OCR Text |
Show 12 2 rtMALT POOHATtS LCOWNC FC E. cr-- x $ 300 month ptus, ut!s. to share hra to Defrost nequv. Can' t me a&o&uTrs Airra w xhk sc. month V'j utsitirs. liasnecMryet $334 itOCVma 2 BOKXOH Custom kitchen, syd hoon.-oj- , No srr.c(i. 133 f. Kri!n)too (1500 S.) .cK)Ort 43-- rit 6 16 nuS. LAST Utt Call or FOfi ROiT. J bedrooms. lv4 recm. $!.20Grr.on'.h family room, &O0 Conveniently age space & 40S0, leave 34 4T0 rw UNIVERSITY APARTMENT. 1 iwdroom. $250 dvpost No petsno smoking. I year $30Qma utiH!iev Available now Pets ok. Can Carrie 1JV A NICE . AYTUCS, f2TH AVE. AND bedroom house. Great vi-fi- , ST. Room avaHabte in 3 tkst. tc U, downiown, 121 SCHOLARSHIPS 119 CONTRACT FOR SALE! Must' sell Immediately? rlghi on campus! Make great friends; You keep my 119 $75.00 6epcB.lt Dave 585 216. DORM Uv AVENUES ONE ElEDWOOW, or bath, wd. berber carpets, nevly remodeled, no smoking or pets. 633 . 119 3rd Av. $495558-4057- . AVENUES, WALK TO U. 2 bedroom, 2 bath, cowed parking, Ac disbwflsher, disposal, laundry facility. No 120 BEDROOM FURNISHED. Utilities included. 13th t 263 B481. 942-657- VTiY NICE a QUIT 2 3EDRCOM port Washerdryer facilities. $535 $450mo. 120 SERVICES WHY STA-TA- NOT? Ne- - Samps. 677 Sc. 7th East 428 533-898- MATH TUTOR (through Calculus II!) for all Veterans with a (at lease a general discharge). 5 for Contact the Veterans Afiairs Office at FREE 210 more details. TRAVEL BASEMENT APARTMENT. 2 bedroom. utilities. 2770 So. St 463-117- "Where in the world would you like io go?" ! rave 23 yeats exptrSence In booking last minute and student truve(. Save $$$ on 485-833worldwide travel! Call Hcliy Dining to Metrf You inc. and Trawl 210 TRAVEL AGENT SPCCIALiST 120 $500mo. 12 121 APARTMENT near LARGE, CLEAN, BASEMENT downtown. Utilities included $400mo f S2S0 dep. 12! AREA SUCARKOUSE Is with car- In ut'litles. Available No petsno smoking. 956 E. 600 So. now. PHI fAPPA PHI oferirv; graduate fellowships of $7,000 to graduating seniors who are .applying for first year of graduate studies YCu must have a cumulative GPA of 3.8 or better. Contact the Office of Undergo iauate Studies, 132 Sill Center, fcr aoplica tlwis as well as additional Information. With Recipients questions cali Arm Blanchtrd it must be members of Ph.: Kappa Phi on the date the is Fetxuary 1, to turn In awards are made. Padli 114 completed applkaitav. SM 95S-026- StNXJRS! ATTCffDPN YOU CAN OWN with rental helping 1 4 pm. H43 E. !Jl??-P-?9lno- - BASEMENT "YPING APARTMENT, Spring ). 121 465-563- (WordPerfect 5.1), laser printer, also editing, IBM typing. Can check speiiing, grammar, references (APA, Turabijn). Mrs. Nelley. WOTO PROCESSING semester onty. wD, one bedroom, sepers entrance. No smokerspets. $500mo (Includes 428 467-273- FORMER ENGLISH TEACHER FOR SALE THAT COlfl WEATHER !S HERE, don't you wish you hod some snow tires? Gift a pair of 555R-1and tsk for Kersten. 120 !?T SZOo.b.0. Call NOW 5TH ANNUAL VORTEX BACKPACKS BLOWOUT. Eest 5 at packs !n the worid. Seconds, bterro, demos. Jan 1414 So 700 118 W. FURNITURE 22" CONSOU COLOR TV. $50. Excellent condition. Caii 683 0142 and leave reessaqe, 114 DIAMONDS: DONT Rocky Mountain PAY edits, word procr;ss. laser prints s, dissertationwiih siu- resumes. InternationalGraduate transcribes; manuscripts, dents welcome. Winslow's. RETAIL PRICESIil BUSINESS, theses, RESUMES, diversified. APA, laser, papers, proposals, Spreadsheets, mailings, libels, excellent grammar. FAX. Reasonable, professional, fast Brenda. 