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Show 6:35 Grable, Dale Robertson BASEBALL Los Ange les Dodgers Brave REPORTS Qreen monster. FRAGGLE ROCK Mat NME ON NEW JERSEY 900 tert get out of hand when 3 NEWS Mokey conceives a clever DON DRYSO ALE'S plot to fool Junior Gorg. BASEBALL USA Former G SEE STUDIO pitching great Don Drys- - 9:30 S3 FREEMAN al Atlanta & OAYTME MOVES 6:00 76 "An Orphan's Tate" (Part 0(1981. Dra ma) PetuJia Clark, Fabrice "For Love Of Ivy" (1968. Comedy) Sid P ney oilier. Abbey Lincoln. 7:30 (X) "The Amazing Captain Nemo" (1978. Adventure) Jose Ferrer. Burgess Meredith. 8:00 "The Farmer Takes A Wife" (1953. Musical) Betty Grable. Dale Robertson. h "Golden Ear& rings" (1947. Drama) Ray Milland. Marlene Dietrich. 9:30 GD "The Corn Is Green" (1979. Drama) Katharine Hepburn. Ian Saynor. Directed by George Cukor. "Barbarella" Science Fiction) (1968. Jane Fonda. Milo O Shea 10:00 GD '? "The Belle Ot New York" (1952. Musical) Fred Astaire. Vera Ellen SD Billy Liar" (1963. Comedy) Tom Courlenay. Julie Christie "Salari 3000" 11:00(1) (1981. Adventure) David Stockard Channing "Mr. 880" (1950, Comedy) Edmund Gwenn. Burl Lancaster. "Beachhead" 11:05grJ (1954, Adventure) Tony Curtis. Frank Lovejoy. 12:00 "Breaking The Sound Barrier" (1952. Drama) Ralph Richardson. Ann Todd "Caravan 2:00 O To Vaccares" (1974. Adventure) Charlotte Rampling. David Birney. "Little Miss (2) Marker" (1980, Comedy) Walter Matthau, Julie Andrews. '? "The Optimists" (1973. Comedy) Peter Sellers. Donna Mullane. '2 "The Saint In 2:30 London" (1939. Mystery) George Sanders, Sally Gray. 3:00 "The Corn Is Green" (1979, Drama) Ian Katharine Hepburn, Saynor. Directed by George Cukor. QD 4:00 "An Orphans Tale" (Part 1) (1981, Drama) Petulia Clark, Fabrice Josso. 4:30 (D (1980. "Popeye" Comedy) Robin Williams, Shelley Duvall. 6:00 date looks behind 0"Stunt Kid" Hollywood stunt kid Retd Rondefi per lorms a world record-breakin- the scenes ol America's national pastime. (R) S:30(T)MSDEBOXMG Josso. Carradine. d) OD9TOS SPECIAL THE 1200 QD SWING soap ine only clue to BLUES ,he mvs,e"oua haPPen NEW JERSEY PEOPLE ings si the store is the wet S3 SPORTS LOOK (R) and hallway NEWS 8 35 DUSTY S TREEHOUSE 12:30 ARTS AT SOTHEBY'S: 8:50 Mnme has dale "lh COLLECTIBLES Featured Bean- - lhe 9'eal- a visit to the famous auc- 9r6en monster lion house. Solheby Parke s UM i uu I rm i i.ju Bernet. with a ON TELEVISION "Sports" look at collectiMoose Commentator bles, including the lamous McGlade hosts this "You "Rosebud" sled from the Can't Do That On Televr classic movie "Citizen sion" Wide World ol How " 00 tij tvu Kane ard Cosell 2:00 (59 THE ADVENTURES OF BLACK BEAUTY "The "The Popes An escaped Hoslagc" Art" James Mason hosts convict, who holds Kevin an examination ot various and Beauty hostage, must aspects of the art world choose between his own that led popes to count freedom and saving an themselves among its iniured Kevin patrons MY MOTHER WAS 2:30 GD MOVIE "Safari A KID A bump on NEVER 3000" (1981. Adventure) the head sends a 13 year David Carradine. Stockard old girl back in time, Channing. where she meets