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Show FtsmdT October i6The Dally Utah Chronicle fORMEtErrTEAOEteoW.wordpro lions, manuscripts, resumes wish dignity and dass. welcome. WinsWs, Fcreigngrcduotestuoerits lAmtaJ&& Eoregrmwkbllun. Training bartenders Tuesday & Thursday evening dosses since 1987. Bartenders Wmfcte 128 avaearielxigboeU voter to tocal s.whr. plus commssion. . bal Water 1017 WWttOILUiMBk IJsvice lor posifans ovolohie, mornings or akernoons, start kps. Col Texaco 50hr $6-$- 6 W 16, 199s wash. 2 -- . 1018 PART TIME POSITION WORD PROCESSING (WordPerfect 5.1), laser printer, oho typing. Can check suelng, grammar, reterences (AM, 128 TuraSonl, editing. MrlNefcy, Professional "IT graduate. OVERNIGHT TYPING. EidremaV accurate. Transcriptions, essays, resumes, iSesis, JEWELRY JUEU0. III PIKES MY DIAMONDS: DON'T Uwle-sale- ) large setadion of diamonds, bridal sets EwyAing Col tor uuujiiiwiI, Rocky Mountain Diamond. . etc $1.50pg,6pBs$1.2TSara5o-009lEXPERENCE, no jab too smal, reasonable 81496 A4W, J3 YEARS rates. Fax, laser PersonalFamily Dissertation, APA MUSIC OASSCAl GU1AR ft PIANO LESSONS. Al ogssfewls. Studn near V. Col Hana or Michael LueamJi. 487-859- Wli rSH 128 128 PERSONAL WORD SERVICE, fast ard accurate. Word processing, cornpositwn, editing, etc WordPerfect 5.1 laser 1 printer. Phone or lax Jeome, GCANDMOTHBt for $3.00. Col Ski 1019 your own soap, and ROOCMAIK OUR youl meat others lo dmb enjoy osWbaravotVsble at RorirerjlOT Canter 1029 or 596-047I Printing, Class Assignments, Manuscripts, Histories, Tiorttcripswns, Resumes, Thesis, Literate, dose to campus, TYPf ftUS CAliKWAPrfY. WP 6.1, 5.1, loser, fax, transcriptions. Hand lettering tor envelopes, certificates, tea; 1 sured writings. Excels references. Barbara . , 1996 YOUR 28 ftosd 0538-062- 128 w, DEPRESSED? POLITICAL PARTIES treatments Sooaktl Grean Political Party. Pio world peoceenvironmeri-lo- l harmony, equality, common ownership. Ti 972-390- OF UTAH is now accepting internship applications term. An internship at she ACLU provides invalu-abl- e political science, sociology and experience to pre-lacomrrwrHcalions students, as wel as anyone interestedin civil rights and the low. If you would like to serve an internship and receive school credit, please contact Pot Ryan at she ROOMMATES HWIrrstHuteolMrks 2 rooms ovalable in luminous $250 per room. Col Mat, 1018 1016 1018 SERVICES to be a positive influhours per Spend week in the children's playroom at lie Homeleii Shelter. We wont to help by encouraging children to continue rier education. Col Scott Samuelson at she Benmon Center, NEEDED: VOLUNTEERS who desire ence in she lives of homeless children. Best rates andcoveragel MJsUofU as: J32 single, $62 couple, $92 (om-il- HEALTH INSURANCE. As low CHh). INTERESTED kN COMMUNTTY SERVICE but afraid of she commitment involved? Join the Volunteer Corp, and partici-pat- e in one or several of our monthly projects. For more into, col Stormy Sweiteer at Tie Bermion Center. WANTED reovrements. Ph D student seeks volunteers to test several 1031 no cost Curtis THE A0U for she tol 128 ROOMMATES 128 Col 1016 BACK TO SCHOOU Back to o busy schedule! Make your Tr ' our fiBUBi mutes to moke like simpler wiSTupparware. TEOtMAN: GETTING position tor EE student, 20 testing, writing programs. between quarters. $6hour minifoursweek; mum. Apply in person by October 20 at QSI, 221 2 South West Temple 50, SLC Bong reterences and resume. 128 MODEL ELECTRICAL assembling MARRH)? 500 amouncemens tor only $21 5. CcJ Becky RurnWd at Legacy Announcemenh, NEED MONEY FOR COLLEGE? Funds go unused 125 war. CorrfxfcrResourogolUksSajhfJpyou. WHY NOT? New lights, new tubes. 