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Show i I i V Country People Read Absolutely Independent On all questions whether yja the Blade, The advertisements in the Country Papers, and as has the Largest Circulation of any Paper in Central and Southern Utah It offers the best possible medium for .. .. Political, Social or .Religious, , The BLADE j ou Motto: "The Truth Without Fear or Favor.'? " J Terms; v $2.00 per year; in advance, , j , tfi months,' fl.OO. . 1 .' NEPHI CITl, UTAH, SATURDAY MORNING, SlSPT. III. VOLUME NUMBER 14, 1893. ;. r 14. .i ... - , .....!.,.. . p " '.. . Boatonians that havs tried '..cyanide, dad on the Cumberland, Oscsala the and other claims with no success,. Thsr have several as .fine gold properties a could be wished for and it would haw been a cheap and easy matter to havr" Sent a ten ton lot over to the Can Spring mill and have Jearfied definitely tvhat is would do. jMessrs. Millick and Sons aire making fine developments over on Willard some. Just received at McNally & Luhts the Creek, and Mr. Qlark'S opinion is, "that omly Aluminum Dressing and PocKec a; great camp will be made of that district combs to be found in Nephi. as soon as capital takes hold of it. , novel given away Au ellegaritly-boun- d recent The is in strike the Ga!d great .....'. ""'"' r with each $2.00 of cash trade. ' i Demand' which joins the Osceola. Dr,'' 13 14 McNally & Luntf Druggists; Until Further Notice we will Sell at the Following Prices Vhitney ofSalC Lake, arid another gen' George' Atkin and wife, of Tooele, passtleman own the property and have tbrea instructed County for CASH ONJiYs Nechi this week.' ed, through .Nephi Sunday1 en route to of Schools, John Foote, men at work developing. A fifty foot Mr. Atkin was formerly a resident The show cases in McNally ' & Lunt'sJ as he is now Residing outside f haft was sunk in gold ore, samples of ' of this place. Drug Store, are f ull'of all kinds of novel of Juab County . jvhich ran away up into the hundreds; r 4 r 1 and the vein will sample f 30. to f 10 per ' Harry Foote is over from Mnti this ties just from the factory. week. The gentleman runs a gent's The home of Richard Evans is quarran3 to obtain- from the Bullion-Bec- k Mining ton A tunnel now in on the same vein . and ih business children of on his two account of; tined clothing furnishing Co. a definite proposition relative to a about 70, feet, is all the way in the same seat. Sanpete's county being dowri with scarlet fever, dispute as to the county road and to sub- (slass of ore. 'A thing of beauty is aoy forever,' if "Wm, Henroid is visiting his folks in mit the same at the next session'. ' Whenever capital awakens to the valuer A ve Osceofa as a sttre field for investm'snt, " see Call belie t the don' and of A petition from the residents of Willow you it, just this city. He came down from Eureka hair Brushes in Tuesday, and says Tintic is 0. K'V only Aluminum-bac- k Springs, for a School district was tabled thatcountry will surprise the niuing Is the Sweetest 4 & on the worlds Lunt; Nephi. McNalley and the Best. Judge W. H. Smith of Ogden is a very pending, - further information Airs. H. F. McCune left for Salt Lake- sit k man. An' effort this morning to subject. We have reduced this? to T. W. Lerwill submitted his report Monday, where she goes to the bedside of learn farther of his condition, proved DESERET DOINGS. Which' was audited, approved and filled..1 ' a sick-chilof Alf. McCurieV The little fruitless. ; A most remarkable rrioi-awa- y ' 4 sufferer is reported very. ill. County Treasurer Ockey informed the : j Mrs. M. A. Grover and Mrs. M. E. Court here the first of the week. th available funds, in the Chris Erickson that sale Ice at for Cream famous Demohad bis little girl, less J Neff returned Monday from the Sparks' the Frank Sells' building, Fridays and cratic convention held at Ogden and re Treasury were insufficient to meet the than two years old, in and" bills at session audited of thei Court was this ,' to see his Call from town. us. farm and Sundays. returning port a fine