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Show u -- - The DU- Otah Chroaiete WOSnBtNTSVaWIta m paper, U eemmem S- manna hh. MT 3.16.0. 4b7 3694 --. Wtf KACM BBCNBMtT OK MOUT Ae 9Fb db Mt ol HohAoiw Gbmsn ry Col MMtor a loea- -1 CJ Qatar (381-48- Jm It 1 ni tint n, Oat - to and wdfaw -- poMnn 2 TWtdajf mas DananaHi - BKHUNT bm 3U dams, ond oran toning'' 44 46 etC200. impartteAAWoduh IW lemeone's (M dinjciliHi FWfchKWV 9 prweied, 225 m flwnt far uien e- -ig EAM $3540 and hefc wdmand tie to 70. aee--d lor hdMduok opt ttO emg p- ' -ce m Aanrulor meooeoa. 585548. I pefntoL Otok. $30.000yr ad 9717. otOOt DBGMn mnong Ming ono inaeono. I re ore cuner4ry seeking 4 eitoms to pertorm 3 to 6 monm in ina ahs a variety of adiitiei wih our cqnuony. We ham fua, uwrk kord, ond ptay hard, ktons must be able to work wel wnh oeSers and indspendenty. Travel, and skpend ovoeabla to lha right accommodations, lha or Ototoneet RM's prrfinaii but not appkcor taouirad. Inararied parlias pleoto cmaa res to 227 peioBiuWiuiiloom or bruiaWikiU.com. I l I N 0 U A t for Capitol Theolra borThW rtonbbj hours, great tor stodenk. Marning shm. and amcon Ms 2O0-6.0- 0 owifable, soma aakandi and rwingi. No 4tpariencs neXansary, taeta) anooMWrg cok. Contact JeffO 323822 226 HELP NEEDED Bonuses! 918-776- 226 U Toltyo. ate Prague, Buchpa comenotionol No simple English. toaenmg Ask tor aeroion lonoiagestoacning exp. requ W306. 226 o sV d A- - 9 tt Cr.I.C nn UNITanktCaSEKVKX has immediam epanings. $8.00hour to start lor porHimt locxWwrJoadars. ful faenath. Contact Student Samces, SSI Room 382. Equal OpporWyEmplcyar 425 lhara on om 300 MQLMtMG UNDEIGIAOUATES. prcAWorswiang to do iawn.li wi4 undaigiaduotos. Eom fak26. in $1500 35 WHKLY (301)429- - ATTENBON POTENTIAL fWfwnn. Ban eokng ton. fot cvculavv No col 44 OtHnplkeflOal leTTMMnMQS 226. Employ AOaTaSTUIrVESEaKeRtTUUnnars Union hot on opwQ lof on wparanon AbMnoow L hl onodJ oagpgrn wxrr cnMont jpa--f rWMjnKiwi, tnon tiono ence hpfuL Fjcelsra wiling dull a must Mist present sel" . mfakoniUkFj -e Mondoy through Friday 8:30 am to 530 pm. Ci il alii 0tnpn8Omon and dmMl FWm apply in panon at 34S0 Sou Highland Dme, Suito 100. Equal Opportunity t- 224 Empbyar. "OENEUVE AND AUTEUIL ARE MnUtCOTOGnHEIWiTHGMSS , ktokB4HI OfKGr (LBS VDLBURS) , IBCT MWiinim STUDENTS. Mebotam. needed. No axperience? We wl koto. Gnat part tone jab far student! Contact Erin ar Da a at .972-046- 228 . oaii)tBO . PSYCHOLOGY GeW)UAIE PROGRAM in Sak Lake Cey now takng aryfaaeaiie tor tot fim.doss to bagei to September. 1997. M.S Psy D.. end PhD. degrees to psychology leading to ecemure as a ptrcralogiit Must have and total combmed scare on GRE ofl ,000 (Verbal 3.0 Ojcrterje-e- ). Amual luewn J7.00O. No student loam time. Cal far Bulem, Vytashington School of ooifable at fVohssional rVhobgy. tol (801) 0 or lot (801) Apptcoton deojine: June 1. 