268-637426 I AiW 36 YEARS EXPERIENCE. Resumes, cover setters, thesis, dissertations, reports, etc l.anscrlption & fax capability. Veicoblndlng & laminating. Marsha TRANSCRIPTION, 428 583-132- 3 Large bridal sets. Everything whoie-saleDiamond. Cal! for appointment l 426 PERSONAL for credit: YeHo-Star- t In PRT: reforestation Dept. Cookingcamping, Desert, Winter, Backpacking, Backpacking: Canyoniands, or San Rafael, Natural History: Hovenweep o? Zion, Fishing, Rock Climbing; Marksmanship, Mountain Biking. See Web, cai! . 121 ADD OUTDOOR COURSES PEAR MICHELLE: That 17" unit you needed is available fo:r you In Room 240 of the union. Please come take car: of It as soon as possible. Ask for processed, typed, proofread, transcribed (cessett Theses, tapes), scanned, laser printed, faxed, dissertations, resumes, papers, manuscripts, personalfamily histories, applications, mailing lists, medical, legs!. Fotmats: APA, Turabtori Campbe!!, MLA, DC Mlcrosoit Word, Press, Others. Procums: vVrr(JPs-fec- t, Others. Graphics: AutoCad 12, Excel 7.0. 30 years of university xperi?nc5. FREE pickup and delivery. 428 Carolyn, 277 672 S. WP Sur.e 8. Papers, resumes, transcriptions. Hand letterimj for envelopes, certificates, treasured writings. Excellent references. Barbara 437-8,'3428 TYWNS PLUS CALLIGRAPHY. 0 ES BE A PART OF A CRFJkT TEAM. Volunteer teaching Call assistants needed for elementary schooi gr. Ruth at Dave. 1 or 355-697- 5 (eves.) 118 WORK STUDY STUDENTS WANTED! Would you like REAL ESTATE CONDO, 2 SCn, BATH. Fireplace, AC, covered parK-ln- ? wd hookups, pool. 900 E. 374 0 So. Moving so priced $4,000 below appraisal. Asking $91,900. 1 125 Kyle to help children read? Jo'n the America Reads Challenge. For mor Info call Beth or Jeff at the . Berinlon Center i 585-910- 1 125 TEACH 4TH GRADE STUDENTS BASIC FIRST AID and safety. Flexible hours, minimal time commitment. Training begins Jan 29th. Cei! Berinion Center if581 411 for more Info. Ask tor Heather sh James. 128 ROOMMATES ROOMMATE, MAU OR fEMALE WANTED. 2 bedroom acartment. 23 S. 1100 E. $300 deposit, $310mo, 12 114 utilities. tt328 3370521-9430- . TO SHARE 3 BED2BATK HOUSE In julet area. Washerdryer, big yard, near U cf U. Must love ani114 mals $300 4 13 utilities. Call ROMHATE FREE JKTERNET (256X DSU phonecable In each room. Snare remodeled house In uiilitlei included. Tom Suga.-hous- area. $300, e 114 VACCINE STUDY fnr WflMt Ij So& Soerw. rrif .ve wcrt-b- 'rth intfvkluart wsc have &siikav AviinWe t He wMSti front & fM ilet-ibl- e positions tr throucjf-iCJTJRM Community Se.victs, S35 schckis. Apt': E 400 S.. SLC or 426 POSfTKWi OPEN The UVSC Partiership has oper.-infcf tutortracne-- s to wort with students at West eomnttmetit position reouires High School Th through the end of May. Various shifts avlaoi. TUTORVRACKER SchooL College and University $6.90hojr. eL 0 428 317. UPS HAS GREAT PART TB4E JOBS beri!its. UPS with fufl time tuition riow offers $2,CO0'yeai SeUKt sJWft. For more infermation ijumbiitsemen. inte-vieon campus contact Student or to schc-duiEmployment Services at 58". 