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Show Thursday, January 14. 1993 The Daily Utah Chronicle - Page Twelve DAVE, Yeah, we'l eat lunch and the last time Eat din. Usa COME JOIN Chrony Classifieds Meeting women a I'l end GREEK RUSH! Jan. Ilth-I5t312 Union at 4 pm on Jaa 1 Ml Far all interested ll MR. CHRIS, I'm to exened for Thursday. ' denim oa. Love. Chrisla I be there I daughter (while) bom this dale in SLC. Please respond 120 Search PO Box 541. SLC. Ut 84II0PS H'slime. AUTOMOTIVE GOVERNMENT SEIZED vehicles from $100. Fords. Mercedes. Corvettes. Chevys. Surplus Buyers Guide (I) 7 21 Ext CADILLAC PARTS 1979 Seville. All parts are off car. Hood, trunk, bumpers, doors, etc. For info, and prices write lo 312 PO Box 8773, SLC 84158 TURBO 4X4 S spd. excellent ski car. leave message. lIK HYUNDAI EXCEL GL $2500. Loaded. 77K. Mark l3 l27 MAZDA GLC '82 Only $1300. New tires, brakes, trans. 5 speed; Hyundai GLS '88 only 37 K miles. Auto. AJC. stereo, 3 (H) or 58 72 10 (W) like new $321X1. Call Ahdi 582-19- 1 121 a REAL ESTATE GOVERNMENT HOMES from $1 (U repair). Delinquent 0 lax property. Repossessions. Your area (I) 805 7 for current repo list 21 Ext. GH-9- 7 NEW AT HOME BUYING? I specialize in helping first timers with VA. FHA. HUD. CHAMP. UTAH Housing. Minimum $2500 cash, good credit, job stability. Mike 8 THAYNE REALTY 312 Anglesey ROOMMATE EDITING for dissertations 312 0 FOR RENT- LARGE, NEWER I BDRM. Free cable $330. FREE CABLE 726 S. 900 E. Manager No 6 l15 pels. BEAUTIFUL CLEAN HOUSE eleven bedrooms, across 115 Nicnlc from U. Rent by the room. APARTMENT FOR RENT $165. including all utlitics. I e bed: all hedrm. livingmom. wall lo wall carpeting, furnished linens, too! I bath. Absolutely no ovcrnighlcrs, parking. Write lo: PO Box drinking or smoking. II5 8773. SLC 84158 STUDIO APTRENT Close to campus. Newly remodeled. 8 II8 Cable TV 120 XL BDRM in . Holladay home K quiet, responsible person 7 115 $295. No smokepets, prefer female SERVICES t BEDROOMS, I BATH Fenced backyard, garage, hookups, AC. gas heal, refrigerator & stove; $450mo 349 E. 1 120 2400 S. FOR SALE GOVERNMENT HOMES from $1 (U repair). Delinquent 0 Your area ( I ) 805 tax property. Repossessions. 7 for current rcpo list. Ext. GH-925 GOVERNMENT HOMES from $1. U repair). Delinquent properly. Repossessions. Your area. (I) tax l22 7 DIAMONDS: GUARANTEED LOWEST PRICES IN UTAH! Large selection, high quality. Bridal sets, wedding bands, diamond earrings, quality pearls, tennis bracelets, certified appraisals available. Everything wholesale! Rocky 8 Mountain Diamond Co. 64 GAIA: The Spirit of Mother Earth. A store offering environmental. Peace. Deadhead lees, slickers, bedspreads, pants, skirts from India, posters, jewelry, incense, hippie-stick1 mugs. Dancing Bear tics. 241 E. 300 S. SLC. 3l2 SPANDEX SPORTSWEAR SALE in the Union BUIg! All items 12 price or less. Ski pants $70. Jan th. 2th & 3th. 3l2 Bplno all HEALTH INSURANCE - YOU'RE PAYING TOO MUCH! Free quotes, unbclicvcahlc rates with an A lIK company. Call VCR REPAIR Free estimates. Cheap rales. Free pickup & 312 delivery. Work guaranteed 90days. Dan LOW COST HEALTH INS. & other financial services w 22 for quote. excellent company. Call KIDS & MATHEMATICS? Sound good? then you could he one of 20 college students to help tutor Washington Elementary. Orientation for new volunteer!, is on Tuesday, Jan 12. 