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Show iAwi him tSmu 16 FEBRUARY 9, WEDNESDAY, ilt x. r M v,V l t JlfM t l I 4V ma m , mm i ma VI a SUGARHOUSE- - Totally remodeled brick bungalow. New cabinets, appliances, roof, windows, & flooring 573-187- AREA. UNIVERSITY APT. Off BEDROOM 1 street parking, very clean & quiet. $400mo., $250 deposit. No pets, no smoking 323-174- 216 LARGE ONE BEDROOM IN QUIET COMPLEX talking distance from utilities. $450mo staff. for serious student or U 210 562-3966- LARGE BASEMENT APT. 1200 sqft. 2 bd, 1 ba. displace, pets negotiable. $72Smontr. 1210 E. 210 College St. (4620 So) ONE BEDROOM APT. Walking distance to U. . 210 $400month. Please call 243-343- 582-1057- ONE AND TWO BEDROOM APARTMENTS for rent five blocks west of university. No smoking 211 or pets. 949-3063- . HOLLADAY 2 BEDROOM basement apt. lots of light, private driveway, fireplace, hookups. Utils inciuded $765 $400 dep. No smokepets. Keith 218 277-123- large Share house with other women. $250rnonth each. No pets, no smoking. Call 215 2C9 1752. GREAT FOR STUDENTS! Furnished and unfurnished STUDIOSI LOFTSI I & 2 bedroom, Paramont fitness center, pool, indooioutdoor jacuzzi, sauna, rackeiba!!, basketball, volleyball, business center wcopier, fax, computer. Call or come by 1876 W. North Temple. e2 BEDROOM FURNISHED and $150 unfurnished. Available now. $465-51deposit. Close to U. See at 1234 Alameda Ave. 223 (40 So ) Call 328-853&TWO CLOSE TO "U" Large one bedroom. Deposit waived, air, laundry, parking, clean, quiet, updated. $430mo. 215 582-529- FOR SALE FIRST TIME HOME BUYERS: Would yog like to be a home owner, but have a cash investment of $1,000 or less? New programs allow for a 495-2594- . LoveSac.com- - gigantic bean bags: awesome sofas, chairs, beds! Some over six teet! Founded by U students. 211 979-570- JEWELRY DIAMONDS: DONT PAY RETAIL PRICES!!! Large selection of diamonds, bridal sets. for Call Rocky Mountain appointment. 428 272-694- PERSONAL No where to turn. Let us help. We believe in alternatives to abortion. Call Monday to Thursday, 5:00pm to 9:00pm. If there is no answer, please leave a message and a counselor will PREGNANCY! UNEXPECTED return your call. (801) 36 886-221- WEIGHT LOSS NOWI it it it New product. No side effects. 100 it it safe. Natural. Dr. Recommended. Transform your 24 body foiever. Guaranteed. hour message. 28 296-477- NEED A DATE? We'll find you one! Be a contestant in the Dating Game at Cupid's Loveshack Valentine's Party on Feb 12th in the Union Deli. Ask for Jesse at 581-765- 8 or 18355211 WANTED residential working PT skills to people with disabilities eveswknds, accompany on activities & provide , fax resume basic care, $8.37hr Call or fil! out application at to Paula Columbus Community Center 2950 S. Main. 423 finest shops. Cigars and Collectibles, Permanent Part Time and Full Time, flexible bonus hours. Health Plan. Hourly wage for appointment. commissions. Call 214 EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY for Social Science, 211 Education majors and ethers to gain experience working with individuals who have disabilities. Available positions a.'c throughout the wasetch front S. have flexible schedules. Apply: TURN Community Services, 535 . 400 S., SLC SEEKING ACTORS for printrunwayfilm work in local and national markets. No experience Flexible hrs and great environment; Teach living EARN WHILE U LEARN 468-6346- 550-754- . ROOMMATES GRADUATE OR FOREIGN STUDENT WANTED to share huge house in Sugarhouse area w 2 other people. $325 includes utilities. 