4473 cr UPS Jobiine at 973-377- M ; POSITIONS SERVICES SOCIAL AVAILABLE. WANTED I Flexible firs and great residential working environment; Teach living skills to people with disabilities PT eveswknds, accompany on sctMes provide basic care, $8.37'if Call 468-634fax resume to Paula 468-635or fill out application at Columbus Community Center 2950 S. Main. EARN WHILE U LEARH 428 If you are a healthy 18 tc 30 year old woman interested in participating in a study in a development of a vaccine for prevention of cervical cancer, please call 585-987- 4 or 585-568- exoerieres, emorstrate management techrwuves, oemoostrate unteUrxJinq o! skills snd a0okert Oeveiopmsnt. strong computer ski(s. eflective human reltkns skills, successful secretarial' experience. wlbfKpwss to tearn and improve- - Subnvt your resorr.s with two references tc Salt Lake Conimor.rty 440 Esst.100 sj3ucation. Ssf! Lake City Schooi Ortt-ic-t 114 Sc-J- t Room 211. SLC, UT, (V41T1. DEUVERY PtJrSCN WEEDED for furnrture 20-3- 0 Sifting required Chdd 484-100SUMMER hou-i,'wk- . Sfcv'hr stce. bo.-w- Heavy Call CAP COUNSELORS AND SUPERVISORS nerded. Never too early to plan your summer employmenL Cfll Kids Together at dollar health firm to help run new n UPSiZIMG. seeks success-minde- Individuals d 22 cHceCjimV4503: SALES MANAGEMENT SEARCH CO. seeks individuals sslts and witi sales, srxj part-t!n- T peslttons avaCrWe, Beginning salary of $7.83 an houi. Evening and or coma by MS E, weekend shifts. Call 268-488- 7 V?4 4500 S. Buiid'ng E, Suiie 220. PART TIME. Outgoing people needed to present fun science activities tor children at elementary schools & Birthday parties. Excellent Job hx future element vy sciwol teachers. Need car, lead- EXPANDING fK 500 COMPANY seeks motivated individuals to b top producers In Excellent market. ioetl provided. training 124 CH 2S3-014, science, & ership, experience w kids, available afternoons at least 4 days a week. Training provided. $10hr. CtS Mad Science (SQi) for setting. 9AP1K.Y PtH rVENIWC. U.S. Aiirm Is looking for studerits to go dfr to doc-- r to sen fiome security syiteffls. We have been In S.bC. for 3 yeaii an are the exclusive authorized ueale? for Smith DOOR 51NOCRERS $3CO.OC arid Wesson Security Systems. We win tram you .nl go r sale. with you lo close sales; we you $300.00 No start up cost or any hidden gimmicks. We wiit start i,14 interviewing Dec. 6 !999. Caii Terry 433-260- py ASSiUTANTRCNHER WA!TE0. Port tim Real Estate assistant waitea 20-3hrswcek. No ixperience necesssry. esic office, organizational, computer skii!-- t.-s- car renuired. Start st $7.00 (plus position op'.'ns January 20. Please call Doug 124 at 266-133- 3 OFciCE LEADEHr ACIUTATOR Responsibilities: to faciiiiate interactive groups of eiorrrtary ttudnis emphasising problem solving skills, original avbvltles, confiict resotution,. r.)e:itorin'j field tripj and service learning projects. Ouaiif icat i X'.s: Applicants must be 18 years of age and oicier, have a high schcol diploma, and have experience working with groups of school age children, Including behavior management skills. Part-limhoursweek, after hourly position, 15-1- 9 school hours. Please come in for an applicrtion or submit a resume. Submit your resumeapplication with two references tu. Salt L(ke Community Education, Sa!t Lake City School District' 440 East 100 South, Room 211 Salt Lake City, UT 84111. For more