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Show FrMay Jmmmut Daily Utah Chroaicle u-T- he . GHRONY lOOKMGFOt TO SHAK. Sugar abend nab seeks tot tNTAL Nr kadien. ivusrvjr nra n NCfllCE 123 OOMMATE WANTED. UsavanaV VWfd Ctok rvamml Foods. Mole or aauAed aaWtoaiMnk on bats of good tori and Rotoi am as lolowc I 20 $375do. 0 ords $o.25doy. $lS0Oeek5 days) LS cfaiiinad deodkw The ad $2iXVueok a 12 doys) noon, 2 days prior Id puteuasjn. Orm inert1 ckaHOMi l aat be tokea axr tm phone, ar afar 400 p m keeping wan it Omndc't dour tank, you how any proof or phase CTOirorliosxiiixjuWaay. 1993 HONDA CMC EX kgr eUawobo. $1,900 FOtD 17. door, good oonAeon 19WVW JETBk. I ox 0 $2,000 obo, Col6B-ia4.l- Rod. Km 121 - 121 worV. $250. 2 DOHA! PAD tor your ear. ruck, rsvrorth your iUe1olonlm m 1 GOOD , 122 Runs 311 4Wv CaOaa. Chevys. - faram Tallree BWTlr4NANrNEH)(DSardyorifchoori, hours par week Need own eonsportoson. S5.00V 3 or 581 3285 leave message. 1 24 COLLEGE FUNDING MONEY FOR COLLEGE. We can help you obkan funding, lhousands of awards ovoxable to ol students, emaxkito I 80QVe5 . quokfrcahon. 117 COMPUTERS EIITE.COMPUTEI'SYSTEMS wholesale , 46 & flaneurs CD Rom notebooks ol Iswpnces. OsosuraiwakU of U student LD. 9 am. 6p.m. Ask for Jason. BuyaSet Laptops 66 ENTERTAINMENT SKI CARDS!! Available at tie Unto $699 Save over $100 on load ond fun Suikkng's Ticket Oihce tor only JZ2 . BEDROOM API NEAR UNIVERSITY and lroley 2 Square. $425monsH. For crrangernenk col ONE 117 TO SELL MY DORM CONTRACT con go to school! Help!! Cal Jessica I NEED so IMMEDIATELY I ASAP! 117 QUANT FURNBHED STUDIO 3 bloda sour, of U tor motor sxkuxluol seekmg peace and quel $350 includes ukekes aacapt telephone. Rrasrences, tint, bsl. dcpos No 121 Great area, $535 vetoes BEDROOM. 2 BEDROOM, air, locker. $550 SUGARHOUSE 954 E. no nduded. 123 560)38. peVsmofang. carport, laundry, no smokerspels, gas. 675 5 ownue slor-a- nixies 122 large 2 bdr. 2 biS. fenced yard. $900rro. Pels ok. Cal COTTAGE, lord tm. 124 FOR SALE CARS FOR $1001 Truck boats, furnrture, eleoVoncs, computers Awabble your area now Col 4hehrs. mcacomes. etc by RS. 3 4343 t FBI. DEA. 7 1 800-51 52 CONDO 5 mm from campus. 4 bedroom, 3 bam. huge rec room, wine celar. office witS fax & phone lm.NoogBiBpls. $325K. 122 WASHER A DRYER $200 for boti 560-803123 LUXURY GCn7FOREQOSEDliorimfrompenrMon$l.Dearauant tax. moo's REOs. Your ansa Tol bee 1XV2189000 ert H-- l 763 for current tilings. 117 - FUNDRAISERS FAST FUNDRAISER Rase $500 in 5 days: Greeks, groups, dubs, fraevceed mtMuck. Fast, easy, no financial abtqa- ton. (800) 33 et FUNDRAISER 48 - MceVated groups needed to earn $500 promoeng AT&T Discowjr, gas, and ratal1 cards. Saw 1969, we've helped tiousonds of groups raise iSe money Seyneed. Col Gerry at (800) 592 21 21 xl 96. Free CD to qualified colers. 