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Show I 2 CUSTOMtK IE VICE AiJXiATTJ ANTt lun anMrarvte rnut an4 DAefte cMt Krwe-aatcamai. Complete ertatt at UJiN U TO ISOOOWOMTH. Im U-n- v ) f TPT fta04- - Swuno. MiusiraiaS Stone tram the boo 4 tmicwi Ou4Hift4 cn-Oio- tt fcava up.. tramporution. ami the itl to lucCMd Contact &M 9 a! IDS hro Joi'Mroixom. (60i65 im, or a-IM J&CyiOOiTlO.N TnE PEACE CORPS. TRAVEL AXO WORK IN EXOTIC LOCAPAY FOR IT! TIONS. LET THE GOVERNMENT ALL MAJORS ACCEPTED. OPPORTUNITIES AVAILABLE !N SMALL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT. ENGLISH AND SCIENCE TEACHERS, EN- t $SCXn mmiiMf pHt ir PROTECTION. VIRONMENTAL HEALTH. DEVELOPMENT. COMMUNITY CULTURE. AGRIM7-763- 5 wwmpaacrcorp gov. HlGHrUNCtlOMlNl eututie child nooot . artarnoons 6 9 lw per eiJ ftailbte. Can Dun S63 S626. tutor-nann- y EXTRASMODELS NEEDED. No"eTpe"ri: Earn up to $IS0 $450 per day! MOVIE ence neceitary. Call 800 1 ACT INSTRUCTORS NEEDED. iiqh Need enerqy AC June. 944 MEN'S HOOPS 1222 Britton's follow through led him to hit his injured hand on the basketball support system behind the basket Britton winced, but the sprained thumb suffered no more serious of an injury. In fact, Johnsen came back later in the game and asked to guard Banks when the Rebel was taking Football starts back up in starts 8, 2-- NEEDED for tmall Hourt approalmately 12 30 5, but willing to work around tchool schedule. Pay$8.50hr. Please call 485 5534 for an interview. PIANO PLAYERTThaT SING are neededimme-diatelfor dueling piano khowt at the Taverna-cl- e Social Club, 201 E 300 S. Addinq additional ihowt and we need talented performers. Please call to schedule an audition. Ask lor Kirk, or leave a manage. PROOFREADER: Cattle Inspection Service is the premier high value home insurance inspection company In the United States. We are searchinq for an individual to review and edit home apby our national field stalf. ?ralsals a submitted part to full time position and candidates need to be flexible In work schedule. Also, candidates must be computer literate and detail oriented. $8hr to start. Fan resume to Castle: 467 7680. RUNNER: Looklnq for lonqterm errand runner for buti-net- Complimentary Managers will be assigned to a coach and assist him at practice, setting up drills and keeping footballs stocked at stations. . 1 Interested parties inquire by contacting Robert at n BELLAMY league's hot head coaching candidates. He was passed by the last two offseasons after several interviews, and went through what was painfully close to a done deal in Tampa last winter. Finally, after spending a year in Washington, Lewis has the helm in Cincinnati. (And if nothing else, the hiring should at least calm the fire surrounding the NFL's lack of minority head coaches. Maybe it will help shut Johnnie Cochran and Cyrus Mehri up, and put to rest the notion that the continued from page 9 has himself stuck in now that he's set to coach the Bad News Bengals. Is this really the dream job he has been striving toward for so long? For some time now, Lewis has been one of the NFL's most successful and sought after defensive coordinators. And since the runaway success of his 2000 Ravens, he has been one of the league's 32 white owners are all racist.) I suppose we should all be happy for Lewis. After all, is there any assistant more deserving? Probably not. But how can we be happy when he's headed to Cincy, the depths of the NFL, facing an almost certain doom? The Bengals aren't a football team they're a punchline. Behind the faulty direction of team president Mike Brown, the NFL's own Ed Wood, they have been practicing the art of futility for a dozen years now. And boy, do M-downtown desiqn studio. $8hr. Must have own car, miles reimbursed. Must be 532-244punctual, dependable k honest. Call Ranee or Tamt. SUMMER JOBS! Female and male counselors needed for a top summer camp In Maine. Top salary, room, board, laundry, clothing and travel provided. Must lovt worklnq with younq people and have skill In one or mora of the following activities: archery, arts (ceramics, stained qlass, jewelry), basketball, child care specialist, canoeing, kayaklnq, rowlnq (crew), dance (tap, pointe, jazz), field hockey, qolf, qymnastlcs (Instructors), fiqura skatlnq, lea hockey, horseback rid- hunt teat, lacrosse, dlqital photography, vldeoqrapher, piano accompanist, raft, ropescllmblnq (challenge course) 25 stations, sailing, soccer, Softball, tennis, theatre (technicians, tat desiqn, costumer), volley-bai(slalom, trick, barefoot. Jumping) W.S.Iswim instructors, windsurfing, also opportunities for nurses, HTMLweb design and secretaries. Camp Vega for girlsl Coma sea us at www.campvaqa.com, APPLY ON OUR Fill out the online application, us at campveqaHyahoo.com or call us for more inforWe will be on the mation at University of Utah campus on February 19th In the Student Services building, room 380 for InNo apformation and interviews from 10am-3ppointment necessary. Come see us and find out more about Veqal ploneer-Inqcam- p g S j 317. 170, 2 PM-- Ill E saHmCD 8mTO $'Ti?iC3 $rs?o UkJ sdU luJ Uu Sfifiro Cust. Exp Re-q'300 So Ste rj PM. Account Reps lor The Utah Veterans News, a monthly newspaper. Excellent pay and bonuses. Turn your qift for qab and or part-tim- e marketing ability Into cash. Full-tim- e or work, room to qrow. Call Fred, 401-867- WANTED: 60 Whenever Minules 1000 Whenever 500 Weekend Minutes Wherever Minutes FMrslfflredf,i0 3000 Regconol Whenever Minules 5000 Whenever WheneverWherever Wherever Minutes Minutes WORK FROM HOMEI Leqltimate international company needs skilled supervisor. Training provided by personal coach. Free weekends Unlimited to www Incredlblecash.biz SERVICE OPPORTUNITIES 37 rick and Akili Smith. On the bright side, at least they've been consistent, right? Moses may very well have parted the Red Sea, and he just might have spoken to an incinerated bush, but I'll bet even he would be hard pressed to fix up the Bungles, God's divine inspiration notwithstanding. On one hand, Lewis may have some insight that we don't. I hope so. Year after year, the Bengals are perennial losers, and no one wants to see that. So I hope he triumphs. I hope he wins coach of the year honors and turns this laughingstock back into the contender it was before the Mike Brown regime. But that's not what the says. It may not be his fault, but in taking over the Cincinnati post Lewis may be committing career suicide. He's not exactly entering the best of situations. He's got no secondary, no and no offense. He's got Kitna Frerotte, and Smith playing JQB (pick e, day-cam- il i A 'A ) Access sc 904-320- (with Repertory Dance Theatre Do you like dancing and getting mail? Repertory Dance Theatre (RDT) Is looking for volunteers to update addresses in their datable using return notices from a recent mailing. If you can only spend a day or even just a few hours, we need your help. Contact Susan at S34-- 1 000. your poison), and Carson Palmer is most likely on his way. (Yes children, this is what purgatory feels like.) ! any new activation) X Expires 22&03 STOng LOCATlQgjS Vattty Fair Valley Fair Kiosk ftodty Mountain Hospice is looking for volunteers to assist patients and their families by providing simple acts. If you can help by running errands, taking patients for walks or providing trans portatjori, please contact Shannon at Valley Fair Kiosk j 2 BQ1SS71B3 3 UytonHllltKaB Ltyton Kill Klotk Uylon HiSH Kiosk After) 2 mail In rebata 801-52.13- Cottonwood Mall South Town 80132.1703 I tnnonjhomptonQrmcrxom 821-275- 8 T Mobile' -- Video Varna Provo Town Center Unlvaraity Mall or (SRP IM.fiO) Newgate Us! I 801 Corporal Otiica I 7 J What's he gonna do, bring Boomer out of retirement? Since his hiring, Lewis, has been spouting off about the "enthusiasm" of Cincy's front office, and about how they really "want to win." Well, as the old saying goes, wantin' ain't gettin'. And until Brown finds someone who can competently run a football team, these Bad News Bengals are here to stay, Lewis or no Lewis. It's not fair, but Lewis is flying headfirst into pro football's Black Hole. He's trying to conquer the