informa- V tion caii GROUP !N$TRUCTR NOKS for aerobics. Taught MWTH evenings at Bryant Int Staits in Jan. Call 573 81?1 or 558-17115 AEHOEJCS SKI SNOWBOARD RENTAL COMPANY seeking technicians and cashiers toe winter ses;on. Fun environment, fiexib'e hours, Cottonwood location,: Sandy location: VIS 501-71- CARRIERS NEEOCC TO DELIVER aftemoo' Descret News In lower student hixising area. Driving route aiss In Emigration Canyon; potenilsl of $275mc fAist 1 fiS have dependable car, tesa, e it 3607. opea GYMNASTICS INSTRUCTOR NEEDED. Gymnastics background, ability to program for kids 4-work with kids most important Training provided. $750-6.50b- r. 5 hojr afternooiv shirts. Appiy at the Little Gym, 1400 So. FooihS Or, 115 GARDEN iieklng to emp'cy a fast typist (at least 65 wpm) with no fear ot computers. Part lime, 0 hourswk, very flexible, pay acordlng to experience. or Start immediately. Contact Julie Carroll RED BUTTE J4 jcarrollr?dburte.utah,du. TUTORS WEEDE FOR SLCDS TUTOR SCHOOL (SraJes H2) Z or more hours rier wfX $7,50 per houE NeedeJ Monday thru Thurs afternosnevening. 114 Eperipnce pre'erred. Call He.dl Ci.vk PAYROLL COMPANY !S LOOKINC for a secretarial assistant Qualificetions required: Excel Word, Windows Operations, and Computer Literacy. Job pays $9 tc $12hr, depending on qualifications. Please bring resume to 526 West 800 South, Salt Lake City, Uth, 84101-2231- . Inter.-iemay be possible at the time of 114 application. NOW HiRiNd ALL POSITIONS, FLEXIBLE HOURS Full & Part time. Apply at Marie Calendars: 1313 So. Foothill Cr. 582-32)1i4 AGENCY SEEKINC-- NEW TAiXNTI fashion, promotions. potential $$$. Movies, extras, No exp. necessary. Income SCHOOL MAC SCINTiSH pr, 1 good ' 22 XEEDCO- - VILLAGE has Immediate openday shifts aveiiabl. Five ings! Both fufl and p1-tim- e minuies from campus makes It easy to come and go N 6'7-874- 7 i PT. FX FUN f. EASY SALES JOG makiiq tots o nsy to starL Can Jason today! very fleabte hourv 118 POSmOt PART-TW- E Technician for ma.rufchjri,-v-j teth drug delivery como."iy. Coinputer proficient; wordprocessing and spredshet 20 hrs per week, flexibe schedule, $B.50hr. Can Wade Huifc 350-020Location: 350 West 800 North, Suite 116 320. Excellent opportunity to gain experience. SNTERNSHJf. $10hour part-tim- e school credit Flexible schedule. Must know Java Scrict Java. HTML, Windows NT. Postton wi jrvoli-- e troubleshooting, creating web pages and various management reports, and helping maintain computer network within the office. Great learning opportunity. COMSVTERv'WEBSITE Call 116 Ashley ROOM. ASS!5TANTUAIL $T.5Chr f!s!bie hours tor small Insursncci Appraisal Co. in Sugar House. Casual atmospnere but must be organized, professional, srd computer proficient. Great career opportunity. Call Ashley OFFiCE 118 W F0OTHX from classes. Apply In person at the desk at 1420 Foothill Bind. axiecner service 121 for rening AduiS Education pert time for drawing and sculpture ciases at Oiympui 1,18 Communtty School. CaC 273-216MOCK. WANTEO POSITKWI PART-T- wrking yjith hours, dote to lers DawnRobin DEKTAL ASSISTANT: The University cf Utah Hosoital & Cllrics currently Ms a temporary (spprox. 