the O (8) HART TO HART rowdy kid who will grow up O Q0! AMERICAN PLAYlo be her mother HOUSE THE TOMORROW OD BYU DEVOTIONAL PEOPLE "Hitler's Last SPORTSCENTER Secret" Mysterious zom SPORTS TONIGHT in an bies underground lab BENNY HILL and Mike begins to act SOAP just like them (Part 1) 5J HOT SPOTS THE THIRD EYE 3:00 TRAVEL CHANNEL "Under The Mountain" NIGHTCAP 9: 10 Rangitoto is ablaze and MOVIE "Little 9:30 crimson, but Mr. Jones Miss Marker" (1980. Comand the twins do not realedy) Walter Matthau. Julie ize just how ruthless the Andrews. aliens are. (Part 8) CROSSFIRE LIVEWIRE "Priorities" 3:30 HAWAII FIVE-- 0 Guesls: Valerie Harper, CHARLIE'S ANGELS actress; Teresa De Rose THE CATLINS 9:35 and Andrew Needhammer. CB 10:00 O QD American Ballet Theater. NEWS SEE STUDIO LEHR- - 4:30 00 OD (S3 MACNEIL '"Friends" Explore underER REPORT water caves; visit a New QD (ED BENNY HILL Hampshire town where USFL FOOTBALL Chi kids in trouble are getting cago Blitz at Boston help and a second Breakers (R) chance. (R) NEWSNIGHT (2j) YOU CAN'T DO THAT 5:00 RADIO 1990 ON TELEVISION "Sports- MOVIE "RagCommentator Moose gedy Man" (1981. Drama) McGlade hosts this "You Sissy Spacek. Eric RobCan't Do That On Televierts. sion" Wide World of HowMOVIE 10:05 "Six Black ard Cosell. Horses" (1962, Western) FRAGGLE ROCK Mat Dan 6:30 Audie Murphy, ters get out ol hand when Duryea. Mokey conceives a clever 10:30 O TONIGHT plot to fool Junior Gorg. GD MOVIE "Pol- 9 INTERVIEW 9:00 O 16) NBC WHITE PAPER And Their 0 O O tergeist" (1982, Horror) Craig T. Nelson, Jobeth "Elizabeth Queen" (1939, Drama) Belle Davis, Errol Williams. ABC NEWS The 0 Flynn. O 5 OD O NIGHT-LIN- E O (S O "Mr. And MOVIE Mrs. Bo Jo Jones" (1971, Romance) Desi Arnaz Jr., Chris Norris. BLOOD FEUD The story of the conflict between Teamster Union leader 1:10 11:15 1 HAWAII Q MOVIE "The FIVE-- back" (1979, Fantasy) Jack Jones, David Doyle. 1 1:30 G O HOGAN'S HEROES IT TAKES A THIEF QD SD MOVIE "The second ADVENTURES OF BLACK BEAUTY "Horse Thieves" Bumbling thieves endanger Black life by holding Beauty's her in an area that has been scheduled for tic fishing lor cod m their 16 foot boats. Quina. 10:06 MOVE "Against AH Flags" (1952. Adventure) Errol Flynn, Maureen O'Hara O (1979. Sally Drama) Al Cazale. O (8) ABC NEWS 6:00 6:25 7:00 7:30 8:00 9:00 9:30 2:00 12:15 1 SPORTSCENTER INSIDE BOXING THIS WEEK IN THE NBA (R) SPORTSFORUM (R) SPORTSCENTER SPORTSWOMAN (R) COLLEGE WORLD SERIES (R) LEAD OFF MAN BASEBALL New York Mets at Chicago Cubs 12:30 SOFTBALL NCAA Division Women's Championship (from Omaha, Neb ), (R) SPORTSWOMAN 2:30 3:30 HORSE RACING WEEKLY Jimmy Hoffa (Robert Millionairess" (1961, BASEBALL Los AngeBlake) and Robert F. KenComedy) Sophia Loren, 3:35 les Dodgers at Atlanta nedy (Cotter Smith) is Peter Sellers. Braves traced from its beginnings 11:50 MOVIE "BreakCOLLEGE WORLD in the 1950s when Kennethrough" (1950, Drama) 4:00 SERIES Game 9 (live from dy was chief counsel for David Brian, Frank Love-joy- . the McLellan Committee Omaha, Neb ). to the Senator's assassi- 12:00 O LATE NIGHT WITH 6:30 33 SPORTS LOOK nation in 1968. (Part 1) DAVID