1993 (d) 7 pm at the Bennion Center Contact David 112 Angulo. BRAVE ENOUGH TO STAND in front of a classroom? Wc need your speaking talents al the Bennion Center. Join the PR team and loam to do presentations as part of a volunteer 9 or recruitment effort! Contact Natalie Sparks 115 Andrea Weber STATISTICAL CONSULTING, research designs, projects. 113 5 years experience. Lew E Jcppson TUTORING MATHSCIENCE: Will tutor any level. Degrees in Engineering BS). Physics (MS). Math (MS). International experience lecturing. Discounts for multiple ext. 507. Leave message II5 sessions ARE YOU SICK? No health insurance'.' Need affordable, comprehensible, convenient medical care? The Student Health Service sees students, their spouses and children for diagnosistreatment of sickness and minor injuries, physical LOOKING FOR MANAGEMENT EXPERIENCE? Become part of the Special Olympics Management team. If you are organized, energetic, and can volunteer 6 hrs. per then wc want week until the games, which arc March I 1 by January 14 114 you! Contact Amanda Clawson LOOKING FOR A LEADERSHIP OPPORTUNITY? the Bennion Center needs you to direct the Family Homeless Shelter Project. Contact Rick Van dc Graff or Jennifer Jcnson 115 exams, immunisations, confidential HIVAIDS testing, diagnosis of sexually transmitted diseases, family planning and more. Appointments available between 1 1:30. No insurance needed. Reasonable fees. 555 Foothill Wc can Blvd. Level I. Wasatch Clinics Bldg. Call II8 help! FED UP WITH THE HIGH PRICE of school health l20 insurance'.' Let me help. Ask for Chris VOLUNTEERS probation. Call informalkin. TYPING WORD SERVICE All types. Fast wordproccssing. transcription, composition, & education project. Spend 2 hrs on Thursday afternoons teaching children about the environment. If interested, contact Max Roth at the Bennion Center II2 2 DEDICATED STUDENTS NEEDED lo join new service -Learning Scholars Program, whereby students graduate with a special distinction of having completed 400 hrs of service. 3 service learning classes, and a major service project. Only seven spaces still available. Contact Linda Bonar (S the 115 Bennion Center. accurate editing, etc. 3l2 4 SELLING SILVER JEWELRY al can by rood court. Fashion Place Mall. Call Roger $5.25hr. WP 5.1. laser. Beautiful TYPING PLUS CALLIGRAPHY results. Quick & accurate. Cavselte transcriptions. Barbara 1 NEEDED to tutor adolescents who are on and ask for Rick or Lisha for more 115 VOLUNTEERS NEEDED for environmental FORMER ENGLISH TEACHER edits, word processes dissertations, manuscripts, resumes. Foreigngniduate students 0 studies. 312 welcome. Specialize in Mid-EaWORD PROCESSING, TYPING. Can check spelling, grammar, references (APA. Turahian. Campbell), editing. Mrs. Nclley. 3l2 Jean ie 312 ; 1 112 GLACIER NATIONAL PARK, MONTANA Have the best summer of your life by joining the learn rated lops in providing the best of Western hospitality lo Glacier Park A&W. Thesis, dissertations, reports, resumes, etc. Fax 312 available. Laser printing. Call Marsha visitors! 1993 Summer applications now being accepted for the following positions.' Bar. Restaurant. Kitchen staffs. Desk Clerks. Salespeople. Store Clerks. Office, Service Station. Housekeeping, and Maintenance Personnel. Interviews will be hckl on campus February 1(1 & II. Write lo St. mary Lodge & Resort. P.O. Box 1808 Sun Valley. ID 83353 for an 112 application. WORDS PROFESSIONALLY COMPOSED, EDITED, word processed, laser printed, transcribed, scanned. Formats: APATurahianCampbell. Theses dissertations, resumes, papers. Programs: WP5.I, MicrosoflWord. Lotus Graphics: AutoCadHarvard Graphics. 