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Show Friday, November Daily Utah Chronicle cal hoar. The is free within the SLC metro 1894 area. POUTICAL PARTIES col Socialist Green Parly. peaceenvironmental rrjcrslcopiScsism. mony, equaTrty. common ownership. Ti FEDERALIST NATIONAUST LOST & FOUND FOUND: ond Ic Describe Kabulci 10 Speed. chain. in detail, 1120 Alaaesbvak. PIANO IESSONS. 994 PERSONAL CATHERINE or Dove at MUEN I'VE HENDERSON in Argentina. ARE YOU AT IT? If to. col Christian GET UP I'm QJ wit. Jimmy Hoffa. rrole me FooeSilVilogeAreo. $300.00 GETTING MARRED? 500 arrouncements for only Becky Rumfield at legacy Annrxwcemenh, WHY NOT? fj Hamburgers ot 1 No repay- visit 81496 re? unused every year 128 basic ENGLISH TYHNG HPS Hond WP CALLIGRAPHY. knno tor wMfvlopeM, LMleHiefsite. Darrjrjro4o7-823- 6.15.1, lour, kg, '' ' 128 about OTjrdun ond moke'o 1 2:30 to w more eilor-- Beiwwiii Center ufsssriueon, .Wednesdays I XMpm IW tie benmon Sjenter. tsngeee i3oi-wi- i n iza NEEDED: VOLUNTEERS DESWNG TO IE A POSnM MCE in aW ttvu of horalut oSildnn. 'falulBi in ehs dvUrtw't plojffooni at eh IixmIbt's Aid Fanvty ShtJtv. Matos a oVAsranot. Contact Scot Sonniilion at etm sManv tvni dob ovoilobls. Bennion Center. ffW; ' 4 IOOX-A-uk- 1119 UWHcSTY VOLUNTEERS needed to be members of she Mayor's For mors ntor foun ffolunlMr Counal 01 o tchool oooiiiHMjIuf. malion. plmti ool Morionn Moraon or Don Womor ot ns Bennion 1120 Cer, ADMISSION WANTED PRESCHOOL TEACHER OR COOK WANTED 1063 East 200 South. Col Michelle at r mm MODEL ACTOR TYPES Catalogues, Print ads. FOR BEST It i GREAT C0 GARB HflS.lSStt Hoi, 128 : Needed for films, TV Corrmrcials, Musk Videos. Experience not a must.) 128 RATES. PATIENTS a links I INVASION Or TH D 128 C3 Q NEEDED antibody. for study. $75 Paid each lime you 2 Col soon after diagnosis. 1596 $$$ The Citibank Fundraiser is here to help you! Fast, easy, no risk or financial obligation: Greeks, groups, dubs, motiCal now, raise $500 sn only one week. vated individuals. 2 1800)662-198ext. 33. 128 CONFERENCE ON UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH. Are you an uidergaduale sludent involved in research? Attend iSe lOsh Notional Conference on Undetyioduote Research in April. Come to 410 Lfnion for tSe ptogtuin announcement. Applications must le postmarked by Dec. 1 1130 There ore over 300 professors UND6RORADUAII RESEARCHES. wAng to do fawoorch wieh undWDraducon. Earn credit or monaw. Wintir quarter lelowihip ccxxkaliom due by NcWxr 30. Inf: 410 RAISE . Utctq, COMMLMTY EntSusiastc persons ns0Qad to work in rnidsnbol trvoaTTiBnt preararns lor pirsont wHh oufhnt in Sok LoW County. Iraintng piwidbd. Ful and porMirns ptwidscf on shA. Barents opoilablo, poiiliora aratlabU. TREATMENT AUEBNATTVtS tSan AppVc54to4500ScE220,SoUsWGly. EARN MONEY DetA: Readhg books! nam $30,000yr. 1596 potential. 1117 For details, rush 1000 vhmUv sluffeigerrvesapes. GROUP RVE, 57 Greenlree Drive, Suite 307 S1.00wHhSASte Dow, DE 19901. 