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Show 'XT 8 THE DAILY UTAH CHRONICLE 2002 FRIDAY, JANUARY 11, CHRONY LOST CARING. VtRY HAPPILY HARRIED COUPLE long to rtom lnid with vxxwmth, love, security loti of fctivei L bedtime stories your newborn xtenod family nerby Cireiieni educational Lovtftq Ciaudio toll tree 1 Cleave Marie k call opportunities wt 866 7.S6'G V V V 1tS V AUTOMOTIVE TOP DOLLAR PAfO lor your tar. truck. n. HS Sin it's worth your wrine runrwiq or not fc.iHlHl "" rtarsoKom local! -- ACURA lOVf rm IMTEGRA IS 2 door, S V3 7'j74 CHILD CARE FOR 2 CHILDREN. IS 4 7) Part time atternooris Own car. erperience, and reterence required C" OM; at SH3 IHfcS ltl CHILDCARE FOR A 5 AND S YEAR OLD alter school 2 to 3 location Avenues week Car, per days retefrwes, and experience needed S8 to $10 per hour VH VIHH 116 TRIPLETS, iookmq for an energetic, child toying mdwid uai lo help care lor adorable 2 year old triplets 10 hours a week Hours would be 12 30 5 30pm twice a week, excluding Friday. Saturday, and Sunday Please call Janel at 21 W,H lo discuss payand job deta.ls 1IS PART-TIMNANNY WANTED. Light housekeeping and chiidcare I mlant 1 toddler Red Cross Cert prel 3 days ner wee up to 9 hrs SBt 1139 Of S82 9?I6 IIS H Must have CHILDCARE GIVER WANTED 3 6 pm m own car $ 8M plus mileage Please call Debra at Of 6SI 78S7 116 NANNY NEEDED COMPUTERS IMAC. 600 40 CIO HO. 768 MB RAMI 9 2 a, 101. Microsoft Office 2001 4. X. Illustrator, toast, Dreamweaver, OoLive, 7, Ouark Norton Pro. Paqemaker MHZ. Mac OS loaded Photoshop, Ouicklime Virtual PC with Windows ME, MacLinkPlus SysternWorks, and more Perfect for students, web. a grapfuc design 131 Asking $1,200 obo Jeremy - EDUCATION CENTER CITY SCHOOL, a nonprofit charter school, is now enrolling 7th and 9th graders for sprng semester 2002 Pioneering progressive education, cetoratrtg diversity, promoting high achievement, xnvptmq service. For information 117 cad S96 8489 FOR RENT RENT $600mo. Or buy $4SOmo Great 2 bedroom, bath corxlo about IS minutes away Swimming exercise room, clubhouse, pool, lll playground Available now 644 1477 BEAUTIFUL 3 BEDROOM, 2 rent Now! Available clubhouse, exercise room. $92Smo 12 BATHTOWNHOUSE 15 for WasherDryer, pool, minutes from the U. J (Covey 644-147- MONTH SUBLEASE on quaint Victorian Apt. On hill to Close Apartments) Capitol everything including TRAXX for school commuters. S Hardwood floors. Alarm, water paid. A must see. at Adam 3SSI290 or $S80mo. Contact S8I 7041 127 SUPER CLEAN t BEDROOM APARTMENT in Victorian duplex I block from Trax Pets okay. $575mo. Avail 116 immediately 677 S 600 E Call 243 S8S8 MOTHER-IN-LASPACIOUS APT. AVENUES 2 bedroom. 1 bath. Large modern kitchen, living area, master bedroom. includes $8$0month utilities Close to LOS hospital, Very private. downtown and the U. Available Feb ). Call: Debra 924 8790 or lll ROOMY 2 BEDROOM BASEMENT apartment large living room ml lireplace, storage, near U, Foothill. $695month, 1S1 utilities included. Call 486 8609. EAST BENCH HOUSE FOR RENT. 2 bedroom, I bath, washerdryer, appliances, 22 acre, pets allowed. Call Sl.lOOmonth. or at James 971 827S. 111 2 BEDROOM. 2 BATH Miiicreek Bungalow $97Smonth. Call Julie (801) 243 0787 No petssmokers. Very clean! 