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Show female roorrmate anted to share basement apt. $200morith. 627 Bedm.. kitchen, t v., living room 467-433AREA. SOCABMQUSE THE SUMMER UTAH CHRONICLE JUNE 27. 2001 12 WEDNESDAY. Singi ee the first in your area to market exckivvc service targeted to college students. Flexible hours, outrageous paychecks! SlOOQweek AGENTS NEEDED NOW COME WRITE FOR THE CENTURY! A THE CCNTURY, WANTED WRITERS OF LDSSA The Ctntury is now PUBLICATION accepting eppiications tor writers m the Principle. wonderful Cpinton, ar.d Feature sections. This Is opportunity to get involved and make your voice heard! FOR email an receive application. please eartury rriruhuta3.corn or go to the Institute 725 front desk. To SERVICES WHY STA-TA- 533 BV89 S3 NOT? New cjttipv 677 So. 7th East visit 2ft WEDDtNC INVITATIONS. All styiev Top qaairty. As lor U ol O student discount. Call Christy 446 9202. 725 WANTED 42602 359 8876. BUSINESS. RESUMES, WORDS PROFESSIONALLY COMPOSEO, edited, word processed, typed, proofread, transcribed (cassette tapes), scanned, laser printed, faned, e mailed. .Theses, dissertations, resumes, papers, manuscripts. perscnlfnily histories, applications, mailing lists, medical, legal formats: APA, Turabian. Campbell. MLA. Microsoft UC Press, Others Programs: WordPerfect, Word. Others. Graphics: AutoCad 12, Excel 7.0. 30 years of university eperience FREE pickup and 725 delivery Carolyn. 277 6725 AiW 39 YEARS EXPERIENCE. Resumes, cover letters, theses, dissertations, reports, etc. Transcription k tat capabilities Veicobinding & laminating. Marsha 725 583 1323. marsywir.ifaol.com VOLUNTEER OPPS WANTED: VOLUNTEERS TO WORK AS ACV:S0RS with Salt Lake Peer Court (a youthteen court program). Work in a suppurative capacity as high school students conduct a collaborative process. Call the Peer 725 Court Office at 322 1815. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED TO TEACH various workshops on Saturdays from pm at the Salt Lake City Homeless Shelter. Classes begin In June and end In if early August. Contact Patricio Fredes at 587-275you are interested in teaching a class on kids' topics such as soccer, ecology, painting, or even cooking. Tor 711 more information, emsil pfredesi'hotmail.com THE SALT LAKE CITY Western Research is looking for partfull time telephone interviewer. Good telephone communication skills. No sales! Flexible scheduling. 128 359 3697x1. NEED ADDITIONAL INCOME? 888 821:0972 www.wfh- tnz.com 7Z5 ALPINE SKJ COACH Row mark Ski Academy (part of Responsibilities will be to coach our B Team athletes and will require about 45 days (Fridays through Sundays primarily) late November into ApriL Strong alpine ski racing andor coaching background required. For more into, call Dave Hall at (601) 725 WE NEED DC&LERSI SlOhour. Black Jack. Roulette. Craps, etc. The most interesting job you'll have in school Willing to train the right people. Good math skills a must Apply in person. 4771 So. State St. Tues- 627 Sat, 12 8pm. JASMINE CHINA BISTRO WRING Servers. Runners. Hostesses, and Bartenders. Ask for Jean 278-668Road. 4810 So. 627 $T1.00-$l2.5PER HOUR. Work 6 blocks away from the U! PT shifts available during the hours of . We will work around your school schedule. Earn Business Experience in a growing financial company. Help our potential clients recover from financial hardships. Professional Student Atmosphere. Students Stay with us! Or call 364-839press "0" and 725 askforCoby. LOAN COORDINATOR ASSISTANTS for Utah Financial. Fax resumes and Part time $10hour. to 424 9100. 627 S&.OOHRi papers, proposals, spreadsheets, mailings. pickupdelivery fAX Email. APA Diversified. Encellent grammar. 725 Reasonable, professional, fast Sue 268 6375L WORD PROCESSING, IBM compatible computer, laser printer, also IBM typing Can check spelling, grammar, references (APA, Toiabian) Mrs. Nelley. 