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Show G. W. PAKkT ' COAT AND TEST IX OXE; buggy, porting In a natty A. SAMUEL KING, built for two. The turnout was hitchTh Blad will oootlnuo In ech nnb me from Mr. Roberted the at Regate, awaiting I love going The New Military Device for to publish brand under jearl oonirsou at t I watched him son's pleasure. It was noticing the (Ah. would to God I Had aiea; ducing the Weight of llagrsrage on MIHIK 'vomia&l price. All an Father of Marches. nockralfter to that to Father the famli the gave rig Downing great The advantage And I prayed Idea. Rooms 4 and 5 Eagle Block tariilnir the duMIo with bl brand and mart The Austrian army has had success To stay the turn of the tide. ar to well known to need attention. ItliM he said in a friendly ful results In its "Robertson," exDeriments with a as valuable a an adrertUeoaast tk Btockmin into your buggy and he svay; and hearkened, the To jump ebb; stay merchant." SALT LAKE CITY, TJTAIi, U to the drive down the road a piece and see combination overcoat and tent, and And ever the waves rolled on; Collections Att tM hear: Prcrajtlj the vi'lin." Till meadow and garden and hedge- haow fur you kin "All right, sir," responded Robertrows, j. .F. son, "if one of the girls will go with I could see them never a one. FRANK WHITEHEAD me. You know I'm tolerable hard of Offioe, First 2IaUoniJi Bank SU?., M hearing.";- '..'.:! For I knew that my love was dying, said the old know I didn't it," "No, At the turn of, the tide he must go, RANGE i UTAH rsovo, one of and the "take man girls dryly; soul The not leave and its fierier dwelling may Lower go 'long you won't hev fur tew go t Till betwixt the ebb and the flow. Blnk of Bearer. ' most likely?" Addrea : of the girls" was a positive "One Utah. And the people who all flocked inland Oaala, stroke of genius. Those girls were Will criye om on i?Jano. Or? U They called it a. great spring tide;- all as sharp as ferrets, and each one And I listened, and joined in their sorKHnds at lowest r,H, and teach to., Ho had pressing duties elsewhere all ex" . yiv,ei Jno Eeisnnp i row, ki. once was who at Maud,-! cepting But: I knew in my heart that I lied! For further partkularo, ddree9 hustled into the buggy by the others. Hill Gold In allt a is among There Dpjxr younff And my love as he watched the waters FRANK WHITEHEAD, undsr allt of the anas as that rlht, potent people, In left ear. Sighed wearily for his rest; to want when they! bring ' HINCKLEY. . Then I prayed once more to our Fa cient order, out on the square. ' Ranje: Cricket things ther, Mountains . and Father Downing had noLtlme to inThe Oasis and Fish Springs stage leaves For I saw that his will was best. Lower Sevier. terpose objections before the two were uasiB and iDapan at 8 a. m., each Honda out of hearing, Bay Dick flying with and Thursday, and .arrives at terminal points Deseret, Utah. Addreta, As the sea went slowly backward, road like a streak of within 52 hours. down the them The spirit of one who had died IK shadow In the silver moonlight. West to Oasis Detroit, $3.00 Was borne on the waste of waters, In taut his Robertson held the reins " Fish Springs, - .6.00 For the soul must go with the tide. arm stole left Infi ir MiDle v. wm his while hand, right Hill Gold M. and 7.5C Ipabah, liiiv, iiutui. nmivro r Academy. about Maud's trim waist, and two Under tilt t Tare for transporta .ion out and return cm young heads inclined innocently toright, under all CAIV I OBTAIN A PATENT? Tor. fares. Address, Tb and Overcoat. fiddle the if and in left ear. ward each other, honest 5K?l1?itaJ,B3J?r and J own to test decided the has out army fc C who have had nearly flhy!fiB F. DAVIS, squeaked, they did not hear It. What same device. Proprietor, Rangre; Criekr experience in the patent business. Commun Any scheme that serves did hear was the music of the to a tions Mountains strictly confidential. A 11 ondbook fit they A MAKCH OF CUPID. an and of the army lighten baggage oerntiw latent and bow m Lower STler. whole orchestra of love. ?Tion pent free. Also a catalogue of ttethan! sat Increase the comfort of the soldiers leal Father and Bcientiflo books sent Meanwhile, Downing Is bound to be welcome, and this comPatents taken throuRh free ddreaa. Deseret, Utah with his watclOn his hand and timed notice in the Scientific AmeTrJn?, jpecmlare has interested American offitwo who were supposed to be do- bination the brought widely before the pubUo wftJ Li. M. Mrs. cost cers. out to the inrentor. This By Rayne. as listeners. whole their duty Y Smitfi ing lssuedweekly. eleirantly illustrated,D'endidpp has by f fhl Join the The from inas picture, accompanying violin circulation that of any scientific work that larpest l& th! played ADE