LETTERMAN 3) MOVIE "Billy JOE FRANKLIN DAYTIME MOVIES Liar" (1963, Comedy) MOVIE "Green Tom Julie Courlenay, Ice" (1981, Adventure) "An Orphan's 6:00 Christie. Ryan O'Neal, Anne ArchTale" (Part 2) (1981, DraP.M. MAGAZINE 6:30 Q er. V4 GD MOVIE "Pol- 12:10 ma) Petulia Clark, Fabrice O WELCOME BACK. Josso. KOTTER tergeist" (1982, Horror) "Bedtime StoCraig T. Nelson Jobeth 12:303) DARYL HALL JOHN 7:05 Williams. ry" (1964. Comedy) MarOATES IN CONCERT The lon Brando, David Niven. O FAMILY FEUD popular duo perform from K "Fallen Angel" PRIME TIME O the Forum in Montreal with 8:00 ACCESS (1945, Drama) Alice Faye, a selection of their hits, Andrews. Dana BUSINESS O "Sara Smile," including "And Your REPORT "Private Eyes," "Rich 8:30 LEHR-EName Is Jonah" (1979, MACNEIL (0 (S) Girl," "Kiss On My List," REPORT Drama) Sally Struthers, "Maneater" and "One On AGAINST THE ODDS James Woods. One." "Jimmy The Kid" "Kenyatta And Villa" ONE STEP 9:30 O Jomo Kenyatta, born a (1982. Adventure) Gary BEYOND Coleman, Paul LeMat. tribesman in Kenya, CROSSFIRE s "Ol became a CBS NEWS 10:00 2D S3 12:40Q numan nearis auinor ana rresiaeni or NIRHTWATCH vioo, Waller Huston. Drama) his country and Pancho 1:00 O NBC NEWS OVER- James Stewart. Villa began as an outlaw uiriMT "0de"e" and became the most O ONE ON ONE famous General of the 113 1, uianiH Miiia nca-ale- , Trevor Howard. Mexican revolution. "Green Ice" THE 10:30 7:00 O (1981, Adventure) Ryan O GD HAPPY DAYS CBS REPORTS O'Neal, Anne Archer. O Vt 1 1 :00 "Bugs Bunny's "1984 Revisited" Walter 3rd Movie: 1001 Rabbit DAYTIME SPECIALS Cronkite compares the Tales" (1982. Comedy) technological and social Animated. Voices by Mel advances in modern life to 7:00 (D NATIONAL GEOSPECIAL GRAPHIC "The Blanc, Shep Menken. the totalitarian world envi"She's Back On sioned 35 years ago by Lonely Dorymen" PorBroadway" (1953, Musiauthor George Orwell in tuguese dorymen spend months alone on the Atlancal) Virginia Mayo, Gene his classic work " 1984." Nelson. tic fishing for cod in their O MACNEIL LEHR-Et 11:05111 'i "Branded" (1951, boats. REPORT 8:00 GD LOST IN DEATH VALWestern) Alan Ladd, Mona (D 52 EVENING AT POPS LEY Members of a high Freeman. 89 (ED BATTLESTAR V, "The Last school band whose plane 12:30 GD GALACTICA in Chase" (1981, Science- Death Valley crashed ARTS PLAYHOUSE: two Lee must Fiction) OUR choose between Majors, Chris TOWN Thornton different leaders among Wilder's Pulitzer Makepeace. Q2) them in their bid for surviv"Casey's Shadplay about people ow" (1978, Drama) Walter al. in a small New England THE OLD QUABBIN 2:00 O Matthau, Alexis Smith. town and the simple "With This VALLEY The history of the 2:00 O d) human values that make Ouabbin Reservoir, its life worthwhile is presentRing" (1978, Drama) Scotl Hyland, Joyce effect on displaced resied. DeWitl. "Author dents, and the present IS MOVIE "Caveman" Author!" (1982, Comedy) surrounding 2:30 GD controversy Al Pacino, Dyan Cannon. the proposed diversion ol (1981, Comedy) Ringo River are Dennis Qua id the Connecticut Slarr, 7:30 O QD JOANIE LOVES M "The Saint In examined. CHACHI WAS Palm Springs" (1941, O (K) COMPUTER PRO- 2:30 NEVERMYA MOTHER KID A bump on GRAMME Mystery) George Sanders, the head sends a Wendy Barrie. 