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Show continents" were formed seem Id "lie between, geology and the of lines large of "J..y highwhich cooler pemtttcd down , th road with" heavy burdens became of the cool Bible- record, by proving that no con contraction bv further the both" of .forms to lords of crea er and ;more complex while the copper-colore- d intr crust. The increased area of land flict exists. Also to incite the young is true life. animal' It and common tion stalked on ahead with no heavier vegetable and its higher elevation, permitted rain a greater desire to study. the as the and in that; fact, both theory a load than a eiin. That scene was and rivers which be- - sciences. It is an unpretentious effort to form be life springs of kinds all earth became older, Tht Millard Pub. Co., Props. The rains to '.assist those of the young that may rrnn the work of erosion. picture of the primitive social condicion came the in and more truth, complex, some day meet the same difficulties in of the sexes; it was an example of brute from the first carried the debris from the higher earth f the progress were. at ancestors force of which pur maje altitudes to small" streams, they, in turn, the; field of science and religion, that SUBSCRIft JON KATES : to the pres dwn nosmica of llight spark of the mind . .. Little by little the ouraen .. $2.00 all guilty. par jear4. ..... . J to the transfered lit to the rivers and they ono time harrassed the from the simple been has ent, of re was; shoulders has been lifted from the (Payable fa advance), to the ocean? wnero iu writer of the series, and that in it existences transported and all organic women. The emancipation has been complex, nave nice was spread out on' the floors .and moved only after years of industrious on the earth and water the QIBBSr 3tor. F. J the result of advancing civilization. research. The J articles have received wise followed that same inexorable law formed new stratta, Portions of land wider for un a are living, nien yet few and more .favorable attention ' risen above the water was; Entered at the poatqfficeof Oasis as Tber4.1.. U It has heen so witn man s that had firstwhile .Trcx thoir wivAfl tf chOD of nature. other portions of the; than was ever expected, and the writer submerged, second class matter. 95" o.cean noor inatnaa. Deeu rcuciyuig was astonished at the charge that they uc wueu or shmi moment existence nis and talk calnn f,Aa so were stolen from so eminent an author Wednesday; march 2?, 1895. "hal! those on the earth ar. U4 in iateHeot, down. layer upon layer of led sandstone, sa Is but little nso. Retail Dcler3 ana V7ho w m r nnri i.im w iiih characteristio of the Devonian age, had asll ugh Miller was in hisday, Until the 1 ofConsumers Mtc a n wut4' are buviusi .( taeir owti w earnea tne not have iflsf.. of saw never BLADE 19th TVUlUCii, uu r writer: . . I . Hl the .U i i any We wherever instant, ocean solicit corropondenct from the and, figures. emerged rom will right to vote side by side with their Derore orders who mjme-clothe- d s or . isuc ei3ewn.re, uat- agents. ivimer wcrirs. placing Belaw Is a list o onr werebecame conditions favorable, " I m liuga force men matter and priafr those upwu Let aiogues, advertising , trifling busband,. of the diately after the accusation of., stealing iceiv subscriptions and receipt for lazy, the with on Patber his vegetation m3iia VOtO, tO promptly Of Hirhfc WOmeil j rqua6. ..Jin nnnnsn t,hf , ime. Compared with the large area "Genesis and Geology" from Hugh Mil with and all his payments: attributes in their perfected of faces tiie look into patient ler's the writer determined to Chtlntlftn Anderson, Fillmore. . !,IMm0nvftffhfttT, hn.Tprv likelv. 