1 visit 81496 $3.00, 10 visits $25.00. THOUSANDS of grants and scholarships available to' al students, knmediak notification. Open 1 Monday through Saturday, col 1 BUY COPES, NOT COPERS Are you spending more for copies sSan you have to? Then you have to col IBC to see) HUNDREDS AND 19 1031 COMMUNTTY TREATMENT ALTERNATIVES Enexwasric per-soneeded to work in restdenbal treatment programs tor persons wrih autism in Salt Lake County. Training provided. Ful and positions available. Meals provided on shift. Benefits mailable. Apply at 545 East 4500 Sou. E220, Salt Lake Gty. - ARE YOU FEEUNG LOW ON ENERGY? Then you need rterW Energy Tea. 100 natural. Tablet or lea. Col (801) e 1596 1016 277-525- MTERNATIONAl STUDENTS DV--1 available. 4 (818) Stagg St Conoga Pork, CA 91 306. Greencard 772-716- Program 20231 119 Get tie lowest long distance rates as chosen by Money Mogaxmt, July 1 995. ColJeff, RvTERNATIONAL STUDENTS 1016 DON'T TAKE CHANCES WITH YOUR HEALTH Gel in she know! Get toted! The UofU Student Heofch Semce often CONFIDENTIAL HV COUNSEUNG AND TESTING, to kxJfy, and skiff and stair portiere. For more wiotmr 1020 lionortosoSeduleonappoirnent.ojia Mne 1020 must.) every ACTOR TYPES 128 GREAT RATES. GUNS, buy and sel new and used painbalguns oiid equipment. Nationwide Pointbal 128 THE OLD SALT OTY Ml. is hiring: kne cooks servers, bussers, hosts, bookkeeper. Experience pmfared lor o high volume restaurant. Open evening. Apply in person 460 S 1000 E. Errter from bock kitchen door. 128 HUNTBAU. . for opartrnent building 254 S 300 c. Maintenance optional, jne or 2 smal chedren UK. 2 COMPLEX MANAGERS IUJ1 Working distributing our FVodud Brochures. Gel Pcd-W- e Supply Brcchures. PTor PA For FREE Info Write: Director 1 375 Coney Island Ave , 1 Ste. 427 Brooklyn NY 1230. 1031 MONTHLY. $5,000-$8,00- 0 EMPLOYMENT-SludNeeded! Fishing Industry. Earn up to $3000-$600- 0 per moniV Room and Board! Transportation! Mote or Female. No experience necessary. Col (2061545-4-1 55 ext. A59061 . 128 ALASKA Over $6 BAan in private sector rxovoiiabie. Al students are et-gregarawss or groan, sncome, or pcnnis mcome. Let us help. Col Student financial Services: extF5906l. 128 FREE FsNANOAL AJDI grant & scholarships is ABROAD AND WORK-Mak- e up to leaching bask convewikonal English in Jcipan, Taiwan, or S. Korea. No teadwig background or Asian kjnguoges ext. For snfomnlion col: (206)632-114- 6 required. TRAVEL 128 J5906I. for many positxxis hs winter. Up to $2,000 in salary ft benefits (Free ski pass, ski equipmsnt, meal OaoDunlSf. SuSriowboard snslructors, eft operators, other positions. Col Verkcal wait staff, chalet staff, ext. V59061. 1024 Errylovrnent Group: (206)634-046SKLRESORT X3eS-Hrin- g MONEY READtNG potenkal Detaih. (1) EARN TRAVEL e elect Quia, Needed tor films, TV Gsmmeraao, Catalogues, Print ads, Musk Videos. (Experience not a No 900,000 grants available. repayments, ever Qualify irnmediolely. FOR COLLEGE. BOOKS! AWARE 10 SO pka domestic cities, travel Thoritsgiving, UA round trip. Crmslmum, or home lor he summer. 2 Success Travel, POSTAL AND GOVERNMENT JOBS efits. No expenence train. To 4 DAY5 Ft lAUDERDAIiBAHAMAS TRP Includes 3 nights in Bahamas, fay cruise to ft from Ft. Lauderdale. ideal lor Spring Break. $325 pp. Col Dale is open-endeleave message. 113 Ryan FREE TRPS ft CASH! Find out how hundreds of students art already earning FREE kips and lots of cash wilh Ainonco's 9 1 Spring Break ccvnpanyf S0I only 1 5 kips and Irovsl tree! Choose Concur., Butiumui. Mogadon, or Rondo! Calnawf BREAK! Take o break sludent traW, 1 800-95 1016 EARN CASH STUFFING ENVELOPES provided. Send SASE to Notional io: NtGHT wj $30,000yr. income 7. 