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Show THE DAILY UTAH CHRONICLE 2002 16 TUESDAY, JANUARY 8. WORDS PROFTSSOKALLY COMPOSED, REAL ESTATE FOR RENT b!h 1 eitrcse pool. 5immcng v.iiB' ptayqround Avuoi rent f4 S92Vmo 12 No1 tlubouse. eiercise room. S MONTH clubhouse, room, 644 no 3 BEDROOM. 2 BEAUTIFUL fof Ci Buy $4S0mo. Great 2 conoo about IS m.nutH 4y. $600mo. RENT bedroom. 1477. 1M yer, pool, from the IS minutes U. an Apt hiil. Close to On Cap.tol evefything including TSAxx tor i hoo! commuters r.er paid A muit e nardwood floors. A aim, at Adam V90 or Contact $S.80mo. 127 18! 7041 SiOOOMO 2'63 S plhnjton tatn fanny room. Fenced backyard. '830 El car garagp, Vvase' Of r Dun Fiiepiace 12 miles l o.n U. ( lose to OuS hrwv Suitable tor 2 BEDROOM HOUSE 1 firmly No SUPER CLEAN 243 m Pets okay. Tra block trun, 77 S. 600 immediately. I 19 rmg APARTMENT BEDROOM 1 Victorian duplei tS7Srno 9'j99 lea Vjci H'i'.',nMf E. '.ess Call l;6 Sprmq Semeter 1'002. Double deluie. single room Dorm room $7?4, Meal plan $664 (negotiable). Call Lindsay com or email linj'yl'--pwla19 SALE. TOR DORM CONTRACT 1 BATH Basement Apt Close to ho smokingpets. Laundry available. Call 467 7699 or page Tiacy $500mo. 1 BEDROOM, campus, 4807605 19 .. MANSION- - 851 E. 3rd Avenue (6 AVENUES CLASSIC Units) HI: 3 Bedroom 2 Bath. Spiral Stairs. $795mo. 15. 1 Bedroom, 1 Bath, Private Porch, $49Smo. 435 655 33r.O 19 2 rent Reasonable TO CLOSE BEDROOM smokers. For more Info: 2 BEDROOM Cats OK. No Includes utilities. 832 9588. ; LIGHT 111 BASEMENT AIRY & w shower and Kitchen, bath spacious living area. Common ares washing facilities. Soma furniture, no beds. Cable TV. Would like 18mo. lease. Stable persons, no smoking or pets. $700mo. Includes all utilities except APARTMENT. telephone. . Cal582-9800- 110 2 BEDROOM CONVENIENT COZY, APT. Laundry, carport. Storage, blinds. $580mo Includes heat & hot water. No smokingpets. 675 5th Ave. 19 5830403 orJI97 8230. LARGE 2 BRM APT. Walk to U. Next to TRAX LINE. $600mo, 350 Deposit. 415 S. University St. 19 APARTMENTS- - FREE GAS, LOW RENT. WOODSIDE 4045 So. Large 1 $S50up. 863 E. 200 So. 2 No pets. 1726 E. BD. $460up; 2 BD: $S50up; 110 BD: close to U of U. 272-47T- 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT, S500M0. Immaculate, in 4 plex. like-necarpets, fridge, range, disposal, covered carport. Hookups. 1720 So. 800 E. Mel, 583-390110 SPACIOUS 2 bedroom, AVENUES excellent 3 APT. MOTHER-IN-LA- bath. Large modern kitchen, living area, master bedroom. $850month includes utilities. Very private. Close to LDS hospital, downtown and the U. Available Feb 1. Call: Debra 111 924 8790 or 532-571- Secure condition. "5 city views decks, So. 1100 Buy this 2 coroo Sugurhouse yourself some Josh 699 4287 P'ice eouity. 4 bath, hot tjb, 3 cou.t. $1P9.900 Josh MORTGAGE mother-in-law- living room w apartment: large fireplace, storage, near $695month, utilitiesncludcd. Call Foothill. U, 111 486-860- EAST BLNCH HOUSE FOR RENT. 2 bedroom, bath, wasnertlryer, appliances, .22 acre, pets allowed. Sl.lOOmonth. Call James at 474-365or 1 9718275. 2 111 BEDROOM, 2 $97Smonth. petssmokers. Call BATH Millcreek Bungalow. 243 0787. Julie (801) No FURNITURE PRICES. Futons with WAREHOUSE Set $109; Serta Full Mattress $199; Sofa $179; Oueen MattressBoxspring $249. You choose the color. Wood Bunkbeds $178; Twin Mattress Boxsprmg starting j Tel: . 