1 divinity Deammg irom nis lace an" of "dry land," there could have been have works, if Thos. Mcmmott, Sripio. them, they could 'be obtained, O. A. Ba.tA, IIllei. but a small portion where vegetation I form. of share more their than r.irrvintr ta Chris. Orerson, Leimlngrtn. in the examination and ooil was for evidence ' As the land rose higher, and nearer could find a lodgement. Crime, Kanoh. when physical strength. is con load ' the trial. A friend in Salt Lake City Hatlou, Petersburg. Jaas sidered and ask themselves if they the surface of the ocean, sea weeds, scarce, ana it was only in tne Edwurd Webb, Burbank. Tooele a copy ot Miller s "iroot-pnnt- s secured Qj. Wai. Ib;pah. would not be willing to entrust them also, became abundant, and as soon as flats and marshes where plants and . Joneph A. Lyman. Oak City. of the Ureator" rr0ni the riqneer lUvmai Adams. Mfradow. with the ballot? Also if they realy the first land emerged atiovu the ocean trees Could flourish. A large proportion In ' hunting fdr others;,; our believe it would have the effect to make to a heigh th where it could not be of the surface presented nothing more library. We dffer bar iron aid d steel , steel mentioned to jC. R. swept by the waves, land plants began interesting than a mass of rocks and friend incidentally them less womanly? Nonsense. wire nails, gardag Horse teboes,. n GIVE WOlEN A CHANCE. artSalt Lake coral reefs upon which vegetation Savage, the Stoves Steel' Ran It seems to us that traditions of the to flourish, and as fast as conditions Cooking which works dealer for the the in jg?r! force the Planet thrive. The could of not object forms ges, more - and becaine garden that, favorable, higher barbarism of primitive the supposed, past,rcrrvhndv grind-stone- s moubtad andtoolj. uo .... . were Mr. 1 wanted. v " in Utah, .it was t. sentpthe was to down 6 near Savage and close crush the th future until grind vegetion nave woman appeared, men to h inem Sisal cuuuku. tnat iranreesion Plynajoii mounted, nkd; long ciuug uaa under the .Manilla itop of the Upper Silurian or beglnniug of rocks; that was to smooth the face of Blade q, complimentary copy of Miller's mc mattsio oeuiuw uir a ciuai was conclusion coregone wtufferage of the and .for Rocks;" form from hard rocks nature '.'Testimony and the small the Ferns, uuu Liycopods uocDevonian, v,,t fnrtdor fi BP.ns(i rm nf tne ricnts. jl nose or mem iuai uo etc.. or made their appearance. care to tne xhey soil and thereby increase the area upon wnicn. tne gentleman lias our tnatnes. tnemseives avail lioth privilege irine would be unnecessary, were, however, not plentiful, as Jthe which the humao family could live and "The Testimony of the Rocks" contains apolitical parties pronounced in favor of need not do so. uut oy au means give scarcity of fossils prove,and grew only in from which they could produce those a chapter or two on the "Two'Records!" "" uuau. it and everi'one supposeu ix wuuiu k- - j But there is Aerents in places where the soil and other condit- plants and cereals necessary for their and the vision of Moses, tah) hd Idaho for nto the Constitution wltnout iurtner not between the far still were was above John Deere, hto- Thn ions hovered the writer simillarity slightest BaineWagonsj favorable, existence, are several Yet, there BACK-DOWIopposition. line and UllverJ THE Mr. of PROQIiESS' cjstandand stet-Miller's .treatment the subject fortunate in finding a fossil fern 6tem impenetrable cloud zones and masses W. A.Wood Plows; newspapers in Utah that affect to Champthree-eightof an inch indiam- - of carbon gas that must be absorbed and that contained in "Genesis and ion harvesting J machinery ; Dia hardly those platform pledges of the By refer ing to the account of the ater and about two and one-hamond JE barb! an;d plain wirej; all to the With due before could mankind live. respect inches Geology." to Democrats and Republicans ought Jlussell & Coj engines, ' tfcrieh-er- s proceeings of the examination of the in length, embedded iu the Upper Sil some eminent treats he closes Scotchman, "Third the The with reason and sawmills j F. E. Myersv day" the about only i)o broken, and editor for libel, our readers urian limestone of & Progress Bro. a manner of divisions his in or with ends the Devonian Imperial The ypraying; age, Marysvale. subject ihey give Is, that it would, (flgurativelv, will