1024 ext. $21 hour plus fJ benapply col 1 800-536- 1024 3040. at home. Al materials Mailers P.O. Box 774, 1018 Obtie.KS 66051. 9 - UNTIED PARCEL SERVICE IMMEDIATE HsRsNG PA loorWunloaders $8.00hr. Contact Student Services Blag., rm. 382 Equd Opportunity Ernployer. 128 1596 NEEDEDI FarHime, 10 minon Fooshil. Prior experience a must! Ask far Aki rWnel, direc-to- r. 1018 1594 1016 kxotkwinSaltloke. HOME TYPISTS PC users need kol. Col . $45,000 poten 1024 ext. ostendonss ft Chid Core Counselors. Possible internships, hours vary & are lexibte. hour. Cal $5.16 to $5.70 per Copperview Cornnurey RECREATION LEADERS, Building 1016 01561-007- Computer literate subjeas far locus group project. Need lOirdividuah to lest rxw game OMKn. Must have CD drwe. Parkciponte get free food and tee Short meetings, held on campus, to sign up col Peter Brown. b 1025 TELEPHONE RESEARCH sNTERVEWERS Coridudpokkcal and Market Research Surveys nationwide No Soles! Part Flexible schedules, ft ful lime afternoon shim (3 9 p m l $5.25-9.25h-r. Cal 486-494-9 or apply greexstodentiob. at 3320 Sou 300 East. 1026 1018 Aspiring sparlrwrtor. lMkr , al venues. --o nave if WANTED: 484-287- MONO PATENTS NEEDED for study. $75 Paid eodi time 2 you donate o td ankbody. Cal loon oW diagnosis. . . eves. DGAERYDRIVER. Ambassador Pizza PartFul time, weekend required, $10 on hour. Apply at any of she 1 1 .Center Texaco 1 700 S. FoofVI. Doysoreveninas.Uor 582-203parlHime ovalable. $5.75starl CalJeneJ, CASHER: INSTRUCTORS utes from Unwersily s vta .ta s EARN UP TO $1,000 ormmweekM We pay $2 for each envelope you stum Licensed moil order busmen looking tor people ivoughout she U.S. to process moil at home. Work nil or parHime. Youl be supplied with ol she necessary rrxsterioh. For more mbrmation send SAS.E. to : lexland Home Enterprises, 2035 E. 3300 S. Suite 77 A, SLC, UT 1023 84109. $$$ The Citibank FunaVoiser a here to help you! Fast, easy, no risk or financial obligation: Greeks, groups, dubs, inuiivuted individuals. Cal now, raise $500 m only 128 one week. (800)862-- 1 982 ext. 33. RAISE a ochvefy seeking energetic, friendly individuals to work as banquet servers and various positions in our restaurants. Flexible hours to work around your school schedule. We oho provide great kavel discounts, medical benefits, ft educufcon assistance. Fteose contact our job hot line 0468-4- 1 29 for more mformakon. 1016 MARRIOT HOTEL TELEPHONE SALB REPS. WANTED bonus. Ful Contact Ed, li.Sm77f Col H9. 1Q19 Flexible hours, Iriend-l- y olmosphera, and great convnissions. Poyless Car Rental. ask for Erin. Abo, 1974 W. Narih Temple, 596-2591019 GaogeServkepetioriresliseerM Ask for Rod. PTPOSmONOPEN kydrjtaerysecretary. Experience not necessary. Good atriude and work habib a must COLLEGE REP to represent 8M Psnanal leave Computer Produdi on campus. Cal Gory, 328-685' 1016 menage. Good experience! WANTED: DRIVERS WANTED. Oeerotarst UarrxxHime. record. No CDl reayired. Contact David V. aVrving iwiy - OPPOsTTUMTY- - Inme has out-- uxijuii sknixig soles opening for a sales represenkstrve. trxftridual must bi ilocal resident wnh managerial abiliry, ambilicfl, and show progress tor current age. Business or sales to requeslira persorxj interview, pleo mil resume staling personal Tuvlory, education, ond business Job opporturvHy, P.O. Box 941, Oram, Write experience. UT84059-094- 1016 I. STUDENT REPRESENTATIVE Fast, easy i individual needed to head up marslirM rxoiecton compus. 1016 (800) 862-- 1 982 ext. 60. MODELS, MF. ol body types tor Art Department figure doss. $7.00nr. Col 581 8677. 