a fiddle out Hosea the yearshows and WATCHMAKER, conies Sample tree Navy Journal, never been played be- Army strument had Buildiae Edition, monthlr. lsa viv V. of his own head fore or since. If his playing was not overcoat and tent that may be made mmea. 1.1- CiantR.. Horse Grower "i1""' - Wtrorir rnm)i wi.ii nnnn UTAH. in NEPHI, "ii j titul plates, in colors, and and Dea of tS5 and had wood "noble and sublime," like that of the from it. When worn as an overcoat, Guilders tvphow houses, with plans, enabling photoprcphs Watches and jewelry! promptly re-- latest so coat as to It a folds form sack that ausecure and contracts. designs RANGE: enough left for founder of his school, it had both " inwAr MUNN & CO.. Not Vouk. paired. Mall orders solicited. another." and excitement. His musical falls below the knees. It has a hood Hon6 Mountain' dacity . If Hosea Down- feats on one string electrified his au- attachment that may be pulled over Lower fcerler. ing did not say dience. They were moved to tears exact words when he gave them "Sweet Home," those Utah. Oaaia, Address, it was because he and "Suwanee River" brought forth preferred his orig- rounds of applause. Then Father inal form of "ex- Downing again consulted his watch, urerson Bro: GrEO. pression, but he which he had forgotten in his enthusi Breeders ab4 dealers In Short agreed with the asm, and stopped tne music to say born Durhams; sentiment precisely, and any one ac. hastily: Horses a a m t will Hosea his with son, 2nd, has happened to them brand 3n left quainted MANUFACTURER AND IMPORTER OF "Something I bear witness to the truth of the state- two thih. Cattla horse has run away!" I bet that Upper slop la ment and authenticate the value of The girls looked at one another. Harness, Saddlery,: Buggy, Whips. Nose Bags, Co lar each ear. Kant: was head. wooden the It were frightened, and like their particularly Svier rlra They and ro odd Ulna. noticeable from the fact that the viofather believed there had been a run- 1 Hardware, Leather, etc. Pads, was fambtween Mil's' tlation on the U. P. Ry and Learn in linist the freak the only latton. Addreus, Leamington, Millard C, Utafc ily, excepting the old man himself, Wholesale and Retail Fine Buggy Harness! a Specialty. the girls being bright, pretty damsels, Alirtfl Parley who were quite the bells of the counOur goods have been extensively used in Deseret and vicinity, and ihaT ty. But Father Downing had great' Horses same In the possibilities of the boy he faith brand on left The Tent. given the best satisfaction.' Mail orders will receive prompt attention. name own had his with thigh. Cattle-clWhen in the handicapped weather. head stormy crop in left and idiosynoracies. And now that he and slit in rigat spread, thiJ overcoat makes a waterHEATED BY STEAM. had manufactured a musical instruear. litnge, CLEOTRIO CALL BELLI proof tent. The device is intended for Sevier. d Lower ment looked upon him as a he etc. use In forced marches, duty, picket Address. Des genius. The many advantages of such a coat - Virwi Y - ri-ret, Utah. ;A11 the neighbors were invited to are quickly apparent. In only a few hear Hosea, Jr., play such airs as his minutes it can be transformed into a limited of music knowledge tent large enough to shelter permitted, L on loft ibigkt Is a several and it fact that one man. neighbor The garment is waterproof tame brand om left hood vendettas were lured to a peace and light. The use of this garment hip of able ending by the youth's discordant 1 would reduce greatly an army's bag Willow Spring. playing, which passed among, the Addresa, gage, and would add on forced march f as tuneless and sublime the es a protection that now is frequently F. J. Kearney, efforts of were who and those genius, lacking. New York Sun. Flak Spring, out of were educated that sphere Juab County. A Fine Skin. glad, for peace's sake, to listen atten Utah. L. and applaud without stint. Like tively Some time ago I read in some paper O Ton left thigh, all domestic bigots,! Hosea had double swallow his weak side, but It had pere about a girl whose shoulders were not been fork in left fear. particularly white and shining, and educated until now. The Range, Lower Se- properly Man who was said to use chamois leather & awakening of his soul to the influence vier. Addreaa to a to Such tine rub them polish. the "heavenly maid" was but the CMS. T&0HIS&2 of mischievous rubbish! Let any one try to another awakening of much prelude OaalA, Millard Co. it, whether their skin be coarse or fine, more importance to the pair interUtah. and it will soon be found that rubbing ested. "There the Fiddler Was Seated." It. Look at; the skin through a ruins It happened that the only other away. But they exonorated the horse. gj-and