30 yrs university 31 2 experience. FREE pickupdclivcry. Carolyn PROFESSIONAL SALON NEEDS WOMEN as models to wear ihc "new fashion looks for "93." Receive a free cut shorl, medium & long lengths. Sunday Jan. 24. Appt. 3 122 necessary. Call NEED COOL CLOTHES? Don't get a student loan, try the Clothes Connection. 1307 S. 9tX) E. SLC. GAP. B.U.M.. Banana Republic. Union Bay. Gcncrra. Structure. $IO-$2Owned and operated by U of U students. 487-- 6 64 312 WANTED TECHNICA SKI B(X)TS (sin 9) never used. $270. ($435 4 3 store price). Call l20 (H). (W). Call II4 WEDDING SET 13 carat center. 10 smaller diamonds around it. new $1350. now $700. Traditional beaded wedding dress (si.c 1), with train. Price includes beautiful veil 9 121 $500 jobo COMPUTERS: 486 SX Super VGA CD Rom Sound Blaster Multimedia, fax modem. Microsoft Works & more! Only 9 lo 5. 12 $500 plus S qualified sales. For info call LOST & FOUND experience. Eveningmorning 8 available. 3l 312 i HOME TYPISTS, PC USERS NEEDED. $35,000 ext. 222 potential. Details. Call it 1c X W EARN MONEY READING potential. Details. ( I ) 113 BOOKS! $30.(XK)yr income 7 Ext. 7 2l ALASKA jobs! $l200-$500- 0 MO! Summer! Career! Guide. Cassette. Newsservice! (916) Classes start February 13th JlAV 363-444- 4 KAPLAN Th answer to the INTERESTED IN RUNNING FOR ASSEMBLY '93. Call Sander Sharp al 7 teat question. .wu. Run for 121 required. and Saturday Day, evening, available. Come and learn in the phlebotomy and start a career rlfle medical field. Center. CcB 322-351- Phlebotomy Learning 4. GET A JOB!! At Public Interest Communications, we do concerned with telemarketing for large environmental destruction and human rights abuse. 7 for Outstanding pay, flexible schedule, call 312 interview. FREE ROOM AND BOARD for female to help male quadraplegic. Duties:to cook evening meal, prepare him for bed, and do once a week house cleaning. Pleasant 0 115 environment. Voice Mail FIVE ALLS RESTAURANT 1458 Foothil Dr. will be e evening servers on Thurs.. Jan 14. interviewing for 5 pm. Must be over 21, 2 yrs. experience, with excellent 118 people and math skills. See Christina LOOKING FOR LEADERSHIP EXPERIENCE? Apply the for the position for the "Legal Aid" project 115 Bennion Ctr. 58 48 . Brenda or Heidi DONT READ THIS!!! Unless you are interested in getting involved! Are you interested in (concerned about) the challenge and complexities of insurance issues, interacting with health professionals and U. administrators, newsletter events such as the publication, organizing campus-wid- e annual Health Fair andor simply boosting your resume? If so. the you HAVE TO JOIN SHAC (Student Health Advisory 2 or Committee). Interested? Contact Geoffrey at 9 for info or pick up an application at the Wendi at Student Health Service in the Wasatch Clinics Bldg. Don't let 118 this opportunity slip by. 0 hours per week, will train. afternoon part time position. Applications available al Tuxedo Junction. 