3 month) opportunity for a Dental Assistant Requirements day care. Flexible of a Dental include successful completion of Assistaiit Course or equivalency, six months ixperience as a Dental Assistant and demonstrated knowledge of chair side assisting techniques. Human Resources, 421 Wakara Way. Suite 140, SLC, UT 84106. TOO: Ph: (801) (801) Fax: (801) Equal http:www.med.utah.eda 114 Opportunity Employer. with autism. No experience needed. Ciose to U. Flerlble DEU HELP WANTED: $".00hoor to start 11:00am-4:C- pm. V21 Call td learn more about your blood pressure! ifioivkiuais of African American. LatinoHispanic, Asian, and Native American backgrounds needed for a 2 hour Li of U s'udy on ithnicity and crdovasculiir function. No individuals on cardiovascular medication. For more information please cali Jutianne at 585-554428 EARN $2Sv09 THE OLD SPAGHETTI FACTORY at Troiley Square is now hiring bussers, greeters, and servers. (Servers must be 21.) Many day and some evening shifts are available. Flexible schedules, free meals, and iiealth insurance available. Please apply in person Monday-Frida- y from 121 3jipra rw ownership, need people with Rim knowledge, ccmputer, media, and ?ef ai! wperienre. Projection experience a pit is but can train. PT or FT - schedule somewhat flexible. Email resume to tower9sros.net with hours available and TOWER THEATRE ANw V5E0: Under 1A4 wage requirements. SALES, FIELD REP. telecommunications Simple Solutions at 1,18 Interesting product Commission only. Can 942-18118 FAST PACED COMPANY needs customer oriented individual. Must have excellent phone skills and 436-058Call: basic compuster Knowledge. Fax: 485-920118 FRANKLIN. COVEY Is seeking knowledgeable and friendly candidates who wart to work tor e great company. We pay wsil and offer great benefits. We are seeking a Marketing Database Analyst to wrk in our Group. Duties growing and txcitiny Include c:atlnc; benchmsrSi reports and distributing them to appropriate internal stakeholders and strate-qli- e wtiii internal marketing channei maiagers io target and select the best prospects fro marketing cammust at leas; have some paigns. Qualified related ccSege background, be PC literate, and iw.ve 116 hours. DawnRobin CAN JOKES i ASSOCIATES, a public tor smart stu- research company, is looking dents with strong wort ethic and exceflent phone skins, Periormanei-base- d fy, averac1 $8.00hr. No sliincs Call no gimmicks. E'enings and Saturdays, part-tim1 VW Mike or Dve after 3:00pm. opinion TICKET OlTtCE AFTERNOONS. PART-TIM- for downtown chilplus Fii or Sat 1pm-6pdren's Theatre. Good bookkeytxng and phone skills 119 needed. iS 2SrVs per week, $7.50hr. 532-600HUMAN RESOURCT ASSiST.W. High Tech Company (located in Research Park) 20 hoursween. Hourly rate based on experience. Phones, Mail, Word Processing. Needs basic inderstanding of orflce equipment and Must have a professlc-na-i conftdentisBty. appearance d environment snd be wWing to work in a mall resume to starfing(Js.com. Must reference: HRA. 1,6 SKi TECrfeaAN ft City. Weekday for srr.ill frwndiy rentai shop in Park No experience needed but or pt must be personable. 18 end over. Cail 118 PT TELEMARKETING POSITtOK it insurance campeny. Starting at $11,00 an hour plus bonus! Looking for someone who is mature and confident wiih appropriate experience and skiffs. Excellent for College 121 student Great ccmpeny! Please call 484-447- Drive down your insurance rates. Tslk tc me about how safe drivers can save. state. YcuYs in good hands There's more than one way to draw a n oiooa & WORKING WITH CtttLDfcZN POSrrWW PART-TIM- E new NEEDED, Evenins U. Saturday classes t-- f M WM.tJ inwanc ortterv. W.