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Show - CUETAIN RUNG DOWN. The Retort Discourteous They say that certain young women In Boston, who should be rosebuds on old and tenderly nurtured family DENMAN THOMPSON WILL, PLAY NO MORE. bushes, are thorns. They say that Is rudeness regarded by some of these maidens as synonymous with cleverAfter Forty Years of Stage Ofo He ness. Retires to Enjoy tlie Fruits of His At a dinner party given here In honor of a Englishman Miss labor Was One of the Few American ?ert said to the guest: "What did you Favorites. oome over here for, any way? To pick up American dollars and send them HEN the curtain back to England?" To which the unruffled guest replied: "Oh, no. I came fell on the last act of "The Old Homehere to start a school for teaching manners to young ladles. Shall I not have stead" at the Star the pleasure of adding your name to theatre, New Tork, Journal. it Boston the list of pupils?" Saturday night, of well-know- n of marked the close the active theatriWhy She Smiles Sweetly. career of a man cal the and heart, Sparkling eyes, quickonbeating tne makes with the poscheeks the who, of rosy blush pleasure he meets his lady love. sible strong man happy when exception of man whose very touch That's the kind ofis afull Jefferson, Joseph of energy, vigorous thrills because it has afforded more nerve power and vitality. Tobacco makes strong men Impotent, weak, and skinny.Guaranteed to grenuine enjoyment to a greater number old by Druggists everywhere. feplt or af people than any other actor of the cure. Book, titled "Don't Tobacco rUg-re- d Sxnoke Your L,ife Away," free. Address bter-topresent day. Denman Thompson, or ChicagoYork New o Co., sixty-tWRemedy years, reand sturdy at comfortable and A tariou Decision. tires to a rest after an active professional life of gives the following The Cape Law Journal delivered by a court as.a judgment actually a years. He was born nearly forty-fiv- e comseems that partnership in Egypt. It Erie Hear county, Pa., Oct. 15, Girard, each a leg of posed of four persons owned a had New of i833, each Hampshire stock. When partner a cat. We presume One teg was woundreturned to their his fourteen specified leg of the cat. family caught Are and ed, and an oil rag thereon fiery leg original home at Swanzey, N. H., where th other three legs carried tothe the partner- the boy attended school and worked at among some cotton belonging judgment In the spring of 1850 he ship. Here is thehad the oil rag on it was carpentry. "The leg that rest or a and minute two rest, except that round and the two minute rest would give an exhausted man more chance to recuperate. At present an exhausted man cannot get well recuperated in one rest would minute, but a I him considerably. object to this help of the changes. I also part to suggested the term 'brutality' being object used in discussing the rules, because I do not think there is anything that looks like 'brutality' in connection with r them." The champion was very pleasant and to the very amiable, but in referring rest he evidently overlooked round, the fact of the a brutal has to the least, say which, man a as forces it inasmuch tendency, to remain fighting a minute longer than at present, and even Mr. Corbett pointsa out the case of an exhausted man In three-minuround. one-minu- g could not use that .leg-- In fact, the.. cat tv.ni- - iorr nnrl mil with the other therefore The three unhurt legs are three legs. alone flarH tho fin- to the cotton, andnot to be The Injured leg is culpable. The the three partners who owned blamed the cat ran to the cotthree legs with which to ton will pay the whole value of the bales the partner who was the proprietor of the to criticise this Articled clerks are invited errors according and' point out its Judgment to our law. hurt; J. ui - Are You Going: East This Summer? ed ss ss two-minu- te four-minu- te te AGAINST PRIZE FIGHTING. - I Tan-queray- - ... ; Pro-'hibitioni- sts ' The Lake Shore Makes Snm Changes. . ;With the. of the summer schedule on- - Inauguration the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern railway, taking effect Sunday, the 19th,- train No. 14, now leaving at 3:25 p. m., will leave at 3 p. m. The Elkhart ac- comuuouauon. ac :jlo p..m., will he discontinued.. Train formerly leavine at 11:30d m. will leave at 2:45 a. m. SleeTVM will h In depot ready for occupancy at 9 placed p. m. - All other trains remain as heretofore. F M. Byron, passenger and ticket agent, 180 Clark city street. C. K. Wil western passenger agent, Chicago. der, Don't try to pursue trouble. It iwlll find you soon enough without your getting a lantern to searcn ior it. J. C. SIMPSON. Marauess. W. Va... 'nam 4,HaU's Catarrh Cure cured me of a verv had a. i a .... imng . mat a man neve) it is auguiar snow ms temper until he loses it begins to y when pimples, eruptions, boils, and like manifestations of impure blood appear. They wouldn't appear if your blood were pure and your system in the right condition! , - They show you what you r; need a good that's what you get when you take; Dr. Pierce's " blood-purife- Medical Discovery. It carries health with it. All Blood, Skin and Scalp Diseases, from a com- rmon Blotch, or Eruption, to the worst Scrofula, are cured by it. It invigorates the liver and rouses every organ into healthful action. In the most stubborn forms of Skin Diseases, such as Eczema, Tetter, Erysipelas. Boils and kindred ailments, and Scrofula, it is aa vunequaled remedy. . - -- Salt-rheu- US ELEANORA DUSE. Duse will be supported by Signora city. her own company. THE RING. fortunate man, and, in that case, .a re vival of "Romeo and Juliet" at the Ly ceum, was to be expected. But It Is now - pick-pocke- I Hood's Sarspparilla. Is the Only True Blood; m, Sue ask Dell foui tha was a.p?Lrj his par tlca soff gptr rec sag' . vice fait mei 'V diec no the best i i k. earl wae apo wif abo INVALIDS fou: ful her :of voft wif i .tan ' i i ttot 1 did, woi ! 0 a Co-Opcrati- 1 Q al B Bho ! son tiai mo: ion vc well-arrang- i mei & ipii trn reu oft the Si of for ed Wmonm I 1 y J 1 i V wag-on I Daw I Oriental Religions In America. Oriental religions find their Ameri- Iftt NEW HYDRAULIC SYSTEM. tts iSemarkable Efficiency Has Attracted Great Attention, There has recently been introduced in one of the mines of Montana a hew water-raisin- g or pumping system, tne remarkable efficiency of which has at tracted general attention. The appa ratus consists of a three-inc- h pipe lo ated in the pump shaft midway between the 1,100 and 1,200 foot levels, and extending to the latter station; at the 1,200-folevel his pipe makes a return bend and follows up the shaft to the 1,000, where it is so connected that the water which passes through t empties into a tank at that station, this pipe thus forming a U. 4 with one leg 50 feet and the other 200 feet long, A quarter-inc- h air pipe is inserted at the bottom of the long end bp lift pipe, and, when a certain pressure of air is turned on from the compressor and water is allowed to flow through the sb ort leg, a constant flow of water is maintained down the drive pipe, and lad an intermittent flow of air and ot : :.V Hood's Pills -- . !:; coui i --H V n ; four-minu- te . 1! will hav full of life and ambitiottj; a good appetite and gocjd digestion. strong1 nerves, sweet sleepi But how few can saythit their blood is pure ! How many peoples are sufrerin daily from the consequences of impu blood, scrofula, salttheuhi rheumatism cataarh, nervousness, sleeplessness, and j ex-sparri- ng can converts much inclined to schisms and secessions unless permitted to dictate the discipline and lay down the law to the brethren. The sultan wisely chose an American to introduce the reOPPOSED TO CHANGES. ligion of Islam into this country, and Muhammed Webb wisely manages to Champion Corbett Says No Club Has keep his mosque unattractive to any Right to Alter Boxing Bales. domiciled here. The James J. Corbett, talking of the pro but the orientals on the other hand, have posed changes in the boxing rules, as theosophists, too American many neophytes aavocatea by the Olympic club, of New taken in Orleans, declared himself ontiosed