13096 AND GCrVERNMENT JOBS $21hour plus lull benefits. No oworionoB, wit Iroin. For CDptioofcon and nlorrnalTon, col 1 POSTAL 1496 80f536-304- e NATIONAL HARKS HWoNG Seasonal & employment owetobW ot NrjHoool Podu, Forests, & WlJife Ptusi ws. Benefits bonuses! Cot ext. N59061. RESEARCH Conduct political and NTERVCWERS MonW Research Surveys nationwide. Nosoktsl 4,6w8hourshins between 200- - 1000 Great student job. hrsweek. pm Cal or apply at 3320 South 300 East. $$$$$$$$ U. OF UTAH STUDENTS: Earn $5 per hour participdnp, in Memory Research. Research lakes place on campus. Must be a native speaker of English. For more information col R.C Reading Booksl WllfY has a need $30,000yr. for computor lor onBatiiaOslK praMs$ono mdytary bodar o itmy keep poce wrh income potential. 1130 Groat solas otwiOrtes. Hn SANDY aSe 5 1120 Wilei VIM Wl IMS l OwtOl TMs WwUI BE A PART of o growing ratal operation at R C. Ideal tab far students! Wearenowhir- WsleyHorrarHiinuhirigs. in warehouse posiliom most locations, day ond overwng Must be 18, wil do repetenelrf artwork in o fast paued envsronment. Start ot $.60htv excelent benefit Sfnoko-fre- e Eoua) anvvonment. pockage, ttaporlunily Employer. Apply person at R.C Wiley's Corporate Qhce, 2301 SV300 Wlard floor, COME AND afar ., 1120 (""i I t3 PjTj t snowboard clothing at the this Thursday. Friday. & Saturday of new ski I LrHPTT"- NAUVOO, RJJN06 FOUR SUMMER MONTH'S LOS CHURCH YOUTH MISSION: WANTED, Male (high school graduates There are going to be 300 pieces $U SWW in & the Won Building's Salter room- Plenty of kids clothing as well as at outstanding prices! 150 South 400 S - adults-a-ll K532-39S-9 P-- Z2A mm mm TiWIE. prarjuckons in Nauvoo, Meson, Summer 1996. Singing, dancing, speaking parts. IDS Church Service Miiimi MiiiMjr) rules oppty. Once in o Isaxtsnsa experienca. niuhey s3& Is Hiring FnVSet 11m 3 em plus production incentive pay! by Afternoonevening hours. touch desired, but not required. Wilt train on the job. Casual dress attire okay! Excellent full benefits package. ASK ABOUT OUR TUITION 10-k- Sun. 11am- - 1am REIMBURSEMENT PROGRAM AND ADDITIONAL 4TH "QUARTER V BONUSES!! S depends shiftsweek, 1320 E2ndSouh. ii t INTELLIGENT, Receive a $20 Snowbird discount card (or attending the Warren Miller ski film "Endless Winter" showing November 16-1- 8, 1995 in Orson Spencer Hall Auditorium. ri4,tM .TIME: Show times are 6:30 pm and 9:15 pm. Save $9 on all tram and lift tickets at Snowbird throughout the year. Ticket prices are $7 for students with IT U ( U 57nnnr U U UWU LS LaPg0 1 i epJro tiaies limited Delivery Urea of U I.D., and $9 General Admission. -.Z- r-A i i Topping or IWodium 2 ToDpinn Greatwaaes, greatjob. .Unrversily fWmocy. 1117 LOGICAL e e or position, texible hours, learn our prturietory data conversion process. S8.00hr. reg. Col for more info. Logic test required. 1122 Perfect grants, financial aid. ANYONE CAN RECEIVE SCHOLARSrSPS, We con help! Col Now! 94 "FOXPRO" EXPERT 128 data base needed as consultant. Please 1120 colCorolotS8l-7234ext.40- The Soft Lake Hilton, M-Flexible hours, 2 month, 700-- 1 1:00 a.m. Apply now in Human Saturdays lower kxxyorhokti. Hours are M-Resourcesall50W.500S. F. 800 am. to 5O0 p.m. ESQ. 1120 PURCHASING CLERK a JanxorcW SEEKING HONEST, Hard working person as f so ful time. Col Al, highsschrnaiuSDrJuringfirni. HELP! E Mon.,Thur.4Fri $5.00 per hour, Gxvnd Motor rYjol, Icr 12:30-4:3- 1130 TrJvCHrHt ASSISTANTS fVvqurjMoresssadsdvjols. SoutW, m.