he waited fortune to day one of his feet crushed and unscrupulous imitations get many misleading on the missionary with this strange under a car on Beach street, and Policeof their name, labels, and wrappers. Walter request: "Will you come and read that man Gillen, of the Eleventh district, to cove old o' account kind the ere Baker & Co. are the oldest and largest mandoes duty about there, bandaged some fellows I know, that would get who wounded Cocoas and ufacturers of pure anjl high-grad- e foot and cared for it until somewhat o' good from it like me?" the it got well. Ever ''nce theu Charley Chocolates ion this continent. No chemicals are When the missionary expressed his hails demonstrabenefactor his witk readiness to go, the only stipulation tions of used in their manufactures. joy whenever he comes around, was that he would bring no bobbies,-foI Consumers should ask for, and be sure that and rubbing up against him as the bobbies knew them all. Down abarking mark of friendship. When the Brookthey get, the genuine Walter Baker & Co.'s goods. In a den in the depths of London was launched week last Policeman that missionary read that parable, as lyn was in line with the men of bis WALTER BAKER & CO., Limited, of old, "publicans and sinners" had Gillen went the and in district Charley yard, DORCHESTER, MASS. drawn near "to hear him." he of him. When found his in search come "This is the gemman wot has vent to his joy to such to read us the story of the bad lad, friend he gave an extent as to draw attention from the and the kind old cove wot I were tell- thousands of people standing around. ing ye oft. It's a regular stunner." u Thus introduced and recommended, Shake and Pull Too. the missionary began again, "A certain Miss Maud Ballington Booth recently man had two sons.'' As the narration following incident in an adproceeded verse by verse, he who had relatedatthe Cincinnati 'entitled, "The Powraised the expectations of the company dress er the Army." :"A11 the Army Behind ever so high kept exclaiming, "Did ye come into our home, and though hear the like; of that?" "Bill, wasn't papers I right?" "Isn't it a regular stunner?" the pictures in them are not always arBut when the reader, reached the ac- tistic, they have done untold good makes count of the embrace and the kiss, the among the people Who see them. A renerves the coast of Pacific authe cent War Cry copy marks of approbation from all the and stroncr. ditors, to whom also it was quite new, had a picture of a lifeboat full of solback bringrs were so loud' that he was compelled diers, on a rough and glaring green feellnffs or the was water around the full all and sea; what hear to stop. "BuV wait till ye the pre youth toold man. the old fellow did for him!" was the of drowning sinners. In the bow of maturely vigor. It restores lost last exclamation of his patron. And the boat sat General Booth,, reaching ten train mav You one of of these hand the out and robe of the and the taking when they heard ten pounds in daya unfortunates to pull him inGO ring and the rejoicing, they all re-a struggling ft Our Willie to little boat. the picked GUARANTEED joiced together; for they seemed, by kind of Pentecostal intuition, to con- up the paper, studied the picture a TODACCO HABIT CURE. clude that even so would the God of moment,, and then exclaimed: 'la Gk buy and trv a box to -- day. B grandpa trying to get that feller Into the Bible treat them. rrcAfd the boat or is he just shaking hands mn . M II mil with him?' The child in his simpliwiu tsutuuatee a core or money cure Why Oysters Suffer from Drought. funded. Booklet, written crnarantee of city hit a very important nail on the Easton, Md., Special: An intelligent head. and sample free, Address nearest office. Rescuing men is more than Claiborne oyster packer gives these as i THE STFOI inn DCMcnv r.n with sinners; it is the reasons why the oysters are so poor shaking hands CHICAGO. NEWYORIC MONTREAL. CAN. pulling them out." at this time: "First, the excessive droughts of the cathartla cure ron wt! nation - Purely vegetable, smootn summer and fall, and second, the singu- Twenty Feet from Tip to Tip of Wings. OnSGQHETS candy easy, sold by druggists everytrhere guaranteed to c From the Philadelphia Press: The lar fact that this year, particularly, since the beginning of summer, the Danish steamship Horsa, Capt. Weborg, Chesapeake tides have been extremely which arrived here yesterday from Port moderate, not more than eighteen Antonio, Jamaica, with a cargo of batz Inches between high and low water any nanas, has on board a most curious sea sevsea time at the maximum. As the oyster bird, which was captured at next nU makes cod-liw- r - ri siri Emulsion Is stationary, and cannot go in mrsuit eral days ago while the ship was weathVli takineto a pleasure. You of its food, the food must be bro ight to ering a severe gale, midway between taste it. The stomand Fortune of Cuba the oyster. Heavy rains sweepin down the east end ach knows nothing, about does not trouble you from the uplands over the oyst sr bot- Island. .The bird, which Is called by the ac; You feel first in toms bring food, so does the agitation