stee inxo wbata pitiable plight the and ColPumps Tools; Haying a would in creditable be showed as that the of reader , the ittle trunk Some hardly scars, unsex distincily may tht? sisters. period iiand f course) Lindswy-BicyclesFowler umbia, was forced by the vigorous defendant on modern or the whjo write be The elect. mat in latter alternate and might yonth order, Shat: prop epoch may he editors talk like children, almost, course of the Blade in quincunx of Wheat Plymouth BSndihsr Twin; v facing the marked same seems Mr. to of have Miller as absent fronds the the the be the would subject. places that erly evemngtrtf interpreted jbout the masculinity complete lintjofj.jo$tras, That paper or leaves, charge Sf plaigarism. of Third Mosaic day or the morning of the been at one time intensely imbued with 'In addition to jjtbe nbora wai exercise the on the ladies; by ihrust on of the informa claimed, vet strength theso carry ecclesiasticism large stbcks of light Vehithe beginning of the Devonian Fourth day. Unde'r either interpretaspirit prevalent ihe right of sufferape or, that it would, tion from a person who claimed to With the onlyjl things not In cles, on writers the science all nearly age, a new ana vigorous impulse was tation the period that intervened be- - among are dry stock somehow, make them less gentle and "know, grocer iegi his in rendered and which of that the writer day, impos tositivkly,1" and iWfl buy to ween it accom of life of which the the the are the clothingr.j at given appearance than present "Gonesis and plant "dry Moveable Of an sible theyj intelligable harmonizing had stolen it cometi-tiofull carloads meet Geology" :,andii a of and and" never furnishes illustration the vegetation science and religion. The effort to spreading partial time. Slen who talk that way equalizing-freigh- t regardless "word for word, almost,"' from Hugh panying between the unscientific rate's1 law cause bridge of of us with a gulf a the Fvor earned the be Miller. Blade The the demanded mai cold and the trial order save thgi proof and religious dogmas, hard, by do" not seem able ind consequence. They extra cost ndad of necessary biff of science, so unsettled ;Mr. Mil facts defied them to publish their ''dead and to com prebend that it would require ler's mind that he died by his own travelling men. That easy course was ly parallels." those and of been tt hand. he conditions, to Had live priviliered changed Mm ages declined and in lieu thereof, n the present, when religion, as a Other than equal political privilidges silently besaid would the it it science, is making such rapid progress. " prove face ,with men, to effect any perceptable fore Progress and when it is becoming fashionable got Brought they through. for religion to yield to the inevitable. change in the mental and moral nature to face with their senseless allegation, WAGON & llAGHINElGo. women. Miner as would been have Hugh today, the accused asked for seventeen days he was in his own time, one of the Man was placed here on this GEOEEG T. ODELL. in which to "search books and records." stars in the hrmament of sci bright By his side was In fact .earth for a purpose. Qealjral fitngr ence. As-i- t is, there is no need for they made cath that they needone placed woman, also for a purpose, and ed that length of time. Upon that of to drink the stale religioany scieutific water oi forty rears! aeo in they have a destiny to! fulfill oath, the Justice gave them two weks. jointly order to satisfy himself, or herself, i'lhe 4 nature of which, for the sake of Last into went and court, that the Eternal Father is the fountain Friday they refutation of the antiwoman positive all knowledge, scientific as well us of aa to their affidavit entirely, ignored f aufferagists, is, happily, not dependent time to "search books and records," and that the inability of his Don' religious, in-- f for of its Children the to religion harmonize them, is caused pn teachings H less real discrepencies in the The! science of Biology thereby tacitly ' acknowledging that