467 2738 725 TRANSCRIPTION. POLICE DEPARTMENT Contact 725 shyorkmission.com TRANSITION HOME SUPPORT STAFF. Call staff needed to work with youth in residential facility. Fax resume to Attn: Elaine (801) to elainedahlyahoo.com or 364-074- 718 Volunteers of America, Utah is an EOE. TUTORS WANTED FOR ALL SUBJECTS, Kindergarten through College. Math, reading, sciences, languages. Send resume to Home Tutoring, 128 Coatsville Ave, SLC UT 64115. 725 IS HiRIHG LSAT INSTRUCTORS. TESTKASTERS $30hr. Minimum 99th percentile on actual LSAT 627 required. ELEMENTARY EXTENDED DAY COORDINATORS Primary responsibilities Include: Organization and Implementation of all extended day activities in response to school and community needs; Supervision Some formal of staff and school site. Qualifications: or education In early childhood development elementary education and related job experience. 20-2Part-timhours per week, after hourly position. school hours. $12 $17 per hour depending on experience. Please submit a resume and two references. Fotittocr. open until filled. Submit your resume with two references to: Salt Lake Community Education, Salt Lake City School District, 440 East 100 South. Room 211; SLC, UT 84111. For more Information 718 call HELPJ NEED TUTORING! Visual Basic Java Script. combination. $20 to UttraDev. Access. ASP..any or times per week in four hour blocks. $50 per hour. 718 Bart 244-744- 7n $7.65-12.2- I need tutor ing! Visual Basic Java Script UltraDev. Access. ASP any or combination. $20 to $50 per hour. 3 times per week in four hour blocks. HELP. Bart Invite public to light UTAH WORLD FEDERALISTS. supper followed by discussion "U.S. should rejoin UN Scientific, and Cultural Organization Educational, Frioay. June 29. 6:30 pjn. in Elk Hall, 1st Unitarian Chruch. 569 South 1300 East. PSVP for food (UNESCO)" Seeks reliable early evening helpers. Good hours. Great pay. ATTORNEY morniriqit Some 725 iminqjrrvdeaseSixCall months experience sup533-115- COMPUTER TECHNICIAN. porting computers and applications in a networked environment, a commitment to provide exceiient customer service, the ability to write end speak in English, and a familiarity with DOS, Windows and Macintosh work stations in a networked enviionment required. Answer trouble calls for computer support, trouble shoot, resolve computer problems, document resolution ad methods. Setup and configure user workstation. Maintain connections to the building network. Maintain and upgrade hardware and software. Maintain computer Inventory records. 19 hoursweek; flexible hours between, M-- 7 am. to 6:00 pm. To apply, submit an application or resume to the KUED reception desk, 101 Wasatch Drive, Salt Lake City, Utah 6411 2. Applications can be accessed on www med.utah.eduhr. 627 The Daily Utah Chronicle is hiring graphic designers and typesetters. Applicants must have knowledge of quark, adobe illustrator or photoshop. Union 240. Apply Ask for Dave Experience 627 484 5540. STCP1 UPS HAS THE PERFECT PT JOB for your loadersunloaders S full time lite. Now hiring for pt $8.50hr, great benefits and $20G0yr tuition reimbursement (select shifts). EOE. For more info 973-377or email Clarke at contact UPS jcbline 725 slc3cqmsups.com IMMEDIATE OPENING: WORK STUDY STUOENT FOR THE U OF U DEVELOPMENT OFFICE. $9.00 per hour. Must be a good typist and have a basic knowledge of WordPerfect. Hours flexible. Contact Eleanor at 711 email: eleanorij'dev.admin.utah.edu 585-349- JOB. hours weekly. Near campus. Need basic computer and good communication skills. Salary negotiable. Call 359-111for details. 620 FLEXIBLE PART-TIM- E r LATE East Bench FocthiH Viliajf. 