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Show " ,u the rest of the S"flaw. There is no one Everyone caa do an( thereby to the UgWa a. no matter now great OUR AHMUAL 83 secure salsa?"1 is he felt the ht speaker be, the effort mi; 4 cdhftbeafoAfcs? r? mntrA the ik6&ft&tfciwsra kof ha mm' k"wv " so or2raniz eotaflteir a. oared row-52onVT Jhave it over with." It in the .... Tlliere (jeplii, .1 IT. LIB LDlDuS LUUL u UUIUDI U3i cuu Anything ' ready for Js Now On, and we us P. after ever that haunts 'um fear all, ..... V rpH . if 'F. GIRSS. . , we may fail of a victory. The speakep Knows that Fdltor erin Great: we fOottti-me- a Irftrwirt nf tio .ftVaTiA and e born was that poor thankful felt ore mnrf) rtiHftsa til - 8aVV-- "W 1 a that had always been kept poor, fqr his in; Pargajnsi BLADE" long and clinations are suoh if ho had the means, "The avrrflF n&en6VUW3fer m W9fcWarftV1iVjpho:r that dare traDS his love of the world and its pleasures, A attendance at the iha t jj&j in that respect. It is might cause him to drink of It tq the Is its j fysladies leading paper. fct the services far exceeded that relative to the dregs. ftine with the to the young Elder Roberts referred previous day. The gallery was well flll- fashion of sleeves now beipg worn, A GOODS ER d and quite' a number of visitors were woman must be heroic who dare say, 4I man who went to Jesus, asking what he wm scattered throughout the large audience. will not wear stays J will not be the should do to be saved, and turned sormis interest to sell all he The choir sang the opening hymns slave of fashion." The feet of the youth rowfully away when toldto You? the poor and 'An angel from on high, the long, long of Israel have been cast in pleasant pla- had, give the prooeeds Under warel Hats Shoes, Gl3ves faience broke." M'The BLADE" for the 1fcet three ces, and they should appreciate it, and then follow the Christ. Had the injunctHosery, he numbers. months harvest yill bis ended with of ion away wealth, giving worldly cot be led away by the glitter Prayer byjljjidr John Adams. Itwill he a time of "bringing: in ; have done it. But ' he O very could, likely thou 'Come alurements. and arid qtc, the choiri $he sheaves" for advertisers. It fashions Pres& Singing by Fancy will reach more than 6,000 readThe sermon of Apostje Smith was re- the command to ''follow me," to go' 1.06Q some odd families of the ling oi Kings, wa've waited long for markable ers, and no to for its power eloquence, with the Son of Man who had place middle classes, who thee." prosperous of kindness and tor the and lofty be about their fall spirit wll to endure what thinking Jesus and his head, lay BISHOP NIELS K. SASMUSSEJI purchases charity that dwelt in every sentence. ef- endured, was more than he could con- The threshers a,r.e at vfor-about 'Was requested to report the levan ward, The choir rendered in a sweet and the tirst of September farmers he turned and sorrowfully template, will praise 'The people of his ward are not perfect fective style the anthem will sell thejr grain and will have away. He couia not ooey an at me law. money if not to burn, at least to "tut are doing the best they can . This is Thee, O Lord." and that's more o the purin cannot spend, Men without stay Babylon, Benediction by Elder Jacob iSSgler. pose. busy ssason, and the brethern are Tell what have to s.ell, and tell partaking of her sins. Those that exscattered, attencffnrf to tbeir farms and the columns must your the to prices through escape judgements, atpect other work. The meetings are well of The Blade. ' 'come out of her. SUNDAY ArTEENQON, tended and a good spirit prevails. There ' 'la all your lives," said the speaker, few who are cold and indiliereot. The Nephi Tabernacle was paoked to out the laws upon jwhioh all bless'The Sunday school is excellently attend- its utmost limit; and while the afternoon 'seek are predicated, and then obey those THE ed, the meeting house being nearly offilled was warm the windows had been remov- ings the ed and thus making the large room cool laws. The doctrine of obedience to all ach Sabbath with the ohildren of blessthe the laws and the enjoyment are and faints. All the other organizations bepleasant. It was notioed- - that Elder ings that are predicated does SLWesternJ upon them, B'. H. Roberts was on the stand in good condition, and