1997. . in Flexible hours Dayevening shifts Fortune 500 company Groove... 52 Writo tlx, C,r- - 312 CALL ADECCO TODAY! a) 4 jrmmUjL a 1?"' iTnaTaTiseiiaI!l S t Keystone CorrmwnKanons, largest provider of kcmsinission services (or rada and biouuW ten, has several part erne positions available Don't mas 6Sto exoslent opportunity! Morning hours. $7 OOhr starling Col Slocey 8 292-- 1 444 $ Part Time Collectors $9.00 hour Get the itiost for your car insurance dollar. Pool - Basketball Very Flexible Schedules Near Fashion Place Call me, I'll show yov why Fax Res. attn. Rob Job Line Allstate is a better value. XaV--- 7 $ fresh 14 pound patties w swtos w small try Jk one small drink MllY! PA3TRAMI BTTRGFR i S t48 ! ! BUY ONE pa(ik-lntmeaoaeli- property efi-, tan and eetance. 7)Sc,e r Sl . ! nonpar iltnWryCfaUltAtMbk' . I GET ONIJ -- ri aow- AtrRAHrrT . I CHFRSFBTTBr.FR CQMBSt 7 l4sUlfefs DOUBLE 13 Emmmed payment beeed oo eeie ririca of 80-e- r tmanUMHan with J -, 9 AtA, Wnaeud fyna urtekt S38,OuOk AL'yvvvvy em RESTAURANTS 354-23- . VoodCrtxtCcxt:zlurzs x CIIOICB new appliances included. Great youn community! Call 364-642- 9 364-067- 6 $ - Central Air All . i 1$ T 2 773-242- 4 Condos from $3807 moiKi Be smart! Own, don't rent. Beautifully refurbished 1 bedroom condominiums. 1 : 2 265-16- $ 44 1 Sad Lake Provo: Ogden: 764-988- television ; Weekly pay! U . positions open during Spring Break Soapbox and income CAUKKHtOrtSSIONAL APPOfflMENTS: VStasfieigton School of Professional Psychology is seeing an adnd Must hove feciJt) an earned doctorate in Psychology, Social Work, Educator or Sociology. Col tor Cfntcaeon (801) or Fox. (801) 9445867 before March 1, 1997. 41 tOO Get On Your mm O. MAJORS! '97 B.7AINSHARE 37 Moey. All I Exclusive Engaqemznt 228 355-979-2 ATTENTION . d. NEEDED. Sel starter to reap ah my company. Ful ar port awe jwiaoni CMolobla. Cor olowonca. Cal tor interwe 1 ceil tor raoatng book! $X.000yr ert potered Petals. z p tpurMcnmncuaKr bb OFFICE MANAGER MONEY I SOFTWMRE 51 9 OKporideig EARN - 'J THIEVES 226 COMMNY SEEIONG PT SECRETARY ohemoons. Good eomputor, koing, phone sfak. 2 years Fax resume - to toiperience. Pay vmaV. 9 oius. Accounano and audrira iparient p terrad. Some include and auditing cash mLOnakng leipunitJif accounts. Afph in parson ot e Urwervry Gad Uraoa. 3450 Sou Hghlond Dma. Suito 100. Equol CiporW4y jTlkd tAST WEEK TO APPLY. For Ctalet Manager posikon. 1 Ctacbn and 4 Sdk lakeOy areas Ut Amrage Manager prom it $10 719 fcx summer. 6 Deadkne Cal ar a 66 ARE YOU lOOONG FOR A FUN JOI nm a great to of employees ond owtomew? Wsore louking far on energekc. faa and rasponuble panmi. Port tone position oraeable. Apply ot The Air Apparent to Troley Square. MonfrilO-5- . 227 . 4 ColAiiy580T-a69032- now accepkng o) fordl am. Ful or port tone shifk ova ble. fleak hours, vnl wish students sohaduks. Gtaot utorking a 3 744 E. 400 S. Conipeeliiie pay. Inquire Je, Joe, or Glen. IBtHONEMIERVaArBBlMkNTBkHecMioamr No teles, tort tone as needed Stating at $6 per hour Cal 9 omrnoom. Ask far Aiwa lgus Research. 