117 JEWELRY IVTcaNAnONAL EMPLOYMENT - Eons up to $25 teochmg base CDnuaaxoaal Enalak Japae, $45W xayorS KareaNoteooSmgbedBjroundor Act J59066. laaueed. Far edo cot (20M-3570a- Tea gucsges 127 ' Rocky 66 PERSONAL your English? 124 : REAL ESTATE (ugh rents & strong Utah economy gne you an opporlunay to build weafch. Now is sV erne! We wt show you how! Wjfcom SkJrnon Chm Ntoioctos 364 4544, Worcley Bettor Homes & Gardens RATES, 42 3 at HOME 127 COMPUTER USERS nc WovKto sup- 117 NEEDED. $45,000 for )atasV23 Choose your hour to 25 (or atoreL $8 00 per hour pus bonuML GfWat vnrk vmt TELEPHONE SALES: 24 ISURANaiOOtrVvolraecompvaaionoly Ask me about our special student jmale student wJ kelp you Wi eoolbng, houn keepna ale in eiMiionge tor room A board 1 your SIC homa-C117 lonyo at 582 2782 or hove o itwuaga TYPING Phi Kappa Phi is oftoring gnduato faeowships of $7,000 to gracfuonng senion who om applyksr first 3u must hovs aevmu-kyear of gaduatostoaW ing GPA of 3 8 ar bettor. Contact tm Office of for cratcokom as 132 SJ Studies, Cantor, Uiaenjroauote wel as addaonal euormaeon. Recesams esusl be members of Phi Kappa Phi on tm date tm awards am made. Deodkne e ribruory 3, to turn n comc.lBd oyqjfcojliuns. 117 "JOtS THE MOST EXOTING NEW CONCEPT RESttURANT to come to Utahr Now hira ol posaxm lor rebruory Mondoy-Soajrdo- y. opening. Apply in parson Vom 9om-5pPino ftostauront 327 West 200 SoutS downtown 4811. 131 VA. MEDKAl CENTER PROJECT: Urgent tastdkvvokjntosn (1) ckaicat data enry, no patient contact TiJephiiiie outao-aen- a for oppoiramails. Work up charts. Order lob work (ram computer. Far infamatiun col Jodue Powal a) t BenrwsnCenler or stop by 101 Uuon. 131 VAMEDICM CENTER PRCUfCT: Varied opporlunite ing recmoeonol iSewprst Qsportaney to work mdepeiideii- V Mora inksniiatian cal JacU fWJ or slop by 101 Union. 131 THE MAYOR'S YOUTH felunteer Cound needs Urirvervty swoeras x nep Joe yarn uty ttwn acnool stuctena ptanond orgonuse service protects tiroughout ta dly For 1 cal Shannon Huff 6 lie Benman Center. 1. 131 SIC POLICE DEPT. VICTIM ADVOCATE PROGRAM its looking tor Achocato VaUtoers to work wS vicam of cbmesac vntence PmpornirjWs inckioe: ossntng ctentt w '""Tt ovx prcaiceve oroors, provxswig eaor axaxsn ond reesrrols, proriam nOTMrfi WOQ HHVi IINHUil UnU workma en Crisk Line PWwj rrvl r e 1imm 1. Center, 581-48- 1 131 OF UIArfS TOTAL ESTIMATED pooubkon of 1.96 rnjkon, araanasnmatod 188,000 mdMduoa St ksderal poverty kne. Jon tie Benmon Onrsr's Gsmnuniry Serrice Action Week (CSAW) project in kxxang at torn of tie possUe causes, effects, and soUons to "Poverty in 121 ScALoW355-PNA(746- EARN $35.00 and help us urxtorstand toe WnxkiaB, ages X to 70. needed for a 25WUofU study an age and oarckovoscular funclxsn. No exsmkasb on coroWmscular nvjdxxseon. Far esfo please cal Dr. Ucfxno ot 314 585-554- SPORTS MMDED Fun loving, team plovers raeded for SIC epcraon. Col 801 W t . NEEDED. COUNSELORS 25 