unity prevails of God, Mercy lfiy?A!tWAYM out not the shut mercy tween the bishopric. The choir sang: "Inspired of the an- and grace will continually operate withRAIkWAYl cient seers, who wrote from Thee the in His children to that extent, COUNSELOR J. W. PAX MAN eventually sacred page." (iJaid it gives him pleasure to associate they will gaia strength to obey all the Stevenson. Elder Ezra s by y Latter-daThe Prayer apos-'tleJ Saints. with the laws and thus reoeive the blessings predThe choir sang; "My God the spring icated of tbeir the them with them. spirit bring upon '' of aod the people are benefitted by of all my joys, The life my delights. adThe speaker, iu closing, urged the While the sacrement was being to CY tbeir coming, The speaker fe't his weakSaints practice charity one toward tbe a ness and sensed the great responsibility ministered, the choir rendered in sweet other, and thus receive the reward of manner; "O Lord of 'that rests upon him as one of the Stake and impressive we now invoke, Thy Spirit most charity that is predicated thereon, Hosts, realhe not ware that We are daily receiving new goods and are thus it and APOSTLE SMITH 'presidency, divine." Choice of Three Distinct Routes, izes that the servants of God have called Had enjoyed tbe remarks of eider RobWe are constantly abreast of the times. W. then Counselor Paxman James preview in he to would, AND TUB be 4io that position, could and aperts, they practically auof his natural strength, becone discour- sented the general church and stake to our stock such things as are. needare us that are not MOST MAGNIFICENT RAILROAD SCENERY none of Thei'e adding plied. suswere who thorities, unanimously more or less susceptable to the commenaged. The requirements of the gospel tained . our friends.. ed ure such as to demand our entire strengIK THE: WOHI.B. dations of our friends, and our heartof are Stake names the the Following th. We are here laying the foundations officers. come when we forfeit the re Jaab Stake Presidency: Will- burnings if a future life, and they should be so our of fri nd3. It matters not how . spect Two Fast Express Trains Daily iam Paxman, Chas, Sperry, Jas. W. as to last and eternally. enduring or low the situations of men and strong We have'just received. direct frpm the factory, an elatrant high LMany become so indolent in living their are all women stock of Crockery. Quality and Style Entirely Sew. may be, susceptable they WAY EACJI JJETWEEU High Council for Juab Stake: David to weaknesses. If we could look into the that their consciences become line of Ladies',. Misses' aud.Childrus7 Shoes i comOur Thos. Abraham Jas. di3-Ord, Orme, SALT LAKE AND DENVER. Cazir, i to the OGDEN, should awaken reared. They hearts of the majority of those that sin, plete, and haying ho ugh t before prices, advanced,. v?e are C. Thos. Win. A. Latimer, Vickers, and of oarelessness henefit of the same.. iastrous consequences giving our customers-thour own hearts wouia Dieea ior tne an F. David is Broadhead, Bryan, Henry Now of to time the eternal .indifference to the principles buy GLotlmig. Buy before the prtee adsuffer. The purpose of the ELEGANT RECLINING CHAIR CARS! they guish of wool and cotton goods are advancThos. Christian vances. B. kinds Uelson, All life. The conferences are held for the is to emancipate eyery one from Gospel soon the effects will be felt in our in and Adams. the John East, Kienke, John ing 'benefit of the Saints, and they do a large Wright, Charge. to and and sins their wickedness, bring We are L. A. Bailey, Isaac H. Alternates: vicinity. always happy to meet our friends, ;ind: 'amount oi good. Eminent men attend of the into theFather. back them presence to In Direct Union made Connections compare goods and prices with others. N; pleased Depots. ithe conferences and diffuse good princi- Grace, David Salisbury. who has The Master to show goods. Yours Truly trouble passed just ratriarche3: Jacob G. Bigler, David EE KCST THOROUGHLY EQUIPPED RAILWAY ples and incite to higher life. The Udall. sees one oi of this trials the life, through IN THE WEST. miss-step- j speaker referred to .attacks that are being a reaches make His children D. K. Brown, Stake clerk and recorder; iroade oa a lady who is with us, and who out a helping hand. D. C. DODCiE, S. H. BABCOCIi, us doing a good work in the interest of