114 STOP PAYING RENTI No credit, bad credit. I can finance you Zero down 100 financing available Call Josh 699-428- 115 1 BEDROOM APARTMENT. Covered park, rig, t Near Trax, and bus storage-unilaundry. routes. 97S 400 S. $420. Contact Steve & a 364-286cell: 115 S350M0NTH STUDENT APARTMENtTutiiities paidNo 114 pets, no smokers. S2I 6371 1 BEDROOM APT. Hardwood floors, utilities paid except 1 BEDROOM AVAILABLE FOR electricity $S7Smo FEMALE in house close to University. $28Smo. 583-080- a 116 FOR SALE COCKER SPANIEL PUPPIES. Black Both parents 266 7013 OUTDOOR ADVENTURE FOR CREDIT: Fly Fishog. FoothiH Mikmg. Desert Backpacking, Animal Tracking. Rock Climbing II. PRT 1317 Kayaking (lor newtHesi, Sailing. River Running. Pistol Marksmanship, and one February class PRT 1252 2 Canroniands One evening class on campus; the rest of the course n beautiful See "PRT", then ervoM m your Natural wilderness. Resources Learning Class Questions? John at 585-320116 U U. WANT ED: 2 & SIZED IGUANA " withcage. lamp." and rock or $80. Call Chris at 966-817131 2410B64 BODY BY JAKE BUN AND THIGH ROCKER. New condior 435671-223- 0 tion, works great! $150 obo 801519-841MEDIUM NEAR to FOOTHILL crlys8 m rraiUbli ia : C9ffl r bikram I i B A TRACKER HtXDCO IN PROCTOR PLACEMENTS, located week. in tne Salt Lane area. 8 24 flexible hours per or Please call Mary at PRIVATE CHEF. SLC, Ulan family looking for private crief to prepare healthy, better than restaurant k quality meats for lunch with some help on prep-worand other meals. This is not a temporary or seasonal ve e looking for CHILDREN'S SCIENCE PREposition PART TIME. Outgoing people needed to preSENTERsent fun science activities for elementary aged children schools at parties. Need car. tun personality, be kids a plus, high responsible, leadership, experience days available afternoons at least school science, a week. Complete training provided. SlO lSV call Mad i i V . Science 292 8646. RANT tO CONTRIBUTE TO THE OLYMPIC SPIRIT? tront desk Housekeeping, janitorial, and hotel Shift and dates vary. positions are available. Apply m person at 420 East South Temple an for or call (801) 470. appointment TEENS in Upward TUTORS FOR CULTURALLY DIVERSE afternoons and Saturday Bound Program Part-tim- e n York preierreu. study mornings. tll Tor 2 sales reps in SCRPTURET"rook'irig returned mis Salt Lake area. Persons w sales experience Brian successful. Sitynr. tan very sionaries LIVING & h " ' are to fill Undergradfull time student. U.S. or Green Card. GPA 2.5. Work wAttorneyv & Microsoft Accountants general office work. WordExcel. Send resume to zamoras9sec.gov or fax Attn. Scotty. Equal opportunity employer. 808-727- 1KTE"RACT10N CENTER T0R""BIOM0LECUCAH is recruiting a Research Scientist with a solid background n molecular interactions and kinetics analysis. Experience m handling optical biosensors and other biophysical equipment would be considered. Ph.Ds should send response to David Mys?ka, Protein Interaction Facility, 30 N. J11 1900 E. 4A4I7 SOM, Salt Lake City, UT 84132. TEACHERASSISTANT POSITION OPEH ImmedTafely in 5 childhood Montessorl downtown early 30pm. Monday through Friday. Enthusiastic, bright, responsible applicants who have previous experience working with children would find this a rewarding environment, Great working position. supportive faculty. Substitutes also needed. Please call 3551n 1555 to arranqe an terview