iterpretation. M. or Veile had rather that Go. doctors admiiijiater. any they, Lt the respective truths than by the unwarjn connection with that of Psychology, lied when he made tiae charge of plaigarmore ranted poison to yokk for are that interpretations placed is man's that th'it destiny proven jiave . upon. them. ism against the editor of this paper. fit infinite progression. Along that inAlong with the tacit acknowledgement idea. The figure, to the left, is that of over suitable areas, was "an indefinite finite path, woman will walk by the of right's Were it not for the events of the past lieing, the flimsy defense was made a Lepidodendron, which, according to and progressive lapse of time between side of man. Not behind him, as she that they had committed no crime be- - Prof. Dana, "were in part trees, and two definite events." It was a day, or few weelcs the writer would offer a suit has during the dark ages of man's bar-- caus Or any kind orfj Kidney or able apology for occupying so much, space lie they had uttered did not much resembled in habit modern succession of the ' as some of crowd of in geological front not him, periods, barism; involve the charge of crime against the spruces and pines." The next figure to ed with events of more than unusual this week with matter that is almost ,he nervous males would seem to fear, editor tb is paper. the right is a Sigillarid which, accord interest to the student of nature. purely of a, personal nature. The con Bladder but by his side; hii equal socially and editor isof consistent rou!)!es., -no in it thinking as to the author to he ana "grew of tne in Genesis his Ana quoted, ing Not troversy just the authorship evening equal physical morning politically' crime to steal "word for word, almost," up as stout trunks, some of them tnirty were the third arid Geology," and which was precipi day.' strength and courage,' but more than the a or a dead of live man, a. writings or with feet 'more rarely branch, high, tated by the accusation of thelt made by jiis equal in spirituality and moral one either, for that matter.) Justice linear leaves with and (or fronds) to Man's long buffet is the sphere courage. jl nutrii MiLiJUJUtt tnat great and only newspaper (of its In th e flowinjr water of Beiferet,. read the definition of criminal above the summit." The other figures xlxxu x3jujjxu storms and tempests of life, to wring McBride kind)publlshed in the world thn MiiinrH to be founa in the report of the are of leaves that -- so sparsely adorned from unwilling nature sustenenoe for libel, and held that a charge of literary the bare trunks of the Devonian shrubs called the Blade's tilUlll Chit DC1 - V1JUUI 9ani am ma -Woman's sphere trial, pjpaself and family. x r to a is The writer's theft further-for necessity reputa and trees. cation a flimsy and frivolous charge. imperative. Js to aid him by her special gifts in the tion andinjurious a such discussion where that ba$ vanished charge, and we gladly also been named We cannot understand how he can look The Devonian has the objects of life , accompl'shment of comes within the falsely preferred, the "age of fishes," as it was in the at so serious a matter as that of charg- step forward to the consideration of j it wh ich both . have equal i hterests. of statute. the Utah meaning r Woman can ho more trench on the tepid Devonian oceans that ttie.finny ing a writer with stealing the cryktal-ize- d topics of general interest.! back-dowof The defense was the man than she can tribe reached its greatest expansion words of a dead man and palming ppecial domain-oof one conmost the and disgusting both as to variety and size. them off on the public as the products The news of the terrible explosion in pa'etamorphose her body or change the ever in witnessed any court, tamptable the coal mine in Ked Canyon and tbe shape of her head Man cannot trench and and the utter malice, envy, proved fearful loss of Jife, comes to eve-one In pn the peculiar anil special sphere of of the journalistic present depravity medy for alJL