then the folly of treatMark, ellt ha young man who owned a violin in' the In the moonlight and distance the microscope, and two allta right with it anything like force will at district and attempted to play It, had two lovers had crossed ten miles of ing In eft ear. Saaa BAKING PP once be on left been ignomlniously dismissed from territory, and neither had thought of apparent. The finer it is the brand ahonlder on horaee the it will stand such treatment. A ft' Downing family for attentions to the violin. They had taken sweet less P. N. Petenea, fine skin is one of the most wonderful sensible and the eldest pretty daugh- draughts of pleasure from each other's Oasla Addreta, and lovely things in nature. It really UUh, Range, Low ter, Maud, who returned his affection eyes, and made up for lost time by exer Sorter. with her whole heart and soul. There changing confidences about their fu- consists of six layers, of network like . j;.; was no earthly reason why the young ture. And then Bay Dick turned into lace of the most exquisite texture, the Same left thigh man would not have been what Is a lane that led to a house that was filaments various in size and irreguon Horses, lar in arrangement, lustrous as .gossain and called society parlance "an elligi-bl- e lighted as if for company. Upper one underslope The uppermost layer is a series allt ta Mr. AWARDS. but suitor," Downing thought It was the parsonage of the church mers. left ear. and two he knew of facets a the better than what himtiny which, forming in grain, Support that parish and the minister girl under silts la light ear. RANGB :Oah sort of a husband she wanted, and he self stood in the doorway to welcome when In perfection, srines not only Creek. Interfered. Besides, young Robert- -' his callers. 1 presume he had been with the reflected brilliancy of the Sims. Walker son's grandfather had once gotten the Informed beforehand of the service he under layers, but with the light of its State Fair Home better of him In a law case, and, like was expected to perform, arid his wife own, producing that exquisite whiteAddwsa, Oak drj, Utah.' ness which would be destroyed by 1894, Gold the; typical Scotchman, Downing had nd daughter was on hand as witbeen nursing his wrath all these years nesses, and when his two visitors left anything like rough friction. And peo- Medal. to keep It warm. The fiddle proved he was richer a liberal fee, and ple are so idiotic as to lay on creams Industries a greater pacifier than the gospel. West Robertsonbywas possessed of a and unguents, ointments and othor West Robertson was invited as a vir- wife. And Bay Dick went back to mysterious preparations of whose intuoso to give Hosea, Jr., some help In the Downing homestead as if he had gredients they know nothing. In a Three Cream SALT LAKE. case that cropped up not long since and his, musical experiences,1 which usu wings to his feet. Baking was The whole family and the visitors it ally drove the rest of the family Into proved in court that some stuff Gold GenGral Gomm issi onMercnan the; woodshed, and, although he had crowded down to the gate, and Father sold in a bottle at half a guinea cost Powder never left off courting the girl, It gave Downing, reassured by the safe re- exactly 3 farthings to make. Or was Medals. gCM twowrt j1 see1 Keep him he of coveted ' the it sarcasturn Some of the asked of fraction opportunity a farthing? truants, la .Dealer ,;,, above her and Truth. openly ing poard. . ; TRter nnsjc THrra At this eta ere of the nfiooeedlnss it tically: "Haow fur could ye hear Hesea FRUITS, VEGETABLES, BUTTER, occurred to some of the Downing fam- playin'?" Velvet Blouse Waists. Superior Quality Your XggV Peuliry, Game, Veal Pork an A ily to give a muslcale, with Hosea as . "Clear to the minister's," said West Modistes report many orders for vel- Flavoring Beef, Smoked aad Fresh Flak, sole performer, and quite a company Robertson, as proud as you please, vet blouse waists in brown, Extracts Gold Flour, Hay aud Grain. assembled on; the evening selected, "and I have the pleasure of intro- green and dahlia color. black, These velvet Medal. which was a moonlight occasion and ducing to you my wife, and we both Money It will pay jou to ihlp your good to I favorable' for a balcony entertainment ask your forgiveness if we have done garments give a very rich effect to a eaarge 10 per cent. lor haadling aad remit aa costume at comparatively small outaoon aa goods are sold. Caa giro otherwise In- the front door yard. wrong." There the fiddler was seated In state MUU7 reierencea 12 desired. "Haow fur could ye hear the vi'lin, lay. They look very stylish over skirts as If he had been a second Ole BulL did ye say?" drawled the bid man. at of crepon, corded