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Show u Friday November The Dally Utah Chronicle LOST & FOUND . CoWotor found outside she Cometol35SSB toiaWitrfyondcfoim. FOUND: SSB in midOd. 114 MISCELLANEOUS CGuicte SCHOOL toGeAng In" GettSe ireonnolion that wiove you the edge! to order, send check or money order for $6.95 to DMA Pubkshng, P.O. Box 521213, Salt Lake Gty.UT 84152-121116 MEDICAL IT. Al ageslevels. baoreli. 487-859- 1996 DISCLAIMER The Osronicte reserves the right b deny or edit ckiuifitd Kw1is6ni0nti on tfw bans of good knit and pro words $3.75dcy, priety. Rata arc at blows: 0 words $l5.00week5 days) $6.25doy, The cfassified od deodtne a noon, 2 S25.00weok (5 days) wfli rat ooWrliMmBnb OonAsd to prior doyi puUnoiiOfit 09 tcran osw 6w phons, or afar 4:00 p.fn. wpwietfayi. For iriormokon about dasufcod aaW cal 581 7041 . In keeping with sSe Chronicle 's desire to run honest odvsrtiiemeriti, 1 you hove any proof or evidence to the oontrory, please col the office rrnmediotsly. NOTKZ PERSONAL LFTSDOLUNCrfl Col Stoat 5380627. AUTOMOTIVE 6 r r MO 4 1115 A $1001 boob, Trucks, od. 1989 HONDA ACCORD DX, white, 2 door, sunroof, at, AC, encelent condition, incredible gas mileage. $5700. 117 Any, 582-- 1 767, '83 RAUir GU deperidoble, good erane, pul-ostereo, VC, needs new Ikes. $275. Jeft 48M699.1 17 '91 ACURA INTEGRA IS. 58,000 miles. $10,800 or best 1113 CHILD CARE WANTED p.m. In or leave message, COMPUTERS ELITE SYS TEMS - Desktop Computers - Wholesale Direct. Custom bind. Discount with U of U id. 9om-9pAsk tor Jason. Wei beat retail pricas!!l laptop Pentiums, 128 : COMPUTERS FOR SALE: , VLB, $750. 486SX-3EGA, $275. Otwoxihguro- - Tl9 rionsaroilnble. 386 COMPUTER, tower cow. mouse, VGA mon, 1vtt RAM40 MB HD.VVP, Comm. other software. $300o.b.o. Leave message 117 A REAL GAMING MST. Then we're kiolung lor YOU. Free tood and CDHSDM. Cal Ask ARE YOU 119 for Peter! DINING OF LEBANON CEDARS RESTAURANT 10 gourmet 152 E. 200 S. Vegetarian and oft wit. U of UD. 128 364-409- 116 3 brjrm. 5 blocks 7 or John SHARE LARGE, CLEAN $220-$23- shared utilities. $250 or 801 Bryan from V. MF. 116 SERVICES NSURANCE. Best rotes and coverage! FuHbUotVl requirerninh. Asfowav $32 single, $62 couple, $92 fom- HEALTH 1 far 1596 for HmaneV, Nov. 3,"l99T Bands: AMPERSAND, CE8URN, RIVER BED JED. Grama Bcr,45W Brocdway Pub fcyrVwce. Mergers) 113 BASH Hafaitot DEAU ON NW AND iraSUEOJJPMENT and Attend she 23rd annual Park Co Sid Swap on Nov. Eaxpment check-i- n Friday, Nov. 3, 4--9 pm. Sab hours Friday, Now. 3, IOpm-- 1 am, Satorday, riot. 4, 10 0 m.-- 5 pm; Sunday Nov. 5, 10 o.m.-- 2 p m. Earipment pick-u- p Sunday, 3-- 5 pm Cost it $5 on Fndoy, $2 Saturday and Sunday. IGds under 12 free. At treasure Mourttain MxkJe School, Hsghwoy 248, PorkCey 649-874-9 tor info. GREAT dofengl M 1 113 6.1 A N E (BtrjsWlmpsnorears. ftjying at o rVvate Cub in Sandy. Thursday, Nov. 9. Tickets $5.00. Must be purchased m 116 ooVonce. to a busy schedule! Make your ineuli. Col for a free necrowove oooking doss eWTnonstra-lio- n or to place any size order. Denise 9440261. 