8:00 O GD REMINGTON STEELE "Jimmy The Kid" girl back in time, 4:00 GD where she meets the (1982, Adventure) Gary (D THREE'S COMPAO NY Coleman, Paul LeMat rowdy kid who will grow up "An Orphan's to be her mother. MOVIE O Tale" (Part 2) (1981, Dra"Just Tell Me What You 3:00 S3 JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL This musical comedy ma) Petulia Clark, Fabrice Want" (1980, Comedy) Ali Josso. about the joys ol teen-agMacGraw, Alan King. romance centers on a 6:00(3 "Spirit 01 The O NOVAFESTIVAL OF Wind" (1979, Drama) young CD (S) boy whose girl Chiel Dan George, Slim HANDS: THE ROAD TO dumped him lor a jock. Pickens. Chita Rivera CORDOBA appears with members ol DAYTIME CHILDREN'S the National Theatre ol the Deal in a Surrealistic SHOWS " EVENING Journey based on lhe work 8PECIAL 0:00 (SI TODAY'S of poet F. Garcia Lorca. CB (S) "Soap" The only clue lo 6:00 ED H MOVIE "Women lha mysterious happenNEWS Seven Times" (No Date, GEONATIONAL GD ings in the store is lhe wet Adventure) Shirley and soapy hallway. GRAPHIC SPECIAL "The Peter Sellers. 6:30 &D DUSTY'S TREEHOUSE "The MOVIE (JD Lonely Dorymen" PorMaxine has dale with Farmer Takes A Wila" tuguese dorymen spend months alone on the Allan- Jelly Bean, lha great, (1953, Musical) Belly LaZoo, "Dreamgirls"; band S3 PRIMENEWS OD 1 STUDIO P-- OS LEHR-E- 1 1: 10 11:25 0 GOLD MONKEY S9 QD S3 IN PER- urn ) ( AT THE WHITE HOUSE "LilQD S3 MOVIE ies Of The Field" (1963, Drama) Sidney Lilia Skala. 11:00 Boat" Juergen Prochnow, Gruenemeyer. Arthur FREEMAN REPORTS NEWS (21) RUBENS 1577-164- 0 BUFFALO BILL 8 30 MOVIE "Cave O man" (1981, Comedy) Rin-gStarr, Dennis Quaid. NEWARK & REALITY NEWS g 35 uioo QUINCY DYNASTY S THE GIULINI CONCERTS OD S3) TWYLA THARP 1965-198- 2 SCRAPBOOK: The career and talents of O O O modleading ern dancer and choreographer Twyla Tharp are traced. SPORTS TONIGHT avant-gard- BENNY HILL SOAP 33 HOT SPOTS TRAVEL CHANNEL TO BE 9:30 ANNOUNCED CROSSFIRE O FIVE-- 0 CHARLIE'S ANGELS THE CATLINS 9:35 9:40 (21) GREAT PAINTINGS 10:00 e o a 9 o NEWS INSIDE BOXING TWYLA THARP 5 1965-198- 2 SCRAPBOOK: The career and talents of O modleading avant-gardern dancer and choreographer Twyla Tharp are traced. LEHR-EMACNEIL REPORT SO S3 BENNY HILL SPORTSCENTER NEWSNIGHT 33 RADIO 1990 (R) MOVIE "The Sala- OD S3) DAYTIME SHOWS 6:00 CHILDREN'S TODAY'S If SPECIAL Joins People come face to face NEWS O HILL BLUES MOVIE (1953, Suspense) Montgomery Clift, Anne Baxter. Directed by Alfred Hilch-coc- THE TOMORROW PEOPLE "Hitler's Last Secret" The Tomorrow Jays at Oakland (Subject to blackout) 8:35 9:00 'I; (Confess" 0 "Lincoln And Malcolm X" From a humble beginning, Abraham Lincoln became the man who treed the slaves and Malcolm X Blue STREET 53 CHARLIE'S ANGELS THE CATLINS "ConfesMOVIE sions Of A Pop Performer" (1975, Comedy) Robin Askwith, Anthony Booth. O O 10:000 NEWS S3 LEHR-EMACNEIL REPORT SD S3 BENNY HILL NEWSNIGHT MUSIC WORLD "DeadMOVIE line" (No Date, Suspense) Bill Kerr. Barry Newman, MOVIE "Goliath 10:05 QD The Giants" Against (1961, Adventure) Brad 10:30 Harris. Gloria Milland. TONIGHT ABC NEWS NIGHT-LIN- O O O 89 THE LAWMAKERS QD COSMOS SD 33 MARY HARTMAN, MARY HARTMAN LIE DETECTOR MOVIE "The Sound And The Fury" Drama) Yul (1959, (5) (1980. Chase. 