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Show mm 12 atAIOffiabut fransnssion. Good fres. Run MITSUBISHI MRAGE-- 1112 door. 41.700 miles, 2 iSOOOadeondto. BUT SCHOLARLY style & not too late to enjoy a program during November from the It's University's Outdoor Recreation and Rental Program Office. Nov. 1 are the dates for the Narrows backpacking excursion. This outing is designed for those with some basic backpacking skills. Participants will hike along the Virgin River drainage through Zion National Park. Hiking through waist deep water may be required at times along the 16 mile path. The estimated cost will be $15 and there is a a sign up deposit of $5.: vr Tetoboaks & otaerksfons (or logic, Window ortinuey. CAMPUS RECREATION 1122 ........ EDITING 19-2- 1210 0 ENTERTAINMENT WjC M UTAH Dona) parkters, drinlang buddns, lefcecrahrp. Operators nng by now. GX. tV 263rren. (9378) DISCLAIMER NOTICE - The Chronicle reserves the right to deny or ecfct dossihed ooWlisemenh on she basis of good last and words $3.25doy , propriety'. Rotas am on Mows: words $5.50dcy, The $13.00weoV 16-3dossfied od deodtm a 12 noon prior to dab the ad to run. dossfcd adterfaamenb wi not be ksVen caw 4,00 pjn. vwrludoyv for resnnohon uimut dossfad odb oof 581-704bi liMping weS the Criranide's desire to run honest ooWlisemenh, you hovt any proof or evidence Jo ihe $220Qek i corqry, Great Country & Western .Tewieim please cal fa oftoiwieAJy. C ', HK E. Mercedes, SEIZED MOVC wen any lentol Temple. 531 6664. Surplus. Buyers Guide. (1) 1117 interior, good body, runs great, nice newly rnbuit traramRMon, AC, odoi Ten color. Col S46,leove itwmoq, maw oner. 1130 VOsVO-Ewole- cond rxjrgunctybtaci doti 1110 lop. No reosonobleorW denied, tee 461 4511. TO VOUCS 1210 A DANCE OJjBVCIOMrejwn SIC, tables, chaws, music weS D J., Sunday to Thursday $250doy, fridoy & Saturday RSNT $3day,fcrpritepartwori 1110 reserve oplrjce. UGH AVNE 2 bedroom. Private garage, $650mo. 670 -1 3tS Avenue. 364-677- 0 otter 6.00 or weteendi. 1112 VHUMG 1st. East y Bench ROOM house. FOR RENT-i- n $200mo 119 3 BDR house. Near U. Typical colege uklrties. As Nov. - Must eW dog. 322-540- '83 SUBARU- - 4X4, Good condition. great da car far winter driving. 1130 (letwe messoge). NISSAN MAXIMA- - Great cor, excellent condition, Yalcimo rode, loaded. $4500 GfR 278-068- 3 1110 '86 share 2 bdmt 583-9-1 19. MATURE FEMALE K)OMMATES-t- o raor U. WmheroVysr, JsWier. FEMALE pre-tri- 119 CABROfT-wcJa- 2 non-refundab- le tame-De- $600 norehusftes.Tei dupU 1130 The pre-tri- p meeting for the Narrows backpacking trip will be Nov. 16 at 6 p.m. at the Outdoor Recreation and Rental Program office, located in Building 420 across from ROOMMATE WANTBXo share nice, furnished 2 bedroom. Washerdryer, great location $235mo 575-795- dose to U., 1112 rftswNT"in intoWtrw 3 bedroom Wcshias harni; $180 indudas of utielia, Share wS 2 male Sudan. Good voWCol Jessie 364-- 1 799 or Rob 532-6651115 ROOM FOR bdrm in a large 3 bdrm apt. $170 mo $100 deposit. 415 So. University St (1380 East) Col 538-046- CLOSE TO SKI Parking Services. The Outdoor office also maintains a U- -l 1116 FOR SALE DIAMONDS: GUAJtANTKD LOWEST PRICES N UTAHI Large selection, high qualify. Bridal seta, vadaing bands, diamond earrings, qualify pearls, lenms bracelets, certified oleealel Rock MounkMi appraisals awdable. frrwyihing .. Diamonds Co. 63094 nj fp'Ib5ts are shared equalall ly by participants. Therefore, the final costs may vary depending upon the number of entries. Trip sizes are limited and registration is on a first come, first served basis. A deposit is. required when signing up and attendance is strongly recommended at the p meeting. If you cannot attend,' call and arrange to meet with a trip coordinator. 1112 FACUUY-lovW- adven-no- "cooperative Annual Pray for Snow SiaErSrVUtiYe-7l- S .forty wiS the BACKWASH BAND, lots of gear to be raffled. 21 D required at Woof's Bar. 3965 S. State. It's ilegd (or me to lei you why, but eorly birds wil benefit. FOR RENT Fords. rjt.S-971- 79 Video Shop, 488 Mon.-Thu- n 7:30pm-lX)o- vehicles from $100. Cor, Owvyi. 6394 Sou AUTOMOTIVE GOVERNMENT Camdiont, (toajUnel ' complete outdoor equipment rental facility and a resource and information center to help you plan your own outing. A valid University ID card is " required to rent equipment. Faculty and staff must purchase a Campus Recreation membership or pay a guest fee. All trip participants must have a .valid health insurance plan, if you do not have a policy, simple inexpensive SWAP oau wm aA 44 for more information. Hours for the Outdoor Recreation and Rental Program office are 8 a.m. expert and rec divisions may be to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday. Call 6 for more information. . 