HOME TYPSTS, Cal PC users needed. $45,000 income poton-e- 23 ext. ENVWNMENT romnnin axixjmv seekino anderJun to hapwgbrxae;axcft Col fcddt) 801 265-21 30 25 CRUISE SHP EMPLOYMENT - Voval sSe world (Howoa. ' MaxKX,Corxbeori)AeomoneiiuixBtCruoe A Land C59066 four taduety For dataik, cal 1 206971 3550 oxt 26 - bam how stuonne bora mode taocJung basic convasueuxj Engksh in Japan, Taiwan, or S. Korea Maw employers provcit ream & board andor otoer benehts. Cot oxt ASIA EMPLOYMENT . J59Q67 EASTERN EUROPE EMPLOYMENT-Irav- 26 Eostsm Europe ia al Pronua,BuoVspeeLprKiokow.h osWpoeaaxJbanefite.fWoulhowtoa Col (206 971 3680 eat K59067. 26 - Fahxig ndudry Morweomupto $4.000Vma. dunng psok season. BenaW often Troniportolion and or Room A Board. Far detak 9206) 971 3510 axt AS9066. Z6 ALASKA EMPLOYMENT & Gourmet Cedars ol NEEDED SERVERS FOR Lebanon t good apt 364-40- A tan it a. 122 TrCOLDSPAGHTjnrAOORTBNOWrBVe3fOI:kmch heat person and avemng naaarv Servers end bussars. Pleose apply in person at 1 89 lroley Squora Monday hru rVibe300pmar)4rj. DESK CLERK - Carkon Hotel 25-3SoutS Terrspk see Jen . 117 hrs. per vawk.l40Ea. or Bob 123 KJSMESS MAJORS Company si seeking buenees onentod inlwxkiob to work as aioriogement toaaxa waS career opportunnas upon 2Tl goduoeon. Col Andy 0 801 I N U I a A I G I Seekng insMuob to work in capaoty wexerrxaxnaly expondra corrpany Cal Andy g BUI l17 5o4740. 117 0 ule, 117 MALE ROOMMATE WANTED to share 2 bdr opt wkUes. AvolabW now. Col $260mo 12 near U 6 122 e ee snencsd (iVh srjnt flus eonsnoe lvisiinplomana). IMgretomsimiK n Aden Aoomv Schsdang e iwnj M W WTarTa ftPWfTafla MClpKlflaL 4000 211 Make $450 par sole. saang wabsiaa far saanuomiul Company Col today 486-78597 SPtJNG MOTS. SEARCH. W. am booking spnogwak now) We need new faces and wont to am you todoyl eWTERPCT SALES. 26 a Mwajr imm ' Detaat UVR4G 117 1X514343 . $7.96 pa-- hoar. Porttoae evawnom . A J " A nr (2950 So. 117 DO YOU LP TO WORK HWH K3DP TW Sakt Lam Cay OWll laptalaiM ItW OWea Scatnl Aaatatt taafDaaaC OaMBl Htwlt 01 (jRHap IflodaVt M imWtttlOal WHtdlHttt pnQpQKBt. adsoaliooV- h be IS o Appfagona mua tht0Vt MlllMVoaaK tdt, OeVd WM iMOQMeVaa. ymmkr. rsraiTana or submil a nstume toe So lata Commumte Eovoeon. 440 East 100 Sou, fcxjm 21 1, SLQ UT 841 1 1. AdvertisixjC The Daily OamHmm: ACC0UNIMG QBK laaaalMnQ. at Wred. Apply - I gm 211 POSflON AMUkHi WNOKK feOsuatafeflJ WniTaW UkTattWlaty OtXMNaas, MjuvvKi, Humax feaouroes. job coat - - P" 121 PART TME POLICE PTSPATCHER POSITION AaMLABLE. HonJw inuhi LvefaT takltiont ond simargaaficy klaphons ni" tisapolclW vnfe, 03fuli radio fetAc, logi al Mfli bs abai to ouMiiMVOsiio ii cwctM Enauka putblic nk&aA ond iftajakHaieang dak namd. Henan Resourcm. job code 19715 121 ItWifat, COUNTY DIVISION OF YOUTH SERVICES I 1 J I L W at t t oppweonont nr num wonstrt. M&tmagt ot axial cnujiimrt nexiples, erfeceve counseknq