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Show HELP WANTED Citizen, Press, Review, Wed., Sept. 18, 1985 - Page 17 BUSINESS 0PPTY. WANTED to TEEN GIRL !ena one USX child 610 pm 3 eekdayi per eek Just north of Biackhawk area 785 1491 It 9 18 DELIVERY PARTS Just for Women... have good ith CIRCLE. Instructors needed. Exciting new ay to sell stitchery and turn your hobby into cash Will tram Call Paula 785 7231. 4t 109 MODELS WANTED for an 9.18 CLERK, Alpine Book a Am Fork rally includes routine obstetrics and gynecology, that's just the beginning. The Women's Health Centers also provide treatment for menstrual and urological irregularities, infertility, high-rispregnancies and premature births, menopausal difficulties, breast care and cancer screening, cosmetic and reconstructive surgery, emotional and k tee no I negot'a'e off - standard'. good I'm' P.G. GYMNASTICS, now you ne 1030 CLEAN, 'h i f;ur. cleaning job by the professionals Fast 5 hours), sale on all o'.iti,' i a 'iP- - itulf junk and WANTED: WANTED: software r .aiiaiv - ppiienit- PASCAL DOS OS. an Dll MD0S MSD0S OASIS HEALTH CENTERS SCHWINN up to 10 veais condit.on good old, Orem Community Utah Valley Regional Medical Center Hospital makes and models at the reasonable prices around Free estimates Same day service in most cases 756 5014 4 10 tfn most in CflLL c0 c0 ,0, 2t , ,,,, LESSORS 374-803- 7 end units Need WANTED: axle 9 to 6 thrhvs "Business Man" Own Building Major DeHleiship. manufacturer dealer PRESCRIPTION GLASSES, American Fork Canyon. ltp LADIES INTRODUCTION - WEIGHT LOSS, and quit smoking motivation through hypnosis, Certified. Call for appointment. . 918 FOUND: FREE 725 SUNGLASSES, tfn Survival FOR THE FUTURE. and formation Service. 7723 or write In- - Call to RoMel P.O. Box Publications. 538, Fayette, UT 84630. ltp 918 It Timpanookee Trail, BE PREPARED 918 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE, two experience, accounting background. Able to work in- Years dependently, salary Send resume to P.O. 2t 918 negotiable. Box 7. Am. Fork. cosmetologist needed witn estaniisneo cnenieie or out of school at leasl one year. Call or apply in peison to Sharon BEAUTY at OPERATOR, State. 648 E 2t 756 8014. StyM Fork. American NAIL ARTIST WANTED with chentel. Rent table and spac- - for $75mo Buy your materials at tfn Ask for Craig. . WARNICK CUSTOM IN MY leveling. . or HOME, reasonable lates. Call 756 4755 oi Connie. Lizzette. 4t SATELLITE through us. Located in PI Giove Call or 226 1571 Good location 4tp 9'18 plowing, rotovating. and landscape Cail at 9 18 (303)759-320- only FARMING, garden discing CARE 814 Two skills. or Call High a PRESCHOOL 4t 10 9 ot own call teachers Part-tim- e profit I'm TRUCK? OR fuel Cosmetics, Kay GROUP. SINGING Rhythms GM mechanic including will do work on injection. your vehicle nights and weekends at reasonable rates. Give me a call and in areas potential tfn HAVING TROUBLE WITH YOUR GM CAR Bonnie selling kindergarten CHILD available HELP WANTED now CORNER Teaching selecting HELP WANTED KIDDE'S Steel o.vn you 520 j i 25 9 0 PRE SCHOOL, $25 'month for two ria a week. $30mo. for three days a week two' hours per day. 768 8035 4 10 2 Ext. 2407 TV GALAXY I SYSTEM, starting at $750. Oelmar's 257 E. 700 North, Am. Fork, It 918 YOUR OWN OWN ladies children's store Service Directory for Building, Remodeling and cessories Levi, F apparel, large size combination acmaternity petites. Chic Lee. lordache Z Street. Izod. Esprit. Tomboy Calvin Valente. Evan Claiborne. Gasoline. Klein. Sergio Picone Liz Healthtex $13,300 over to 9 18 Home HOME, all ages, snacks. and Gieeiuoo', school aiea 756 2769 4t 10 2 DAY LICENSED CARE: DON'S $5'dav. Will aw tv provide SERVICE for stimulating atmosphere Meals snacks, near 4t Call warm your child AF Hospital 88 West Main Am. Fork 2 Only. 1000 $24 900 inventory, training, futures grand opening, etc Can open 15 days Mi Loiighhn. 