34 30 am Mf working 25 hours par 8:30 om ond 226 228 59758. rrato VA Vm am seeking mrAvotstl, ISO HOURLY CLERK: ASUNPACtmRNSH-S.VSareoYesSaUs-uenpu- TELLERS. t 483-907- ta 226 pUmeeoge. E Solas comJtant One year soles aparierel Rnanoial $500 outa aeowonca Mile) 553.6446 . DELIVERY PERSON NEEDED. tor Travel Agency. Must hove lakabto cor. 6000 drmng record. Hourly wage i. mkt&n m 7Xbm - 240pai GREEK SOUVLAJQ needs daytime cashnrcoob starling at 600 per hour. Wl Mark around schedukj, Pleom col after 3 p,m or to person a) 404 East 300 SoueSH 35 lrel crack or Money. Spring quarter tatowship due by Wxuary 2 Late ouilKaeora accepted trough Apnl 4 Come to St Center (east of to Union Bldg. pay let) tor opptcolions or cal 581 8070 tor more into. 314 HOME TYPSB, PC asers needed. $45,000 tocoma Coi mt pctoneol Law MCT aal kama 572-42s- hove grant cuetamar sarvtce oak ond a aWe to toom, apply pasan at The Urtrversay of Utah Cmcfat twin. raghkmd Dm. Sum) 100. tquol 226 Oryortunaybnofayar. PA ACCOUNTMG OBbX. VVe era i ULuounnra dark to start i ATTIMTlCiS195avPAS390oviamFAVto7ia7 For UMW CAca Reapor--bla tor tana, M BCEL data enry. setuo. ekL tar UMNN Acenm. Orkce - IO20 hrv per week Cof Marilyn 581 4928 for intor.ajv. 224 GET PAD FOR faWMS RM Unioue Rock & shopnaar a. I , e, Mksc Howns Contodb Stoan, Ran Earth lk. Untmitod. MT P.O. Iok 193. Vtat YUbwttona. NOW! You ase make energeacondkmidS end part oaa amav Vaj eftor wmpam a ajgaai gad oa encalent pennon program to aj.iiied aasJuass. you d 37 HELPlMkNTEDc rdlodgirri iR304 Tcn ktoaaa opportonay Col enoB 37 E V4 RIGHT J1800parvjaakeyowspomanaOonTrnasore fl r Earn to Benefits Roncnn, Rahmg Companiet. Nanonwid Cal (919) Openings. Cahctar In Dovm 95179. lumouCAgrVogramJ KHT BAO. RJGHT WK. FUL U work around ckjeav Al duto, 47 47 ft" komalbodL AM loaf lOom-Ap- r4BfaiineJ &000ma SHHBt5 torritor tol tosa, Guorontot pka faentath and mAtagt. Send ffaWMt to tooc GOeWMaMton, Pork PXX ka7348B, ftjfkCay.W 1060 Record. Kfarden. or tax to (801 4494942 227 MOOtVAOOR SEARCH 97 (Utahi Agency) needs far tofant CoHMeVOCmk, IVifla, GaknouH, ol ICW types. Gmatmtos! 539-174.out- MAU KAJLAOXI HOSTS 2Ujoavahida. bl85 RV gpra, derjn cut, ang UK, aa J754--5 hrv M-- 2e to to J3.000-$4.000Bshanes. porks, anera. Aatotai raadAaoinot 12,000 A306 GJIcCTl 948 5179, art Earn to pka baa OUBE 4d towel (Europe, Corifcean. atrj. No aeenenca col detoas. Far narauorv Free toocl and todgmg. (BOO) aja C306. (Maatosr, kalsr operi ; to ssajs. Sok scUduka. $1 AiASMEMnOYMENT-Eo- anian owalfe. 53?4 Hnktey Ik, to 2 opainakCJ(r9)l7767R306. mesorck and AiMtlBaSrmSaakeejatoraoWtosue-caaLoka (soma SutuiJuys mqjiararl) Data include outbound cone-eo-n cols ond lesolueons. Muet be mseaa ond saf asotonr ad. ofato to kondW a ioat priced office anvvonment. Par depandt on enpenenco and partaraaice, Col 5300161 ond speak to 224 secretary far on narvii in Uteriet. pads, mtarfc. Afare Ccl tor irfamoaon. (919) 9)8-774ad A306. 