1020 COOKS AM. and PM shifts available. ApriicciTfcrnuslbe2t orolW,ondbewilinginofun,liigh-pace- d aknoiphere. Apply in person at she Desert Edge 1020 Brewery ot lie F4 between 3--5 pjn, Mon-Fr- i. UNE pt Deadline date. The Ckronicle must be notified of errors the first day of publication for Ei. 9805, or T A $ STUDENTS 1020 T ft N E ELECTRONIC T O I MINDED N $ ISDTVRXIALS WORDS I ft week $15.00 1 montk $45.00 $6.25 $25.00 $75.00 1 quarter $100.00 $150.00 $3.75 Jay the OVER 40 WORDS, use plug 15(t pet Prefer 1020 Urdroped tor art project. $50.00hr. 1020 Page Dove at 291 3781 for more details. hours GROUP LEADERS Several ForHme positions. 18-2por ptrwlt (or poup Iooobci lor otter school proQranis. WilSmScAlolteCilysohooldistoct. ResponsxliSes include leadership with school oged children, rrxiintaining records, with families. & comrnunkation planning activities, GXxAfications: Al least 18 years or older, high school graduate, experience wish school oSiUren, group management from $6.50-7.00hSubmit resume skis. Salary and 2 letters of reaxrxrvjndokon to Salt lake Corrmunily Eduralidn, 440 East 100 South, Room 211. SLC, UT 84111. For more inforrnofon, col 1020 FEMALE MODEL 8AM - 5PM, Monday thru Friday Intermountain Allergy & Asthma Clinic AAAA Medical Research Group 40 For only $1.00 (per line) extra you can dress up your classified ad with some of our eye-catchi- ng Zinghats! Come in to The Chronicle to see the entire selection of symbols available. I MODELTALENT SCREENLNG PTFT, localinternational. Our dient features in Vogue, Ele, Hugo Boss, G.Q, Nordstrom, Sid mag't, mcJI ods, tV( rnoeon pk's and Nat Cornrnerciuh No screen fees, Exp, no exp Also needed Scouts and Drokers (or rrKmebshion xxluslry. WINTER 05 1024 b presenty occepeng applxxstons (or recreokon leaders, site supervisors & leterees. It interested, apply at Z2J0 E. evergreen Avenue, equal Opportunity EAST MUCREEK J 9 WZ4 cffspwypr. GREAT XM FOR STUDENTS: Fbrflsme evening ft weekend hours. Instructor lor resxienliol oi oarom for Deoole wish dis-- ( a; ; obilitiei. $7.22hc Two years rnlngeexperienot pre femsd. Columbus Corrxnunity Center, 10 W Century 487-0371024 Porkwoy(2950So ) Flexible hours. VDEO SHOP Now hiring, partfj-kme- . 488 East South temple. 1020 HOUSEBOY WANTED: 4:30-6:3- ome iom us... Pteose contact DeHo Delta Peso, 1018 ASSISTANT needed Tues. & Thurs. 1.O0 COURIEROFFICE 0 p.m-60p.m tor busy downtown low firm. Lie driver with dean driving record. Must hove own vehicle and be bond-ablCraned duties on ond off site. Computer skil hespful. Must be able to transport heavy boxes. Send resume to: RO Box 1978, SLC, UT 84) 10. 1018 GAME TESTERS for PC Emrireranont, parHime. Cal Mike Call for Take a minute and com- 1018 Ryder, pare Allstate for value. You may find we can save you some money on your home or auto insurance Call me today . . it'll ; only take a minute is notable for indnndual to assist wish restocking, meichundising, skoighteiiing, and organi-rofco- n in our ooeSing and cuterweui depaiVneixi. Hours ore Noon to 5 p m. Monday through Friday. Please apply at xjrkhom s (Jutctoor rreducls, J I Z5 Souti State. POSITION 1018 ft t5r tJr i5r SECRETARYMNSTRY ASSISTANT a quote. : October Tues. 17th, (llstefO nrmr: X tt.fe.U0Ot, pm 12-- 1 $1.00 gets you Pizza, Hoagies, & Drinks and Booths and Music Epiplvanv HouieEpacopal Compus Ministry: Part kne) postkon (20 hrs.wk. to assist OSaploin wish rtewstethr, nttal peuuiu-kon- . $5.50 irnnisliy SMickons. Need cor and erishusiasnil an hour, wil rxxjoliote around dosses.' Cal Rev. JoAm Z. Leach, 3590724. 