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Show Institute For ASC Teachers of Elections Spanish Slated To Awards Presented Committee To Auxiliary be Held Soon Police Members and it is fully expected that it will more than meet the standards required under the proposed federal regulations. The annual average for ambulance service amounts to about one call every three days, was serreported. Providing vice, the men, who serve without pay, alternate on call day and night. At the time of the plane crash near Camp Williams, they were the first to arrive at the scene. The new $6,000 ambulance, purchased on a loan basis, represents the efforts of the aux iliary, with the aid of the Lehi City and a $1,000 donation from the Lehi Hospital Board. This house the ambulance and also to provide an office and meeting room. This is located adjacent to the police station. With cement pouring accomplished on Saturday, progress on the building is going forward rapidly. An application for license has been submitted to the Public Service Commission of Utah and a hearing is set for Tuesday, Nov. 29, at 10:00 a.m. in the city office at the Memorial Building. If this application is granted as requested, it will provide un- HATCH JEWELRY 33 West Main. American Fork. Full time watchmaker. Watch cleaning $5. Guaranteed repairs. Your Bulova. Hamilton and Wyler dealer. Art carved diamond rings. Written Guarantee. 20 off on trophies and engraviiig. THE LEHI FREE PRESS 4 room FOR RENT Thursday, November apart- ment. Refrigerator, stove, gas heat and cooking. $40 per month. C. L. Johnson, Lehi. Phone 768-230- 24, 1966 FOR PIANO CLEANING, demo thing and repairs and adjustments, expert service: call 768-206- 5. -tf 1, ALL TYPES concrete work tf. done. Driveways, sidewalks, five for awards Service years Farmers recently go a BLOWN-O- N ACCOUSTIC patios, retaining walls, etc. were more or ADDservice presented for AND TYPEWRITER reminder about importFree estimates. Call wall. CEILING Free and dry rentMACHINE Lehi sales, ING Auxiliary lsh ilL J. Wathen. 6. ant upcoming elections of ASC to members of the Call estimates. als and service. Priday's ofWedUniversity next summer in Oax Don who will Police organization, last Alnge. W. Main. 60 fice Supply, FOR FILL DIRT, top soil, aca, Mexico, announced Dr. Daryl serve for the next year as local nesday night at the National Guard Am. Fork. SK sand or graveL delivered, 1952 Chevrolet FOR SALE of the Don A. Petsrson usu Armory. Chase, contact Orville Vibbert, LehL president. administrators of national farm-actiwith $350. sleeper, pickup the Council Lehi City Utah State is one of five uni presented Ph. Also small trailer house. $450 REprograms. SEWING MACHINE and expressed appreciversities in the nation selected Evinrude 3H hp. motor FOR SALE 1964 Monza Cor-va- ir. limited license to operate as a Will repair all PAIR According to Claude Hunting, placques ation for the vital service perto conduct the Institutes, sched Chairman, Agricultural Stabili$100. Boat. 14 ft. $60. Geo. service common carrier in Utah and Salt makes. Pickup 30.000 miles, very good Baker. 1520 No. 6th West, formed by the auxiliary body. and notions uled for June 19 to August 11. zation and Conservation Coun0. Parts, sewing condition. $1350. Ph. Lake Counties. Lehi. Ph. KelreWinslow scissors sharpening. Captain Wayman 1967, which are held under the ty Committee, eligible voters of is in maintained Membership lers Sewing Circle. 385 E. the Ambulance Service Associaauspices of the U. S. Office of Utah County will cast ballots for ceived an award for nine years 3rd No., American Fork Contact USE THE SERVICE OF C H CUSTOM BALIING as did Roland first Dean, Education. Funds provided for the tion of America, national organicommitteemen by service, Rubbish Co. to keep your Ph. SK is ambulance community completely Ph. Wilkin, Institute total approximately malL Ballots will be mailed out lieutenant, Howard Nielson, sec- equipped with resuscitator, ra- zation, and the standards re- FOR SALE New Automatic Boyd yards, basements and kitch-e- nt LehL ond lieutenant; Gerald Turner, free from garbage and 185,000. November 21 and must be redio, collapsible and rollout quired are met by the Lehi unit. movie projector. Movie cam- WANT RIDERS from Lehi to n. The charge is $1.00 per trash. Kay Thompson and Joseph Oazaca, a city of