1:30 O O S3 SD EXTRA Louis PRETTIEST Beautiful LETTERMAN MOVIE "The Terry Fox 0 O O "Kung 12:40 1:00 0 ASK FOR MARVIN NEWS CBS ft W itelWII! - O O 120 OFFICE 756 3591 American Fork E. Main AT: - HOME 756 3442 756-318- 1 ONE CINEMA ONE CINEMA ONE CINEMA ONE CINE I - irraw LI 7 & High Road Tb China ' VWRNEFt BOOS 9:15 Saturday Matinee i j 2:30 & 4:45 1 I CINEMA TWO CINEMA TWO AitlflU WALT DISNEY'S THE iins aJ AIMPIII 7:15 & 9 IN THE and a new all cartoon featurette Saturday Matinee WINNIE THE POOH AND A DAY FOR EEYORE 1,3,5 The All New AIMMBBA PLAYHOUSE THEATEB Presents Fiddler on the Roof t a May 6 - June 4 Fridays & Saturdays 8 p.m. Mondays 7:30 p.m. Reserved Seat Tickets Adults - $5.50 Children Students, Senior Citizens Call 785-496- s4.50 - $4.50 9 Season Tickets Available Group Rates Available Utah IHW of Robinson & Wilson American Fork NIGHTWATCH NBC NEWS OVERNIGHT ONE ON ONE Call for information about Discount tickets H - Wrff" acres 0 0 533-08- 61 ttH Five see! $193,000. David Carradine, Barry Sullivan. WELCOME BACK, 12:10 KOTTER ONE 12:30 STEP BEYOND SPORTSCENTER CROSSFIRE American Fork June 6 - July 15 S.L.C. Tickets 9 - 7 III in county. Immaculate 3 lawns, trees, gardens, orchards & pastures. Barn ft sheds. Must j O 756-35- 41 SETTING view. extras. many Adventure) (1971. brick bdrm. home in PI. Grove with Story" (1983, Biography) Robert Duvall. Eric Fryer. JOE FRANKLIN MOVIE older SHARP scaped, garage & shop. Priced right at $53,900. DAVID Fu" 5 lots, rambler in Am. Fork. 3 bdrms., 2 baths, landbeautifully Cardinals at Philadelphia Phillies (R) "Man Of MOVE 11:45 La Mancha" (1972. Musical) Peter O'Toole. Sophia Loren. LATE NIGHT WITH 12.00 O 12:05 Fork. 2 baths, garage, cent, air, many other extras. Call me for more details. Only $124,900. Ceremony" (1964, Drama) Laurence Harvey. Sarah St. Am. oversized HOGAN'S HEROES IT TAKES A THIEF Y "The MOVE Miles BASEBALL large luxury very in 3 bdrms., Benji. 1 home "Rag- TUCKER'S WITCH SNEAK PREVIEWS SPORTSCENTER SPORTS TONIGHT BENNY HILL SOAP TRAVEL CHANNEL NIGHTCAP 9:25 FOOTLOOSE FAM9:30 OD ILY WEEKEND WORLD COLLEGE SERIES Game (from Omaha, Neb ). CROSSFIRE RACING FROM YONK-ER- 9:35 9:40 IMMACULATE lam. "Oh Heavenly Dog" Comedy) Chevy YOUR WANTS AND NEEDS" 0 MOVIE gedy Man" (1981, Drama) Sissy Spacek, Eric Roberts. O 20 r 20 O OD FIVE-- HAWAII SERVING "NOW REAL ESTATE Toronto A's BASEBALL "Francis "Friends" The meaning of "Oh Heavenly 11:30 friendship is examined Dog" (1980, Comedy) when Muffy accidentally Chevy Chase, Benji. damages Sam's model "The Terry Fox Story" 1:00 ship. (1983, Biography) Robert DUSTY'S TREEHOUSE 6:30 Duvall, Eric Fryer. Scooter goes through the "Becket" trauma ol changing 1:30 Richard (1964. Drama) schools. Burton, Peter O'Toole. 