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Show 8 - GUSTY TIMES . JULY 1992 QUIK ADS Ad rates: Boxed ads $5, Oulk ads $2. Ads must be ordered and paid by 10th to appear In current Issue. Income will be applied to newsletter expenses. Ads for community services or events, or for give-aways, are free. HOMESTEAD HELPER FOR HIRE— carpentry, plumbing, farm & ranch work, concrete, welding, clean-up, painting, etc. No job too small. Castle Valley & Moab refs. Barter ok. Call John at 2594021. CARETAKERS NEED NEW HOME. Experienced caretakers/property managers forced to seek new position. Prefer Castle Valley property, but will consider any in US or Canada. Local & national references. Contact John & Sandy Flahie (801) 259-4021. SMALL ENGINE REPAIR SERVICE. Wanted: mowers, tillers, engines you plan to scrap 259-5336, 259-7719. Leave message for Mark Seibert. No Sat calls, please. COMPLETE CLEANING SERVICES BY THE PROS. We'll have your home looking spiffy for your family and guests. We do first-floor windows. House & pet sitting available. C.V. references. Call Laura & Sandy at 259-4021. STRAWBALE STRUCTURES—if you want to build one to code, we’ll be offering a workshop here in Castle Valley at the end of August (date to be confirmed.) House will have R-40 insulation value and look similar to an adobe structure, but is more economical to construct. Contact Susan Ulery at 4539 (days) for more info & to pre— register. LET ME COOK lor you or your guests. Call Laura, 259-4021. CAN YOU HELP? Do you have half used cans of paint sitting around your house or shop? We could sure use them, any color, any amount. We promise to put them to good use in C.V. children's art class project. Call 2595507. THANKS, JAYNE! for taking pictures of the children’s flags they made in art class. Judith COMPUTER MAVIN FOR HIRE. Will help you with business cards, brochures and other marketing materials, personal writings, books, or booklets. Editing, typesetting, design, Mac laser copies, printer-ready originals. Let's talk about your project. Call Cris, Featherweed Press, 259-2245. BUY, SELL, TRADE OR FIND IT with a QUIK AD! A SNAKE who ATE A MOUNTAIN 61 COMMUNITY CALENDAR Town Meeting: First Wed, 7 pm. P.O.A. Meeting: Precede town meeting, 6:30 pm. ‘ Planning/ Zoning: Last Mon, 7 pm. Fire Dept: 2nd & 4th Tues, 7:30 p.m. Exercise Class for men, women—now 5x] week, 7:30 am. Call Annie at 7638 for info. Latter Day Saints Church (Public is welcome at all services and activities.) Sun, 10 a.m., Sunday school Sun. 10:55 am., priesthood and auxiliary meetings Sun, 11:50 am., sacrament meeting Tues, 7 pm., youth activities Third Fri. ltmch & crafts. Women‘s Relief Society Mon, Wed, Fri, 8 am., Valley aerobics for men and women W (Public is welcome at all services and activities.) Sat, 9:30 am., Sabbath school for adults, juniors. primary, kindergarten, and cradle roll Sat. 11 am. Sabbath service Family Cooking & Wellness Seminar: July 27-Aug l—Vegetarian cooking & health basics for adults. Stories. songs, & crafts for children. Register by July 8, $15 per family (cookbook and supplies A sNAIcE wm+ HICCUFS included). Call Linda McKenzie 5997. Castle Valley Times Q, Joan Sangree 0 259—5542 lil Kulander - 259-7580 Cris Coffey - 259-2245 Jack Campbell - 259-5115 Alice Drogin Allen and Alice Stokes Sam Welch Registered Na vajo-Churro Sheep Exceptional Handspinning Fleeces CASTLE VALLEY TIMES ls published 15th of each month. Ads & Written Contributions due 10th of each month In Suggestion Box or CVSR 2607. S E L L ING Ready-to-spin Wool - Handspun Yarns Breeding Stock - Freezer Lambs Produced by Featherweed Press ROGER LOWRY 801 -259—6589 CVSR 1708 MOAB, UTAH 84532 |