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Show TMt4aT.Kmafc1l,1R3 Tfct homeless from page nine each other like we do at Christmas we'd be a better society," Witherow said. Charity groups generally give, precedence to children at Christmas, but with 244 single men in the permanent shelter compared to 67 children, Witherow believes the holidays should be for everyone. Adults also Elderly woman needs help with yard work as soon as possible. At least 2 would be best Contact Chariene Hinkley at Volunteers needed to help tutor math and cnglish for student at Jefferson High School Afternoon or evenings. Contact Patiseta Purcell at Attention Speech and language majors or Education majors: Volunteers are needed 466-525- 1. 481-710- 1. to work with speech and language students at Whirter and Meadowlark Elementary Schools. As many as possible as soon as possible. Between 8:15 and 3:00. Call Jeanne and leave a message. (It may be possible to obtain observation and Werts at 481-48. diagnostic hours.) Volunteers are needed to help elderly. Volunteers needed to help pack and son food boxes, and delivery to elderly and disabled. (600 boxes per month). Valid driver's ' license and personal vehicle a must. Please contact Joanne tr at Life Care, SXA.P. at Project Tri needs help to provide training to mentally handicapped individuals. ASAP as many volunteers as possible. Please contact Jennifer Burr at Volunteers needed to shovel snow and break up ice and salt walks at the homes of " elderly and disabled people. As many volunteers as possible clicntal base of over 1500 needed volunteers service. Hours as for home the once or a requiring may help adopt winter. Must have own show shovel, salt provided. Contact Joanne M. at Lilt Care, GAP. Please contact Glen Martinson at ' appreciate the help, he added. "People really like to see kids because they like to see the joy in their eyes. You can see the same joy in adults, you just have to look harder sometimes," Witherow said. As for all the yearly services offered to the homeless population by the community, Felt believes their services are helping. "I think they're doing the best they can," he said. "But it's a double-edge- d sword. If you provide services for the Baft Raft Omlcli 11 homeless, it attracts more of them. Then you need more; it enlarges the problem" Despite providing help and support to the homeless population, the real solution to solving the problem is preventative measures, Atkinson said. "We really do a lot of helping, but we need to focus more on prevention. The more we can do to prevent homelessness in the first place, the better off we'll be." . oooc dcBiasi-NoIlenbcr- 486-213- 6. 226-511- 7. dcBuisi-NoUenbe- H&k vyifi. y& zr7i vvp r7i zr7i zr7i vvrww! i rg 487-037- 7. 0OC js. q Help desperately needed by terminally ill low income patient needs help in the afternoons while husband is away at work. Please call Carolyn Hunter at Hospic at 8--5 6 daily. . ; Excellent opportunity to learn about and help meet the needs of families. Help with Red Cross operated utility assistance program. Answer phones and screen," schedule and interview clients. Training provided, Contact Ruth at 486-218- c ic : low-inco- rSTARTS TODAY OHM) tHisasL if jj 4 DAYS ONLY! 467-733- 9. mm (wimii iCECUMBINO, 8ter Bookstore BACKCOUNTRY SKIING, SKI MOUNTAINEERING IF YOU'RE SERIOUS ABOUT COUVCONMTIONS FUN, WE'VE II 1 D ' 1 (M GOT THE GEAR YOU NEED TO GET GOING. THE WORLD'S BEST ICE SCREWS, THE STREAMLINED RIVA 2 TELE BINDING, A COMPLETELY LINE OF PERFORMANCE AMAZING PLASTIC TELE BOOTS, THE ACCLAIMED BLACK PROPHET ICE TOOLS- -. CHECK 'EM OUT! 2092 EAST 3900 SOUTH SALT LAKE CITY 278-023- 3 STORE HOURS: 10-- 7 MONDAY-FRIDA- SATURDAY 9--7 SUNDAY 11--6 If p if 1 IK Q a a Q Sel ect id n of From Every Bookstore Department. 1st Prize: $150 Globetrotter Backpack from Council Travel to travel in style the U Bookstore 2nd Prize: $25 Gift Certif icate-fr-om to read up on your next journey U N I V E R S ITY UNIVERSITY x " OF t" UTAH "n'" CAMPUS v .miff ' m Kfti in ii n VI hnnnfr I ' - a a a q COMPETITION DETAILS: Entries must be typed incident conversations or anecdotes about a crosscuhural encounter. Maximum length:! page. See the International Center for further details. 159 ENTRY DEADLINE: All entries must be in the International Center, will be returned not 1993. Entries University Union by 5:00 PM December 1, . d Q BOOKSTORE OPEN TO: Any University of Utah student who has studied or traveled abroad. International students also welcome to enter. " c c c c c c or Abroad? '" a a a a ItlTERESWlG CROSSCULTURAL ' c d MMnaii : q U Special Value Merchandise after the competition. a f!t G iganti c Encounters Here a c at the NEW BACK-COUNTR- Y SKIS, SCARPA'S tC - --i i i CM, .ur-4- CL .1111 mv TKmi .1 oood NTinrl. ooon nnnnnnilhnnnhnnilhnnnnrl |