J'. T. Miller assistant. LatterGeneral Manaer. Traffic Manager. of the in the There breasts exists ESS Church Board of Education : Wm . old and young, and denounced all such F.A. Gen'l. Pass. WADLEIGH, an -day Agent. Utah Saints that impression 'unworthy efforts. Felt to ask God to Paxman, Chas. Sperry, Wm. A. C. Brya State. But it is never become will an , John Kienke, Niels P. Rasmussen, ltless the Saints and all those that desire love as you wrong, and liberty, as you H. F. McCune and Jas. W. Paxman. Uo do right. rT1.. t-- I. C3-- . love your homes and believe in the docF. W. leader: Choir to the The choir Sang: "Come, listen Chappell, resign- trine of do all you can JProphet's voice, and hear the word of ed. Chas. Hiynes as asst. choir leader, to make of Utah a great and free comod." ELDER B. H. ROBERTS mon. wealth. The speaker has confiELDER SEUBEN QODDARD, Read from the Book of Doctride and Cov- dence in the people of Utah that they will 'of Fountain Green, then addressed the enants. All blessings are received by not be found wanting in the love of freeSaints obedience to certain laws upon which dom, and that the Constitution will be congregation. The Latter-dano. u. 'have been gathered out of the world to those blessings are predicated. time; adopted. can-mireceive those higher blessings that Eider Roberts digressed and expressed In closing, Apostle Smith bore a clear Effective Thursday, August 1st, 1095. be obtained elsewhere than in Zion. his sympathy for those that have assem- and powerful testimony to the tmth of 'These quarterly conferences are of the bled here in the heat in prefference to ly- the work in which the Latter-da- y Saints North. South, igreatest benefit to the Saints as they con- ing in the shade, after having worked six are engaged ; anfl those that have reject. Dist. Djst. a tuse to greater unity and love among the dajrs in the week and"16 hours per day. ed you in the past, will welcome you in rt.hl fl'om from Stations. Dally Manti JSafnts. The Saints should not speak evil The sisters also are worthy of commenXephl the future as saviours. Av-11.15a 43.0 10.40a L,v, f -- anyone, and even words of rebuke dation for Nehpi where are there being present President Wm. Paxman, again referred 11.40a 38. 0 10.2fia 5.0 Salt Springs should be tempered with kindness. The the discomforts of heat and a crowded to the building of the Brigham Young 12.1 Op 33.0 10.0 10.12a Holloway 29.0 9.53a 12.25p Green. 11.0 Fountain "speaker fe't to tnank God that he had houee. Yet, if we begin to make excepold and monument. Every one, both 23.2 19.5 9.30a 12.43p Draper Can't b bought; iheard the gospel and had been permitted tions as to heat, we would soon make an young, shonld take 19.5 23.5 9.10a Moroni l.OUp in doing what 1.1 pride 16.0 Op. 27.0 But. Chester 8.55a that which breaks thie least,-.whave ,c &rto this goodly land. It had been exception to the cold, and thus we would can. 8.0 35.0 8.27a 1.43j) they Ephraim Ask for.your tiiifficuit to reclaim, but the Lord had not obey the injunction to attend our storekeeper 0 43 Ar8.00a Manti Lv,. President Paxman adjourned the Con- 2.05p feilessedf the efforts of His people, and we places of worship. ference to 7:30 this evening when Elder should be grateful for His watch-car- e The speaker often asked himself, what B. H. Roberts will lecture to the Saints. Trains leave Manti for Sterling, Funk's Lake and Morrison at 2:20 p. m., Monday's, Wedneshe could say that others have not said, de"Come dearest Lord, Singing, APOSTLE SMITH and it causes the elders more or less em- scend and dwell, By faith and love in ev- day's and Friday's. Return ing arrive at Manti at 5:25 p. m. HZtxew not what he would say, but relied barrassment, but his miad had turned to ery breast. ' ' : ; Direct connections at Nephi with Union the; promptings 'Of that Spirit that ther principles first quoted. How true Benediction by Elder W. W. Allen, Padiflc Railway from and to Salt Lake City,. sbuld-eve- r and reasonable it is, that many men have be present to inspire the Ogden, Butte and intermediate points, and al1 And, takaoo others become infidels through observing and the Lord, Xointe East and West. each BA LL BEA RS A It EX) TACi. SUNDAY EVENING. the government by law rff!hepeak3r had been interested in the studying Stop on signal. ThisTvin will opera te.sucoessf filly