1414 South Foothill Slvd 2300 East 2065 South frsro Albeteor') (Next to Starbucks) (Acros 486-73- Haircut & U Blowdry offers. Limit One coupon per customer. Get at Poor Student? ! '7ft'ecintf ? Foothill village and East Bench Locations Expires (Want white teeth?) 2 fori (good until Bleaching $250" (Bring a friend) TIME&MONEY 01 i ll in l ru r com (cell) 1, ehrLu(5?cc-ut.or- 3iiit between practice are held onTueadars and Thurulay between 9 -- 1 1am and 6 games are held on Wed. and Fri. at the urx time. Tuftdjy Julr Wc are conducting a research study to evaluate a topical cream for the treatment and prevention of cold sores To qualify you must 18 years or older, in good health, and currently devloping a cold sore, Participants will be compensated for their time If interested please call: Tin? Driven to Distraction? Wc arc conducting a research study examining the effects of cell phone conversations on driving. The National Youth Sport Program, NYSP, it a five week sport and education program for famille). youth (10-1- 6 yrs) from Volunteer are needed to help with bowling, To qualify, you must be 18 years or older, speak nucnt tngiisli. and have a valid drivers license. ultimate fmbee, Softball, dance, weight training, soccer, swimming, and more. Canvotnn-tie- r Participants will be compensated for their time. TTHE Yntartem antl to at Our Koom aoj EJneatiaa Cutter to keif Tie!w aawksti'iim. Cook Vttxx awppirt. ixrX. StUiatiae, Siai Busline & Panama City San Juan Chicago $229 $299 $115 $189 $119 Call Miami Dallas Washington Las Vegas QuitoGuayaquil Guatemala ' 585 - 5820 Vacations . $169 $175 CABO SAN LUCAS $199 MAZATLAN $10 PTQ.VALLAHTA $230 CAN CLIN r $69 San Francisco $99 RUP Laboratories, Inc. believes in investing. We Invest e cutting-edgequipment, research ana developinent, technology and new methodologies. Most importantly, in our employees. This investment pays in strong approval ratings and a positive work culture. fVe offer , Competitive Wages Tuition Reimbursement 401 K and Pension Program Medical and Dental Insurance Call for Hotel customer Flexible Scheduling Employee Exercise Room Promotion from within WpIIiipc PronranK We are currently seek ing a Medical Laboratory TechnicianTechnologist I, as well as other talented lab professionals. To qualify for the Medical lab Technician position, you must be ASCP or NCA certified. The Technologist I position requires a BS in a related field with lb credit hours in Chemistry, 16 hours in Biology and 3 hours in Math. ARUP Laboratories is committed to our responsibility to provide quality medical care to patients through excellence in laboratory testing, service, education and research. Our investment in our employees make this responsibility a reality. to: ARUP Laboratories, ATTN: 801- - Laboratories AR: MB tfjujl 1 Rales heavily in innovative we invest please send your resume with salary requirements, Oppoi tunHy.'Affirrnalive Actor- Employer Air v Whoever au.j . . s . iau. r. $439 $469 $329 $345 $199 Travel Lclswr Mil ofUTAH Chili! Car I Belize $249 $245 $295 $239 $229 BcKa:hjmr vtctorytTMtgtrthilnlinrf University or w.jtrsttoti0hotmail.eHa Honduras $2.15 De Chile S. $225 2 585 - 9874 a few hours a week or more from June 18th on UnmmiJy to Jury iS, U-- 5 pm, Uon-F- ri CcsifKS. Contact- - wendy Strattoa at $87-97- $175 $249 Human Resources, 500 Chipsta Way, Salt Lake City, UT 84108. Tel: 5S4.b21S. hrie)aruplab.com of UTAH lc.ut.u Come help JACS. Joint Aciton in Community Service, in providing Job Corp graduate nuke the trarurtion to independence. Volunteer are required to provide encouragement and 'common ene' idvice on a weekly, for the firtt month, and then monthly bai through conUct be or phone. Relationship generally last one year. Contaet- - Christopher Seti (3o3) 8, CsettiOdoleU gov (3oo) Guadalajara Nicaragua El Salvador LimaPeru Buenos Aires