9:30 O IIP) STUDIO SEE "The "Friends" Explore under- 2:00 O (1959. Westwater caves; visit a New ern) Jell Chandler, Fess Hampshire town where Parker. kids in trouble are getting "The Saint 2:30 help and a second Meets The Tiger" (1943, chance (R) Myslery) Hugh Sinclair, 12:00 TODAY'S SPECIAL Jean Gillie. "Friends" The meaning ol "Oh God!" 3:00 friendship is examined (1977. Comedy) George when Muffy accidentally Burns, John Denver. damages Sam's model "An Orphan's 4:00 ship. Tale" (Pari 3) (1981, Dra12:30 DUSTY'S TREEHOUSE ma) Petulia Clark, Fabrice Scooter goes through the Josso. trauma of changing "The Amazing 5:00 schools ' Captain Nemo" (1978, THE ADVENTURES OF 2:00 Jose Ferrer, Adventure) BLACK BEAUTY "Horse Burgess Meredith. Thieves" Bumbling "Clash 01 The thieves endanger Black Titans" (1981, Fantasy) Beauty's life by holding Harry Hamlin, Laurence her in an area that has Olivier. been scheduled for blastiEVENING ng 83 CLOWN WHITE Jason, a 9 year old boy, finds his 6:00 O O NEWS perfect teacher. OVER EASY THE TOMORROW 2:30 O ('0! QD S3 WEEKNIGHT PEOPLE "Hitlers Last SD flli) LITTLE HOUSE ON Secret" The Tomorrow THE PRAIRIE People come face lo lace MOVIE "Raw with Hitler's terrifying legDeal" (1978, Western) acy (Part 2) Gerard Kennedy, Gus AGAINST THE ODDS 3:00 mander" (1981, Drama) Franco Nero, Anthony (1946, Stranger" Suspense) Edward G. Robinson, Orson Welles. NEW JERSEY REPORT You Could The WACS" (1954, ComeDonald O'Connor, dy) Julie Adams'. 1 11:05 ' MOVIE "The R.H. Thomson. CLOWN WHITE Jason, year-olboy, finds his perfect teacher. "The Drama) (1981, HAWAII 2:00 O SI Hugh See What I Hear" (1982, Biography) Marc Singer, DAYTIME SPECIAL Poitier, MOVIE ma) Anna Williams. O I Mil" with guests Mobley, Anson Williams, Betty White and JoAnn Pflug, profile six children who are the innocent victims ol war in countries such as Somalia. Cambodia and El Salvador. PICK THE PROS (R) 0 () PBS LATENIGHT CHILDREN: CAUGHT IN THE CROSSFIRE Hosts Gary Collins and Mary Ann BUSINESS OD OS MACNEL REPORT FUN- S3 LE DETECTOR SD ACCESS ' MOVIE (21) AGAINST THE ODDS "Oliver Twist " (1948, Dra "Lincoln And Malcolm X" ma) Robert Newton. John From a humble beginning. (21) THE ADVENTURES OF Howard Davics Lincoln became Abraham MARY HARTMAN BLOOD FEUD The sto BLACK BEAUTY "War the man who treed the &2J THE WORLD SPORTS Horse" An old Army horse ry ol the conflict between slaves and Malcolm X MAN (R) that the Gordons nurse Teamster Union leader spoke lor black AmerDETECTOR LE bai:k to health helps save icans who had lound freeJimmy Hoffa (Robort "Moritu MOVE '. pti F Ki n Kevin trorn drowning. Blakr) and Robert dom, but who had yet to n" ( 1965. Advenluie) Mar find equality. nedy (Colter Smith) is Ion Rranilo. Yul Biynner traced from its beginnings TOP RANK BOXING 3 D PICK THE PROS in the 1950s when KenneDAYTIME SPORTS 7:00 (6) FAME MOVIE 10:35(17) dy was chiel counsel lor "II You MOVE Comedy) SOB" (I9HI. 8:00 SPORTSCENTER the McLellan Committee Could See What I Hear" William Julie itolden, 6 05 (3) INSIDE BOXING to the Senator's assassi (1982. Biography) Marc Andrews 7:00 HORSE RACING nation m I96H (Part 2) Singer, R H. Thomson. 