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Show FRIDAY. JANUARY 19, 4 THE DAILY UTAH CHRONICLE 2001 LIBRARIES NIGERIA continued Jrom continued from pje 3 read journals, and i: cn'y takes a few Jays to get a paper through interli- 3 f ) iblem. The journals price more rapuiy t'frr.i rev goes up, someone can still get i. "IB--it is slightly less pvrs even t.V.:-r'- hjn 'he ar: ".ver. lent." S'.iir.gtcliow bpcs the libraries ntinue purchase vubscrirrions to elettronic publications, even though they arc rr.orc expensue than their pi.nted counterparts. "'When things are new, frequently they cost more than they should," he .aid. "2 an hoping that as time goes on the publishing companies wil! rcahztr that they recouped their .nvcstmer.t and publishers will bring Me costs down. They arc more o.rcr.s;'.e now. but that is not necessarily indicative of the long r;:n." "stringfellow also enjoy s the benefits of electronic journals. it is 'Aondcrfu! to go through the index, download the article and print :'. out. It is really slick ar.j very convenient." he said. "What is changing today is that faculty do not want to hike to the ::hrary." said Senior Vice President tor Academic Affairs David Pershing. Hjt before the L" pushes farther ;r.n. the electronic rcj'.m. it is focused maintaining its printed collection, Michalak said. The directors have at least one strong ally in the state House of Representatives: higher education advocate. Rep. Afton Bradshaw, 1 1 lake. "Our libraries are really suffering," she said. "So many other libraries depend on the U's." She promises to encourage her colleagues to fund the si. 3 million asked for by the Regents and the $900,000 asked for bv the U. pae 1 The Graduate School is supporting the attempts for a stay of execution and promises to fight fon.eJ prostitution and what its members tt as puri ne tr.r.octr.t is ate commttea .0 see anv titi toes through a similar ordeal helped," Khaia said. Kha;a discredits the Sharia court and says it 'misrepresents the ideals of Isiam " "Islam is based on peace, love, mercy and unity, not violence," she said. "Sharia is misrepresenting my faith, and that is scry disturbing" She also wants to bring attention to the multiple cases of violence against women and girls in Africa. "Many girls are in this position. This case has brought a lot of attention, but this is not uncommon," Khaja said. Khaja is working on the petition with Study Coordinator l.ynne MacLeod and Assistant Professor Sue Middleton from the Us Social Research Institute; they will send it to Nigerian Ambassador Jibrin Aminu and Amnesty International. The three plan to circulate their petition during the Graduate School's Legislative Day today, which teaches advocacy techniques to social workers from around the state. Middleton said the case of Magazu falis perfectly into the mission of the Graduate School. "That is what social work is about: taking care of vulnerable populations," she said. "We advocate for people in difficult positions through no fault of their own." The petition has the full support of the Social Research Institute and Social Work Dean fannah Mather. Khaja has not set a goal for the petition drive, and the three proponents have not decided when to send out the signatures, but they plan to mail it "Time is of the essence when someone's life is hanging in the balance." Middleton said. The School's efforts will not stop with the petition. A letter attached to the petition asks for advice from Aminu. "Guide us as to what can be done to ensure that Bariya and other children do not experience this tragic situation. What arc the root causes? What strategic interventions are necessary to ensure that Nigeria's female children are safe?" the petition asks. has International Amnesty observers in Nigeria who are watching over the case they claim violates standards. international human-right- s welcomes nternafionaf Amnesty can contact interested Those help. HarScott Action Coordinator Urgent rison by email at sharrisoal.usa.org. i I 1 Whit Hollis and Charles Milne International Espionage? A computer disk was office in the University Hospital. stolen from an James Bond could not be reached for comment Harassment In the West Village, two families-o- ne found notes in Asian, the other multinational their mailboxes with the words, "Go back to your country." lover emptied Revenge is sweet A a fire extinguisher into a room of a former flame in the Gateway Apartments, blanketing the room in fire discuss the future of the Cork Room. continued from page 1 available to students will be distributed. And, along the same lines, Hcr-zo- g plans to send postcards to all club presidents. A press release will be sent out to publications and organizations on campus, and the Union Board and ASUU will ask for help to clean up the space. "It doesn't look like a place we'd want to take credit for at the moment," Decker said. Already, ASUU and the Union Board have found two computers for A ft the room, and a couple of pieces of furniture. "A quick-fi- x way to make it acceptable will have to be instated, so when we market it to the organizations it will be a place they will want to use," said Whit Hollis, union director. Hollis also mentioned that next year's ASUU and Union Board should allocate funds for renovation of the Cork Room in their budgets so it looks better later on in the year. "I think what has honestly happened is that ASUU has been waiting for the Union Board and the Union Board for ASUU, and now that we've sat down Charles Milne and myseif we're ready to go forward," Decker said. mixed-and-match- CORK ROOM woman claims her in her car in the Priassaulted her husband estranged Medical Center Children's parking terrace. He mary and the back her hair of her neck and grabbed the dashboard slam her head into to attempted before leaving. Punk in drublic After stopping a car for an illegal left turn, an officer discovered the driver had been drinking. Sobriety tests confirmed she and her two under-ag- e passengers were drunk. The passenalcohol consumption gers were cited for under-ag- e and the driver for a DUI. Threats Staff at the U Hospital called University Domestic Violence . I! extinguisher powder. 1 star-cross- i r soon. POLICE REPORT continued from page I of Utah Police after a man in the psychiatric unit threatened workers. Trie man wanted to leave the hospital, and became verbally abusive when he wa;; not allowed to do so, Dude, whereas my plate? A student reported his rear license plate stolen. However, the investigation hit a snag when the student confessed he was unsure whether he lost the plate on campus or in Wendover, Nev. Neighborhood Disturbance The police were called to the West Village to deal with a couple fighting over financial matters. No charges were filed, though the wife claimed she hit her husband. Her husband denied it. js. MSj IrmmbmI Ms Use this Avoid this. Get a reliable, secure and unlimited connection to libraries and the campus network at the University of Utah with UofU.net, Wow you can eliminate unnecessary commutes, access campus resources, conduct research and complete homework assignments from your home computer, 2473S5. CVi top of that, you get unlimited Internet access with zero busy signals and 247385 customer support. For more information, visit wwwtuofiunet. 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