-- l JcTOdoysperwaek. oubskMes needed toraowrt-- s ond SoueSeost, ol hours. Appeconts should be responsible. eraSusiosec, creotjve and realy enjoy svotlung waS cfvfdren. Gnjot jsdsupportve stoff. pm workingerriaiil CXaMWTaSLfPCWTOHMQAN PartTirai Ccsxyrtunefcr a cornpulBr earcai tludsnt Loceirig for sonssow wtxi rC osrnrxiaT luiuvkardierrilaubBbusir(ssroua CorxSootewlberespon-ssba,lrjlercandrxs- lyouaxrierjssendlaxb801)978-6225oriroillo- : 84104. rtxncriKscTC939S700WaCUT 7.00 am. to 300 p.m. Monday through Friday, flexible. Study lirneovoiloble. Near UofU. Scenic 1345 SoueS roolxl Dr. Askferjudy. 1121 KOTO KO Kring saW help parHime emtgsdays. Should like children. funwUdge products fxxpful. Cad 1 10-Terri or Brandy, 130 DESK CLERK riancrjnfje Motel, cilo's ATTENTION STUDENTS WITH EUROPEAN CONTACTS Major U.S. Co. wanting people wcontocts in Europe; corrsuking, to cosistmens to Europe. Respond ASAP. FTorPA. Inquire by leaving name & at 1122 SKI RESORT JOBS Hirino far rnany positiont w winter. Up to SI 00 in sdary& benefits. (Free ski pass, ski equipment, meal Slu Snowboard instructors, (ft operators, wait stoff, discounts.) chalet staff, other posrtiom. Col Vertical EmcJoyment Group: ext. V59062. 128 (206) & from NEEDED each rrarning & afternoon to drive kids to home school Must hove own oar. SlO.OOday. Near IT. 1122 POSITION AAAJLAILE: Cemetery. PA Mount CrJvary Ccxhofc SECRETARY, flexible hours. Requirements: position, MordPerfsd fomslianty, office sUb, scies, record keeping, billing waS stoff tonelxsi. orio Ixeeuvsrig cooioxsTjeon Jobspe osmetery cifk sliming & benefits onibble. To apply, cal Mr. J.H Mease, Ml. Calvary Cotnlic Cemetery 275 Street, SLC UT 84103. V 1122 CENTER has job Recreation Aides working wish youth in ants. Contort local rocroolioi iipm H progrants al oWnBntary UT 84116 Sue. Apply 1300 West 300 North Phone: NOSTHWEST MULTIPURPOSE SIC 5960072. itUNNEai 11O0-- 1117 cAes. MonaW IhroucJn fnda, M. W. w be lexxxe wrr. doss scneduW Salary a reimbursed at S0.28 per miss, rleose apply negotiable. MiSeogs ot 1 32 Souti oOoTost, Salt Lake Gly, LIT. 1122 REFEREES WANTED to ref. elenxeiej tchool one aUdren's 4-p.m. 2416 E 1700 S. games. PaySS. M, W. TH, Must be rxstient & work wel wish kidt. Col Jeff ot REPS NEEDED Rapidly growing aluuiiiiiMvcrjtion carnpany seeking reps in r area. Great opportunity tor lui ond parftirm positions. 2530317. nosaWd (or busy Tl 2720720. 1127 FUN SALESOFFC In selDense&toevI rtstSONNEL: Fkofcie fxxxs, easy uiugium. Base pay plus good ccfnrnrssion Col 562 9494 ' There's more than oneway to drawl oiooa Valuing diversity in our workplace, we encourage individuals, from all back grounds, provided that minimum ; ; xjd ' EASY Distribution Clerks evian crxtrroon-evenin- COUNSBOKeVVTERED WOMEN'S SHELTH Vveekerxfrxxrsplus fj in lor otW staff dunno tie week, 5 rrvperweek. $7.00fc Requires human servKe experience, some cowrie, flexibility, SpcWshspeceerstorv preferred. YVA 322 East 300 South pm-10- 'A AND PHARMACY HELP DELIVERY PT $5.72hr. plus 8 shift differential :30 pm) pay, M--F (6:30 - 330S74B3-l999.ilj- S40,000YR. RvXOME potential. Home typistsPC users. Tol 763 for tsSjT 1117 S35.000YR. teCOME polenkal. haang books. Tol free 1 803-899778 ext. 763for details. 