485-031- or 214 2 ROOMMATES NEEDED (M OR F) House in upper Avenues. Nice view, own big room, no smoking inside, garden potential. Liberal mind3 ed. $360rno. 13 utilities. 21Q 2 ROOMMATES NEEDED (prefer females) t share nice house close to U. Mellow, responsi-ble- , 210 clean.s tc... Call Amy 581-971- FEMALE ROOMMATE locatiion. Sugarhouse TO SHARE NEED RESPONSIBLE 463-984- MF for apartment near State. Access to & trax. Mais student. e 567-100- 210 shawntpkinnexus.com ROOMMATE NEEDED- - House near University. $300month pius utilities. Call for more info. 2W 2 bed 2 bath. Washerdryer. M or F. No smokepets. $400month. 215 414-568- HELPI ROOMMATE NEEDED MAR. 1ST to share 3 bedroom, 1 bath house 8th So. 10th E. with 1 person. You- - $375rno.12 util. & upkeep- - no security. Must be clean, reliable & no religion nuts. Call Nathan, 363-541leave message. East. WHY NOT? New 428 FREE MATH TUTOR (through Calculus III) for all Veterans with a DD-21- 4 (at lease a general discharge). Contact the Veterans Affairs Office 5 for more details. at 210 TRAVEL in the have 23 years experience in booking last minute and student travel. Save $$$ on worldwide travel! Call Holly Dining to Meet You Inc. and TRAVEL AGENT SPECIALIST world would you like to go?" "Where I 485-835- 210 Travel. BREAK! SUMMER GETAWAY! Let Travelstar help you experience the world! Traveistar is located in Foothill Village. Ca!l or browse our website- - www.travel-star.ne- t SPRING 583-300- 0 428 TYPING backpacking courses. Natural History while hiking. Rock Climbing, Marksmanship, Mountain Biking! Starting dates throughout the semester. See web; call 214 Mrs. Neiley, 467-273428 FORMER ENGLISH TEACHER edits, word pro- FOR ACCELERATED better memorization. LEARNING, and www.radiosonic.net or call Mention ttlOOO and get a count, HEY JEN! Call Marc C 10 student dis- 222 210 575-709- NEED SOMEONE TO CLEAN MY BATHROOM. My roommate had a stomach "acciI dent" over the weekend & has failed to clean it up. Back rub included with long, luxurious bath.Call WEDDiNG Mr. X 210 .961-87- SINGER. Not Adam Sandler. Beautiful music for romantic occasions. Great rates. Tim Jones (801) 215 moodmusic(?'hot m a ij com 569-351- REAL ESTATE HOLLADAY: SELLER FINANCING! with $5000 down. Immaculate 2 bd carriage home condo. Pool, amenities, & mountain view. Owner-agen- t. Amy Johnson 573-187- Wardley Better Homes SGardens. (WordPerfect 5.1)! laser printer, also editing, IBM typing. Can check spelling, grammar, references (APA, Turabian). cesses, transcribes, laser prints, dissertations, manuscripts, resumes. InternationalGraduate students welcome. Winslovv's. 428 582-202- TRANSCRIPTION, RESUMES, BUSINESS, theses, papers, proposals, laser, AFA, diversified. Spreadsheets, mailings, labeis, excellent grammar. FAX. Reasonable, professional, fast. 36 YEARS EXPERIENCE. Resumes, cover letters, thesis, dissertations, reports, etc. & SUE'S DETAIL fax capabilities. Velcobinding H35S. 30(! W. sen uke tm. iHsa mm & Marsha 428 5JS3-132- SORS needed. Never too early to plan your summer employment. Call Kids Together at EARN $25.00 and learn more about your blood pressure! Individuals of African American, LatinoHispanic, Asian, and Native American backgrounds needed for a 2 hour U of U study on ethnicity and cardiovascular function. No individuals on cardiovascular medication. For more information please call Julianne Holt- Lunstad at 428 585-554- $9.0OHR! RTNielson Company is looking for partfull time telephone interviewers. Good communication skills. No sales! telephone 428 TO