tntmdb. ond bout ccnputar sLk fielpU. hmwm and weekend shm oralafale. Contact Sondro at 269-750-5 122 SALT LAKE acoepaang MODELS FOR ACT CLASSES hr. near U Need women bora men) for UrxJroped $8-1-0 dasses 14--7 people) Sx. 122 OFFICE HELP torn 1 :00pm to i30pm. Computor and tght occouneng asperawct roquirad. Col 122 WOE WB SUPPORT POSITIONS AMAaLEono new account with Q major to and t cerrxxxiy tnohas toubat esuuaiiu ma vun ond r customers $8 00hr. Morning ond uAbiisuum 9eions torn scheduaa ooaabk Col Janmfar Wean ot 5792407 to WORLD i22 ppy MANUrACMHNG ACCOUNT SEEKS Reprreentaeves to hondh inbound ond cabcxJ customer servce cols. AMPM fulHane shm omaobfa, $7.50hr pU incantves. Graot berwias. to apply, cat Jen rtams MATWXX Morketeyj tic . CSD 122 lEADLNG University cm Utah. We seat PwUc tMWMalCat PC a great wcy f reach the 27tCl : students ctC HlannSaL 8 variety 122 CSD. SUMMER EMPLOYMENT: MOUNT RANEft RtilKhWaaSitvsnaDto V. wOJ be moang far ova- - 200 postern rcludtog Oxsks. FirW IsaDiroMFoaiandosW Dana housmg A ooaiatinrwnumpayroldeduceon. Paxssecal 119 lor opptookon or intornet Ratorn opptcoBon 5. We eel be eaa .tewaig on Wad fab. 14 al VaJHmwefaiato EOEMFVH NAT04AI oppWaaom Ckaia. M amok oar before Fab. oncQwejus. 122 UWrOSSmiTrm&him.Mmm.UtlmiT) lor 800--2 IcV 9000 et fcsengv 117 SlOOtrS POSSaU READteTJ BOOKS, ftsrt larai At honse. Rfree 9000 ext -l 763 fy leaner 117 of ad t)c;. and sizes, in ordz to meet allycz advertising needs Are you looking t$ sell your carer post a help wanted .aV notice? Place e classified ad! Do you want to get some majcr t attention foryozr business? Then go jora quarter page, full-pag- V.aMNfeajM. JPi..yv "saVfrve.l ll new Ullllil ad in University rj , Utah's Studcr:: Voice Since Call 581-70cr visit our office tl 240 Student Union from tezz 41 to 5pm. Tol FOSlTWAamjLAatEiCoiapuarcmdP or port tern. Arxtorson Computer 1155 E. 3300 S. 485- - 124 aASSiJS!! opptconk must bout good verbal A coaaeunxxitn akaV. msjgicunissMSixetearg Optus, but not recfxred Send or Fox reeume to CO, 1940W Atexonder St . SIC UT 841 Fox: 801 daSOCOab.com "aranas,aia 131 . Ail I. . -- - ee as iiiuftS i lAa TEOi DNA DeVuYCSTK LAB. 40 hours oar week. BS I soances or aa otont. Lobmoleculor ganeacs ea rarsorm rouene ctoucaJ I far human DNA ornAm SHI r intoimaaon. Send apptcaaons to DNA Lob2C218 SOM. 124 CJ HAftrVOKI HOSTS. goBtopm fvWhovt Needed now. Atoocara. erargeac. our-- uapaaxna. ri posaxm. nxaswk. No axpenence needed. Apx. $75 00nat j m. TTJrC TAl ll ScnsTxngsM-- W c half-pag-e, e a TECHNCAl SUPPORT REPRESENTAIM NEEDED far vowing account $10V to start tochnsoof anparajKO and anowUge of Windows 95. Wmdows NT taqumd Col Jawaajr Harig far on nar.aja. MATRtXX Makaaw Inc Utj. Chronica4 is far two torn tooctiaas W ond Thury 230--6 pm ond passs hsdoy at wel Must be sole dnW and haw own ox $70Qhr. 6 aacae col 121 ewnesgs or kKsvemiiinoi ... I fcla. efa i.as earnvan. at a, fsJWnilK tJMTWKB, lasTMaATaTeV wtuKKtot BbMhUbV for w&om&QA flnd "v - - 122 ForiimintorJoaonoJS7o827& PROfESSOR SEEKS hBf WW auajputUtoa RaHOfli TEC SmtSlasXTOaSeliafiaM pa wah I fwrrf ' JM aWijr JWaVaaTrVaT. raooVg booksl $X.00Oyr eiooeai potoo-te- sl eat Y717 211 rvi A,vk.! If V TVTTAT 1 -in Aa-W- tibelow U' WewJ iecforceuvsscejcir tohakrweom-murvl- y soka fas lomeemei proiTtem. Pkose col Don Warner at iSe Bennion Canter (581 481 1) for mora - 27 BANKING Work Part Ttaut etille ettenduut UnhTrsity Oerecr Opoofiaaay KSeaaarttttve Salary Bcaefla nr Pert Time menu tat 1 - SOM ar aead to Bank One. SO W. anodaw. t.Vm. l C. UT M10I 'Fa GukTaVI (oMflkt Part-ti-n Cell for a quota. a rrJr.uf end com per AiUtcta fct vclaa. You tttoy find w cen tm Tsk yott torn tncr.ty cn yocr nom or cuts insurenct. CcU mo today . . . itll only tsk irJnutj. There's more than oneway to draWi oiooaei Day, evening RESERVATION SALES AGENTS Out Mants awn an iwaragt of $7.50hx ftar our 30 day PAID trairang. ,. . WHAT'S INN IT FOR YOU? MEDICAL, DENTAL A UFE INSURANCE tTOUCATXMtAL ASSMTAMCC SAVINGS A RsTntalaCNT PLAN PjOOW DISCOUNTS & Saturday classes ' - . MTiT? fi Ixw -- ANOMOHB Into, 978-568- Aa down-payme- nt Monthly payment plan Money-savin- g 24-ho- AddIv Now! MOTORCYCLE INSURANCE Hottday Inn WortuMick Is now hiring (torwMatTO&lWrxMPark) (IC.ItTMW AUTOMOBILE RESERVATION CENTER Holiday Inn " RaMrvatlon Cwtar 1275 West 2240 South mtMHaSear1l Cad ' Night Shifts WORLDWIDE TO SHARE 2 BDR APARTMENT No smokingpels. $225rnornh, 12 $150 deposit n Feb. Contact Marcus H-- 3550238, W- - 585-209575 S. 1000 E. 124 rOIIlX)UOLASCOONmOjLakokmjfc ROOMMATES BEAUWU MURRAY BASEMENT STUDIO. Shared Itilchen of 4 level house Washer, dryer, cable, mat iteahbarhood dose to 015 orvJl!5. $35Qmo ndudes ukkkes. Cal Monko - MASSm JMrBEB M OU63KMDS aaaokonaftcapar- son far 25 hours weak, acjha A UDtoae oi aOllJaytHOll, k0rtaPaViMI pTMOUt RECREATION anaV RKRUTCR far Mature nlMCIual, M UO par neur. MoBJoL 2-- 5 mans- a- rnm.k. raj aapenaaot aae aasry 5360990. ax AFTER SCHOOL ANDNO'TEWORIHY BBQ R5siJaAr4T WaMOlur oloosaxmCnaaiaiai iigas. banaW Fvnafacetowari aadbonas. 464B00. 2207 $ 700 E. I74 NEW 117 1)974 5522 SxaVERSAIiBCGti BLSS3S NEcDED. Hours Wage eps. Do- -d or Afaaa. fto Gaaadt Cos. 3643302 Atturacy ow ysor CBnHcaaCswBiMMncy ATTENTION SENKOtSi 314 l;4 ie Encelent afternoon hoursraot wages. eaxMjeve pnjgtvnr mro and wonderful groups of chedran 2 years old). Cal CDS TOGETKR at 121 WORDS PROFESSONAUY COMPOSED, edasd. processed, typed, varacnoed fcasseae tapes), aoreinad, loser prwasd. Theses, deaeilueons, resumes, papers, manuicnpls, parson-dtamihistanes, fe , iraoicol. legal Formats: AM. Turabian. Campbel, MIA, UC Press. Prograrm: WbrdPerfect. Microsoft Word, lotos Graphics AutoCad 1 2. Ecel 7 O. 30 years of univsney experience. FREE pickup and daWery Coralyn. 