time, and that it would be necessary- to take On the he stopped his ' team, and 3. H. Sparks, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Cowan returned up the balance of a loan of $1,500 provid- went to way the assistanse of Josenh S". to failed when Thosa who; to Market from their registered get I Wednesday trip ed for in the resolution of July 29th. Black Who was trying to get a porker the officer was making his house to house Lake, Wyoming, after a visit of two Ghasl Foote moved that the remainder fr TiTriVlriinrv'a t,tir'. Patronize Home Industry and b sure you of in: hiu : xrarrrn canvass should will remember that weeks with relatives. they Sugar, the loan be taken. The motion prevailed. started with the little girl on the' have a chance during the week, beginmg Fpr sale only. by Clerk was instructed to notify the; spring seat, and ran south about a'.' H. Sparks jr. has sold his ice cream E. The hundred yards then turned east and with the lasa Monday of the present and ' to Jesse Pay who Nebo Irrigation Company to the parlor candy ran a mile, where the horses circled , month I Will continue to: run it in connection road down Current creek canyon. around until stopped from sheer . ' r Classes In Civil Government and1 gen with his barber shop. Treasurer Wm. Ockey submitted his exhaustion. they The country covered' bv-eral history will oe given during the was team of the' school is crossed by irriga- j which fund the runaway report on Gus.J. Henriod returned Tuesday is winter months at the academy hall, to Tintic, after tion ditches otherwise rough and and As heretofore has the report spending a brief visit approved. in a, re large grease-- " there' next been many as places .a commencing Monday evening, with relatives here. Gus i3 the marshal part wood brush 'published in The Blade, growing. Mr. ; Ericksonunder the direction of the Improvement of Eureka and a jolly, good fellow. of the Trustees' report, it is omitted a; a secured horse and followed his runa- ' ' Associations. this time. of " SouthernUtah know Don't the people way team, expecting every moment to C- - P. Christiansen a watch to The amounted maker o appropriations And of rising perhaps dead bodyand they can save money and time by sending of $550, including the amounts1 dueMessrs. his the bruised, ' to good ability, has opened up ja business their mail orders to MoNally & Lunt? his but child, surprise great W. I. Brown and B, N. C, Stott for in the building north of and adjoining joy found the little tot in the seat', still : A ; Nephi. Druggists, on Mr.! account of of late examination H. Christian Hawkin's clinging for dear life, and ou coming ' II. place. J1. S6lmmin. F. W. Chappeil, V. W. up to her was met with tbe remark; ' teachers. sen comes from Salt Lake and is well rec M. W. McCune. G. pa. horses rnnnin' awav." Who ' E. J. Candland, An ommended. tie was late jnspecter o adjournment was taketf to the first "Fa hall say the good angles did not hold Z. boarded and Whittakef Whitmore in October. clocks for the Union Pacific R'y system Monday .1 that spring seat down and the mud in f in Idaho; A general stock pf watches. yesterday's train for Beaver ai delegates, its place during that, wild ride over one r, clocks and lewelery will be carried in to tne judiciary convention toaay. AT THE PRESBYTERIAN.Jof the roughest roads in Deseretj? Q. W, Hickman just recently, returned now Deseret gossips are rent connections with repairing of all kihds. Just a with a huge scandal,' a burgla- has not enjoyed a good rain from' the San Juan country". Mr. Hick-mThis vicinity . . A CAR LOAD OF COOK STOVES Services Last Sunday ftcv.