approximately turned to the ASCS office by midWith 12 members now in the and first aid and era, fully automatic, magic stretchers month. Call Edna Loveridge Nathan Contact Lake. memSalt are These all charter 80,000 is a blend of Hispanic, night, December 1, 1966. Votes eye. Has run one roll of film. emergency supplies. A minimum auxiliary, recruiting is going on, E. Vance, Ph. 3 Ph. ith four additional members to Zapotecan and Mixtecan cultures will be tabulated December 2, bers of the organization, a Civil fee Is charged for ambulance serNORTHEAST LEHI Defense Big group. Excursion trips are planned to 1966 at the Utah ASCS County the assigned quota of V iolin, Cello, Guitar Leuoni vice. betautiful rambler with FHA Eight-ye- ar certificates of Auxiliary members assisted complete visit Yucatan and the Mayan In Office, at which time the public 16 men. Anyone interested In Will LOTS 4th North FOR SALE Certified Teacher. terms. Mitchell Zobell Conaward were presented to Paul with the construction of the rest joining this hard instruand 4th East. Flowing well. dlan ruins. consider buying and Is invited to be present. struction and Real Estate. working conA. Peterson. We Contact Don ments of all kinds and Forty-foCall Dick at Pender Draper and Don Jones, with New room facilities at Wines Park public spirited group is invited high school teach Qualified voters in the elecof also can take care dition. Bingham, SU your at or Keith at ers of Spanish, will be selected tion are all farmers who are ell Turner recognized for five by installing the forms and pour- to contact Captain Winslow, or construcbuilding needs. New from applicants from all parts eligible to take part in one or years membership. tion or remodeling. We will any auxiliary member. You must ing the sidewalk. were other Four 3 SALE home at FOR bdrm. members of the United States. All par more of the farm programs which also help you with your plan- FOR SALE New Zizzag sew- now engaged in the be at least 21 years old, but are They 845 Whipple ning and designing. Free esDrive, 1Y ing machine. Start at $69.95 ' ticipants are eligible to receive the committees administer. The noted as lacking only a few months construction of a building to not over 65. timates. Ph. from Keller's Sewing Circle, . of achieving five years servic- ea stipend of $75 per week while community committee the farbaths, full bsmt, wall to 385 East 3rd North. Call 756- in attendance, plus $15 per week mers elect from among their Gordon Bennett, Richard Smith, wall carpet, double carport. tf 2188 and Nielson Glen Size SALE Wheeler, FOR TRAILER Jay for each dependent. See by appointment. Phone own number consists of a chairconExcellent ft. 8 35 Lieutenant Roland Dean was BLOWN ON ACCOUSTIC ft by In order to apply for the In man, a vice chairman, a third 4, Lehi dition. Good vacation buy. CEILINGS and perfataping. stitute, the teachers must have regular member, as well as two honored as the 'Auxiliary Po Ph. Free estimates. Call Don MUSICAL INSTRUCTION attended a first level Institute alternates. The regular members llceman of the Year, for out LehL Ainge. Ph. Band vocal. Piano, organ, and hours CUSTOM us service BUILDING Let many or studied an equivalent to the of the committee also serve as standing Z orchestral instruments. and with to a variety of assign your building help you course work during the past five delegates to a county convention, devoted Ruth Banks, 266 East Main. on build lot Facneeds. We your FrigUalre repair service ments. This special award was years. Lehi, Ph. where farmers will be elected to or ours, with plans and tory authorized service for 1 Gordon E. Porter, assistant fill vacancies on the ASC county presented by Councilman Peter furnished 419 No. HOUSE FOR RENT by specifications HOUSE FOB RENT One bedrefrigerators, electric ranges. headstones BEESLET FOR son. us. at or 4th East Owner will be washers and dryers, home you Complete plan professor of Spanish and Portu committee. room, stove and refrigerator. and monuments contact Mrs. service and financing. Free It will be recalled that the site. freezers, dish washers. Phone Suitable for couple. Ph. 768- gese in the USU Department of Edith Monson. 