128 GETTING MARRED? 500 cewwuncernene far only $215. Cal Becky Rurnheid at Legacy Arnouncemeris, 128 FOR COLLEGE. 900,000 grants amiable. lepoymsnh, ever. Qualify irnmediasgly. CASH 800 E. 270 2 Bedroom, washerdryer, security parking. $550mo. Precept. 117 NEAR1T 2bdrm. 651 Lake (740 E) St, laundry, sic quiet, cot ok. $595 $400 deposit. appt. building, FMAlfROOMMAH WANTED: Cose to U. Muslim dogs. 1 1 $325mo. includes utilities. Col 17 I BEDROOM APT. free coble. Mgr. 6 355-7- 1 LARGE $425. 726 24 or S. 900 E Newer, 1 1 6 Lg I bedroom apartment UhUet pd. $500 deposit, laundry room usage. No srralungpets. Great for couples & suited for 2 roomies. remounted. $300. 5960630. BED RED 581 3596o.m. or ill 81496 lt9 kNTBtNATONAL STUDENTS CWeencard DV--1 Program ovailobte. 20231 4(818) 772-716119 otogg 5t Conoga fbnXCA 91 306. ITS NOT AN ISSUE OF TRUST. Us an issue of heakh, and its just common sense. Get informed! Get tested) The U of U Student Heakh Service offers CONFIDENTIAL HV Counsetng & testing to students, frxulry. & staff & (Nor port- netr. ror nore) vwinioiKin or to schedule on c cal Mi t 119 rPK f4 PHONE or pager are afraid of she Do you already hove celular service that you vmh ion's Galen Celular (A division of enpeniivet 1 . I I I I I aaem. James wyior, orr-aji- j, jtmMM can ten wen 1 uww 1120 TO ,Mfl( ran ' - a7 NEI3) MONEY FOR COLLEGE? hiridsgpimused every Q)rrpulir Resources of Utah con hek you. EfonMBXC9sU, 198cm. Needed! FAWOYMENT-Stude-r Fishing Industrv. per moneS. Room and Boord! nl Mote or remote, rto experience necessary. 6)545-4- 1 55 ext. A59061. FREE FtSANOAL AH Over $6 BeVon in private sector grar &schciarships is rxwovaiksble. Al students are reaordkes of grades, snoome, or parent's ncome. Let us help. CStuoVilFirvjKid Services: extF59061. 128 Earn up to $3000-$600- 0 ABROAD AND WORK-Mok- e toadetng bosW ooirWiOeio ivoreo. rto toaaiing KKkareun rouired. For eifoiiiuejon oJt TTUsVa up to TRAVEL offer. Cal 363-290- 113 TYPING WORDS HrOff SSfONAUY COMPOSED, edited, laser printed, transcribed (cassette), scanned. Formats: AHA, lurabion, Campbel. Theses, dissertaliora, ' resumes, papers. rVogrorm: W.P. 6.0, W.P. 5.1, Microsoft Word. Graphics: Auto Cod, Harvard. Fret pickup and dekvery. Carolyn, FORMER ENGLISH TEACHER edits, v processes drsserto-kon- s, tnanuscripts, resumes wish dignity and doss. hxegroduatesludervlcorne. Winslovs, l596 fl7 new company. POSTALAND00VHreMENTJOBS flfiek Nd eBepeiiwtcev xen. For oppfcoolion and Bifar colToOO-536-304motion, $1750 WEEKLY fnoeVtg ourcRulan. No eKpen onoB ivauinn. rnw. For moro into cal 1207. $21WpkjtfuiW 14 13 HOME TYPISTS: PC users needed. $45,000 income 3- - 4343 ext. tal. Cal 1 800-51 Preserves. 