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Show l.ehi Free Press tessg&gftsas. 4 Page Lehi Junior High PTSA Prepare For EDUCATION Coming Year Members of the Lehi High PTSA met this week to outline activities for the current school year and to name board members. Mrs. lallie Kohler will serve as president, with Mrs. Marilyn Larsen, first vice president; Principal James Gray, second vice president; Harold Hoyal, third vice president; Junior SALENA B. H. SYMES Open House To Honor Lehi Resident The children of Salena Berry Hutchings Symes will honor her at an open house in observance of her 80th birthday on Sunday, October 7. All friends and relatives are invited to call at her have been inducted into the Lehi High Chapter of the National Honor Bob Member? fie mcbde Cash, Layne Peterson, Stacey Haws, Chet Peterson and Jay Powell, front I to r. following: Society. 2nd row. 10 t. Je nm Broils, Colene Smith, Laurie Shurtz, Kim Erickson and Janet Findlay. Back row, I to r, are Janet HONOR INDUCTS SOCIETY MEMBERS-Memb- ers home, 190 West 600 North, Lehi, between 4 p.m. and 6 p.m. The family requests there be no gifts. Mrs. Symes was born Donalyn Nielsen, Judy Shepherd, Judy Curtis, Cyndee Crittenden, Brooke Wilson, RaeLynn and Susan Strong. Sunderland Joletse Leslie Rf;no:ds. Russon, Bateman, Joriy Smith. Lon mumim itui.ui ouuciy ducts New Members !!mimi' The Na!i')'i;i! Society ChapUT ;il the Lehi High School recently held its Smith Layne Old Banquet at rotaimnit Ore 111. Dan in Layiu Haws on J. to include Layne Peterson, president; Stacey Haws, vice president ; Colene Smith, secretary; Jody Smith, treasurer; Janet Bateman, Jenni Brooks, Layne Cardon, Bob Cash, JL. Jyl coming to Lehi, she taught for one f and years at Millard High School in Fillmore. There she taught English, history, Spanish and was the yearbook advisor. "1 enjoy the students here in Lehi and find a real pleasure in teaching them," she said. She attended schools in the Orem area, graduating from Orem High School and BYU, where she earned her degree in English, with a minor in BATES Marianne Bates, New Teacffer"" ' At Jr. High Meet Marianne Hates, a new teacher at the Lehi Veneela. Michele Johnson, Lorraine Madsen, Nielsen, Chet Ann Lewis, Donalyn Michelle Peck, Peterson, Jay Powell, Leslie Reynolds, RaeLynn Russon, Laurie Susan Strong, Shurtz, Judy Shepherd, Jolene Sunderland and Brooke Wilson. We would like to thank the Lehi Ambulance crew for responding so quickly when we needed their help. We appreciate them coming out so early in the morning to help us with our little granddaughter. We thank you all so very much. We think you're the greatest. Mr. & Mrs. Ned Oldham Mr. & Mrs. Chad Oldham It is a terrible thing to live all of one's life in dread of rainy days. It is so easy to make a storm out of a shower, and a disaster out of a mere Governor Proclaims October Farmer Cooperative Month Governor Scott M. Matheson recently proclaimed October as "Cooperative Month" in Utah in conjunction with this same recognition throughout the rest of the disappointment. USA. Fabrics and Trimmings He said that "the benefactors of Farmer Cooperatives are the licady-ToWea- r nr.d Boots Fine loads ' Uifts and Dinnerware i1 Early American Furniture i PHOK Cyndee Crittenden, Judy Curtis, Kim Erickson, Janet Findlay, Lori Ingram, Card Of Thanks Your General Merchandise Store Shot-f- Pat Clark, JyL library science. She is married to Kevin W. Bates, who is a prelaw student at BYU. "I am also a triplet," Mrs. Bates said, noting that she has two sisters that look just like her. She has served an LDS mission to Caracas, one-hal- MARIANNE members Chapter Junior High School. Mrs. P.ates teaches English, math, special needs, and gifted and talented eighth grade English. Prior leadership talents and maintain an untarnished character. pledge. The invocation was by ("olene Smith and the benediction by Jay Powell. The Honor Society has pledged itself to service and cultural activities throughout the school vear in addition to Peterson, conducted the program, which included speeches by Mob Cash on .Janet Scholarships; Bateman on Service, Stacev develop the recite high scholastic standing. Each member has vowed to Character. 011 members Chapter President. maintaining Jody Peterson spoke about the purpose of the society and then had the Induction Tucker's and Leadership people Since 1882 Your One Stop in agriculture and every man, woman, and child throughout the world who depends on the American farmer for food. . ." S Shopping Center LEHI, UTAH 768-920- 1 engaged October 7, 1899 in Cedar Fort to David Allen and Sarah Simmons Berry. She attended the Cedar Valley and Lehi schools. She married Samuel Walter Hutchings, March 13, 1919 in the Salt Lake LDS Temple. He was operator at the Royal Theater for 10 years and managed the Lehi Power Plant for five years before they moved to Bountiful in 1935, where he served as manager of the Bountiful Power Plant until his death in 1938. Their son W. Berry now holds the same She married position. John Wyley Symes on August 14, 1951, and they moved to Lehi in 1964. He died in June, 1973. Mrs. Symes worked for 17 years in the Davis School Lunch County Program, serving