1117 NEED CHRISTMAS MONEY? Looking lor outoexng people to denomtule products in stem on eeelien Ji in lie Sqe Lake ond Park areas. Janet 9650629 or Joy Cry Immediate openings, $5.81 per hour, 11im-2a- E e far METRO GOURMET EXPRESS needs 1 lunch ond dinner. Earn 2hour. flexible hours. Vve need from meals line dekver to rjersonable, neat, punctual people restaurants to homes and offices. Condiaotes must be at least 18, possess a valid Driver License, proof of insurance, good driving vehicle. Col 288 4100. Work With record, and-A Fun, Gnsce New CcriPany. 1127 tree, l Proof Operators Fast and free delivery fiDILILERL trooge24)arjfemo(oc19sSrough24) rnusical theassr HOURS: CcEULYKiiEnsaien:xl ,0) East H17 otBisoCorVvbshafJelojl. 1990 ' DRIVER increaMd demand for their products. Hourly bosst plus ccwwnission ond a oeat benefit peckogt. Smoke free efMronmantEquol OppcvttiVrrty Employer. 300 Apply in person at R.C Corparole Office, 2301 W. (3rd feor,90)om- - 4:30pm), SLC lit " PREMIER TBBHOt poaWiteol wtti -- CAR WASH and Dekxl center e student workers in she mornings. needs Vigorous outflexible flexible door work, hours, days, good pay plus tips. Apply SLCS EARN $500--$ EARN MONEY Details. "e::fteee..'tl ClASSIC SKAT1KG Discovery a SERVICE Student Services Bldg., PARCEL eves. fcs VOLUNmOPIKX?TUlSlTES 9 donate 128 l tnformo-lio- 128 MONO tronscrip-So- owd ucciiiuli. Word IpipoimnQ, Ironicn VfaHlnid S.l tour priniv. fan, ootnpoiilUeX vfjn Phone or fatjeonie, 128 TYPMG StudantsDuvnesses. Resumes, apptcolions, term VvP j.1, loser. tl.25pag. $4 nenimum. Sonet, papers. ' ItVOWP SBWCe ckUNITED HIRING For Earn great $$$ while having fun. BARTENDING CLASSES: Tuesday & Thursday evening dosses. Training bartenders since 1987. BarlenrJers Incredible tmiuraci wpnlinoL dritficolM- drfferenrje. 12 MIDNIGHT Pb rier1rAfLileratrcU - 3 d leaching Korea No S. cz-t- PA IcocWurJociders $8 00hr. Ccnlrxt rm. 382. Eoual Opportunity Employer. S3 YEARS EXPEHENO, no jab too smol, reasonable rates. Crass Auionmenls, Manuscripts, Four laier- - Prarimg; PersonaJFamdy Hstories. Traracriptom, Resumes, Thesis, OMEIEMNMORE -- q IMMEDIATE TEACHER - P.M. ABROAD AND WORX-Mxup to aanvenalional English in Japan, Taiwan, or tsucluny fjookground or Asiun languages nsauired. col: 1206T6321 146 ext. J59061 TRAVEL AAW. $3.00, 10 afraid of she you wish were leu of Choice Celutar) Nw 20ti, 11:45 CT. 0elloAinW.ill7 , C5817234. EMPLOYMENT-Smdenr- s month. WCDPROCESStS(VvbrdPerfect 5.1), laser printer, cshotypng. Con check spelling, uiaininoi, references (ABA, turafxon), editing. 12 Mrs. Neley, OVERNIGHT TYPING. fYofessionol U graduate. Extremely accurate. Transcriptions, essays, resumes, ttesis, etc $1.50pg, 1276 6pgs$1.25. Sara 12S visits $25.00. WAteTAOaWIARPHONE or rxgerrjutr Do you already have celubr service shot Culenion's GseMar (A division expensive? con help! James Toyfar. agent NEED MONEY FOR COLLEGE? Funds go Gixiler Resources of Utah help you. Needed! Fishing Industry. Earn Room and Board! up to $3000 $4000 per Male or Female. No Transportation! experience necessory Cal 5 (206(545-415ext. A59061. 