-- ry and horse stealing case. " reports much development work Communion for Upwards oftwo months, and a. good , I This last spring, a young man of t Wilson the Speaker.AND RANGES. old "down East" dreuchmg would not going on in' Southeastern Utah, and was called on a mission to the Hinckley come amiss. The supply of fwacer is re- mining prospects as being bright A goodly numher of Worshipers carfie Southern States. Before going he 2ALL AHD INSPECT OUR STOCK. Numerous teims passed through Nephi together both morning, and evening in went down to Pannaca, Nevada Trees and green duced to a minimun. and V t t"a to route eh week are road3 The' an are Sanpete, the Presbyterian Church. present estimable young lady r ' suffering". brought back shrubbery NEPHI. loadea vvlth to rd over to Manti and in J whom took he f ThO' pasfcr-pr'iche- rl peaches watermelons, covered with several inches of dust," .in. the tnornlng the made fruit-her his, wife. In a The of Ternijle. peddlers from the text, Matt. 6:10, Thy Kingwhich fiies into the air at the slightest other varieties few on he his mission with went days and completely, envelopes seem to find green fields in our adjoining dom come". He showed that one who provocations in i i jLouisvil e, Ky. lie V The Missouri Pacific R'y county. that petition must be willing also' headquarters passing venicies. a short time when prayed , been had; absent but was a north-boun- d Course by Mail of the, it became whispered about that Miss.for to the work V. E. north-bounHiggans accomplishment had train 's Wednesday -would soon become a mother and j . If you are goifig to r Willi tHE on board Jas. A. Melvili4 of Fillmore passenger' on Wednesday's train. Mr. object prayed for. was lis.! tha the In the evening he used as his text that young missionary was the V who goes to Salt Lake on reservoir bus- -' Higgans is of Iron county, and ' ' . ' in APITAL refact, the girl so. confided tu 53:6 "'All we like sheep have gone fatbr, Kansas City iness. Editor Nelson of the Tintic Min-e- r, lucky one at the Beaver convention, Jl her ITY Bishop W. II. Pratt of waa'also a passenger returning from ceiving the Republican nomination for astray; we have turned every one to hia the parents. St. Louis, ward, immediately issued v Hinckley . own way; and the Lord hath laid on im a recall the Republican Convention at Beaver. Judge of the Fifth. of the missionary who arrived GOMMERCIAL Chicago, Will C. Higgins, editor of. the Iron Mrs M. J. TelfoT'd of Grand Junction the iniquity of us all". He showed that a few days since. Deputy U. S. Mar-- : New York, temper, ail are sinners, but thnt the Lord fhas hai Paine came over from Fillmore County Record,- was alsoj'a' passenger, Colo, gave a very earnest To Advertise Our College U. with him and was feeling excusably leiated over the ance lecture in the Presbyterian Chapel prepared a redemption for all if they will last Saturday and brought ' Or any other J We Rive a thorough cowrse of in- C. Veile. Geo. The, S. f Commissioner, struction in double 'and single entry nomination of his brother E. V. Higgevening. It was regretted only accept it by faith in Him, point East see that your "ticket reas via s w o re to a com pi ai n t , ch a rg i 6 g.the v . and Commercial Arithgirl notice that the time was so short that the ins, for Judge of the Seventh. metic by mall, Free of Charge, to a Lot hario with " fornication. dfime ' -gay ". course .Talk of This Train limited circulated. more number not was persons. The Missouri Paciffc'R'y. widely arrested him and without examination, "c Miss Mary Jane Jones and John will be completed in forty lessons. No . which he waived, was bound - over in were joined lh'the holy bonds of Candland the popular agent at charge for Diplomas.- Address Harry tbe sum of $1,0(50. The young man..--- " Eleprant Coaches Qnick Time and Superb Koad-bemarriage at the Man ti Temple on last Moroni, came down from Salt Lake on Capi al Ciy rrEasssssa make this line thePeople's fav who has heretofore been highly respect- . orite Route. Commercial College, 4 Monday. Yes, another matrimonial Thursday and took the S. P, V. train for To haul 10,000 tons Rock Salt says he can beat the case, But ' Tr Vina hat r nrt j. his home. lie reports a nice time, both reka, Utah. haan lonnhrtarl P. O. Drawer B.T - t' TOPEKA, KAS. Will pay $2.50. per ton, ed, Marshal Paine has, so it. is rumored.,' recent Democratic to the a as ocean tossed and of waved ilifes a letter wherein the young man m. delegate :35 secured 6 : rug ged LeaVfr 0ir3en. .. .. CASH. p. asid friends 7:00 p. m. in Leave Pueblo his guilt, but makes the pal-- ; and Mr. convention with confesses Ogden McPherson visiticg a3 captain M. & M. Cc. Salt Nephi 5:45 p. ra. Arrive Kansas City. and cowardly plea that he ie not Miss Jones as'' first mate, a successful in Utah's Capital. try tr.rt a. xti.n C. S. Tingey, Mgr. Arrive Kt. Louis. ...i 3t ru. LOCAL a. INKLINGS: ...... . '9:30 the only one who has been intimate, Arrive Chicago voyage is' the sincere wish of their many, Last Monday Edwin and Mrs. Ann with the cirl.. There were those who! ' riends, in Nephi, together with The Booth celebrated the 40th anniversary of In Deep Creek. Horse Racing sympathised with him, but if that 5?.H upon thenearest ticket agent tor address ' their married life. There were present, Editor Blade.:- Sulphur at Excelsior Mercantile' Co. at- Blade. shall constitute his defense, tiiere will . who will have any othei , H; B; KOOSER, Mr. E. Jf. McCune, who has just'eom- - Mr. and Mrs. E. R. . Booth, Mrs; Tbos. noticed nothing in be but few for have As. I Commercial Freight & Pass., Agt. him other '".than; loath jng.. Nice days. Co oi! anights; Take Tho pleted a course in commercial works at Booth and. three children. Mr. and Mrs. your paper lately concerning Deep Creek sentiment H.' STINSON,. .contempt. The man who seeks to , BLADE and enjoy them: ' i.. the Agricultural College, Logan, will ifi A. Booth and five children, Mr. and t will sav that we are eoine to have a aud Traveling Pass. Agt. j', still further drag his victim down In anSalt Lake City, tnah. a class in' commercial arithmetic, Mrs. O. M. Booth and two children, great horse race here on the' 17th of Sept: a was Wind' terror. La3t and stayt Tuesday to exculpate- himself, stands nak- " ' Orll.C.TOTTXSEND. Miss Neya .Booths It between Teddy Jones1 mare 'i'MIo-ni- e e,flort and Geo. Booth ornamental business and a blessed revel "wbole the heid dust phonography, the world in that he had- for- ed before day. Ticket Agent, Mo. (ieueral Pass, and com-mat in and of a was a horse Samuel St. Louis, double and all Wait aWhile" and pleasant gathering, feited all claim even to pity; The finest line of Toilet soaps in NephI penmanship, single and, with a host of friends. The Blade Halls of Deet Creek, named column! workDavid Day's. Store was broken mcr ih' 4 special "jWillie are at AIcNally & L'unt's Drua Store. man vhaDDV returns of the wishes The' latest methods in the above studies Wonder". Both of those men! have Marshal Things are quite pleasant among Nephi will be introduced, making work shorter day." were' extracted all the available wampum they and gum wagered an were ran was re beautiiul and dovh several news took the scent On Tuesday. last; the sad Paine parties society, and more accurate. Tha clas3 will be own and both look forward to ultiof of tbe' Oasis weelr. of William, son of Air mate toughest ' kidone given the past success, being "confident cf jperver-sin- g given in; the evening. Any one desiring Ceived of the death and who t infested locality who of this T. R.. ITifik-mathrOucrh A. 'Nenhi fred and Gadd, nasqed city, Mary to take any or all 'of' the studies can see'. the other. The horses are jeveniy made a dlean breast of the .alTair and v died of pneumonia fever at Clark, matched and considerable betting on Wednesday's train irom' the- south, Mr. McCune. f . jvill.be roped in another Oasis youth . The first I Colo. Sept.3, 1895i after an illness of three done, which will consist in material bound for Salt Lake. of one waiwed examination, and is in the. Miss Carrie Ilanseui came' down from weeks He was born in Nephi Dec. 19, - fa'aodi of the 'officer. The other waft ,r minPatronize those who advertise.' They Salt 'Lake from second hand spurs up tq silver San and took the' 1886 Wednesday In hi& for and Color home and on left examined scaped by Tuesday are the people who: believe 'in "Jivinft Pete ' interests. Yours,, ing Miss 163, for train ; Chester. . L. teeth.4' Uf Valley of Justice his time until the "skin the where he resided Giles Bowler. and Jet live'. They are the ones who Hansen is the woman who was ' betrayed ado,death.? was evidence the that He waS married Sept. 22(1830. his Cropper holding 1695. 