PAN7Ta HOfKTKONC, KOREA. TAIWAN RfcTDR NA1IVE? Independent team ot Network Marketers buikJ-m- q new markets Call Shawn is DENT AC" ASSISTAMTT Sandy dental practice ANALYSIS 21 come to any 488 H0T1 (4681)-21B- 3 class IN ""DOWNTOWN V15 HATnTTNANCE HELP. The Gaiiivan Center is no"hir inq part-tim- e maintenance help for the Olympics 58 OOhour. Must be able to work lonq hours & irregular shifts, late nights & weekends. Most time will be spent outdoors. Apply in person at the Gaiiivan Center: 239 S Main. EOE 115 Part-timno TUTOR. necessary, experience training provided. Pay $8 per hour working with 4 year old autistic boy. Usmq Applied Behavioral Analysis. You would work with a highly motivating team & be able to incorporate your own ideas into programor Contact Janet, ming. -- Job RENT. Need space to park will pay some rent & utilities. Glen 469- - 24' 116 gkaprrbackpKkeKom SljMMERJOB: EARN $12,000. Return missionaries pfe' ml mission-likmembers, ferred, working experiences, traveling opportunities. Free pizza into meetmq today at 3:00, 9:00 Student Union room 312. 118 MODEL WANTED lor Community Education Drawing YOGA Also Starts No Needed: class. immediatly. nudity 2 TEACHER and BODY SCULPTING TEACHER. Call 117 from pm. S$ IMMEDIATE CASH-S- S Deep clean Park City condo this weekend or Monday 114. One day only, 6 hours$60 111 UTA offers a starting Piease reference Tax Lien? Late Payments? Repossessions? Charge Offs? Hew No SsltHM"sm No Kmbarravsnieiit Our nv Aulimi-l- i- Credit Check m.iLo it -- - Fur H ' K UK. Ill Hlk mm! I.i I mix Mhal 24 JANUARY 10am-8p- 9-1- 2002 2, WEDDING GOWNS DISCOUNTED f Talk to me abcut how safe drivers can save. OFF 10-9- 0 GOWNS AS LOW AS $25.00 BRIDESMAIDS, FORMALS, MOTHER OF THE BRIDE, SHOES, VEILS, SL1PS,AND GLOVES ALSO ON SALE. 6775 South 900 East Salt Lake City, Utah 84047 (801)566-110- FAX: off rjmpus) fww.stutiretxofli AlUJcU Sti9l OtlMr (801)561-271- $0. 1300 East (lWock 31 , 0 6 '" ln$naiir Coffifiaity, ItorrhSroca, flUnslA. cil xvIUbil!Y n vnixxnam. ttnu, corxWIum tmi dcttntm. pt. t ry M !.!Bi '"! or 59 S.ttCl8M(1040L) 5. Lorp op The Woodland Prescott 13997 South Minuteman I)riveDraper Utah 984-008- Tues. Jan Time: 1 5-- 1 Games 0 r 5 - Comics Flings WEDNESDAYS AND pRjpAY Worhop SANCTIONED MAGIC TOURNAMENTS WE HAVE WHAT YOU WANT 9 i r f daily 6pm-10p- m Ques. Where: Greek Row 801-355-18- '! Average hours per week, evening hours Transportation needed Must be professional and have good communication skills Training provided, valuable business experience Possible internship credit available 69 We're Here! cEantastic Sams4 7 GOTTA 582-177- Hours If you're interested lime while your in ill Meeting People, and Having a Great in school, Rush Sigma Nu. College Life I 1 begins here!!!! TNI B E HAIR' 208 South 1300 East (next to B&D) 4, 2302 EOEFVDV f dovn your insurance rates. are available at, and must be returned to, one of the following offices by ritt MBt. WnKK. Drive m of S9 S6 per hour. cb number on application 3600 S. 700 W , SLC 135 W. 17th St. Ogrfen 1110 S. Cwtva R4., Ortm com www Right Row... HOURS A OAY! Call WSW BRTOALOJliARANCE SALE wage UTA Used? BRIDAL BOUTIQUE Applications January RGBL1MS? EDIT FirsiTirne Buyer? www hikr2iriyogaslc.com 01 record 116 raineri4yahoo.com DRIVEWAY SPACEEXTA jodiernotsckets.com -- 20 e VIS Thi