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Show - Tfct Dally IMah frMty. JaMMry Cfcraakto About 20 percent of the artichoke crop harvested along the central coast has been damaged, not enough for a big loss this seafrom page 2 ' ' ' ' v :; . region was at almost $1.6 billion," son. "If this were to occur again in ' with many counties yet to report Levees crumbled in the Stockton March, we would be sweating it," area, 60 . miles cast of San said Mary Comfort, manager of Artichoke California the Francisco, as releases from Commission. , burdened dams kept keep water flood washed 1995 March A levels high on the San Joaquin away millions of dollars worth of River.; . acres Even though thousands of vegetables and toppled 750,000 - ' almond trees. underwawere of prime farmland As for the area's winter wheat, ter, experts say the flooding hapmuch of harm too crop, it was still too early to evalpened early to the 1997 harvest. Crops such as uate "., damage. An estimated almonds and fruit trees arc dor- 150,000 acres of red winter wheat mant and leafless this time of year could be damaged. "Wheat can be under water for and thus safe unless there is while because it's a grass," said a another string of storms later. Floods " : tk FLyinG Duchhiaii And boy are kis arms tired. " Price by Richard tagfner Sun in German witk Engluk Supertitlet An eerie ship drops anchor in a tranquil Norwegian village and its captain- steps ashore, seeking the virtuous woman who will literate him from a dreadful curse. TXagner's romantic musical score probes the enigmatic depths of the sea and trie human soul. January 18, 20, 22, 24, 1997-7:- 30 p.m. January 26, 1997-2:- 00 p.m. !Amu Twers Qfntnd Director from page 1 According to Hughson, the last person in any bidding round should realize that a bid of $1 more than one of the previous bidders maximizes the chance of winning. However, in the hundreds of rounds he and his colleagues studied, more than half of the contestants did not use this strategy. Even after seeing the strategy Genocide from page 2 encc by a strong authoritarian state, the peasants obeyed orders to kill their neighbors, sometimes their relatives, their wives and their children,'' Yacob said. As a signal to begin the massacres, Akayesu and Hutu militia members publicly executed eight men as they begged and pleaded for their lives, t the prosecutor said , "The Tutsis faith in Akayesu was misplaced,' Yacob said "Instead of being shielded, they were hacked, killed and buried in several mass s . graves. Expert witnesses, videotapes of MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. 13TH ANNUAL CELEBRATION AT THE UNIVERSITY OF UTAH in action, about 40 percent of the contestants still did not adopt it. Contestants who did adopt the strategy were most successful in winning the bidding war. "I guess the question is," says Hughson, "is everyone as dumb as the people on The Bice is Righfi Are some people less bound in their rationality as the people in The Price is Righf?" Though Hughson concedes that contestants of the game show may not accurately represent the population as a whole, he argues killings and testimony from journalists and aid workers will show that the massacres at Taba were part of "widespread and systematic mur- ders," he said. Akayesu's two court-pailawyers said they intended to challenge the credibility of the 31 prosecution wit-- . nesscs in then ask for a postponement to go to Rwanda and prepare their own d six-mon- witnesses. "Is Akayesu automatically guilty if he had belonged to a government that was responsible for genocide?" Patrice Monthe asked in the defense's opening statement The trial adjourned until Friday after the opening statements because passport problems delayed the arrival Fernandez Bonnie of. the California Wheat Commission. "Our concern is whether it's a situation where you've got water ." running over so it takes the top-soil- For now, losses to major barns and machinery, homes, wells appear to be the major . headache for farmers. "A lot of farmers are going to have really severe problems restoring their property and getting back in business," said Dave Kranz, a spokesperson for the California Farm Bureau. The loss of cattle to the state may also not be too serious at this point, Kranz said. He estimated 1,000 cows were gone from a state total of 1.2 million. : that they arc at least as credible as groups of college students, who are die standard test group for studies of this type. "Social scientists have this captive population' of college sopho- mores, which they use over and over again," he says. Nostalgia, minimal cost, and the "fun factor" influenced Hughson to .choose The Price is Right as his laboratory. "It's weird," he says, "but you can use a game show to" say something about economics in general." of three prosecution witnesses from ' Rwanda. . Akayesu's trial originally was to begin last May. He was granted two delays when he changed lawyers. Akayesu is one of 21 people indicted by the tribunal. But only he and six other suspects are in its custody; the others arc being held in other countries. Shortly before Akayesu's trial the tribunal began .Thursday, announced that President Paul Biya of Cameroon had approved the transfer of four suspects held in his country. who- include' the The four the genocide, forin alleged fynchpw mer army CoL Theoncste Bagosora were arrested a year ago when they fled to Cameroon. . - - TtEQUEMMS by BuMy rfdrai 1 Qnno (BftHimtiii) I January 14, Tuesday, KUED Channel 7, Civic Dialogue. 9:00 pm st How to raise a Child, Ted Carpenter, Vice President University Relations, University of Utah, Moderator, Kathleen Christy, Salt Lake School District Area Director, Musical Selection by Peter Breinholt Non-Raci- of Co-moderat- or. January 16, Thursday, Noon, Olpin Union Ballroom "New Community for the 21st Century" Reverend Cecil Williams , Minister of Liberation of Glide Memorial United Methodist Church in San Francisco. From his position, Reverend Williams has been on the forefront of change for more than 32 years as a minister, community leader, activist, advocate, author, lecturer, and television personality. Admission FREE January 20, Monday, 7:30 pm. Abravanel Hall - The Nylons - In Concert Known for their great acappela sound, dazzling harmonies and smooth, sophisticated arrangements, the Nylons; enjoy immense appeal in North America, Europe, Australia, and Japan. Tickets are required but will be FREE (limit 2 per person). For further ; information, call 581-75- iffy Chrony Comix ' COMMITMENT TO THE VISION M, I tn Mow mi m oamtdMl Woq. but mthar Bob wound ffw room, the painHngt tyac to avoid him. fare i MUM 69 untorbmrt md to out ttw aodkan out ofmydtt. |