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Show ELECTION TIMES - OCTOBER 1993 - 5 Time to choose your Property Owners Association Representatives for the coming year. (The candidate receiving the highest count will serve for two years.) Each lot has received by now an annual POA report, containing a ballot. For each lot you own, cast four votes at the ANNUAL MEETING on allow property owners to respond. 4. See that POA funds collected are used wisely and cautiously to the advantage of property owners, with Castle Valley town budget forecasts carefully scrutinized. 5. Continue present practices Saturday, October 23rd. Out-of—town owners can send their proxies to regarding liens. Also interest POA, CVSR Box 2612, Moab, UT 84532, but they must be received by October 22nd, so act now. charges. My wife and l have owned property in Castle Valley since 1977. We always have been active POA CANDIDATES were contacted by Cris Coffey and asked to respond to the following questions: 1. What have you done for your community this past year? 2. What do you see as the role of the CVRR POA? 3. How would you promote communication between the POA Board and all property owners, section of owners rather than just a small but vocal minority. 4. | see the upgrading of the Town’s side roads as a continuing priority of the POA. I also feel the Valley drainage system is a high priority for the coming year. Of course, ensuring that the Property Owners’ dues are spent to benefit ALL the owners, not just the resi- whether they are residents or not? 4. What do you see as this year's POA priorities? 5. How strong a stance should the POA take about dues collection, specifically delinquent dues? Hank Freeman: 1. I have been a member of the Board of Directors of the POA and a member of the joint Town/POA Road Board. | feel that this has given me valuable insight into the Castle Valley government system. It also has given me the opportunity to interface with the citizens of the Town and therefore represent their desires more fully. 2. I see the POA as a means to protect the rights of the property owners and to represent them in the way their dues are channeled to the Town. I believe the role of the POA is clearly stated in the By-Laws of the POA, dated April 18, 1973. lfeel that all property owners should be familiar with this document. A copy of the By-Laws can be obtained from any POA Board of Directors member. 3. I would promote better communication with all property OWners through quarterly mailings that contain a synopsis of recent developments. I also cannot stress strongly enough the need for input from as many of the property owners as possible, so that we may represent at least a diverse cross- dents, is always high on the list. 5. I agree with the POA Delinquent Dues Policy, dated 11 july, 1990, and in addition lfeel that we need a list of property owners with unpaid dues before the Annual Meeting so that these owners’ votes are not counted. I feel that the dues policy is important to the POA because it is the sole means of in attending POA meetings. I served on the POA Board and Planning Committees during the late 19705. I consider Castle Valley my home. I worked hard for nine years in California to be able to come back and retire. Planning never to have to leave again. My interest in serving on the POA Board is to work for my home and community. I hope to protect the rights and interests of all property owners in the Castle Valley Town. George Ottinger: 1. For the 2nd time in a decade, the board and I collected enough signatures to dedicate Castle Valley Drive to Grand County. Fortunately funding for improvements. it is also this time the county accepted the a more viable alternative to the standard tax method. road and the responsibility for its maintenance. Of course, Mayor Groo and the Town Council played a significant role in this accomplish- Ken Johnson: 1. Serving as Ditchmaster for the Castle Valley Irrigation District ment. projects like installing 1000 feet of 8-inch pipeline in one day. Attend— 2. The chief role of the CVRR POA is the protection of individual owner’s property value, water ing Town Council and POA meet- rights, and water quality. ings 90% of the time since returning from California. Attended five Planning Commission meetings as a concerned citizen. 2. Property Owners Association is to serve the interests of Property Owners as its title suggests. The POA Board should work to keep Castle Valley a peaceful and private place to live by maintaining the minimum five acre parcel. 3. I believe the POA should mail special issues of the Castle Valley Times to non-residents. Better attendance of meetings can improve communication for residents. 4. The improvement of the side organizing and completing work 3. Publishing a biannual report to all Property Owners. Continue publishing notices in the Castle Valley Times, also the Times lndependent. | feel notices in the Castle Valley Times and the Times Independent should inform concerned property owners of any possible amendments before passage to roads is this year’s priority. 5. The POA should continue the current dues policy using lawyers, bill collections, and liens against delinquents who will not develop a payment plan. Bill Riggs: We are sorry that Bill did not contribute because of a death in their family. |