6570 S. 400 W.. 427 Murray INSURANCE MATERNITY COVERACEII The best coverage in Utah! Call to schedule a no obligation appointment. We promise we can help. Timothy Morin Croup interested Sales Come join the volunteer staff at Camp Hobe 2002! Camp Hobe Is a camp tor children with cancer and their siblings, held In TWO MALES THIRD SEEK Walk ROOMMATE utilities. U. camp sessions are: June 4 (kid's week), June 1 (teen week), and June 0 (day camp). For more Information or to request an application, please contact Jill 131 at the American Cancer Society at 483-150- WANTED 19 to share large Utils Included. $290mo, $200 to WALK TO U, Next TRAX LINE, Male 3 brm apt. All Deposit. 415 S. University St. WALK TO U, Next to 19 TRAX LINE, Female to share communication to share with 2 male U grads. Now working. Private large room, your own bathroom, laundry, large yard, big house. Dogs okay. East Sugarhouse. 5 min to U. 14 utilities. Need to till ASAP. Call $400month . $265mo WANTED to share 2 bdrm apt Park Area, bus stop across street. 111 l2utils, $150 dep. 363-390TO SHARE NEAR HOME U i 4 bedroom house w 3 female students. 2 kitchens, 2 bath, washer & dryer, 3 blocks from U! es. S330month utilities included! Please call Maren at PAY STORE COSTUME JEWELERY 114 SERVICES 533 8989 PROFESSIONAL The Kirby Shop, ttl 554-959- 39 YEARS 53 CAREER!! Mail orderInternet. $2000-$750- to me about how safe drivers can save. PRICESIII (it liU JQHM THOfiAS 231 SO. 1300 East 20. $150 reward. Please 19 Take a Dept. of Parks, Recreation, and CAMPUS: Tourism outdoor adventure class! One evening class on campus; the rest of the course in beautiful wilderness. See "PRT" in the Schedule of Classes, then enroll in our Natural Resources Learning (NRL) classes that Include skiiing. snowboardlng, avalanche study, campingcooking, fly fishing, nature photography, hiking, backpacking, rock and sailing. canoeing, kayaking, climbing, 19 Questions? John 535.00 STUDENT APT. Utll Paid, No Pets, Non Smokers. 1J4 n'fiJ t THE would be considered. Ph.Ds should send response to David Myszka, Protein Interaction Facility. 30 N. 1900 E. 4A417 SOM, Salt Lake other biophysical equipment PLACEMENTS, City, UT 84132. private working with children would find this a rewarding position. Great working environment supportive faculty. Substitutes also needed. Please call 355-155- 5 111 to arrange an interview. INDEPENDENT building TEAM new OF NETWORK MARKETERS Call markets. Shawn 111 LOOKING FOR A GREAT SUMMER JOS? Want to lot of money? Want to get away from campus? We are looking for alarm Installers with their own car, no experience is needed. Call Katie tc 111 schedule an Interview TUTORS NEEDED for the Salt Lake City School make SUPERVISORS and Free Boooklet. Call Toll NEEDS 19 304-394- OPEN experience as a private chef. We expect to provide above average salary, normal hours (no late nKihts), and will include 3 weeks of paid vacation. Send resume by to chefsearchhotmall.com 110 Free (877) POSITION immediately in downtown Montessori early childhood Monday through Friday. Enthusiastic, bright, responsible applicants who have previous rary or seasonal position. We are looking for a long-tere commitment from someone with professional training. Prefer someone with experience CO. 1Q ASSISTANT TEACHER chef to prepare healthy, better than restaurant qualwith some help on prep-wor- k ity meals Sunday-Thursda- y for lunch and other meals. This is not a tempo- INTERNATIONAL INTERACTION BIOMOLECULAR FOR is recruiting a Research Scientist with a solid bacVground In molecular interactions and kinetics analysis. Experience in handling optical biosensors and 129 Assistants. CENTER ANALYSIS enjoy working with people, but also need flexible hours. Downtown office. Call Melissa at District Tutor School grades Held Monday-Thursda- y after 2pm; 2 to 10 hours per week (depending on site). $8 per hour. Applications for our 96 Chevy Express to Boston, Massachusetts. Late available at the Community Education Office, 440 East 100 South Room 211. For more Information call ALOHA)! LOOKING FOR AMBITIOUS INDIVIDUALS who NEEDED Van health insurance, ' 111 578-827- Call required. 