BUSINESS BUSINESS SUR- part time hours. SLC Company expanding office. We have immediate openings for those with people skills, marketing 6 basic computer skills. Competitive hourly wage plus bonus and growth potential. Career development programs offered. Email or fax htownmma-us-3.coor to resume " full Flexible & ' FRATERNITIES 217 SORORITiES CLUBS STU- Student organizations earn with the easy campusfundrais-er.co$1 three hour fundraising event. No sales required. Fundraising dates are filling quickly, so Contact call today! or campusfundraiser.com, (888) visit www.campusfundraiser.com 222 NOW HIRING! ALL POSITIONS, flexible hours. Full S part time. Apply at Marie Cailendars, 1313 So. Foothill Dr. 532 3210. 29 DENT Groups. m 923-323- LiTTLE DOGS RESORT needs pet care help. Cageless boarding and daycare tor small dogs. Need honest, animal lovers to keep facility clean & safe. Flex hrs. $6.50. Open 7 daysweek. 4095 South Main, SLC. Call 261- 0150. 225 hard-worki- $9.00 31 EUROPEAN CONNECTION, Small iocal restau- 428 277-672- VACCINE STUDY t III? rfor,. I I ivi L u 29 274-163- 10 to 15 MARKETING ASSISTANT. hrswk. Flexible schedule, excellent experience, some travel, fun environment. Located in N SL. $7hr. 29 Special Effect Supply, www.fxsupply.com RECEPTIONIST for busy medical office. Must enjoy patitnt contact and heavy phones. Requires general office skills. Located close to U of U. Fax resume to 29 E 968-142- need people who speak Spanish, German, Japanese, or any ohtsr language to expand our business locally, nationallor leg on y, or internationally. to www.eashbymail.comnow. Fee required. 33 NEED KELP ! Homeowner looking for help renovating ole'sr home in University area. Afternoons, flexible hrs, 10-1- 5 hrsweek. REMODELING HELPER, $7.50hr. Experience helpful but not necessary. 573-460- 210 (let it ring) 0 SEARCHING FOR SEEKING INDIVID- UALS to grow with an International Company. Positions available in Reception, Customer Care and Order Entry. MLM experience and Japanese speaking preferred. For an application or interview, please call 211 I L, TO DESIGNER. www.union.utah.edu may be required, one calenapplication. Travel dar year committment required. Positions available: Union Board Chair, Programs, Finance, Policy, Volunteer, Marketing, Technology, Operations, General Council and for more information. 213 more. Call 581-765- 7 busy and we need help! You job with a variety of responsibilities. V.'e have an exciting clientel with that you will be interacting in to so be need Apply professional. you directly 114 235 S. 400 W. pm person, BIG CITY SOUP is must want a fast-pace- 2-- 4 FRSON NEEDED. Good pay depending on qualifications. Call TCS Real Estate at 484-943We will work with your schedule! HANDY 37 LEADERFA CjLITATCR GROUP Responsibilities: to facilitate interactive groups of elementary students emphasizing problem solving skills, original activities, conflict resolution, mentoring, field trips and service learning projects. Qualifications: Applicants must be 18 yesrs of age and older, have a high school diploma, and have experience working with groups of school age children, including behavior management skills. 15-1- 9 hourly position, hoursweek, after school hours. Please come in for an application or submit a resume. Submit your resumeapplication with two references to: Salt Lake Community Education, Salt Lake City School District 440 East 100 South, Room 211 Salt Lake City, UT 34111. For more information call 2j4 Part-tim- 578-827- 2U Intermediate and advanced skill levels needed. Subcontract work. Send resume to: P.O. Box 982253, Park City, UT 211 84098-225- LOOKING FOR CREATIVE WRITER to write company. Call copy for emerging restaurant 211 572-252- ACCOUNTING- - LEVEL Local Advertising Agency has immediate opening for full or part time Accounting Assistant. Must have excellent computer & organizational skills and work well with others. 