612 888 4228 ltp others MY bm.hes 10 Members IN CARE ho! 756-972- 2 LOVING MOTHER WOULD LIKE TO CARE YOUR CHILDREN FOR in TV Repair Antenna and Installation Expert my home m American Fo'k Playroom, fun activities lunch etc Please call 756 5632 3tp 9 18 FREE ESTIMATES laV Improvements Call 756-766- 9 lnaH! wihwh Emm THE HAVE HOUSE Have your plans up just for you YOU WANT. changed or drawn Bring in this ad you will get six sets of blueprints instead of live. Don't wait until it's too late. Call 768 4651 from 9 am till 9 pm. Monday Saturday. 710 tfn and BUILDING ot HOE DIGGING and Iront end plus hauling slag, black topsoil. B J Sales, gravel, 756 8333 SO 925 J- - work, MATERIALS: no i(. yourself low jobs. Complete projects See us for lumber, sheetrock, prices and yard landscaping, paint, on hardware supplies. Barratt's, your local Trustworthy Hardware dealer; 150 West Main, American Fork, 756 3551. 26SD UTAH 925 ROOFING, repairs, Heat work stallation ONE Building 925 BUSINESS related field, complete training, no experience All cash business. necessary. Refundable deposit required. Conl.ict V': Ryan at 1 800 a re roofing, West State Rd., Am. Fork. 26t 1120 or ERIE available TYPES: ALL Bill Pierce. HOUSE PAINTER GIVES Siilrwidr PAINTING, OUTSIDE Professional. Guaranteed I INTERIOR. Kevin 756 3726 new or AND SHAKES, retooling reasonable and estimates 0416. pnces. Call 785 Fiee 1226 clilflfd drptrimrni ind t irm work, rtpliin how ihr ftp oy wrtlr your id, inri plirf It In all ihf iMoriiilon nrpipm. One ad. 87 tfn Don Ainge, 26SD 925 755-766- 9 fin drlhff tour id lo 170.000 Rnrnn In Ihr Miir ot ith. pk on all types of and automotive upholstery or materials toi the do Alpine Upholstery. 138 N. West State Rd.. American Foik, 756 4225. 8t 1030 One way. Th ilk W or Ml lo MilcwMr i) Ike Suit ckrairM ( t. )! link h . M h 25 words $59. f or tour tecrrun do ant Mm- - rkr oMMIomI iMItioMl i)M. of paperwork. or ort ikt knit IS, tlnrt ptt mn4 k Ncwtah News Group ESTIMATES furniture Call CALL TODAY! nur Vwt 629'Un FREE Free estimates. plire ghoul One invoice. tfn BLOW ON ACOUSTICAL CCEILING. com- he mi III estimates. work. Call 768 4015. construction or remodeling. 150 W. Barratt's, Mam. American Fork, 756 3551. lh ou In One phone call. (ill Free TRUSSES for new In I nrpiprn SHINGLES 29t rlittlftrd id munity newspiprn illo your id In 35 ihr Hi l FAIR exterior of house. 785 1253 for estimate. SO 928 DEAL Interior, Statewide Classified Ads in tape 24lp 1226 - Look no further for plumbing supplies and service work. We can handle all needs. 136 N. your plumbing DOUG'S WATERWORKS 717 Evans new quality energy efficient homes. Our computerized estimates are free. Taylor HOmes, 768 8433 or 925 MAN Build HOUSING: home for less than you can buy FENCING: Area's best prices oh all' an old home. Douglas fir lumber types of cedar and redwood makes our home the most solid fencing and related supplies. home investment on the market. West 150 Main. Barratt's, We make a science out of saving American Fork. 756 3551. 26SD you money and specialize in SD EVER. loader 26SD NEW quality ROOFING, THE BEST BACK PLUMBING: (mimes Plumbing and supplies lor home repairs and new construction. Baiialt's. 150 West Main, American Fork. estimates. Call Steve Wood, licensed 52tp 1'30 86 supplies for TV, 9 18 DAY NEED A CARPENTER? For all your, building, remodeling or concrete needs, call in- 174 with opperformance portunities. Ages 4 thru 12. Call 4t 925 or tfn 5 CONSULTANT, roiwil'inf; Mary tin information 4'p For any theory Christmas. INDEPENDENT PROFESSIONAL FOUND: blr" ,0 imam is on fall starting session Tuesday. Sept. 10. at 4 p.m. Learn vocal skills and music Rainbow reunions, for BEAUTY Main, Am Fork. CHILDREN'S SH0WS Primaries. Jacohson INSURANCE. and laughs. p'npram paities. 756 6717 9. 