226 OMSE SHPS HUNG - Earn $tt plut free world (Europe, Canfcbet , ale.). No iiminma naoaMory Col 919 226 OUTHXS-rUNoloPbrKolWl- , avolra,v-cSlel 66 PT MtaOalAl MJKS Ranches. Rofoa eae-r-- em. VBTOtS UBrl peek, eai groat tor kame. Cal Enae at A tETIEt MNT, lltlfi - 41 C0m - JC ojoocaa- and endofe a 4T9NSHP WIN .yWaHWOIMi Ceaadl tor Paaacol 24 lewsenaal progm tor peopto waS ifnAeess $7.96 per hour Pat a avaningi eakandi, tosining provided. Apply at Cofanbtt Co m4, Cantor, 10 Vvee) Canary PorUoy (2950 So. 7 Mow St ) or 31 rmm OAce Aam. 2535 hours pa 312 Fc ao4e. xu-eu- i. 1) GREAT STUDENT SKXTSMNDS) firm it hring 44 ndmludk tor PA Nonol loin rap. poutons. $8hour coma, to Mart hours Cal MAe between 25 fcr mare mfa on. lop Gun Promoer- -i, toe. 464-846224 ALASKA EMPLOYMENT occaat UlranrjUMSltJLOOtS at 5834198. 314 EMM MOCY moding boots! 224 ni For gto photo col Dr. Urianaof adl Xtak t MAI1LXX VaVff TO MAO A DaTOENCE Utah Vcaay Stato Colsgt L 1 11 a a ffVaWOR aWDn n wini wmi ai 901001 rraponic wujjt If Porvnasnn stoaVnk m Soil lake Oly. J4.53jV Morto I5W U of U X aSda. Afcanoont RMT Wat 25 WDUaSAkfaL avanmas, Fairy GodwoeWs RnrJol Sua ad) koto faridoi sdat t Mam kcwpaavtoaaisumaar.aJU par hour Nead eon energy, orgBnejaa, l Col nan. CAMP COUNSELORS Gui EuropeAsiorVsnn fChasftoarlng, Spora, Dance, Art, Pnt 4 Early toes. Day PROJECT COORCtvAlOR - MA in Parks 4 CampL Recnaaoa or ndoarl 4 yrs aap. wah youiage6-18yrsoin camps wi T50rf1rWCAMP blSXTO lAoS ecrecam.leaureorPE. LKGUAJDS - corelied, pUjom kn tab 1 456 or mat toe NMS, la resume 226 2699, Rose aW, CA 95746. MMNTH) - MWWom earn $480 flMMBM cmom boorabvbcfconc cotnponanfc at I Eicwinov wnaotnaty w4 boin. mmcos openings )mut sdaxkitoi eChocaa tosta o nejnay of AppVeiparmrbn25and26,5X)p.mMeelata aoo s mow goto No phone cam ptrae 225 , RSaVJRANT J0M 1HI MOST EKflMG NEW tt Qonv Id UleW Hnng ond (mv neiaioeit faa Itm sMb. Apply a parson bom 9om-5pMceioV (Sno ffaHuwuU 327 NMt 200 Souk Come sea us. writ aiaom having a tot of has. See yo soon. 35 to Qoin HBP dilemma . oaad to arht t you ato Urn and Jon b far Soaal poukoas ami idwdutw o Jable. Apply at TURN Cammunikr Senicet. 535 Cat 400 SaS. SIC or joataeaCdl S. MC Ma 6 SE8QNG A IASSBI gklmSmTk at kane coaW and t mud35 nun iiv. . khly oppht 579-249-0 ttakaangtot. BAND Ofe komg U. OrKtlUNRY EMPLOYMENT EoMOdhm Majori Scmm txninQ a Col Koto at us $$$ 314 S9V to kasaWprad er sejoVioto) enyaead. Morck 10V V kaji 2 eaaia, A vAvt or o or - $35.00 toe. kkaaa) caaoaras and oler tvppert to WANTED IMmONG OASSB: Em pwt tard-a- cc Free gife. psa cotjwaon Smkm (USm 314 bt rto lose 5100 brecaouah. IN. nirtod. EXTRA " 22497 ' . II THiric STRAWBFiRnY iSHAKF ; "UntHAKIlN nc $ f B |