1231 E. 3300 S. 118 PART AND FULL TIME Delivery and bakery help needed Graveyard or earyly morning hours. Will accommodate OFFICE SPECIALIST: $5.87 HR. needed for recreation center. Customer service, cashier and receptionist duties. Type 50 wpm, phonecomputer skills. Part lime. Apply Northwest 120 2 Center 300 W. 300 N DRIVER FOR CHILDREN South East Valley. $6per hour, am and reliable car needed, pm, Monday through 128 Friday. Call evenings 943-- 1 806 CAREGIVER Loving, responsible individual needed to care for happy 5 mo old daughter, in our home I to 2 dayswL r. Must have own transportation. Child care experience preferred. Excellent references required. Competitive salary. U.wea. VIDEO SHOP NOW HIRING Flexible hours, great job. 118 488 E. South Temple. Interviewing (iTH?iiv7THi7iTit1l (&E1HID Call us to find out why. Practical experience for BusinessMarketing majors: Ext. 121 2 AWESOME EXPERIENCED INSTURCTOR to leach MCAT test prep course. Requires personal recent MCAT score at or above 94th percentile, leaching experience, rave 119 for immediate consideration. reviews. Call CAN YOU MANAGE ON AN EXTRA $2,500? CALL for appointment. 120 changing schedule. $5.25hr. Call 363-444- 4 Manage credit card promotions for a National Marketing Firm. Hours flexible. Earn up to $2,500term. - KAPLAN 17 The answer to the test question. lllstate !.. .j MS Delicious 582-334- take-ou- 3 t i i i i r i i 1 INTERNATIONAL CENTER 159 UNIVERSITY UNION 581-584- 9 Apply THIS MONTH for placement next year! 0 John Thomas 231 So. 1300 E. block oft ramnuil 19 582-660- 1 I I I I - 1313 East 200 South pasta, sandwiches and salads. Your food ready to go in less than 5 minutes. eat-i- ii - 1$ $95 and - i lllljH(rtllllliyailUf(jj' SPAGHETTI WITH TAMATA GAIIAEl BLOOD DRAWING CLASSES starting January 23rd. n inlil Find out how much you could save with new, lower Allstate Auto rates. FOR A QUOTE ON YOUR HEALTH OR AUTO 578-319 INSURANCE call Mali at under more info. at lower auto rates! Small blue flashlight attached Call Sharon. Dept of PERSONAL STUDENTS WANTED Part time custodian openings on possible to schedule work hrs campus. 20 hrsweek. Mon-Fri- .. e around classes. Five aft. & evening jobs available. Apply Annex office. Personnel, Bldg, S4.65hr. Equal 122 Opportunity Employer CUSTOMER SERVICE HELP NEEDED Some sales, Allstate announces MODEL WANTED Fine artist needs attractive people lo sit 2 112 for drawings and paintings. Jerry. n II5 PART TIME HOUSEKEEPER Must be reliable & have transportation. Experience helpful. Morning availability plus. $5hr raised to $6 after 90 days. The White Wing Group 1 117. NEEDED by sportswear CAMPUS REPRESENTATIVE company to sell lo fraternities and sororities. Average $50 lo 04 113 S 00 working one night per week. Call I 24 Ext. 192 HAVE OPENINGS FOR 5 COLLEGE STUDENTS. Must he neat appearing and have car. Work 2 nights a week and Saturday. $IO.pcr hour. For personal interview sec Mark Benson, pres. Casllewick. Monday only. January I Ith Placcmenl Center. Rm 350 SSB. 10 am. 12 noon or 2 pm. I Please he prompt. LOST: Ladies gold wedding hand. Gold etching, vicinity of Bldg or Med School. Of found, please call 113 1 FOUND Set of keys in front of Bchaviorial Science Bldg. AFFILIATED STUDENT ACTIVISTS 585-589- 7. CRUSESHIPRESORTS ArmyNavy or 115 irKm The University of Utah Child Care Coordinating Office is developing a network of home providers to increase the availability of child care, particularly for infants and toddlers. To explore a career as a Family Child Care Provider contact: Heidi Crocheron at TOP DOLLAR PAID foryour car. truck, van. Runs or not. 485-- 5 III. It's worth 312" your time lo call. ll LOST: Alpine car stereo face. Reward! Call Karen al & ORDINARY TO FASHION TYPES! Local movies, T V. & 5 22 modeling. Highest rales! No cxp. EASTER SEALS needs telemarketers now through March 7. Krisla S.Mir, with incentives. CHINESE RESTAURANT wants someone with neat WORDS EXPRESS. Quality word processing. 