8ti want your trade: !' whrb Sept. Ibapah, confessed one The man La this Alias Johnson, The' deceased leaves a wife and two child insufficient; Fevre, by Tbom&s Vickers is improving his resi who at the same time he married her had' rento mourn bis loss. wil very likely g( to the reform school, His estimable that are at least a dozen It? were son Read You Did a intensified as andthere1 indence bv the errection of a another wife Sanpete county.' In qualities ' to a or o! husband and him the father; with the in, either person to go add will Commercial The Capital City College ought addition. When completed it Salt Lake La Fevre met hi3 victim' and Deseret News a from them of share fair copy.' please penitentiaiy--has a card in this paper offering Instruc- Deseret. Another Deseret' one more to the list of many beautiful appealed to hsr to corn e to the same hotel re- youth Did of j a iii to free number tion htames persons, he put up at and pay nothing about his Nepht. ceutly stole a horse and he, too, is no. H-2j . read it? , that would she ioinffs,' you Winter will soon' be here-the- .keep (if only urging doubt in for it. In justice to the par-we is quiet therei was no way bv1' which' his si'Wi thsit has'nc out in an appearance ents of all those wrong-doerand. J: Utah in cou id no ele and are hobo" ot better Ore' the that" there Oceola's treachery bigamous marriage the annual1 march Output and Prospects". svm is Mrs." bo them' there so for path The was ; we profound w wonder if in vain could be EL. B. Clark .of Boston, but! who is proved.' monk appeal the entire'eomraunity arid for teli the Hansen is determined in to him land n have to tho skip Nephi. operating in Nevada's gold camp, was theirbysakes the names are witheid. ; lucky a3 a guest of the Deseret House on Monday, Col. Ji H.' Knauss was in the city two penitentiary, and toirecover the property Crismon of the Utah Mining;, Sidney from taken her. of ' a we few wrongfully ' him (items' and. from on business. glean Ho Mr, F sh Sonngs. was ui tuwu w as jt days of this veek Ad. Read the Osceola Osceola. Th0 and reports the Utah from interest Ogregarding At the home of Mi3s Minnie Wright Wednesday, Knansa is an expert accountant ad. headed "Free Course by Mail Placar mining" company has not been looking gran J,f the Desi.n- cvei mu. Read denJ and it will be remembered of him pnTuesday night occurred an impromptu with thethe It runningTtbis summer, and have rented They have seven teeu men at work, v City Commercial College-Capital htinir in Nenhl sorae time since auditi njgr but most enjoyable' party. The above is a fine offer. Apply for it. more will be put oft next the Vkater heretofore used by.it,' toT vari and seven t named was tbe hostess and the affair was the books of tne First National 3ank; week. Under'the careful and 'intelli-gehbeen who have successful ous individuals Oris, Chas. the of TilE of in her honor AVednea Supt. management birthday. Among reE. II.1 Sparks, Jr., who left to o the yelNotic'6 Creditor. "out considerable in made cl been has were washing who bonanza who mon a real Hflv to attend the Agricultural College guests present, and' low metal. Thos. Watkins cleaned up the Utah Company's principal- mine jrrrci wa. cisp'n a on A a the Rurnrisa following: pleasant time, port oarty are, ' r Utl huu " about f 1,000 in a short run, and others the Galena.'