10:400 ()MAS'H WEEKLY (R) S3 BOXING 1 1:00 (i) CONDO O LATENIGHT (I0: PBS O e 30 O (6) P.M. MAGAZINE 7:30 SPORTSWOMAN (R) C) MAGNUM. P.I. O SD S3) LE DETECTOR FEUD FAMILY 8:00 SPORTSCENTER LEHR-ESPJ MACNEIL O (8) PSYCHIC PHENOMETIME PRIME COLLEGE 9:00 WORLD REPORT O NA ACCESS SERIES Game 9 (Irom OD S3 UTAH FAMILY S3 DON DRYSD ALE'S Omaha, Neb ) (R) O (10) BUSINESS GARDEN BASEBALL USA Former REPORT AUSTRALIAN RULES 12:00 SD S3 BATTLESTAR pitching great Don Drys-dalLEHR-EOD (12) MACNEIL FOOTBALL (R) GALACTICA behind the looks REPORT LEAD OFF MAN i) PERFORMERS' scenes ol America's 12:15 BASEBALL New York gl) THE THIRD EYE SHOWCASE: LYNN national (R) paslime "Under The Mountain" 1 1 : Mets at Chicago Cubs Behind the scenes ( 9 j HAWAII FIVE-10 COLLEGE 1:30 WORLD Rangiloto is ablaze and 1 1:30 O portrait and performances HOGAN'S HEROES (6) O Mr. but SERIES Jones Game 10 (from 01 this great American celcrimson, O (8) IT TAKES A THIEF and the twins do not realOmaha. Neb ) (R) list, lilmed in Scotland, h "A 4:30 gD J3) MOVIE how PLAY ruthless the YOUR BEST ize jusl London and New York. Lion Is In The Streets" TENNIS (R) aliens are (Part 8) MOVIE "Green (1953. Drama) James 6:00 MOVIE SPORTSFORUM 8 35 "Flying Ice" (1981. Adventure) Cagney. Baibara Hale SPORTSCENTER 5:30 ArchAnne Tigers" (1942. Adventure) O'Neal. Ryan BILLIARDS Minnesota BASEBALL SI Louis John Wayne. Paul Kelly er Fats vs. Caras (R) Jimmy REAL PEOPLE 7 00 O Cardinals at Philadelphia 7:30 O THE NEW ODD HIGH SCHOOL BASMOVIE Phillies (Sub)ecl to black ? "Bugs COUPLE KETBALL "Capital Clas out) Bunny's 3rd Movie: 1001 O Si OD 53 inside Game" 6:35 sic BASEBALL Los AngeRabbit Tales" (1982, STORY (R) Voicat Animated. les Atlanta GIMME A BREAK Dodgers 8:00 O Comedy) "The MOVIE Braves es by Mel Blanc, Shep 11:50 O TOO CLOSE FOR Jokers" (1967, Comedy) Menken. COMFORT Michael Crawford, Oliver O THE FALL GUY O SIMON & SIMON Reed DAYTIME MOVIES NBA BASKETBALL O Si SNEAK PREVIEWS Q LATE NIGHT WITH (6) 12:000 Game" 09 S3 MYSTERYI "Championship DAVID LETTERMAN 5:30 K Los Angeles Lakers at "Becket" SD 53 MOVIE FRANKLIN JOE ) Richard (1964, Drama) Philadelphia 76ers (If "Wuthering Heights" MOVIE "Lies Burton. Peter O'Toole. (1970. Romance) Anna My Father Told Me" 7:00 Calder Marshall, Timothy O SI MACNEIL LEHR-E"Popeye" Drama) (1975. Jellrey Robin REPORT Dalton. (1980, Comedy) Lynas. Yossi Yadin Williams. Shelley Duvall. QD S3) THE GIULINI CONMOVIE "Buddy. 12:10 O (?) WELCOME BACK. CERTS 7:05 "Critic's Buddy" (1981. Comedy) KOTTER Choice" (1963. Comedy) S3 S3 BATTLESTAR Jack Lemmon. Waller ONE STEP 12:300 Bob Hope. Lucille Ball. GALACTICA Matthau. BEYOND BY DESIGN: ELLIOTT 8:00 "Sea Wile" FREEMAN REPORTS SPORTSCENTER ERWITT MEET THE MAYORS (1957, Adventure) Richard CROSSFIRE Burton. Joan Collins. NEWS photgrapher Elliott Erwilt 12:40 MOVIE "Some "The Pirate" demonstrates the versatilSPORTS LOOK Kind Of Hero" (1982. GarARTIST AND ATH(1948, Musical) Judy ity of photography as a 8:25 Richard Pryor. Comedy) tool of the applied arts. land, Gene Kelly. LETE: THE PURSUIT OF Margot Kidder WORLD COLLEGE 9:00 The paralPERFECTION "Raggedy CBS NEWS O Man" (1981, Drama) Sissy SERIES Game 10 (live lels ol artistic and athletic NIGHTWATCH from Omaha, Neb ). Eric Roberts. are