128 rWFsNANOALADI Over $6 Bilion in private sector grants & students available. Al is are now eligible sdsolorships regu Jless ' of grades, income, or parent's income. Let us hen. Cal Student 1 ext. F59041. finorool Services: 128 ALASKA edits, word processes dissertations, monuscnpH, rewnios wieft clou and diskncfion. Foreign ojpqoVj ate students welcome. Winstow is, AJ0- - New lights, new lubes. 128 1596 $215. Cat available. One way ticket to Hartford. SALE: FORMER Moke your life a Try our freearmates to moke ahead and Tupperwore. line whole of new microwave cookware store meals. We have a and lelteusubles for quick, nutritious meals. - Col for a free microwave cooking dots denvanslralion or to dace cm size order. Denise 128 grants 128 Ken Dr. PROFESSIONALLY COMPOSED, edited, loser printed, transcribed (cassette), scanned. Formats: AAA, Turobian, Cornpbel. Theses, dtssertrjliora, resumes, papers. rVograms: W.P. 6.0. WP. 5.1, Microsoft Word Graphics: Auto Cod, Harvard. Free pickup and delivery. Carolyn, busy schedule! CASH FOR COLLEGE. 900,000 ments, ever. Qudilyinradiatk. Cal icleoning. WORDS 1127 - Bodt to exam TYPING utilities. Fulfils UofU INSURANCE. Best rates and coverage! As low as: $32 single, $42 couple, $92 family. requirements. Call 277 8210. 128 lAOXTOSCHOOU w HAWAII OAHU CONOOS & HOME FOR RENT Spacious Kitchens, Ocean Front, Semi Private Beach, Quiet, North Shore. Col Shoyno, or 1127 HEALTH THE READY PERSON FIND WHEN YOU'RE TO you've been looking for, cal tNe premier tingles line in Utah, Social Introduction!, at 292 3066 You'l get your own private voice mailbox and direct coll transfer connections to people you off 5C) am. Col uc4M-4985- SERVICES 1122 J.W. BLEAOXNG TRAVEL FOR APT. ROOMMATE WANTED: preferred. 1117 or tl CANT 128 Mora. Near University. $3 10 plus udilies, 3289658. ROOMMATE NEEDED to share 3 fadrm. house dose to U. utilities. 1121 Col S266mo. 12 WANTED: ROOMMATE no Oeon, responsible, smotunctpetsdnjgs. Cow to University. Garden, washerdryer. 1121 $lo5mo. f 15 utilities. Sexxpneor IT. CdriryMxrxxJLurjavjt. 2 808. SHARE MUSIC CLASSCUOAJITAJ! TEETH ROOMMATES produce key to 128 1130 har- 17, 1995 Send name, address, May 1, 1996 lirough August 31, 1996. and phone number Is: Nauvoo Musical Theater fVodudiont, COB 41 , 50 East North Temple, Salt lake Gly, UT 841 50, or cal 1117 1801) by November 30, 1995 for details. work study student, 10 hrs.wk. S6.00V CLERK POSITION Medicine. School of with Utah Cal in AHEC Speak axxf English NUNTBAU. GUNS, buy ond set new and used poinlbal guns and equipment. NofanWide Poinfcol line cooks, servers, bussers, THE CUD SALT QTY JAIL is hiring: hosts, bookkeeper. Exparience preferred for a higlv volume restaurant. Open evening. Apply in person 460 S 000 E. Enter from bock kitchen door BEEN THINKING ABOUT GETTING AN HIV TEST? Do it now! Pick up she phone & col the U of U Sludent rtoato Service for HV counseling & testing offered to sluder, faculty & staff & their partners. For more inc. or to schedule an appointment, Day, evenins & Satxirday classes requirements are met, to consider unem' ployment with us. . ' Apply in person at 50 S. Main Street 19th Floor Kty Bank lower . EOB MVFVrTJ TWO FREE Drj;;;(s INCLUDED S32-S90- 9nouns: HAr.viAM 11-2A- M li-Miornc- . iiT m-- FBI & CAT curt f |