CenteT br Management and Organization Effectiveness, located m individuals to Sandy, is looking for dynamic, implement marketing strategies throughout the country not required. Part-tim- e Telephone experience preferred, but 569-344ext. 3101 position SS.SGYht plus bonus. REPRESrWTATTVE: ACCOUNT an Financial Consulting & Sales $2,500 Month Part-Tim- OFTTCTTO-2- 222-949- 9 1 Utah Transit Authority has an opening in the Account. ng Department of our Salt Lake location Position is 3 dayswk .with add.ticnal houis as reqjired. Responsibilities include pul ing fares Itom buses and ticket vending rr.a chines ard transferring to money room, processing and counting coins and bills, cleaningmamtainirc fare boxes, and preparing repons as needed Applicants must be at least 8 ye a 'S of age and possess a high school diplomaGED, kave 6 months' experience m a pos tion of trust (money handling experience pre'erred), with demonstrated reliability, abil :y to continually and safely lift up to S3 lbs, availability to wck varying hoursshifts and weekends as required, and a valid driver's license with good driving FiPjOBat "' hours per week. Reception and computer skills a must: Excel, database, Word, Outlook. Internet. Competitive 115 pay, flex itie hours long term NEEDED for Austrian Olympic OLYkPIGDRlVtRS Committee. German speakers preferred. Can Jenner at Contact Jennifer O'Dierno J16 "Jor-- cntrl i jaiBBT" FURNITURE MPKSM CASHIERS and ICE Anneuter Busch party GUARDS needed AsaP: Must have at least year ice skating experience Apie to work day shitts, la'e Must m first aid i CPS be certified weekends. niohts, within W days of hire. Apply n person at the Gaiiivan Center (239 S Mm) or can 535 6'37 EOE l'S A FULL OR PASTTTiaTjoB JLRE YOULOOKINGFOS that is both rewarding and great experience m the Social Services field? We are hiring tor Consultants m the Salt 3030 South Nam. Suile Lake area. Apply at for more irTermstion 5O0 or can 364-61853 VVlfHi Positions still available in Park City, Heber and Prow for February only - DC"? hELPFOft ThE V11 an interview TUTORS NEEDEDToTThe Salt Lake City School DisTncf after Held Monday-ThursdaTutor School grades 2pm; 2 to 10 hours per week (depending on site). S8 per hour. Applications available at the Community Education Oil ice, 440 East 100 South Room 211. For more informa11 tion call Ticket Sellers Customer Service Reps , TELEMARKETING. Marriotts Mountainside it currently loosing lor:f Teiemerketng Associates with the snit to succeed. you have a track record m teiemreting or part-tim- e twe to for work would one of Fortune s simpty 100 Best Companies adn average $15 00 per hour can 0 tor an immediate appointment Eric or Mary at excellent, technically energetic, team member Tuesday & Thursday afterpatient-locuse5 or bring in to noons. Please fan resume to 1IS office 9844 S 1300 E. Ste 340, Phone or IN PSYCHOLOGY STUDENTS GRADUATE Social Work. Part time (6 to 10 hoursweek). Supervised visitation with divorced families. Beginning salary ol Call 487-588$9.00hour. Fan resume to 487-096116 LOOKING FOR A GREAT SUMMER JOB? Want to make a from to get Want lot of money? away campus? We are looking tor alarm installers with their own car, no experience is needed. Call Katie to schedule seeking !5 t ape t THE Citizen f jZfi wwtriendlypinescom NOV i e- We individuals