-iaw arttev M as, ud txdutic m mf i'My Subtd te tm Other tTf.3, mlai 27" ST'JDfNT ADVOCATE. Facilitate Interactive groups RosponslLilltles: emphasijlng problem solving, self esteem, confiid resolution, and adolescent Issues. Provide studpnl support and mentaring based on needs, Interests, and goals. Qualifications: Experience working with young adolescents (6th-8tgrade) ardor other work related MIDDLE management communication skihs. Call 7.CMI Ecl andor database semer.tatiwi and imMmt ktowiedge. rveae aopry at frtir&n Covey, 2200 Parkway Bivi, Salt Lake Ciy. UT 84rt9, or fat attn. Tyler, or resume tt (801) tjbwivarMnuivevxam (Only applicants invited tt VIS interview wM be cortecfad) .WtOE. strong and engineering at high students. Working with autistic and develoomentaily disabled liwilvtduals in e grcnip-hom- e Perlect 423 582-202- WORDS ffrOTSSIONALLY COMPOSED, edited, word JEWELRY selection of diamonds, EXCELmT OPPORTUNITY tar Education r,.icrs and otrfs to gn outgoing, RENT. Furnished kitchen, bath, and hot Supercteart, nea. U of U. $250rnonth. Call Call D $3SCVmo jutil. FOR 351 So. Sjcart.otise, V26 WHY RKNT WHEN 1 In PLACE? Share a house- - nripensiblt roomers. Bedroom has two ctosrts, frdwood floors. 120 hrtrk walls. $ j2'5. 809-826- l9 PtliLn HOME TO WANT Very pay mortgage? Open Hojse Sat 115 Bueno Avs.035 So.) tub. SHARE FEMALE j 5400mo., . ROOM 18 double ki CONTRACT FOR SAiX Tern! 12 off first month's rent Call 5991839 or Baliff. ar.ytirne. to share huge house with 2 female sraduanf students. $250mont! phn utMies. 119 5318217 cerptts. 118 clean Call DORM tX WANTED ROOMMATE FEMALE FURNISHED BEDROOM ho responsible. 3 bwJroom home with B98-4e7- and $150 deooslt untufmsiied. Available row. $465-515- . to U. See at 1234 Alameda Ave. (40 So.) Clot 1L8. Call 328 8531 ONE 7th K Is 2 people acrws fron Presioent's Circle. OJIiTT Z BEDROOM. Hard to find 432 Elizabeth (1135 E.) hookups, s hoc, covered pi'kirs). 635ma 3594711. 5. VIS ?S-9I7- WF KOOMMATZ WANTED ftniiciiiY secure, yrt fun io shar meisv. So. 8 SHARE 2 SED2SATR $297mo. 1 (3 rocrrs iwailaole). $29C,'ma, Ave. 0875 South) jiving room and kitchen, V8 apea. 118 TO WANTEC Call Aiessa legated qjM neighborhood. Extra storor 699- off street parkirvj CaH .185-362- SUPtRCLEAN t 12 utWies. Fireplace, (fetrftasher. balcor.y 39th 74 E. vciouj utilities included. Large home with All pf S6Vta FTMAi deposit i3 474; TWO. UNfXKWIUCO 1 DAILY UTAH CHRONICLE TH JANUARY 14, 2000 FRIDAY, Phiebotomy Learning Center ADVANCED METHODS IN STATISTICS Stat 6869 MW3:40 5 pm BUG 210 (Business Classroom Building) Modern statistical methods with many hands-o- n computer exercises. Graphical regression, density estimates, smoothing methods, generalized linear models, regression diagnostics, dynamic iinear models, per mutation tests, random generators and encryption, maximum entropy methods, boottt-sppin-g. Emphasis on applications in economics and other social sciences.Taught hy Hans Ehrbar, Econ Department More details can be found on UNIVERSITY CF UUH HEALTH SCIENCE CENTER Hans's web p3ge approved research COMPENSAriCN PROVMD httpJwww.econ.'jtah.eduehrbar ; |