2776725. 331 WORD PROCESS; WordPerfect 511 loser printer, oho nn mmvj, acMna usn cneck spelaig. gionenot. rear- 0 ences (APA. Turobon). Mrs. Neley. 314 FORMER ENGLISH TEACHER edits, ward processes, xm- -. sxnbes, laser pnnts ctisertaeons, mamaenpts, resumes. FomgVGroduas: students welcome. Winsiow's. PROJECT TURN hvodung wan doable ackas) has vokjraser opporturvaes. Help it needed to assist tamers in day aato-ike- s wah ckenh. For mom iitjuxaun, col Huy Vu at tm Bering tenter, 38 4BI I, or stop by IUI Unon. WOULD YOU IKE TO IE IMVOLVED in mfuon. help educato Iw campus ccunuvty on nsfugee icsuesl Spend oboul 10 hours o week servvxj sSe refugee cuiu- neyf mends lor Kerugees a tootang tar a project yo are irxerested, please contact Sssphorwj Acfomsor loo 1. Rcigersal tie Renrvon Center 581-46- ) 124 NEH) EXPERJENCE FOR GRADUATE SCHOOL OR WORK? We want your help at lie Children s SerwSocxayof Utah) nauntears 21 years of age or older or needed to mentor aennge powsnss or ossistwitS pregnancy pijiieunpreMn taons in Sal lake ana schools. Dont worry, you wJ be earned! One ame voluntoar opporturaltes also available. Please col Susannah Fossa- - at she Bernion Center. 581- - JMuUili- RaMOWTnt fui tee posaxx. a AsvarCorps J a. IS,rL..,,.it ItovV axWA wah sarvj kststaW HEVFOtSBCtanZmoilalmmU 131 0 . 11 2 l"4WBaTBaTCat VI4 t n if Fox naaeae aTfcaaTol $4-5- VOLUNTEER kb POSmONOPEN hrJaon toduer Saksry ond COaimiauVTOaV Saa(anQ flttaMlaWj, TaTtSljMaaBaBa Ofld fcwllioil granted indhajjok Col T . TME sCEPTIONBT at busy Sugarhous. Soion. 466-220-2 Ask for CW 117 SALES pock-09n-s. FVOJEOOKcXnORNEr33ED.CrocxiaeweekVmrvrap ihiiaar nssiclena tecs k Urvversay volunteers and hon to iolunlear togeihec PmcH heU eoch Wednesday after10-1tf hours a week, inemsss4 oJ Monxn at e noon. Beron Center, 117 VOLUNTEERS WANTED: Job placement mentoring program at Poplar Grave Boys & Grt Club a a jab snevrig proadokacenss ones 14 18. Vbkrteers an gram tor k needed to tutor, tdk and anytime between 1 assist youiSs in job koining manuals ond alW job relcxed actMses. tokaaears also hove txt possfcaof xrxjamnkng xJeos ond suggeskons for tut program, and il s great for snansM col Ma Uu at Wm 6enmon renter. 5BI- 4811. 124 workwak school schadukl ol tone wont Contxt Suluiiuia$650-y50perWrfaatocomiiafar- 466-866- 7 aat pctoraol gronk. ichaevaSm. oai owAaje from sponsors!!! no njuayaamv, ovar!! $$$coaS . 127 mnKl 3 adnpaduoai (or pm&uiA npi $7W guoronteed to start Ave $12--1 5hr Nod neceesory Top Gun Promoeons, Aaavxatg aaaaak. Haas 117 MoSt)4g70377orfcai Mf ing STUDENTSM 10q243-2435- ttaW port to chAWoduat wah f.nr Tin Ftox.Se sdwcU, grec lor asideras.tTanrxi ponded. 