128 HIRING IMMEDIATE UNITED SERVICE PARCEL PA kxxWuriloaders $8.00hr. Contact Student Services rm. 382&?ual 128 Oppgunity rnployer. f., VUTIBONG CLASSES: Earn great $$$ whit having fun. & Thursday evening cusses. Training Lmteiideis since 1987. Borsswdert Irxjedrhte 487-826-Z 128 MONOPATITNTS NEEDED for study. $75 Paid each tine you donate a less areDody. GJsoonarWdiaanosis. 277-93- Ksdoy eves. $$$ TheCti Fundbw tehem Fast, easy, no risfr or fesojtciul ohssjoxorc Greeks, ansups, dubs, motivated individuals. Col now, raise $500 m only one week. (800)862-- 1 982 ext. 33. 128 RAISE CM UNDBiORADUATE RESEARCH Arayou an undergraduate student invoked in reteniliT Aasnd she lOsh Notonal Conference on Undergnsduote flfletarch in Apnl Come to 410 Union for she piugium araxxincement. Appfcatons must be pasliiioikej by Dec 1 1130 IJreDERGRADUATE RESEARCHES. There ore over 300 wling to do research win urideijuduotes. Earn credit or money. Vreev quarter feluwilep niTieM'ritsoris due CONFERBNCE byNeverrsW30. Inf.: 410UwjnBldg.,f-8070).ll3- TB1W0NE SA1B REPS. WANITb) $6-7or porMime avaisable. Offkes in Triad. 0 bonus. Ful Contact Ed, 119 KARAOKE HOSTS! 5i eicpeople notaliued pervieOnent fob! of an audtsnoe. $75.00 per night P1f Gienthoiirslunmeney. 963-999-9. hr. Cal 1100am. Bervjfra 1120 1115 486844 1115 c morning and ofternoon shrfb cveot tor sto $6.00 HELft E ho wnweefcoto openi Vi'ra loolang for enevpe(ic depend AJ po&t- rhfyvcminmrwkamMm. ions oweobb, no previous aKpenenco neroeesory. ntmmi hours wodc vdh vour busy scheduM tXLtumi ttarfeng poy, earn eKixi rrioney tor nowtoys! Appiy m person sMon Fn ot iSe Widy reetauwwet neoreet you. GreoiaDoortunivforcewstudent Thisiob wel not etitBrlero with your itodiee or social Me set own hours. Cal for more into. 113 W&ePITS portleTn0 emptoynetnl. te Crcukilion desk and Work study preterntd. $5.25hr. ha2apsnings: 116 4 TELEPHONE RESUURANT BREEZE SKI RENTALS is currently hiring rental personnel for our SLC ond retort loootions. Cornmisssons, sfuing privileges crndAscevoitable. Col James rCentor. Utah GrirrW ticket JAZZ. solers wonted: AM & PW dtifls owoilabsW. sWerestod Cspplr cants please come to the DELTA CENTER, 301 West South Temple to apply. 116 fot temjmm ZCMf DOWNTOWN is y occepstig reyh;risyios Utretmos potttoni tal xxsuae totes, stock, gnt wrap, and more, cam o treeexra tor 1st rtokdoy oeoson. Ap person ot she ZCMJ Personnel Office on she 3rd loor. c store hours. 1114 UTAH SUBJECTS sSoughe NEEDED Ages and LWtOMors. 15-1- 8 $10 oo 4mJ. I far sexuality surveys on U. CONFIDENTIAL. 0 UClJSTOMERSERVrOVRFJIUL openings. FTPT,day,eve, and weekend! shirts. Wl work around school schedule. Starting rate $10.25. No experience required, training pro-- . 1 1 1 2- -j vided. Cal 2 p.m. 485-858-2. 15-2- 0 ParHime. hrweek. SEOonARYtECFfnONBT f)exilion owailabW in Mufiuy counseling offioe. Good fnoeh, longuoy ond poopfa sloes, biing ond computers. Salary iZL CASHHIUrtVBOT CclOimat2o3-3355- F;Zpm-o0pjn- . 