isilk, satin, repped Best And then Hosea, Jr., came to the wool or taffeta, or,i indeed, Indeed, to his doting family he was and pretty Quality far more, for the only son in a family rescue with what he called a "chune" skirt like shepherd's checkanywool or of for the occasion, which was a com- mohair that is cut in fashionable shape Display Soda Home. Water. posite of "Haste to the Wedding" and and hung gracefully. It is practically several other melodies, and his father impossible to get the sleeves of a velwas "called off," and if he did not for- vet waist into the sleeves of a jacket no demmade he the give runaways without ruin to one. NothOFTICKl onstration of enmity. He had been ing but a cape isthetovelvet be of In. B3 W. 2nd, South, SALT LAKE OITY fairly beaten in love, if not in war. such a case. The velvetthought blouses for MANUFACTURED BY He touched on the subject only once cold weather wear; will be lined with ., P. O. BOX more, and then it was to ask Robert- outing flannel cloth or other soft flan, son what "chune" Hosea was playin nel in order that they may be worn Hand Sample i ; .. he heard him at the minister's. when ..$1.00 out doors of without the addition of a And Robertson answered him innoc- wrap. The Iron Assay 1.00 pitiless blasts of winter SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH BOX 633i : Copper Assay ently: .. ... ,4 .. ;1.00 d all of a. .....y.. preclude thoughts, a "It sounded like march." Detroit waist for the street, unless worn Bottle Samplei 3.00 '.'. Spicew Pure and Ground Daily. as- stum sv.jr Free Press. above a fitted chamois bodice. Our StocKralssrs' toumn.- - WITH TUB TIDE. ng i , LAND and Attorney at Law. -'v- ; . i i 4 ; : :' t tiessor . ' i , .: - ; ' i of . m I for Detroit. Fish Springs, ajid ibapahl j free-mason- ry ; , . Jos-Dewsna- rAVi-AI.- V one-ha-lf I G. A. Gardner, . i . r -- an-- Harness and Saddle W: WILLIAMS, , ose newly-fledge- . K-'-'- - -- - -- ed cattle-Raaj- e Sft 1 tone-dea- -- HOLBROOK, Prop. Headquarters for Sheep, Cattle Mining y W yr,'P THREE jl . CflOM Leads All the Rest. MM t 1 O. S. MARTIN, j I j pen-ny.Lond- on 3 . . firat-ela- - aa - W. Q. M STEWARD, t . k ; --4- HEWLETT ; wm ............ Frank . f. f ;('! H It r t.i j . t D, Hobbs, Land (Late he primer U. S. Land and Mining Attorney'. CorrespocdeDce eolicited. IVenty SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, I & Attorneys. 1 Heard the Orchestra of Love." of girls Is always a paragon. It matters very little whether he has a wooden head or not, for any endowment of natural sense which he may have to begin with, will be fondled out of him by the injudicious atten-tkof womankind. The most brilliant youth becomes vapid under such treatment, and Hosea was no exception to the rule. Robertson had driven over from his home, although he felt as If he had been transported, on the wlr-jfof love. It was, however, his f avonit rzsliMr, ZJly Dick, ylo did t2u m Wt b SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. A Cow In a. Drue Store. ; - . BIBD & LOWE, Land Agents . MTIaey i Instead! of Me. '"There's A cow which John Rendell was TiOTilrfnl tVit always something to be liiUJUiVJ.U i,Vl leading to Frederick Relnhelmer's cat"That's true." tle shed, In Williamsburgh, was frigh"Yes, sir. There's my neighbor, Mr. tened yesterday afternoon by a trol- Yabsley, he's just wild with neural-gia.- 'r ley ear bell In Graham avenue. It "Gracious! You are not thankful broke away from Rendell and ran that Yabsley has the neuralgia Tr along Graham avenue, to Meserole "Yes; I'm thankful that Yabsley has street, There the ringing of anothw it instead of me." bell Increased the animal's fear, and A11 Brolce at Once. It was nearly run down by a car. The : t "So you took your family to the seacow ran on the sidewalk and knocked down a boy. Then It. went Into Val- shore?" said the facetious man. "I did," was the melancholy reply. entine Malzi's drug store, at 151 Mes"Where there is such grandeur in erole street, and tried to get behind counter. the After lit had upset a the breaking of the waves distance "Yes.", long telephone stand the "And the breaking of the engagclerks pushed It out. The cow sank exhausted on the sidewalk, and later ements" was taken in a wagon to Reinheimr'a "Yes, and of the twenty dollar biUr shed. Naw York Sun. wshin,?rton S tar. . Office.) 'three years' experience. silk-line- ' . - 13 1? OS 1 JOSEPH A. LYMAN General Merchandise, -- Has a full line of- - And is Belling down at Panic Prices for Pay Down. Either for Cash or Produce at cost. ; TraTelers and Sheepmen will find me supplied with HAT, - GRAIN - AND ;. Highest cash price paid for Hides and Pelts, j STABLINGh Don't forget 'JOSEPH A. LYMAN, OAK CITY, MILLARD COUNTY, i : ; : : , UTAH- -. |