d 1TI this week MACJC TWOS? CAN YOU DAJCE. SiNctTrOrTDO Complete Musk DJ Service Is hiring entertainers. Call 322- 1TI 4 3 31 tor an audition. CRAZY. I'm going crazy training people with kits of exp. trainable individuals and bad attitudes. Looking for for a high level in my company. Good image and positive a month possible. Attitude more attitude a must, 111 important than resume Call Chris TEMPORARY HELP NEEDED for "th""200Z Olympics (Tel) New York Burrito is now accepting applkitons for the following positions: Cashier, Food Prep, Delivery Bouns Meals. Persons, Runners. $7.00 per hour Apply In person at New York Burrito 14 West 300 South . Downtown Salt Lake or call 116 LAKE U.S. SALT OFFICE. SEC. -- stydy business-minde- Call PROCESSING. ISM compatible computer, laser printer, also IBM tvpmg. Can check spelling, grammer, references (APA, Turabian). Mrs. Nelley, 53 Wortt demand. increased shifts. Help our potential clients additional recover from current and past credit issues. Starting wage, $11.00 per hour with regular increases. Call or and ask for details about our Also check us out on the web at openings. wwwcfdebt.com 127 LOTS Of TEACHING ENGLISH JOBS IN KOREA. Apply now!! Are you a college graduate. BA or BS, looking for fun exciting experience in Korea? We are looking for English Teachers. No experience needed. Housing and air fare provided. Go to our website for online application: www.eslkorea.info 110102 WAITErtAlt!rESSESWWirTEa Are you energetic, posi-tiv& great with people? National company exploding n the Salt Lake area. Training guaranteed! TYPING STUDENTS meet part-tim- e J17 TedrorbafhTpartmenri heated WAREHOUSE PRICES. Tutons with mattress starting $178; Twin Mattress Set $109; Serta Full Mattress Boxsprmg-$17Oueen MaltressBoxspring-$199- ; Sofa starting at $249. You choose the color Wood Bunk beds with mattresses only $299 Actionwood Sleep Center, 6570 S 400 W. 427 Murray GREAT JOB f OR STUDEKTS. flexible hours. Work with peoCall with disabilities. $8.37hr to start. ple or fin fax resume to Office Manager out application at Columbus Community Center, 3495 S. West Temple 53 UVSC is accepting applications for TUTORTSACKLR. at West Must be willing tutorstrackers to work High School to commit until end of school year. $7.72hour. Call 578- 8500 ext 317. 53 CCvNSUMERSfTWTDEBT MAKAGCKEHTIs now expand-in- for a complimentary facial. anymore 60 days or your Call Sarah guaranteed! 131 WORD 53 xl. looking (or assertive CAMP COUKSELOW AWO AOVtKTURE STAJT of Friendly Pines Camp, m me cool mountain y PreKott AZ u rirrJ itaft for the 2002 season. May horseoacli rioino, atersnrxj. 28 Program ofiers more. Competiti camping, fisfung.. crafts, sports, end Jan. 23. For WiM be on campus iteriewing salary or email us at mfotriend-lypmescoappmlo, can 928445-212Download an application at our website! SLUeMCR M ANTED. J8 WANTED SERVICES. Work with people with TURN COMMUNITY developmental disabilities. Flexible shifts available. Training 2602 is provided. Apply at 850 So. Mam. SaOOXRI western Research is looking tor partfull time Good interviewers. telephone telephone communication skills. No sales! Flexible scheduling. SERVICES (6279) W BEA PART Of MCDONALDS OLYMPIC GAMES Crew! kmside actual Olympic Village and Mp Press Center servmg athletes, coaches. t media Compensation: $7.50Vhr ml end of assignment bonus equal to .5hr worked. Plus exciting incentives tie. win event tickets, Olympic pms, & more!) Stop by our booth n the student Union on 111. 