assembled the A in large congregation rmatks ot the brethern that had precoed-jflihin- throughout tbe universe. They have be- evening. THEODORE BE V BACK, In everybody's binder,-BuIt is preof that a person is con- come imbued with the idea, that there is hettdr-i-a Pres. & Uen'I Manager, the best, 'Praise to the man who communed Salt Lake City. certed jwhea they are wholly devoted to no.higher law than what we term Nature. with Jehovah" was sung by the chcir. H. S. Kerr The -Uhework,.and love their brethern and Prof. Draper's 'Intellectual develop& G. P. & P. Agent, Manti. W. II. by Supt. Pettegrew. Prayer of a ment to is noble effort s.3sters, and when they work in harmony Europe," Let Earth's inhabitants reSinging: With their associates. "It is easy to stem the tide Of infidelity in that respect juide our boat when floating with the but had; accomplished but little good. joice." ELDER B. H. ROBERTS current, and when the stream is placid However, the speaker by a study of those Arose and read the If Tubular Steel Cyclone Mowers aa4 H.ake iandfee from obstructioas. But when same laws, has corns to an opposite con- you could hi'e to hymn beginning: the which from the Manufactory. or WV A.. Wood, are unexcelled? Kolob,' tthe carrent is Bwift and jutting rocks are clusion. so. also, are-althe lines we represent in ,Utah aod Idaho Elder Roberts" recited one of Cowper's speaker took for a text, and began his on every hand, it requires skill nd labor to the Musselmen eating discourse by a reference to ideas of the to av?id disaster When we are forced to poems,-relativAmongst .which are fou universe that were entertained less than Deere and Oliver Plows, Bussell threshing Maem-it requires strength and pork. There are for each sin and weak- 500 fpull years ago. The earth was then redeterinloatioa to succeed. It is thus ness some person who thinks it no sin to aou. nay juoaaers A'H xuikb uniColumbus, .Lindsay ,an& bowler Bicycles.. Address. Hvithbar experiences in the Gospel. It commit that particular sin; and thus if garded as being th center of the lis eas to drift with public opinion, and those persons were all of them right, verse and that all those shining bus LOCATj around it, and were iaevee dissent from the opinions of others such a thing as morality could not exist. and worlds revolved That to the to earth. created In efFect.Dec. 16, 1894. -give light venSii we kaow they are wrong. Those Eventually the law which wili make of and at various arrive stations Train depart as Ueocentric was known the as follows: Wiat refuse to dTitti That refuse to flatter; the people a j perfect race, and of this theory believed was also the earth daily ' It Stations. theory. Northbound. Southbound. iAat dare rebuke jevil, are deserving of earth a paradise, will be obeyed The and LogaTJtIdaho-Fails-aad-lMontBeli-JdatQ-Genera- l forArr. Arr. Leave Roberts was Leave traced then Elder flat. iwaiseahd blessings. la the experience elders find many people in the world who 8.00 pm 2.55 am 3.10 4el. 2.00 am Offices Salt Lake City, . Ogden of thought upon the 4.2 pm 3. 10 am Ar Salt j Lv 7.00 pm 7.00 am li the majority, the effort to live their profess to believe, but- they cannot get ward theasevolution 7.45 am Lv j Lake") Ar 4.45 pm also the invention of the telebesetv: withdifilculties, but theov-t- repent." If they, get them to n subject; , is 8.10am ....Sandy OEOJ T; ODEtt;, General :Manaier. 4.16pm to scope and other instruments; down 9.37 am .. Fairfield .. 2.40 t and to be baptised, and then r;hose who persevere will find the obsta. 1.00 to ... am Eureka.. pm present time when space is known cles Will vanish, fth clouds wili ( be ;the principle of the gathering, the 8.42 am..Lehi Junct.. 3.45 pm with be and it were, peopled, jas infinite, ' S.50 am AmeY'u Fork 3.36 pm and the. fciessed sun-lig' break they refuse On account' of the love of countlese 8.55 am Pleas't Grove 3.29 pm which of stars, many shining 3.10 pin Uhrough the gloom bv the spirit of faith. their property or other Treasons. Others are 9.15 am . .. .Provo regarded as habitable. The lecturer 5.34 am Spanish Fork 2.52 pm The speaker theaf contra ?ted tbe faith obey all those laws, coma to Zion, and 9.52am ... Payson... 2.39 pm land jcrdinance? of professing Christians then sic down and refuse to go one step then spoke oi. the doctrines enunciated 1.50 pm 10.55 am ....Nephi by the Prophet Joseph Smith relative to i Lvl.15 pm 11.35 am Arl tt'hfoughout the worl.