to and are now breaking up into sects. rounds and two- making minute rests. Said he: ' Tobacco Wholesome Sometimes. "In the first place I do not see where The Mr. paper says a msih. Grumpps either the Olympic Athletic club or any In used has tobacco for Pennsylvania other club has the right to change the 103 years old. rules. Boxing rules, as far as we un ninety years, and is now was Mrs. an ex His Il'm! derstand them professionally, have been Grumpps course. Mr. of universal adopted by Grumpps consent, and it ceptional case, must be only by universaLconsent they Yes, I presume he didn't have a lot can be changed. If, one club has a right of female relatives to worry him . to to change the rules, then another club ?I has a similar right, and, that being death about it. Ex. granted, we cannot ; avoid having al No Long Engagements. kinds of boxing rules. This would he ab The advanced woman in England has surd. to taken the question ' of long discussing mere not tninK win be any "I do before engagements made in the rules and in marriage. ray nhanges announced that Beerbohm Tree will shortly revive "Fedora" with Mrs. Campbell in the title role,- and it eeems possible that she will remain with him. If it is, you will be; strong, vigorous Vou i Maxey Haugh and Ed. Alford were to have boxed 10 rounds at Winfield, L. April 20 but as less than a score of spectators attended the match was postponed. Before the Columbia Athletic club at Wheeling, W. Va., recently t,"Red" Leon and ard, the New Orleans "Smoke" Robbs, of Columbus, fought 10 rounds to a draw. Dick O'Brien and "Kid" McCoy have signed articles to fight 25 rounds at the Suffolk club, Boston, on May 25, for gate receipts. The men will weigh in at 158 pounds at the ring side. h H . 8 j "Jim" Daly, Corbett's partner, and "Tom" McCarthy, of Penn15 pOSBM Llwirf . U sylvania, have been matched to fight rounds for a purse. The contest will take place before the Central Athletic L P club of Bradford, Pa., next month. Nick Long, the Australian sportsman and representative of the Melbourne B f4 B.d Room. "Sportsman," has completed arrangements for matching Martin Denny, the Australian feather-weigchampion, on his arrival here, with an unknown. Denny will locate in Boston. Definite arrangements have been made for a finish fight between Tommy Dixon of St. Paul and Oscar Gardner, SECOND AND THIRD FLOORS, the "Omaha Kid," to take place some26. on The near Kansas City where May ject. The income from the upper floor men a the side $500 and to for be is would be sufficient to pay a fair inter fight must weigh in at 120 pounds. est on the whole cost. light-weigh- Blood' ff y re! AN ARTISTIC THIEF. (Copyrighted 1895.) THE E YOND He Stole That Tired. Feeling. "fire limits" and in Ordered by Royalty to Steal, Royally. Hood's Sarsaparilla purjfles, vitalizes the outskirts of now govern- and nriches The Duke Grand Sergius, the blood, therefore, it U many large cities, or-general a once j gave of Moscow, medicine for you J the a large number of from to France, ambassador dinner the will It give .you purei rich, red bloo new houses are tb.at belief j and the to who express strong nerves, happened of wood. the French built accommodats It will overcome that t tired feelin were the greatEqual artists in the create an appetite, give refreshing sleep tions are thus se- est sleight-of-han- d cured for an expen- world. "I believe," said the prince, "that, unditure of 20 per cent X fortunately our own are not inferior. less than if built of stone. table youi With the walls "back plastered" or bet that before you leave ofmyvalue whioh filled with some substance like mineral watch and other objects that you (Purifier wool, a frame house is warm and sub- you carry will be gone, and been have not will know that you stantial, and where it does not suffer robbed' Prominently in the public eye today. too with many neighbors by comparison The bet was taken and the grand of brick and stone, it presents an excelduke, a few minutes later, unknown lent appearance. to his guests, telephoned to the chief ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOF Below will be found a somewhat depickskillful most of to send the police tailed description of the design illusto the; palace, trated in this article. Size of structure: pocket in St. Petersburg not to be was he him that Width, 20 feet; depth, 35 feet, not in- - assuring and that he would have the punished, value of all he. stole. The robber arrived, put on the royal livery, and after arranging with the grand duke to give p a sign when he had accomplished fell 11h aflt3ajaiajajlaje-i!purpose began to wait with the other UWH'Jlf? "gSSKUiCT' 'tJTTYl'y?g;Y servants at the table. At last the prince received the signal from the pickpocket, and, turning to the ambassador asked FOR r him the time. The latter placed his hand in the pocket, and there found a cracker in the place of his watch. There was a great outburst of laughter, and JOHN CARLE & SONS, New York. the ambassador, to cover his disappointment, reached for his snuff box, but, lo, WALTER BAKER CO, that too, had disappeared, Even his " The Largest Manufacturers of & Small golden toothpick, which he car- Ft PURE. HIGH CRADE ried in a lHtle pocket, had been taken. I ji in AMD CHOCOLATES COCOAS A.raid the peals of laughter the false nn lackey was asked to return the articles On this Continent, have receirtd la j IP 0)oflfl of which he had stolen. Tbe hilarity J HIGHEST AWARDS ' from the great the grand duke was of short duration, for the pickpocket showed two, watches, Industrial and Food two rings and two snuff boxes. His imBld?.PlanAss EXPOSITIONS perial highness, too, had been robbed. ARCHITCCT3N.y was a remunerative night for the It FRONT VIEW, In Europe and America. , pickpocket. Materials and veranda eluding porch. Unlike the Dutch Froces. no AIlci for exterior walls: Foundation, brick Ilea or other Chemlcali or I)vn art SORTS. RAZORS GET OUT QF lined in nv of their D re tiara tioni. first second walls; story, clapboards; Their aelietous iSKGAKi as jlv t'OUOA is aDuoiutelj roof, tin. story, also pore aad soluble, and cotts lest than one cent a cup. clapboards; Often Grow Sick and Tired Just the Heighth of stories: Basement, 8 feet; They BOLD BY GROCERS EVERYWHERE. Same as "People Do. first story, 11 feet; second story, 9 feet The customer moved uneasily in the WALTER BAKER & CO. DORCHESTER. MASS. 6 inches. Sizes of rooms shown by the chair. floor plans. "Give that razor a turn lor two on the Special features: A neat and attractstrop," he said. "It hurts my face." ive exterior, with compact, The barber closed the razor and took plans. No fireplaces or other expensive features. The plumbing of another. "I didn't know it was tired," he re the bathroom costs but $30, is supplied as he proceeded to freshen the marked, with cold water only. This is prelather. ferred by some to no bathroom at all, "Tired?" ejaculated the customer. "Yes, sir; tired, or sick," responded Any size iron 20 to 66 the barber. "A razor gets so sometimes. want, T h ch that you can't do anything with it. Inches Tires 1 to i in Then some barbers say it is tired. ches wid- e- I ?F j Rnvo'a Bjli while others say it is sick. The weather axle. Cost seems to affect them just like it does times inmany a seato bare pet folks. In damp, chilly weather razors son of low 11 IE t I V are liable to become good for nothing to fit yonrwheels 1 m I st rorn anil nmanv. id FIRST FLOOR PLAN. any time. You may hone and strop gTain,f ii odder, 1 o Ac them all bift YAff tire, won't tioga, ) take you please, but among the recently invented ap they of tires resetting a decent cutting edge. When they get Oatl'arre. Address pliance their is a small metal water Slf jr. Co reservoir with gas or oil heating at that way you've got to lay them away Umpire P. O. Box 83, Quincv tachment, that can be placed at one for awhile. You see, the edge of a end of the bath tub, which answers razor, when looked at under a microCream Bairn very well for hot water supply. The scope, appears to be a fine saw. Well, Ely's QUICKLY CUIilis plumbing for a regular hot water supply the weather acts on these teeth, aud would cost some $75 additional. Fix- when it's damp and chilly they get tures and plumbing for a water closet, scratchy, and then we say the razor is COLDinHEAP for which there is space in the bath- tired. Sometimes nearly every razor fn i: Price 50 Oents.f 3 room, would cost in the neighborhood a shop will be affected, and then We Apply Balm into each nostril. of $100 additional. A small family may barbers get cussed by pretty near every Ely Bbos., 66Warren St.,JJ.!srwe shave." Washington use the living room as a bed room and customer let the whole or part of the upper floor. Star. PARKER'S m: The side entrance facilitates this b- Hair balsam Cleanse! and beantifies the halt. Promote!! erowth. luxuriant a RESIN SOAPS. Never Falls to Restore Gray - LOOK OUT FOR BREAKERS AHEAD Golden - l! ht MRS. PATRICK CAMPBELL, . 1,000-foo- P-- ffi - V Person Who Attends a Fight 1m South Dakota Can Be Arrested. The sports of Sioux Falls, S. D., feel decidedly blue over the new law passed A' by the recent legislature prohibiting prize fighting, and which will go into effect the middle of June. The law is very severe. According to the way the mandate reads it will be very difficult for newspapers, both inside and outside of the state, to get any information relative to fights to be pulled off there. Section 4 of the new law, dwelling for the most part on this particular point reads as follows: Whoever instigates, carries on, promotes, or engages in any sparring or boxing exhibition, or any newspaper publisher who prints any challenge or other notice relating thereto, shall be fined not exceeding $500 or confined in the county jail not exceeding six months. In the event of it becoming known that a battle is about to be pulled off the way the law reads now it will be possible for the authorities to arrest the supposed participants, hustle them off to jail, and place them under bonds to keep the peace. Probably the most of the whole law is section interesting 3. It is drawn up in such a manner that a person who attends a fight lays himself liable to imprisonment in the penitentiary for not less than one nor more than five years. A fine of $1,000 is also imposed. A second or surgeon, DENMAN THOMPSON. or a person who advises, encourages or Went to Boston and joined Tyron's cir- promotes such a fight, is liable to imcus as property boy, subsequently deprisonment for a term of years not exveloping into an acrobat. His first ap- ceeding five and a fine of $1,000. Expearance on the stage was as a super with Charlotte Cushman at the Howard change. Atheneum, Boston. He first essayed a THE DUSE COMING. speaking part at Lowell in 1852, when he played Arasman in "The French Fascinating Italian Actress to Make Us He then became an itinerant Spy." a secona visit. actor, playing low comedy, and in 1854 Eleanora Duse, the Italian Signora went to the Royal Lyceum theater, Tor- - actress, a contract in Paris on signed onto, where he remained until 1868. In Monday last with of New Miner Toronto Mr. Thompson married and his York for a tour ofHarry United the States, three children were born there. He won which will next at in November begin local favor as Salem Scudder, Myles na the Fifth Avenue treatre. New Tork Coppaleen and Uncle Tom. During the spring of 1862 he played in London With moderate success, and in 1871 he began in variety theaters, appearing in character parts. At Harry Martin's Varieties, Pittsburg, in February, 1875, he as Uncle Joshua Whitcomb in appeared a one-apiece of that name which he wrote. - "Tift When the necessity for a successor to "Uncle Josh" became apparent, in 1885, Thompson and George W. Ryer wrote "The Old Homestead" in fifteen St. days. It was produced at the Boston theatre in April, 1886, and then brought to the Academy of Music, New Tork, where it has been played continuously ever since, the longest theatrical en gagement on record in this country. The political orator is' as Jealous of a a preacher is of a splendid brass band as stand-off as to who draws the choir. It is a most people. Do You Contemplate Making a Trip, If so Note Those Cold Blooded Facts ! i I "BURLINGTON ROUTE FLYERS" for St. Louis, Chicago, Kansas City, St. Joe, Omaha,- Llncoin, St. Paul, and all points north; leave Denver 11:00 a. east, south and m. m. and 9:50 p. THE i.t Ki-- i x'tTON" has always been a leader in everything pertaining to the comfort and safety of its patrons. Magnificent Pullman Palace Cars, Denver to Chicago and Denver to St. Louis. Elegant Chair Cars Denver to Cnicago and Denver to St. Loui3 (free;, through Dining Cars, all meals a la carte you only pay for what you eat (meals cents up). All our trains from twenty-fiv- e are vestibuled and when you take a Burassured of arrivlington train you can rest on time. Our "Flying at your destination er leaving Denver at 9:50 p. m. daily, the handsomest and best equipped train in the west, arrives at Chicago at 7:55 and St. Louis 7:10 the second morning only one day ct on the road. "The Burlington" is the only direct line from Denver running over its own tracks exclusively from Denver to St. Louis or Chicago, thus obviating any at Missouri River ger of missing connections function points and insuring connections at Chicago or St. Louis with the fast trains east or south. Notwithstanding the many advantages of- fered by this "Strictly A-- l Line," our rates are as low as Dy any otner lines, and any . ticket agent will consider It a pleasure to ticket you, check your jive full toparticulars, in the United States or any point iggage Remember Canada. your local agent can make you as good rates as can be obtained in Denver, but should you desire any special write jeo. w. vaiiery, information, Kinaiv MRS. PATRICK CAMPBELL. (General Agent, 1039 17tb street, Denver, Oolo. Much Interest Manifested as to Her . Wet tobacco la said to be a sure cure for bee stings. It is remarkable how many Future Movements. 'boys are stung in the mouth. The future movements of Mrs. Pat Keopenlng Montezuma Hotel, Las Vegas rick Campbell are exciting the liveliest Hot Springs, N. M. in theatrical circles. John The Montezuma hotel at Las Vegas Hot excitement to secure her for his was anxious Hare on June 20, 1895, Springs will be reopened tinder the management of Mr. J no. O. Plank. tour In America, where she would have The hotel has been refitted throughout, and played in "The ' Second Mrs. ," various Improvements made in the and "The Notorious Mrs. Ebb will be bath houses, etc. The hotel rates grounds, much lower than heretofore, but the unex- Smithl" Beerbohm Tree wanted her to celled character of service and cuisine will renew her contract with him which remain ,at its previous high standard. No better resort can be found for a vacation ends in July, a very tempting offer to in search of health or recreouting for those at the London Lyceum was one can enjoy the finest min- appear ation; where made by in the and world eral baths best fishing and commence Forbes Robertson, who will in the Rocky Mountain region. management in the huntinglow round-tri- p rates have been made and finally new parts in plays autumn; Very by Bin,-er- o by the "Santa Fe Route" from Colorado Sudermannand formed bait the points, as follows: Denver. $19.50 thrown out to lure her to another thea"Colorado Springs. 15.75 ter. It was thought that, in all proba4 13.50 'Pueblo. For descriptive pamphlet address J. P. bility, Forbes Robertson wou4 be the "Hall, General Agent, Passenger Department, 1700 Lawrence street, Denver, Colorado. fanatical It Is not true that certain have gone so far as to try to ihave poetic license revoked. . te X water is discharged througn tne mi t; leyel. pipe intoXthe tank at the disof one as known Is This system displacing the water ONE THAT CAN BE BUILT FOR placement, the air and causing it to rise until it eventONLY $1,900. ually forces it out at the top in this air pipe, through case a quarter-inc- h With A Three-Stor- y Erery Dwelling which air at the pressure of twenty-thre- e Modern Convenience Warm and Sub pounds flowed, actually .forcing stantial and Where It Does Not Suf- the water through a three-inc-h pater column to a height of 200 feet, fer by Comparison Looks Well. ' Don't forget that the great summer tourist route is the Michigan Central. "The Niagara Falls Route," a first-claline for first-clatravel, the popular line to Niagara Falls, Mackinac Island, the Thousand Islands of the St. Lawrence, the White Mountains, the Adirondacks, Portland by the Sea, Boston, and New England points, New Tork and the seashore. Send ten cents postage for "A Summer Note Book." It will tell you all about these places and how to reach O. W. RUGGLES, them. v Gen'l Pass'r and Tkt. Agt., Chicago. ; four-minu- te te two-minu- J.