117, 118 118 or contact Keesha Boyd WANT BEAUTIFUL SKIN? Call Mary Kay is not kjst for home back. i COME Work Mocks from U Washerdryer, dishwasher, cable, ac, covered parking, pool, hot tub. and great view. $300month plus 12 utilities. Call or leave message for Scott: 117 money preparng ARE Y0U COfeCEfiNED ABOUT CHILDREN'S ISSUES? We are look rig for volunteers to help collect data tor a website. contact Jacketta: Please Casey 131 caseyiacketta ahoo.com Non smoker, tolerant, easy-goin- g female wanted for smaller basement bedroom, unfurnished. 2 M, 1 F, I toddler. WD, iDSL, Pets negotiable. $300 13 utilities. 115 484 6392. FEMALE ROOMMATE 15TH S1STH AREA. Someone quiet, clean, but laid back. Available February 1st. 474- . 115 9620 or 12 BEDROOMS. Satellite cable, ISP hookups. $250$180 utilities included. $200 deposit. 116 Justin. Kirk. NT FEMALE-WAEDOHARE GREAT HOME near Milkreek Canyon. Private room and bath. Quick access. 116 $400 13 electric. Deposit. ROOMMATE WANTED. 4 blocks from campus, near TRAX. Condo is lu!ly furnished. Private bedroom and bath. $450mo. 12 utilities. Call Aaron ROOMMATE Ej08ENC i J HOUSE 53 PAST FREE TICKETS TO KJNGS8URY HALL? Become a KH volunteer today1 Kingsbury Halt is looking for interested stuand dents faculty to fom its Student Council Student Council members assist m marketing and student relations efforts. Being a volunteer requires only a lew hours a week and is a great way tor students to get mvolved Plus, Student Council members are odered free tickets 10 some Kingsbury Hall productions For more m(ormation contact Josh at 1556 1 STUDENTS NEEDEDtl Come jom the FUN LOVING volunteer staff at Camp Kobe 2002' Camp Mode is a camp tor children with cancer and the siblings, he'd m beautiful Settlement Canyon at Camp Wapiti Volunteers stay at camp durmg ther chosen session and serve as Cabin Counselors. Activity Directors (Nature Studies, Music, Arts iCralts. Field Games. Drama. Archery, Mountain Bmg. Poetry Journals), Kitchen Staff. Medical Stall, and Lifeguards. Our three camp sessions are: June 8 14 (kid's week), June (day camp) For more information (teen week), and June or to request an application, please contact Jill at the 131 American Cancer Societyat 48 3500. WANTED. Walk to U. Nice neighborhood, backyard. Spacrous living room. Laundry. U All roommates. $245mo Only 116 5650206. please leave message MALE OR FEMALE ROOMMATE WANTED: to share with 2 U own Now male working Private large room, your grads. bathroom, laundry, large yard, big house Dogs okay. East Sugarhouse 5 mm to U. $400month 14 utilities. Need 1IS to fill ASAP. Call 487-431FEMALE ROOMMATE WANTED to share" 2 bdrm apt In Liberty Park Area, bus stop across street. $265mo 111 l2utils, $150 dep363-390INDIVIDUAL TO SHARE HOME NEAR U OF U. Private bedroom, bathroom, living room. Shared kitchen t entry. No pets, no cigarettes. $450month includes utilities; 114 block from TRAX 595-086$150 deposit WE NEED A M OR ROOMM ATtT Room for rent in a 4 bedroom house ml 3 female students 2 kitchens, 2 bath, washer & dryer, 3 blocks from U! $330month utilities . 