8 W, 4J4i' special Intermountain Health Care Facilities PERSONALS magic Fun PUPPET FUN 918 additional information, ltp (omK Super jll j jl r j lliULL CARD0N 24t tfn 12 9 ,Ml!opn Call for a services service or a quote surance need, call parlies 738 Steady work 'm the next 3 to 4 tnr anv months CM ?Q S S 1034 North 500 West Provo, Utah ext. 151 0 ho.', 'or 75b dump truck- liquid fertilizer, and insect control. guaranteed. free estimate 9 25 all services lawn - control weed All the LAWNSCAPE, professionals '25 224-408- PRO KEN of Central Utah 3 third house on left Available diagnosis weekends and evening holida, 224 5224 8 21 tfn 280 BASFS 4 10 tfn PIANO, pots 44000 and DA1A C and $15 service call :o":'ion.ng or Just off Alpine Highway on 9910 North REPAIR irniud'- COBOL 8080 PL i all six inch MAJOR APPLIANCE an: -, Plant Sale varieties All 28 m 20 BAL RAN ork m.nnliam- on FURNITURE AND Call J3 unip.ainmin,' rorui'illf' jnrl Highland House PART TIME routed oi Greenhouse shrinkage. removal Itr, COMPUTER TEACHING ! chav: It 9 18 TfeWOMEN'S 756-300- The Little -Horsemen U;ns cleaned. RAINBOW LARri 'ear,.!-,- ; House'. and Thorough weekly BASIC Orem, Utah .'.ater . vad'tl- WORK No a'pet. 4tp 10 9 FORI North 400 West ' fn-V- , m t.n Speci.iliinp application, dala base and op"ia!ing 785 424U 785 511! systeiTb 331 PROTECT BEAUTIFY, CARPETS AND FURNITURE, YOUR th pickup hauling off Discount for elder! accepting 8t Call (801 Van for cxft 180 North 1100 East American Fork, Utah students i',e" WANTED: micros American Fork Hospital PAINTS, supplies, painting instruction. Free catalog. 4tp 109 time Vjt be good WORK Jayna, 928 ' & Call th 756 6019 or 756 6262 Fork) 6 19 ttn Quick, thorough Call dimly ': tor top pay 918 4tp . r4ll u' pr! helpers nee'VI n man, places W i'i 'lie f.nrtmg We there1 USA payin, jut)' avails High Look I NANNIES open soon in Pleasant Grove See you for us in Sept to SERVICES Worsy p m COUNTRY NAILS AND GIFT SHO 2t 10 bet-- 918 4t HOUSECLEANING. 2t 9 18 Thursday Regional Medical Center. While "Lifetime Care" natu- 2 arid m at now and inexpensive. hours 648 afternoon Apply AND ClfTJ, INTERIORS taking dates for Christmas shows Shop early at home HOME ac- and SALES 925 inventory, training buying trip giand opening more Also be first in your area with store and certified color analyzing Dan Kostecky. 501 327 8031 ltp State Road and therapy, psychological much, much more. Furthermore, all medical ser vices are interwoven with continuing education classes and a complete wellness program to encourage women's active involvement in their care and promote lifestyle improvements. To get started on your "Lifetime Care," call the Women's Health Center in your community. We'll even help you choose a personal physician from over 300 qualified medical specialists. "Lifetime Care" is just for women... just for you. 52, cosmetics, cessories, fixtures eicitmg If not glamorous career model to qualified training available Classes starting October and November m Salt Lake Call Blanch 487 7591 ltp 9. 18 and is available now at the Women's Health Centers of Central Utah: American Fork Hospital, Orem Community Hospital, and Utah Valley to size infant brands Pierpont. Lehi. Canlyn professional help from Liberty fashions Onetime fee. different into match your programs s national vestment plans PART TIME JOB WITH THE IDEAL J30mo teacher Experienced, qualified and aid Excellent facilities Call FASHION STORE with YOUR OPEN 5 year olds & 9 30 11:30 MTrV 9t CREATIVE Cm g, Mjs! record PRE SCHOOL, 4 this SEIKO needs (farmer-dealerfam $12 000 to $25 000 Mr. Call Part time pe' vfa" collect 801 265 1684 for infu1 maion 4t 10 2 working knowledge of Salt Lake and Prow areas Aprjlj m person to Allan Barney In City f urd Am Fork It 9 18 Uff4fa& Women's health care used to mean maternity care, which was, for the most part, regulated by physicians and hospitals. Today, just the reverse is true: Women are more knowledgeable and outspoken about their complete health care needs, and physicians and hospitals are responding. Our response is "Lifetime Care," a comprehensive approach to women's well-beinfocusing on physical health, emotional stability, and continuing education. From puberty through childbearing to menopause and beyond, "Lifetime Care" is for women of all ages DRIVER. driving CHILD CARE BY SYSTEMS SATELLITE Publishers ot the American Fork Utah Press Association P.O. lot 7 Si Witt Mirri Citmn, Pleasant Grove Rem and lehi Free Fnm American Fork, Utatt 14003 (Ml) I |