110 PRESENTER- - PART TIME. people needed to present tun science activities for elementary aged children at schools & parties. Need car, tun personality, be responsible, leadership, experience wkids a plus, high school science, fc available afternoons at least 3-- 4 SHIFT1 SWING Warehouse BRIDAL BOUTIQUE $10-15- 116 workers BlALOJEARANCE SALE JANUARY 10am-8p- miteblt 1 WRHETO. WW- t:i MtlU Utll M y ll i come to any class 1 (4B81J-21B- 3 S. MWlmA (1040 www.bikramyoyasic.com 2, 2002 m WEDDING GOWNS - 1 ! 9-1- E.) DISCOUNTED 10-9- 0 OFF GOWNS AS LOW AS S25.00 BRIDESMAIDS, FORMALS, MOTHER OF THE BRIDE, SHOES, VEILS, SLIPS,AND GLOVES ALSO ON SALE. 6775 South 900 East Salt Lake City, Utah 84047 (801) 566-110- 0 FAX: (801) 561-27- Puinanists of Uta "The Roots of Economic Inequality" will be discussed by representatives of UPNet, George Neckel and Heather Tritten, Thursday night, January I Oth. at the First Unitarian Church, 569 South 1300 East at 7:30 pm. You are invited to be a guest of Humanists of Utah for this presentation. For more information or visit the Humanist web site at contact Florien Wineriter, www.HumanistsOfUtah.org 273-714- 4 (j2 block off campus) int. Financial Consulting & Sales $2,500 Month Average - Tn fpod rturtcMu www.ttlstate.eani c 1909 Allstate Insurance Company. NrKthbrtmk, tUmoit. Subftct to local availability and qualification!. Othar term, conctniers and Mt lu wont may apply. in gray shoulder SPRING HASSLES ON f Vfcute In at 50 PERSONAL ""ft study preferred. Call SCRiPTURES looking for 2 sales reps in returned Salt Lane area. Persons w saies experience missionaries very successful. SlOhr. Call Brian 118 8C8727a flexible hours per 0 or at 0 18 Free Info. insurance rates. LOST & FOUND NOTICE AVOID HOME down your oft original retail prices. FREE SHIPPING on all orders of $15 or more Visit www.Jewelrylots.com 19 U. STUDENTSI JOBS IN KOREA. Drive Resumes, cover letters, theses, dissertations, reports, etc Transcription & tax capabilities. Velcobinding & laminating. Marsha EXPERIENCE. marsywinCi'aol.com ENGLISH 19 TYPING AfcW OF TEACHING PTFT. CARPET CLEANING. Free quotes. Call PROCTOR PRIVATE CHEF. SLC. Utah family looking for Housing and air fare provided. Go to our website for online application: www.eslkorea.info 110102 WHY NOT? New lamps. 677 So. 7th East. S3 avjsit 128 to 75 bag in Trax. December contact Fuki at 127 Apply now!! Are you a college graduate, BA or BS, looking for fun exciting experience In Korea? We are looking for English Teachers. No experience needed. 583-183- IN located in the Salt Lake area. Please call Mary week. Work study Medical Plaza on campus immediately. $295 including everything. Call NEEDED TRACKER en 'l5:oi!ly0 and ask for Also check us out on Talk RETAIL LOST: SONY VIDEO CAMCORDER 2 afternoons and e LIVING horseback riding, waterskiing, climbing, fishing, crafts, sports, and more. Competitive salary. Will be on campus interviewing Jan. 23. For appinfo, call 528445-212at or us email into? fnendlypines.com Download an application at 123 our website1 www.friendlypines.com We LOTS Large selection of diamonds, bridal sets. Everything wholesale! Rocky Mountain Diamond. Call for 53 appointment 272 6048 DEPARTMENT or 364-889- Part-tim- Work Saturday mornings. TEENS in DIVERSE CULTURALLY Upward Bound Program. AND ADVENTURE are individuals to demand. ROOMMATE WANTED TO SHARE APT. 2 bedroom in 19 DON'T Call details about our openings. the web at