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Show 8 - PARCHED TIMES - JUNE 15, 1996 QUIK ADS Ad ratee: Boxed ade 35-810, Guilt ode 82. Ads must be ordered and pald by 10th to appear in current leeue. Income le used to make CV Tlmee avallable atlront gate. Ads for community eervlcee or events—or glve-awaye—arelree. COMPLETE CLEANING SERVICES bytheprcs.WeIhaveyourhomelooking sp lor tamity and guests. First-floor ‘ ows. House 8: pet sitting. CV refs. Laura & Sandy, 259-40210r 2999. OUTDOOR LABOR FOR HIRE: Melted Pal — 259—8493. SOLSTICE PARTY! Annual Solstice Party Weekend Sat. June 22nd and Sun. June 23rd. Weekend Events: Triple sunrise breakfast Sat DRUMMING near tul moon rising. Silent LANDSCAPING a MORE! Backhceand loader work, Uti'ty trenches, Septic Systems, Culverts, Driveways, Fences, Patios, Walks, breakfast ~7z30am. Rafting on the river both days. Tennis and Volleyball Potluck dinner/dance 7:30pm Gardens. Pastures. Reasonable Rates with a srnie. Cal Layne. 259-8042. #3 59% CASTLE VALLEY TIMES ' ’ Interim Priming, SUBSCRIPTIONS—$12 per year For SUBSCRIPTIONS or ADS CVSR 1903, Moab 84532 *FREE AT FRONT GATE TO RESIDENTS“ Castle Valley Times f P. 0. Box 1903 . MOAB, UT 84532 Latter Day Saints Church Sun, 10am, Sunday echool Sun, 10:55 am, priesthood and auxiliary Tuee, 7 pm, youth actlvltlea 3rd Fri, lunch/crafts, Women’s Rellel‘ Soc. Quaker Friends Meeting work, labor, pmning, drip irrigation and 0 or odd jobs, call John Blake, 259-2341 CASTLE VALLEY RENTA L: available in Ju . 3 bedroom, 1 12 baths, large airy kitchen, r wood deck, aircond., $600 per month, credit report, references & deposit required. No Published the 15th of each month. ' AA—Thure eve, Into: 259-7556 Aerobice—SxMeelr, 8 am —lnlo 259-7638 Sunday, 930 am. Call 259-9111 HANDY MAN: for Jack Campbell 2595115 or 5542 Views expressed by writers are not necessarin those of the CV Times. Flre Dept—2nd & 4th Thurs, 6 pm (Al above meetlnge at Firehouse) Sun, 11 :50 am, sacramental meeting Buchannan Lane-"look for the cars. For more info: Jack Powers -5060 Everyone is invited! f . POA MEEflNG—1etWed, 7 pm Town Councll—2nd Wed, 6:30 pm PlannlngIZonlng-ard Thurs, 7 pm Al-Anon/AAIACOA—Mon eve, 259-7556 centering circle preceding the drumming. Various locations. Cal 259-9111 COMMUNITY CALENDAR smokers. 259-4638 Seventh Day Adventist Church Sat, 9:30 am, Sabbath school Sat, 11am, Sabbath service |