1018 17 & 18th Business Building Plaza , Wed. 1 8th, 1 1 :00 a.m.,FAMB 103 Customers presented by UNIVERSITY OF UTAH SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA is seeking to fill vacancies in cello and bass positions. Rehearsals every Tuesday night 7 pm-1- 0 pm. For more info, call Robert Debbaut J. Willard Marriotjr. of the Boatd and President, Marriot International, Inc. Chairman There's more than one way to drawl oiooa to control their asthma symptoms are invited to call: A rate 21-4- 0 word per Jay over 1020 tor storage unit rnonogernent. cornbinolion of construction and office shifts. CcJ COUPLE WANTED Children ages 4 yrs. to 17 yrs., and Adults 18 to 65 using daily medication 359-ASM- WORDS 21-4- 0 I 1 fki4 jOMQ& km,, J. il li, Ol PnagCMwnZ. BmmsKliaiB pOSraonS WOmMMO Sluctent Services Bldg, Rm. 382. make-good- s. Ads witk all caps are 25 additional charge. WANTED needs someone to work PA drjing deri-c-d ard ooWnistrotrve dukes. Needs to be a bright, efficient, porson. Wil be working far toe Executive DireckvrVchologist in assisting hkn to organize his time. Flexible hours, 20 hrs.wk. Please contact Diana at 468- - 12 noon one va weekday prior to publication ORCHESTRAL MUSICIANS WANTED PARTICIPANTS WITH ASTHMA RECEIVE UP TO $400 d. Regular classifieJ copy is set in 6 caps and lower case. "AtnericalsTough ASTHMA pre-pai- 1019 OsntoctRon: EtCRlBa Classifeeds must be SERVICE AGENT SALESCLISTOMER a good 4 ; PERSON CONFERENO ON UNTJERGRATWATE RESEARCH Are you an uriauujduate student snvofved in reseuriii? Attend she lOxi National Conference on Undergraduate Research in April. Come to 410 Union for rie program anrxxincement. 1130 Applications must be postmarked by Dec. 1 IINDERGRADUATE ItESEARCHES. Trere are over 300 prowish fessors wiling to do search urxWgroduotes. cam creditor money. Winter quarter Islowship oppiicaliorts due Inf.: November Union 30. 410 Bldg., by hours per YWCA youth services group workers. 10-1week.. Afternoons. $6.00 per hour. Tongon, Samoan, 1016 Spanish speaking helpful. , rWRl-time- , around ivour SERVERS, COOKS WANTED schedule. Cedars of Lebanon VegetorianGourrnet. Good 7 or 364-4091017 Pay, TEACHING ASSISTANT for Montessori preschool 7:30 a $5.25hr. Great Expenence worlong wish kids! Cal 1017 Utah OR PERSONS to review cxxlw topes tar ocaxtxy and cnmplance. Monitoring approx. 4 hrs.doy. WANTED: THE BAT CENTER 1130 Mfivq wvwt $6-7- Oewniial orporrtmovaeabte. Morriot Reservations has imnediate are eneSusioslk, enjoy helping people ft want to work for a worldwide ccrnparry wh career opportunities! This job entails accepting inccrng cols 4 booking reservations for Morriot Hotels worldwide. Great travel discounts, medical benefits, and orjucokon assistance! Ffeose col our job hotline 0 468-4121016 EqudQxxxiuneybrxjcy. lor mom. titters, reg. oc overnight stockerv Apply in person. 2705 Parleys Way. WORDS PROFESSIONAUY COMPOSED, edited, laser printed, transcribed (cassette), seamed. Formats: AM, faobion, Cuinpbel. Theses, onssftokons, resumes, papers. Programs: W.P. 60, W P. 5 .1, Microsoft Word. Graphics Auto Cod, Hanord. Free ptckup and delivery. Carolyn, 277-672- GYMNASTICS Cal SI Gymnastics, E AlurilNb AmJUUMro TYPING 566-491- RESBrVATONtST: openings if you WANTED We nave a whole line of new store meals. microwave cookwore and reheatables tor quick, nutritious meals. Cot far a free microwove cooking doss dernonslro-lio- n 128 or to ploceony size order. Oenise 944-026- ahead and CASH , WANTED: V0WN1BER OHK)RnjNmES FEDERALIST NATIONALIST Cottonwood estate. . , Day, evenins v ' x j0) It i t tail (5g3aOQTiJS(n 222 SO. 1300 t. & Saturday classes 7000 SO. SOB-OOO- O STATE |