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Show Thursday, October 9, 1980 Page B-- l fTcj inness moonlight has sirucli again All PARTICIPATING MERCHANTS OPEN 6-- 9 mm Entire Ladies Department Reduced 20 - All New Fall Merchandise Skirts Blouses Ozieans All AllStyles Dresses Gam Jewelry Suits Perfume Hose II East Main Street American Fork. Utah 84003 801 75fr6224 7 nrr urr Leather 'o Every Boot In Hiking Boot $23.00 II Reg. $39.- - CIO 88 the Store Mens and Boys Sizes Mens Dress Shirts Values to $21.00 $5.00 Now Reduced Don't Miss Our Gigantic All l Friday Night Only - Crnckware 12 Price Come Early For These Tremendous October 10 Boot Sale Largest Selection Lowest Prices in Utah 3 Days Only Thursday 6 to 9 p.m. - Friday Saturday Oct. Every Item in Store Reduced 3 Hours Only "15" Except Sale Items 23 East Main j American Fork w IB ilBoor com Friday Night 0nly was irrm AIM TOOTHPASTE BAUSCH mrrn CAMPHO PHENIQUE CONTAC CAPSULES & LOMB 1 ' 8" POLY PUMPKIN Plastic with sturdy handle, earn for treats, or use as bright table decoration, reg 1.17 folk LUBRI0ERM LOTION Willis MAALOX SUSPENSION MENNEN SPEEDSTICK sum METAMUCIL POWDER OIL OF OLAY American Fork TYLENOL 1.19 12 Oz. 2.77 1.69 12 Oz. m, All Scents R eg. NEO SYNEPHRINE SPRAY sam 1.29 59C 3 pak sum 15 2.29 96 s NEWS RAZOR Orange Vo 15 ml. TAYLOR DRUG 1.09 3.77 1.29 8 Cast Main Amrtan fork Phon 756-40- 2 T 2.99 4 0z. 30 s 1.69 TABLETS Reg. Strength 100 2.09 SINUTAB TABLETS WW. Main to 1.33 10 s EFFERDENT TABLETS 9 OCT. 79C Oz. LISTERIHE MOUTHWASH HALLOWEEN HEADGEAR "four choice ot sinister stylos, terrific toppers for the scary 8 Oz. SOL. SALINE 1 1 1.09 6.4 Oz. sum 6000 57 ": OCT. From 6 to 8 p.m. 97 American Fork NICE & EASY HAIR COLOUR . 2.29 Merchant Street American Fork, Utah 1 7 No. |