1 year expeiience required. Salary based on experience. Fax resume to or mail to HR Dept., 136 E South Temple, Suite 1400, Salt Lake City, ENTRY AT FOOD SUPERVISOR AREA SEASONAL LAGOON. Responsible for the daily operations of a Food Area, including training, ordering, food preparation, and cleanliness. This position provides a great training and background in the hospitality and tourism food service industry. Opportunities for advancement. Call Mike at 2 for an appointment. 214 SALES- - CELL PHONES, COMPUTERS. Current reps earn $60,000yr comm. Full or Fax: Don email: 214 dlewis(T'mieroteltech.com 451-804- 268-141- 268-90S6- ." flexible hours per week. $10hr. 3-- 6 Must have experience. 583-835WEB DESIGNERPROGRAMMER. the RUN HELP part-tim- NEWSLETTERBROCHURE FART-TIM- E J03 e. 1 OPPORTUNITY with great income potential and free car bonus. Call toll free extension 167511 for a 24-ho- 215 message. WORK AT A TRADITIONAL, sleep-awa- y camp! Douglas Ranch Camps in Carmel Valley, California is hiring General Counselors. We will be interviewing in Utah Feb Stop by Career Services for more information or www.douglascamp.com 215 0. AGENCY SEEKING EXP, NO EXP, talent, actors, extras, for promotions. Good income 38 potential! $$$ 211 UT 84111. 1 Drive BONUSES. down your insurance rales. There's more than one way to draw! 264-121- Evenins & Saturday classes Talk to roe about how safe drivers can save. yVlllstatB. You're in good hands." JOHN THOMAS MISS USA, Phlebotomy Learninq center PBEUHEIUUtr; 231 So. 1300 East (1 biotk off campus; 2000 1 m mm umm V i i c. 199J Altstala Enjuranc Company, Northbrook, Illinois. Subject to l&rat avHblHty ami quatlficttkirrs. terms, conditions and exclusions miy ippiy. tl tOMPfH S3 HUNT PfSSSMArCf rwwwi STUDENTS University of Utah Union in positions on Union Board of Directors- - all positions receive 12 to full tuition, real responsibility, and very ya!uab!e work experience- - Applications due Feb. 14tn. Pick one up in Union 255 or at M-- oppor-tunitie- rant looking for quality people to work flexible shifts. Exciting nev product. 5 min from University. partfu!! M-- iMi scribed (cassette tapes), scanned, laser printed, faxed, Theses, dissertations, resumes, papers, manuscripts, personalfamily histories, applications, mailing lists, medical, legal. Formats: APA, Turabian, Campbell, MLA, UC Press, Others. Programs: WordPerfect, Microsoft Woi d, Others. Graphics: AutoCad 12, Excel 7.0. 30 years of university experience. FREE and pickup delivery. Carolyn, s M Call Peak Staffing Services has an opening in. our dispatch department. Flexible shift, Option to work a shorter shift on Friday end make up hours Sat. am. Full time openings with room for advancement. Responsibilities: Matching applicants with open jobs & sending them to work. No experience is necessary but excellent verbal communication skills and attention to detail is a must. Apply at: Peak Staffing, 284 E. 4500 So. 217 TO $10.0CKR MAY WORDS PROFESSIONALLY COMPOSED, edited, word processed, typed, proofread, tran- 331-988- B H necessary. High income potentialtravel A&W Transcription laminating. X X ASSlSTAKTPRCOFtR. $3.00hr time. Flexible hours, (or small Insurance Appraisal Co. in Sugar House. Casual atmosphere but must be organized, professional, and computer proficient. Great career opportunity. Call Ashley 211 OFFICE 428 Brenda 268 6375. 