999 No. 7th The Chairman stressed the no obligation. estimates, Le ally's. LehL LenL 2863 or Lehi. East, Ph. Languages, will direct the In as committeemen In local Auxiliary Police unit was FOR TOUR SEWING NEEDS 11-4--tf Choice lots for sale. Several stitute which will have a staff view of their broad program re- organized as a Civil Defense also or in Children adults, locations to choose from FOR SALE doll clothes. Contact Mrs. to teach the Intensive courses sponsibilities. Programs admin- measure, under the direction of FOR SALE 1953 Ford 4 door doty both Lehi and Am. Fork. Heavy 1 550 8. 6th E., M. Lehi Defense Glen Lee Civil Call Alma loader, fits International Peterson. Gardner, In Applied Linguistics, Latin istered $50.00. Flndlay. sedan, Colledge, Gary by the committeemen in8. tractor. Wm. Zimmerman, Lehi. Ph. or A. Kent Peterson, 314 West 9th North. Lehi Ph. director, and Mayor Harold D. American Culture, Methods, clude the Agricultural Conser 7, Phone LehL Twenty-fiv- e years IN NEW FREIGHT DAM Westring. Police Chief Clemn Conversation and Special Prob vation Program, acreage allotof building experience. beaAGED CABINETS. This in assisted Turner Electric E. O SALE 1955 Ford FOR setting up lems. hale ments, commodity loans, the feed utiful 1966 model console 4 section overFOR SALE the organization. Albert Mitchell Clothes dryer, new. Never sedan ;also 1050 ChevThose attending the Institute the must be sold to settle claims. RADIO program, voluntary TV SERVICE head grain contact motor. new door, 8 ft. nsed. rolet Reasonable, garage pickup, with was the Dale first captain, will spend half of their time liv wheat program, the Sugar Act Just set the lever to zig-za1599 free. Den's checked Make Phone Tubes width. offer. Howard Nielson, order. Mrs. Both good running Walker and Dale Harris as lieu sew on buttons, make button3. 6. ing in Private Mexican homes program, the National Wool proTire Shop, 180 West State, 7, No. 6th West. Ph. Qlen Parker, Ph. tenants. etc. Full 1 or holes, monogram, In the city in order to gain first gram, and farm storage facility Lehi. Ph. Lehi LehL 3-price $44.41. Payments avail These public-spiritmen, hand experience with the Mexl loans. Other duties are assigned L inciner15 free For FOR SALE LOSE year WEIGHT guarantee. with FOR SALE Electric on a volunteer safely guitar, serving basis, can culture. to the commitees by the Secreor home trial call BUILDING DEMOLITION with $3.50. Hslp et lids, ators, delivery tablets. or $129.95. 59.95; Only Amplifier 3 Homes, etc. Nothing too or SLC Visiting staff members Include tary of Agriculture as the need have assisted the regular police prevent costly fires. Stm-98c at Lehi Drug. Lehi best offer. Ph. force on many and varied oc 0 eves. large or too small. ReasonDr. Lincoln Canfield, chairman arises. Murdock, Am. Fork. SK 280 able. aided 1964 Dodge pickSALE 3031. We will deliver. casions. have FOR Wrecking, Skyline intraf They of the Department of Languages -Last year, 1741 farmers So. Center, Am. Fork. Ph. ? up, V-- 8, 4 spd. R & H, pos. WORK WANTED Housework poodle grooming by and Linguistics at the University 41 percent of all the farmers in fic control during the Lehi Round' ARTISTIC or 3 24 9 tf ironing, experienced help. Orem. Diane. Ph. track rear end, $1650. Ph. MONUColof Rochester and former presi Utah County - took part in one up celebrations, Fourth of July TOUR ORDER Mrs. Contact Wayne 7. EXPERT CARPET and upLehL MENTS or headstones from dent of the American Associa or more programs administered fireworks, and during the Comledge, Ph. ll-3-holstery cleaning done in Horse rack and HORSES FOR SALE Quarter Mrs. Rose Ashton. Ninth tion of Teachers of Spanish and by the ASC committees. Funds mercial Carnival at Wines Park. FOR SALE home. Call SK your for pickup truck with blood, gentle broke. Gary North and 4th East Phone Hi J Fund raising projects have 8sleeperbox. Fork. American TOPdisbursed under the committees' TRIMMED TREES AND Portuguese. ft. Lehi. Cheap. Gary Cooper. Pb, PO I' LehL Ph. PED. Dr. Robert Anderson, assoc supervision amounted to $718,-58- 6 been carried on in order to at JM-t- f 2010 No. 5th West, 3 HOME FOR SALE tain the means of carrying on CENTEX-IA- L Lehi. Ph. LEHI GET YOUR iate professor of Spanish, Unprice-suppfor Including $13,458 modern, full basethe auxiliary assignments. FOR SALE 1959 Rambler sta. IMPORTED WIGS, WIGLETS HISTORY NOW while loans to increase mariversity of Arizona; Edurado P, ment, carpeting, draperies. 