581-851- INTRAMURALS Monday is the last day to submit entry forms and fees for the billiards competition and there is a $4 entry fee per person plus a $5 refundable ' forfeit deposit. Any individual or team forfeiting one game will not be eligible for the refund and all forfeit deposits must be picked up by June intramural promotional the College will be award- ed to the tournament winners. Student winners will advance to the Regional Association of College Tournament at the University of Wyoming in divisions will be offered. Tournament action begins on Dec. 1 and continues through Dec. 4. The format will be determined by the number of entries and racquets and balls will be available for a small rental fee. Call the for men's locker room, at starts nights on prices. Competition the HPER racquetball courts. For more information, contact the 7 intramural office at between the hours of 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday ' ' through Friday.' February. Nov. 17 is the entry deadline for the table tennis tournament and intramu- ral events are open to all students with a current ID card and to faculty, staff, alumni with a Campus 581-851- 5, Recreation membership card. There is a $3 individual entry fee in addition to a $5 refundable forfeit 581-379- deposit that will be refunded if the individual does not forfeit a game. All it fi t leu H ! . I (i.-- ) -' llllllk'f.l i)Uti4 fl - al racquetball action. Expert and rec Unions-Internation- al III- Unions-Internation- Tournament at the U. of Wyoming in February. The turkey target shot event has no deadline. Participants will enter Nov. 23 competition from 1 to 3 p.m. Contact the intramural office for exact location. Air pistols will be utilized. Each participants will get five shots at a turkey bull's eye. Points will be awarded and the male and female winners determined. The male and female champions receive a Thanksgiving turkey. Second place winners receive an intramural Nov. 29 is the entry deadline for the intramural department Intramural rts are rts awarded to the rec division winners. The winner is eligible to compete in 29.1994. Action will take place on Nov. 17 at the University Union billiards room. All participants should report to the billiards room by 5:30 p.m. and a 10 minute forfeit time will be utilized. The format will be a double elimination affair. A match will be the best two out of three games. Finals will be the best three out of five. All games will be paid for by the championship offered. A match will be the best two out of three game to 21 points and USTAA rules and regulations will apply. Intramural championship are awarded to pro division winners, Mill M t- - -- Mil 11 V, I .tfltlttfrihujl U I tiif Hi .tl leil. ' WE HELP RECYCLE LIFE of Utah Union Building - Saltair Room 10-- 1 581-73- June 29, 1994. Action will take place on Nov. 19 at 6 p.m. Contact the intramural office for location. The format will be determined by the number of entries and litelrjffpgSjft see November forfeit refunds must be claimed by coverage for the trip may be purchased from the Cashier's office in the Student Service Building. Call llflTlIljItljlj Up to $ 1 25month in your spare at the University n:::rl OEi Davo CosIcEi Intrcmiircl mim. auto, air, iaur door "92 FORD ESCORT sedan. $6,8003554126. 90 wei 1110 $700oW.58l-9775toieeteoeirMag- 3 . ..YOUR PLASMA DONATIONS MAKE THE DIFFERENCE Admission $1.00 Registration: Mov.10 6Dm-10D- IMov.11 9am -- 12 pm Swap: lNov.11 . m Mark Your Calendar ! The Fede . 12pm A -- IjilUI PRESENTS BR 10pm Nov. 12 &13 9am -- 10pm For more Information call: 581-31- tell ?p 09 PARTICIPATING MERCHANTS OF TlVCTEITY OF Wr EMIRY L CANYON SPORTS LTD v ACTIVITY: DEADU.& KO: BILLIARDS MP0V15 WED, NOV. 7 WEP0V17 FRI,M)V19 KONE TP0V23 wimm u B I cwti w 9 sun wr rnunsii r v u h E v-- TOURNAOT FREE TURKEY Professor BeVier is the Doherty ofEsor of law and Elizabeth D. ft Richard A. Merrill ReI&QcQ professor of TOEISHOOT law, where she teaches constitutional law. She was also nominated to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth mmm m,mm m,wu Law at the University of Virginia Scktof Circuit during the bush Administration. RACQUETBALL |