sailors a sea eagle, lit on the foremast there. it brings: shows m the color of the cheek, the rounding of the of the waters by rains, windstorms head early in the morning exhausted, and currents. In our waters ttfe tides and was captured with little' difficulty angles, the smoothing- - of th fV Wr in Irises produce the currents and it carbe eas- and penned up in a chicken coop. Since . cod-liv- er is oil digested for you, slipping as easilj ily seen that when the tides rise and it has been in captivity it has refused lose fall three feet a much stronger (current to eat, and the officers mean to have it into the blood and losing itself there as rain-drop- s 'a' Is produced than when only eighteen stuffed. The bird measures from tip to themselves in the ocean. inches. Two or three heavy ralrj3, some tip of Its wings twenty feet, and is covodio What a satisfactory the this hide violent wind storms - stirring up the ered with rare plumage. It, is very water from surface to bottom,, and a fierce and seems to be unable to stand ud&Le ui cou-iiv- er on, evaao the tax on the stomas 1 ! succession of strong tides would sooja the cool weather. take health by surprise. fatten the oysters. Were the loysters nsh-fe- t There is no secret of what is made ofj-it-he fat there would be enough In ouri waters Must Have Female Society. UUL for the season's demand. In their "You are not leaving us, Jack? Tea tdSlc 1& iiuLumg is lost but the taste. be present condition, if it remains io, there will here directly." Perhaps your druggist has a substitute for Scott's Emulsion. will not be. When a packer kets aD Isn't U Jack (to two very masculinely try to equal the best for you to buy ? now order for 100 gallons of ousters, it dressed and spoken young women) cents SO and $i.oo All Druggists will take 175 bushels to fill it, whereas Oh, I'm going for a cup of tea in the SCOTT & ROWNF if they were in prime condition 100 servants' hall. I can't get along withChemists . New York would bushels lo it." out female society, you know. SURE for BO-SAN-K- ; Afro-Americ- ! Peaches are grown . Were we to part? There is a vine Which, finding daily nourishment and food In trees round which its tendrils twine, Knows death when parted from the ductor and said: "Smoking 13 very disagreeable to' me." "Is It?" he rejoined, sympathetically. nd apart; i v, 450-pou- . II Did liy liesU speech." She seated herself In the rear end of Retribution "the car, among the tobacco consumers, I had known before we were WifeIf although there was plenty ' of room for- married that you swore so, I never ward. halve married you. Every time the man next to her' puffed would The Husband (sadly) That's what Ills dgar she looked unhappy., At last she turned sharply to the con- comes of being a hypocrite. Life. -- j i . How to Save In j i ' "It certainly . . Pretty Girls , laugh a song. , ' Six te From the Press, New York City. V llctfrla Preslaner of No. 1 Pitt Street, ltw York, "who Ib a real estate agent and collector of rents, caught a severe cold arly last spring, which settled upon his kidneys. Boon he began to suffer severe pain in his backbone, sides and chest. His symptoms grew jrapidly more alarming, nntil at last he was as helpless as a child and could scarcely move as he lay on his bed, As Mr. Preslaner is well known in the part of town where he resides, he had did all they could aany sympathizers, who : o help him. Though a native of Berlin, Mr. Preslaner "kaij lived in this country for forty years, of his adoption paving served the country in the civil service three hard hj Heyears' enlisted with the Nineteenth yar. - a Swamp. Waycross, Ga., Special: Mr. J. D. Craven, of Hickory Hammock, in the Okeflnokee swamp, was here Thursday, and he told of many of his experiences with bears, deer, and wildcats in the swamp. ;He cultivates twelve acres of rich hammock land, and raises corn, sugar cane and' vegetables. He produces over a thousand pounds of meat every year. The farm is not fenced, but, as It is surrounded by 'jungles, it is almost secure from the approach of bears and other wild animals." Mr. Craven is 75 years old, and he has explored the swamp quite, thoroughly during the past fifty years. He killed a bear two weeks ago. Honey flows plentifully in Hickory Hammock, and Mr. Craven sells hides, honey and beeswax in large quantities. Mr. Craven has a wife, two sons and six daughters. His daughters are pretty. ' They are' good shots with a rifle, and they frequently hunt bears, deer and wildcats 4n the swamp. A large bear chased a hog Into Mr. Craven's yard a few weeks ago, and as he was about to seize his prey one of the Craven girls ran into the yard and poked the muzzle of her rifle almost into bruin's face. Bruin turned away from the hog and sprang toward Miss Craven. The plucky young lady did not give the bear a chance to hug her, but sent a ball through his heart. The bear fell at her feet and died. CORNER OF ODDITIES. - an la. inflnnnnnnn r irfar De Kalb Fehce Go., ELB( Tjimeiy Warning. II Ip4 1 r ll ouacco pii and imotio Vour ILifn VP I ; a n . A. ; lost . Scott thing - -- it it hardly it it the strength that It i isto thing . it . |