endeavor Spacek, explored MOVIE "DisMOVIE "Raw Deal" 9:30 S2) "The against the backdrop of tance" (1975, Drama) Gerard Winter Pied Piper" (1972, FantaPlacid (1978, Western) Lake the Paul Benjamin, James Donald Kennedy, Gus Mercuric sy) Donovan, Olympics in 1980, with Woods. s 10:00 SD S3 Pleasence. "Bathing performances by the 1:00 O NBC NEWS OVERDance Ensemble Beauty" (1944, Comedy) 7;30 O SD HERE'S TO YOUR NIGHT WilRed Skellon, Esther HEALTH and violinist Yehudi O ONE ON ONE liams. Menuhin. THE FACTS OF 8:00 O Ol S3 "Elizabeth CHEERS LIFE 8:30 O ' (1948. TALES OF THE Ladymead O IT TAKES TWO O 0MAS'H RED SKELTON'S The veteran comedian presents an hour ol comedy, music and mtme reprising some characof his ters in a solo performance taped at the Hamilton Place Theatre in Hamilton, Canada. MAGAZINE O O FAMILY FEUD TIME PRIME O (!) SP) O REPORT Wui.-- j NY FACES Kitty Wirm. 8:30 SEE NIGHT-LIN"Orienteering" Watch a Nantucket man make OD 0?) THERE BUT FOR kites, lake a look at the FORTUNE Joan Bacz' sporl of orienteering (R) 1981 tour ol Argentina. 5:30 O (10) STUDIO SEE Chile and BiaJ lo publi "Orienteering" Watch a cize viotalionf. ol human Nantucket man make rights in those countries is kites, lake a look al lhe chronicled sport ol orienteering (R) QD (13) MARY HARTMAN. FORMANCE DAYTIME SPORTS MOVE "Return From The Ashes" (1965. Suspense) Maximilian Schell. Ingrid Thubn. "The MOVE Panic In Needle Park" (1971. Drama) Al Pacino, actor; Michael Wynner. Joanne ward. 10:40 PRIMENEWS Peters, co choreographer; 4:30 leg- acy. (Part 2) INSOE THE USFL spoke tor black Americans who had found freedom, but who had yet to find equality 3:30 01 LIVEWIRE "Fun. Fun. Fun" Guests: Mickey Roo-ne- "Dog (1975. Pacino, John Struthers, James Woods. THE TOMORROW PEOPLE "Hitler's Last Secret" Mysterious zom Dies in an underground lab and Mike begins to ad lust like them (Part I) with Hitler's terrifying 1983 - Page 3 OVER EASY OD WEEKNIGHT SD S3 LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE TONIGHT MOVE "And 10:30 (A) MOVE Your Name Is Jonah" Afternoon" Day Drama) OSS) D 0 Come- where getting chance. (R) 00 French Lieutenant's Wom- 10:40 M'A'S'H an" (1981. Drama) Meryl 11:00 PBS LATENIGHT Irons. Streep, Jeremy SD S3 LIE DETECTOR THE TOMORROW CHILDREN BETWEEN PEOPLE ' The Lost Gods" LIFE AND DEATH Carol Will the Tomorrow People Lawrence and Art Link-lettbe sacrificed to ancient host this look at the spirits? (Pari 2) children of East Africa and COLLEGE WORLD their struggle for survival. SERIES Game 8 (live from Guests: Dick Van Patten, Omaha, Neb ). William Shatner, Dean PRIMENEWS Jones, Efrem Zimbalist Jr. a SEE undera New (U THE MASTERPIECE MOVIE "Nightmare Alley" (1947, Drama) Tyrone Power, Joan Blondell. 33 TENNIS "World Team Cup Men's Finals" OVER EASY WEEKNIGHT GD LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE "The MOVIE (ED and help THE SWINGIN' STUDIO S3) "Friends" Explore water caves; visit Hampshire town kids in trouble are THEATRE QD MARY HARTMAN, MARY HARTMAN LIE DETECTOR EVENING O NEWS O GD high-ris- (R) TODAY'S BLUES 6:00 a tump off spotlight - Thursday, June 2, !(.(( S AlrtB |