him' can. he thinks let Utah With stunning force. The picture ' If; tie iroman, Urinal Trbubii of editor the Fillmore ; paper, of those burnd and disfigured men is one iry t. Tbeir duties are as widely difThe Blade cares nothing whatever as feient fiS tbeir physical and mental bethat will haunt very many of ihe people the future findings of the grand Tha water is soft, nnm nd ing,yet, th objeot n ;life is identical, regards in their djseama. sparfelinar s From "What-i3. to G. the Progress Dye, th e M OST MtH ARKABLE are conscious u0P"8sesse ftnd whether or not they who was in thetmploy of the Uiiion Pacidis in their respect it," or whether he is or is not further pf the ultimate object,' solve and carry out ofWhich the ' sysabortiva for his to punished attempt fic) Co. at Jted Canyon for several years tem all. impari ties ia'd U fo- rjye spheres tbey are struggling snbstahcis. and who was personally acquainted with its accom- - injure the editor of. the Blade. Vindi''-'.- - eign war4 and PPWS-rM i not is we what have revenge more than, fifty of the victims,! we .learn and iiUhment, Woraah cannot trench on cation, Bladder tts!orders I The would-b- e vilifler has been that nearly all of them were the heads of the spliefft Qf man, junless she becomes sought. Are caused by the bgeing of Xh e to his bole,' and has '.'pulled the ike hirA physi sally and mentally, in so driven families channels ,of the are that large left destitute with lime by hole in after him," Charity for one sediments cease Ths a be would to woman 4QiRS 6ne of the death husband and fathers. Right and the , object forj. which both were whose brain is dwarfed to the extent now an is opportune time for tbe people Deserot Flowing Watfeb; that renders him a,' fit1 subject for the j; prgapized could noi be attained. of Utah to lend a helping hand to th Dissolves and carries ji p off, nature Prpvb asylum or; a refuge forj mental Will some of the opposers of woman ' then heals the patient la a perfect fy ' admonishes the Blade widows and fatherless pmqcipation,. please tell the students irresponsibles, naiuraiway. that it should notj in mercy, pursue him (if iiology and plvcbology, how the Oar readers are asked to rend tVi With that view of the case, ttnsfgrxnatidti tcr jmasculinity is to be farther. "What-is-it" grounds upon which the editor of the effected? Will they rfot point out the the writer bids the Progress'" a . permanent good bye. Progress a i the writer last Friday mental and .physical laws that will be on woman to effect for libel. Those were hot words It won't cost yoij a !fit brought to bear such .a .radical change in her nature? uttered ty the Blade but the provocation Copyright Secured. i if they can do so, they-wil- l wais very likely Except for freight ample to warrant their utterance, Just obeerv AND GENESIS GEOLOGY. the following- iostruciiUBs;. confer, a blessing on some nien and and we therefore have no apology to offer When you write ihf jose a stamp. ftQtne women toa fir .that matter, beor retraction to make. The Buy a ten or twehty gallon casli,, complaint cleanse it thoronghjyi. ' The above illustration will give a fair of his own .bralnunlebs-'.theBy J. V. GIBBS. cause, if certain laws will make women Send by prestatus of was in line with the charge of plaigarism paid freight with just ehough mon- -v masculine, a reversal of those laws idea of a few of the ancestors of the the one prefering the charge, were ey t6 pay the feighit iback to against the Blade and was an example of We will fill the casks' Wd bill would make masculiue women eflemi-patfinny tribe that live in the waters of such xas to render his utterences too small-soule- d to you Fuse them petty malice AIil4: and Thua would jtheir knowledge not and rivers. lakes modern oceans, The TMrd DayContinued. spite. chaeqb; contemptable for, notice. That wa Relative to for water the and tfdubls; a from the soundness scientific of does not comGenesis the interesting refer ef what Tbe writer To prQ.ve the, God probably Lthose that depend more on "And gentleman