- 7 te - : " ' - little difference opinion It would make three-minuround whether we have a No-'lo-iu- ac well-earn- '" 1 j 1 1 !ta tra rc ual chc cei' C0E eioi Uo - a f New Claim Put xxa.iv to its xoutnxnl color. Cures ScaOp diseases ft hair tailing. 60c,nd f 1.00at DruprisU Forth by a Vleafca Scientist. The practicability of obtaining resin soaps possessing any required degree of hardness and quite free from water is the claim put forth by Dr. Klimsch, of Vienna. He says that in his improved method of manufacturing soap the longer the grinding or kneeding or the better the several ingredients of resin soap are mixed and pressed the less is required of the binding agents, for during the mixing and grinding of the several ingredients, a spontaneous heating of the material occurs, which favors the union, and enables excellent hard resin soaps to be produced. The special advantages of Dr. Klimsch's process, as explained by him, include the suppres sion of every kind of boiling and the customary preparation of liquor; an almost dry, odorless, easy and rajid operation, which has no deleterious effect upon the work people or the vicinity of the works; the possibility of pro- aucing on a very large scale chean white and colored hard resin soaps of any kind and for any uses; and the easy production of soaps which mav be quite free from water,! therefore unchangeable during transport and storage, economic in use and effective, dis solving wen even in cold water. e of mo cro me i A. 1 . the e; wh tne rec wh R. GUNN'S IMPROVED Bh LIVER PILLS a mild dit r oj.. 'rA ivi? ftlhi F dS? lTi dr iy cen physic. I aot Iwwpls each day is necessary tat The 8PPly what the system lackB to Tey Hadche. brighten tbt Klear Complexion better than cosmetics. r nor f?tboxTo convince you. e. sample free, or a full BOSaNK6 MEP- - CO.. PhjelphU. Pa. cor Pla iTlar;, hiis everr-Wher- ing ten Denver Directory. Eh Bar dri an lleadqaarters For HARNESS AND SADDLSi Uoi nit ba deceireJ by unrsll-Rblpetitions priest 135 teani for 113, $JJ steel ii boj fen sag bin flri Ph nej 0 harness horn, double cinctia, cowboy, eaddlepfor fl5, but befora purchasing, tend for my mw descriptive catalous fretat and see what yua ;ir erdoringr, and if goods ro not as represented, yon sam at Jf? ttufn ecxpeiiBe. 1 use the bef ; oa tanned leather andmfemiploy only first clasVwarf men Jtl. VVILStls. UlT J. 1749 to 1751 Lkrlmer St DEN VK K.JjOLO d SSiSg fa TEHTI& AWHIHC E. E. WWIIklllUMKIU 1 . V3 II . tne O l office ABBAS A - rVrite tti rt--i " to" lit 8m str fri For the Summer Cottage. In seeking material for refurnishing JBTOERSlAKI) PHOOGRAPIIERJ ;foi. the old or for decorating the new cot- 2nd 2i??' 8Yeepiaiid wasteT containing gold ext ing tage there is nothing which fills the bill er bullion. cash: price paid for so completely as denim, It comes in rence Street, Addlwl,, fiR DeneV Cpforado. shades the tones and tints of which rival the beauty of the most expensive MAfiSiffiS S?4rff mwiko,- PRi.vrryi sal art fabric. Manufacturers seemingly jrngmeieTatora, iWoJ & Garsiie, lll-l- f He i u. in have realized the great possibilities of R A TlVriiiKINDS BOUGHT AND this durable cloth and have added to f ifeet, Denver. itai their stocks several new weaves which aliweakness of anv klirt 1 P?!? Ff are elaborately designed in geometrixMnaom 13,1630 Arapahoe si .Denrer va& cal figures, or are Japanese in- effect. t,est ! fl -1 -- -- - - i Dangerous Some of the insurance companies of Paris refuse to insure people who dy '. their hair, j Best CowASyrtip. f ! ; .; Tastes Good. V 1 t |