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Show 6 - SCORCHING TIMES - AUGUST 15, 1996 QUIK ADS Adratee: Boxedads$5£10, OuilradsSZAdemuetbeorderedsndpeldby101inosppearlncun'entlssue. lncomelsusedtomakeCV Thnes avalable attront gate. Ads for community services or evsnu—or ys—arei'ree. fixw'5mw.m“'m pros veyour 552%;mg loriamilyandguests. First-floor .l'iouseatpetslthg. CV refs. Laura &Sandy,259-4021or2999 HANDY MAN: for drhhigationand Blake. 2592341 Wkflhbof n . cslpm"9 0“”wa Pak— 259-8493 — Also horses to let CASTLE WLLEY RENTAL: avalableh flamed abedroom, 1 llzbaihs lergeairykichen mod.deck almond.,ssobpermonth cred't reportreierencesadeposkrequired. No smokers. 259-4638 DRUNMING, neariulkmrgsing. Silent Acousnc MUSCIANS (especialy a OUTDOOR LABOR FOR HIRE: Horses, Trees. Ditchs Fences irrigation. etc. Michael cent rumm'ng mm Cal 259-9111 LANDSCAPING l MORE! Backimemd loader Gardens . smie. Cal Layne. 259-8042. Rateswiha l CAN MAKE YOUR WINDOWS DISAPPEAR. Commercial-Residential. For an esti'naie cal 259-7753 and leave a rnesage for Alex. Cobb: Clean thows. PO. Box a‘ v E? CASTLE VALLEY TIMES . Interim Printing. 9’ Jack Campbell E:+ 9' 259-5115 or 5542 Views expressed by writers are not necessarily those of the CV Times. ~ Published the 15th of each month. : f SUBSCRIPTIONS—$12 per year For SUBSCRIPTIONS or ADS CVSR 1903, Moab 84532 *FREE AT FRONT GATE } TO RESIDENTS“ Castle Valley Times 1 P. O. Box 1903 § MOAB, UT 84532 QQMMQNITY QALENDAR POA MEEI'ING—ut Wed, 7 pm Town Council—2nd Wed, 0:30 pm Planning/Zoning—Srd Thurs, 7 pm Fire Dept—2nd &4th Thurs, 0 pm (A! above meetings at Firehouse) WWW”.m: WW“ *°'° Al—AnonlAA/ACOA — Mon eve, 259-7556 AA—Thus eve, lrto: 259-7556 Aerobics—5M, 8 arn—lnfo 259-7098 FOUND: Small slver ' shoe h center. Found at 259-5542. Latter Day Saints Church Sun, 10am, Sunday school Sun, 10:55 am, priesihood and auxiliary Sun, 11 :50 am, sacrunentai meeting Tues, 7 pm, youth activities 90! 0" '99 sessions. American and Irish or whatever- No CW or R&R. Cal 259-4044. with heart and Shake pond. CREA'nVE 000K NEEDED: $8Ihr-25 hrs grab wee.k-Mon Wed Fri. Sat,&8un. 4—9pm ntworkhgcondtions. Paidvacetionaiter 1year. Needlobe andwel versedhlhekldien veveryneatandclean appearance. MW. Emotionallymature. Musttakep elnyourwork. Se! motivatedanddirecled Ifyouarethisperson pleasecalCastleValleyhn 259-6012. 3rd Fri, flinch/crafts, Women’s Relief Soc. Quaker Friends Meeting Sunday. 930 an. Call 259-9111 Seventh Day Adventist Church 33, 930 am, Sabbath school SaLllam.Sabbaihservlce |