. Utah, ) S3 w".;Tj; Territory of was an agree Miss Edna MorrisJ Miss' Zina Sorensen, affair The v ilk;n and ' well 6r better.' Tuesday niglit. cf Juab Duttonr Davis, Messrs County as j done have ' Miss equally Measie Miss McCune, Sadie 5 P. Wright, deceased a lead Charles Norton, valuable of ana ui Estate tne assucittnis one. are ihl working Power and T. B. Tilford, who owns his ground - - r Miss Josephine Bryan, Mis3 lvatie Udall, Notice is hereby given .by the undersigned in ' Death Canyon, SifJipson Nor-to,u nnif'' hirti ' undwares. were ' these': property P. of estate The of Charles the ustal." adikiiniutrator well has" done 'as Katie Bailey Miss' Bitha Wright, range and will bCgiri S.shipping ;jore ic ' deceased, to the creditors pf, and all per- water, Mr' aud Mrs. Oicar Go;dsbrough,: Mis Miss been Co. have experimentCumberland deceased claims the sons Miss Eflie said havinsr Cah6oo'?3"teairifi Misa ten days. II, Dora aprainst Norton, about Marsh, (1io:.il; papi:h fcpqflarrie Sorenaoa, Josephine Jensen, to exhibit them 'w ith the necessary vouchers, ing with the is be- will haul the and mill in re to Oasis." Mi's? jit Grace Miss Adams, Neva Norton, Maggie within four months after the first publication now Pearl McCune, MAmio Hyde, The Ibex is its owh arid it" of this notice, to the aid administrator at Salt lieved have abandoned it and'j will' Geo.' Messrs. and KJenke, Asa Naanie Solicifod Nef, Sdburry, the once more looksholding iiird, Lotta of success .... E Patrons ..tas ii Tuh Providence'"' kind. Lake Utah if rmTttnrA Booth, City, U Territory. " .CVI.W.V.. Ill Dated at Nephi City, Utah, 'September 3, 1S95. Will McOane. Monie Whltmore, Roy Cowan, Leu.! Hyde, Earnest Wiun, LUO tu iab VV sereiaoDoi. Cane Spring Co. in the use. oi ;w .'A.. S. KKNDAtti. Luncheon Hoy McCune, Geo. Booth, Eli Bachelor, U."bt. Ord. back." the ought', McCune. P. country, k1 r of "Charles estate of the rrrek Administrators If. c the Andrew Neify Art.- - Sperry ; and Will Norton, deceased. and refreshments were serred-tiunnloiiave-bn"lan" i Honey for sale by Thomas Belleston at tf. ' reduced prices; The Presbyterian school dpened last Monday' with a good enrollment. James II. Newton , the" Mona contractor and bdllder, was in Nephi Tbaisday . Relegates from Nephi to tha Beaver convention, on the 10th, returned home .Wednesday afternoon. Frnit j - j r I i.: County Coiirf Mattersi H, M.MVIcCane returned from jhis herd The report of theConntyCourt meeting 5'esterday.. of last week was unavoidably postponed Cass Hite of Salt Lake City, is in town to this week's issue through a rush of on business. The items at the last moment. . Leave orders .for choice potatoes aM as came on session but Monday, regular Thoinas Belliston's. tf. was an that was Labor day, aajournment Wind and dust are the order of the day. taken'until Tuesday,' when the reaf busThe campaign has fairly opened. iness began. Hon. F. AV. Chappeil pre; Utah Sugar, 18 lbs. for $1.03 Fruit sided, with Selectmen Hugo Deprezin.A. L.Jacb.man andChas.Foote in their seats. Jars 95cts and SI. 30 doz. at Excelsior ' was Co. Mer; County. Clerk Wm. Burton book to a warrant , purchase the Eureka del instructed Jddge Pike was among two sets Also to of south-bounVols.I.andll. d purchase train egation on board the of laws of the compiled Utah, the session yesterday. laws of 1890, '92 and '94, and an index. Mis Bitha Wright and Miss Effle On motion of Selectman Deprezin, the Marsh of Payson, are visiting friends ,in clerk was to ask tri-coo- o ' ; " - : , 13-1- 4 i - 1 . . ; ' ' i" H- !: - f . I ! i - ' Sop-erintenda- j Sa-li- na . Quart Fruit Jars, 2 Quart Fruit J ar s, 95ots doz: $1.20 doz .", J 13,-1- - - J i UTAH SUGAR . ; 13-1- d Per Sack, nt - toi-esign- , ; I ' - oc-curf- . j ed ; or IS ITosU for $1,00, cash ; his-wag- on i . i - i .' get-Uta- j , : Js EXCELSIOR 'MBRGANTILI. CO. Leaders in iJow Prices. en re-op- . 1 j j -- -- 1 . i , ; ' ; ser'-vic- es " , I . COOPER, P1TPER & GO'S. AT - - as-sund- er " y - T ; ! - ) . . 4 . f FREE , ' i -- - d' " i 1: i C . , j " - j : ! - ' last-Thursda- 13ook-keepin- i y ; sr l ; Mc-P.hers- on ; i. TEAMS WANTED. - .Eu d h Y i . - - 1 ! . t j I - j . . ; , - - - . . . boon:-keepin- 13-1- reezily Brilliant, g. . - -- ; this.-hxjodh- 1 Winnirigly tm - , I Witty;. Satisfactorily . . 1 five-room- ed o-nl- y - ... Sagacious, Liberally LaauaciouS: i 4 will-say- s, , ; ' j : Syerly Original' - . i - " 11-2- 4 - . - n t ; -- il 1 m -- v' tri-co- , ' i '. g evenj-p!- ' ; ( Sparks,-- i '''. ne - , 1 1 1 L. . CI i " U-iG-v " an-obj- ect y ; |