7 119' OATORADE raavwiij INVENTOR has two new products. Reps 3 need-e- d to hoixle free leads from rnfoiiseciuts. FREE sornples and info or) seminar to be held tomorrow at Olympus Hotel. Cal 207 ext. 2002. 1 113 is looking for 20 Customer Service Reoresentakvas. FTFT. Man-Fr- i. No necessary. Equal Opportunity rjiyloyer. 19 SEAMSTRESS, parHime for dcrwntown dvldren's theater to conssruct and rrairxoin costumes. Some design, weekday g. afternoons, opprox. 20 hours per week. MARRfOT J $5.50hr. GETPAOTOEXERCSE FWaatribulion. week. $7.00hr. Flexible hours. handy person wonted. rWlE Utah Lake 84102. City, 119 602 East 300 South, Sak 119 B B $1,000 Ea hours per 15-2-0 B E3 EARN UP TO ormorowesUyl We pay $2 tor each envelope you stuff! licensed mail order business loolungfor peopU tWxjfv4iSeU. S. to prexxet mal at home. Work hJ or parttime. Youl be supplied with al the necessary maejriols. For more information tend SASE tac Lexksnd Home &vrprises, 2035 E. 3300 So. Suite 77A, SLC, UT 84109. 125 . VssANTEDoraEotl 300 South. HANDY PERSON 119 SofcLoke Gty.UT 84102. WyAWOH OP THI TtMScMOIftela Mmmm U Out Of TUa WrMl S3 4 150 South 400 East ReMiaitssB. 532-39- 39 ((liiiMibiin loTedfln HOURS: f(noDilProblfnj tmmm-miKttmiu- O u ttoa-Thur- t. New York n ti llAfllBf Sydney CrlBecvcTe pici latm Pi77 H $180 $180 $285 $289 $349 $179 $265 $359 $377 $575 Boston Frankfurt Stockholm Mexico City Costa Rica Tokyo 63 (TKDCDQCbl 363-769- i&mdi4mion. Miotoni by renMcoweina, olelwvno ond nKonJng osh, Requm one year coeUMtAiy eByenenoe ofang w- -h o woneng biowWeB) of booUeespiig psoOstaVtwes. eSe obeW to nttetrwelsondunde IrufeSuJun neparti and o corrvreraTesnt to promt eNOtlent Oser tonier soneiE 6fsiiTeVwAlos Paris II rj jgg jgg jjg jt GROUPUArDGtS. 1&20 hours leoders school wosk tor group tor oner per proajrorns. WlhinSakLalaCiVschcdc Respwutjjrtm include WtdWship with school'Oged children, tnaentojjneng nKords, planning octivihos, & convnurHcxinon wieh farniliei. CkjottUxexms: Aikistl8yerjnarolder,rscnodgad-uato- , eMpenonco with school chiUren, group nonogenient Submit resume skis. Salary range from $6 ond 2 letters of recorrtntnoblion to Sak Lake Community Education, 440 East 100 South, Room 21 1, SIC, UT 84111. For more infornxeion, col 119 UNrVERSITY BOOKSTORE is currently recruieng for student workers rximoriry morning schedules, M-- but some afternoon positions are oho available. Apply otU of U Part-tinOffice, 1 030 Annex or cal 58 1 --4404 for more rnfornxiion. E JobDG6189. J SOTTWARE Tester Application BuilrJor. We are fooking for esrnporory part erne people to test ond buld rrsulterxtdia WxvJows oppsxxtlinns using BASE 2.1, a new Informokon Process Manogernent tool. JPIeote respond 1 yr. she folowing cjuuJiftojssone! if hove NHtstuejtefy you muy UMtneng experience. '6 mo. or more Wxtdows Visual 'OLE 20 experience a Basic prognmrrwig experience. plus. "MusWnedn losowledge a plus. "Data base knowledge a plus. Marl of FAX your resume to: Innovus MuWto Corporation, Attn: TestPbsion2060E.2100S. Sol LaUQy.ljT 84109, FAX 801 113 130 JEWELRY Zv 117 -- WtCOWS fi17 DIAMONDS: Day, evenins & Saturday classes 116 975-795- AEROPLANE Hiring for retail sales rjotitions. Start at $6.00hr. Please submit Experience required. resume in person. 