for 13 years at the Stoker Elementary School and four years at the South Davis Junior High School. She is active in the LDS Church and has been a Relief Society Visiting Teacher for many years, has served as a teacher and chorister in the Relief Society and has been a Sunday School teacher. She likes to crochet and enjoys making her home beautiful. She andir: Hutchings are the parents of twj) sons and two daughters: Walter Berry Hutchings, Bountiful; and Mrs. Reed D. (Donna Janete) Jensen, Billings, Montana. A son, DeLoy died in 1931 and a daughter, Madge, in 1938. She has 10 grandchildren and seven Janice Mrs. Mrs. For All Your Glass Needs - 756-259- 6 1 Tm Fast Mobile Service - 785-248- 1 membership and finance and Tim Cash, SlAylORKS I Auto Glass Store Fronts I I House Glass Storm Windows Storm Doors Mirrors on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, November 9, 10 and 11. Cost of the trip will be $110 per couple and $70 per single for three days and two nights at the f Villa Roma, block from the Strip. The cost includes transportation, motel accomodations, bingo prizes, treats on the bus. "Estimates" - Tub & Shower Enclosures secretary-treasure- studentbody president. First event of the year will be the annual membership drive. All parents are urged to join with the organization by paying $1 membership fee. Application forms will be sent home with Students Hnrinp tho InHor part of October. Other events will in- clude membership and finance chairman with after 5:00 until (Today) annual Achievement The with decorations, contributing food, etc. is asked to contact one of the officers. Parents Visiting Day has been tentatively set for Friday, November 16. Schedules for parent visit will be sent home with report cards on Tuesday, November 13. "We feel we have some of the finest students to NATURAL C RSHLI SUPER PLENAtSSNS EXTRA STRENGTH VHaminMlmral '149 if i,m l-K- T &my Better than Theragran Myadec and Centrum IRON TABS 1,.,rVij Buy 3 cans raTo'n? one is L&i2ii2i get Choose your brand. Time change your oil. Sale Dales: Thursday. Friday, and Saturday Dairy Foods Baked goods Groceries Gas and oil oi atw L DEirrinE I Tablets iivi I CLEAC3S TABS 40 7, -- Rgxan High Potency STRESS FORMULA FLUORIDE TOOTISVkSTE VITAMINS Plus Iron $ 7oz. 60'S v "pexall Decongestant TlmE CAPSULES s Ifl. $1 25 Compare with CRESTI -- RMxall FAST HOME PERMANENTS aras.iM silver formula. U Compare with TONI or LILT! t'EKCATED DAIDRUFF SIIAFmPOO 8oz. job my. nwBlcillllllupilVII, a.Ai..i wtf 100's Strength ncuicwcn 6rQtra 70 Your $1119 wiuiwe ii U Compare NEW L ULTRA CARE, Regular or wj,h tylenOLI vexall DENTAL FLOSS kIXJ-AEROSO- 8oz. HAIR SFHAY Hard-to-Hol- $ 120 d. jteaB l DENIAL Waxed or Unwaxed I FEJi:.lATra-1- 2 Time Release Capsule Reducing Plan 100 Your y"18 Choice 48'8 Si Smith Drug 24 West Main 4 sh W EFFERVESCENT I NIGHT TIME COLD MEDICINE 6oz. Open early, close late, every day ol the week and holidays. M, vexa 325 mg. Ferrous Sulfate, 72nillFT.Nm: raiA yvia. i YOUR CONVENIENCE STORE FOR GAS AND GROCERIES BuvlOOUfc (Plus a $2 Refund Coupon.) ttn tuifi ww cdcc nun ion ivy . . el am .... m iikh o a neiuna coupon.; irius RX!!. TREOFER 100's 1 WHERE IT COUNTS! 10'S to f Supplement NYQUIL! t VL 30 FREE with 100 Compare with 3 s i one-hal- fx 'i 756-7785- 1 ANNOUNCING! CONTAC! tfl SHI&L'S KLIFN KUHLKORRALl The Newest Member of Rexall's Vitamin Familv! Compare with I -- , With Rose Hips Tablets Special of the Month $25.00 Permanent for $20.00 Includes Cut Shampoo - and Set MOW STATE ROAD AMERICAN FORK ITITAMIN 500 mg. 100 -- Open 6 days a week 4-- and Awards Program will be held today at 3:30 p.m. at the Sego Lily School. County agents will be on hand to hand out awards who completed to projects this summer. Kathryn McCarrel, Lehi Supervisor, will be on hand to take charge of the program. Club leaders are being reminded to attend with their club members. Awards, certificates and pins, plus bank awards, will be given to deserving the vexa Evening Appointments Program Thursday Halloween party by working in a booth, supervising at the dance, assisting and Him Awards 4-- Visiting Day. "We need parents to assist us with these activities," Mrs. Kohler said, asking that anyone would would like help for Her 4HIperators To Serve evening Halloween party at the school and Parents to jmplete Beauty Care be found anywhere," officers said, stating that "we also have some of the best and most dedicated teachers." the Announces Vegas bers chairman; also has a sister, Josephine Cooper, Lehi. The Geneva Recreation Assocition is announcing an excursion to Las LEADS JUNIOR HIGH of the Lehi Junior High PIbA tor this year includes Roberta Kirkham, Individual Development Chairman; Lillie Kohler, president; and Janice Knab, seated I to r. Standing, I to r, are James Gray, second vice president; Tim Cash, studentbody president; and Harold Hoyal, third vice president Absent were Marilyn Larsen, first vice president; Mary Warfield, health and welfare chairman; and Carolyn Horrocks, Horrocks, Carolyn Annual Las Vegas Excursion 1 Warfield, Mary health and welfare chairman; Mrs. Roberta individual Kirkham, development chairman; She GRA Knab, ; secretary-treasurer- American Fork A |