unconquerable. Looking at recent history, the shelf Esi-as- Motofolla C332 r Relief for Others e (something tells me no one's knocking down doors to hire Dave Shula, Bruce Coslet, or Dick LaBeau as head coach). So it's hard to find a compelling reason why Lewis would willfully walk into one of the worst jobs in all of sports. Is it ego? Desperation? Is he simply titillated by the challenge, of turning around such an awful team? Probably a combination of the three. But one has to wonder what kind of job he could have gotten had he just waited another year. Personally, I'd rather be George Steinbrenner's personal leg waxer than take control of this franchise. Yes it's that bad. Even in a good year, they're still one of the league's worst teams. Think I'm exaggerating? e Since Brown took over a in team 1991, the Bungles have gone a hideous with no playoff appearances. They're on their eighth Top 6 pick and third No. 1 in that time. all Camp Michael Visit Camp Michael Retreat (CMR) located on tha North Fork of the Provo River and support bereaved children and their familiat by assisting in p activities such at Saturday hiking, joumaling and dancing, CMR alto need volunteer support in their development department. To see how you can be a part of this unique opportunity, call Darlene at J7-40i- ls Those picks include the likes of Carter, David Klingler, Dan Wilkinson, John Copeland, Peter War- 1 we cell service is acceptlnq appllca-tion- s tor tutortrackers to work at West High School. Must be willing to commit until end of Call 578-850ext. school year. $7.72hour. s STAFF- - Fun Apply In person Mr Z's. post-Benga- Ki-Ja- na UVSC WAIT they have it down pat. Surely, Lewis must know the abysmal situation he's been hired to remedy. And surely he must know the fate of his predecessors 55-1- WEB-SIT- TUTORTRACKER: 5ST-&44- first-plac- l, water-skiin- hat and Trace Caton and the Utes have followed a similar pattern to years past. y - September. 3-- 0 rbrunnerchronicle.utah.edu needed with good communication tkillt. Setting applt $I0HRB0NUS. Avq. bonut $125 every 2 wkt. 5 30 9, Sat 9am-l2- . 288 2335 ask for and the season Meeting and associating with players and coaches. Around the Mountain si in mid-Augu- Benefits Include: I Colorado State's Brian Greene was named the MWC's player of the week after he led CSU wins over New Mexico and Air Force. The perennial doormats finished the 2001-0- 2 in the MWC, season but are 4 and this year. 3 individual! Stephanie. The Utah football team is looking for volunteer managers, starting with spring training camp on March 27. Vs''. The scare came eight days after Johnsen was fitted into a smaller splint, 13-- EVENINGS: PART-TIM- Urban Meyer Wants You: continued from paije 9 over. MARRIOTTS MOUNTAINSIDE RESORT l currently looking lor markttino, and talri atiociatts with the Ullll to tuccd. II you have a proven track record In merketlnq and tales or would (Imlor ona of Fortune's ply lika to Kork part-tim100 Bttt Compeniet and average SlS.OO per hour, call Erie or Mary at 320 1000 for an Immediate appointment We have 3 poiitioni to fill In the Salt Lake and Park City area. PT THE DAILY UTAH CHRONICLE Wednesday, January 22, 200 authorized dealer life of mi". mwna IMRjeiANI INHiSMAnON OtMt4r a ( ami mm-ytafe I2uunrt mLic to m Ktt Oatt r rr awntw nm . k4l Md lummy arc HUwond. i. ill mun e m cury ttrmmt t mthrmwi Ml vyett. Am wmM tmt: m4 k roimatd ap md Mled m ArMI mmmlun w aw av taMt kMi k caM n amnii tfcnvjr a MimmMom at am cj4 rWton n mt mamt. rit nan mt id pnw hud daa M as trrcM cm4 m i (tor Im uah) t nahMr MM i ul d aikad rHia mm KWmw b a mm oWs Sm nuinn tm r" nvK ' LuiiMloii Y Mk si av ! imwa 4md iMmii. mW luixtimx fnurmut lf arlr. Ma mt imM'1 mMm tm nn pn4 mmUi b k. 0f rm w nkmiM ttmm. Om K.S urfrm it mn i wmt li auln m wtwt T mmlmu mty m Awa Oow V, Md mut I I t. mrtmt kln a nttnr m artay first-tim- e on " coaches is often pretty wnall. Don't expect Lwis to be an exception. If so, let's hope he gets another shot at that dream job. Chris welcomes feedback at cbel-Umych- ro niclcuuhxd u. Poo: c |