www.cfdebt.com 121 364-263- Is now Starting wage, $11.00 per hour with regular increas- JEWELRY DIAMONDS: 53 MANAGEMENT 111 TUTORS FOR STAFF WANTED. Friendly Pines Camp, in the cool mountains ot Prescott. AZ, is hiring statt for the 28. Program offers 2002 season, May fill additional part-tim- e shifts. Help our potential clients recover from current and past credit issues. Room for rent in a COUNSELORS needed to pull orders for plumbing distribution center. Pay up to SlOhr DOE. Health, vision, dental 401K. Great environment. Fax resume to 801.474.9174. Please specify shift. 110 West High School. Must be expanding to meet Increased looking for assertive business-minde- d 114 WE NEED A M OR F ROOMMATEI CAMP tutorstrackers to work at Call ext. 317. CONSUMERSFIRST DEBT bathroom, living room. Shared kitchen entry. No pets, no cigarettes. $450month includes utilities; $150 deposit. 1 block from TRAX. bedroom, 322-123- appointment. 58V718 9. days a week. Complete training provided. call Mad Science 292-864- 578-850- Private apphci-ton- s out application at Columbus Community Center, S. West Temple. 53 UVSC is accepting applications tor TUTORTRACKER, willing to commit until end of school year. $7.72hour. OF U. The Boardwalk 898 9632. or 3495 FEMALE ROOMMATE INDIVIDUAL Call fill 115 In Liberty with disabilities. $8.37hr to start. fax resume to Office Manager 262-206- 262-155- 2002 Olympics Outgoing 53 GREAT JOB FOR STUDENTS, Flexible hours. Work with people S9-S- Housekeeping, janitorial, and hotel front desk Shift and dates vary. positions are available. Apply in person at 420 East South for an Temple 8470, or call (801) 220W6. SUMMER hourly. VlO TO THE OLYMPIC SPIRIT? 264-808- WANT TO CONTRIBUTE 300 South Downtown Sait Lake or call 14 West high energy, eager to (earn. Pay saei Can tor the following positions: Cashier. Food Prep, $7 00 per hour Persons, Runners. Bouns Meals. Apply in person at New York Burrito (801) 883-066CHILDREN'S SCIENCE No sales! Flexible scheduling. skills. 1. 359-369- 7 HELP NEEDEO for the New York Burrito is now accepting (Feb January, early February. References, ' record and driving good Western Research is looking for partfull telephone Interviewers. Good telephone Excellent potential for growth, temp to hire. Cailing smalt to medium businesses. Business to business 1ZH DRIVER $aOOHR! WANTED: Call Chr s REPRESENTATIVE. RELATIONS CLIENT Vn 4 trainable exp and pad attitudes. Locking for 3-individuals for a high level in my company. Good a month image and pos tive attitude a must. resume. more than Attitude important possible. Conversion 42602 1H 524-099- I'm going crazy training people with lots of CRAZY. developmental disabilities. Flexible shifts available. Training is provided. Apply at 850 So. Main. time h 322:4331 tor an audition. TURN COMMUNITY SERVICES, Work with people with 359-887- large 3 brm apt. All Utils Included. $290mo. $200 19 Deposit. 415 S. University St. MALE OR FEMALE ROOMMATE at Camp Wapiti. (Nature Studies, Music, Arts & Crafts. Field Games, Drama, Archery, Mountain Biking, Poetry & Journals), Kitchen Staff, Medical Staff, and Lifeguards. Our three to share 532-181- Canyon Volunteers stay at camp during their chosen session and serve as Cabin Counselors, Activity Directors historic house near Memory Grove (between Capitol and Avenues). Short walk to downtown and Trax, near City Creek Canyon, large yard, hot tub, washerdryer, cable modem, no bed needed. $433mo Settlement beautiful to XEEDEDII FUN LOVING STUDENTS Nice neighborhood, backyard. Spacious living room. All U roommates. Only $245mo. Laundry. 