1305 SouiS 900 East 117 COSMIC 3--4 113 oneway to draw oiooa Conduct pakecal tflERVEWERS RESEARCH ond Market Research Surveys rxsliorrwide. No sales! 4, 6 or 8 luursfA between 2:0000:00 p.m. Great student job. Cal 486-494-9 or 121 apply ot 3320 South 300 East. 11X - WrsJsfitOUStVDEO Ncewnal Video Vrlxslttoto rJistributor has an tmmeoxsteooontng foro iperrisonentpart'ssTne person to prepare vsdeot for lentaL Fjicelen for stoderw, nouseB wnes or otSers, lexible hours, wil train. Apply in person ar. MVC, 1268 SouiS 500 West. 118 1596 bm f 113 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ U. OF UTAH STUDENTS: Earn $5 per hour partrapoting in takes Research Kesearch. on place Memory cofTvpus. Must be o notno sseotcer of EnaJuh. For itioni entVeinujIion cal COMMUjITYnEAIMMAUFJMATM to eeaenent programs for tons persons weh autism in Sak Lake County. Trairang provided. e Ful ond posiixxis available. Meals provided on shift. Benefits available. Apply at 545 Eat 4500 South E220, Soft Lake City. EARN MONEY xi books! $30.000vr. poton rial Details: ext. EARN S500-- 1000 weekly stuhSng envelopes. For details, rush $1.00 with SASE to: GROUP FIVE, 57 Greenlree Drive, Suite 307 Dover, DE 19901. 816 There's more than r FVienaTy etnvexMWeenl, JAMTOR Sarcot Research Corpcnjkon is sQoleBngTckTvvo voted; dependosolo! hard wonMKi people tor our eSree) Joniid positions. ftMimeL, could start ot $9.00 on hour. fYenous lonetonal ewerietneo roouired. ineeVvsted oandt dotes should opplym person at 3 WoIot Woy. 117 MARKET STREET GRfti is now hiring byorienced lira Cooks ot 48 4 Day Servers. Appiy in person, West Market St (350 South), or col 118 YOLnH AT RSKREOoTON PROGRAM Sot Lake County Paris ond Reoooeon it cunvney htring paid porMitnet bas ketoal coaches to worltwHh ho youh at nsk reReToaeon pro gram. Phase cd rebbie at 561 0075 erU out appko ot Conperview Community Center, 8446 So. riarrison St, vWvaU.UT 84047. 113 seeks help dayswk. from 1 1am-5pDuhet inducts: Cashiering, busting, serving Col278-5082.ill- 6 $5.50hr. ordsomesuprrvising. HOUADAY WORD PROCESSteS (WordPerfect 5.1), laser printer, also typing. Can check ipeling, aommar, reierences (APA, Irobion), editing. Mrs. Nefey, 128 OVERNIGHT Professional TfflNG. graduate. Eidremery occurate, Transcnptions, essays, resumes, thesis, etc. $1.50pb,6pbs$K25. Sara 5830091. 128 PAY . RETAIL DON'T PRICES III Large selection of diamonds, bridal sets. Ewything wholesale! Col tor appointment. Rocky Mountain Diamond. 272 948. 81496 fjis Seasonal & fuNme empfoy- M. AUL1W ft I. Fiiistieesi ext. bonuses) Col: N59061. LAWLBRARY J59061. 