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Show Mist 1 Id mum create performance season for kids U. Kellogg's, The money is actually coming from the Kellogg's Corperation, not the BY SANDER SHARP Chronicle Entertainment Critic A little over a year ago. University Jr : I - J! ! - 1 f of Utah theatre professors Geoffrey Panos, Linda Christensen and Xan Johnson, along with the dean of the theatre department met with the Salt Lake City School District and Kellogg's Corporation. Together, the group discussed the possibilities of L creating a performing arts season especially for young people. "It was a very fortuitous meeting," Panos said. The group came away from their discussion with a vision of a young person's performing arts son that combines the arts with pri- vate enterprise. That vision is now a reality. Thursday night, the first annual Kellogg's "Froot Loops" Young People's Performing Arts Season run of opened with a three-night Bridge to Terabithia, a young person's play produced with the competence of a professional theatre company. The group has scheduled four other productions throughout the year focusing not only on theatre, but dance and opera as well. Each of these productions is being underwritten by the Kellogg's Corporation. Panos explained, "Some people mistake the money as coming from the Kellogg's Foundation. But it's not. It's a business investment from The U. theatre department has joined with Kellogg's and Toucan Sam to present the first annual Young People's Performing Arts Series. the promotional and advertising concert with the press, seemed genuinely happy and at ease blasting out old ing to them because of their changes "Bad Brains is like life," Israel strated on Saturday night, different is not bad! Walking away from most concerts, you can feel a multitude of emotions. Anger, aggression, disappointment are just a few that can leave with a hardcore show spectator. The feeling that I left with that night was not, ne that reflected the aggression that some see in Bad Brains' music, rather it was an overwhelming feeling of love That, my friends, is why Bad Brains will always survive. from page eight out in the cold, Dr. Know flew into the hardcore greats "FVK," "Rock for Light," and "I". The crowd showed their approval by ritualistically dancing in the pit while some braver types decided to jump into the pit from the balcony a : mere 15 foot drop! Israel showed that the new blood of Bad Brains hasn't made them complacent or sluggish, rather it has been a fountain of youth for the older members of the band. Dr. Know, although offish in speaking said. "If you keep painting the same picture, then all you're going to have is the same picture. If you keep mak- ing 'Pay to Cum' (the band's first . release) then all it's going to be is 'Pay to Cum'. That's not forwardingl and That's not being true that's not being true to Jah. Jah is -- the world is ever: ever-changin- g, changing." Bad Brains certainly has changed, but anyone who has stopped listen or church group of their choice. Performances are Nov. 12 and 13 at 7:30 p.m. and Nov. 13th at 2 p.m. ' - C-- ' ir- ... - 0 . . - y J C.3 cr 3 to ft? fe;' Ttil td ulrrityrcti?, Ucry, will t tx tilt l&Z Czl pzzl 23 ytars. At It rtlctia mdi: al tl pass tzzi to Cliad Melon and Alica ia Chains sittirj on tr 33 co ysrs fcoa csw Ixllr lwMMJ. . M, liTa, i kits" Uia Flu their euly W Fttzr, Pcul and Ktzry do. Tb CO concert era b cza ar Just the youtj, tha cli cr 3 whole family. They will pisy at Abrtvanel Hail, 123 W. tilc South Temple at & Tfcketi cr avsLi Tlx outlet or call p.m.. t fi Art 355-AKT- S. Drama. The production is at departments." Bad Brains favorites such as "Let Me Help" and "I Against I". - . Foundation. This is what makes the partnership so unique. As far as Panos knows, this is the first time private business and the arts have come together with schools to educate and entertain young people in the community. "It's amazing it's taking place. It's such a natural thing," Panos said. Panos believes that such an alliance shows that not only can the arts support themselves and arts education, but they can also help make private business profitable. The performing arts series provides convenient access for school districts and the general public to the highest quality, university level performing arts in the nation. As a byproduct the Kellogg's products, such as "Froot Loops" which the season is named after, are promoted in a way. Not only are "Froot Loops" now the favorite cereal of Toucan Sam, but they are also associated with the quality and fun of operas, plays and symphonies. Because of Kellogg's support, ticket prices are "ridiculously low," according to Panos. "This Bridge to Terabithia is incredibly professional. You can't find quality like this with these prices." Bridge to Terabithia is directed by Xan Johnson, a nationally ranked University of Utah professor of Child Kingsbury Hall on the University of Utah campus. Tickets are only $5.50 for reserved seats. Croups or individuals who present a Kellogg's "Froot Loops" boxtop with each ticket purchase will receive a $1 discount plus another $1 rebated to the school PTA FSFS! DUDdo L has certainly missed the point, as Israel explained. Change is inevitable, but as Bad Brains demon- SALTAIR Nov. 3th 1 7:30 P.M. featuring arid-positivi- ty. CHRIS DIFFORD GLENN TILBROOK KEITH WILKINSON PAUL CARRACK PETE THOMAS with special guest OVER THE RHINE OnSdeAtAfl PRODUCED BY UNITED CONCERTS ! y ly ,,,f uaoOQDQOOUaD ir OODgpcr PhMK no one knows tests GRE Pattern Identification questions don't understand the code" on three other question-type- . 1 y 982, contributing to the removal of NOVEMBER 1993 7:30 pm Capital Theatre . of Kaplan's Total Training the world's greatest arsenal of - .since s of this means you score higher. It's just one aspect : a million 12-1- 3, those questions from the tests. All spending $2 you have to expect this sort of thing. Kaplan has "broken year analyzing the tests ' . more time to work on the easy ones. And, with the largest staff of researchers in the industry - if you a way the question. And because the method works best on harder questions, you have ' 34 I for you to get them right nearly every time. In secondsEven like Kaplan: 536-12- iou re inviiea 10 a uieDrauon tWhich Will Last For4 Years! 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