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Show 8 FRIDAY, APRIL THE DAILY UTAH CHRONICLE 20, 2001 coffee? Does ZZ Top really drive the Honda Minicar? Do any of us really care? WEB SITINGS continued from page 7 o techno-wizardr- way to kill the opening track, "Winning a Battle Losing the War," immediate recollecIrTfcTBtf tions of Simon and Garfunkel Quiet Is the New Loud will undoubtedly float into Convenience of Kings your mind invoked by the AstralwerksSource Stars out of complex yet unpretentious 4 4 g by the duo, the and the soft haro a lyrics poetic inadvertently labeling monies that define the chonew genre of music, the ruses. SSbSS Norwegian duo now Most of the album is solely known as Kings of Convetwo acoustic guitars, the debut nience just released its which I! New Is the easily hold down the album, Quiet their inherent simwith tunes Astralwerks. Loud, on and catchy licks. But plicity Having been grouped with KOC's sound and really reaches such icons as Nick Drake msmcKSI when e musicians such cutting-edgaugmented perfection as Badly Drawn Boy, KOC fits nicely, softly and slightly by the likes of mellow cello dronings "I definingly into what critics are stumbling over Don't Know What I Can Save You From" soft beats themselves to call the new British invasion albeit on standard drums and muted trumpeting like on members of said invasion are hesitant to jump on "Singing Softly to Me." Whether the recent ' music trend should be said critic bandwagon. Quiet Is the New Loud might not be perfect for deemed an invasion or, as BDB wishes to term it, defining everything currently hitting the U.S. shores New Acoustic Music, Quiet 1$ the New Loud is a CD that originated out of Northern Europe, yet it is the with such a solidly beautiful sound that naming a perfect name for this collection of a dozen poignant musie'rnovsment after it seems not just a good idea ' but quite possibly the only appropriate thing to do. songs. Photoshop), (maybe everything from greeting cards to highway signs carry the sinister phrase. Mainstream media outlets from The Boston Globe to the Foxtrot comic strip have all discussed the phenomenon. Do all of your base belong to us? The only way to find out is to visit Here's a great collection of hilarious poems, lists and more diver- JRJTCSSir sions that are technology related. Head "Abort, Retry, Ignore?" a poem on missing computer data that parodies I'oc's "The Raven." This site has Chris Muir's "Dr Seuss. 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Why does Tiger Woods drink Wonda canned From JACOB STRINGER Assistant RED Editor http:www.eff.OrgpubNet.c ultureFoIkloreHumor y http:www.klein-dytham.co- The Sounds of Silence Probably not, but this is a great brain cells while putting off that final project due Monday. that shows into a tcchno-videthe whore phrase "All strange places Your ISase Are Belong to Us" has been pasted by the site's creators. With the help of some YOU GOT IT! RADIO 2001 Chevy Blazer continued from page 7 9 guitar-pickin- $27,197 -- (XiBack $3,500 doing that. I like a show where I'm up and on top of things, playing loud music and hitting the points. I think it's more entertaining, I think people enjoy listening to that more. It reaches a younger crowd than traditional talk normally does." There's a definite disparity between the Jones on the radio and the Jones one talks to in person. In conversation he's undeniably warm and friendly, contrasting sharply with the abrasive voice shouting from the car speakers across the valley. According to Jones, though, the difference isn't really that significant. "I'm the same person on the radio. But at the same time, when your dealing with people in real life, you have a pact; you treat them with politeness. On the radio you're in a different arena an arena where you're supposed to be forceful, you're supposed to be passionate, you're supposed to be definite on things," he insists. And he is certainly passionate on the issues, if not a little extreme at times. He refers to former president Bill Clinton as the "Rapist in Chief;" he makes fun of Planned Parenthood for announcing that birth control has posi- - $1,000 GMGsdCairt T1 CQ7- - Finally got your degree. Getting a real job. Need a new car. Satisfy your driving ambition with the GMGrad Program. 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Not available wrth RASod on MSHP Irtss $3S00 cash b.Kk incentive and $1000 GM College Grad cash off Tax, title, license and optional equipment extra Not avdilnble with other ottfrs " Jones was recently declared by Salt Lake City Weekly to be Utah's best "radio ranter". tive Referring to the IRS, he screams into the mic, "Screw you! I want my mono back!" Where did he pick up these ideas, and where does he get his inspiration and influence? Well, according to Jones, it's not from the obvious sources. "I purposely avoid listening to other talk show hosts. I once read a quote from Rush Limbaugh where he said, 'You will never be happy doing things somebody else's way.' " side-effect- s. The Limbaugh reference brings up an important issue. After all, Salt Lake City Weekly recently declared Jones the "best radio ranter in Utah," comparing him to the nationally syndicated conservative talk show host. "Everybody compares me to Rush. If you're in conservative talk, everybody's going to compare you to Rush. I listened to him for a while back in 1994; I used to watch his television show. So as far as opinions and politics go, he had some influence on me, but there are other people who had more influence." Consider taking filore offerings and more opportunities! RH courses count toward a Gerontology Certificate 15 hours Gerontology aging courses this Looking for Genera! Education Courses? GERON 2050 Aging: Concepts and Controversies (BF) GERON 3001 Experience of Aging (Bl) Looking for Distance Education? (Online & Telecourse) GERON 2050 Aging: Concepts and Controversies (BF) - ONLINE GERON 3050 Aging: Self, Family, and Society - TELECOURSE GERON 50016001 - Intro to Gerontology - ONLINE GERON 50026002 - Services & Programs for Older Adults - ONLINE GERON 53706370 - Health Looking for great GERON 50016001 on-camp- Increase your career skills and prepare for the age ujaue... 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"I've majored in six or seven majors, so ( have a lot of background knowledge," which is beneficial, as "being a talk show host is like a weird game of Trivial Pursuit." And his indecision is over, anyway. "I'm going to be a talk show host I could be a computer programmer. Or I could be a lawyer or I could be an actor, but I love talk radio and everything else is just blah." |