565-02019 please leave message. WANTED. ROOMMATE Josh at 111 ROOMMATES MALE join its Student Hali productions. For more information contact $83,000. price: students and faculty to Council Student Council members assist in marketing and student relations efforts. Being a volunteer requires only a few hours a week and is a great, way for students to get Involved. Plus, Student Council members are offered free tickets to some Kingsbury 19 $299. Actionwood Sleep Center, with m.ittrcsses-onl- a KH volunteer today! Kingsbury Hall is looking for bedroom condo In a historic building in a prime SL location? Marble bathroom, terra cotta tiles In kitchen, walk-icloset, corner unit, high ceilings, approved. 11 706-478- VOLUNTEER OPPS 1 FHA 127 582-265- WANT FREE TICKETS TO KINGSBURY HALL? Become secure. WNY RENT IF YOU CAN OWN a beautiful, or cell: 569-318- FOR U OF U STUDENTS, closing costs Call for details. Sharon at Prudential U21 1st Cho.re. 510 J666 STA-TA- mattress starting for Lynn: $78,900. 114 Very clean! ball Make your New Year Resolution con e true1 Own Instead of rent - 2 bedroom condo on Center Street Seller will pay all FOR mail L fat avail. Quality printer. Also edit- ENGLISH DEGREE WITH PAST EXPERIENCE preparing & thesis documents. All students welcome. Ask Alumni, arid Employees. Call Joel Nelson, Midtowne t 223 53 Mortgage 265 1133 CONDO years legal reports 19 595-086- BASEMENT B , E DOCUMENTS. ALL $;2hr preeciek' networld com ing Lake bench. . DISCOUNTS 1 ROOMY 2 BEDROOM neqot.abie1 Sat OF experience 19 WILL CARRYI Norm OWNER TYPING 127 268-637- 13 GREAT PT JCBSi Large plumbing, ostribution center needs hardworking, intelligent warehouse workers. First shift; 7amTiam. Second shift 11 am-pm. pay up to $9hr DCS. Fax resume to 110 801 474 9174. Please specify shit. Complete TEMPORARY BUSINESS, RESUMES, papers, Reasonable professional fast Brenda i no down payment, w computer, laser proposals, spreadsheets, mailings, pkkupoelivery APA. Diversified. Excellent grammar. FAX bath 1 5 tev, E. $149,000, bed'oom. 2fc?25. TRANSCRIPTION, 19 STOP PAYING RENTl and Pkjp printer, also I8M typing. Can check spelling, grammer. 467-273references (APA, Turabian). Mrs 53 bu.iJ'ncjpa'king 941 030? S0i Carolyn. 2 BORM. 2 BATH Remodeled, PLACE. yea-- of university experience. FREE s WORD PROCESSING. 19 ARLINGTON personalfamily histories, applications, mailing lists, medical, legal Formats: A PA. Turabn. Campbell, MLA. UC Press, Others. Programs: WordPerfect, Microsoft Word, Others. Graphics: AutoCad 12, Excel 70. 30 to freeways and Pool, Clubhouse, security Contact Joseph Compaq I CAN YOU DANCE, SfNC, ACT, OR DO MAGIC TRlCKS? Mus DJ Service is hiring entertainers. Call BATH, Close SB ROUTE. BUS ON U. 1 $65,000. system, covered 6-- ' Viae. on Quaint SUBLEASE 53 ut ahvl our c om downtown, 111 1477 Apartirentu Covey m C0NDO- - 2 BEDROOM BATH TOWNHOUSE (SiirierDi w f'otic national great with people? positive, exploding in tne Salt Lane area. Training guaaeed1 Cal this wee. tps). Holiaoay. tor sale by owner, budt in 2000, epen and bright, shutters, granite kitchen, sound system, many upgrades; 1630 ft. mam. 1600 ft. down; 4 1912 E. Innsbruck Way bdrm3 tath $326,000 (6.00 So) 585 3272, see on web at HIANTE3. Are you typed, proofread, transcribed (cassette scanned, laser printed, taxed, ema.ied. Theses, dissertation, resumes, papers, manuscripts, processed, n HOME (PuO) AND BRiCK STUCCO BEAUTIFUL edited, word 20 hours per week, evening hours - Transportation needed Must be professional and have good communication skills Training provided, valuable business experience Possible internship credit available Mi 1 if 'i ! Woodland Prescott 13997 South Minuteman DriveDraper Utah 984-00S- 0 r. POOR |