Salt Lake City, UT 84102 (Near "U"!) For consideration, University Contact- - Juani Shaver joni.hver3ci Wom cold $ore$? suffs g Sorenaon Center i looking for 3 soccer coaches to coach boy and girlc Crade in aoccer fundamental, teamwork, aocial interaction and aportumariahip. Coachet attend a meeting on Po aou $1 79 Dr. Jm Eicgent Russets, DOS, MPH 850 L 300 S. 7 (801)363-565- looking help cook icd serve an evening meal to children at the Kidt Cafe. ReguUr volunteers are needed to help run the kitchen, be mentors, and help present activities. Can be a onetime commitment. Contact- - Chrii Anderson 1) S?C MUSTS AM E SKA Mexico City Caracas Sao Pablo Cosia Rica Not vaild with any other Volunteer Opportunities for volunteers to Utih Food Sank it WHEELCHAIR. IN 718 224-744- 6?L 266-887- AND PAINTERS NEEDED. required. Call Kammy, CRAFTSMANHANDYMAN Victim Advocate Program is recruiting volunteersinterns to join our Mobile Response Team. The team will aid victims ol all violent crimes. The Team members will respond and provide crisis intervention, resource information and referral to a Victim Advocate. The training will begin on July 9th and there is a minimum age to volunteer of 19 yeais Anyone that has a passion to help their community to put and end to violent crimes, COME JOIN OUR TEAM. Bilingual and volunteers needed. For more information and an 725 application, pleae contact Karina at 799-347- but somewhat flexible. Pay negotiable. 363-772or Scott at e TURN COMMUNITY SERVICES. Work with people with developmental disabilities. Flexible shifts available. is provided. Apply at 650 So. Main. Training TYPING 725 common. Cat! HASLA ESPAXOL7 Looking for bilingual (SparasnV e in English) office assistant wilkng to work part-tim2 West Salt Lake area. Contact Dersi Devlin at for oeta-ls- . Gracias. 7J8 LAW FIRM MEEDS SOMEONE with strong background in Windows 93 or above. Microsoft Office, Quick Books (reconciling ml bookkeeping experience) for some reception, telephone, running, bookkeeping. RD 9417. DENTAL ASSISTANT (FT) Dental Clinic Job 2 openings available. Job Duties: Assists staff dentists wrtn restorative and surgical procedures; maintains andor operates dental equipment and instruments; and helps tram residents and dental assistart studerrts. Minimum Requirements: Successful completion of a Dental Assistant Course of equivalency; six months of experience as a Dental Assistant is required. Basic Life Support Care Provider card or obtain one within one month of hire; successful completion of the Radiology Safety and Health exam within six months of employment; demonstrated knowledge of chair side assisting techniques; and human relation and effective communication skills is also required. 40 hours per 7J1 week, $7.65-$122hr PTFT mall ATTENDOft Wort from home $20-$7- 5 order, www.bestmoneynow.com. 718 WORK FROM HOME. Mail Order Industry. PTFT S500-$800per month. Call Now. EARN. $5 for participating in a psychology study measuring your memory for objects. Call Natalie at 5581313 or email nsarqent$datlmage.com. 824 DENTAL ASSISTANT (FT) Dental Clinic Job RD 94IZ 2 openings available. Job Duties: Assits staff dentists with restorative and surgical procedures; maintains andor operates dental equipment and Instruments and helps train residents and dental assistant students. Minimum Requirements: Successful completion of a Dentai Assistant course or equivalency; six months of experience as a Dental Assistant is required. Basic Life Support Care Provider card or obtain on within one month of hire; successful completion of the Radiology Safty and Health exam within six months of employment; demonstrated knowledge of chair side assisting techniques; and human relation and effective communication skills is also required. 40 hours per week, .. .. . I |