277-62- frdU 5 exeeleg$$$ teredo: nti 4 aateuutinnnl Jy bamah! Col Aatruj L59064 Servwes I 206-97- 1 3690 Moat ooatorancete tonaajms set! IIIZ fln SPREOCN SE DEUTCHE? Do you need help wi I need help wrth German. Cal leste AUNI JORS Now lunng 117 All port ' 117 16423 1458 Fooaul Dr. jaawaaio far W, Jan 16 2:304.30 pm Pralar neiany tana ft EARN MONEY r saaksENEJKXTlC POSntVERO- VCUAIS! Skmoo sIpoaaiaoL aoinaiQ oubsV 3 801 265-21 obfa Cal Aaron 01 677 Sa THE csnmonds. bridal sets. Evorythevg wrolaole! Mountain Diamond. Col for oppointoient LOW IHTEREST 122 AppkctslKmo3aotaiatUofUempby VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNTTES FOR RENT 1 4. FREE tOURANCE QUOTES Auto. Home. Motorcydas. Good drivers, pmbleia drwers. SR22V Eosy terms. Benefit Group. 117 CHILD CARE Col loura, as4 only $3 5950919 ATTENTION 91 TROOPEt IS, burgundy. V6, auto, 66K axles, encelenl 7 tond. S12700OOQ. Col 124 7 MAO A REM DffEaTMCE? Utak Vbla Stole Ccaoge needs tutors to work wah Wast HaSuWltapaaa; ond Pohnainn audenfe ei ScA Lake Cay $653Aour mm. Eiiiaaaa UedWoVmotAxk rfaaningta, or oat 1991 JKP CHBtOXH UMUBX 4X4. Autonatc, fuly loaded, leotvjr interior. 2780406. 124 Pond, 1 700 DEPT 504-644--1 n uauaataaii to compaa) I AW latu noant uvasn saoend laxsaibana(a.4edioakandawardiato$4. 725 WANT TO Snow kam lOOs ska, booh, bindngs, polai 6V a 1 toside State rorpork 100 Wert No. axnpWt, SIC angs! SKI PACKAGES. & Choaot 124 kauri 123.000 titost New tamwvj tares. Hwne: aJ3-oV- txio I 1 PMi AMUU 180 124 SERVICES 121 iron $175. BMWVGxveess. Also Jeer. o( CMapOMflfll 0. Just send $10 aSmoma and hon- dkng to BMD Ermrpmes. 1338 footvl 302. Sak lake 121 Cry. UT 84)08 122.000. SEIZED CARS fiOtWOU ffaKftOMC ATlfJUOE auto, 19(0 HONDA CMC Ikn. Nod TOT CMdO w1 $1200obo. oak tor 8 EaoW to shorn m 2 eoU apt tats. No smotWpek. CaTCUat l 124 I aoatomfsdvidukBavoaDbk Apply at TURN Ceaaaaa. Sarwoet. 535 Ear 400 SouK SLQ or col 35976 66 HELP WANTED - MwWome earn $460weeaVi famol. OnsUnoLCol e'jilje' t r 4. . RUN YOUR OWN BUStCSS. Goai imoiuobW aapenanca. Earn up to 1 2 ertsmehe) end iron tie U make a lot of $ by epsnseng a colage Pns Poaaars Fnoachao. NoSorenp equead. 1996 avaragt Utah manager mode $8003 aver 6 sSe summer Cal todoy or or 117 I9M HONDA CMC, auto, 2 dr hakh. seW $2500 obo. 1916 MONCO DEAL $3,000. NEEDED ASAP lor Social OPPORTUNnY to gam gray. 11 FOtD VkS 60X axles, oood dm great Hardy ban used 533-907-2 ONLY tsOOMMAIE 9) aartoadnbatdfsk4o7262. 122 EXCELLENT EMPLOYMENT 123 iemak dote to U $275 ' AUTOMOTIVE O0KS IMIHX 4X4 $5000 aba. "M A or . Jute to run honest odnerkia irtawe to tm coneary. i No W 2oto50toaoHt ar eon olbatoiuaosmcal987 ' . $350 sol exjuded. 463-- hardTO SHME fUU HOUSE WENQOSED YAW. wood boots, gnat aeejrxtorfwod. near (9i & 1 539-137 123 Col $300 U BAtVNDtaO CLASSES: Earn araat $$$ whA laUng Tuasaoy and IhanxsW etanmg enseal Immmq pwUiene 123 FakO 0799 DISCLAIMER - The Omtk note to den WANTH) oaed buttno, ol new. n. ur discounts claim service Cal 8 v in CALL OR VISIT TODAY: j Eoual Onportuney ensptovai. DlJtetolnourstonaona 3 - A' A 1 |