113 3pm. ' DrivenServers for lunch and dinner. Earn Flexrble hours. Wt need personable, rteot, punctual people to deliver tneoJs from fine nsstauranb to hornet and offiaes. Gjrxiiaatet must be at least 18, possess a vakd driver's toeniei proof of enMfranoB flood dVivinoj rejooifj ond o dependant vehicle. Cal 288:4100. Work with a great or Asian tanouogei !2U6)632-n4- 6 4. wen maeress. Excelent condition. $20. 266-70- 1 $25-45h- 4 NrOHTFT IAUDERDAtleVHAMA$ Wlrvdudes 3 nioSli n eVdioniflB doy ovm to & fron Ft louoWdoiv. Date is ocerended, ideal for Spring Break. $325 pp. Cal Ryan 532740, Wove iwessorje. 113 ROUND TTJP TICKET toNewVbrk, fVorerr $400or best EXPRESS Wo pay $2 tor each LRNUPTO$1,000ormcrtwtrel tyiwetopeyoutluffl Licensed mail order buunwloolong peoplft etwouaiOVpt ftSei U.S. to pnxect tnoA at honw. Work M or pan wne. MODELS DANCERS VeANTED vase shows. Earn $40 to $50 an 4 DAY5 GOURMET hiring; line cooks, servers, busters, hose, boceJeMpor. Experience preferred for o high volume restaurant Open evening. Apply in person 460 S 1000E. rjey from bcxildlrJssT. door. 128 CASH HMbad hearing! We rseed your help. tfyouquaF ify wel pay $10hr. for your help evaluating a revolutio58303X. 1115 nary Ivsanno aid Cal fern 113 117. PomAlan. METRO 117 fCipportonityEmpbyer. ext. A9. 116 ADOPTION Vrorksng Daddy and stay home Mammy's dream is to share their abundant love, life laughter with your Please cal about precious newborn. tor licVel aMendonlf. denh. Col Jeff ALASKA heplul. fijoetoppVat rlirrnKecuot,KaxxrVk,42l Wgktra Woy; &S 140 Sol lake C, UT Fhottt801)5B1-- . 2300. Appkcatiarx. accepted 1030 am. to 3KX) p m. 116 HedoyfitoestCo. Col26M3y. at AlAStU EMPLOYMENT! Big$$$ATVEVITiJK-oresobs ovueuue. expeiiefvsel Fishing iidustry, park, resort No expeFRSVtDEOwiiiproaramdKMwrxittoesm rience required! MateFemdel Cal SB far detark. (919) NeerJedfrvfilrm.TVComnwcials, Cotofogiies, Print ads, Musk Videos. (Experience not a 539-174-0. GREAT RATES. must.) 128 nMNTIAUGUNS, buy and sel new and used paineSol guns and equipment. Nationwide rbintbol 128 59SQ777. BREATHEIBREATrXOUT,breoeSe,br hard, breame easseT.rt SsjileirilleuMiSeririaiAteSnwOeiic, 1 far an appoinenent. suesday mornings. Cal i I FUN . . ... .$. Are you looking for some extra cosh in a sun enreorntenlf for eneSusceec people needed expansion of Two eAolivotad, NATIONAL PARKS HRttNG MMlesVtU et Mreeim.rJ TYPES V FOR SALE NEW, 125 WHY NOT? New lights, new tubes. 1 visit $3.00, 10 visits $25.00. HUNDRHS AND THOUSANDS of grants and scholarships OMJBabeW to al itvdenh. Imnwdiale auo)ttoolion. Open Monday tirough Saturday, cot 1 SUGAIWOUSE BRAND No STA-tt- FOR RENT 10 S. Back Ue umpler weS lupperware. Try our freezer mates to moke ahead and store meok. We nave a whole line of new rncrowove cook wore and leheotoblos fry quick, nutritious pricet free. 488EostSWo. BENEFIT 128 Col V4W A CELLULAR ENTERTAINMENT VDEOSHOP FREE MOVE Rentl movie, get 1 WANTED. Sugorhouseoreo. 