100 per cent human hair. Am. Call wagon. still available $5. City ofmost the of Among noteworthy So. 2nd 1. 184 location. Ideal Ph. Wholesale Retail. or Ryees, foreign language coord! ket returns above what farmers APARTMENT FOR RENT Fork. fice and local stores or con4 LehL East, Lehi, Ph. nator, B as sett Unified School would receive on an unsupported these projects is the clinic for One bedroom, furnished. Contact committee. Influenza vital tact Kay Thompson, 980 No. immunization, a rt District; seven native instruc market, $23,923 in 2nd West, Lehi, Ph. 768-32tors and 12 special lecturers payments and $147,812 in diver- health safeguard. This has at from Oaxaca, Mexico, are also sion payments under commodity tracted extensive participation and has performed a two-fo- ld members of the staff. SALE Extra clean 1964 programs, $143,814 In wheat to the public's imme FOR service, USU personnel will Include LeSabre 2 or. na. viv Buick and marketing certificates, Mechanically perfect. New Fabian Samaniego, Instructor of $132,309 as the Government's diate need and also to aid in of the tires, power brakes and steerlanguage; Rosa. Leyva and Connie share of the cost of conserving maintaining continuation ing. Call 768-24Moore. local farmland resources under auxiliary assignments. The clin held in the National Guard FOR SALE are ics Electric Water the Agricultural Conservation with the aid of local 40 gal size. iiKe new-Ph- . Armory, heatre, IT'S TWO BOYS FOR Program. Lehi. Chairman Hunting urged all physicians. DEE RAY AND JALAINE of 1963, ambu Since CLOTHES February DOLL BARBIE qualified voters to be sure to lance service has been SINGLETON RUSSON provided Big selection, uiner cast their ballots. Eligibility to in Lehi, through the efforts of may be ordered. Georgia PeDee Ray and JaLalne Singleton vote or hold office as a comterson, the man Police. Auxiliary Every Russon are the parents of twin mitteeman Is not restricted by in the unit is trained in this is operPILE, i free from. vsoil, LOFTY reason of race, color, creed, or m.iA sons, born Nov. 18, at theAmer ation and also in first aid. This j wiui ciesmeu tne carpet national origin. lean Fork Hospital. Names have Lustre- - Rent electric sham-poo- er training is a continuous program, not yet been selected for the new- $1. Hutch's, East Main with two instructors in the uni- t"-2- 4 Usual Lehi. St . comers who weighed in at four , as Pickup Gordon Bennett and Richard and and four eight ounces, pounds Lehi residents are reminded Smith, American Red Cross First CARPETS and life too can be pounds and nine ounces, respec beautiful if you use mue that the garbage pickup by the Aid instructors. Meetings are tively. Mother and babies are do Rent electric sham-poo- er Lustre. month held twice each and this C & H Rubbish Company will U ' Pendleton's West$1. ing well, was reported. Pleased conheld in is program training November ern Auto, Main St., Lehi. brothers and sisters include Kev be made Thursday, nection with each The 11-in Ray, Lori, Randy and Lisa. 24, (Thanksgiving Day) as us unit is certified meeting. by "Medicare, ual. shared are Grandparents' honors small house at FOR RENT 1st East 1st North, Leru. is by Bishop and Mrs. Kenneth D. suitable for couple. Newly Singleton and Mr. and Mrs. Waris renovated, gas heat, refrigren Russon. Delighted great- - Civil erator, ample storage. Le-Rgrandparents are Mrs. John Loverldge, phone (Wlnnifred) Goates and John It is the Orem; LeRoy Smith, or above, the minimum set for and obiligation duty of Mrs. and Dell Lehi, Whimpey 8, Lehi, or EM do to of all citizens shelters. everything community Lake City. Salt Singleton of Pleasant Grove. A recent nationwide sample possible to Increase the chances mobile house. survival of themselves and survey shows that about 10 per FOR SALE WILSON GREENWOOD their families in the event of a cent of American homes with Can be sold on location, connected to gas. See at rear RECOVERING FROM STROKE nuclear attack. basements offer protection from of Albertson's, Tooele, or To enable Utah residents to fallout that is equal to or above 6, after 3 p m. call Wilson Greenwood is home and better meet this personal obiliga- the minimum standards for com2t making a valiant effort toward tion, the Utah Civil Defense Corps munity shelters; further, that fireplace wood, recovery after a stroke. He was is