121 included' Please call Maren at JAPANESE MALE ROOMMATE WANTED to share apart ment 2 bedroom n Medical Plaza on campus immediateCall $295 ly everything. including S83-I83114 SHARE WITH WANT ROOMMATES TO DE GREE VOLUNTEER OPPS ROOMMATE FEMALE marsywmeolcom ENGLISH i t thesis Documents. Ad students welcome Ask lor or ce Lynn TYPING Of ALL DOCUMENTS 13 years experience. Email i. lax avail Quality printer Also editing $12hr V preetiefc enetworidcom 582 2650 REAL ESTATE MALE 583-132- reports BEAUTIFUL STUCCO AND BRICK HOME (PUD) m Hoiiaday. tor sale by owner; built m 20O0. open and bright, shutters, granite kitchen, sound system, many upgrades, 1630 ft mam. 1600 ft down 4 bdrm3 bath 1912 E Innsbruck ay (6100 So ) 585 3272; $328,000 see on web at www utahvtourcom 53 U Of U STUDENTS. FOR MORTGAGE DISCOUNTS Alumni, and Employees Call Joel Nelson, Mtdtowne ext 223 53 Mortgage 265-113CON DO FOR $78,900. Make your New Year Resolution come true' Own instead ol rent 2 bedroom condo on all will Seller Center Street pay closing costs Call tor details Sharon at Prudential 1st 121 Choice. 510 1666 Zero down with FREE MORTGAGE 100 Imancing available No credit, bad credit. I can 115 finance you Call Josh 699 4287. NEWI LIKE BEAUTIFUL 1997 COUNTRY COTTAGE Brick Condominium. Upgrades galore! Stucco, 2 bedroomsfull baths, new carpet, vaulted ceilings, oversized tub. high duality ceramic tiled floors and countertops, huge refrigerator, washer dryer, wood Close to Tracks and all treeways $115,500 Day blinds Break Condos 1370 W 6690 S 204A. Email lor spec sheet and picture cary;ab4hotmail com or appt call Steve 265jl450 228 aO'li'txrc-fritCjjS-- black with brown Call $150 papers. 131 have 0. 12. Ecel AutoCad Graphics: 30 years of unrversity eper?nce FREE pKkup and dekv53 ery Catotyn. KkH 39 YEARS EXPtRlENCX Resumes, cover letters, thelai capabilses, dissertations, reports, etc. Transcription Marsha ities laminating Veicobmdmg PERSONAL 3 speed a power root, CO. 131 rurtlmt conOiiion, SV9f-0- . 244 9161 AbLANTE. 2 DOOR CONVERTABUE ml hardtop Ware All eitras. base aMcirdMe, open air touring Cadillac stieo weilkefjt t? VX) Kaymond B0I) 971 2U1 lll "92 ACURA INTE&RA, black. 2 door. At air. I.4K mi. lIS lw,n t, runs nreat' $3700 Obo 3SS 0439 2000 NISSAN X TERRA, superb condition Loaded, automatic, special leather packecje S20.bOO Kate. 801 374 93 FOUND NOTICE & A rqv i' tor V3 LOST: SONY VIDEO CAMCORDER m gray shoulder bag in Trax. December reward 20 $150 piease contact Fuki at 116 ADOPTION irtrt wnoie-sa- appoenment CLASSIFIEDS cessed, types, proofread, transcribed (cassette tapes), e mailed taxed. laser scanned printed. Theses, dis serta! cms. resumes, papers, manuscrpts. rvstorxes applications. mauK) fcsty medical, MLA. UC Presv legal Format v APA. Turetan. Campbell, orrJ. Others Others Programs: WordPerfect. Mcrosoft 7 P!CtSl RCTAJL fXAMONDS: PAf DOtT Large selection of dtamonds. Dru sets. Cverytfwiq CM Diamond. Mountain Rocky edited, word pro- COMPOSED, PROftSSlOKAUY WORDS JEWELRY ! j Student Haircut and Shampoo : 9 Mon-Fr- i Sat -8 9-- 6 No appointment necessary! $6 95 Includes Shampoo, Conditioning Rinse and Haircut UlUI fIUI I - r$24. 95: 1 Comoare to $39.95 Compare to $11.95 ImuSStiC Sams' with Student ID Vkntsstic Samsr Good only at the I'niverMty talon CHM KpirM wiih student id( Good only at the I'niversity talon I ExpirwMl-- ! CHNlj |