218 Me&afflmwsm (8013 PROCESSING X X PART-TIM- ,000-$2,0C- 0 WORD concentration 578-850- 0 VEYS. lamps. 677 So. 7th 533-898- TUTORTRACKER POSITIONS OPEN The UVSC School, College and University Partnership has openings for tutor'tratkers to work with students at West High School. The position requires a commitment through the end of My. Various shifts available. ' ext. 317. 428 $6.90hour. CONDUCT SERVICES STA-TA- 428 359-887- Flexible scheduling, 223 M THE TINDER BOX. Work in one of Salt Lake's 355-733- 6 SUMMER CAMP COUNSELORS AND SUPERVI- HOUSE. Private room, wd. Available immediately. $235utii. 210 I 468-635- STILL TIME TO ADD OUTDOOR COURSES rt for credit: no penalty for late adds! in Dept. PR1: CookingCamping, many 585-320- servation work crew programs nationwide. Proven youth leadership, extensive camping experience, and minimum Wilderness First AidCPR required. Paid position. Week long training provided. To request application look email us at online at www.sca-inc.oror rail 218 Prarie style 2 story virgin tigerwood 'stained glass all systems replaced in the last 7 years remodeled kitchen & bath w radiant heat 5 bed2 bath deck off master w city views. '3 blocks to U 2 garages plus parking 2 fireE. So. $279,900. 1144 to see. 300 Easy places. Sandra Sweetlanri, owneragent this was Dr. Stanely & Dorthia Muliak's home. HOME. FORMER PROFESSOR'S 212 email proqramsunion. utah.edu OUTDOOR WORK LEADERS to supervise high school volunteers on 4-- 5 week summer con- OFFICESPECIAL EVENTS ASSISTANT. National Association of Social Workers. Flexible hours. Call MILL CREEK CANYON CONDO. NEED FURNITURE? wholesale! OPPORTUNITIES 631-627- 220-064- FURNITURE 973-377- 581-447- 3 VOLUNTEER seller to pay the buyer's down payment and must meet costs. Buyer closing general tending qualifications, with acceptable credit history. For more information, call Realtor'? Mary Hess at Prudential Prestige or email at Real Estate, 31 Hesmara wfrrnls.com programmerpart-tim- Great for computers. Locking center drawer filing cabinet drawer. 29 $25 or best offer. more 'nformaticn or to schedule interview on campus contact Student Employment Services or UPS Jobline at Also, at see us at the U of U Job Fair Feb. 9! 29 487-823- 218 72nd STEEL DESK, 56X30. Everything Diamond. Papers, resumes, transcriptions. Hand lettering for envelopes, certificates, treasured writings. Excellent references. Barbara 428 paint, deck. $129,900. Amy Johnson Vvardley Better Homes & Gardens. house. 539-800- UPS HAS GREAT PART TIME JOBS with full time benefits. UPS now offers $2,000year tuition reumbufsem?nt. 'Select shifts. For WP Suite 8. PLUS CALLIGRAPHY. TYP1MG Capitol Hill TWO ROOMS AVAILABLE in ONE THE DAILY UTAH CHRONICLE 2000 0hr tlVWl kskjiuvi i rax: HI HWllll I SiSCOVfJ iMTTTTnnri YIMJfJ longer a "beauty pagaarr but a three day tourr.ev ol mind. body, and ipjrrt! No iiii m ilea Ml 111 aw MrMtmrnMai " ft) 1 S01.572.31t9 Maor we si isj hWWW.HtlMiikllt wmi (IK lift.. ,i i 1 ft aH J Hi Y'j 1 ?1V1VY? "G'f fif If you are a healthy 18 to 30 year old woman interested in participating in a study in a development of a vaccine for prevention of cervical cancer, please call 585-987- 4 or 585-5683. if 1 t UNlVtRSiTY OF UTAH HEALTH SCIENCE CtNTEH approved wearth COMPENSATION CROWDED 1 I I bse our doubfG V fop the lod vasF$f5S closest m$hj 900 East 300 South -- Open 7:30 am - 12 mid |