sponsoring a Statewide Home most homes with basements have FOR SALE cut- - John Melo, 2200 ready it was 32 for days, hospitalized Fallout Protection Survey, which significant protection which can North 600 West, Lehi. Phone reported. Mr. Greenwood is now the Bureau of the Census is con- be improved if the householder 4t 6. cane of a with aid the v w walking desires. ducting. ""xSi J&J and is improving generally. The survey is being taken by Over the past five years, Utah at the Is continuing Civil Defense, In cooperation with mail in the metropolitan areas Therapy American Fork Hospital the Defense Department's Office of Salt Lake City and Ogden and I Toons in cooperation the cities of Provo, Orem, and of Civil Dec 24, 1889 A bicycle with the Defense, Defense Department's Logan. In the remainder of the with a back pedal brake was Office of Civil By Defense, has des State, Census Bureaus interv M ....; ' patented by Daniel C. Stover ignated 1,939 large buildings in viewers call at residences to obtar U .. Junior Car II and William A. Hance of Free-por- t, the . State, both public and pri tain the necessary information 111. vate, as community fallout shel- about the construction of houses. If you received a questionnters. We are all familiar with the Civil Defense fallout shelter aire in the mail, but have not signs on these buildings three filled it out and returned it, do yellow triangles on a black cir so today. If you have a basecle. They tell us that, if the need ment, you will get an evaluation ever arises, we could seek shel of the fallout protection it after from fallout radiation there. fords plus a Civil Defense bookclean These buildings have space for let containing plans for improving Booms a total of 734,000 persons. But the protection in various types with a population of about 990,000 of basements. If you have no n clearly there is not enough room basement, you will receive a Civil for everybody in Utah's com- Defense booklet with vital inmunity shelters. Even if there formation about fallout protection that "Gum I'd better (la.nl'1 were, they might not serve a for you and your family. person's need because he was too Even the car's want in our rest far away. rooms, they're so clean and comFallout protection identified In fortable. Your car will like all our to often homes is closer house services, from gas and oil to tires. wives and small children, to f ambatteries and Inbe jobs. famat to and farm ies nightime, ilies, and they offer certain othI J v HUTCH'S PRO HDWE. &APPL. er advantages. A well shielded home basement, stocked with food 50 EAST MAIN f and necessary supplies, would be II 768-3- 46 PHONE preferred by many families over H a community shelter. LEHI, UTAH This Utah Home Fallout Pro U tection Survey Program will tell MERIDITM SPORTINO GOODS VJ Best Service In Lehi "Yes, people come to see I I APPLIANCES m X" many householders that they I I Phone 768-90"And in those exotic ports HARDWARE it. but how many towers SfJ HOBBY I I mm have basement areas which pro60S West Main have you been asked to the ship will serve as your flll fallout Ilir-IIICTICvide to, ! ! protection equal build since?" 1111 hotel!" ur A NDEA Institute high school teachers of Span will be conducted by Utah Stale second-lev- el last-minu- farmer-eommitteem- te en on 10-6-- 768-25- -tf 768-313- 768-287- 2. -tf 768-288- 768-258- 768-235- 9. Ko-la- 768-344- 2. 768-245- 11-10- 768-331- ll-10-- 3t ur 756-467- 0. 785-348- 5. 785-331- 9, 12-23--tf 768-317- 8. 12-9-- 768-296- Mr-fla- tf 768-229- 7. g 768-313- 6. -tf 768-301- 8. 10-13- -tf 768-248- 1, 768-265- 6. 768-330- 4. 11-10- -tf -tf Singer zig zag 768-311- ll-10-- 2t 768-241- 0. 768-227- 768-312- 768-335- 9. ran g, . 768-331- 768-298- 768-229- 768-231- 3. 768-356- 11-10- -tf 4f ed 50-ga- Dex-A-Di- 322-169- 768-245- 4. 363-398- 4. 11-3-- ll-10-- 3t 8-- 756-469- 225-621- 0, 768-354- 4t 768-275- 9. 3t -tf 768-352- 0. 768-239- 7. bed-roo- m 768-335- 1. ort 11-17- -tf 756-227- 4. 768-242- ll-10-- 3t 768-346- 10-13- -tf -tf ff" price-suppo- 09 11-17- ' 11-17- -tf ll-17-- 4t 768-329- 6, sw H-17-- 5t 768-337- 0. I -- AX n 24 Defense fj';' 0.ttiel'L4,L Everybody's Business 225-097- 3, 768-34'- ll-24- -tf 882-243- 768-360- s "Aioorti w. Service - S m. i P) Carter's Super Service JJ U7ffX 4J P ID liTJ mmXD J v ' . II": UVt: ' . L I ipv U b 5 fl 61 tMf llll Hirl |