26 years DAY OR NIGHT TYPING Fast, accurate, quality work. 2 Laser, wordproccssing. resumes, editing, etc. Laura 466-5- 4 im friends and warm clothing WITH ASUU IN COORDINATION IBM COMPATIBLE 48633 DX. 4 meg Ram. 210 Meg HD. Windows 3.1. DOSS, SVGA Card. Keyboard. Microsoft Works. Need tuition money!!! $1 l99.Call Dan 113 leave message. Management i 2l appearance, able lo work well under pressure, part lime, day 112 3 or night. Zu FOUND: Kilty. Tiger stripe tail, while markings, 4 color. Very gentle Lynda Sala j n NEEDS JOB. Good turnaround. HP laser II printing SONY 19" TV late model. Nice. j$200obo. between I 5PM h must be enacted. t j RESPONSIBLE HOUSECLEANER references. Call Natalya 2 exlGH-971- 1 our representatives last year. While the present bill does serve certain purposes, a complementary bill specifically incorporating those groups habitually neglected and denied fair representation SINGLE LDS MALE lo share 2 bdrm condoapt. with same. md. utilities $250moruh. Leave message for Scott 973-43- 4 & 1 Gathering at the state capitol, we will protest the Hate Crimes Penalties-Ci- vil Rights Violations Act (Hate Crimes Bill) passed by For a sightseeing or introductory flight, call Paul or Donna al - EARLY BIRD DINNER for $7.95. two entree dunces daily with soup or salad. Ruths's Diner 6 pm. 7 days San la c 6 Close lo U. in Emmigralion Restaurant pm, 3l2 Canyon. WE EDIT SCHOLARLY textbooks logic, style & continuity. Winslow's n 1 the Place: Front steps capitol Date: Saturday, January 16, 1993 Time: Noon FULFILL YOUR DREAMS IN 93. LEARN TO FLY. DINING- 1 Oil! TGI HI J! itl IS HB A Bfllflr of state RUSH Jan. HI GUYS! WANT TO LOOK GOOD? Join satisfied people for the best $7 haircut around. Long, short, olden, modem. If you can explain it I can cut a. Barney's 2480 So. JI2 Main. MloF. IQloa. BEAUTIFUL BLACK 4WD TRUCK Jeep Comanche. 113 Great tins, nice camper shell. Offer. Brad 1976 280Z Needs body work and clutch. Engine runs $5Who 1 with 113 the Union Theatre. Oricntaliua meeting Jan 20 at 3 pm. Register now in me Student Involvement Center 270 Union 120 1 7 1 APRIL IS, 1973? Birth parents are searching for adopted NOTICE - The Chronicle reserves ttc righi la deny or edit classified advertisements on the bash, of good teste and words J3.25day . propriety. Rates are as follows: 0 The words $5.S0day. $22.00week. $13.00Vweek.. 12 noon classified ad deadline is prior to the date the ad it 4:00 taken alter not he will advertisements Classified run. lo p.m. workdays. For information about classified ads call In keeping with the Chronicle's desire lo run honest advertisements, if you have any proof or evidence lo the contrary, please call the office immediately. well.Call Maw at I OH NO. NOT AGAIN! It's RAPTURE 93 celebrating our for me top secret agenda fourth anniversary. 120 DISCLAIMER 1988 cflWfflWttW 113 IS FOR MEN'S GREEK WINTER 1985 SL'BARU RX S2895. Call Matt at up paying far it like I n Expires January 18,1993 . I VvM if Kit |