meant; .nly of view, but would said, Let the earth "bring on coiiarhion sensp ih the herb yielding seed, and to the existence pf fishes untli the fifth for said he, "I do. not believe for a plaint County Attorney Hanson toldVeile bring happi forth loint grass, fruit-tre- e the will fruit read M fishy, " but after his foregoing kind, yielding ness to pusbands whose seed i3 in itself, upon the earth:, day, and for reasons that will be perfect- moment thati 'Genesis and Geology' that he had no case, and would have to we ua.n iurnish youi ith affidavits of those,hat have bed The "Third day" be- was stolcp frpm BTugh Miller or:f rom pay the cost of prosecution if' the At the Oasis station, just , the other and It was so." : Genesi3, 1st chap. Uth ly-apparent.. peripianently grand cured. lT day, a .party of Indians arrived from verse.'; gins with the appearance of "dry land,", any other writer, and no oneelse, who jury should ignore the matter.; The stataon-- t And How the earth le- iforth brought Minti wherei, it is reumed, tbey had and herb wntejinsensical gras3, is is consistent that and the it ters would asuiDR-uwithits perfectly acquainted ute seed after his kind, and above author, is yielding: criminal ''realv governing libel provides true?" what the pbs UV i , tc. ou a begging expedition, as they the trea yielding fruit, whose seed was in writer of Genesis should'have followed believe the charge." That may be, but to that the nease iowow instructions and for" publish natural eSvaral-rhundre- d after his kind God defects Itself, and i saw that of it theiii fraught with was jrood. And the evening and the up that important event with a state- there are hundreds of Blade readers one who is alive" ward your, casks or !d?!m jon3 to ., etc., is a crime under iwuuds of fiourr"'Tiie males bossed the morning were the third day. ' Genesis, ment of the appearance of egetation that are not thus acquainted, and that the law. If the endearing epithets which v'n loading of the.floiir, beef, etc., while 1st chap. 12th verse. that would, naturally, have followed is where the injury lies. J. fiMbbsIn Blade a ' The the former article it was suggested, the rising of the land. showe7ed squaws hi$ equaws did the work. : the upon r Progress ; The series of articles prov'.Dgthe reEditor AU1.LARD CO. BLADE,., then lifted the flourr iuto the wagon of from the fact of plant life flourishing The "Third day' of Genesis was very markable harmony between the Mosaic editor are conceded by him to be natural white man who in the form of mosses in, the Hot springs long. Many stupendupus . changes iu and geologic records of the an- accomodatic defects (as they are so regarded by his DesereVvia Oasis. Utah creation,, was near Salt Lake. It City, that simillar forms the geographical; features of the earth were betran with a twn.friiixinrnnuo sfi readers) then tbaJBlaie is "jianled it to Deserct, for them. probably "in of have'' flourished, ir. marked the passage of. time. From a view, and must Indians' i . Tha of all the not 'vegetation and a1 iiifht rig conistbnt intqnded only for ourforit expressly ihterprefa B If the wac-- r a , could be put 'in. The squaws. the hot water of the earliest ocean.- - As small mud. flat or fiats that relieved the youhg readrfu Jt fwas intended that ' tion of hist having niado those a ef. ini a coolil . I is KUii'je, i.r.l put win twita -i fij rutin trudc-ean vane end tha, SiJ.gr 3, the. NY.qt.er tnder tJ";A. Pt.U-athov ,houJdro:theL c&mrW, ocjea.ri. w.flh1 m&npjonv up tbo icw.i The - ! . , , . - I for m -- 3,tll AUi' 1 1 1 1 1 pu" uowi,-m.iucgiit- t" 124. 1 uu- - . G. In low-iym- g Tn.-isti- New Lines j well-know- ; -- 1 1 pu""' IXCLIIS f. be-'Jie- ve hs lf Sub-carbonifer- 5 ous , s -- 80-OPEBAT- lVI 1 t j j i " oy-au- y ! I j Diseas i (The-Progres- . ; s i ai . , j IbT J X n . . ; :! iJis f . 3 - '! jury-relativ- e rnui-EBjiE- s on-towar- ds : i , " E 1 ; ar-lest- ed . - . v e. - 1 ? the-JJ.stha- - hen-peck- j ed j j : . ( . . . : . ' ' ' ; . . - - ' j ! , pfc-nim- 1 I t't. uA ' t ; omejor -- . n ' |