-J- and the orgaaiza-Won- s further. They seem to think what they the 11.55amLvJuaD f Arl.OOpm infinitude ,of space,; and the indeof their xih arches; with that of the have endured is sufficient to save them. 1.20 pm Leamington 11.25 am the ao. fused of matter, and ILatter-da- y structibility 9.55 am 3.25 pm .J.. Oasis Sai nts. The conditions that Others! make a hobby of the Word of Wisi de4.10 9.10 am as Clear to of various lines pm thought,' Lake, clearly OaodSampleoms fo.GQiamercialTra isonfront.those that bey : the Gospel out dom", and will, perchanca, observe one of 7.30 am Art Mil- - ) Lv 6.05 pm j elers.... 'Mormonism' X tn the world are more Jt- ' 8.10 am Lv J ford f Ar 5.45 pm difficult to over- -' those commandments and break the rest. monstrate that ! 10.00pm ....Frisco.... 4.30am than many us, who have betn The Word of Wisdom in its entirety must is not only in harmony with science, but cine Leave " has, in many instances,! been in advance Trains Arrive - r.toared in the run of eouh Juab except Sp daily church, can understand. be kept, or we have no claim on the bless- of DJLTB ' of the world. J the thought g a break irom an observance way; of raat predicated ings it. upon Two through trains dally from Salt ' They PRESIDENT PAXMAN A Hack Meets All Traius, iU:ooLDSBRouan.' to all points East. traditions. The dearest .ies must be What the speaker condemns, is. to take Lake . tevr to Free moments a All would Patrons. ; f r V sgree Salt im Spoke 10 Palaee one . Pullman are Sleepers that Through fDToken law, and Keep it and thea break arrayed against parents A Prop rio tor .j to Chicago without change " Sample Rooms. vvhildrenJ and cnildren against parents. "all the rest, Man cannot keep one item with. him , that this Is cne of the best con- Lake Nearest to Tourist Business Centre; Tmproved Sleepers. in the' Juab Stake, Free Reclining Chair cars. Ail those obstacles must be met and over-- . of the law, and be saved upon the ferences ever coaches. have The Elegant day - and he feels to bles3 all those that How- different here' in Z'.on.. strength of thaj cine act of obediences MRS. R. FOOtE, service. ,v Jome, only line operatiug dining car participated.' to all The line aEd shortest fastest have points la the years wbeu gone by, the celestial ilere triei3on8 aad daughteru 'Lord thou will hear me east, .. Singing: Proprietor. i vaaaterial strength of their fathers and law was permitted, there were men who when I pray." E. Nephv. Agent,, irnothers helping them, and with .kind seemed to thiak if they secared'the prop- le Benediction was pronounced by Apost- ' p. E. Burley, Gen'l Agt, Passgr. Dept.,' " Hot and Cold f . John lleury Smith.l j Ticket Office, 201 Main St., Salt Lake. sand encouraging words assisting the m er number of wives,vthey would be saved, City 'Attorneys at Law K.i I. LoHiaJt, Gen'i Passgr. and Ticket Agt. fto be obedient to rthe principles of the and it mattered not whether or not they JSL Dickinson, Gen'l Mngr., Omaha S. IL H.Clark, - 3ospel properly cared for them. Such men will In addition, the Many people are now coming to this of- Oliver W. Mink, For-were nce .' and requesting that their names be i TCllerv Anderson," terribly xuistakea. pf oar young are, or should be, sach as find they TJoom t ana?; men seme are who There believe if they entered on the subsoxintloii lisJu That M I John W. Doane, 2d rreater streagth- - The .young do not First NaUonaLBanls-BitnuiiiR-- ': 1 nts have made to estabiiaa tins wo tOKESt6 ." lr hvvipo F I ujiuUttli.t.,-- CLEARAHCE SALE f- .l.i uiuJi I 1 " 1 M I ta make ; ' 3- ; i iiMriiWs F'. conyfl OUIf FALL. STOCK DRESS Shirts; ; j j all and See for Yourself, ; u 1 itmoee;; StandardGaugo Hp .THROUGH THE - MOUNTAINS! o oyf and ustomerSfti by Pax-man- Mc-Cun- e, Free of -- j j San Pete Supepintenciejit. self-governme- ; y table ot ; , . ito-com- e b - ser-vjarita- Sheaf of Wheat" Brand, tof -- See-tha- t a. t MINJNIE ' l Up-8trea- I.lfl H . Hi -- . time card. CO operatii mm k Qgn - re-XTgi- o re-pe- pm-11.3- 0 explain" ; ht , . ' UNION ! so-calle- . d mm - o-- f : . j .life-lon- - i j 1 ! - h-el- d a - , . ! I ' . 4 I ':' - : . 1 i i . ' - ignor J a good sugav - ' fir xvi vera. BAT JS -- H. HiiHAWICINS' ' : "1 i ' i |