486DX2-66- 386DX-40- , $600. VLB, DEStoNG TO BE A POSITM honwless dSiloVen, NrbKntoer in iSecMdren's playroom at iSe sroveler's Aid Fonvly Shelter. I'W C wmm ofsTwrwioeu rnmn sos ovaeonB, toneici ooov rvaai a SomiretsonotiNe pinion Center. 1119 NEEDED: VOLUNTEERS MFLUeMCE in eSei eNpw of WANTED ROOMMATES FEMALE HOUSEMATE (AOXTOSCHOOU avenues, cal after 6 AskforMome. 116 5 year old aid. Live-i- 128 enArtenfrymrjmmfermato THE OLD SALT CTY JAIL ily. NANNY: VOUJtOPKXmJNmES COME LEARN MORE about haw you can volunteer and Bennion Center ortwtloliOA. inoitje o drftorence). Cat WeaWsdcrys, lMtolmintSefWirmCeresr. MODELACTOR VW offer. LOtrSTYPtXrAGRAPHrCS Typing, Dyers, rxKvsletters, schedules, & much mora. Cal 844-827-4 to see what w con do for you. 118 11 NATIONALIST S-- 1117 9717. mm Socialist Green Forty. Pro world p&ootinvffoiwntPtcJi hor equoUty, CCTtimon ownership. Tt 972-390128 FEDERALIST nxxorhomes, ale. by FBI, RS, DEA. aladronia, eomputen, your oreo now. Col furniture, Avoiloble I POLITICAL PARTIES Rum or not. 128 119 Wlyour 1990 VW JETIA GU 16V, excels condition, must tal. 76,000 mill, $7500o bo. 521 5303. 118 CARS FOR buy.) would hove absolutely no direction without you. Thanks for being such o great friend! for your car, truck, von. worth your Urn to col DOUAI TOP (You "Vieorts al tie way otrost tapof ad befow) WHEN YOU'RE READY TO FMD THE PERSON you'vft been kialbng lor, cal ftSe pranMer imglei tvM in IAdLS, Social ko&xlkon, at owm voice nsoieSoic and deed cal feansfer cortieceons to wieSei SLC hear. The free she is cal metro area. people you AIMLESS ArMng. Aauqnmm, Manutapk, Penotxironiey Hetonety ImncnptKn RewneBf Tnetet. APA dose to Literate, Disserlotion, campus. TYrV4G ftLS CALLIGRAPHY. VVP 6.1. 5.1. ksser, fox. nana MeWinQ mc enwope, ctmwtt&t, efeoMirea 128 wriengs. FjeasWrefsrenrW Borbara WORD SERVICE, last and accurate. Word processing, composition, editing, etc. WordPertect 5.1 laser 128 printer. Fhone or fox Jeonie, EXPRESS TYPING SERVICE, 10 yrv eperienceBA in Pick irjumolisrn. up A deliray. manuscripts, diobtion. Cal iXstotv 117 MUSIC A PIANO LESSONS. Cal Hana or Michael CLASSICAL GUTTAR Studio near AiW,3iYtUeunotooMrJ,rKocte Ctaei Fax, Laer j, 1995 nex tndurjed ansj) tiiiicifciwi Introducing the Sera Tec Item lem UFO Our 816 18" Pizza Al.Tjjt 5 Feet Around apPJt ; Upte3Tofpjn .. 1310 East 200 South 7 Bun. Fast and free delivery Council Travel Salt Lake City, UT Ml 11am 3 em time. Call for a FREE Student Travels magazine! rick 11sm 1 em 02 I Affile-JJ ptUetM iPlZZA 001-502-50- 40 OK VISIT OUR FACILITY AT j I I EttpifM 1073188 609 So. State St. ! Limited Delivery Hrea .J .v.'lA,.V...Vrv.flA)rV. ONLY rinnnp 1 S&ArA v fAve mm. 1 Largo Topping or Modlum 2 Topping fipifv etXsettAeeVjLxLLdL TWO .io iicMt : Delias FASTGrnEumm 532-S90- 9 I'TI linrn "suns: EXTtSSnW r-- im free 4 1 1 .i j .i I J .1 .VPi fi -- 1 zxlijus Lpi.ii;:ir 4fn nrti uvj nil u-f.:i3r;:c:- iT iiai-ia- m xy clti D |